Honey Boo Boo Child
A few months ago I wrote about "Toddlers & Tiaras" and now I am back again on this topic.
There is a new TLC hit show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." WTF, TLC? Just when I thought TLC couldn't sink any lower, they have shown us that they can. In case you haven't heard of this show, let me enlighten you. Basically, TLC created the horrible "Toddlers & Tiaras" and opened the world's eyes to the train wreck that is children's beauty pageants. TLC was lucky enough to have a break out star, Honey Boo Boo, whose whole claim to fame is that her whole family look like extras from "Deliverance." On T&T Honey Boo Boo was a tyrant who swilled her Go Go Juice (some high energy concoction) right before she hit the stage so she could wow the judges with her moves and her spray tanned belly. The language that they speak (I've been told that it's English) is so garbled and fucked up they need subtitles just so you can understand when Honey Boo Boo's pregnant sister tells the world she needs to go to the hospital because her "biscuit" hurts or Honey Boo Boo tells you "A dollar makes me holler." It sounds like something a stripper would say. After realizing the Hillbilly Gold they had, TLC offered Honey Boo Boo and her family a reality show. The show beat the Republican National Convention in the ratings and it is assumed it will also beat the Democratic National Convention. I realize it's a lot to ask, but just once every 4 years couldn't we stop watching the shit on TLC and watch the shit at the national conventions? I realize it would be more fun if Mitt Romney said, "A dollar ain't worth a holler - make it two and I'll think about it" or if Barack Obama said, "I want to protect women's biscuit rights." One of Honey Boo Boo's one liners could make the perfect election slogan for either party: "When you're a champion, you're still a winner."
The only positive thing I can say about this show is that I read yesterday the family is making around $10,000 an episode. I just hope they're putting that money in a college fund for their girls. Who are we kidding? It's going straight to wigs, Mountain Dew, chicken nuggets and spray tans.
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Ugh ... just UGH.
That "show" (which I watched once to see what the fuss was about) makes me feel better about my parenting skills. Then again, Hoarders makes me clean my house with gusto so...well played TLC, well played. You have made me clean my house and act like a real mom through shock television thinly disguised as...well...a train wreck.
You know your network and your shows are bad when the Duggars look like the normal ones. I watch nothing on TLC anymore. My IQ drops faster trying to watch one of those shows than if I try to sit through an episode of Jersey Shore.
Watch this show then watch the political conventions. If that is what America calls "entertainment" then is it any wonder that the political arena looks the way it does?
I haven't watched this show yet, but just from the stuff I've seen, isn't Honey Boo Boo a little too chunky to be in beauty pagents?
I saw this last night for the first time and had to change the channel the moment "Moma's" "Fork Lift Foot" was revealed and Sugar Bear mentioned that he was in the mood to "jump some bones." I am still shaken up this morning!
Yeah, I want to punch her in throat too. But how about we punch in the throat everyone watching it? I do admit it is like a bad accident, you are so shocked and appalled you cant look away. and like Sharon said, it motivates us to be better people and also be grateful for NOT being like them.
I think the rating are so high because it's like a train wreck. You can't help but watch and be horror.
I think I'm going to leave the country before the current crop of teenagers takes over and starts running everything.
They need to move it to MTV so Beavis & Butthead can comment on it.
No. Words. Right?
A)This is why I don't miss no longer having cable TV.
B)I thought TLC originally stood for "The Learning Channel." When did they change it to "The Losers' Channel?!?"
Some day in the future, alien cultures will land on the wreck that our planet has become, and all they will know of us will be from crappy-ass shows like this.
And for the record, "Honey Boo Boo" sounds like a name dreamed up by a pedophile. Ugh.
Perfect example of the "dumming of America."
Ah yes, the show I watch at the end of a crappy day so I can feel better about my parenting skills.
Girl, you better redneckognize!!
this show is my only guilty pleasure. I never watched T&T, so I had not preconceived notions. But I will say that it is a train wreck. I made my husband watch it last night and he just couldn't believe he was missing a football game.
$10,000 an episode??? I could name a few ways to spend that cash!!
1. Fix their plumbing so they don't have a bucket under the sink that collects their filth that they have to dump constantly.
2. Fix the forklift foot so she can look smexyier!
3. Replace their emerald green carpeting that looks like a homicide scene!
4. Buy a second vehicle...I have no clue how all of them fit into one truck...it's like a god damn clown car! Better redneckognize!
This show is like a car wreck you can't help but watch!!
TLC.. your daily dose of Circus Freak Show entertainment.
I remember way back when, skipping school to plan my future wedding with my friends while we ate deep & delicious cake and watched A Wedding Story. Whatever happened to Trading Spaces? TLC was the jump start for other networks to go huge, like DIY and HGTV. Did they ever drop the ball!
What kind of college can make up 18 years of that? They tell me since I am infertile that my genes aren't any good and then I see people like this producing like bunnies. Sigh.
And don't forget the cheeseballs! OMG, I put it on yesterday while flipping channels and it was a train wreck. TLC, the learning channel? What are they teaching us with these shows? How not to become a train wreck, hoarder, 5th wife, pregnant teen??
I'm sure the money is also going straight into stocks for barrels of cheese balls.
And toilet paper. Because they don't have enough of that.
Ugh, have you seen it? My reality-TV-loving friend insisted I watch it, so I blogged about the first two episodes. They made me so mad. I felt like I needed three showers and a vaccination afterwards.
I used to think that my job as a parent was to teach my children respect, manners, a good work ethic, and to treat others as they would want to be treated. Instead, I've apparently doomed them to a lifetime of not ever having their own reality show. Shame on me.
As a Southern I find HBB terribly offensive. I have lived in Alabama my whole life and have never met anyone who is THAT backwards. They are so bad, I even have to read the subtitles, and I am fluent in Southern dialect.
As for the rating hoopla, The RNC was on several different channels. While HBB beat all of the individual channels in rating, the aggregate of all the networks showing RNC blew HBB's rating away. I hate that the media would rather show American's as idiots who would rather watch HBB than RNC, than to do the math and state the facts.
I had to google this T&T show. I had no idea there was a publically sanctioned reality tv show about child abuse! I thought the commercials were PSAs!
These are the times I'm glad I live overseas and don't have those shows here. (Although we do get Toddlers and Tiaras). BTW, what DOES TLC stand for? It can't possibly be The Learning Channel. The Lamo Channel?
My husband saw a glimpse of Honey Boo Boo on the news last night and quickly asked me "What the fuck is that?"
My response, "That is crap tv and why people think that because we are southern and have farm animals that we are fat, ignorant hillbillies."
I only just learned about Honey Boo Boo recently, though I still haven't watched the show. I just can't believe about the pixie stick/red bull/mountain dew potion. I LOL'd when my friend told me about that, and then I died a little inside.
Let's just go ahead and remove the "L" from TLC. From now on, it shall simply be known as "TC - The Channel."
You bring laughter to my day! Thank you! ;)
TLC is now more like The Loser Channel to me!
I stopped to watch this show while flipping channels. It was awful to say the least. My husband and I just stared at it like a train wreck until the commercial break when I blurted out "I think I have Hepititis now!" and quickly changed the channel. Thay word... "smexy" makes me puke in my mouth.
Hum. i usually sort of agree with who you want to punch in the throat, lol - but I LOVE this series because I see something else in it - that may be harder to pick up. I love Their innocence in being who they are. Unapologetic, participating in their own culture. America is full of cultures - and this is just another one of them.
The show mainly features the family having FUN together (albeit in a "redneck" fashion usually involving mud, lol!) They love each other. The mother is devoted to her kids. Alana, "Honey Boo Boo", is percocious, cute and FUNNY!
Even though the Mother is overweight, she still portrays a sense of confidence to her daughters - and only gently encourages them to all try to "be healthier" and lose weight. Having nothing to do with their beauty.
No one is better than another - and I realize that some of the people who watch are mainly there to compare themselves and feel superior to this family.
But one could watch it to see the human-ness and the love in a family - and their unabashed endeavors to HAVE fun - even if it looks unsophisticated or low class. They don't have a lot of money, but they have spirit.
I have not watched this show and I have no intention. They must be from another planet. It's a shame that we have allowed ourselves to watch something so vomit-inducing. No wonder different countries make fun of us, when we glorify people like this.
Tsk tsk tsk - I see a family that does the best they can with what they have. They seem to have fun in whatever they do and seem to have genuine love for each other. I can't believe all of the negativity on here - it's sad to see.
Same reason that I watch Hoarders & Super Nanny reruns...I feel better about my cluttered house and fighting kids...lol!
My three year old thinks her name is Honey Doo Doo...I let her think that.
I couldn't have said it better than you!!! Thank you for expressing what I clearly couldn't (2 posts below you) I was at a loss for words with all the terrible remarks from people about this family. A couple of these nasty posts came from people who haven't even seen the show.
Thank you again for your post. Maybe you will enlighten those with their "blinders" on.
Thank you for brining a little compassion to this conversation. :)
I effing hate this whole concept of putting trashy, disgusting people on TV and turning them into some kind of celebrity. I've never seen the show and probably never will, but I've seen the trailers for it. So glad someone else thinks this is a sad part of our culture. There are so many people that I know who love that show... it honestly makes me reassess my friendships. UGH.
The best is that TLC stands for The Learning Channel...
I could not agree with you more!
I picked up the same thing, even though I still don't like reality shows in general and I especially am not down with the ones pimping out kids. BUT I did watch once, and was pleasantly surprised at how there was no yelling, no meanness, and what appeared to be a genuinely bonded family, albeit with some rather off-putting behaviors.
I am just horrified that "big girls" never get any play on TV unless they are awful like HBB's "Mama". I hope they use some of that money to fix Mama's chins. Is there such a thing as a chin tuck????
The ending of last nights show gave you a hint of their love for one another, their words that they do speak (whether like you or me), that they see beauty in different ways, and that they do things WITH each other..NOT separately like lots of families do. It was all summed up in one quote, by the infamous Honey Boo Boo child herself. It was, "Look Mama, it's raining colors!!!" I have never heard fireworks falling from the sky expressed in these words. To me, that was precious and it showed me they ARE doing something right....
Ha! The Learning Channel. I was just going to say that. I shamefully admit to watching part of that insipid show yesterday. Until one of the daughters mentioned her mom's "chin crust." They did a close up, I threw up a little in my mouth, and changed the channel. ((shudder))
The LMFAO Channel.
Oh my SHIT! I cant stop laughing at number 4! hahahaha
Good for them, at least they have a job and are putting food on the table and have a relatively functional family. I'm far too boring to ever get my own reality show but if I did I might be willing to act like a redneck dumbass for $10K an episode. I think they'll have the last laugh and it will be all the way to the bank.
I totally agree! I think they are a family that loves each other and are more "normal" than a lot of the other people on reality tv! They are happy with their lives the way they are!
Agree Agree Agree!!!
I admit that I did watch a few episodes and thought it was hilarious! It is good comic relief for me right now with my husband losing his job at the end of September and me not having a full time job for the last 10 years. It gives me ideas of new shows that me and my family can do to make "ends meat" while hubby is unemployed! Ha! Just kidding!
Different strokes for different folks I guess. I haven't really watched much of it, I got disgusted and turned it off pretty darn quick, but the idea of them spending time together and being a family unit is nice, but I agree that I'm sick of these shows that pimp their kids out for profit.
It is pretty sad what our tv entertainment has come to, but I can't help but watch that show b/c, to me, it is funny and I'm thankful that isn't my family!!
Oh God this is priceless. These shows are killing me. the whole dumbing down of america is killing me. look at who is getting loads of $$ - Kim Kardashian, because of a sex tape. Paris Hilton, because she's...Paris Hilton and an heiress. The whole cast of Jersey Shore, a show I watched once and felt that I had lost a whole hour of my life and several points off my IQ by the time it was done. These people are getting paid UP THE WAZOO. Housewives of Whatever City acting trashy. And Toddlers and Tiaras is the worst because at least the other people are grown idiots, this show just pimps out their kids and is creating completely fucked up human beings. By the way, I love the name of your blog and am going to write about it in MY blog.
Now, I have not watched the show. I have seen Toddlers and Tiara's and I found it awful. But the few snippets I did see of Honey Boo Boo, I thought she was probably the most grounded child on the show. I mean, that's not saying much since most of the children they show are monsters, but at least she seemed to genuinely love what she was doing, she didn't seem to try and fit a societal view of thin and pretty and thought she was something special just as she was. And her mother, people have been awful to that woman simply for being overweight. From what I saw, she was never pushy, she did what she could for her daughter, and maybe her methods are a little bit different than ours, maybe their culture is different, but it never seemed harmful. They all seemed to have a sense of humor about life. I find the concept of Honey Boo Boo's reality show far more tolerable than Toddler's and Tiara's. And people need to stop judging other parents on how they bring up their kids. We aren't them. We may seem to think we know everything from watching it on tv, but we don't. I know if these critics said even one iota of the things to me that they said about this woman, I would be in t heir face so fast it would make your head spin. I'm betting, reading your blogs as faithfully as I do, you would be the same way.
No, this show isn't going to win any awards, but I highly doubt it's as horrible as people say it is.
Hahahahahaha. TLC is the freak show part of a circus that travels around the country collecting the most deviant, ignorant, and outrageous pariahs and promotes them to "main attraction" status. I love watching shit like this on my wall-mounted flatscreen, in my beautifully decorated home, with a glass of wine in my hand. What a bunch of morons.
The fact that that mother hasn't gone off on a tangent yet, cussing out all these critics, shows a certain amount of class that I would not have if put in her shoes.
OMG! I thought the UK was the only place that had TV that bad! And, can I just say, it's that chavtastic I'll make an effort NOT to watch it!
The Loser Cruiser... Watching America crash and burn one family at a time...
hahahahaha!!!!! Exactly!
And I thought toddlers and tiaras was bad!
I love the show! Thank you, TLC for making a show that cares more about family then how much money someone is worth ,fighting and backstabbing, hoochies and drinking. This family LOVES each other and June is VERY supportive of her family. Don't judge if you haven't seen it. I can see someone from Johnson County just wouldn't get it.
I saw that listed on TV last night and saw about 2 minutes and thought..you have got to be kidding me. I will probably get someone like her sister as a patient where I work..wait I already have and believe you me it is a treat..except they didn't call it a biscuit they called it a "couter"..I almost choked when my patient said. And to think I slave at a job and try and write for a living when all I needed to do was be a chubby redneck..
I actually like this show and so does my husband. We find so much humor about it. The only reason they are popular and watched so much is because people are so appalled by it and actuality making fun of the family. It's tv, alot is drummed up because of that. But if this family wants to put themselves out there to be made fun of, GOOD FOR THEM. That's one less family who's on food stamps and welfare. I hope some of the money is being put up for Alana's future.
$10,000 could buy a ton of biscuit ointment.
If you haven't watched the show, why would you think it's vomit-inducing? Because someone says so.
"sad part of our culture" are you a redneck or hillbilly, something this family portrays to be.
If TLC really cared about this family or that girl they would put some of the money in a trust fund for her future! What a train wreck they are!
For me, it's not as bad as the Duggars! At least little Alana and her sisters (and the little two-thumbed grand baby) are accepted for who they are and encouraged to be who they want to be, whatever (and however odd) that may seem to others. That's a better message than a lot of reality shows say to kids today, especially little girls.
ugh, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Pretty sure you meant "dumbing". That was quite ironic!
Exactly! Back in 'the day', it used to be a channel full of interesting shows (interesting in a GOOD way, mind you). Now, I guess the Science and History channel have all the 'book larning' and TLC is just one long freak show.
Whenever anyone at work confesses that she has watched an episode I smartly respond "I thought your IQ had dropped a few points since yesterday"
Like Tandy, I'm embarassed and offended by this show. I'm from Georgia... why oh why couldn't they have been from a different state. Now to make a confession... I've never actually seen this show but just from hearing about it I'm offended!
Best. Quip. Ever.
Just saw it yesterday for the first time. They made me and my family look classy. I don't know how i actually feel about that:)
It is like Swamp people.... Just because we live in Louisiana WE ARE NOT ALL LIKE THAT! Sheesh!!!
way too chunky!!
My girls both watched just to make sure they weren't from West Virginia. We are Jersey girls transplanted to WV and we already get enough crap from our family and friends about being married to our cousins and having no teeth but if Honey Boo Boo was from WV there would be NO living with my extended family. We'd have to leave the state on principle.
Love the blog!
i believe the correct redneck spelling is "cooter"
Voyeurism at its best (or worst).
I agree... sometimes it is "painful" to watch but underneath it all June/Momma loves the kids... I think they are funny and they know it... they are laughing all the way to the bank!
Just so you don't completely loose faith in the American people, if you combined ALL of the viewers on all of the channels showing the RNC, it did beat Honey boo boo. RNC = 20 million; HBB = 2.3 million.
Here is an interesting (I hope!) and true fact. I'm a teacher in South Carolina. One of my students was in Ga. two weeks ago and got to meet Alana. Apparently her non-tv persona is very quiet and shy.....my student's cousin goes to school with her and told her she is nothing like how she is on television. I have to admit that I take a certain guilty pleasure in watching the show. The family is funny. I agree with what you have said above. They are definitely a family that loves each other.
If you people are so shocked and disgusted just b/c of this show, then all of you need to get out more. All of you sound like the arrogant country club guy from Jen's post earlier in the year. I actually love this show b/c they look like people you see out everyday. Better than watching three Armenian sisters throwing their biscuits around to every rapper and basketball player they meet.
I didn't watch HBB last night, but did catch Bill Clinton's speech at the DNC. I'm pretty sure he DID say he was in favor of "women's biscuit rights". As usual.
I thought the same thing. It's funny (and fun) to be snarky, and some friends were making fun of the "Whole dang family" when they went the ultrasound. What I saw was a baby who was being born into some amazing love. THEIR WHOLE FAMILY was at the ultrasound! They may talk about biscuits and be country and redneck, but they are -- at least to my eyes -- a family filled with love. I teach kids who don't know who their parents are, or how many times Daddy's been in jail ... kids who ARE NOT loved. I think the show's funny, over-the-top, but ultimately about a family that's happy and filled with love. If it isn't for you and you're a little less redneck, don't watch it. Easy peasy.
Thank you for enlightening me. I was wondering who the fuck Honey Boo Boo was, but didn't want to confuse the media by watching a show, or googling it.
Good one anonymous. I guess you could say "Dum and Dummer!" HA!
Exactly. Isn't the whole show a joke on American society.
Look, people like that really do exist. They are happy and that is all that matters. Just because they are different, very different doesn't mean they are bad. So everybody needs to get off their high horses and laugh a little.
It is my ringtone! LOL!!
KMSL @ #2!!!!!!
I've watched this as the train wreck that it is. All I can think at the end of the day is the bad name it gives rednecks. These people are far beyond that..they have entered the realm of Bat Shit Crazy. When Honey Boo Boo is holding the cleaned leg of a deer (and by cleaned I mean with a knife not dried out) has the base wrapped in something and clings to it sing "darlene, darlene, darlene" (darlene is what they named the deer AFTER it died)...yeah BSC.
We should start a club.That's why I watch those shows too,lol.
Paris Hilton also had a sextape. :(
I don't want this show, but I also didn't watch the RNC and won't watch the DNC. Personally, I think those two conventions are little more than a pep fest. Of course those nominating Romney and Obama are going to sing their praises. I will watch the debates and read about each candidates policies, but honestly don't think the conventions are any better than the BS of Honey Boo Boo. As for Honey Boo Boo--they keep putting this crap on because we keep watching it! I bet most people putting this show down watch some other contest or reality show...they are all leading to Honey Poo Poo
BAWAHAHAHAH! I clean my house with gusto after watching Hoarders too!
Wow, it must impress you both to make fun of a 5 year old.
I love how they love to spend time together and have fun doing it.
I'm not from the south, but I find it offensive as well. I'm embarrassed to be an American when I run across shows like this. The image that America projects, through its media and the scads of people who religiously watch that crap (and things like Jersey Shore), disservice the rest of us who are decent people living decent lives.
Great idea! Like it......I will now be using that term:)
I watched two episodes, just to see what the fuss was about.
I'd rather slap myself in the face with a pooping piglet than go through that ever again.
Who cares what her build is, she has the gumption to go out there and compete who the hell are we to judge? Better than her being a toothpick.....
I watched the preview my husband pulled up on the computer. I made it exactly 12 seconds before I told him to shut it off. THIS CHILD NEEDS NEW PARENTS!
Thank you for saying this. Could June do a better job at parenting? Sure she could. But couldn't we all? They may be "hillbilly-ish" and backwards, but damned if they don't own it. I don't think they take themselves too seriously either. And it looks like they're raking in the $$$, so good for them! I love it.
OMG! Im laughing so hard Im gonna pee on myself! LMAO
The LMFAO Channel? BRILLIANT! lol
I just heard about this poor child the other day. Some people are so anxious for their 15 minutes, they'd do anything.
Your possible quotes from the Presidential nominees are great!
Anonymous, MM Meant to spell itlike that..she was spoofing..
I watched this show last week while suffering from Hurricane Malaise and drinking half a bottle of wine. I'm guessing it was the wine, but I laughed my ass off at one point. Having said that, I'm in South Louisiana where they film Swamp People. I'm just happy someone in another STATE has to have their English subtitled in ENGLISH.
I wouldn't let your family and friends give you too much grief. The opinion of "Jersey girls" isn't too high among the rest of the nation. As a transplant myself (to a different region) I try not to let it be known where I'm from.
My 13 year old son saw the open People magazine featuring photos of Honey Boo Boo and her family on the kitchen counter this morning. His response "Oh God, Mom! I can't eat with this out here!"
I watched an episode after reading this--had to check it out. They are proud of where they come from, the teenage and young girls are comfortable in their own skin, the mom works multiple jobs to support her family, the teach the kids to not always take themselves so seriously-- have fun w/ homemade slip n slide, live within their means by clipping coupons, and are not pretending to be something they are not. Bedsides the fact I think we have way, way too much reality TV on, I don't see what's wrong with this family. My lifestyle is quite different, but I'm not judging them or comparing my life to theirs in order to feel better about myself-- that is what's wrong in my opinion.
I refuse to watch this show or the Kardashians (but love all of the Housewives!) but from the clips I've seen, the family is at least happy with each other and their life. They are a close family and actually do things together.
That said, the fact that the show needs to have subtitles for people speaking ENGLISH is disturbing. I'm thinking it's because of their thick accents and poor enunciation.
Maybe TLC could hook them up with 'What Not To Wear"? Not to give a glam makeover, but just a better every day makeover? Some gentle nutrition coaching?
Me too. You got it, another show to make us average moms seem like super stars of parenting.
I haven't seen the show, only heard about it, but I'm from Georgia too, and a few weeks ago the Atlanta paper wrote an article about them. (I tried to find a link but couldn't.) Basically, TLC totally plays up their more white trash-y aspects because it makes for good TV. They sounded fairly normal, albeit country, in the article, and Honey Boo Boo is apparently quite bright. And the energy drink or whatever it was, was a one time thing. So who can blame them for taking the opportunity to make some money while they can? It's TLC that ought to be vilified for continuing to lower the standards of what's entertainment - them, and the people who watch only to make fun of what rednecks they are.
It doesn't make me feel better about my parenting, it makes me feel depressed about our society. 1 - that there are a LOT of people who are like that, and 2 - that there are a LOT of people who watch it.
Thank you for posting on HBB. This show makes me sick and The Learning Channel has definitely reached an all time low. I think this show is sadly a reflection of America which is lowering its standards everyday (morals, manners, respect). I would venture to say Mom is not putting money away for college for her 4 girls based on a comment from the oldest saying that she is planning to move out and get a job at Subway. Way to reach for the stars. No mention of furthering her education. I bet she just wants to get out of that circus of a household. I hope TLC loses many loyal viewers over this mess.
Let me be totally honest, I like this show. Yes, it is a bit of a trainwreck. But I absolutely love Alana, probably because she reminds me so much of my 5 year old son. I will be sad when she grows up and loses some of her innocence. They all seem to love each other, they all seem to accept each other for what they are, and that is great to me. What more could you ask for in your family? I don't even have that in my family.
Second of all, I live in Ohio. I KNOW real people like this. No I don't live like them personally, but I have friends and my husband's family who are very similar. I take it for what it is. Not everyone was raised the same, and at times you want to say "NO, you don't need to use a handful of shampoo to wash your hair! A dollop will do!" But then again, you know they will argue so its pointless. And entertaining to watch.
And for the record, initially I didn't want to watch this after hearing everyone's initial reaction. However it is something I can sit down with my own family and watch and laugh at/with. I hope they do another season - just sayin'!
It's called the media. Pretty much everyone is on the same page with this one.
I just... can't. I can't go anywhere near reality TV. Because of stuff like this. It makes me so depressed about humanity.
Unless I'm half-drunk, and then it makes me laugh.
Have you seen the Tom Hanks spoof on Toddlers and Tiars? It is awesome. I think its on Youtube
Not only that there are a LOT of people who are like that, but that my kids, who are good kids have to deal with those types of kids and people in this world. That is what gets me. It's like why even try to raise responsible human beings when they have to deal with these little shits who have no consequences, no sense of responsibility, and also want to be congratulated for taking a shit!
Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Amanda's comment wins in my book!
Watch the DNC or RNC?? Are you kidding me? I'd rather jump in mud with honey boo boo
Watching this is show is like going to Walmart - it makes you feel a little better about your life.
Thank you for saying, what I've been thinking! What trash! I refuse to watch it.
I just wish our society would stop watch this crap and maybe we need to go back to a day when people were embarrassed to look and act like trash. Whatever happened to class and having some of it? I'm so sick of Hollywood and society glamorizing teen pregnancy and trash.
More like "The Lunatic Channel"
I have seen a few episodes, and I think it's typical reality t.v. They seem like a family that loves each other, so who cares. Don't watch it, if you're offended.
I personally don't understand the pageant world. There is nothing natural or beautiful about it, and some of the parents are equivalent to the tiger, OAM types. But for some, it's an extracurricular activity. Again, I don't get it. But I also don't get moms and dads who are dogmatic religious, extreme anything.
I am referring to parents who push their kids into anything or too many activities for reasons beyond what the child is interested in or capable of.
Judge on, but when you start waving your fan in front of your face in horror and disgust about the downfall of society today...turn your t.v. and computer off, and start to do something to make a difference where you are...seriously.
I'll lend my figurative pearls, a fan and smelling salts for those whose sensibilities are offended...seriously?!
Honestly, the only thing that's really trashy and disgusting is the name calling I see in these responses.
I hope your friends are also reassessing their friendships.
I love Honey Boo Boo. It is mindless entertainment. I'm sure some people could find fault and judgement for all of us who read this blog.
This tv. show stinks and people from the south
should be proud that they don't act like these people. Honey Boo Boo is a misfit and I mean
misfit.She has hog jaws and no personality.
Just like her mama,a low life who would do anything for a few minutes of fame.
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