Mom of the Year: Janelle Ambrosia

Sorry fellas, it sounds like Janelle Ambrosia is taken. But the good news is, for a few bucks you can pretend like she's yours while she strips for you. However, I'm guessing she'll only strip for you if you're a white guy and it seems like she has a soft spot for cops.

Do you not know what I'm talking about? Well, watch this video of Janelle unleashing her racist psycho tirade on a black guy at the Dollar Store (sorry, Walmart, you missed out on this gem of a shopper).

It will NOT work on MOBILE. You can see the video on your desktop.
Try this link on MOBILE.

All right, let's talk a bit about this video. Janelle says that the man in the car almost ran over her kids and scared them. He says all he did was start his car and she went ballistic. She says she called him "ignorant" and then he called her a "crack head cracker" and set her off. That's silly, because anyone can tell by looking at her she's a meth head.

Did you have a favorite part? Obviously, I enjoyed the part where she bragged to her husband (or ex-husband? it was a little hard to follow her) about how many cops she's stripped for. Because nothing says I appreciate our boys in blue like a simulated sex act. I also liked part at the end where she was so furious, but not mad enough to forget her Starbucks, which by the way, she threatened to throw on the guy. That was the most unbelievable part of the video. We all knew she wasn't going to do that. Do you know how many lap dances she has to do to earn enough for that coffee? She's a racist and a liar.

The saddest part of this video was when her kids played nearby while she called a fellow human being some of the foulest names in book. Her kids didn't seem at all surprised that mommy was going mental and losing her shit in the middle of the sidewalk. Her kids didn't act like this behavior was at all unusual. How sad is that? They continued to play and twirl while mommy called the black man the "N" word. They didn't cry, they didn't seem scared by her outburst, and in fact, at one point her little boy calls the man a "bitch" and Janelle says, "He don't like black people either." (And HE'S the ignorant one? Oh, Janelle, the irony is killing me!) That poor kid doesn't have a chance with a mom like her. I feel bad for the kids. I'm not stupid, I know there is racism going on everywhere every day, but I still find it shocking when I see it on video - and not a hidden video. That crazy lady knew she was being filmed and she continued to open her mouth. It's obvious that she isn't concerned at all about her kids and what they're hearing and learning from her. It's the white trash circle of life.

The father of the kids is trying to get custody now and I hope he does. I realize it isn't illegal to be a racist or an asshole, but come on. If there was ever a mother who didn't deserve to have kids, this is one. She's right up there with Walmart Frequent Shoplifter Allison Niemeyer. I don't know a thing about the father, except that for some reason he thought it was a good idea to have kids with this woman. He doesn't have the best judgment, but I'm hoping that at least he's not a racist.


Here is a radio interview with the GUY who videotaped this incident.  Take a listen to find out the real story and what the little boy called this guy.  The clip is from 93.7 WBLK.  According to his interview he never called Janelle anything. 

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denanner said...

She's a nutcase, but how is it ok for him to call her a "crack head cracker"?

Mama Says said...

^oh you noticed that too? Isn't it sad that "cracker" isn't considered a racial slur, even though it's only meant in the most derogatory way when it's said....and it's not like white people call each other cracker, ever.....but horror of horrors! She was emotional and way, way over reacted to what she perceived as danger to her kids, AND being called a racial slur....but yeah, she's wrong. only her....and forget all the babies that were abused or murdered this week alone-- She's a racist AND a stripper? Oh then she definitely shouldn't have her kids if she's willing to degrade herself to make sure she can financially care for them. How fucking stupid is this?! You might have chosen different words, but if someone scared the shit out of your kids, and then proceeded to call YOU a racial slur when you reacted (over reaction or not) I think you'd be singing a different tune... Oh how I despise the Ivory Tower set.....

Periwinkle Paisley said...

Here's the thing. Angry people are not always wise. People who are attacked for no good reason and called the N-word for no good reason may be defensive enough to use a few slurs of their own. Two wrongs don't make a right, but there is wrong and there is so totally wrong you might not be right about anything else for the rest of the week. I think that what Jen is saying that this woman is showing us what sort of person she is. We should believe her. She's showing us what kind of choices she makes and what she deems important. If someone makes you angry and you think you have the right to go psycho in public, then what are you like behind closed doors? Who makes people more angry than their own children? It's not hard to do the math there. And Tu Quoque is not a valid argument, it's hypocrisy. Look at Shirley Roper Phelps, her father was sort of a racist but you know, he put food on the table and stuff so she turned ok, right? Abused and murdered children do not invalidate the destructive and irresponsible behavior she is modeling to these kids probably on a daily basis. She could have spoken to this guy, she could have walked away, she could have taken his license plate down and called the cops if she thought he was really endangering people. We are the choices we make.

denanner said...

It's frustrating for sure. I'm not condoning her behavior, however he could have left at any point instead of continuing to provoke her. He bears some responsibility in this as well. I don't care whether he's black, white, red, green or orange.

Unknown said...

Yep. And what's sad is he's so focused on her racism he didn't even notice his own. It must be fairly normal for him to call white people crackers. But I suppose the rule for our society is if a black person uses a racial slur, it's simply embracing their identity and so it's okay. What she did was crazy wrong, but I do dislike how the blogger is posting this guy as an angel and name calling a lady who obviously has issues, one being ignorance the second being possible mental disorders.

joeycat said...

I can not BELIEVE that people are equating his calling her a "crack head cracker" ONCE with her own ranting, raving, frothing at the mouth, acting like a rabid dog and sounding like a Klansman with Tourette's. Not to mention threatening bodily harm. Good lord, people.

jmfelicity said...

The only evidence he called her that is her word, which I would say doesn't account for much.

Lisa said...

But, but, but... racism is over! So, a white person calling a black person the "n" word and a black person calling a whiter person "cracker" has the exact same meaning, connotations, history, and outcomes! RIGHT?!?! ....*rolls eyes*

Unknown said...

That's exactly what I was thinking!!!! Its amazing how many people will try to justify someone's use of the "N" word.

Bomb in A Birdcage said...

THIS. Those other comments are absurd.

Bomb in A Birdcage said...

"He says he knows cops?! How many cops have i stripped for? You wouldn't get far!" the fuuuuck?!

Bomb in A Birdcage said...

you're equating the word cracker with the n-word. And I thought I wouldn't be shocked anymore today. What she said was IN NO WAY JUSTIFIED. And cracker and the n-word are NOT COMPARABLE.

Unknown said...

My favorite part was of course hearing about all the cops she stripped for. Stay classy, Janelle.

Bomb in A Birdcage said...

And, after listening to HIS interview, he said now SHE is going around saying he said these things about her. So...realy, I would take anything from this woman with a grain of salt.

Unknown said...

"White Trash Circle of Life" - Really? And you are complaining about the lady being racist???

Unknown said...


jschro said...

White trash is classism, not racism. And this lady is just that. Trash who is white. She doesn't understand common courtesy and demeanor, even if he HAD frightened her children, her response was uncalled for. At any rate "white trash" is not a slur for all whites, merely whites who choose to compose themselves with indignity.

EPAC said...

Wow. Just wow. That she would do that at all, let alone in front of her young children, is astonishing. These are the moments when people need to take a deep breath and ask themselves, "Is this really worth it?" Okay, so starting his car scared her kids. He didn't mean anything by it. He was starting his car! They both should have walked (or driven) away.

Unknown said...

I think she was beyond overboard on this situation, WAY over the edge but why in the world would he video her just because she said the N word. I don't agree with what she did at all but racism is EVERYWHERE and I have been treated worse by a few black guys then what she said to him. I was broke down on the side of the road with a newborn and 2 black guys pulled up, I was hoping they were going to help but instead stopped to tell me how fine my "white ass" was and what my number was so they could "hit that" sometime. Really? So needless to say people are going to be who they are going to be. All this guy had to do was just drive away. I have good friends of every color & I love them all the same. If she would have tried to hit him or threw her coffee at him then I could understand why it would have been a threat but her words...come on, sounds like a pity party was wanting to be thrown for this guy. The one thing that pisses me off the most is her cussing like she was in front of her young kids.

ALG said...

Agree on it being classism. So embarrassed to have grown up near where this happened. I will say this, say the town Cheektowaga to anyone from the Buffalo, NY area, and ask them the first thought that pops in their mind. I bet 9 out of 10 will say 'white trash'. Sad, but this is typical behavior, and I hate to stereotype, but there are a lot of bad apples in one suburb :-( I had an apartment there in college, the stupid DMV spelled the city wrong on my driver's license - Cheestowaga. It was very fitting. And judging from this video, years later, apparently still holds true. This lady disgusts me. And her kids, I hope they manage their way out of the vicious cycle of racism.

NORA said...

OBVIOUSLY not defending her, because she's crazy, but cracker is actually a pretty nasty term as well. It came about when slaves referred to their owners as crackers, because they "cracked" their whips at them. most people don't know this, but it makes me uncomfortable since learning this.

NORA said...

OBVIOUSLY not defending her, because she's crazy, but cracker is actually a pretty nasty term as well. It came about when slaves referred to their owners as crackers, because they "cracked" their whips at them. most people don't know this, but it makes me uncomfortable since learning this.

Unknown said...

So there is Black Trash? And it is OK to say it??? I'll have to use it!

joeycat said...

But again, all we have is her ever-changing story that he actually *called* her a cracker, while we have it on video that she called him a nigger. Many, many, many times.

joeycat said...

If you're eager to find new words you can call people, I'd suggest UrbanDictionary.

Unknown said...

here is the link to her boy friends youtube account

Unknown said...

No, I have plenty of clean words I use. I don't have a reason to call someone something foul unless they have been foul to me first. I was trying to make a point that I feel "WHITE" Trash is racist. It must be if you feel "BLACK" Trash is inappropriate.

Unknown said...

C'mon, even the explanation of the word "cracker" demonstrates how much less offensive it is than the N word.

Chris Rock did a routine using the phrase "crackhead cracker" and I'll bet you a bajillion dollars that's where Hellmom heard it.

MoodyMoments said...

Here's the problem with the 'crackhead cracker' part. we never hear him say it....and we also never hear her tell her husband on the phone how he almost ran over her kid....she says he scared her when he started his car. It's not until later on the telephone interview that she comes up with the running over part.
She's a liar. She's a racist. She just may be a crackhead. She did strip for a lot of cops....something to be proud of,maybe? I don't know. And apparently her husband is also her 'attorney' as she was on the same phone call at the same time. She threatened ill harm and violence on him and said she hates black people and so do her kids. That's racism.

Now, her excuses of bipolar and being upset are null and void in this case. She's a goner and I hope her ex does take away those kids and raises them in a home free of hatred for humans. Her true self was shown on that video and she can't talk her way out of this.

As far as death threats to her that she's getting...such a shame. Really, I feel bad that she's getting them...because she doesn't deserve such hatred...right? Oh who am I kidding...she invited this.

K.C. said...

Black trash= go cry your crocodile tears elsewhere *yawn

K.C. said...

He video taped her so he'd have evidence in case of assault or battery. She certainly threatened him, so why question the taping? He's within his rights and you'd do the same thing.

Just because racism is everywhere, does not mean we ever stop fighting it or documenting it and the effect it has on everyday people going about their everyday lives. Wow, that's like saying just because there are treatments for cancer, we should stop looking for better and more permanent cures.

joeycat said...

Oh, I got your point, Jayleen. What I DON'T get is people taking up for Ms. Ambrosia either directly or indirectly with all their "But he..." "But he shouldn't have..." "But why did he..." "But he provoked..." but but buts.
Don't black people have the right to start their cars without people screaming racist crap at them?
Can we all agree that this is entirely unacceptable behavior without trying to blame the victim?

joeycat said...

Bravo, KC!

MoodyMoments said...

Because whites weren't enslaved and called 'cracker' while getting whipped and abused. That's why being called a cracker cannot be equated to the level of offensiveness as the N word. Getting in a black man's face and rattling off the N word....along with stupid and the crazy manner that she did is offensive...rude...ignorant and slap-in-the-face worthy.

Being a stripper isn't a big deal, what the big deal is that if he called the police, she wanted him to know how many she's stripped for in such a connotation as to let it be known they'd certainly be on her side. So, that's racial slur, corruption, threat of violence and bodily harm and in my opinion child abuse by allowing all this in front of her children....and then some.

Her kids getting taken away....that's for the ex husband to pursue and the courts to decide. However, I hope if they do, they are raised in a more positive environment and one in which 'hating black people' isn't encouraged.

Now, if someone scared my starting their own vehicle in a parking lot....I'd take my kid by the hand and walk away. No need to call someone a racial slur and flip the fuck out continuously while my kids play practically in the parking lot...and neither kid looked upset in the least. What's sad about that? The fact that their mother must flip the fuck out on a regular basis...again, psychologically speaking..not a good environment for these kids...and she's got four.

Now, have their been kids killed this week? Murders? Violence....crime.....? Duh. Yes.... Assuming that we are all just here and concentrate on this one story with all our might and forego any other news story no matter how big or small is just ridiculous on your part.

The interview she gave after was very where on the original video while she was on the phone with her husband or lawyer did she say he tried to hit the kid....he only scared starting his own engine...she also made many points by saying repeatedly "I am not a racist" while in the original video yelling, "He hates black people and so do I" pretty much is the biggest contradiction she could have made.

SDJaye said...

No question she's a nut bar. However, in this day and age, not only is racism alive and well, so is entitled rage. Was there any clue for this man, that the woman did not have a weapon within her possession? He seemed calm, and just disgusted with her, yet she seemed like if she had something such as a pistol there'd be little to stop her. There is so much unbelievable craziness going on today- where a shooter, rationalizes their actions. Sure she's a dream at home as well.

Deborah Brookhart said...

Rock on KC, joeycat, Bomb In A Birdcage and MommieDawn!

Anonymous said...

I doubt that he called her anything. Nobody but these two know what was or wasn't said before the video started, but based upon her credibility (he almost hit my kid with his car...he scared my kids when his car started) I don't believe a word she says.

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