The Mean Moms at the School Concert

This might be the worst story I think I've ever heard.

Apparently somewhere in America a principal is having an emergency meeting with a group of mothers. The mothers are there not to talk about their children's behavior. Instead they are there to talk about their own behavior.

So there was a music concert the other night and this group of bitches sat behind a teacher from the school and during the concert they proceeded to put chewed up gum in the woman's hair. Let me say this slower for you, because the first time I heard this story, I didn't quite understand and I thought it was the kids who did this. NO. Not the kids.

A group of bitchy MOMS went to a SCHOOL concert and sat behind a TEACHER who was volunteering her time to be there that night for THEIR kids and they put GUM in the woman's HAIR and now THEY have to meet with the PRINCIPAL.

What. The. Fuck??  Grown women at a school event bullying a teacher??? My head just fucking exploded. I feel like I need to rename my blog What the Fuck is Wrong with People????? This is not like the kids who bullied the lady on the bus. It was horrifying enough when it was kids doing the bullying, but it wasn't as shocking, because they're kids. Kids make all kinds of bad decisions. This is worse, because these are adult women accosting another woman. Are you kidding me? You would think that adults would behave better than a group of little kids. But I guess not.

It's like Mean Girls: The Suburban Mom Years. It just goes to show that Mean Girls can grow up, but some of them never grow up. I can't even fathom why these women would do that or how humiliating it must have been for that teacher to figure out that mothers did that to her. The teacher is a kinder soul than I, because I would gone fucking ballistic. I would have skipped the Principal and gone straight for my lawyer. Surely we could have found something to sue these bitches for!

I have no idea what will happen to this group of harpies, but if I were in charge, I'd demand a public shaming. I think they should be forced to stand outside of their favorite store where all of their other Mean Mom friends can see them. They would have a bowl of bubble gum and they would wear a sandwich board that says: I'm a menace to society. I haven't matured past my mean girl high school days. I think it's funny to put gum in my child's teacher's hair. Please put some gum in my hair.

Then hopefully they'd get so much gum in their hair they'd have to shave their heads bald.

Now that I think about it, the Mean Girl store isn't good enough. It should be a Teacher Supply Store! Even better!

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Update: So a few of you have questioned the validity of this story, because there hasn't been a news story about it. I don't know if there ever will be one. I'm not sure that it was reported to the media. It's still a fairly private story and that's the reason why I kept the details vague. I can assure you that every terrible detail of this story is ALL true.


Unknown said...

UNBELIEVABLE! I have no words other than that!!

allison said...

And people wonder why there is a bullying problem? "I learned it from watching her." Unbelieveable. I need to find out more about this...

KCmomof2 said...

My co-worker's husband was one of the cops in Cleveland last week who had to break up a brawl at a Kindergarten graduation. I saw a snippet about it on the news and sent her an email just as a joke saying "I hope this isn't how your husband spent his day" and sure as shit it took 6 police officers to break up a bunch of Kindergarten parents and take statements. You could add that to your "tax dollars at work post".

mjcochran said...

Can you link me to the story? We want to talk about it on the air

Greta @gfunkified said...

Oh my god. That's truly AWFUL and yeah, shocking. What kind of message are they sending their kids??

Anonymous said...

What mortifies me the most about this story is that those women are raising children. I once wrote a post about bullying that ended with this:

"The simplest way to effect change is to take a good hard look through the eyes of the most impressionable. If WE change what they SEE, maybe THEY'LL change what they DO."

Allison Hart @ Motherhood, WTF? said...

Shared it. I'm torn about how I feel about their humiliation. My first thought when I heard the story was sandwich boards. These women deserve a public shaming. But what about their kids? The kids need to see that their moms are bullies not to be copied, but do the kids deserve the horrible humiliation that they're about to get? Ugh. Just makes me hate these moms even more. Not only did they bully that poor teacher, but they've put their kids into a horrible situation. No win here.

RachRiot said...

WOW. This is when the lawlessness of the internets can truly shine- We are about to find out exactly who these pillars of society are. C'mon! Let's see these bitches! YOU'RE GONNA BE FAMOUS, GIRLS! Sometimes public shaming is a beautiful thing.

Martha said...

I think they should have to have lots of gum put in their hair and then let the teacher clumsily cut it out...opps sorry about your hair, it'll grow out fast enough.

Weird Intellect said...

Sadly, this kind of thing isn't uncommon. I hear women all the time bashing teachers, school resource officers, and even other peoples children. I was at an end of the year Band concert and some Mean Moms were sitting behind me. I couldn't believe they were saying how bad the Band Sucked, and how crappy the director was. It was middle school kids. I don't think they play on a philharmonic symphony level, but heck, they are learning a skill and showing off what they learned. I turned around and gave the "Punch you in the throat" evil eye. And I got flipped off, a tongue stuck out at me, and an eyeroll. I really had to contain myself.

Julie said...

Holy crap! I thought the post was going to be moms making comments under their breath about how bad the concert sounded (which I am guilty of - our 5th grade band concert sounded like the bus scene in Sixteen Candles with the kazoos playing in the background). That is truly unbelievable.

Unknown said...

WTF?I can't even fathom this!

Kimberly said...

I just shake my head in stunned silence. And yet, I KNOW there are these kind of parents. Mean girls grow up to be mean moms.

Unknown said...

What the ever loving fuck?

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

This is crazy! I kind of want to move to a deserted island.

Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms said...

I am so sad these women are raising other human beings. Ellen

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Yep, some mean girls never grow up. I've seen it.

Ali said...

holy fuck. when I saw the title I thought they were going to be heckling the concert, but I was not prepared for that. just... there are no words.

EstelleSErasmus said...

That is horrible. Do you know where they are located?

BadParentingMoments said...

I'm sorry, can you please repeat this? Slower and louder because I honestly do NOT understand.

So did I tell you about... said...

Shaking my head in shame for all of us. For our futures. For what we've become.

Anonymous said...

I am saddened and disgusted by this. But oddly, not at all surprised. Asshole kids are raised by assholes and there are way too many of them out there. I just pray I am raisin my children better than this!

Confessions of a PTO Mom said...

In my experience, mean girls never grow up. It always comes back out.

Anonymous said...

That is terrible! I would feel sorry for them, because thier lives are obviously very miserable but they aren't worth my energy. Mean girls raise mean kids.

Anonymous said...

Great point. How do we show all the kids and everyone else, that this is totally unacceptable!

Unknown said...

YES. This. Exactly.

dvicci said...

It's very easy (and damned tempting) to rush to public shaming. That was my first thought, and you were much kinder than I was imagining. I was going to ask that you start that shaming now by publishing their names and a link to a story.

But then I read through the comments and came across the one that observed the no-win nature of this situation. Whatever is done to the mothers, their children shouldn't be punished as well. I don't have a solution, I just know that the only good that can come out of this situation is teaching their kids how NOT to act, without causing them additional shame. It's not their fault their mothers behave so horribly.

Whatever happens should be between the mothers and their victim. Their children should see their mothers owning up to, and making what amends they can for their utterly inexcusable and immature behavior. Perhaps the teacher can be a model, when the mothers cannot.

Domestic Diva said...

When people say, "What's wrong with kids today?" sometimes it's this - the shitty, awful parents.

Frugalista Blog said...

Exactly! My first thought was shame on these moms. Then my second thought was, their poor children. What do they say? Do they know this already? Have other kids talked about it? These moms need a "come to Jesus" moment face to face with this teacher AND their children in the room!-Frugie

Anonymous said...

I 100% agree.

Periwinkle Paisley said...

I should stop being surprised at the depths of assholiness people will sink. What the freaking hell? Really? My only guess is that these women were drunk. What other reason could there be for grown-ass women deliberately putting gum in someone's hair?

Jessica said...

This is abhorrent. I LOVE your solution to the problem. An eye for an eye seems to fit well in this situation. I honestly feel that if we used that method of punishment more often people wouldn't dare try to do such stupid, assinine things to each other, because it would be done to them too.

Namu said...

All I have to say is this: where do you think the bullies learn it from?

Anonymous said...

I am still clinging to the hope that the women mistook the teacher for someone else-someone they thought they were friends with-and that this was some stupid, silly practical joke. Even that would be ridiculous but the probable real story is horrible. These "women" should feel very ashamed of themselves. Is there a link for this story? I want to put it on my Facebook wall.

Unknown said...

OH MY GOD! That's just pathetic behaviour. I wouldn't ever expect it of grown women.

Jenny said...

I can only hope that what they're putting out there will come back to them tenfold. This is beyond appalling. Truly disgusting.

Unknown said...

I am disturbed, and yet not surprised. Over the last couple of years I have observed adult women doing things to other adult women that would disappoint most teens' sensibilities. SMH. Out of control.

Desperately-Seeking-Sanity said...

I couldn't agree with you more! And yet, there are parents who behave like this and then wonder where their kids get it from...Public shaming...gum in THEIR hair...and I think they should have to pay to get the teacher's hair done professionally...for a freaking YEAR!!! And she should go to the most expensive salon there is, change her hair color every few weeks...oh yeah get them "acting like middle school brat" bitches.

Etta said...

Exactly, they kids usually learn it from their parents. Then they play dumb when their kids get in trouble, blaming the school or the other students.

Heather said...

i know what i'm about to write will probably draw some fire but i think the children deserve to see their mother's publicly humiliated. the children of these women are probably bullies as well. why wouldn't they be? clearly their mothers have taught them that this is normal behavior. maybe seeing their mother's being punished for these kinds of acts will have a positive effect on future behavior.

meechla said...

I would really like to see the link to this story. It's unbelievable!

Delmer said...

I would by pass this with the principal and go straight to the law. Then leak it to the press. Protect the identity of the teacher and the expose these mothers!
I don't understand the thought process of these women.

Anonymous said...

oh my.. this post is so timely right now as I have what i feel been bullied by one of my sons mom for the past 5 months. She refuses to talk to me when i ask her something, she has slammed doors shut in my face, she walks by me and intentionally doesn't smile politely or make eye contact. i understand not liking someone else and not wanting to be friends, but as adults, is there no tolerance and respect for others?
to make matters worse, this woman is a teacher. my daughters teacher next year to be exact. and she can't even look or speak to me. going to be interesting parent teacher interview i'd say.
we live in a small town so we can't just go our separate ways. our kids are in everything together and now she's got the other women on "her" side and they aren't allowed to talk to me either. we are 36 by the way. yeah i know it sounds like 16.
i wrote about her during hockey and was going to publish a post about her bullying but backed down. maybe now i will. i should never doubt that if im going through something so is someone else. thanks for the conversation about mean moms.

Nancy said...

Exactly my thoughts, Pamela.

Nancy said...

Don't let this woman and her cronies make you feel bad. (I know...easier said than done.) THEY are the ones who are the losers.

Unknown said...

Quite honestly, I'm speechless. I just cannot believe (or don't want to believe) that grown women could do such a thing. Unfortunately, I deal with a bully at work, so I know this is the case. I'm afraid I would have gone all Jersey on their asses in 2.5 seconds.

Beej said...

Exactly my first thoughts. Mean comments in the back row making fun of kids, clothes, other parents, etc...
That's so ridiculous it doesn't even have a name.

Amy T. said...

This doesn't surprise me, and that is sad.

Melissa @ A Wide Line said...

Wow. So appalling. Way to be role models, ladies. And we're surprised when kids act the way do. Well, this sort of explains it. Sick and sad. Love your idea for the punishment. I'd probably throw an atomic wedgie in for good measure.

Unknown said...

So...after reading the title, that was the LAST thing I was expecting to hear. I can't even fathom how adult women could think that was funny...or cool. How do these women function in society?!

Unknown said...

Friend or not, joking or not, gum in hair is crossing the line. I, personally, can't see any situation where their actions could be excused.

Kim Bongiorno at Let Me Start By Saying said...

This hurts my brain to even think about.

Parents really need to start acting like grown-ups. WTF? I'm SURE the kids in the audience saw it happening. Nice role modeling, moms.

HEMOM4EVR said...

My son was bullied to the point that he tried to commit suicide. He is 12 years old. When I approached the mom, she bullied ME and to find out that the mom and dad were both bullies in school as well. Great way to pass on the legacy. I am appalled at people today. What the hell is wrong with people. There is a point in your life that you need to GROW THE HELL UP! I am appalled ...simply appalled but not surprised after the year that i just endured.

mylifewithkidsnchaos said...

I AGREE 500% with you Heather.....Maybe seeing their mothers punished and humiliated just as their egg donors humiliated that wonderful teacher will be the catalyst; perhaps that defining moment that they choose to never emulate their behaviors!!

Unknown said...

I have to wonder what was said in that meeting, because WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU would probably be deemed inappropriate. Even though that is the most appropriate question for the situation.

mylifewithkidsnchaos said...

I do get the hole "No win" thing for their kids but at the very least each of those moms should have to write an in depth 2000 word essay on how their actions hurt the teacher but also how it impacted their families, especially their kids, the entire student body, and the school environment as a whole; an apology not only to the teacher whom they assaulted, but to the school for their shameful behavior, the entire student body to whom they modeled a behavior that in a ZERO TOLERANCE school they would be suspended for if not expelled, and most importantly to their children whom they have now placed huge targets upon their backs....because you know that their poor children will now be known as "her" kid....that is so and so....his mom is one of the ones that put the gum in the teacher's hair at our school concert in 5th grade, 4th grade or what ever grade they are in....and then they should have to VERY PUBLICLY read their apologies to their victims!! But for their community serve they should have to separately, not all together in their mean girl clique; they each should have to teach a week long 1 hour a day class on bullying and its harmful and long term effects on the bully's victims!! I know this sounds harsh but in doing so they would then be modeling for their kids one of the most important lessons of their lives....Empathy, how to accept responsibility for their own actions; self-accountability, but most importantly they could teach them that people, even bullies can change.....maybe not themselves but their classmates may just turn that corner and learn from all of this :)

MissMarcy said...

Hey, Jen, can I ask where you heard this story? Only cause I'm fascinated by it and want to read more about it but can't find it on any searches I do. I think this story needs to go to the mainstream media, no? What a bunch of crazy bitches! Where did this happen? Thanks, Marcy.

Hyppychick said...

Yeah, I'd like to see that newstory as well..

Anonymous said...

MyLife this is a great idea. I think better than the shaming. People don't take responsibiity for their actions any mor. THe big thing is to teach the kids about consequences because we all make bad mistakes (ok a responsible grown up wouldn't do this).

The Shitastrophy said...

WTF is up with people? And seriously more than one person thought this was ok? If I was this teacher I would be praying to god I got these assholes kids in my class. Unreal. Absolutely Unreal.

nikkibiniaris said...

Is there a link to this story? I've googled it and came up with nothing. I'd love to share it with my coworkers...?

the robot mommy said...

I can't seem to locate the story either. Can you provide a link? I'd like to share this with my readers as well.

calibamamom said...

Totally speechless (and that rarely happens). I am a big anti-bullying advocate, and this is one of the worst scenarios I've ever read about. What kind of mother sets this example for her children? I sincerely hope these women are punished to the maximum degree, and I can't even wrap my mind around what that would be at the moment.

Unknown said...

You know what is even more sad? Is that these moms are out here attacking one-another online as well. Virtual gum in the hair is no better than literal gum. Shame. Shame on them all.

lorihokie said...

First of all they should all have to fork over $100 each in gift cards to the hair salon of that teacher's choice, so she can get decent hair cuts to fix what they ruined.

Then I totally agree with the idea that they should write an essay on what they did wrong and WHY it was wrong and how it hurt every single person at that school - and read it aloud to the entire student body at an anti-bullying rally.

Unknown said...

Me too. Almost never speechless.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry, hun. That is just not right. :-(

Shayna Murray said...

I can't seem to find it either and these sorts of things tend to spread like wild fire....

Jen Piwtpitt said...

There is no link to the story, because it hasn't been picked up by the media. It's still just a private affair at this point. Not sure if it will go public or not.

SDJaye said...

I just finished a post on my blog Sadie's Gathering, entitled, "Know Your Kids?" I was prompted to write it because of today's news, almost every day, but mainly because of The Skylar Neese story. So sad and so shocking.

Now, grown women? Moms? Can only imagine what winning crop of kids they're turning out.

I would really like to know where this happened.

SDJaye said...

These poor excuses for women need to be "outed".

calibamamom said...

The hair salon gift card and essay idea are both excellent ones. But that's only scratching the surface of the retribution they should be responsible for. I'm still in disbelief.

Shannon McDonald said...

First of all, I need to say that what these women did to their children's teacher is despicable. As parents we are supposed to be setting a good example and teaching our children how to function in society. Above that, they are teaching their children that teachers don't deserve respect.. and that affects everyone in the classroom.

But really, I am commenting because I don't understand your intentional vagueness. On one hand, you're saying that the story is private and that this is the reason you have left out so many details that could validate this story. On the other hand, you're calling for public humiliation and shaming for their poor behavior. So, my question is, if they deserve to be outed.. why not out them? It doesn't get any more public than the internet.

Just my thoughts..

Anonymous said...

I just read this-another blogger had put a link to this post on her wrap-up. Unbelievable! What is wrong with people????!!!!

Dana said...

I read about that, how insane. Wasn't it all over someone wanting to take a picture of their kid and the other woman refused to get out of the way?

Bridget said...

I cannot think of any words that are strong enough to express my disgust! It SHOULD be reported to the media. These women should NOT be allowed to skulk away!

My Latte Brings All the Boys to the Yard said...

New show idea: "16 and Pregnant: The Kindergarten Years" A look behind the lives of mothers who never grew up and the kids who should be raised by foster parents.

Jenn In Real Life said...

Is it bad that its never the horrible, cruel stuff that I doubt being true? Its the humble, self-effacing acts of kindness and grace that are usually far exaggerated. And that is the saddest part of this.

I vote that those bitches have to shave their heads bald. Maybe they can grow up while their hair grows out.

mrobinwood said...

So true dvicci. Thank you.

Joy H said...

that was my first thought too......Mean Girls Grown Up. Of course gum probably wouldn't stick in their dyed, over-processed, extensions that they paid through the nose for so I think shaving them bald would work.

I think this principal needs to look out for the safety of his staff with these crazy bitches.....could he get a restraining order? I don't even know how to process this.

mrainey82 said...

I dread picking my kids up from school because I don't want to interact with the other parents. In any other social situation, I would just act like a weirdo and be left alone, but a dude hanging outside of an elementary school looking like a creep wouldn't work well for me.

Unknown said...

So publicly humiliating (a form of bullying) is the penalty for bullying... I assume then that it would be acceptable for a mother to spank one child while saying "You (whack) must (whack) not ( whack) hit your (sister) ! " Yup ! .. makes perfect sense to me NOT !

Jessica Halcom said...

Jenn - would you mind if I linked your post to my blog? I write about things related to this. This story has my blood boiling. Can you let us know where you heard it?

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