Happy Father's Day!

Today is Father's Day and I should probably write something sappy like the Hubs did earlier this week.

Eh, I don't know that's so not my style, but never say never, I guess.

The kids and I stopped at the local small town Wal-Mart on our way home from camp to buy some Father's Day cards.  I was looking at Father's Day cards at the store and I realized holy crap cards have become expensive.  When did that happen?  My kids kept grabbing 5 and 6 dollar cards!

Especially for my dad.  I don't think he saves any card we give him, so the hell I'm going to spend 5 bucks on a card that he's just going to toss.  Instead, I'll send him an Amazon gift card (note to self: order Amazon gc when this post is finished) and he can buy whatever new spy novel or 1,000 page historical fiction book he would like.  Done and done.

I know he reads this blog faithfully, so instead of dropping money on a card (he'll get more Amazon money this way - my gifts are net amounts) I'll write a little something here for him too.

I managed to do a pretty good job picking a dad for my kids.  If you read the Hubs' post you will see that he and my dad are actually very similar.  

They're both great dads who are involved in their kids' lives.  My dad worked a lot when we were kids so he was gone a lot of the time, but when he was home, he was with us.  He also took us on some kick ass business trips.  He would sit in a stuffy board meeting and we would play on the beach or at the pool.  My dad instilled a love of travel and history in me.  He always encouraged me to learn.  The Hubs is lucky enough to work from home, so he's with our kids a lot.  I see the Hubs teaching our kids too.  Instead of history, it's technology or art...or Xbox.

They both show their love with food.  My dad loves to cook.  The bigger the group, the more he enjoys it.  I'm talking about cooking for 150 people or more.  He's not a caterer, he just loves to cook.  (He did NOT pass this love on to me.)  He didn't do the bulk of cooking when I was kid (like the Hubs does) since he was gone so much, but now he uses his free time to volunteer his skills either at church functions or for our massive extended family.  Besides the day to day cooking, the Hubs puts on a huge spread for our friends, family and clients every year when we celebrate Chinese New Year.  Our CNY party started out with about 5 people (Dan, do you remember the first one?) and has now grown to over 100 people every year.  My job is to take coats and make sure everyone takes off their shoes and the Hubs cooks all day - I think that's fair.

My dad is one of my biggest fans.  (I won't say "biggest fan" since I think that honor belongs to the Hubs, but my dad is pretty close.)  He's always encouraged me with my writing and he's really happy to see that I'm finally using that college degree that he paid for.

He reads this blog faithfully and he "knows" each and every one of you.  When I see him, he quotes his favorite comments back to me.  I read the comments every day, but I wouldn't need to, because my dad tells them all to me.  "Susie, you know, SusieQ123, she said blah, blah, blah.  She's so funny.  But CooperAD is funnier, because he said blah, blah, blah."  Yeah, dad.  I read the comments too.

I tease him about it, but it's actually really nice.  It's nice to know how proud he is.  I don't know many dads who would be proud of their daughter dropping the f-bomb every chance she got and calling people "douches."  If anyone would be, though, it would be my dad.  After all, I learned all my proper use of swear words from him.

When I was about 10 I met a man who knew my dad.  He'd driven into Manhattan with him one day and the man joked that my dad was the only person he knew who drove with his right hand on the steering wheel and his left hand out the window giving everyone the finger.

My dad taught me well, because the Hubs tells a story that the day he fell in love with me was the day I successfully boxed out a NYC taxi cab and called him worse names than he was calling me and my mother (who according to him likes sex with goats).

Thank you dad for always being there for me when I needed a hug, a word of encouragement, a free babysitter, a picture hung on the wall, a free meal, a twenty or the keys to the car.

Happy Father's Day!


Dizzyhappymama said...


~*~MizTink~*~ said...

Love this! Your father has lots to be proud of :)


Kim Duran said...

Your Dad done good! I can only hope my son grows up to be a finger-flipping-cursing-like-a-sailor-tell-it-like-it-is-or-punch-em-in-the-throat kind of person like everyone in your family seems to be. ;) Happy Father's Day!


fiftyfinally said...

ahhhh...that's so sweet - its nice when kids appreciate their fathers....or mothers for the really important stuff, keys to the car and a $20 (even when they didn't cut the lawn)

Sarah said...

I could always count on my Dad for a 20 too. Even when I had my own money and didn't ask "Just in case." I didn't learn to cuss from my dad, but everyone of my friends knows his classic delivery of a few key phrases. He really gets into the rhythm of it. Here's to Fathers!

Dan in Dallas said...

Jen---as a matter of fact, I DO remember the first one! If I'm not mistaken, it was Jennifer and I, along with you and the Mr., and you brother and sister-in-law.

And for the record, not only did we take off our shoes...we were given complimentary slippers for the night! Good times, Jen! Wish we were around for more!

Spirit of Hope and Kindness Awards said...

So sweet. My dad thinks blogging is a bad idea...he's seen too many sci fi movies and thinks that someone is going to bloggernap me and pull a Kathy Bates in Misery on me and he's going to have to drive to backwoods Maine to find me. Sigh. Cheers to your dad - and of course, The Hubs.

Kim said...

Ooooh! I love your dad! He sounds terrific. What I got most from reading about your father is that he gave you a wonderful appreciation of the humor that is found in life. In addition, an appreciation of a man who likes to cook (The Hubs). Happy father's day to Jen's dad!

LilyPetals said...

Your dad sounds like a dreamy guy! I accidentally dropped an f-bomb on the phone with my dad earlier (the champagne bottle got empty so it was appropriate) and then I was all like OH! Anyway, off topic. I like your dad. I hope he and all the other great dad's out there had an awesome day!

Also, I think this is the neatest Dad's day present a dad could hope for.

Christie said...

Sounds like Dad needs a blog of his own! A family who blogs together tells the world to fuck off together.

just keep swimming said...

You do sappy very well. Your dad sounds wonderful and it's nice to parent alongside your lobster. You're a lucky lady! (But I think you already know that.)

Stephanie said...

My dad always appreciated feeling like he was in on the scoop, and oftentimes that translated into some cussing, using slang, and obscene hand gestures. Some of which he actually got right on occasion, which was entertaining and funny but not nearly as much as it was when he was less accurate. He delighted in showing off his prowess of lewd gestures in humerous situations like in the background of photos being taken and loved to say he knew sign language, only to give a demo of his skill level through an extended middle finger. His favorite, though, and that of those around him, was his misinterpretation on slang phrases: "Shut the front door" got translated into "Shave your legs!" and "Mother-father!" became "Mom Dad." Good stuff, that's for sure, with the humor behind it that still warms my heart when I think back to all of his shenanigans.

Your Dad...the real one said...


You are right on several points. I generally don't save cards and I dread thinking how much money the Hall family has made making people think cards are important. Too me they are not....but your thoughts are. I appreciate your writing much more than I appreciate the writing of others - your wit, your sarcasm, your discernment and your sincerity have always been qualities that a father can appreciate. I am a great fan....and always will be of both you and the hubs. Keep plodding along and you might find an extra $20 in your bag when you head to New York next month. Dad

PS, Thanks for the kind words....and I do love the comments from your readers. I read them all....and laugh...at the talent of so many that I can only wish I had.

CJ said...

I loved your blog back when Beyonce and Jay-Z had their baby, and now I had to read about her $40 million father's day gift! I really want to punch them now! My kids made a poem using strategically placed candy bar words such as "sometimes you are clumsy and have real butterfingers but we love you to pieces.." We would love to have given him more, but we waste our money on silly things such as a mortgage.... on a further rant, I just finished reading UNBROKEN- have you read it? Doubt I could have survived any of that, read stuff like that, and then to see the 'news' of celebrity crap like their lavish gifts, just makes me, well, want to punch somebody, but I will read your blog and yell "You are so right!!!" instead....

Anonymous said...

Very sweet post. Love it because it doesn't read like a sappy Hallmark, but maintains the personality of your voice. :)

The Bowling Team said...

I got my dad and hubs Father's Day cards at dollar tree---2 for $1. They were both cute cards for everyone to sign and put with the real gifts. P.S. your father sounds sweet and proud of you and that is the best way a dad can be! I have a great one like that,too.

Jack son said...

Like home and closet require a redesign after season change, our bodies as well. What about a thought of gifting a spa blessing card or coupon to dear momma? last minute father's day gifts

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