Contact Me

I love comments, but I love email more.  I can't promise I'll answer, but I swear I'll read them all.

Want to send snail mail or an Elf?  Send it here:
7111 W. 151st St., Suite 378
Overland Park, KS  66223

This is a mail pickup.  Just the UPS people will meet you if you are stalking me.  Tell them I said hi.

All samples will not be returned.  If you need your samples to be returned, please don't send them.



M said...

That email didn't work for me :(

Erin said...

Best blog I have ever read ever! (not that I read blogs all day but you get the picture)
Thank you for the sarcasm. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

THis could be the funniest thing I've read in a while. Your my new blog hero, for this week anyway.

mre said...

You are hilarious!! A voice for the masses!

JanBo said...

Right on, besides who knows if the Elf is politically correct; or for that matter who cares. Great Blog, very entertaining for us grandparents. Good job.

AmyLouWho said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog! Someone sent me here to see your elf post (after I complained about how it's just another gimmick to get parents to spend their money) and now I'm hooked. Keep it up!

*Melissa* said...

Thank you for your sarcasm, Jen. It's a good laugh for me each day and keeps me from going insane. I teach 7th grade. ;)

Anonymous said...

People I'd like to punch.. those who use cats as their Profile Pic on Facebook. Many of us are guilty of packing on a few pounds since we are 17/18, but do be such a coward to post some insane CGI photo of a cat mixing cookies.. which you probably ate after they came out of the Kitty Easy Bake Oven..

SZA said...

I totally used a photo of my cat mixing up cat-shaped cookies as my Christmas card in 2004!

Anonymous said...

You may find this woman interesting....she sounds a little like you:)

Anonymous said...

You are, by far, the funniest person I have NEVER met. I love your blog sooooo much!! I was forwarded your link for your elf on the shelf blog and had to close my office door as I was crying and laughing hysterically. I forwarded it to everyone I know. I hope they are enjoying it as much as I am. I even spent an entire day going through all of your blogs and enjoyed most every single one. You hit the "nail on the head" so many times. I wish I lived next door to you...Keep up the good work. BTW...your house is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I think your Jay-z and Beyonce letter made you look very foolish! You have no Facts to supposrt your claim, other then what you are hearing in the media!!! I am a NICU mom as well and think you over inflated the whole thing to preach YOUR own personal `sad story` Shame on you for feeding the gossip fire!!!! I hope they sue you for defamation of character!

Leslie said...

I am recently divorced, this has been a difficult time for me, but your blog makes me laugh my ass off! Thank you especially for 'over achieving moms'!

TexasClarks said...

I love to follow your a father and husband it is great b/c my wife and I can talk about it and laugh at it...and she can 'school' me on what a douche canoe is!

Gisella said...

I want to punch so many ppl in the throat on a daily basis! Love your blog, I am a new reader and read them all in one day.

JMac Equitherapy said...

people I want to punch in the throat....your commenters that get offended by your posts! get real. this is pure entertainment and if you don't like it...STOP READING! HAHAA

LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOG. agree with everything!

The Mouthpiece said...

Dear Crazy,

You left your common sense in the trash can again. You really have to be more careful where you leave it, you know you always end up spouting off useless blabber every time this happens.

I don't want to have to talk about this again.

Forever yours,
Those who really could care less about what you think

hemno1 said...

Just wanted to let you know how much you have entered our family's vernacular.

My daughter, describing someone she has to work with: "He is the lead rower of the douche canoe." Love it!

Elizabeth said...

I'm one of the many to jump on the Jeneral bandwagon after your elf post. I've been reading since then but haven't "followed" you till now. I gave in because I know how greedy you are for comments and followers. :) While I don't agree with everything you write about, I understand this is not a forum for arguments over current events. This is entertainment at its finest. I love how many people can relate to your topics because we all think it and you have the guts to say it. I believe you have helped rehabilitate many OAM's, drop off/pick up line parents, and mom's that have let themselves go with grooming. But I'll never leave comments that are anything like "OMG! I just peed myself reading your blog! " Apparently post-preggo bladder control is a real problem these days. :) Great blog. Keep it up!

Abby said...

Jen-I couldn't figure out how to post a comment to your LLL blog, but really, really wanted to let you know that you did, in fact, hit the nail on the head. While I didn't have too many problems with breast feeding both of my kids, I was bottle fed and ended up just fine. Plus,I work outside of the home, so the pump and I were linked at the hip, quite literally. In addition, I had a very close friend and a sister-in-law who were made to feel so guilty and so crazy by the LLL who suggested that they should "breast feed through the pain" of mastitis that they both ended up in the hospital--one of them even had to be rescued unconscious off of her bathroom floor by paramedics. Truly ridiculous, and not at all helpful or productive for any member of their families. Keep up the good, honest and hilarious work--absolutely love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful I found this blog! I don't read blogs in general but the things you say are so realistic. OAM's are the bain to my existance and I love that you share my sentiments. I live & work in a small southern town that is made up of women that do not work. The level of OAM's here is astounding.

Casey said...

Can you write a post about 'comment heroes.' Let me explain what I mean. In any blog post, discussion board, website, etc there is a healthy dose of positive comments. Inevitably, someone disagrees. This person will present their opinion moderately respectfully such as "I think that's not my style, but props to you, Stranger." Suddenly, a Comment Hero rushes to the defense of the original poster. This response will range from "If you don't like it don't read it" to "Take that negativity back to hell." Ultimately the conversation is derailed to immature attacks. The same tired arguments are made and nobody is talking about the post anymore. It exhausts and irritates me. People are so damn sensitive. Furthermore, many bloggers even filter a hint of a critical comment because if it's not sunshine and rainbows they don't want to hear it or allow the 'negative energy' (most overused effing phrase ever) to tarnish the perception of their post. It's just crazy. A) Why do people aggressively defend strangers? B) Why don't people understand that inviting people to see your blog means inviting polarized opinions? And C) Why do comment sections is general become such heated debates about everything BUT the post? Whatever happened to cordial discussion? So yeah. I request a post about the comment section of blogs.

Anonymous said...

Have you watched the show Dance Moms? I would love to hear your comments on that one...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share my comments and advice to Marie Antionette's mom. I'm feeling pretty brilliant about my words of wisdom to her... lol.

Punch On Sister!

"I'm a new Anon.. not because I'm too scared to stand behind what I'm going to say... but because I don't want to be inboxed 40 times by your fan club.

I LOVE the PIWTPITT blog. It's hilarious. You might think so too if you weren't the "target" as you say... maybe not, that's fine.

The thing I had a problem with is that you suggest that Jen "took a few photos completely out of context, exploited my daughter by plastering her picture on her blog, and totally misrepresented me." EXPLOITED your daughter? Really? If posting a simple picture counts as EXPLOITATION and MISREPRESENTATION... then I'd say that you are guilty as charged. YOU are the one that put the pictures on the web. And you were probably excited about the buzz that it created... until the buzz wasn't positive anymore. Then it moved into the realm of exploitation. I just disagree.

And for the record, I read the PIWTPITT blog regularly and I did not see a picture of your daughter on it. I actually was so curious to see what all of the drama was about that I went to google to help me find the supposed exploited child.

I think you should keep doing what you do. And be proud to be who you are. You obviously are a detail-oriented, creative and caring person. Eventually you will need to teach your beautiful daughter how to handle criticism (or exploiting bullies, as you call them). Don't stop sharing your creativity and passion... and don't expect Jen to stop sharing her humour and ranting with her "followers." It takes all types to make the world go round.


carol said...

So I just had a lovely dinner with my mother-in-law and had to run to the restroom and have a glass of wine delivered to the bathroom....but now I am home and read your babble post about the things kids say and I am laughing and loving life! Here are some things my Esmarelda has said......Mom, please tell me mine won't EVER look like that! Ooooh, don't you think you should do something about the crack between your eyebrows? Oh Mom, don't you think you look funny in a swimsuit? (after appearing in a spanx catalog after my 47th birthday) Mom, do you think my stomach will ever go boing boing boing? Why are your eyebrows so long (as she is going to sleep and patting my face in the most loving way)

kablaese said...

I LOVE "Dance Moms". I threaten my 7-year-old when she's naughty with "Do you want me to send you to the Abby Lee Dance Studio?" Works every time.

I guess I should clarify...I love the show for the entertainment value - those moms are whack-a-doodles - I do not agree with how much those poor girls dance.

ButteryMuffyn said...

You were starting to annoy me and then you used one of my comments as one of your weekly faves and I was overly excited. I have no life.

That Redheaded Chef said...

Very Funny Blog. I spewed my milk all over the screen when I ready your "Crunchy nut friend" line about eating placenta. Thanks for the laugh!!!!

Dahl Weese said...

I hope Newsweek is your next blog. Check out its latest cover.

Anonymous said...

Jen, not sure if you've found this site yet, but thought you would love it for next years edition of elf on the shelf!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Please punch Jerry Sandusky and his disgusting attorney. While you're at it, punch dear 'ok JoePa and the rest of the Penn St. Pukes.

Anonymous said...


Jennie said...

I FOUND ANOTHER DOUCHEY DAD!!!!! Here's the link

Seriously? Going to miss your own son's graduation because he's SUPPOSED to graduate?

Jennie said...

it really is, especially when one has had 2 children less than 2 yrs apart-me!!!. sorry, i know, TMI.

Survivor 43 said...

Trying to create a profile, don't know what the URL is? help please! I love your posts!

Mindy said...

I found something I want to punch... thought you might find it interesting.

Mindy said...

UGH! I fail at Copy/Paste. Google Bic Pens for Her. Seriously, they're making pens for us cute lil women.

Anonymous said...

I can't find the Ryan Lochte posting you did the other day. I know my friends would love it. Help.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog...was looking for a list of other mommy bloggers you liked, specifically a mom of a ton of kids , posted in Feb or March...could you tell me the name of that blog?

Unknown said...

Are you talking about this list she made in June?

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please respond to this. Not only his comment on homosexuality for men by drinking breast milk, live I might add but he said that the cure for women is to drink something else and he'd leave to our imagination of what that could be!

No matter what you believe on gays and lesbians this guys is a nut job!!


Jen Piwtpitt said...

This isn't true. the Daily Currant is like The Onion. It's a satirical, made up newspaper. He's an asshat for sure, but not this big of one.

Anonymous said...

Regarding your piece on Sports Bras in the Huffington Post- I used to feel just like you then I discovered Natori Sports bra - they make your size and its the best! No squish, just support.

I've no links to Natori- I just buy their bras - so no agenda.

Anonymous said...

Check it out...

Love reading your blog.

mrsspeech said...

Just thought you would like to know but you can buy a kit to make your own cookie cutters. I think I am going to be sick.

Leslie said...

I've been following your blog for a year, and read it regularly. My boyfriend bought me your book as an early Christmas present! I love it Jen!

Karen said...

I have been reading your book and it is so wonderful. The Elf on the Shelf chapter is great. I had never heard of this before, so my kids have been denied another important step in their lives that they will be able to moan to their therapist about. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I've been reading your blog and you've inspired me to start my own. I also bought your book for my 20 year old daughter for Christmas since she has been saying "punch in the throat" for almost as long as she's been talking. Thank you!

Devon said...

Thanks for the traffic, Anon. ;)

Love your blog, Jen - wish there was a way to submit most of my in-laws - they define PIWTPITT!

icCHOICE said...

Hello Jen- I LOVE YOU!! Totally in a non stalker fashion. I am a therapist who works with teens. I think you are genius. Thank God for you. I love to laugh, good grammar and "real" content. Thank you from the bottom of my heart :)

The NotsoSuperMom said...

Hello, Jen. I don't love you, but I think your totally cool and pretty fucking hysterical most of the time, and I think we need to go for coffee one day. And I am ashamed that I've been slacking off on reading you. Sorry. I'll buy.

Karla said...

Alec Baldwin mentioned Stockholm syndrome on 30Rock tonight--Tina must be totally reading your blog. ;)

This Is Fifty With Lil said...

You gave the blog a make-over... looks good.

Michele said...

I just discovered your blog a few days ago and spend way too much time reading all the old posts! Your writing is addicting and very funny and I think i am gonna have to buy your book!

Unknown said...

hahahahaha! I know what you mean about looking for new likes on your page and comments. I only have 1600 followers compared to your 86,000 though! But I'm working on it. I have an art page (I'm fucking amazing by the way) but can't be the REAL me as you have to be "professional" for these things. Maybe when my following is big enough I can have a page for people who love my artwork AND swear like a truck driver and subscribe to my personal brand of crazy. For now your blogs sustain me as they seem to come directly from my own brain and remind me I'n not alone! So thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I'm getting that book because I really DO want to pee alone dammit!

Michelle said...

I'm a new reader of you blog, do you have an archive so that I can go back and start reading from the beginning?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say Thank You for including my daughter's comment on the Victoria's Secret post in your weekly wrap up/ favorite comments. She's so excited to be recognized by you. She wants to be a writer some day so your comments meant a lot to her. Keep up the good work. We love your blog! Karen

Jen Piwtpitt said...

Hey Karen, I was really impressed by your daughter. I need some lessons!

Unknown said...

I'm a 16 year old daughter and I just read your entry about why children shouldn't have privacy. OMG you sound exactly like my mom! I was always upset when I would come home to her reading my diary or on my computer, but now I actually kind of understand why you guys do it. Thank you so much! :)

Abby Normal said...

Can you punch the Texas state legislators in the throat? They're being asshats about my reproductive rights again.

(Plus so far they've tabled every.single.amendment. Including those that address improving sex ed and improving adoption services in this state.)

Unknown said...

Hi I recently wrote you via email requesting permission to translate one of your posts into slovak language. Is there a better way to contact you for this? thank you.

Anonymous said...

Bet u do

Anonymous said...

Seems nothing I try works on this site. Sends me link that isn't link and nothing happens when u tap other things. Hmmm, is someoneimpersonatingjenn Mann? Having this looked at

Overachieving Elf on the Shelf Mommies

By now we have all heard of the adorable little Elf on the Shelf . Almost everyone I know has one.  Some people even have two!  (Now I...

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