Weekly Wrap Up 11.25.12

Did you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving?  We had a good holiday over here.  We ended up with 21 people at my house on Thursday.  Not too bad.  Lucky for me my family all pitched in and we ended up having a pretty relaxing day.  Of course, our Elf on the Shelf came out on Thursday night and I've already forgotten to move them.  Yup - I said, "them."  This year we have another Elf - a girl Elf now.  We received her as a gift, because I didn't have enough elves to move.  This morning I was perusing Facebook before the kids woke up and I saw the word "bastard" in someone's status update and it reminded me to go move that little bastard and his girlfriend!  It's going to be a long Christmas season if this is any indication.

On Black Friday I couldn't find anything I was willing to wait on line three hours for, so I ended up staying home and sleeping instead.  I thought it would be a great idea to drop the price of my e-book to 99 cents as a thank you slash Black Friday/Shop Local Saturday/Cyber Monday deal (I figure I fit all of those categories).  If you haven't got your copy yet, be sure to get it before the deal goes away on Monday!

On a sad note, I am getting my ass kicked at the Circle of Moms Top 25 Book Author Moms Contest.  If you have a chance, please go vote for me.  All I want for Christmas is to win this contest like I won the Funniest Moms one.  You can vote once a day until December 7.  Thank you!

Top Read Posts This Week:

Over Achieving Elf on the Shelf Mommies - It's finally Choppy Elfie's season and he's ready.  Once he saw the giant balloon Elf in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade he knew he'd arrived and he's ready to explode again this season.  We'll see.    

My Kid vs. The School Nurse - Adolpha is a on a first name basis with the school nurse and I was glad to see she's not the only one.  She's still complaining this weekend about a sore throat, but luckily we have a real live nurse in the family who made a house call on Thursday and checked her out and gave her a clean bill of health and a slice of pie as a prescription.

Pre-Lit Christmas Trees Can Suck It - The Hubs guest posted this week to give a little shout out to his favorite must have Christmas season accessory.  Light Keeper Pro owes us some money!

Black Friday Weekend Book Sale - I dropped the price on my e-book to 99 cents on Amazon, Smashwords and Kobo.  If you have an electronic device that can read a book (Kindle, Nook, iPad, Sony Reader, laptop computer, desktop computer), a buck and you like to laugh you're going to need to get this book!

Book Update: 

My big news this week is that I'm NUMBER 2 on Amazon's Humor List.  I took down George R.R. Martin on Saturday and all I have is Janet Evanovich standing between me and first place.  (BTW, can someone tell me what the hell he was doing in HUMOR???  He's on another Humor list with me too and he's had the number 1 spot for a year until I took him out on Saturday.  He needds to get back over in his own category and leave Humor to me and my bestie, Tina.)  I don't think I can take out Janet Evanovich though, since she's number 1 in ALL Kindle sales.  She's a beast.  I do have more stars than her though (5 stars to her 3.5) . . . so a girl can dream! 

Along with Kindle, there are now options for Nook, Apple, Sony Reader and Kobo.  Click here to find out more.  There is still time to get signed copies for Christmas gifts, but order soon, because it does take around a week for the books to ship.  Click here if you want to order a signed copy.

Still not convinced you want to buy the book?  Try reading these two new reviews that came out this week.  IndieReader gave it 5 stars and Read Love Blog gave me a great review too.

My Favorite Comments of the Week (and My Replies If Necessary):

Wow.... You are bitter...who pissed in your Cheerios? on Over Achieving Elf on the Shelf Mommies

Not bitter, just fed up.  There's a difference.

Read your Elf post, looked at the Kindle preview of your book, got to the introduction of characters and KNEW I'd love your book. I can't wait to read it! on BUY MY BOOK

This goes both ways bitch. I dont give a fuck about your children. on People Who Treat Their Dogs Like Children

Where are you people coming from?  Some how this post ended up on a dog lover's message board somewhere, because I have been bombarded for weeks now with dog loving assholes who keep calling me names just because I don't like dogs.  WTF?

I already bought the book but was curious about who won. Is there a list somewhere? on Want My Book for Free? How About a Kindle Fire?

There is a list somewhere that I saw once.  I wasn't in charge of the Rafflecopter that selected the names.  I don't think all of the winners have claimed their prizes though.  So check your email/Spam folders, because last I heard there were still a few winners that hadn't responded.

What no Elf? lol...I just had to Google search the little guy, and guess what? The link to your column came up several places before Blossom's Bunkhouse! Woot Woot! on Jen's TOP 11 Favorite Posts

I just assumed the Elf was a given.  I guess I should make him number 12?

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that I discovered that you read my blog when you wrote about me that 1st time last Spring, and that you really do support people you believe in. And that I could totally breastfeed you. Because it makes me laugh. on Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for you too, Kim and there is no one else I'd rather be stuck in an elevator with.

This blog post and so many of these comments are indicative of children wanting to be home with their Mother. They crave your love and attention. Have any of you considered home schooling? on My Kid VS. The School Nurse

I have never considered home schooling.  I am not qualified to teach my kids anything.  Haha.  I don't doubt that Adolpha would like to be home all day with me, but home schooling wouldn't help her attachment issues.  She needs to go to school outside of the house so that she can learn to socialize with her peers and manage her relationships with them, so she can learn independence, and so she can learn that she isn't in charge.  Her ideal situation would be to stay home and for her to set the curriculum.  As a working mom, I don't have the time or the energy to fight with her to try and get her to learn.  I'll leave that to the professionals.  

I also had some comments about maybe Adolpha was being bullied, etc. and that's why she's spent so much time in the nurse's office.  I talk to Adolpha a lot and I spend a lot of time at her school, in her classroom and in Gomer's classroom.  I am friends with teachers in the building and I am a member of the PTO board.  I know a lot about what's going on in that school and she's not being bullied.  She's just irritated that I'm home "having fun" without her and she'd like to do that too.  

I appreciate all the suggestions and comments about her well-being.  Thanks.

thank you so much for this post today! My hubs has been racking his brain for the name of that gun, watching commercials religiously just waiting for it to come on, to no avail. Those damn pre-lit trees do only last one year so we desperately need the gun, because you are not the only cheap bastard out there... on Pre-Lit Christmas Tree can suck it

Cha-ching.  See?  Light Keeper Pro owes me money.  Seriously, get one, it's worth every penny.

My husband can do you one better. Why spend $3 for a 100 light set when you can trash pick lights from your neighbors to use for replacement bulbs? on Pre-Lit Christmas Tree can suck it

My prelit worked only the first year. The second year we decided to cut all the lights off the tree- talk about ball suckage- and then restring every year with lights. My husband would have just wrapped the new lights around the old, love his lazy self, but not me...cheap and plenty of time on my hands! Love the tree- very OACM - over achieving Christmas mom :) on Pre-Lit Christmas Tree can suck it

My mother had my father cut off their lights too and that seemed like an enormous amount of work (but if you've read my book, then you know my mother wouldn't have it any other way).  I can't imagine the Hubs doing all that.  I think we'll just wrap new lights around the old burned out lights and call it Christmas.


Jenn @ Something Clever 2.0 said...

In what universe is Janet Evanovich a humor writer? She should be in the Supermarket Books category.

Rowsella said...

Her Stephanie Plum books are humorous. A different kind of humor-- fictional as opposed to memoir type humor. Jen Lancaster is more in the same category as the blogger/author here.

Debbie said...

congrats on the book. It looks hilarious. :) I just got a Nook so I'll have to check it out and see what it's all about. Oh, and "hate mail" just means you are doing good in the blogging world. People love to get their digs in.

Unknown said...

Bought hour Ebola and loved it. Chapter about your mother describing you in the holiday letter and your interpretation of it was comedy gold. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Ok, I lied. Did not buy Ebola, but did buy your BOOK. Thank you, auto correct

Overachieving Elf on the Shelf Mommies

By now we have all heard of the adorable little Elf on the Shelf . Almost everyone I know has one.  Some people even have two!  (Now I...

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