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Have you seen me-ow? |
Yes, I'm learning now that these things exist. So, when my neighbor's pooch runs away, I get an automated phone call telling me that "Rose Smith who lives on Main Street has lost her beagle. He's brown and white and answers to the name 'Tiger'." This message came in while I was away so it went to the answering machine. I swear it was over three minutes long of detailed information regarding helpful tips for the identification and trapping of Tiger so that I could return him to Rose. There were ideas of treats he prefers and how best to approach him. Ack!!
This was the second call in a week. When I received the first one, I thought it was just strange and chalked it up as a prank call or something random. I didn't think much of it until yesterday when I got the call about Tiger. Then that night, as we were sitting down to dinner, the phone started ringing again. I answered and was greeted by an automated voice telling me that this was another Pet Amber Alert and I swear to God I think he said, it was a "tortoise" that was missing this time. I couldn't hear for sure, because that's when I started yelling:
"Oh hell no! Stop calling me," I screamed into the phone and slammed it down. I know no one hears me yelling except my own family, but it made me feel better.
I am inundated on a daily basis with robo calls and I am irritated beyond belief with ALL of them. My congressman won't stop calling me (I didn't vote for you, asshole, take me off your list.), some shady sounding mortgage company who is offering me a "one time" only chance to refinance (If it is really a "one time" offer then why are you calling me twice a day?), and non-profits who will have donation trucks "in my area" on Monday (Half the time they say they're coming and I put my stuff on the curb, then they never show up. Ugh.).
I can not add another robo spam call to the mix. I just can't. Especially when it's about a missing pet. Look, I'm sorry that Tiger is missing and that sucks and you must be very upset, but you can't pay some asshole company 60 bucks to spam me with details about your dog. I will hang up every time. I will never listen to that message. That's absolute bullshit. Make a flyer and post that shit on a pole somewhere.
Also, you can't call it an "Amber Alert." That is a name that is reserved for missing kids. You can't take that name and just add "pet" to it and think that's OK. An Amber Alert is serious business and yes, I know pet owners think their missing pets are serious, but not as serious as a missing kid. You just can't compare the two. I've ranted on this before and I've heard that I'm a heartless asshole and it still hasn't changed my opinion. Your missing dog is not as important as a missing kid. Period.
I know all about the Do Not Call List and I'm on it. However, all of these organizations (including the damn Amber Pet Alert) are exempt and get to call me. In fact, Pet Amber Alert's site indicates they can call me four times within an hour!!
When I mentioned these calls to some friends, one commented that she's seen a flyer in her neighborhood for a missing cat. The flyer says "His name is Batman, but he answers to Bruce." Now, that's a robo call I'd actually like to hear. I imagine it would go something like this:
Hi, This is Jen from Pet Amber Alert. Your neighbor Sam on Spruce Street is missing his cat. He is a tabby with white paws and kind eyes. His name is Batman, but he answers to Bruce. Sam last saw Batman downtown at the ASPCA gala event. Batman was wearing a tiny tuxedo and he was accompanied by his girlfriend, Catwoman, who answers to Laverne. Laverne is also missing, but her owner did not purchase an alert, so no description of her will be given here. Sam is uncertain as to where Batman could be. He believes that Batman is still downtown somewhere fighting crime and has perhaps lost his way back home to the mansion maybe due to a head injury. Some friends of Laverne have been floating the idea that the two cats have run off together to start a new life, but Sam is adamant that Batman would not leave without saying goodbye. If you see Batman do not try and catch him. He is a lethal killer and will most likely injure anyone who tries to nab him. He is a smart cat, but he cannot resist a damsel in distress or a bank robbery. He would most likely investigate either of these crimes and then he can be captured carefully. Sam suggests luring Batman into a cage using a fake penguin on a string while making purring sounds at the same time and saying quietly, "There, there, Batman. It's OK, The commissioner sent me."
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I'm a dog owner whose dogs have gotten loose before and I think this "Pet Amber Alert" nonsense is complete BS. Make flyers and post about it on facebook like a normal person!
I'm with you on this one. Puh-lease!
I totally agree!
"Have you seen me-ow?" Good Lawd, I died.
We ditched our home phone last year. Hearing about this makes me happy we did that.
The fact that they are using the term Amber Alert is offensive! Your pet is NOT as important as a child. Even though he is a member of the family, and he is like another child to you, he's not. That phone system is more high-tech than the actual Amber Alert system! Maybe the makers of this organization could actually start looking for missing kids!
Hehe, my cat's name IS Batman BruceWayne Ourlastname. When he is being a mischievous asshat, I yell at him using his full name. I wonder what the neighbors think...
OMG!! You seriously made my day. Yes, it was shitty up until I read your post. So thanks for that. Love your blog. :)
We used to have a landline. Every morning, at 4:45 am, we would get a call from a local grocery store's fax machine. Woken up in the middle of the fucking night, to hear a fax machine scream in my ear. I called the store, they assured me they'd take our number off their fax list, but it never happened, even after repeated requests that became less and less polite. Finally, we unplugged the phone. That was five years ago. We still have a basic landline for our internet bundle, but I have no idea what our phone number is.
I have a dog that I love, and I can confidently say this pet robocall business is bat(man) shit crazy.
I LOVE your blog but I never post...this one got me :) I almost smacked a lady once at the vet because the tech wanted me to spend $2000 to take my chih mix to the veterinary school here in town to have a CT Scan to see why he was having seizures...I told her she was BAT SHIT crazy that no way ever was I gonna spend $2000 on a dog! The lady next me looks down at my 5 year old and says "well I bet you would spend $2000 for her to have CT Scan if she needed one your pet deserves one too". OH NO SHE DIDNT! I whipped around and told her to mind her own damn business that my kid and my dog were not even in the same realm of importance. WIth my busy life the dog is lucky I remember to feed him! I left...the dog has a seizure here and there we hold him and its over....damn "my animal is my kid" people! I love the dog but COME ON!
To Ryan Dyck and augustandcatherinesmom and even Jen: All three of you stated "A pet is not as important as a child." You all stated this pretty emphatically. I'd like you to consider something: to some people, that pet is as close as they are going to get to having a child. For whatever reasons, something with four legs (or fins or scales or feathers)is what they have to nurture. Augustandcatherinesmom: the vet tech was just selling services and is an asshat for the remark. I've dealt with those kinds myself; they try to upsell you on services. Expensive ones. However, damning the people who would or could spend the $2,000 really isn't a good response. In your world (and Ryan's and Jen's), the pets take a back seat to the kids. Please consider this: for some people, that pet IS their world and it's a very lonely place without them.
So you are saying some people are mentally ill. We know that. That is not our own problem. Those people probably support PETA, which supports the execution of countless animals because they don't want to keep paying for food to feed them.
Animals do not equal humans, ever.
You shouldn't have a dog, IMO. I'm not going to debate whether or not an animal is equal to a child, but I do know that when you agree to take care if an animal, it's a commitment. They are there for you and trust you to do right by them, and that includes proper care. Every time he has a seizure, he's experiencing brain damage.
Yes, pets can be expensive, but you made the commitment. If you can't or won't follow through then adopt him out.
Also, usually when you love someone, you remember to feed them. Just saying.
Thanks all knowing one. You said it, so it must be true. No need for anyone else's opinion to be heard or respected.
I love your blog, but I have to say, this post offended me a little.
I can see how this could be annoying in excess. No one wants a million calls in an hour. Annoying someone isn't going to endear them to the idea of keeping an eye out for your pet.
What I don't get, is why it's such an awful thing for someone to use this service to find their animal. Regardless of whether or not a pet is as important as a kid, which I don't really think is the point here, someone out there is panicked and sick about where their pet could be. It's not THAT big a deal to get an alert. How often does anyone stop and read a flier?
Yes, that particular service is annoying in the way they went about it, but the basic intent seems to annoy you in an over the top, aggressive way that seems irrational to me.
And, regardless of whether or not you agree, dismissing others' feelings about their animals with black and white statements is a little rude. You're definitely entitled to your opinion, but your opinion isn't the only opinion.
In any case, if my pet were lost, I would hope that my neighbors would be kind enough to heed an alert and just keep an eye out as I wild for them.
LOL! Once again, I adore you!
If giving love to a loving and deserving creature of God makes me mentally ill, so be it. I really don't see how loving your pet fully needs to take anything away from your kids or any other human - but apparently love is a limited resource in some people's lives.
I agree 100%. Pets are not property. Have a heart for god's sake!
Ditto. I would be absolutely panick stricken if one of my dogs was lost. They both are have chips, so IF they don't get ran over they would likely find their way back to me (that is unless it's freezing cold and no one sees them before hypothermia kicks in.)
I would never be so reckless as to let my dogs run free or leave them unattended, but accidents happen.
Please don't dismiss those of us who love and care for our pets!
I love my pets and yes they are a part of my family BUT I do 100% agree that they are not as important as a child. To call it an Amber alert is downright inappropriate. Amber alerts are for missing CHILDREN, human children who are kidnapped or lost. These children are in danger from sexual predators and murders. Your lost pet will NEVER be as important as saving a potential victim. This service is a good idea in theory but harassing people by calling that many times will get people to do just as you did hang up after the first few words.
I'm a fur parent who didn't hesitate to spend $2000 to save my pet, and even though she died and we still owe that $ I wouldn't change what I did. But at the end of the day if it came down to saving a child or an animal I will pick the kid every time.
Where was the part that said you have to pick between saving an animal or a child? Surely I missed it. Hopefully you won't be missing both at the same time, and if you are by all means pick the child (really who wouldn't? that should be a given). But animals have a tendency to get lost and a responsible, loving pet owner should make every effort possible to recover that pet (animals, like children, are a CHOICE, helpless, and a responsibility). Perhaps the name Amber Alert was a bad choice - I'll give you that. But I'm still trying to see how this resource takes anything at all away from a child...
I'm pretty sure the Amber Alert is named after a girl named Amber who went missing and later found dead. So, yeah, I too am a little offended by the use of "Amber Alert".
I agree that using the term Amber Alert is wholly inappropriate. I will stay out of the crossfire in the other comments but will say that your take on the robo call concerning the missing Batman (aka Bruce) had me laughing out loud.
In total agreement here as well!
The only thing I have to say about this is that I don't have children. I wasn't able to have kids, so my pets ARE my kids and they get treated that way. I have six cats, A Great Dane, and an Aussie mix, soon to be 12, that I rescued from a dumpster when she was 6 months old. I would love this service to be available if I lived in a big city. I don't need it where I live now, because I live in the middle of the woods on a lake. I have no problem with it being called an amber alert, because yes, to me, my animals are as important to me as your kids, because all my children have four legs! I'd also like to think that my neighbors would be glad to help me if one of my beloved babies were missing. You're either an animal person or you're not, and I definitely am.
Oh to the lady who doesn't seem to think that animals are "victims", I suggest you google animal abuse and see some of the awful pics. I know. I post them every day trying to save them. I love this blog, but I will defend animals with my last breath. I am their voice.
Would calling it a Magenta Alert help? I'm sure no one would stop looking for a child in order to look for a kitty.
I did too. That was my favorite part!
I laughed until I was crying. I NEVER read posts aloud to my husband (because he just doesn't care) and my record is intact because I was laughing so hard he couldn't understand me. Will try again or at least forward him the link. Ellen
What ever happened to the locator chip? Can't people just implant those into their pets? If they can afford these types of call services, can't they afford the chip? I'm not trying to be an asshole, I am honestly asking.
HA!! My cat growing up was named "Boomer Esiason Cat Extraordinaire" Sooo glad my family isn't the only one that does this. (Also, all of my dogs have been male and have the middle name "Marie", a tradition started by my nutty Grandpa when I was a kid- the hubs thinks we're all nuts)
I feel sorry for your dog. Just as people who are unwilling to care for their children should not have them, you should not have a dog if you are truly "too busy to remember to feed him". Adopting an animal means taking on the commitment of good care...including caring for health issues, and yeah, remembering to put out a damn bowl of kibble. You suck.
I have five cats and they are my world. If one of them were ever to go missing, I would take whatever crazy steps necessary to locate them and bring them safely home. I don't care whether that makes people think I'm crazy or too involved with my pets. They are living beings that do not understand the world outside of my home. I adopted them and am in charge of their safety and well-being. I will do anything to ensure that I provide those things. And anyone who doesn't like it can go fuck off, simple as that.
Microchips still exist and are often included with shelter adoptions. If you adopt a pet that doesn't come already chipped, you can have the procedure done at your vet's office. It's inexpensive and quick. I've performed microchip implantations on many cats and dogs and although it does hurt, a quick rub after placing the chip makes it feel better. They're well worth the peace of mind that they bring.
Normally I love you, Jen, but I wasn't a fan of this particular post. I don't see why a phone call searching for a missing pet would be a problem. As for the name of the service being offensive, people who are offended like that need to clean the sand out of their vaginas and get over themselves. I recently saw a truly terrible story on the news that a dog in my area went missing. Three weeks later he was found decapitated and burned. Someone sick did terrible things to him. If people had gotten a call to be on the lookout for him, he might have been found and returned home before he could have been abused and killed. Just as there are sickos out there that will harm missing children, there are sickos out there that abuse animals.
Hi - I just came across this blog and am very amused by it. So thanks for writing it. I wanted to chime in on this post because I have an unusual perspective of being childless and involved in animal welfare. I would be heartbroken if my "babies" went missing and am all for services that help people and pets reunite. HOWEVER - the service you are talking about takes it too far. Amber Alert is just silly. To use the name for anything other than the actual Amber Alert system is not good. As for calls and emails about lost pets most of the microchip companies have lists of people who have ASKED or AGREED to get calls and emails about missing pets in their area. For Facebook posts of this nature, the people have LIKED the organizations that send out these posts. And they work. There is an organization called Granite State Dog Recovery that just recently reunited a dog with its owners after the dog had been missing for 9 weeks and was feared dead due to a severe medical condition that needed daily care. Very many animal lovers got caught up in the search for Bear and were thrilled he has found safe. That being said - we asked to be a part of this and there are enough of us out there that no pet recovery organization should be bother people who DO NOT want to be bothered. There is nothing wrong with you not wanting to get these alerts anymore than there is something wrong with me wanting to get them. Companies and Organizations should respect our choices and the good ones will. The main difference that I see between the Pet Amber Alert and an organization like Granite State Dog Recovery is that one is a business in it to make money and the other is a charity, run by volunteers who just want to reunite people with their pets. So feel free to get mad at the "services" that are just in it for the money and tell them to leave you alone. But keep in mind that some organizations are not in it for the money and if you accidentally end up on one of their lists, a polite "please remove me" is all it take.
My animals are my children.I would be just as grief stricken and traumatized by losing one of my animals as a person losing a human child.To those who think animals are not equal to or as important as humans--that is just your own subjective opinion and it is not shared by someone like me who has found animals to be far more loving and accepting than a lot of human beings.In my opinion they have far more to offer than a lot of so-called human beings.To those offended by the name Amber Alert and its function in society--Get over your petty,superficial selves!There are far more things in this world to be angered and offended by.And to those who think animals are not victims--animal cruelty is commonplace in this world.After reading some of the rude,insensitive,ignorant and idiotic remarks on this post I am glad have animals for children instead of humans!
hi. just wanted to say you're a complete fucking asshole. my pets ARE as important as a child. some of us can't have human children. not everyone is able to shit out kids left & right. these 2 little animals are my life, and if they went missing I'd lose a piece of myself. so fuck u a thousand times over. just fuck u.
Yah you're right...my pets are WAYYY MORE IMPORTANT than ANYYYY AND ALL CHILDREN. Get it right. How dare you. People are willing to drop way more money on their pets then finding little Tommy the terror. You''re offended??? Hahha. Get over yourself. Ugghhhh gag
Why is there a choice ever? You take care of both, always. If you are making choices or denying your pet of the things they need, you're just an animal abuser. All the people that are offended that the same alert system is being used- you have to be kidding. How selfish. You're basically not allowing someone to find their pet. Go find something better to do. Go look for your smelly kid that's lost if you're sooo worried about time getting taken away from them.
You obviously are not a pet lover.. Have a cat missing now. Hope you are in my area to get the call from my cat's amber alert!
I completely agree with AugustandCatherinesMom. You dog people need to get over yourself. Let's put a little bit more focus on human health care. Do you know how many humans have seizures that go untreated because they don't have access to healthcare? How about you pieces of shit give $2000 to someone who doesn't have healthcare every time you take Fido to get a CAT scan. How about every time you take FifI to a pet spa you give $500 to a homeless shelter? Morons.
I normally like your blog but disagree here. I love my pets and would have no qualms harassing all those in the vicinity who could maybe help me locate my dogs. They are chipped, but that's a passive thing. You have to get the dog, scan the chip and then you might be able to locate the owner. It's not like LoJack. I also think some people are confusing actually USING the Amber Alert system, like the texts and highway signs (which, yes, should be used for children) and the name "Pet Amber Alert" - it's not offensive, in my opinion, to use the name. It's three words which absolutely, clearly and effectively communicate the purpose of the system. Words are for communication and these work BECAUSE the Amber Alert system is well known. Additionally, people are getting into a twist on both sides comparing children to pets, but ME? I am personally pissed off that you think my missing pet is comparable, UNFAVORABLY comparable, to a one-time only offer from Time-Life for encyclopedias. Who would save in a lifeboat situation? Your 40% discounted Sunday Newspaper Subscription or my dogs, who I love? Someone is missing an important, live creature who is a part of their lives and heart. Who the hell are YOU to quantify it as more or less important than anything else? Answer the phone, don't answer the phone - I don't care. But don't compare my missing pets to erectile disfunction supplements that someone is now trying to sell you "buy two get the third one free." Because that attitude is straight up bullshit.
I think it's a bit harsh to call some one a pos or a moron because they take care of their pets. Obviously some people take pet ownership seriously and if that means spending $2000 for a CT scan then so be it, no where in the above comments was the phrase 'pet spa' mentioned, so get off your high horse. I imagine the same people that spend a lot of money on their pets would also (or do!) take the same type of care of their children or other loved ones. It's one thing to have a strong opinion on this subject, but it's another to call someone a piece of shit over it... Just because they spend a bunch of money on a pet that THEY CHOSE TO OWN, doesn't mean they have to go donate to every charity in America and honestly, how do you even know that they don't?! Judge much? Geez.
If you met my dog, I promise, you'd love him more than your kids. He is adorable.
Oh look, a courageous person who is not afraid to get out of the shadows and stand up for their opinion!
Or not.
You're pathetic.
Additionally, (and I just thought of this) what if all that info is to help you deal with an animal that may wander onto your property. Say, you don't care at all about animals or helping find lost ones. But, that sweet dog got hit by a car and is injured and your yard was the closest. And you and your kids are out there. You don't want the animal to harm you or your children. Sure, if he bit one then animal control would put the animal down, but that would be small comfort to you or your child when if you had known some information about the animal you could have avoided that situation. Awareness helps.
I'm sure these alerts would only be sent after other efforts to find the animal had failed...
Parents are some of the most judgmental people in the entire goddamn world. I would type out everything I have to say but I already commented higher up. All I can say is I sincerely hope no one of these people ever has a beloved member of their family go missing and their distress is meant with such cruel, flippant attitudes.
exactly! And the whole discussion has devolved to "Pets vs. Children: which is more important?" And the original post has the attitude of "missing pets: just as irritating and inconsequential as a robo-dial from a congressman." THAT'S what pisses me off. I don't care WHERE you quantify the relative value of pets and children, but can't we agree that a living creature is more important that one time credit card offer?
I agree with about 99.9% of the content of your blog, but this most offended me a little. The fact that you compared a missing pet alert to a call from a congressman or a credit card scam is, quite frankly, disgusting. Whatever your stance on pets vs. children is, that dog is still a living being who is loved and has a family worried sick about him. Don't you think that's just a LITTLE more important than some automated voicemail from Viagra? I would hope that should an accident happen and my dog goes missing, my neighborhood would have enough of a collective heart to understand how much he means to me and help me get him home.
I also hate that you had to belittle pet owners who love their pets like children. Is it the same kind of bond that a mother has with her human child? No, of course not. But you still feed them, shelter them, teach them manners, and are solely responsible for their well-being just like a parent. You are the whole world to that creature, and they ALWAYS love you unconditionally. They don't go through a bratty teenage phase where they want nothing to do with you. I personally find dogs to be more loving than most human beings I've encountered.
Irritating beyond belief. Also unscrupulous in that (1) they only give the number of the pet owner, not their number, (2) no "opt out" option during the call, "(3) no "opt out" option if you find the company and call them. But there is (maybe) a way.
1. Call 1-877-875-7387.
2. There is no option to opt out, so I pressed 5 for customer service. They will try to get your name, etc. Don't give it to them, just tell them the phone number they should stop calling.
3. They promise that they will "get this over to the right people" and stop the calls. We shall see.
I find myself a little floored by the comments thread here today. Why is it that when someone expresses an opinion that you might disagree with you feel justified in attacking them? It's one thing to disagree, it's entirely another to attack someone for expressing their opinion.
I HATE robo calls so I found a free program to block them. If, for some reason that stoos working I'll cancel the land line or unplug the phone. However, anything that can be done to help people find their missing pets can't be bad. I'm not joining the debate regarding pets vs kids because that's ridiculous, we can't define the importance of anything in someone else's life. I agree with the previous comment. I'm also floored by the comments here attacking isn't the answer and is an incredible waste of time.
Im convinced. Signing up for PET Amber Alert today. My baby's been missing for about 2 weeks and I want him back home. Thank you all. Thank you blogger. You made my day.
I have a cat that has been missing for 3 weeks now. I almost purchased the pet amber alert call alert package, but I hesitated. And, although I find offense in this guy's total outrage and insensitivity to families who are trying every available option to locate much loved, missing pets, I DO understand the upset around the pet amber alerts. This is why I opted not to purchase the call alert package. But I thought about how Amber Alerts were named for a little girl who was abducted and murdered. An "Amber Alert" is a VERY serious matter. But if it becomes over-used, it looses its reverence, which is THE KEY to its very success. Once people are desensitized to the term "Amber Alert" the system will no longer work. I think the pet alerts should be renamed. Otherwise, not only will it be ineffective in locating pets (because people become irritated and hang up without even listening to the alert) but it may very well attribute to the ineffectiveness of the real Amber Alert system.
Pets are just as important as kids I have both I look at them as the same so yeah Pet Amber Alert is a good idea if all else has failed
I agree with you Rob this guy's a complete f****** piece of s***
This person is sick. I hope to god you never have pets. To live with a miserable troll like you.
You sound like a miserable person. Block the number and cry about it in your own home but don't discourage people from using the service just because its called "Amber Alert"
Glad to know that this service is contacting everyine in my area including people on do not call lists :)
Thanks for that.
That's a microchip not a locator (gps) chip. The gps tracking chips are expensive ans have a monthly fee I think.
It's interesting when you explain why you love animals it's because they're loving and accepting of us. But a parent's love is different. A parent's love is focused on the child and their need to be loved and nurtured, not on what the child gives to them. If they love only because of what the child gives to them, that's what we call a narcissist parent. Narcissists make their children an extension of themselves and they're only there to meet their (the parent's) needs.
So yes, you're right... it's far easier to love an animal than a human but there's no comparison between the unselfish love of a parent for a child, a child who will bring lots of challenges, heartbreak and difficulties to their lives but nevertheless a child they love more than life itself.
I don't have children but that doesn't mean I can't see both sides of this disagreement. My animals are very much like my children but I understand it's not the same to most parents of a human child because it wouldn't be for me. Doesn't mean I wouldn't do everything in my ability for my animals but that my child's welfare, if I had any, would come first. Anyone who doesn't think so shouldn't have human children. There's enough suffering in the world.
What wonderful people you all are. I was severely abused from birth. Your verbal abuse is nothing compared to what I've been through. You don't know me except through one post where I gave my sincere and honest opinion. As an adult who was severely neglected and abused by two sets of parents, maybe I hold a little different view than you all do as to the love of a (good) parent and a child being different than the love of a dog. As a human being of dignity, value and worth, and as a citizen, I have the right to voice my opinion without being the recipient of vile, repulsive, ignorant personal attacks. What's amazing is that your dogs still love you not that you love them so much you hate your fellow human being.
Oh, and this "complete f*ing a$$hole lived in horrible conditions without plumbing, hot water or any comforts of home like a chair with a back or a couch just so I wouldn't have to give up and abandon my dogs. You know NOTHING about me and yet you spew vitriol and curse me. All of you who answered my comment with such cruel attacks really need to read your own comments and take a good long hard look in the mirror.
Whoever wrote this article is heartless and miserable. So what if you have to take 3 minutes out of your lousy life to hear about someone's lost pet. That person must be extremely worried about their animal and want to make sure no one has taken the pet in by mistake. Just hang up and block the number if it is so annoying. There are far worse robo calls like spammers or telemarketers trying to sell a vacation package or a cash loan. This one is trying to do some justice in the world.
People I Want to Punch in the Throat...YOU, the author of this heartless s***
Wow how dare someone call your phone and annoy you for two minutes while a loved pet is outside, an owner is willing to spend $40+ just to spread the word. Nobody's making you care, but you don't have to be a bitch. You're probably one of those people that leave shopping carts in the middle of parking lots because it's "not your problem".
Stop being a karen. You are probably just some lazy bitch who has had everything handed to her on a platter and cant find anything better to do than to sit there and complain about what inconveniences you. These people paid good money to find their lost pets sorry a recorded message takes sooooo much out of your pathetic day. Literally go missing and never be found please you would do the world a favor. If they were to send an amber alert out on you i would probably have to file a lawsuit for how much it inconvenienced me to see your useless face on my phone.
My pets are just as important as a missing child. In fact l pay more attention to missing pet alerts then missing children. Animals lives matter. Got it?
Agreed!! Pets rules!
You guys are all assholes. No one ever fucking said missing animals are more important than missing people. EVER. Clearly you guys have never had a bond with an animal IN YOUR LIFE. Grow up it’s just a goddamn phone call. All you have to do Is hang up. If you don’t care you don’t care. But never fucking judge someone’s relationship with their animal. Sorry not sorry at all.
Ok Karen calm the Frick down...
If you don't care to listen just hang up
Well said!
I lost my cat July 2022, I still cry everyday. I honestly am confused it seems you have all the time in the world to rant and rave about this topic. I think you are spending more time complaining than you are actually receiving calls. Apparently you don't have much empathy. Just BLOCK the number NUMBER and get on with life!
Oops, meant lost my cat CHLOE in July 2021.
As a mother who has lost both a child and a pet, I will say there's really not much difference if you truly love your pet. The pain I go through to have buried my daughter is no greater than losing a beloved cat. In some ways, death is easier to accept than to deal with "missing or being lost".
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