10 Things I Want My Kids to Be

Today the Hubs is guest posting. He doesn't usually write, but when he does he's always got a lot to say. Please read it and if you like it, let him know because he loves a good comment as much as the next person. 

My kids are heading back to school and I can't be there with them. I can't hold their hands in the hall or join them for lunch. I won't always be there to influence their decisions and their choices. I can only do my best to teach them and to prepare them. This is the advice I have used to try and instill the qualities I think they need to be a better version of themselves:

1.  Be fearless. Don't spend your life in fear of the unknown.  You should not be afraid of the unknown.  You should embrace the unknown as new adventures in your life.

2.  Be strong.  Be strong in spirit, body and mind.  I not saying I want you to be pumping iron and do 100 push ups a day, but to be strong in everything you do.  To be strong in mind and spirit and don't give up on anything you try and to persevere through the difficult things in your life. 

3.  Be funny.  You have to be able to laugh at yourself and with others.  Having a sense of humor is so important because it will help you handle the stresses of everyday life.

4.  Be careful.  Be careful with your things, and your feelings.  Take good care of your stuff because no one else will.  Be careful with your feelings because they will get hurt very easily and a broken heart or a crushed spirit are the hardest things to fix.

5.  Be smart.  Studying hard at school is important.  No matter what happens, getting a good education will serve you well in the future.  Smart is sexy and it is never out of style. Nerds rule the world and they always will.

6.  Be choosy.  Choose your friends carefully.  Who you choose to associate yourself with is a reflection on who you are and how you will be influenced.  Be very choosy when picking a mate.  Don't just sleep around with everyone, make sure you pick the right mate because they will be a HUGE part of your life and they can either make your life easier or much much harder.

7.  Be yourself.  Everyone is different and unique.  Don't follow and try to be like everyone else.  We are all unique and we should celebrate just how unique we truly are.  All our differences make us who we are.  There is only one of you in the world, you should celebrate this fact.

8.  Be generous.  You should always be generous.  Generous with your time, your money and your talents.  If you have more than others, always share because sharing is the right thing to do.

9.  Be connected.  The world is a big place.  There are billions of people in thousands of countries around the world.  Find your tribe and stay connected to your tribe.  Being connected on a real level with just one other person in the world can be enough to keep you sane and normal.

10.  Don't be a quitter.  This last one is important because to do everything else on this list you will have to work at it.  Nothing comes easy and will require hours of work and dedication.  Remember that when you want to stop something because it is too hard, that is when you must push harder and work harder.  Quitting will never get you where you want to be.  Quitting should never be the answer to anything you do.  Quitting is not an option if you want to be successful.

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desirae said...

I love this . I have a four year old and a seven month old. I am always telling my four year old to be yourself.

Sharon Greenthal said...

I would only add to this list - be kind. Sometimes that's hard to do as a child, but by instilling this in your small kids, they will carry it with them into adulthood. I taught my kids my motto in life, "what goes around, comes around," and they're both pretty nice adults - plus they are amazed to see this come true over and over.

Alicia Shepherd said...

Way to go "hubs" Great post and so true! Thanks for sharing

So did I tell you about... said...

Hubs made me tear up. Very lovely, thoughtful, and insightful. Will be sharing it with my own children. So thank you!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to print this out and hang it up in our house. My oldest starts kindergarten on Monday, and this is a great list to share early on.

Unknown said...

Love this. With you and Jen modeling these behaviors, your kids will be great. Good job making a bunch of moms cry today, Hubs!

Michelle said...

I'm reading the comments about how this is so appropriate for preschoolers and kindergartners...but you know what? My oldest will start her senior year in a few weeks and this list STILL applies...for her at 17 and for me at forty-*cough*-frrsh.
Thanks for the smart words, Hubs!!

Anonymous said...

You know these are great ideas for the workplace as well.

The NotsoSuperMom said...

I love when The Hubs writes.

Tabitha said...

The Hubs nailed it!! I am going to print this one out and share with my 10 year old son and 4 year old daughter..I think they both could use it; especially the 10 year old. Thanks for the awesome post!!

Wendy White Van said...

I think this will make a nice, framed photo (with credit given where it is due) for my office wall. Beautiful blog post, "hubs!"

Anonymous said...

I think this list applies to kids and adults alike. I could definitely learn a lot from it. The friends thing is so important. Already I don't love every child my daughter is friends with and wish there was a way to influence it a bit more. One friend in particular is going to drag her down. But she's four. Hopefully plenty of time for that particular friendship to wane!

CaroleDee said...

Reminds me of a program my son's school did last year. It's called 'Character Counts'
There are six pillars of character and when a child is seen demonstrating one of those pillars they were recognized on a bulletin board and at the monthly assembly.

I'm not sure if the spam filter will let me post the link, so if you're interested search for 'Josephson Institute Six Pillars'

Jamie Miles said...

All great advice Hubs. I like Number 10 best. In my experience, not quitting makes up for most of the rest -- including lack of smarts and courage. Only one thing I would add at the top of my list. Be kind. Kindness and not quitting will take you far and enrich your world. Hope the children have a great year.

Jankowski Family Fun said...

I am "awwwing" and "waaaaing" over here. Comments AND hugs to you, Hubs!

~Steph @ WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion

Anonymous said...

Great advice. I especially love "Find your tribe." This is so important for children and even adults to know. I had such a hard time as a child...I think if I had known this then, some situations would have been less awkward.

Unknown said...

Good advice. Most of these are applicable for anyone from preschoolers to grown-ups. I *might* need to refresh MYSELF on a few. Bonus: This shouldn't make Jen want to punch Hubs in the throat! Yay! Two-fer.

Unknown said...

Wonderful advice! I'm adding this list to the things I need to make sure my daughter knows!

Kim Bongiorno at Let Me Start By Saying said...

Perfectly put.

Full Spectrum Mama said...

Dang...not funny...yet resulting in a BIG smile. Thanks as always.

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