I Took the #Icebucketchallenge

Have you heard about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge yet? No? Well, let me enlighten you.

Let's start with ALS. You know what that is, right? It's amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gerhig's Disease, which is a debilitating progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. People with this illness eventually become paralyzed.

To bring more awareness and to raise money, the ALS Association is challenging people to dump a bucket of ice cold water over your head while you film it and then challenge your friends to do the same. The deal is if you take the hit and dump the water, you pledge to donate $10 to the ALS Association. If you wuss out, then you have to donate $100.

I was challenged yesterday by Katie at Somewhat Sane Mom. This is a tough one. What to do? I could dump the water and then only donate $10, but then am I cheapskate? Or I could just donate the $100 and stay dry, but them I'm a generous party pooper.

I decided to go for the ice bucket and to up my donation.

As you can see, the Hubs and the kids made sure that my bucket of water was super duper cold. Thanks, guys! Oh well. At least it isn't December!

Now is the part where I challenge some other people to take part. So, I'm officially challenging:


That's right. If you're reading this, then the gauntlet has been thrown. You've seen me do it and now I want to see you do it. Make a video of your bucket dump and post it on my Facebook page, email me, or Tweet me using the hashtag #icebucketchallenge so I can share your videos.

In addition to all of my readers, I'd also like to challenge some of my fellow funny ladies:

Nikki from Moms Who Drink and Swear
Jenny from The Bloggess
Karen from Baby Sideburns

Please help me spread the word to these gals and let them know they've got 24 hours to get wet or pay up.


This Is Fifty With Lil said...

You. Are. Flippin'. AWESOME, Jen!

Tazi Kat said...

You are beautiful - inside and out!

Stacey Hatton said...

Great cause and well done!! Kind of like a wet t-shirt contest for ALS. Naughty monkeys.

Unknown said...

I watched this with my 7yo (stupid, I know), so thanks for the beeps!

Frugalista Blog said...

I'm with Stacey, I was waiting to see your boobs wet. That sounds super pervy of me.

Jen Piwtpitt said...

What were you thinking?? You can never visit my blog with a 7 yo nearby.

LH said...

Thanks for the support and for spreding the word. My husband recently passed away from ALS. Fortunately he went quickly, only 10 days after his diagnosis. It has been a difficult adjustment but I am grateful he is no longer suffering.

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