I'm hearing from readers that their signed bookplates are arriving!
All of the cool kids got one of these. |
A few of you are a bit confused as to
why you're receiving my autograph in the mail. Well, you asked for it.
That's right. A few months ago I told you that my publisher offered to send bookplates to any reader who wanted one. You signed up. You willingly handed over your address and now you have a sticky thing with my name scrawled on it. You're welcome.
I know that several of you have threatened to Ebay this little treasure, but I warn you: you will be lucky if you get enough to cover the postage. Seller beware.
Now, you're probably wondering, "What do I do with this thing, Jen?" Is it a bookmark? Is it an IOU? Do you owe me money now? No, silly! You pull off the backing and you place this "collector's item" in the book
People I Want to Punch in the Throat: Competitive Crafters, Drop Off Despots, and Other Suburban Scourges. If you have the e-book version, I don't recommend putting it on the screen of your device. It won't come off. You need to just get a book. Of course, I'd prefer for you to buy mine, but really I won't know what book you put it in.
Also, there's been some confusion about what the chicken scratch actually says. It doesn't say "For Ham" it says "Jen Mann," but I do love ham, so maybe I was thinking about ham when I signed these? I signed 1,400 of these suckers and my mind did wander sometimes and it caused a few mishaps. There is one lucky person out there with a bookplate that was signed "Jen Mom," because I've completely lost my identity.
Last thing, if you took the time out of your day to sign up for a bookplate, then you must be a big fan of my writing, or you have a lot of free time. Either way, I could use your help. I'm a FINALIST in the Goodreads Reader's Choice Awards. That's kind of a big deal to me. I've been voting in these awards for a long time and never dreamed I'd have a book in the finals. If you haven't already, would you