Extreme Couponing

If you don't know yet, I'll tell you:  the Hubs is CHEAP!  I mean, REALLY, REALLY cheap.  He manages to get free magazine subscriptions, he saves us tons of money on electronics by doing his research and price comparisons, he only buys clothes from the clearance rack WITH a coupon and he will only eat out at restaurants he has coupons for or that have a Dollar Menu he can order from.

That being said, he started bugging me about "Extreme Couponing", I think.  He's telling me how we could be getting thousands of dollars of groceries every year for pennies on the dollar if we'd just "clip a couple coupons" like these people.

Today I had a little time so we sat down to watch the show.  About halfway through I wanted to punch the Hubs in the throat.  If he thinks we're going to do this, he's NUTS.

These people have a SERIOUS problem.  I predict they will end up on a very special "Hoarders:  Buried Alive Under Reynold's Wrap & Crest Toothpaste".  I truly believe these people are mentally ill.  The sickest out of the 4 they profiled lives in a 3 bedroom home where 2 of the bedrooms as well as her husband's "man cave" have become stockpile rooms.  The 2 bedrooms look pretty organized and tidy with everything arranged neatly on shelves, but the man cave is just piled high with plastic grocery bags.  It's like Hoarders Lite in that house.  This is the same woman who spent $70 ordering coupons (who the hell even know you could do that??) from a coupon clipping service so she could get 150 candy bars for free.  She brags that she spends 70 hours a week couponing.  Now, I'm the first to admit that I'm not very good at math, but I got out my trusty calculator and I did some figuring.  If you take the 70 hours she spends couponing PLUS the 40 hours she claims to work at a real job that only leaves a little over 8 hours a day for sleeping/eating/socializing/pooping.  I just don't think that math adds up!  When does she find the time to eat her 150 candy bars??  On shopping day she actually has to take a vacation day from work to spend 6-8 hours at the grocery store.  WTF???

I also get irritated when these Extreme Couponers claim how much they save by clipping coupons.  None of them take into account the $70-100 they PAY the clipping services.  Or the fact that they have 10 newspaper subscriptions so they can get coupons.  That's gotta come off your bottom line people - it's an expense.  I'm still impressed you managed to get $600 worth of groceries for $90, just don't tell me you only paid $20.

One woman doesn't order coupons she gets them the old fashioned way:  Dumpster diving.  She even had fancy looking gloves just for her Dumpster diving (I wonder if she used a coupon to buy those).

And don't even get me started on the narrator!  "Susie waits nervously for the coupons to start coming off her total.  If she's miscalculated anywhere she could end up owing more money than she has brought with her!"  Seriously?  Have you never gone to checkout at the grocery store and realized you didn't have enough money?  It's not like the Manager says, "Put on an apron and start bagging groceries, lady.  Someone's gotta pay for that ice cream!"  The drama is comical.  "Susie starts to sweat.  Something's gone terribly wrong.  The computer has frozen.  What will she do now with her 9 carts of groceries?"  Uhhh....walk away and say I'll try again tomorrow?  Don't worry, don't worry, it all worked out for Susie.  Four store employees put their heads together for 2 HOURS and finally came up with the brilliant plan of splitting her order into more manageable sizes so the computer could handle it.  I'm sure Corporate will be happy to see those productive hours!

Hey, I love a sale as much as the next person.  I will use a coupon at my favorite stores like Hobby Lobby, Gymboree and Macy's.  My problem is, I rarely see a grocery coupon for stuff I like.  I don't like Hunt's Ketchup (I'm a Heinz kinda girl) and I don't care if Hunt's will pay me a buck to take it out the store I won't buy it.  (Actually, that's not true.  If I had 300 Hunt's coupons that I found in a Dumpster and had a grocery store that doubled  my coupon and I ended up making money, I'd take the Hunt's out of the store and put it on Craigslist and sell it for half price and make more money 'cause I'd rather make money than save money.)

How much toothpaste can one family need?  What are they stockpiling it for??  Are they waiting for Armageddon??  They talk a lot about being able to live off of their cache for one or two years if necessary.  Yeah, if all you wanted to eat was deodorant, cat food, Barilla pasta, Gatorade, and Butterfingers.

One person on my Facebook summed it up perfectly: "these people are hoarders and thieves."  I agree completely and I have no desire to spend 70 flipping hours a week hoarding and thieving.

In the end, the Hubs and I compromised:  anytime he wants to go Dumpster diving for coupons, he's welcome to try it (because I refuse to subscribe to the paper or coupon clipping services) but if he brings home Hunt's Ketchup he has to eat it all.

Where is the line between being a cheap bastard and being frugal? Let me know.


NHGirl said...

LOL, I've seen that show. In fact, I became a little inspired by the show and now have a SMALL pile of stuff, like free floss and practically free vitamins. But once it's gotten out of control, I usually send it all in a care package to the troops in Afghanistan.

I wondered the same thing about these people- where's the healthy food?? Sure, you can live on Chef Boyardee, but that can't be ALL they buy... right?... I refuse to put my health at risk to save a few bucks.

Amanda Grant said...

The Extreme Couponing show is a disaster. They regularly show coupon fraud and some of the stores featured have "special" sales and rules just for the show that are not available to their regular shoppers. I teach a couponing class at Waubonsee Community College (Sugar Grove, IL) and at the beginning of each class, I have a huge discussion with my participants about how that show is complete crap, it is fraud, it is theft and how those shopping trips cannot be replicated. Thanks for the great blog post!

Mel said...

This has to be one of my favorite posts! Hilarious and so true!

Michelle said...

Hi. I use to do this.... before the show came out and ruined it. I assure you, I am NOT insane or a hoarder. I am very messy though. I don't do it as much now, mainly because I am not organized and my children are old enough to be involved in things (*waves* Hi, I am one of your busy moms!)I ordered coupon off of a website once or twice, but aside from that I never paid for my coupons. I was very honest about what stuff cost me, factoring in what I paid to buy coupons. I was actually really good. Here is a blog I kept. http://thisweekingroceries.blogspot.com/ The show ruined couponing, IMO and the stores have changed policies and stuff. I still shop loss leaders, but I don't shop like I used to. :( PS- don't punch me, I heart you.

MrsHoehn said...

I can't but secretely wish one of them lived near me in case I forget something at the store.

Anonymous said...

I actually have people who come down my road and STEAL my paper for the coupons. Its just silly. I'm happy to clip coupons and save a few dollars but these people have problems! Also, things do expire and there is no way in hell a family of 5 is going to use 76 bottles of BBQ sause before the "best if used by" date. If its their hobby- great. Donate all the extra to a food bank instead of hoarding it all. Freaks.

Unknown said...

I've been couponing for years (normal couponing - just using my newspaper that I subscribe to because I read it) and a few internet coupons. Back in 2007-2009 - there were a ton of great deals if you knew what you were doing with what you have. Now, I just don't see the savings or the special promos like there once were and I blame these shows because stores are smartening up. For me "hoarding" is buying 4 boxes of cereal and 2 bottles of mustard at a time - so why you need 73 bottles of mustard is beyond me - even if it is free.

Amanda said...

The people who stockpile dog food with no intention of ever having a dog, or diapers! One lady had a wall of shelving with diapers even tho she said she didn't plan to have kids for 5 - 10 years! That's not saving money, that's wasting money on stuff you. don't. need.

kimkuney said...

My favorite are the people that have 5 computers because you can only print 2 coupons from each. And how much did that computer cost you?? And what? Your time is free? I agree with you. These people have some form of disorder.

Kim said...

IF the store has a coupon, AND it's taped to the item, AND I don't have to buy another item to get it, I'll use a coupon. I guess I'm lazy -- or sane! O_o

pamb said...

I enjoy using coupons, especially when something is on sale, so it's like a double discount. However, I watched only as few of these episodes before I had to stop; my anger was overwhelming! Not only do they clear the shelves, so no one else gets to buy, they stockpile beyond reason, never donating their reasonable excess to food panties!

I remember two single sisters stockpiling diapers (no baby in sight). A women's shelter would gratefully accepted those.

The thrill of the hunt is great, seeing a reasonable stockpile is great, giving to the less fortunate is truly worthy.

Not to mention, of course, all of the food is processed, no one needs 150 candy bars or bottles of soda, and most of the people do not appear to be in fine physical shape.

I still can't believe the stores let them get away with this; they take up an entire line and several employees for hours. The register inevitably freezes, and corporate needs to be called, all to make a sale worth nothing for the store.

These people are hoarders by another name. It's socially acceptable to be a couponer, not to be a hoarder.

Brandy E. said...

I Like to coupon, but I don't do anything like the trips featured in the show. I typically pay little to nothing for soap, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. I keep extras of those items but somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10, not 100. If you're couponing honestly and ethically the sale is worth plenty to the store, as they get reimbursed face value plus handling for the coupon.

Anonymous said...

I hate that show, it's grosses me out. I watched it once and one guy gave most of his stuff to a food pantry and I was ok with that, but the rest of you people are sickos. I agree the coupons are always for stuff I never buy. Plus often the store brand is way cheaper and just as good (ever try the target brand tums, much tastier and cheaper). I don't have room in my house for all the regular food and household items and if I'm adding square footage it wont be for a stockpile- I want a bigger bathroom and another bedroom!

Jenna @ Sharing My Jennarocity said...

I completely agree! My opinion is that you only save the money couponing that you WOULD HAVE SPENT NORMALLY. You would NEVER buy 150 candy bars if you didn't have a coupon, therefore you can't count that as an amount saved on groceries every month. I normally spend $100 a week or so on groceries and personal hygiene items, bathroom and kitchen cleaning supplies, and dog food. Now, if I got all of the stuff I NORMALLY purchased for free, that would be saving $400 a month. I would never buy 100 packets of Nestle Quick, therefore I can't count that as a grocery savings. This couponing is an addiction. Now, what I do like is when these people figure out how to get tons of stuff like toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products and deodarant for free and donate it to a much-in-need shelter or charity organization. I think this is just plain wasteful and ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think these people have an addiction to "saving money." It's got to be some sort of disorder, like hoarding.

spymay said...

I like coupons,but these people are cookoo for cocoa puffs.
I had to stop my subscription to the newspaper because people kept stealing them(for the coupons).
Now I buy my Sunday paper at the store and when I went to buy one this weekend, I had to check four papers before I found one with the coupons.Seriously?! WTF? Is it worth jail time to get that free pack of ramen?

shermanmomma said...

OMG, I think my hubs was one of the first extreme couponers. Then he would drive to, I swear, 4-5 stores a week just to shop. Who does that??? It would drive me nuts. He would buy shit that we would not use just because "it was a great price". Who gives a fuck? I don't want it, we don't use it, it'll just sit there gathering dust. He finally saw the light and stopped doing that. I refuse to do coupons coz I don't care how much of his money I spend. If I want it, I'll just get it.

Jenn @ Something Clever 2.0 said...

I guess it could be classified as O.C.D., right? They're obsessed with saving money, and have a compulsion to shop and stockpile? So glad I've never run into one at my local grocery store.

Samantha said...

These people are insane, but if that is what they want to do... go for it. Just don't do it at my grocery store and we won't have a problem. I HATE getting behind these people in the checkout line! Who cares that the computer won't take off your .50 for your Crest toothpaste! If .50 is that important to you, I will GIVE you .50!

Anonymous said...

I actually think these people have obsessive-compulsion disorder - seriously. Why in the world you would ever needs 150 anything is beyond me. Surely they could put their time to use doing something more worthwhile. Honestly, they need some sort of OCD thereapy. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I too am a fan of coupons, using them in what I consider a typical capacity. I have definitely seen a decrease in the types of specials/sales stores offer, and the quality of goods the coupon is for. I spend a decent amount of money on groceries, but there just are not coupons for fresh produce & meat, and this is where most of my $ goes.
As others have mentioned, I have seen some of these people donate their 100 containers of baby formula (etc) and to them I say, way to go. To be able to provide much needed food and supplies to those in need, while not having to really pay much for that I think is great. I'd love to do more donating, I just don't have the money.

Sue said...

When I was a SAHM and broke, about a million years ago, pre-internet, I clipped coupons (only the normal way from my regular paper & magazines) then shopped the flyers, made a list and went to a couple of different stores to get the best deals. Took some time, but only maybe a morning all told. I sat down once and figured out my savings. I made about $10/hr., which wasn't bad considering it was 1985 or so. I never bought anything I wouldn't ordinarily buy, unless it was something new that I wanted to try and I never stockpiled more than maybe a couple of extras of anything. Once I started working for a paying job, both my time for couponing and my need to do so dwindled. Do I still love a bargain? You betcha, but one of the reasons I work is so I don't have to work so hard at stuff like couponing.
Those extreme couponers are exhibiting obsessive-conpulsive behavior, at the very least.

This Is Fifty With Lil said...

See this is why we could be friends. I've never watched the show, but I'm wondering how often there's a camera shot of background shoppers (not in Middleborough MA.) standing there mouthing "What the f*ck!?"

Posted this on Anderson show comments when he featured couponers on his show:

"Yeah, I'm the lady at the grocery store fuming because shelves have been cleared of my favorite (and reliable, efficient) brand laundry detergent and softener, toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. It's enough of an inconvenience that our household income is limited due to husband's unemployment; bummed that now, shopping for things as needed, and upon availability of funds, has become hit and miss finding preferred products. Wanted to rant about it in my blog when it occurred to me while shopping one day, the reason empty shelves was becoming common is probably due to extreme couponers. I even considered writing a comedy piece, but feared wrath I might incur.

Anyway, I blame grocery store chains for not placing limits."

Got one thumb up, on thumb down.

All I want is to be able to find my preferred product brands, because it's bad enough that going shopping last couple of years makes my head spin; when I can afford it, I want to be able to bring home sh*t I like.

Kristen said...

Not to mention the poor people who actually need to feed the dog or diaper the baby are SOL because they cleared off the shelves with their compulsion to hoard.

Kristen said...

These shows give normal people a bad name. The only coupons I use are the ones my Kroger sends me based on what I buy after scanning my loyalty card. So I get coupons for stuff like free baby carrots or $2 off my next purchase from the seafood counter. Since I buy mostly fresh and not packaged food it's worth it. But if I go with half a dozen coupons for a cart load of groceries someone usually has the nerve to call me an "extreme couponer" and I want to smack them. I have never gotten anything for free unless the coupon said "free" and I will NOT buy more than one of something I need just to use the coupon. Extreme, hardly.

Kelly said...

I've watched this show. In fact, sometimes TLC will show marathons of the show, and when I tune in, sometimes I have a hard time turning it off. It's like a train wreck!

I think this mentality of "extreme couponing" is a little insane, though. I mean these people will use any coupon just for the sake of using the coupon - it doesn't matter what the product is. I mean why does a person need to buy the entire stock of a grocery store's Snicker Bars??? I love a good Snicker Bar once in a while, but I certainly don't need 150 of them for "free" to feel fulfilled. I'm certainly not going to use these many multiple coupons for Snicker Bars just because they're there.

Then, even if a person is saving money, is this really how people want to spend their lives? Dedicating every free waking hour to clipping coupons? Most of these people have some sort of family... spouses, kids, etc. Wouldn't some of that time be better spent with their families? Personally, I'd rather spend my time enjoying a good meal (at home or at a restaurant) with my husband. I'd rather spend my time going to the movies, or just crashing on the couch with a Netflix rental. I'd rather get outside, soak up some Vitamin D at the pool/beach, or go for a bike ride or a walk. I'd rather spend my time sitting on the back patio reading a good book. There are a million things I'd prefer to be doing than cutting ridiculous numbers of coupons. I guess I'd prefer to have a life than be a slave to a coupon addiction.

Then, there's the idea that even non-perishable items have expiration dates. Chocolate will dry out if it's sitting on the shelf for too long. Even an unopened box of cereal, Mac & Cheese, etc. will get stale if it sits on the shelf for too long. Canned soup or Spaghettios will start to separate after a certain amount of time. Unless I was starving, I don't think I'd want to be eating a box of cereal or Mac & Cheese or a can of separated soup or Spaghettios that's been sitting in a stockpile for a year or two... I'm just saying, stale food is not appealing to the average person...

I cut the occasional coupon, and I use the store coupons. But I only cut coupons from the free weekly newspaper that everyone in our neighborhood gets. Occasionally, I glance through a website like Coupon Suzy to see if there are any good deals. Sometimes I use the store coupons that are printed out at the cash register. And any coupons that I clip are for items and brands that we would be buying anyway. Mostly though, I just use our grocery storm membership card to benefit from the sale prices, especially on produce. I usually only buy whatever seasonal produce is on sale because everything else is just too darn expensive!

Anyway, I guess I just think that this whole "extreme couponing" phenomenon is an addiction because these people don't need 75% of the stuff that they're "buying" with their coupons. I applaud people who are good at using coupons to their advantage on the things that they would be buying anyway, and sometimes I try to take advantage of some of those savings. But I'm not willing to give up my whole life for saving money on crap I don't need....

Kelly said...

I have, but never to the extent that you see on the show. Sometimes on the show, you'll see people with 6... 7... 8... some crazy number of completely full carts! I have seen people come up to the cash register at the store that I shop at with 3 or 4 full carts of groceries... usually including some crazy amounts of 2L bottles of soda-pop, candy, cereal, pasta, pasta sauce, and other supposedly non-perishables. There have usually been at least 3 members of the family in the cash register coupon party... and I just have to think about how sorry I feel for the cashier... If were a cashier, I would never want one of these people coming through my line...

Carolyn B said...

I've watched the show a couple of times and the thing that stood out to me was the extreme crap these moms were buying for their families. In both episodes the moms we're overweight and looked very unhealthy and seemed to have some serious anger and control issues. I didn't see any fresh produce being purchased. Maybe if they spent a little bit of their time cooking healthier food, getting some fresh air and maybe if their only exercise didnt involve a grocery cart they would realize there was more to life than filling up their guest bathroom with cake mixes and cases of Gatorade.
I think the rule of thumb should be, if you ever have so many groceries that you will actually have to dust them before you consume them, you have problem, step away from the binder.

Mary said...

Growing up, my parents were couponers/bargain hunters and still are. I would have to rotate stock in the basement just unload the groceries. But my dad was born during the Depression and grew up with rationing during WWII so I think he just has this compulsion because he doesn't ever want to worry about growing hungry.

I coupon off and on. I made it a rule that if I don't get to the coupons in Sunday paper by Tuesday, I throw in the recycling bin. A few cents off a box of a cereal isn't worth living with the clutter we are constantly battling in our house. Besides, most of the coupons I find are for processed foods which I generally try to avoid.

Anonymous said...

Confession, I've always clipped coupons and just get a Sunday only subscription. I save about $5 or more a week and I only clip coupons of items we will use or want to try. But I refuse to make it my life's work! And truly - manufacturers should lower their prices and stop with the coupons and that would satisfy everyone! Hubs is insane too - you should be nominated into Sainthood for putting up with him :)...I'm just sayin'

heather said...

I am the same way. I have not paid full price for ANYTHING in over 2 years. I also have not paid anything for soap, deodorant, toothpaste, tampons, shampoo, etc in over a year. By couponing I have cut my weekly bill from almost $150 to $50 by clipping & shopping smart. I don't buy my papers since my dad & grandmother both have a subscription. I REFUSE to buy coupons from anywhere. I will print coupons from online but I do not spend HOURS doing it I clip & put them in my binder.

I was laid off from work & my husband had his pay almost cut in 1/2 almost a year ago & during the time that I was looking for a job & his pay was decreased we were able to survive off of most of the items that were in my stockpile. I only had to buy meat, fresh produce, & stuff like that. It saved us a ton of money that was put towards bills so we could survive.

Anonymous said...

I want to know how much these people spend on the shelves for their stockpile! Sure the candy bars were free but they sit on $1000 worth of shelving. If the shelves were bought with coupons, I want to know where I can find coupons for that. No way am I using coupons for cat food (I hate cats---punch away cat lovers, I'll take it), but shelves to organize my garage...I'd be all over that.

heather said...

Publix has a 5 deal limit on the really good deal items. Its up to the grocery store to make sure they have plenty of stock too...

JennInAustin said...

Whew. This makes me feel better. I've never seen the show (I'm a nerd and save my limited tv-watching time for science geek shows) but I've heard of it. A while back, I tried to get good about couponing and the stress it caused me was SO not worth it. ("Ugh, this one's expired! Wait - this one is for the 8 oz size, not the 5.5 oz size!")I never stockpiled b/c I already don't have any extra room. Oh - and I also made an effort to buy more whole foods (fruit, milk, etc) and guess what? No coupons for stuff like that.

Heather Forcey said...

Like someone else mentioned, the show is like a train wreck...so I can't help but watch! I use coupons and I love coupons, but I'm nowhere near extreme. The show is unrealistic and gives ethical coupon users a bad name. For instance, I had a great coupon day yesterday: two boxes of cereal, popsicles, teriyaki sauce, chicken seasoning, and two Lunchables. All of it was name brand, all of it was on sale, I had a coupon for each item (8 items total), and my family will use it all within a week. I got it for free. It was my best savings to date, but I hardly call it extreme. I work full time and have two kids and a husband. I don't have hours in the week to devote to this. But if I can purchase a few great deals, it makes me very happy.

Nicole said...

I'm with you! Only I know I'm just lazy :P And also WAY too busy to worry about coupons. The few times I've tried to use coupons, I alwasy search my purse and realize they aren't there or they and they're expired. Or after I walk out of a store, I'm like shit! I had a coupon for that store and I didn't even use it...I gave up after a while...lol

Sparkle said...

See, here in the UK we have a limit to how many items one person can purchase under a special offer. Plus you can't double up coupons here either apart from sometimes with Tesco clubcard points.

I know I would be FURIOUS if a extreme couponer cleared out the shelf of something I needed before I had the chance to get to them. You're right, it's OCD.

Becky said...

I saw that show last night & I wanted to punch them in the throat!! Seriously, leave some food for the rest of us. & it's totally unrealistic (so much for The "Learning" Channel - more like the CRAZY channel). & it's all junk & they are all on the obese side - I wonder why?? PUNCH!!

Interplanet Janet said...

Also - diapers don't stay in good shape forever. I worked at a daycare where we had to keep emergency supplies for every child (first aid stuff, flashlights, water, diapers, etc...)for well, a catastrophe I guess. The diapers were kaput after about 5 years or so, all dried out and yellowed (they lose their absorbancy too). So I guess she could theoretically use them all when she has children if she doesn't mind her kid wearing two or three nappies at a time.

Beth HF said...

I have a friend who was turned into the police for expired coupons. Really, the local Giant called the cops on her and detained her in the store. She just happened to have expired coupons. Craziness. I guess stores are seeing this happen-counterfeit, insane couponing? Something we should worry about? I mean, really, how about a coupon for produce or food that can't be used for building a fort for armageddon-oh, THAT's what they are for.....

Anonymous said...

I have an extreme couponing friend and 2 things I've noticed, one she's huge and 2 she buys all processed CRAP food! So lovely and great that each weeek she posts all the garbage she bought for $1.29 but in reality, it's not stuff she should be feeding her family on a daily basis day after day after day!

Anonymous said...

I have watched that show once and the woman they were following was very proud of her feminine product stash. She actually said "I have enough products to last me well past menopause." And then she bought more during that week's shopping trip. Hello? If you already have more than you need, why are you buying more?! Those people can't be real!

Brooke said...

OoooEMMMgeee! These people are NUTS! I also have a super cheap husband who thought this idea was brilliant. So he brought me home 10 newspapers one night and we got to clippin. Want to know what I ended up with? TEN boxes of Hamburger Helper. Hamburger Helper makes me want to vomit on my husband and then punch him in the throat. I ended up giving it to my grandmother. I did end up with some super cheap old spice body wash, which was kind of nice, but it is NOT worth the time. Like you said, I'd rather make money than save money. I'll take the Target clearance thankyouverymuch!

jjj said...

I've seen this show too and all I can think is... These idiots should plant a garden. They could really get into doing that! I mean, they could compost, irrigate, germinate, and even harvest seeds to plant for next year. But then I guess they would be crunchy granolas instead of extreme couponers... Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

I love the idiot that was on this past week saying she had enough cake mixes to bake cakes for the next 10 years. I dare her to save one of those cake mixes for 10 years, and see how it comes out. None of these skanks ever mention expiration dates...

Amy M. said...

Unfortunately these people are usually overweight and should be eating real food rather than the garbage that coupons can be used for. Also, time is money and what a waste of your life it is to spend it clipping coupons for fake food!!

Amanda @ Life, Experience Needed said...

The problem I have with couponing is 95% of mine are not for food. So, yea, I can save bundles on toothpaste, toilet paper, and Mr.Clean but you can't live off of it

Anonymous said...

Oh I love your blog! To be honest though, your blog and a local couponing blog are the only 2 blogs I read religiously! I knew it was only a matter of time before you took a punch at couponing. I must admit i've never seen the extreme couponing show but have heard awful things about it from fellow coupons. With that being said I hope you aren't lumping all of us in the insane category. I consider myself a practical couponer, not so much extreme. Yes I do carry a binder around like its a child in my cart and have gotten some rude stares and a few rude remarks but I'm ok with it, i'll take the punch...still love your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

I always tell my husband the next person I see at the store with one of those four inch binders full of coupons I am going to knock it of their cart and run away laughing maniacally. So tired of seeing them!

Anonymous said...

Lol! Maybe she multitasks and eats/socializes/poops at the same time? I really wouldn't want to be her friend then.

Anonymous said...

Wow you could do that...maybe you would also prefer to support that person with your hard earned tax dollars through the food stamp program while you're at it. Did you ever think that some people coupon because they have to.

TNMom said...

Nicole, this is EXACTLY ME!

TNMom said...

LOVE my personalized Kroger coupons! They are the only ones I use, but they are good and I am often buying ALL of the stuff they send me a coupon for....that's why they sent me one. :) (But sometimes I forget to even use them and they expire and I wind up tossing them...I don't lose any sleep over it)

TNMom said...

CRAZINESS! I usually forget any that I have until they are expired or they stay in my purse/car floor board till they just disintegrate, LOL. My time is worth WAY more.
Good read Jenn!

Anonymous said...

There are coupons for milk and frozen fruits and vegetables. You can buy healthy foods with coupons.

Anonymous said...

I've always teased my Momma for being the "Coupon Queen". But, she's small potatoes to these peeps. I'm actually thankful she hasn't taken her ocd (which she does have) to THAT level!!! She's just guilty of carryin around a big ziplock bag of cut coupons & prints target coupons out occasionally.

Anonymous said...

I agree those people need serious mental help, not a television show. It really is sad if you put it into perspective. They think that they are saving money, but in the long run, they aren't, they are actually falling into the trap of consumerism: buying shit you don't fucking need because you think (and this is where marketing comes into play) that you are getting a deal and this deal will never ever come around again. Even if these nutjobs do save a few cents here and there, they're probably pissing it away on something stupid in the long run anyway. My advice is to live within your means. If you get laid off from your job, try to find another job don't say well screw it I will just make my job couponing. That is seriously ghetto. If you have too many kids and you can't feed them, then get some coupons for condoms, then you won't have to clip coupons to feed your family of 100. What the fuck people, what the fuck! This country really is turning into Idiocracy.

Anonymous said...

I received a coupon in the mail the other day for DSW since it is my birthday month and they always send those $5 off coupons the month of your birthday. Well, I didn't need shoes and I didn't have the money to buy something I don't need at the moment so I saved the coupon until it expired (just in case I came into some extra cash or a flip flop strap broke and I had to buy new ones) then I tossed it. Look at that I saved money, and I didn't even have to drive to the store to do it. Wow, what a concept. Now, had I used that coupon and bought a pair of $60 shoes (because seriously have you gals shopped DSW, not exactly a bargain) and saved my $5 I still would have been out $55 plus gas. So exactly where is my savings??? People just aren't being logical anymore.

Marcella said...

I coupon but I don't hide BBQ sauce under my kids' beds. That's just stupid. I do, however, have a stockpile in my laundry room and under the sink in the bathroom. Mostly I get stuff like toothpaste for free and contact solution etc. Those shows have ruined it for the regular person. One of the shows was filmed at a store I go to regularly. The chick acts alllll surprised when they say she can't do 7 back to back orders. Then they break their own rules for her and post a bunch of signs all over that say we can't do that in the store and pitch a fit about some of the coupons they normally take. Thanks TLC!

There was one lady that claims she buys only healthy food, she was vegan I think. She's crazy too b/c she bought soy milk on sale and said she freezes it. You canNOT freeze soy milk. We have a fridge that sometimes gets too cold and freezes things. It has ruined many-a carton of soy milk. It clumps and separates when frozen. Mmmmm tasty! Liars. So that lady bought 70 cartons of clumpy soy milk.

I coupon and use blogs to find the best deals but I don't go crazy b/c I have to buy gluten free stuff and dairy free stuff. My free toothpaste offsets the cost of vegan chocolate chips that are $5 a bag. My baby girl deserves a cupcake now and then that costs a fortune to make, so I coupon. Plus if I can get toothpaste for free I get it...not 70 of them. Then every month when my church does a food/toiletries collection we always have plenty to give on a whim. My kids are learning to save a dollar and to be generous...not hoarders and attention whores.

Oh and I save when I can and buy good foods with the extra money. I refuse to become obese in the name of coupons.

Marcella said...

One more thing. I clip coupons every week for things I know I will never need. I don't keep them though, when my bag gets full I send them to military bases over seas. Same for my expired coupons. Those soldiers/families can use expired coupons at the commissary. It takes more time to clip every single coupon but that's my charity for the day. I don't buy glade's migraine inducing products but a soldier in Japan just might. I don't have a dog but you can save some dime on dog treats or kitty litter.

Also, if there is a free deodorant one week (I am VERY brand loyal there) I get it and give it to the church pantry. As with most things in life, all in moderation people. Quit being a fucking douche.

heather said...

EXACTLY...I could have sucked off the Government when I was laid off & my husband took a 1/2 paycut but I didn't I couponed...

Kristin said...

I've never in my life seen a store in our area offer double coupon days or anything like it that would make products "free" by using coupons. I admit I do use the Sunday paper manufacture coupons and get a cheap thrill when I find an item that I planned on buying anyway already on sale and I have a coupon for that too. If I save $5-10 a shopping trip on an average $150 grocery bill, I am more than satisfied. Because I shop routinely at only one grocery store, I just keep the coupons I use in an envelope in my purse and order them into the aisle set up of my local store. Simple...and no sweat if I didn't use any this trip.

sheshe said...

I wish a camera crew was following the extreme hoarder that I got into an altercation with last week over BBQ sauce. I am a normal Sunday coupon cutter and had 1 coupon for $1 off Sweet Baby Ray's (because it is like crack in our house). Plus, our store was running BOGO. Great! So I head off to the store and get to the BBQ isle the same time as a woman who has 3 DAMN carts full of crap. She has each of her 2 kids pushing one and she had one. She thought she was going to clean out the bottles of BBQ sauce before I could get 2. She started grabbing by the armful and putting them in her cart. She actual yelled "Grab them all kids. We NEED THEM!" I wanted to call CPS because those poor kids looked mortified. I only wanted 2 bottles of sauce. She had the nerve to push me away when I reached for them. They were on the shelf afterall. I then slapped her hand like a petulant child, took my two bottles and told her to get a life. How mean do you have to be to try to take ALL of the BBQ sauce? I don't have the nerves to deal with that kind of lifestyle...

fiftyfinally said...

i buy organic blah blah milk (only because I bought it once for my husband and grandkids) and got hooked and decided we were worth it (for those times once in a blue moon when I want to eat honey-nut cherrios as a midnight snack). Unfortunately I also got hooked on organic, veg fed, cage free blah blah ...eggs-but that's another story.
anyway...one day when I was buying the milk that cost about $5+ for 2 litres (quarts) ...i don't even know what I pay for the stuff, anyway there was a booklet of $.75 off coupons stuck on the door of the cooler. I glanced at the expiration date---dec 2012---so I took the WHOLE BOOKLET. Horrors...i even looked around to see that no one was watching me, i felt like a thief. But there were two booklets stuck on the door and I came back the next day to grab the other one (i was kicking myself for not taking both of them) but it was gone......i was crushed.
So now I am the proud owner of a booklet of coupons...good for a year of milk savings. And one day i had to unload my purse for just essentials (going on a plane ride) and when I got home I forgot to return all the stuff back into my purse. It took almost two weeks to remember to put that damnm booklet back into my purse. ( i couln't remember where i put the damn thing)...so now I'm content...i have my coupon booklet in my purse - good for a year---I will have milk.... how pathetic am I??? Its like a production when I rip the coupon off to give to the cashier. It makes my day that damn 75 cents off coupon.
The other day I was visiting my son in another city and had to pick up some supplies and I actually had to decide if he was "coupon worthy" or not....Since there were another set of grandchildren to feed milk to---i decided "yes,this is coupon worthy"

fiftyfinally said...

There's a "coupon..ing class"???? That people actually sign up and sit through???? how bizarrrrrrrre is that

fiftyfinally said...

These people prob cant afford to go shoe shopping, so they get their shopaholic fix this way instead...that's my opinion anyway

Erika said...

Those folks are just plain nuts! And I can't believe we put them on tv. Coupons are rarely for what you want or need. And if you don't want or need it it's a waste of money.

Unknown said...

This is the extent of my couponing, too. The only exception is Costco--because they send their coupons right to my home, and there's usually something I need in there. :D

Anonymous said...

I also want to punch them in the throat. For a different reason. I work in the customer service industry and one of the "hints" this show has provided people is that if you call the manufacturer of a product you like with "contructive" criticism of their products they will send you coupons for free stuff. Companies use the information customers call with to fix problems, this creates fake problems, wastes company time, makes customers with legitimate concerns wait longer to be assisted and ultimately drives price of product up!

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! So much of what they're stockpiling is unhealthy!! Do they just exist on Chef Boyardee and Kraft products? What about fresh fruit and vegetables?? Nutso.

Kayla said...

I agree too. I rarely use a coupon for something I don't already buy. I always roll my eyes when I see the header on a coupon insert like "$975 in savings inside!!" NO, not unless I want Pedialyte...or cheap, crappy,fruct up cereal...or blue applesauce...or Extreme Doritos! I flip thru the coupon inserts and often I don't find a single one that is not shit food, or something I don't need. I'm just not bringing that processed shit into my house. So I don't save a ton there...but my grocery store of choice (Kroger) is pretty good about giving me coupons for stuff I buy regularly. Every time I buy Clif bars I get a register coupon for a dollar off two or four Clif bars, or else they send me a coupon flyer in the mail for a bunch of stuff I buy every week. So saving the little I do is nice, but it's just not worth trolling the internet for coupon sites. Or stealing my neighbor's paper. Or dumpster diving. Or suffering the stinkeye from everyone in line behind me at checkout.

Carolyn said...

These people most likely suffer from a variety of mental illness. First they are addicted to the rush they get every week getting all this stuff for free or close to it. They never put in their gas, their time any of the services or subscriptions they use. They get a second high off posting their hoard on line and that is what they have. They are not stock piles they are hoards of mostly toxic products filled with carcinogens that are outgassing the containers and making the air quality in their homes toxic. They are also creating a combustible fire hazard. Second it is so unhealthy, nothing but processed, sodium, fat laden food and toxic chemical brews they are so proud of. They say they shop in their hoard but they don't because they keep adding to the hoard every week. In about 5-10 years TLC is going to revisit all these people and they will be on the show hoarders showing how things spiraled out of control for them, how the food ended up expired and rodent infested, you will see a team of people in Hazmat suits cleaning up these hoards that will be leaking brown sludge and asking how this got so out of hand. Well for one by exploiting mental illness as something to be admired. Second not getting them help and trying to inspire others with this unhealthy way of living. Sickening all of it.

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