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Out of the mouth of babes |
Someone should have sent home a memo in the backpack of Ashley Habat's four-year-old telling her that. Oh wait. That's what started this whole mess.
Try to keep up, because this story will make you roll your eyes so hard you might not get them back on the page. So Ashley is the mother of a preschooler. One morning, Ashley is running late and drops off the kid in the office and they tell her that it's picture day.
WTF, school? Ashley fumes. Why didn't you tell us? Then I'm not sure, but I'm guessing she went on: Little Snowflake is not in the right outfit. I bought the perfect ensemble this summer and I've just been waiting for this special day and now you've ruined it! Ruined it!!!! Also his hair is shaggy. You had ONE JOB, school. That job was to give me plenty of notice for motherfreaking picture day!!!!!
The school was like, Easy killer, we've been doing this for a long time. We have a system. We sent home a letter in Snowflake's backpack.
Ashley went, Wait. Where? His backpack? You guys really send stuff in there? I thought it was just adorable to carry, but not really functional.
The school said, Yeah, you should totally check it sometimes, because there's important stuff in there. Just sayin'.
So Ashley ran home and left a rant on her Facebook: "Why is it that every single day there is something new I dislike about Will's school? Are my standards really too high or are people working in the education field really just that ignorant?" And then she TAGGED THE SCHOOL.
Doh. Umm, Ashley, you do know what ignorant means, right?
Anyhoo, the school, of course saw the post. They called Ashley and asked her to stop in for a visit the next day. Ashley showed up only to find out that her son was being kicked out of their fine ignorant establishment for "sowing discord," which the preschool says was clearly spelled out as a no-no in their parent handbook that Ashley agreed to observe.
I don't know where to start with this one. Ashley obviously has the same problem most moms do: we're too busy to check the backpack and then we're caught off guard when something that seems so important comes up "unexpectedly." I have school pictures of Gomer wearing an ugly Halloween shirt with Frankenstein on the front. My mother was horrified, but I just shrugged, because honestly, who besides her gives a damn? Who really wants a school picture to frame and keep on their desk? No one. This seemed like a big deal and it really wasn't, and Ashley got caught up in it all and vented on her Facebook. Why she tagged the school, I have no idea. That part was just stupidity on her part.
Then the school is kind of getting on my nerves too, because they expel a kid because their mom said mean things about them? Come on Sonshine Christian Academy. Put on your big girl panties and stop whining like a preschooler. Plus, I'm not sure I trust any school that makes parents agree to adhere to a handbook that says anyone who disagrees with what they do there is "sowing discord" and thus should be expelled. That is way too intense for me. I realize Sonshine is a private organization and can make the rules they want, but I'm pretty sure "sow discord" can be interpreted to mean whatever they want it to mean whenever they don't like a parent questioning them.
I don't want to tell you what to do with your child's education, Ashley, but this school sounds kind of wacko. I think it's time to find a new preschool (where they can spell Sunshine) and it's time for you to take a break from Facebook, because with your luck the next time it will be your boss that you sow discord against.
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The world has indeed gone bloody mad! Love your blog, and the title even more so!
Maybe that is a bad school, but I think I favor them here. Ashley sounds exhausting.
I sprained my eyeball from the eye rolling. And I agree, Ashley sounds exhausting.
Spit out my coffee laughing over the spelling of sunshine. Awesome piece. Both sides reveal a lot about the lunacy of the world, though I tend to be more sympathetic with the school for having to accommodate all the special snowflakes out there world and their wack-a-doodle parents.
Wonder if this isn't the first time Ashley has irritated the office. They may have been saying "Finally - a loophole to kick them out!"
I am going to go out on a limb here and say this isn't the first time Ashley has had a run in with the school. I am guessing they were just waiting for the opportunity to boot her annoying ass out. Just my gut feeling. Especially since she was "running late" on pic day. I would bet she runs late most days given that she also doesn't check her kid's backpack (apparently). It kinda screams irresponsible mom.
I actually posted a rant on FB about my son's middle school and I tagged them in it because I WANTED them to see it. I wanted them to know just how I felt. It was all about my son telling me he was learning about moses and burning bushes in public school! I went ape sh!t on them!
Ashley learned her lesson, and maybe she'll think twice about what she posts on social media from now on. Not a bad lesson to learn, especially if you're going to get bent out of shape for something as small as Picture Day. Ever heard of re-takes, Ashley? Or just not buying that year's picture from the school and going to Sears? But it's soooo much more fun to post something and see the 'likes' pile up. Makes you feel good about yourself, I guess.
I'd be calling the Principal, actually, because he/she (hopefully) didn't know that the teacher was teaching that. Then a call to the District Superintendent, if necessary….
EXACTLY. I work for a school district, and any time a parent runs to the media with their stories of poor treatment, they always conveniently leave out the details of how they have a history of causing problems. There is more to this story than we know.
Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. Posting on FB instead of dealing with the school directly is incredibly immature and passive-aggressive.
Maybe if certain people would stop going ape sh!t on the education system for teaching some type of religion or morals in the school system, the current generation of gangsta boo children with no home training could be more of an asset to society as a whole......just sayin'
He didn't get expelled, the contract was voided. Little Will can go to pre school somewhere else . Apparently Ashley dislikes this damn school anyway.
A public school's job is to educate children. Not to teach religion. Church and home life should take care of that. Or you have the option of enrolling your children in a private school of your religious denomination.
Back that truck up…she.tagged.the.school? Didn't check the backpack? I'm with you. Horrified you didn't know it was picture day? With you. Say something stupid? Welcome to my world. Post, tag and act surprised? Sorry, I'm out.
Yes a thousand times to Rebecca Williamson. Yes.
I agree with both of your views. The mom deserved what she got and the school needs to buck up. This is why it is not a good idea to do anything while you are upset!
I think the real issue for Ashley is having to face the consequences of her actions. She signed the contract with the school so she agreed to those rules. Don't like the rules? Find a new school. Or obey them.
Good grief Charlie Brown! What a ridiculous woman! Unfortunately I know quite a few "Ashleys". I can bet that this isn't her first complaint and won't be her last. Poor snowflake.
Unfortunately I personally know this girl. We used to be really good friends. She will do ANYTHING to get attention often times at the cost of her son. It disgusts me and I'm so glad I'm no longer her friend
I forgot about my now 5th grader's preschool picture day. I really did have a super cute outfit all ready (that I sewed, for heavens sake). No one to blame but myself! Then I was going to use it for little sister's picture four years later. She's in 1st grade now. Sorry, super cute outfit, no day in the spotlight for you!
Ok people since it seems like you dont knoe about this. Believe it or not their is separation of church and state ok. Kids cant practice religion in school. Got it? However most schools educate the children of different religions in the world so they arent ignorant dummies. They teach about where the religion is mody commonly practiced,the founding,and basic practice. They dont force kids to kneel and pray before God and bless them. They just inform or religion. I graduated in '10 in ca. I went to a public school and we learned various religiond through 6th all the way to 12" in our english/ss class. And the idiot kids who tried to fight it each year were told the same Thing. Wouldnt you want your kid to be knowledged and not single minded. They an open their heart to everyone not just jews or christians or whatever their following is. And this womanas child attended a private school and they do whatever they want there
Private schools make their own rules. Ashley signed the contract so she has to play by them. It seems petty that the school would oust the preschooler because of the sins of the mother. If they were truly following a Christ like model of conflict resolution (assuming this was the first offense), they would've gone to her to talk the disagreement out, not excommunicate her kiddo. "Sonshine" is a play on words, referencing Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Light of the World. Corny, but no mistake..... just sayin'.
Wow. Some of you are so incredibly rude, disrespectful and IGNORANT!! Sonshine Christian Academy is most likely a private Christian preschool. As a mother of 3, all of whom have attended the same Christian preschool, yes, I did have to sign a form that I read the handbook. Good for Sonshine for kicking Ashley out. We don't need people like her in ANY school bad-mouthing staff that work hard every day. She is a little snot who needs to be put in her place. As for the rest of you making fun of "Sonshine", shame on you. It is clearly a reference to Jesus and his love of all the little children. Don't like it, you don't have to pay to send your kids to private Christian preschool
I agree with Rebecca, although I did have a sociology teacher in high school who taught us the basics about at the top 5 or 6 religions in the world, not to push religion on us but to help us be more tolerant of people different than us. That's a lot different though, considering we were seniors and all 17/18 yrs old.
I don't think I would ever post things on social media though. That just seems obnoxious. Is contact the teacher directly and if that didn't work I would contact the principal to let them know my concerns.
There's not much I love more than good Christians using phrases like "She is a little snot who needs to be put in her place" Smh..
"Sowing discord" because "Loudmouth, shit-stirring, trifling no backpack-checking bitch" was too long.
Lol! I think I'd like you in real life (:
RachRiot, I think I love you!
Agreed! I teach at a private Christian school. Our family agreement clearly states the avenues to take in case of a disagreement. We would never kick a student out without prior problems with the family (or one huge issue). If this were the first time this had happened, most schools like this would have talked to the family and asked them to work together to come up with a solution to the issue (maybe a public FB apology for allowing her temper to cause her to do something she normally wouldn't do). But, for something like this, I'd almost bet there are other things that have happened. Let's see: SHE'S late, SHE doesn't check her child's backpack (or communicate with the school except to complain on FB apparently), SHE made herself look less-than-classy by ranting on FB.... yep, it's clearly all the school's fault. ;)
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