I guess I learn something everyday. Here are some odd things about The HUBS. Guest post today.
If you are reading this list, that means you have come here to learn
some unknown and obscure facts about me. Some of these facts are so
obscure even my wife does not know.
I will tag some
other bloggers and hope they will post some sort of list that will
reveal some interesting, random, or obscure facts about themselves.
This is a great way to know someone a little bit better.
I was born in Taiwan, but I am Chinese - not Taiwanese. I am fluent in
Mandarin Chinese. I speak English with NO accent...maybe a slight New
Yawk City accent. Anyone that meets me in person can't believe I can
speak fluent Chinese. I normally bust out the Chinese at the Chinese
restaurants to order those special menu items that white people never
see and would never eat. Yes, it really does exist. You can't just ask
for the Jellyfish and Pig Intestines in English.
2. I
love television and films. I went to USC and NYU Film school, so I
have watched and learned all about Film and TV production. I learned to
speak English watching all those 70's-80's shows. I was a latch key
kid. Today, most people don't know what that is, but it basically means
you went to school by yourself, you came home by yourself and watched
TV all day long until your parents came home from work. I thought this
was great, with Carol and Mike Brady, Maggie and Jason Seaver, Claire
and Cliff Huxtable, and Elyse and Steven Keaton and all the other great
parents on TV, why did I need any parents in real life?? I thought
those shows were great and had a sense of morality. Not sure any of the
Real Housewives would be a great example of parents today. I do watch
them as well. Yes, I am guilty and feel dirty after.
80's New Wave music is my wheel house. If a song comes on the radio
that was in this era, I can name that tune in 4-6 notes. NO JOKE. I
can't name all the bands, but I will try just off the top of my head.
Depeche Mode, OMD, A Flock of Seagulls, Ah-Ha, The Cure, The Smiths,
Erasure, Simple Minds, The Psychedelic Furs, UB40, U2 and so many more.
I was NOT a Van Halen, Twisted Sister kind of kid.
I am a cheap bastard. I know, everyone that knows me and that has
read my blog or my wife's blog knows this is no secret. I want to share
some weird ways I like to save money. Not all of them will work or is
for everyone, so take from it what you will.
When I
pump my gas, I always stop when it clicks automatically - never rounding
off to the next dollar - because you are not getting any more gas by
pumping anymore...BUT, I leave the lever in the ON position while I take
the hose and raise it up to get any remaining gas in the hose. I am
sure I have saved tens if not hundreds of cents doing this.
I like to get my haircuts at Great Clips. Why? Because they are cheap
and do a fairly good job. I always use a coupon. If one does not
come, I just wait. Sometimes my hair is so over grown my wife calls me a
Monchici. Yes, I do resemble that Monchici doll.
6. I
hate to read and write. I am a visual person. I don't really read
books or write very much. Ever since Jen with her blog and book has
taken off, I have been doing more reading and writing. Most of my
reading is done on the computer. I do lots of research...on anything
and everything. I read lots of websites, blogs, magazines and
journals. Books...not so much.
Shameless plug: The last book I read was "Spending the Holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat." I had to read it because my wife wrote it and it is funny as hell and it talks about the 80's Christmas. My favorite.
This is the last fact and super cost saving tip I am leaving. I pee in
the shower. Don't be grossed out. It is natural. I do it to save on
water. If you can't get with this idea, you are killing our planet one
unnecessary flush at a time. I will admit to even holding my pee until I
can get into the shower to pee. That is how committed I am to saving
our planet. I am no tree huger, but if I can save 2-4 gallons of water
ever day by peeing in the shower, I will do my part.
is all. I can't think of any more things to say. I hope you know me a
little more and understand me a little more. Here are the other
bloggers I hope will do this as well. Since I am new to this, these are
all people that I know through my wife. I hope you will check out some
of these other people as well. They are in NO particular order.
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That's great! I would be scared to read this article had it been written by MY husband. There are so many things that I know I don't want to know about him!
You had me at Depeche Mode... LOL! Love the blog your wife does and your guest appearances are fun!
WHY DO MEN PEE IN THE SHOWER? My 3 year old son gets so excited to take a shower because his daddy has taught him it is OK to pee in the shower. Don't men realize that once you pee in the shower that the bathroom now smells like hot pee due to the steam and humidity? Its gross. DON'T PEE IN THE SHOWER!!! lol
I pee in the shower too. It was usually just a convenience thing for me, but now I have a great, environmental excuse! Thanks, Hubs!
I love when you guest post.. I can tell you and Jen are totally made for each other..Great post.. Oh BTW when I was in high school athletics they told us to pee on our feet while in the shower to help keep from getting athletes foot..So not only are you saving the planet, you are saving yourself from itchy feet : )
If they have athlete's foot issues in the shower in their home, maybe Hubs needs to clean the bathroom... LOL
I believe there are 2 types of people in the world: Those that have peed in the shower, and liars.
I also pee in the shower - mainly for time savings reasons, but now I realized it's actually a generous gift for future generations. You are welcome, grandkids!
So...does Jen ever punch you in the throat?
What do you mean I'm not getting any more gas for the money?!! WTH! Is this another scam by the gas corporations? How do you know this? Are you friends with an "insider"?
One of the main reasons I shave my head is that I can do it myself and incur no repeated haircut expense. Cheap bastards unite.
Here are my insider friends. Save your money.
Why don't you just pee outside like the boys/men in my family? That way you don't have to wait to shower? My youngest will be brushing his teeth in the bathroom & then go outside to pee. At least we live on a very wooded lot with no close neighbors. Also, have you seen the show Extreme Cheapskates? You might learn a thing or two from it. LOL
Doesn't everyone pee in the shower? I mean, what do you do? Dry off, use the toilet and get back under the shower? Or hold on until you're finished showering? Makes no sense to me. It's just pee and it's gone in a second.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who pees in the shower.
Pee in the compost. It's a good thing.
(Perhaps you live in an area where you're not allowed to have a compost pile. If that's the case, the shower is second best).
Actually you better be careful if you pee outside. I just read where the cops fined a 3 yr old for peeing outside because he didn't want to go in his pants. Gave his mom a $2500 fine!
Love it! Next time I see the Hubs at an event I'm gonna think "That man pee's in the shower."
Had to smile your first comment-- Chinese, not Taiwanese. I lived in China several years and the mainlanders would most definitely agree. I once heard a customs official in Beijing tell a person who said he was Taiwanese, "Taiwanese? Never heard of it. I think you mean Chinese."
You know, I thought HUBS (being in all caps) was an acronym for some fancy club or event. Now I get it. LOL Great post!
So I will comment on the 80's music, not the Peeing in the shower.
My husband and I have seen Psychedelic Furs in concert twice in the last year or so. We live in San Diego. If they ever come around to your neck of the woods I suggest that be your date night for you and Jen! As soon as they start playing you will get chills, not to mention the strong desire to dance like Molly Ringwald in Breakfast Club. True 80's moves!
O.K. can't NOT mention the peeing in the shower. Doesn't everybody?? I mean really.....
OMG! I am laughing my ass off at this post! My husband has always pee'd in the shower and it totally grosses me out! Then he taught our son to do it!! They are huge water savers, because if it is not time for a shower they pee of our back porch (we live out in the country)! Double GROSS!! I do have to admit it has caused me to have VERY clean showers/tubs because I sterilize at LEAST 3 times a week!!
i pee in the shower too. It's convinent but does help save water from flushing.
had no idea about topping off gas. crazy
Pee is already sterile! For reals.
I'm a rainwater collector - I get it. Great Clips rocks. Gas trick - AWESOME. Gonna inform the hubs ASAP before we give another senseless cent away to Shell!
What's the big deal about peeing in the shower...It all goes into the same pipe. The-shower-drain-is-right-NEXT-to-the-toilet-drain!!!!
But I never thought of the hose at the gas pump thing.....wtf...It's one of my pet peeves. That gas left in the hose. Gees am I THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS THIS IS A CONSPIRACY.....Next time I get gas....I Will definitly raise the hose ---and I don't care how stupid I look. WHO KNEW
Personally, I go before I get in the shower. Peeing while in the shower is just too weird for me to do. Bravo those that do it--it's not for me!
#7 had me cracking up! Very well said! I never thought about the gas thing, though! Just think of all the money I've lost over the years!!
My husband is a Great Clips guy though now we are in a small town he is actually a WalMart guy. He would try to walk-in to the get his hair cut at the salon's here and couldn't get in -- which made him want to punch them in the throat. So now he heads up to WalMart on his schedule and actually comes home with a decent cut. And as someone who cleaned showers at a water park for a summer job. Peeing in public showers is not natural. Neither is pooping. But it didn't stop people from doing it.
We could so share music libraries!
I cut my own hair, and my husband's and son's. And New Wave is my favorite, too! You forgot Berlin.
The last one had me guffawing. But as much as I can use logic and reason to agree with you, Hubs, my mister will not be reading this post because if it's in OUR shower, then it's gross. :)
I'm with you on #3! I can name just about any 80s song, too. Maybe it's because it's the best music ever made. :) And you might like Cut Copy or Holy Ghost!... they are modern pop groups, but have an 80s feel to their music.
I cut my boys' hair. I can't justify spending the money for it. And I cut my own hair once every two or three years, when it's time to donate to Locks of Love.
I bake my own bread. It's cheap, and doesn't have high fructose corn syrup.
I also coupon a lot. I recently got two boxes of stuffing and a 12 pound turkey for FREE for Thanksgiving!
I knew it, when I asked about jellyfish they gave me a crazy look at the Chinese restaurant around the way. I had it at my husband's co-workers house and it was so good.
LOL. That was great! He should have added pics. Especially with Monchichi hair.
i knew it. there is a special menu that the white people don't see!! i live in Malaysia and the locals all ways order better food, that i cant find on the menu !!!
Lol!! When the uric acid In your urine starts to clog the drain in the shower, you're gonna freak on what you have to pay a plumber! Why do You think public urinals have those hockey pucks in them??? Lmao thank y
Urine is sterile. I was trained in combat first aid when I was in the military and urine can be used in battle to clean wounds when fresh water is not available. We had a motto "pee on your friend, save their life!" Happy Veteran's Day!
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