REPOST - Parents Who Steal & Are Disgusting


Yesterday I received an email from a friend telling me that her 6 year son had his scooter stolen while they were at a local park.  She was really upset because the park had been very busy and she'd taken her eyes off the scooter for just a few minutes and it was gone.

She started thinking about a culprit and she really couldn't come up with a "usual suspect".  There weren't any middle or high schoolers there on their own who might have stolen the scooter to show off or just be dicks.  It was all young kids who were supervised by (seemingly mature, law abiding) adults.  Ha!  Little did she know there was a thief with her at the park.

What sort of adult/guardian/authority figure steals a child's scooter with another child as their accomplice?!  Who does this?  Does Mommy just tell little Emmett that she is "borrowing" the scooter?  ("I'll call his mommy in a few days and see if she wants it back.")  Does she tell him she "paid" another Mommy for it?  ("It was like a garage sale at the park today!  Lucky us!  Only $5!")  Or does she tell him the truth?  ("Daddy says we don't have enough money to buy you a scooter and I know you want one.  That little boy brought a scooter AND a bike today - he doesn't need both - let's take his scooter!  Quick, hop on it and ride it to the car like you own it.")  WTF???

My friend's email went on to say that after her horrible experience at the park she headed to a nearby Target.  When she got out of her car, she stepped on a dirty diaper someone had left on the ground.

WTF is wrong with people????!!

Why stop there?  Forget the diaper; why not just teach your kid to take a shit in the parking lot next time and avoid the expense and hassle of a diaper, you knuckle dragging troglodyte?

I think what horrifies me the most is that I'm almost certain these two despicable acts were committed by women.

There weren't any men at the park, so it was a woman who stole the scooter and how many dads do you know who change diapers in the middle of the day at Target??  (I know that's stereotypical, but I'm going to have to go with the odds on this one.)

I expect asinine, gross, rude, lazy, disgusting behavior like this from men who fart on demand and scratch their balls with a salad fork.  Let's face it men have always cornered the market on being the war-mongers, polluters, rapists and pillagers of this world and now these women are muscling in on their territory.  Greaaat.

All I can say is I hope someone breaks an arm on that stolen scooter.  Nothing like a $1,600 emergency room bill to put the $50 they saved stealing the scooter in perspective.


Anonymous said...

people are amazing. I had my purse stolen in the PEDIATRICIAN's office once. I accidentally left it in the waiting room. When I went to get it, it was gone. Panicing, I asked the only other family if they saw it. This mom and teenager said "no". The police came and took my statement. Then the nurse coming running out of the room the mom & teen were in w/ my purse! Not sure which one took it but they obviously dumped it when it became known that it was stolen. And I live in a "good" area full of OAMs! I feel your friend's pain.

carly said...

The lady in front of me at a fast food drive-through with a bunch of young kids in the car pulled forward into a parking spot, then a few seconds later rolled down her window and dropped all of the trash from her food onto the ground. Next time I see that happen, I want to pick up the garbage, knock on their window and say "You dropped something," and hand it right back. I mean how damn hard is it to wait until you get home?!

~*~MizTink~*~ said...

I see shit like this happen all the time...It really is disturbing to watch grown adults teach their children how to steal and litter and overall be unproductive members of society.

Carly, I've wanted to do the same thing on so many occasions! I work at a fast food restaurant currently and that sort of thing happens all the time. One night, as I was headed back in from taking the garbage out, some assholes decided it would be fun to throw their ice cream cones out of their speeding away my general direction....bastards were lucky I didn't huck them right back at em!

AKA Jane Random said...

Dude...I have got to start using the word troglodyte more often. What a great word.

What can I say? People are morons, really, just complete morons.

Unknown said...

This is crazy! I am always so weird about leaving the stroller/stuff at the side of the playground, and this just makes me feel like my paranoia is justified. Yuck!

Unknown said...

I have a friend who took her son to a park in his stroller and while she wasn't looking someone stole it. She saw it later that day, a woman pushing her kid in it. When my friend confronted the woman she of course denied it but my friend reached over and pulled her garage door opener out of the cup holder. lol Some people are just trash and are raising even worse trash.

Etta said...

Unfortunately, this is not surprising. Unfortunately.

Wanderlust said...

"knuckle dragging troglodyte"....HYSTERICAL! I really dislike most people. Since having children I end up meeting more people I really do not care for. They were nonexistent to me during my child-free life.

Energy Sparkle said...

My future father-in-law was telling me just yesterday that he'd gone to the local Publix to buy bread. While waiting for a woman and her young daughter to move from in front of the bread section, he noticed the woman open the bread and hand a slice to her daughter. Thinking she is going to buy the loaf, he is astonished when she re-ties the bag and puts it back on the shelf. She wasn't even trying to hide the offense. He said she was wearing nice running clothes and shoes so she was just shop lifting for the heck of it. It's absurd!

Megan said...

I had a friend have her babies car seats stolen from her car at a baby R us. People are unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Had a parent rip off two computers from our school in broad daylight, under the watchful eyes of security cameras....I hear that in some schools, parents DONATE such things.

lupinssupins said...

@Carly- My sister-in-law did exactly that in Teton National Park, when someone threw their empty soda can on the ground! I'm in awe, esp. since she's only 4'10" & barely 90 pounds!

Cristina said...

I hate people. I always have to check diaper packs when I buy them because often people steal one or two out of the pack. I have been in line and had to go back for another pack because mine was open and missing some. COME ON PEOPLE. And I am totally co-opting "knuckle dragging troglodyte" too. You should make t-shirts.

Anonymous said...

I had to wince a little at the hoping someone breaks an arm on the scooter. Can it be the mom/swiper?

It's not the kid's fault Mommy is an A-hole

Anonymous said...

I called out a mom in the parking lot of a store yesterday for throwing her empty shake cup on the ground after she was done. Mind you, I was right behind her and witnessed her throw it on the ground. She turned around and said, "That's not mine" and I told her that it certainly was hers & that only TRASH throws trash on the ground. She went and picked up the cup and THREW it at me! I just do not comprehend people who litter!

Linda Roy said...

People disgust me. I was at an amusement park today and the display of total disregard for the people and property around most of the patrons of this place makes me want to just shut my door and stay home. Lately, I really have to psych myself up for interaction with the general population.

Anonymous said...

Could have been an unsupervised kid.

Anonymous said...

I am a pediatrician. Believe it or now, our pictures are being stolen off the wall. Mind you they are bolted on.

What does the parent day? "Turn around little johnny while mommy get this picture of a truck off the wall for you. It will look great in your room?!?!?!"

Cy said...

That is nuts! And all these other stories are even worse. People are the worst!

NKL said...

I hate to see people litter! I cannot comprehend it and yes, people who do are trashy. Most drive thrus now have a trash can at your window for you to de-trash your car!
Mad Men has a scene at a park that comes to mind. The family's behavior is so shocking because today's society does not tolerate littering.

Anonymous said...

I hope no one gets injured on the stolen scooter because in our society the thief would sue because it was someone else's property! (We had a break-in and the a@@hat fell down our back stairs as he was carrying our tv away. He sued!)

Jensational said...

I'm with anonymous, it could have easily been another kid and not a mom. If she didn't SEE a mom take it, she can't accuse a mom for taking it. Anyway, I'm also with the rest of y'all when it comes to littering bastards! I hate littering and I hate when I see people doing it. @ the other Anonymous, you are damn lucky that woman didn't kick your ass instead of throwing the cup at you, LOL! Kudos to your balls, though. I love to see people stand up to jerks. I've done it occasionally myself.

Mary said...

Big peeve of mine is how so few people put shopping carts back after they've used them. Really love it when they leave the cart two feet from where it should go. Speaking of carts, Trader Joe's used to have mini carts for kids to pretend shop with. Then they disappeared from the store so I asked one of the team members about it. He said, "Oh they all got stolen so we decided to stop getting any more." And I thought to myself, "wow, I can just see a parent bringing it home to his/her kid and saying - hey look what I stole for you at Trader Joe's!" CRAZY!

fiftyfinally said...

Last year I bought my g'daughter a cute bag and matching floppy hat (she's 5 now), my daughter used this bag to drag dance stuff around and one weekend forgot the bag and assumed it would be in the cloak room the following week. The tutu was found in the garbage according to the staff, but the bag and expensive tap shoes were gone. And according to the staff, tap shoes are a hot commodity (why they don't warn people about this is completely irresponsible). During the recital just the other week, I was sitting in the audiance and wondering which one of these entittled (f'ing) mothers has the bag!!!!! It's the privledged class that particularly annoy me.

Anonymous said...

It happens in our "baby" rooms, so unlikely to be an unsupervised kid, but could be an unsupervised teen - as they are sometimes the parent.

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