“What does it taste like?” Gomer,
my ten-year-old, asked me.
“What does what taste like?” I
“Your beer.”
We were having dinner and though I
don't normally have a beer with my dinner, that night it just sounded
like a refreshing beverage. I looked at the bottle in my hand and
shrugged my shoulders. “I don't know,” I said. Because I really
didn't. How do you describe the taste of alcohol to your child? They
only flavors he knows and understand are water, milk, juice, and
soda. Beer doesn't taste anything like any of those beverages. How
could I explain to him what beer tasted like?
“It tastes
gross,” the Hubs said. The Hubs is not a drinker and does not mince
words when it comes to his disdain for beer.
I disagreed. “It doesn't taste
“So it tastes good?” Gomer asked.
I thought about his question. Does
it taste good? Again, how do you explain to a child if
beer tastes good? Should I tell him it tastes good? Will that make
him want to try it for himself? Should I tell him it tastes bad?
Would that keep him from experimenting with underage drinking or will
it make it sound taboo and then drive him right to it? Man! Parenting
is hard!
“I think it tastes good now. When I
first started drinking, I didn't like beer. It took me a long time to
like beer and I had to taste a lot of different beers before I found
one I liked,” I explained.
“Why did it take so long?”
“Because it was sort of an acquired
taste,” I told him. “It's something that grown ups like, but kids
probably wouldn't.”
“Can I have a sip?” Gomer asked.
“Maybe you should let him try it,
Jen,” the Hubs said.
“Are you crazy?” I asked.
“Yeah, let him try it and he'll hate
it and then he'll never try it before he's legal. Like those kids
whose parents would make them smoke a whole pack of cigarettes and
get sick and never smoke again. What do you think?”
“No way. I'm not doing that,” I
The Hubs shrugged and continued
eating. “It was just an idea.”
“Why can't I try it?” Gomer asked.
“Because you're not old enough,” I
“Why not?”
“You have to be twenty-one.”
“So, it's against the law.”
“Isn't speeding against the law?”
That was my eight-year-old smarty pants, Adolpha chiming in.
“Yes,” I said, slowly, seeing
exactly where she was going with her line of questioning.
“You speed all the time. You're
breaking the law when you speed. Why's this different?” she
I sighed heavily. “Yes, I speed, but
I don't consider that a big deal. I do think underage drinking is a
big deal, though.”
“What's underage drinking?” Gomer
“It's when people who are less than
21 drink alcohol.”
“Do you think it's as bad as
stealing?” asked Adolpha.
“Ummm,” I stalled. Did I? Where
did I rank underage drinking in the whole scheme of things? Sure, I
think it's O.K. to speed occasionally or gamble on my neighborhood
Bunko game, but stealing was a big no-no as far as I was concerned.
Did I feel as strongly about underage drinking? I remember going to
parties in high school where parents bought alcohol for everyone and
they'd say stuff like “I'd rather have you experiment here in my
house and staying here than driving somewhere intoxicated and killing
someone.” When I was 16 that made perfect sense to me. Now that I'm
a parent, I'm totally not cool with that. I don't want my kids
drinking in a barn somewhere and driving drunk, but I'm also not
going to tap a keg in my basement and tell them to go for it.
I know my kids are curious about
things adults do and I want them to always be curious individuals.
However, I want them to always feel like then can talk to me and the
Hubs about the things they're curious about. We never want to keep
the dialog open and to make sure our kids know what our boundaries
and limits are.
“Stealing is bad," I said.
"But speeding isn't?" Adolpha asked.
"Underage drinking and speeding are
not the same as far as I'm concerned,” I said. “When I speed, I'm
only going a few miles over the limit, not 100 miles per hour.
However, underage drinking is really dangerous. You need to be a
responsible adult when you drink. When someone drinks too much they
make bad choices. You're kids. Kids already make bad choices. Drunk
kids make terrible choices and many times someone gets hurt.”
“You mean drunk driving,” Gomer
“Drunk driving, getting assaulted at
parties, overdosing. All sorts of things. Bottom line, there's an age
limit for a reason and Dad and I will abide by that law. When you're
21, you probably won't want to hang out with us on your birthday, but
if you do, I'll be happy to have a beer with you then. All right?”
"All right," the kids agreed.
"Who wants juice?" the Hubs asked.
What about you? What's your rule? Have
you let your kids sip? Why or why not? Keep your judgment to yourself, please. Let's have a conversation and respect everyone's choices on this important topic.
As a member of the #TalkEarly blogger team, I wrote this post as part of a campaign sponsored by Responsibility.org. All opinions are always my own.
I send my kids down to the neighborhood bar to pick up my "carry out" I'M KIDDING!
I remember being able to take a sip of beer when I was younger. I remember hating the taste. After that, whenever I wanted to try a sip of whatever they were drinking, they would tell me it was beer. I never wanted to taste that again! Well, until much later in my life.
My son is 15, and I have always let him try things. On special occasions he is allowed to have a small glass of his own if he likes, although he generally declines. I like sweet wines so he lucked out there. I don't think he would like beer. :)
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