The weekend
is here and I wanted to take this time to reply to some of the hundreds (if not thousands) of comments I've been receiving (thank
you, everyone - even the silly little haters). So, I'm going to do a weekly wrap up of the top posts and respond to some of my favorite comments.
here were the top read posts this week:
Overachieving Elf on the Shelf Mommies (Still going strong! Amazing.) This post hit over 1.2 million page views this week. Thank you so much for those of you who are continuing to share this little gem!
People Who Get Me and My Family Sick This one was a new post for this week. It's spreading like the plague!
Doggie Doo This was a new post this week too. I'm just mad I didn't think of this ridiculously funny game first.
Saying Goodbye to the Elf on the Shelf This one has been hanging on since last week. Anything about the Elf seems to be popular.
Parents Who Let Their Children Dress Sexy This was an oldie, but goodie. I wrote this one a few months ago, but I still think it's relevant and it appears a lot of readers agreed with me.
Thanks for reading and sharing!
are my favorite comments of the week (and my responses).
"Megalomaniac. What a great word." on Donald Trump
Thank you, it's one of my favorites. I also like to use douche canoe, jackhole, bed wetter and buck toothed as often as I can.
are those the names of your kids or just a joke?" on My
Super Hot Sex Dream?
As long as I write about them in the blog, I think I will always refer to them as Gomer and Adolpha since I've been receiving backlash on calling them "the boy" and "the girl." These names are made up completely. Their birth certificates say something else entirely. I swear.
thought you were funny after the "Elf on the Shelf" blog,
but lately you've become annoying, whiney and you're trying way too
hard." on My
Super Hot Sex Dream?
I appreciate the honesty and the fact you didn't post this anonymously like some others (I don't why it makes me feel better to have a name to attach to the negative comments, but it just does). Now, I hope you won't mind when I'm honest with you: Thank you for your critique. I applaud you for having the balls to challenge me. You've put it out there and I'm happy to respond. I'll try not to be whiny and annoying. It's hard, but I think I can do it.
What am I supposed to do with this information? Am I supposed to change just for you? Did I charge you fifty bucks to read this blog? Did you want your money back, is that it? Or the four minutes it took you to sit there and read it? Are you funny, witty and hilarious every day of your life? Because I'm sure not and I know that. Can you sit down every day and put this kind of shit out there for everyone to judge? Not every post is going to relate to you personally. Not every post is going to make you wet your pants or snort coffee out of your nose. Sometimes, the best I can do is to talk about my life and if only one person relates to it, I don't care, it was still a great day for me. If it is such a pain in your ass to sit there and read this blog because you think I whine or bitch or try too hard, then feel free to go elsewhere. This goes for anyone who chimed in with this person and/or who now wants to comment on this post that I need anger management, to relax, to seek counseling, etc. You may go too. The blog is not called "Rainbows & Unicorns." Read the title. I'm angry - not bitter. I'm prone to rants - not whiny. And I'm not always fucking hilarious - so bite me.
What am I supposed to do with this information? Am I supposed to change just for you? Did I charge you fifty bucks to read this blog? Did you want your money back, is that it? Or the four minutes it took you to sit there and read it? Are you funny, witty and hilarious every day of your life? Because I'm sure not and I know that. Can you sit down every day and put this kind of shit out there for everyone to judge? Not every post is going to relate to you personally. Not every post is going to make you wet your pants or snort coffee out of your nose. Sometimes, the best I can do is to talk about my life and if only one person relates to it, I don't care, it was still a great day for me. If it is such a pain in your ass to sit there and read this blog because you think I whine or bitch or try too hard, then feel free to go elsewhere. This goes for anyone who chimed in with this person and/or who now wants to comment on this post that I need anger management, to relax, to seek counseling, etc. You may go too. The blog is not called "Rainbows & Unicorns." Read the title. I'm angry - not bitter. I'm prone to rants - not whiny. And I'm not always fucking hilarious - so bite me.
"If you dont like it dont read it. Jen I also enjoy your blog and can relate to what you are saying. Thanks!!!!" on My Super Hot Sex Dream?
Thank you to this person and all of the others who always jump to my defense whenever someone says I suck. I love all of you and it makes my day when you say I don't suck.
have a Facebook "friend" who created a Facebook page for
her 3 year old daughter... Repeat: 3 YEARS OLD! Seriously Wtf is
wrong with people?" on Got
a Punch?
That is bizarre. I would unfriend this person immediately. Is she a pageant mom? It sounds like something a pageant mom would do.
to agree... ALMOST in total. However, I read The Help soon after it
was published and ADORED that book. I recently rented the movie when
it went to DVD and am SO happy to say they stuck to the book
completely!! While (as always), the book was better and had much more
detail (movie time limitations are to be blamed for that...), this
was one of the best adaptations ever done, I think." on Hollywood
Casting Directors Who Cast the Movies of Books They Don't Read
I agree. "The Help" was done really well. I just hope they don't screw up "The Hunger Games" or there will be hell to pay.
I'm happily married and love my man, but I have to admit, I think I
love you! I can't stand it! I keep freaking laughing out loud waking
people up! I'm adding you to my prayer list, cause girl, you freaking
keep me going! :) much love for ya!" on People
Who Get Me and My Family Sick
Thank you. I could use all the prayers I can get.
absolutely love reading your blog. It is spit my coffee out funny! I
love your view of the world around you. Your family are lucky to have
you every minute of every day! Keep up the good work!" on Don't
Make Me Punch You
Thank you for the kind words and the coffee spit. I always love a good coffee spit comment. I'm lucky to have my family - they are the wind beneath my wings. (Retch.) OK, seriously, they're pretty cool.
Thank you for the kind words and the coffee spit. I always love a good coffee spit comment. I'm lucky to have my family - they are the wind beneath my wings. (Retch.) OK, seriously, they're pretty cool.
who use the office microwave to heat up fish or burn popcorn.
Mmm...smells great! Thanks for sharing your stench with the rest of
us. People who say "See you next year!" on December 31st.
Shut the fuck up! What are you, six? Get a life. People who discuss
the results of their pap smear on their work phone for the whole
office to hear. Sexy. People who act like they are music Gods. They
know what is cool and if you've ever heard of that band, they are now
lame." on Got
a Punch?
I love all of these - especially the music god people - aren't they the MOST annoying jackholes? This is a great list and I will definitely be pilfering it.
I love all of these - especially the music god people - aren't they the MOST annoying jackholes? This is a great list and I will definitely be pilfering it.
so now I am "officially" following you. Although I did
"like" you a few weeks ago on FB and have been reading your
blog daily since. The Elf on the Shelf blog seriously almost made me
pee my pants! I had just overheard a conversation at my daughter's
dance class the day before and thought the same thing you did about
the crazy moms!! Thanks for the laughs and keep them coming! :-)" on People
Who Read My Blog But Don't Comment and Don't "Follow" Me
That little Elf has brought me so much love and I am truly grateful for all of you new Followers. What I don't get is the blog has 29,000 "Likes" on Facebook, why aren't all those Likers now Followers? I need more Followers. Spread the word, would ya?
about people who buy miniature pigs to keep as pets in their house
and put diapers on them? That may just be a southern thing though but
I think it's stupid as hell and deserves a good punch." on Got
a Punch?
I am going to have to do some research on this one! I have never heard of such a thing, but it sounds like something right up my alley. I'll warn you though, I do have a soft spot for pigs (I wanted a pot belly pig when they were hot back in the 90s) and if I find out they're adorable in their little diapers, I might just get one and put pictures of it on the blog.