Making the Bus Monitor Cry - Karen Klein

This is a guest post and co written by me and the Hubs.  Can you guess which ones are mine? Enjoy!

Like all of you I was mesmerized yesterday watching the bus monitor lady get verbally berated by a bunch of punks. I watched the video and of course I wanted to rant and rave against these little shits, but could I really attack middle school kids? I decided to take the high road and avoid it completely.

Click here for the video if you did not see it.

Until this morning.

I watched the video again and I was just amazed at how Karen Klein sat there and took that assault. Of course she couldn't bitch slap each of those kids or punch them in the throat (literally), but she could have at least defended herself.

This is all in fun, so laugh because it's a joke...sort of.

Here's what I wish Karen Klein had said to those little fuckers:

Kid: Hey Karen, you're a fat ass.
Karen: Your dad doesn't complain about my fat ass when I sit on his face. Loser.

Kid: Where did you get that purse, Karen?
Karen: From your mother's closet, you little dumbass. She said you gave it to her for Mother's Day, but she hates you and your crappy gifts. You little Douche Canoe.

Kid: Where do you live, Karen? I want to go and pee on your door.
Karen: That'll be great. Let me know when you're coming so I can take some bath salts and eat your face off.  You ignorant troll.

Kid: I want to take a crap in your mouth, Karen.
Karen: You must have learned that from your mom, because she's always begging me to take a crap in HER mouth.  Butt face.

Kid: You're so sweaty, Karen.
Karen: Yeah, I'm sweaty. Because that's how your mom likes me to taste. Penis breath.

Kid: You're so poor, Karen.
Karen: Oh yeah? That video's going on Youtube tonight and I'm gonna make half a million dollars.  I'll be able to retire in style, but you will always be ugly and stupid.  There's no changing that.

I also think there should be a public caning of these asshole kids. There is really nothing that can take this back, but there should be some sort of repercussions for these little jerks.

This is terrible situation and everyone is outraged. One good thing that has happened to Karen is that there was an incredible out pouring of support and even a donation page to send her on a vacation. They were trying to raise $5,000, and guess what? After this went viral, her donation page has raised almost $600,000. Now she can retire in style and get away from puck ass kids like these.

PS. I hope this post finds its way to Karen so she can have a good laugh.


SMM said...

As a teacher, we aren't allowed to defend ourselves. My friend just posted about this video as well, and I said this:

This is normal. This is how 95% of students are today. We have parents to thank for their entitled children--I can only hope that with our generation raising kiddos, that it *hopefully* will get better. While I haven't been verbally assaulted to my face in this horrific of a manner, verbal assaults are commonplace--and dealing with it? No support from parents=no support from admin=just take it. :(

And I teach high school.

:( Until parents like you and like some of my friends become the majority in raising their children to be less entitled and more accountable for their actions, this type of behavior will only continue.

Imagine all the assaults occurring that AREN'T being recorded.

Robbie said...

I want to punch the parents for raising the little fuckers! I couldn't believe the video. The disrespect of another human being. I would love to see the parents running to the news and apologizing for their kids and then make their kids apologize. I would be ashamed if my child acted like...oh wait I am not raising a child who thinks she put the sun in the sky. She would have been afraid to come home if she had been on the video. SMM - I do not want to imagine what is not being recorded.

Kp said...

I'm so happy that there's been such an outpouring of awesome to turn this horrible event into something positive for Karen.

Amanda said...

That is sick. Teachers and other admin should have the right to kick little shits like this out of school. If my kids EVER pulled this crap, they would be in HUGE trouble.

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am thrilled that Karen has received so much support! People working in the school system are taken advantage of big time, IMO.

Did anyone see Matt Lauer's interview? He called them 'monsters' and apologized on behalf of the parents, insinuating that they were shitheads too for raising such disrespectful kids. LOVED IT!

carly said...

I LOVED this post -- it made my day. I only taught middle school kids for one year out of my ten years, and I can say they are, for the most part, a-holes. I was harassed by middle school kids (mostly girls!) for two years and their parents took no responsibility in changing their behavior. I didn't watch the video because I knew it would make me really sad or really mad, but I have followed the story and I hope that those kids and their parents learn a big lesson on respect.

Anonymous said...

I often tell the middle school teachers that I don't know how they get through the day without drinking.

Most people won't stand up to kids and parents about their bad behavior, but I'm done with that. During this volleyball season, I confronted a girl (and her mom) about her poor sportsmanship and bad treatment of her teammates, but no one else on the team said a word, not even the coaches. One of the refs told her that she was rude, but it didn't have any effect. Until respectful behavior is the expectation and the rule, learning conditions and school achievement will continue to deteriorate.

Anonymous because I can't remember my password, Rebecca

JoLynn said...

She really, truly should not have been a monitor on that bus. I taught middle school for 17 years and I now teach 4th graders. Middle schoolers sense weakness like dogs do. And they just keep going. If you cannot be the alpha, get off the bus. I don't mean be a prick. I mean say what you said above in a way that won't get you fired. Bus drivers and monitors have one of the worst jobs on the planet, next to custodians, as they get the calls for vomit clean up. Verbal vomit is what is contained in a bus ride.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, you want to take her money away cause its not fair? Do I need to remind everyone that there are charities set up for child abuse. Karen's case is different and she should get every last little penny that has been raised for her. Especially after having to take multiple instances of it they're has been more than one video of her being bullied. I'm guessing it has been every day.

Unknown said...

I have 4 boys and I am a strong advocate of not hitting your kids. I will never hit my kids - But if my kids did this - I would beat the living daylights out of them.

Tazi Kat said...

How evil are some kids? I got through 1 minute and had to turn it off. It makes me look at those complaints about bullying in a whole new way! BTW, the kid who flicked her in the back of the head is guilty of simple assault, a criminal misdemeanor. I'd see him/her sent to the reform school for a week for that, just to teach them a lesson.

Marcella said...

Agreed Anon 12:11. Fuck you is right! Unless you have been bullied, you have no idea how mentally it affects you. She is a lovely lady who is being made to feel worthless. It doesn't matter the source, it hurts just as much. What's next for her, suicide? Did you know her son committed suicide? JFC, if people want to show love for her in donations, that's their choice.

If you're so passionate about helping physically abused children, why don't YOU do something? Start a charity, raise awareness, etc. Karen's story deserves to be told and has nothing to do with children being physically abused.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious "The Johnsons..." ? Sounds like you would be the parent for one of these little shits !Defending them and excusing the behavior with "oh they are just kids". That ignorance and lack of respect for your adults is what creating the bullying problem at school. If they have no respect for adults, why would they respect their fellow class mates? You sir, are a total fucking moron!

Anonymous said...

I've heard about this but can't bring myself to watch it in its entirety. I know money was raised but what happened to the kids? Were there any consequences?

Anonymous said...

Schools should reinstate the paddle. At a certain point kids need to understand that when they leave the confines of civilization there are very unpleasant consequences. If you act like an animal...

Katie@SomewhatSaneMom said...

I watched this and wanted to cry for this poor lady. I taught middle school for years...and I tell you what, I would have been fired for beating the shit out of these kids. It's sick.
But today, I read this and I literally cried from laughing!!! How awesome would it have been if she laid into one of those "douchecanoes"!!!!

Wynnster said...

If you kick them out of school, they'll just be sitting at home either unsupervised, or with the shitbag parents who allowed them to turn out like this. What we need to do is keep them in school, but out of the classroom. There are a lot of holes that need to be dug, and toilets that need to be cleaned.

Anonymous said...

I cannot watch the video; the thought of it makes me ill. But the rules in the school districts to protect the adults/teachers are failing. I have a friend who taught high school in a (the right word escapes me) under-privilliged district and was told to stop "writing up" students for swearing at her because it "was a part of their culture." Disrespect and verbal abuse was seen as a cultural thing.

Unknown said...

Oh wow. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I got through two minutes, and then fast forwarded to the end to see if anyone stepped in. That video breaks my heart. Where has respect gone?

Anyway, I especially love your first response. Haha!

Jessica Nettles said...

It is sick, but very true. Those same kids often end up in my classes in community college, and are stunned when this tiny woman in spectacles looks at them from the front of the class (they always cluster in the back--gives them a sense of protection HA!) and SHOVES BACK.

I recently had a student who was attempting to bully me in a passive/agressive way ("I wasn't doing anything..."). I kicked his scrawny ass out of class (I know k-12 can't do that, but still). When he attempted to continue to disrupt my class by re-entering the room and standing outside the door, I called security on him, and filed a report with the disciplinary board. Within a week, he was removed from my class. Admin supported me.

If teachers at all levels had that sort of power again, this crap would not be happening. If parents took the time to teach their kids to respect others and to realize that they (the kids) were not the center of the universe, this would not happen.

My kids would be buried in the back yard if they acted like this.

There is something wrong with adults being bullied. Many of us were bullied as kids. We know this song and dance, and we know how to end it. Too many of us have been made to feel ashamed of the correct end to bullying--kick the bully's craptastical ass either verbally (because you are smarter) or physically (a good slap can end bullying in a heart beat). We must stop wringing our hands and raising wimpy, entitled children.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord, here we go... people trying to tell US where to donate OUR money. I'm sorry, whether you believe in a cause or not, you have no right to tell ME where to give MY hard earned money. There isn't enough money in this world to give to each and every charity that I would like to (though most of the big one's are corrupt and 90% of donations go to admins not to actual research or people but that's a whole different subject).

pamb said...

I agree that she should not have been a monitor. I feel terrible about what happened to her, but wonder how she could do her job (protecting the kids from each other) when she couldn't protect herself? I thought I read that she was hard of hearing, and so she didn't actually hear most of what the kids said. She heard it when she watched the video. Maybe her presence was supposed to just keep the kids in line?

Either way, I'm terrified to put my daughter on the middle school bus next year.

Anonymous said...

Hey look. The douchey dad's and lazy selfish mom's do actually read you blog! Go away. Don't you have something douchey to do so that your children turn out just like these entitled punks did??

Cary said...

This is exactly why I drive elementary school children! At least most of them still respect authority! I would hope the school would suspend each of the kids for this (supposedly they won't tolerate bullying) but I doubt it. For sure the little sh*ts need to be taken off the bus permanently!!

Anonymous said...

I have driven school bus for the past several years --you would be amazed by how absolutely horrible kids can be.. and I have been in two different states (Indiana and Texas).. no difference- so much for hoping for southern charm...

no support is right...I have been called names that I really am not sure are even appropriate for this blog? Our only option was to call the parents and "ask for there support" really? - Cant say i am convinced the parents of these kind of kids would be shocked... and then there is the issue of "not my child he/she is an angel" oh and yes the girls can be just as bad if not worse...
My big question is this about the Karen case-- where the hell was the bus driver.. I have never had a monitor and had to be capable of monitoring lauguage use as well as these kids hanging in the isle etc... shame on her for not making an attempt to stop the matter if there is a monitor or not ... she is THE ONE in Charge of that bus load of children.. period...if this had happened on any bus I have ever driven I would have been dismissed..
so what is her status?

Anonymous said...

Wow, a cultural thing!?!? So that's where kids are learning to act like little shits!

Sue said...

Part of their culture? So, not only are the school officials enabling the problem, they are limiting the futures of these kids. If they can't learn to speak properly and respectfully how are they ever going to get through a college interview, or a job interview that pays more than minimum wage? That's just sad.

Anonymous said...

just to let you know I drive a school bus and neither one of my kids are currently riding a bus..there is only so much a person driving down the road in traffic can control....if you have no options meet the driver tell them your concerns and advise your child to sit, if they have an option, in the front of the bus, as guilt by association can be a problem or joining the bullshit just to not be a target.
Yes i believe that she was there to help maintain control.. no she wasnt doing her job... BUT..would you be concerned for those kids.. know how many times I visualized planting my foot in the ass of a middle school kid as they walked down the bus steps...

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the THAT'S what we grew up with. Teachers in my day were allowed to use corporal punishment. See how we turned out? YES...BRING IT BACK BABY...that's how this motherfuckers are ever gonna learn.

Anonymous said...

equally outrageous is not ONE Of those kids has apologized TO HER FACE. 2 wrote a hardly contrite, and extremely brief, note...that was IT. my kid would have suffered through a long and painful discussion/apology session with her and would then be mowing her lawn or doing her laundry every day this summer.
i'm only posting as anonymous as i don't know all the other sh*t to choose from and it seems easiest ;)

Anonymous said...

She heard enough of the insults to start crying while on the bus in one of the videos and the kids taunt her even more for it.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Mrs. Klein said she wasn't ready to see the assailants face-to-face. Whether that means they've tried to apologize in person, I do not know.

Jen b said...

Fuck them and their shit bag "parents"
Yeah kids can be mean, but this is just fucking disgusting. Little would you feel if someone was saying that shit to your grandmother???

Anonymous said...

while I'm excited for Karen being able to go on vacation, I have to say, this happen all the time, everywhere, and at every age.
I work at a daycare, ages 1-12 years. We have kids ages 3-6 that act like this towards teachers! yes, I said THREE YEARS OLD! And when anything is said to the parents, the response we hear the most is "they must have heard it on TV"
That is f'ing lame! So instead of taking responsibility for their childs actions and behavior, they are blaming it on the media. Which to me means they are using the TV to babysit their kids and could give two shits about what their child is watching.
It really is a sad state of affairs when parents will make excuses for their small childs behavior instead of owning up to the fact that they just don't want to be bothered with raising them correctly. Why do you people have kids in the first place if you're not going to raise them to be decent adults? Kids are supposed to pass on our legacy, and in my opinion, the ones that act like the kids in this video are passing on the legacy that their parents are assholes too.

Gwen said...

I understand the bus driver couldn't "do" anything while this was going on. But, I'll tell you what, I would have turned that bus around and taken all those asshat kids back to school. I would have called parents to come and get them. Then told them they wouldn't be allowed on the bus anymore. Period. If you can't act like you have sense then you aren't allowed to go and do certain things. The end. Oh and I taught elementary school for 5 years and know how cruel kids can be. Most of the behavior comes from having no parental involvement at home or parents who want to be friends with their kids. Yeah, my mom and dad weren't my friends. When I needed my butt popped I got it. The end. They were there to teach me to grow up and be a responsible adult.

Anonymous said...

I have never hit my kids either. I'm kinda tired of people saying these kids need their asses beat.
NO...what they need is a parent that will raise them correctly. If the parents start at an early age, even if the child does get out of line as they get older, it can be corrected.
If you let the child do what they want from the start (and usually that is the case) because you don't want to listen to them cry or whine, this is what you get when they are older.

Anonymous said...

The kids were horrendous and a direct reflection of how kids are these days. Self entitled, untouchable, etc.

But (isn't there always a butt?) this was a school bus and this woman's job was to maintain order on the bus. She was hired to do a job she could not perform. What would she have done if another kid was being bullied? To be quite honest, the person that hired her should be fired for putting this very nice, elderly and kind person in charge of children's safety.

Last, did the bus driver have noise cancelling headphones on?

Flame away............

Unknown said...

I had to stop watching after 2 minutes. It was just making me so angry that I wanted to slap someone. If I had been the bus driver, I would have turned the bus back to school as well. Let the fuckers walk home. I also like the idea of them mowing her lawn or something all summer. No one on the bus stepped up either, which to me is just as cruel. Seriously, if my kids ever acted like this towards another human being, much less an elderly woman,they would be sorry for a good long time. If I didn't kill them first.
Just disgusting. Repulsive.

Anonymous said...

If you've seen the video of the teacher beating the kid THIS is why!! She lost her job, but as teachers we wanted to each send her five dollars. I asked a student, "Do you speak to your mother that way?" and she responded,"What does it matter if I do?" I had to walk away with my hands behind my back to keep from hitting the kid. It took all I had not to grab her and spank the shit out of her. Instead, I gave her a referral and she got Saturday school a few days later. THAT kid deserved a spanking to learn REAL quick who was in charge. Parents don't spank because they are worried about CPS. Which is utterly deluusional unless you can't control your anger, but some situations call for swift action to show whose in charge.

Jenn said...

Those little bastards deserve a public caning and a punch in the throat! Last night, Anderson Cooper asked the father of one of the little bastards what punishment his kid has received. The Dad's response was that the family was locked up in the house due to death threats and that was all the kid could handle right now. Great! Now I know why the little bastard did what he did. His parents have never disciplined the little bastard and they still aren't disciplining the little bastard. That little bastard is lucky he is not my kid!!

Anonymous said...

Both my parents work in the school system - my mom in the schools and my dad a bus driver. Over the years they have noticed that parents hold their kids less and less accountable (my mom has often been treated as though she's a student's personal assistant by the parents). I'm just happy these morons posted it to the internet. Now their parents are complaining about how they're being treated and how they are "scarred" for life from the backlash, like we're supposed to feel bad for them. Are you kidding me? Stick your boot up those kids asses and tell them this is what it feels like and that they better remember it the next time they even consider treating another human being this way. said...

dear SMM, I SO agree with your response. Two years ago after 39 years in secondary public education, I reluctantly retired (I still loved teaching, the kids, the challenge), and the ONE most apparent change I witnessed over those 4 wonderful decades was the demise of basic civility. Yes, there will always be "good" (well-mannered, well-raised) kids, but what used to be a VERY small percentage of ill-raised, maladjusted rebels has now become an emboldened, unabashed scary percentage of in-your-face attitude brats. I'm not speaking of the expected orneriness typical of all normal children testing their boundaries; rather it's a disturbing undercurrent of "entitlement" and "lack of accountability & consequences" which has tainted if not ruined most of an entire generation of potentially wonderful children/future citizens. Incredibly, the most obnoxious, rude offenders were often the ones who "demanded" that THEY be treated with the utmost respect if not outright deference DUE them yet expressed that adults, teachers, support staff, even the custodians & cafeteria workers had to "earn" THEIR respect! Amazing, isn't it? One can only hope that the pendulum will eventually swing back to respect and consideration due all mankind.

Anonymous said...

This is why so many people now send their kids to private school or home school. Public school is scaring the shit out of those of us with littles on their way up. Things HAVE changed since I was a kid - mainly the brats are not learning the idea of responsibility.

Which is also a good part of why no one I know hires babysitters anymore. OK, so partly because they now charge $10 hour per kid (near Austin TX). But also - who many teens have a CLUE at all these days? And without grandparents nearby... we don't get out much/at all.

By the way, my daughter is well behaved and knows without a doubt who is in charge. We get comments all of the time about her behavior in public. Looks of fear cross the faces of people in resturants (and antique stores and...) and then they compliment us on our way out the door... It CAN be done. But, I must be old school or something.

Seaexplore said...

Yep. A junior high teacher here. So much disrespect. Too many persnts trying to be friends instead of parents. And our hands are totally tied. Kids get "behavior contracts" so they get to stay in class as long as theymdon't do x,y,z.

Anonymous said...

I don't spank and not because I am afraid of CPS. I don't spank because assaulting my children is far worse than assaulting an adult (which is a CRIME). I don't spank because it breaks the bond of trust between a parent and a child. I don't spank because my husband was abused as a child. I don't spank because it only teaches fear. I don't spank because it does not teach respect. There are other effective responses to poor behavior. I am biased, but my children are respectful and disciplined. I have been told this by all of their teachers as well as the parents of their friends, so my bias is irrelevant. Again, I will tell you, there are alternative methods of consequence to correct bad behavior.

Bus Driver said...

To the anonymous bus driver...I am a bus driver also and while the bus is in motion and other kids are yelling/talking I cannot hear each conversation, especially kids behind the emergency exit window which is at least halfway down the bus. The windows are also open further blurring what you can hear. The only reason we can hear these kids is because another kid must be recording it. My camera on the bus would never have picked up this incident either. Frankly I am surprised people are so shocked by this behavior...apparently they haven't been paying attention to the youth in their area cuz it's a freaking epidemic! We can do nothing on the bus to defend ourselves and when we do the only thing we can, ie write them up, the admin does little and the parents blame the driver, monitor and every other kid on the bus in order to excuse their child's behavior. My monitor and I back each other up as much as possible but without help from home and the school we are up a creek without a paddle. I was injured on my bus and will be having surgery next week because of the injury and the student was not even suspended off the bus for one day. These kids act this way because with no limits placed on them they can!

Bus Driver said...

Gwen, the bus driver does not get that option. I got in trouble and was told not to call the police when a fight broke out on my bus. Only the admin can suspend a child off the bus NOT the driver and trust me there is very little support.

Anonymous said...

I partially agree. My first thought when I saw the footage, after I was reminded how awful kids can be and how bad current American parenting is, is that this woman has no business being a bus monitor. If there was bullying going on between kids I would bet $600k that she wouldn't lift a finger. To be honest, if the kids are so out of control and the monitors have no legal course of action to prevent such awfulness, I don't see what the point is in them being there.
I was glad to see that people were making donations to get her a vacation. It was up to $60k when I first saw it. I thought that would make a great vacation and an early retirement. At $100k I thought it was getting a little weird to be rewarding a bus monitor who was letting the inmates run the asylum. $600k? Really? And what will the final tally be? What's the dollar amount for the right amount of pity before the woman gets insulted? $1,000,000?

Anonymous said...

Buses are SO loud. There is a high chance the bus driver didn't hear this. If the bus driver had he could have filed a report on these kids which they basically did.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you may not need to spank your children, but SOME need it. They need to respect authority.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, teachers can't defend themselves against any sort of abuse, verbal or physical. I know, I was a teacher for 8 years until I was physically assaulted by a student with a weapon. When I pushed him away, I got fired. Thankfully, my employer lost at the unemployment hearing and the workers compensation hearing. Oh well. On the downside, I'm out of a job and I will need surgery, as I fractured my spine trying to defend myself.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that these bus drivers have no recourse. When we lived in Kansas our 5 year old kinder-gardener was kicked off the bus for 3 days because she kept turning around in her seat (of course seat belts would stop this) to tell the student in the seat behind her to stop reaching around the seat and poking her. I realize all districts are different, but she had just turned 5 about 3 months before the incident and was used to wearing a seat belt to remind her to stay seated.

Kelly and Sne said...

While those retorts may not play well in the PTA meetings, I DID wonder why she didn't put them in their place and call out their bad behavior in a more authoritative way. There must be consequences she could have instituted to put some oomph behind some well placed threats. While we made fun of teachers, etc. and called them bad names in grade school too, we certainly never had the guts to say these things to their face (if so, it would have been while running away). The disrespect in this culture that kids - and people in general - show adults, people in authority (e.g,. the President) and even strangers - has really taken a bad turn for the worse. At least the parents made the kids apologize but guess where they probably learned it from in the first place...

Kelly and Sne said...

BTW - I LOVE your choice of consequences... apologize to her face and do something nice for her such as mowing her lawn or the like - for a whole Summer. That is what we need - more parents who parent! I've gotta remember this!

Unknown said...

you couldn't pay me enough to teach children. It's bad enough as a nurse I have to deal with these unmannered idiots. I couldn't imagine having to deal with them for more than 8 hours a day. I would end up in jail for strangling one of the little poops. I think they should have cameras with sound on all the buses and even in the class rooms. That why they can play back the offenses to the parents. Not that it would help too much since parents seem to always have and excuse why they act like that.

Unknown said...

I heard on the news that the kids and the parents are receiving death threats ever since the incident, there lives are not gonna be the same anymore, hope this raise awareness with other parents on the consequences of these horrifying acts, not only for the person bullied but for the perpetrators also.

Anonymous said...

To those of you who think the spanking/ass kicking idea is a poor one, let me remind you that a person would be far less damaged by the ass beating from a parent than from the ass pounding they will get from a fellow inmate in prison in a few years if no one bothers to put him/her in his/her place now. Pardon my French...I was spanked on a regular basis growing up and in my opinion, it is one of the best parenting decisions my parents made.

Anonymous said...

LMAO I love your comments! I haven't heard much about what the kids are being made to do as punishment...

Kristin said...

I teach elementary school. When I have bus duty, I usually end up climbing on the bus, blowing my whistle, and telling kids to sit down and shut up. About half of our bus drivers have good control. We don't have bus monitors. Being that I don't have kids, I'd like to blame parents all day long :) However, there are also a lot of complacent teachers out there who allow this crap to happen. If a kid is going to be disrespectful to a bus driver, he/she darn well better know that I, as the teacher, am going to punish them.
This happened about 2 months ago. A student of mine (10 years old) was being a brat on the bus. The video (oh, yes) was shown to me and the principal and I (the TEACHER) was the one who had to come up with the punishment. The principal didn't want to. So I called the mom and, along with the kid, we all watched the video together. Then he had to write an apology letter, proofread and corrected by me.
It's sad that I had to invent the punishment and shove all of that into my school day.
I can't believe that the driver and principal were not held responsible for some of this. The chain of command doesn't work if you don't use it.

Anonymous said...

Hitting in and of itself is not an act of respect. It, therefore, cannot teach respect. Children need boundaries, consequences, discipline, and consistency. They are much more difficilt to provide than a "good ass whooping, " but they are ultimately more effective.

Anonymous said...

Please forgive the typos. I am one handed at the moment

Anonymous said...

There's always a turd. Turds need to get flushed.

Virginia Llorca said...

They actually gave some of the kids police protection. I would have rather filmed a "Frankenstein" torchlit manhunt kind of thing. Another 600,000 G's on uTube.

Anonymous said...

I am a parent of a child that was bullied when she was in 7th grade by another student. Our daughter was walking home from school one day and this kid started yelling "hey prego" from across the street. She came home in tears cuz this kid was basically calling her fat! She put up with this for a few days and I then called the Principle at the Jr High School and she said she would talk to the boy..that very afternoon he did it again in front of a bunch of other kids. This time I didnt bother calling the Principle!! I called our attorney and asked him what our options were, given that we had already reached out to the school.. He advised us to call the principle and let her know that if it continued we would be doing the following: Sueing the District, The School itself, the Principle, the parents of the kid and the kid as well.
About an hour later the kid has the balls to call my house asking to talk to my daughter, I told him there was no way in hell he was talking on the phone to my daughter..he started to cry and say how sorry he was! I told him if he was really sorry he would go to the principle the following morning and tell her he was sorry there infront of everyone in the office.
You know he did and didnt pick on her again! I know his parents had never been called until a lawsuit was threatened and he got his sorry little ass in trouble with them and that is why he called us.
Heres the thing, at the time our daughter was 12 yrs old, never been allowed to date yet and this kid is yelling at her from across the street in front of other students and parents picking of their kids incinuating that she was pregnant!! We lived in a small town of about 8000 if that at the time and reputation is everything in a small town like that!

Anonymous said...

continued from above..
It's sad that you have to threaten a lawsuit to get the school to do anything whether your a student or employee of the school!

Anonymous said...

The best part of the interview with Karen Klein on the Today Show was Matt Laur's response..He said something about these kids and that he uses that term loosley that he had a diff name he would call them..also that if it were up to him he would publish thier names and addresses for all to see so that they could see what it is like to be bullied like she was!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a law against ELDER ABUSE!! That was my first thought when I saw the footage!! Elder Abuse is when an elderly person is bing abused in some form or another! Whether it is through bulling, financial is against the LAW!! We all have the right to donate wherever we wish, if my husband and I had the extra money we would donate as this time I can only give her my well wishes!!

Anonymous said...

That would not fly in the IOwa town our kids went to school in.. Thier bus driver would pull over on the gravel road, yell at the kid causing the trouble and kick them off the bus for the rest of the week and the school would back them up! It happened on more than one occaision!

Anonymous said...

Love those snappy comebacks you came up with! Sadly she would have been the one in shit. After reading through the many comments, I see there are asshole kids with lazy friendly parents everywhere. Our 4 kids are now grown, and we got the gears from many friends over the years about how "hard" we were on them. We never beat them, but a swift smack to get the point over crystal clear was very effective. When I went to high school in the late 60's, you got the strap if you were a dickhead. Once the rules changed about punishing those little shits, it all started falling apart. I can only hope there's more of us hardass parents who raise good adults out there than those fucking lazy ass wimpy parents who raise "entitled" assholes. I'm posting as anonymous because I can't remember my password, but my name is Karen and I would've taken care of those little shits...seriously.

Tiffany said...

I was bullied throughout all of my years in school but high school was the worst. The head cheerleader used to make fun of me in class, in front of teachers, and get her friends involved. My mother insisted I report it to my disciplinary principal who told us that the bully said it was all my fault and that "we both better stop". The girl continued to make fun of me for the rest of my days at that school, and got away with it.

I'm glad karma takes care of things though. Her life is just peachy now...;)

Red said...

OH! That story about made me cry. Your comments are right on. And guess what, if she had defended herself, the kids' asshole parents would have sued the school system for hiring a monitor who verbally abused their kids.

This is just another form of birth control for me. Kids can be monsters.

Public caning: :D

Tesse said...

If my brother or I had ever spoken this way, we would have had our mouths washed out with soap. Dirty mouth, gets washed. (Ivory brand, in case you're wondering)

And no, I never had that particular punishment, but I vividly remember my bro standing in the bathroom with a bar of soap in his mouth, tears running down his face. He never called my mom a female dog again.

jjj said...

I agree with Kelly and Sne! This lady, although sweet and innocent, should not be a bus monitor. It takes a strong, mean, threatening, and trained person to have that job. Driving a bus or being a bus monitor is not a job for a meek and mild elderly woman. This school has failed these employees and these children for not hiring and properly training their employees to deal with children. Yes, the students are acting awful. They are horrible, no good, dirty, foul mouthed, pain in the ass kids... CONTROL THEM OR GET SOMEONE WHO CAN!

jjj said...

Yes, the school is liable for all of this. They have employed an untrained, ineffective bus monitor. They have allowed this culture to coninue and occur in their bus. They have let it escalate to an abusive level. They should have done something a long time before this whole incident and did not. The elderly lady has been abused and these kids have been allowed to behave this way. The school should have hired someone who could do the job so that it wouldn't have gotten out of hand. I am a teacher as well and I would NEVER let a situation get this out of hand. This poor woman and these children have been screwed by the SCHOOL! IN THE END THE ADMINISTRATORS AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT ARE THE ONES REALLY AT FAULT HERE.

Anonymous said...

I used to get my ass chewed out for not holding the door open for a lady. Or for not saying yes/no man or sir. I shudder to think of what would have happened to me for doing something like this.

Also, in high school being on the football team, we were held to a higher standard then the other students. If a teacher punished us then that was just the start, because once we got to the locker room our head coach got his turn to punish us again. It was up to his discretion how long, and what that punishment consisted of. Generally when we got home our parents would then get their turn, depending on what offense had been committed.

Anonymous said...

Spanking is not about teaching respect it is about teaching that there are consequences to an action. If you have explained to your child that if he/she lies to you it will result in a spanking then it is the consequence of their action. I believe that these boys are to old for spanking to make a difference I believe manual labor is the best result. But just think if they pulled this in Malaysia they would be getting their happy butts caned right now.

Anonymous said...

Karma's a bitch and so was she! Hope well for you.

tamw said...

I'm entering this conversation late, but I felt like adding my two cents anyway. Years ago, when my oldest daughter (22) was four, the two little four year olds next door were picking on her. They called her fat and ugly and, when that wasn't getting a reaction, they spit on her. I went to their parents and was told I should, "Let them work it out. This is just kids being kids." Ummm...not MY kid. My little girl would've never made someone cry or spit on them. Especially not at only four years old. The whole, "They're only kids" thing is bullshit. Kids can be assholes too! And asshole kids generally grow up to be asshole adults who raise more assholes. It's an endless cycle of assholeness.

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