If you read my blog through an RSS Feed, please e-mail me for a password.  Apparently my site is being scraped and copied and I think this might be the only way for me to slow it down.

I would really love it if I can shut down my RSS feed all together, but it seems like many of you readers use it.  I'm trying to get an accurate count of how many people actually use the feed.  If you subscribe, please leave me a message in the comments so I can track.

Facebook and Twitter will all be the same and access to my site is the same as well.  Please follow me on either one because that is the best way to stay up to date with what is going on.

Thanks for being patient while I try to protect my content and figure this shit out.

Send me an e-mail at and let me know which reader you use and I'll give you the password.



Jason said...

I follow via RSS in Google Reader

Shelly Robinson said...

I follow via RSS in Google Reader also.

Micah said...

I follow via RSS in Google Reader.

Sorry to hear you're having issues. :(

David said...

I also use the RSS feed in Google Reader.

Allison said...

I use Google Reader as well.

Erika said...

I'm a very faithful reader via RSS in Google Reader.

Bonnie said...

I follow via RSS in Google Reader.

Ronda C. said...

Another RSS Google Reader, the only way (ok, lazy way) to keep up with all the blogs I follow.

Tim said...

Also a google reader guy.

Anonymous said...

I follow via RSS in Google Reader.

Kate said...

I get the RSS feeds into my Outlook account.

Sarah said...

I use RSS in Google Reader too

Chuck said...

Read via RSS in Google Reader. Unfortunately disabling RSS won't help you much, anything you put on a public webpage can be trivially copied/scraped. It is one of the assignments most students get in intro CS classes.

Amber said...

I use RSS feeds in Google Reader and Outlook.

Kendra said...

I follow using Google Reader as well.

The Macons said...

Google Reader here.

Kelly and Sne said...

Consider it a compliment - you are now being translated into multiple languages including Russian!

anne said...

yet another Google reader user. Love the blog, sorry to hear about the problems.

Misty said...

I'm with the rest rss google reader

Jessi said...

Yup -- another Google Reader user here!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mallory said...

I follow in Google Reader

Colleen said...

I'm also a Google Reader user!

Brian Guppy said...

RSS google reader

Toni said...

Google Reader here as well.

selianth said...

Ditto, I read the blog with Google Reader. I'm not even sure what the password is for - I didn't realize it was possible to password protect an RSS feed?

ZoesMommy said...

I also follow via Google Reader

Unknown said...

I follow through Google Reader as well! :)

Anonymous said...

I follow your RSS, but I'll be switching to Twitter now, sorry this is happening to you =/

Justin said...

I read your blog in Google Reader as well (RSS feed). You might try reaching out to Kristi from She recently had similar issues and she can probably point you at some ideas for dealing with it.

I know one of the things she did was change the setting for the RSS feed so that it only shows a partial post (first paragraph or so). It's annoying for those of us who use RSS readers, but better than turning it off period. Not sure if Blogger supports that, though.

Cassie and Lou said...

WOW, appears Google Reader is popular. That's what i use to follow your blog also.

Amanda said...

I use Google Reader too - please don't go away!

Anonymous said...

Google reader here as well ...

Chad and Lisa said...

I use google reader as well...

Anonymous said...

another Google Reader here!!

Goodgollymzmollie said...

I use Google reader, too!

Laura said...

Another Google reader subscriber here...

Jimjams said...

Google Reader here as well :o)

Anonymous said...

I know you said to email you, but I figured after all these comments, you didn't want another email. :)

Google reader and outlook for me as well as an RSS Feed.

What are my other options to get updated on blog posts other than Facebook? Maybe I'm doing it wrong!

JMc said...

I follow through Google Reader

SanH said...

I follow through Google Reader as many others

Jennifer said...

I follow through Google Reader as well!

Anonymous said...

Google reader here.

Jaime said...

Google reader here too

Holly said...

I use RSS through Google reader as well.

Renee said...

Another Google Reader subscriber

Nicole said...

Another google reader subscriber

Janice's Blog said...

I use feeddlerrss but I think it gets it from my google reader.

Nj said...

Google reader

Nj said...

Google reader

Lori said...

Another Google Reader user. I read your posts and share them out to my FB & twitter accounts often. And I'm begging you to find a fix that doesn't include partial post feeds if at all possible. I use my phone to do most of my blog reading, and clicking through to read an entire post is cumbersome and time consuming and I likely won't do it. I've sadly dropped every feed I read that used partial posts.

Ms. Pants said...

Emailed as well, but my mother and I both use the RSS on Google Reader. :-)

Amy said...

Google reader

Kristianna said...

Google reader

Jennifer said...

I use google reader.

alaina said...

google reader

Trina said...

I follow through Google Reader as well. Boo for truncated posts! I know it makes us click and up your page views, but still...

AMD said...

I follow in Google Reader

Ashley said...

I follow on Google Reader.

Katie said...

Google Reader. Do I still need to email re: the password?

Nightowl81ok said...

I use Pulse reader

Jess said...

I'm a Google Reader user- love my daily dose of PIWTPITT!

Karrie said...

I'm a Google reader too...

Jessica.Maren said...

Google reader for me too

PletcherFamily said...

Google reader for me!

Unknown said...

One more for Google Reader!

Jessica said...

Google reader.

Anonymous said...

google reader.

Chantele said...

Google Reader!

lauralaylin said...

Another google reader here.

Christine Bellew said...

google reader here

Laura said...

google reader

Nicole said...

Google reader, sometimes feedler

Ashley said...

I read through google reader.

Unknown said...


Karianna said...

I have you in the Perfect RSS app on my iPad... Other than that, I have no clue.

PattyJ said...

RSS feed on my laptop because I blog also.

Anonymous said...

I can't get it on my Iphone anymore either. Can I do anything about that?

shindagrl said...

Google Reader. Love it, am phasing out of Facebook because it's getting to where I want to punch them in the throat!

Maria said...

google reader here as well

Megan said...

Google reader.

Anonymous said...

Yet another Google Reader peep.

Anonymous said...

I use the RSS feed.

Jennifer Hansen said...

I have no idea what an RSS feed is but I follow you by logging into my blogspot account and I guess that uses Google Reader... maybe... I don't know. This is why I try to avoid technology when ever I can.

Ashley said...

Google Reader! But I usually click over to your actual site anyway so truncated feeds wouldn't bother me.

Susan said...

I have your blog come to my email...considering I am technology ignorant, does that mean RSS...if so I'm assuming Google!

KellyW said...

I use your RSS feed on my Google homepage.

Monica @ M double M said...

I follow via email. How did you find out your content was being scraped? I keep hearing about this issue from other bloggers, and I guess I need to change my set up this weekend.

MeganAndMiles said...

Google reader here too. Super lame someone's stealing your stuff

Allie said...

I use Google Reader as well.

Jenny Brown said...

I use Google Reader, too!

re said...

Sooooo exactly HOW ignorant would it sound for someone who has been blogging for oh, say, six years or so, to have no idea what you are talking about? Blogger asked me who I want to get updates from and so that's what happens. I don't even know what RSS feed means.

Erin G said...

I read through google reader. Keep me in the loop when/if you make rss changes!!

vudean said...

I follow your blog's RSS feed through Outlook. thanks!

Lissa said...

I use google reader. Another blog I read just started doing truncated RSS feeds, and she said it was also due to security of her posts. Maybe something to look into?

Amanda said...

I use the RSS feed through Google Reader. :-)

Katie said...

I also use Google Reader!

Teresa said...

I follow you through Google Reader.

Karch said...

I follow on Google Reader

Kristin Novotny said...

I follow you on Google Reader

ShellyGee said...

ditto the Google reader

Raine said...

yup. google reader.

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