I'm So Over These People

I CANNOT read another headline about any of the following people:

1. Pippa Middleton.  Honestly, what is the big deal about this girl?  I think Catherine is sooo much prettier and SHE'S the one who will be Queen someday, the best she can hope for is Prince Harry.  If I read one more time about Pippa shopping or her darling figure I'm going scratch my eyes out.  Enough already.

2.  Lindsay Lohan.  I think by now everyone who reads this blog knows how I feel about her.  I just wish she'd OD already and go away.

3.  Selena Gomez/Demi Lovato.  I can't keep these two straight.  One punched her back up singer.  OK, I'll give her props for that.  That was kind of funny.  One is dating the Biebs.  Not funny.  One's a cutter. One keeps going in and out of the hospital.  They both sing and they're both Disney chicks.  I think Miley hates them both, but I hate Miley so much that she doesn't even get her own number on my list.  Luckily, she's been under the radar so I haven't had to see her so much.

4.  Justin Bieber.  Is he a boy or is he a girl?  I can see why the lesbians like this kid.  He looks like a pretty, kind of butch lesbian.  Did you see the pics of him in Hawaii with Selena?  I felt bad for him.  He is downright scrawny.  He really needed a shirt.

5.  Nicole Kidman.  What the hell happened to her?  I'm not a fan AT ALL of Tom Cruise's but it seems like he really got her best years.  She's so Botox'd now that NOTHING on her face moves.  It's really disturbing to watch.  I also hate her hair blonde and then she wears all these pale, muted colors it's like she's trying to disappear.  And what is going on with her older kids?  Why don't they ever see her?  There's more to this story, but honestly, I really don't care.

6.  Fergie.  She's really starting to get too old for what she's doing.  I hate to be an ageist, but it's true.  I don't think you can be over 22 and get away with wearing a light up miniskirt and yelling "Uh, uh, uh" into a mic and call that singing.

7.  Jennifer Aniston.  She peaked with "Friends" and she should fade away gracefully now.  Name one movie she's done that was worth the price of admission and the two hours of your life.

8.  Justin Timberlake.  Yeah, yeah, he can sing, he can dance, he can act.  He's a real triple threat.  But he just looks like he's a total a-hole.  I think he'd be a douche to hang out with and I'm tired of his fashion sense.  He looks like he tries way too hard.

9. Casey Anthony.  This is like the new OJ trial.  We all know she did it and it's beginning to look like she might get away with it.  Hopefully a bus will hit her when she leaves the courthouse.  Karma, baby.

10.  Jackass star Ryan Dunn.  Shocker this guy died in a ball of fire going 140 mph with twice the legal limit of alcohol coursing through his system.  That's like Darwinism at its finest.  After all, this is a guy who swam through raw sewage, he should have drowned on diarrhea.  Come on now, I'm not heartless, I feel bad for the tree he hit.

11.  Tom Hanks.  I only liked him in "Saving Private Ryan."  Every other movie, he's always just Tom Hanks pretending he's someone else.  It's annoying.  Today's he's dancing on Spanish television.  No one should see that.

Donald Trump doesn't make this list because he won't go away.  See why he need a punch in the throat.


Annette said...

I know right! Who the eff cares about Pippa Middleton?

Nicole Kidman is all pale and dramatic. Don't get me started on Tom Cruise.

Justin Bieber...I don't get it. Or his Disney girlfriend, whichever one she is (Miley/Demi/Selena).

But Justin Timberlake...he kind of gives me a hard on. But I agree, he's probably an a-hole.

Watch for my 'more things that bug me' post today. I'm so excited I think I peed a little.

BNM said...

lmao I love it!!!

Amanda Tempel said...

Always love reading your posts. These are all so true! But I have to admit- I did like Jennifer Aniston in Just Go With It.

Jen Piwtpitt said...

Amanda, You're the second person I've heard from suggesting good Jennifer Aniston movies. I have decided I will watch one more J.A. movie and give her another chance, but if it doesn't meet my discerning tastes, she's out.

Preston's Mom said...

Have to admit I liked her in "Just Go with it" too. But go into it thinking you're going to hate it because otherwise you'll be disappointed!

trocar.trainee said...

OMG Jen, I have two words for you -- 'Office Space.' It's a 100% quotable classic. Obviously, Anniston played her regular ol' typecasted, go-to boring character...BUT (thankfully) it's a small role.

Jen Piwtpitt said...

Trocar, I'll give you Office Space. It was a hilarious movie and really Aniston was the worst part.

Anonymous said...

Someone made a Facebook page dedicated to Pippa's ass. Yes. And what kind of self-respecting British socialite calls their child "Pippa"? And people thought YOUR kid had a dog's name...

Anonymous said...

You're like my left leaning mental doppelganger....I love it!

j said...

I've been reading through blog posts of yours while at work this week, I'm a big fan. Until I got a bitter taste in my mouth after this one... While Ryan Dunn may have made a very bad choice with his drinking and driving, it in no way means he /deserves/ to die. No one deserves that. I do not say this an a simple star struck 20-something. He was a very nice dude every time I met him. Always had time for a chat, handshake or a hug with anyone who gave him the time of day. Sometimes good people make bad decisions.
I think if someone close to you had this sort of an incident happen to them you wouldn't be preaching that their death was deserved. That's all, otherwise love the snarkiness.

Because nobody likes Mondays said...

I work at Gillette Stadium (home of the NE Patriots for those who don't know) That little punk Beiber was opening for Taylor Swift at a summer concert. After the show he went to the movie theatre at the stadium and went into the LUX level which for those not who don't have them near them is a section of the movie theatre with big plush leather seats, waitress service and a full bar. You have to be 21 to get in (the best place to see Twilight movie cause you don;t have to deal with the tweens). Well at any rate. He goes in and sits down. Waitress said he was too young. He replied with "Don't you know who I am?" She said she didn;t give a damn and he got booted. It was all over the news here. Loved every second on it. How's that for a punch in the throat.

Unknown said...

You took the words right out of my freakin mouth!

Sue said...

Jennifer Lopez. We get it...you have a rockin body after twins and left your creepy husband. Now go away.

Leigh Sasser said...

The Kardashians! Nuff said...

Cricket1958 said...

I agree except for Tom Hanks. Love him to pieces.

mobius308 said...

I disagree about Pippa and Jen Anniston. Pippa's butt looked great at the wedding and Anniston was hot as hell in Horrible Bosses! They should do a movie together, preferably on the Playboy Channel.

SconnieGirl said...

J... she didn't say he DESERVED to die, just that it wasn't a huge surprise.... I'm in total agreement with Jen. When you constantly act a fool, what do you think is going to happen? Nice guy or not, he was kinda asking for trouble. Love this list.... just add those whore Kardashians, KATE Middleton, Teen Moms, and anything to do with Bachelor/ette, American Idol, X Factor and DWTS.

Krazy Klippen Coupons said...

I have to say that Jennifer Anistan was hilarious in Horrible Bosses. Rosie O'Donnell and Star Jones top my most annoying list.

kmid219 said...

Justin Timberlake scored big points for accepting an invitation to the Marine Corp Ball. He was very humbled by the experience and wrote about it on his blog. He didn't go as "Justin Timberlake the star," he went as a guest of the Marine Corp. I'm his new fan.

Anonymous said...

'Just Go with It'...yuck! Horrible movie, but I can't blame Jen A. I do, however, blame Adam Sandler. I shoulda known better! His movies are always the same ol' Adam Sandler immature humor...'rude, crude and socially unacceptable'. LOL And usually he plays a role of some respected position...a respected 'Grown Up' (an AS movie). He played a doctor in 'JGwI', lawyer in 'Big Daddy'. And the roles where he's not in a respected position, he still winds up making it big anyway - 'Happy Gilmore', 'Waterboy'. So, for that reason alone (all his movies being the same), I'd punch Adam Sandler in the throat.

Haven't seen 'Horrible Bosses', but it's on On Demand, so I may watch it before our holiday time off is up. Adam Sandler's not in it...or he didn't write, direct, and/or produce it...right?!?! ;)

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