IJWTPA Day National Ladies' Night Out

Last year I wrote a post called Friends Are Hard to Find. I mentioned that believe it or not, I have a little difficulty in finding people who have any desire to hang out with me. When I wrote it, I was talking about myself, but suddenly my inbox and comments section blew up with "Me too!"

It got me thinking. There were a lot of us who were feeling the same way. Wouldn't it be cool if we could get together and have a laugh? I decided to invent PIWTPITT's Friends Night. I figured if nothing else it would get some ladies out of the house and they could talk about how funny/insensitive/annoying/adorable/foul-mouthed/stupid I am.

Many, many women across the country stepped up and agreed to take charge of their local Friends Night. I planned the one for Kansas City, but I wasn't going to go.

It was a terrifying thought. Plus, I'd have to shower and find clean clothes to wear. That's a lot of work for strangers and I'd just downloaded a new book to my Kindle. I was busy, y'know?

And then the Hubs said, "Of course you're going. This is your idea. You're the one complaining you want a friend. All of these women are going because they feel the same way you do and now you're going to stay home and read all night?"

He brushed my hair and told me I was pretty and sent me on my way.

You know what happened?

He was right. I had fun. It was exactly what I needed. I needed to laugh and talk and just let loose.

This summer I started hearing from women who missed last year's night. "When are you planning one for this year, Jen?" and "I'd love to go if you have one in my town, Jen."

I was reading some of these emails in my "office" (AKA the bathroom) while my children pounded on the door demanding food and help with homework. It was like Divine Intervention. I realized what I needed to do.

Sure, I could use a few more friends, but what I really want now is to PEE ALONE.

I don't know if you're aware or not, but this spring I put together an anthology called I Just Want to Pee Alone. I pulled together 36 women from across the country to write some of the most hilarious stories about motherhood you'll ever read. The book quickly became a best seller. It resonated with moms everywhere. Any woman who reads that book can find at least one story that speaks to her. I didn't know many of the contributors when I asked them to join me in the book, but over the past several months, we have formed a community together. It showed me that women need a place where they can go to escape the day to day drudgery. We all need that. It doesn't matter if you're a mother or not - I've seen those pictures of pets pawing under your bathroom door.

So, I am declaring a new holiday. I Just Want to Pee Alone Day!!!

Mark your calendars, ladies, because October 16th is a day for you. This isn't like Mother's Day where you still have to go and see your own mother or do the dishes after your husband "cooks" for you or wear a lovely hand-crafted macaroni necklace all day. Nope. This day is all about doing what you want to do - guilt free!

To celebrate the First Annual I Just Want to Pee Alone Day (hereby called FAIJWTPAD) several of the contributors to the anthology and other blogger friends have come together to host National Ladies' Night Out (AKA #Peealonenight) in a city near you and they're inviting you to join them.

BOSTON - Hosted by JD of Honest Mom

CHAMPAIGN, IL - Hosted by Kerry of HouseTalkN

CHICAGO -  Hosted by Karen Alpert of Baby Sideburns
1150 Willow Rd.
Northbrook, IL 60062
Wednesday, October 16th at 7:30 PM

COLORADO - Hosted by Johi Kokjohn-Wagner of Confessions of a Cornfed Girl and Rachel Kargas of Get Real Mama
Ace Gillett's
239 S. College Ave.
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Wednesday, October 16th at 6-9 PM

CONNECTICUT - Hosted by Amy of Funny is Family
J Roo's Restaurant

249 State Street

North Haven, CT 06473


Wednesday, October 16th at 6-9 PM

HOUSTON - Hosted by Rachael Pavlik of RachRiotPatti Ford of Insane In The Mom-Brain, and Kelley Nettles of Kelley's Breakroom
BlackFinn American Grille
1910 Bagby Street
Houston, TX 77002
Wednesday, October 16 at 6-10 PM

INDIANA/MICHIGAN - Hosted by Robyn Welling of Hollow Tree VenturesAlyson of The Shitastrophy, and Noelle Elliot of Bow Chica Bow Mom
Uptown Kitchen 
7225 Heritage Square Drive, Suite 208
Granger, IN 46530

Wednesday, October 16 at 7-10 PM

KANSAS CITY - Hosted by Jen of People I Want to Punch in the Throat and Stacey of Nurse Mommy Laughs
Barley's Brewhaus
11924 W. 119th St.
Overland Park, KS 66213
Wednesday, October 16 at 7-10 PM

MINNESOTA - Hosted by Michelle of You're My Favorite Today and Joy of Evil Joy Speaks
Jake's City Grille
3005 Harbor Lane North
Plymouth, MN  55447
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 16 at 6-9 PM

NEW JERSEY - Hosted by Kim Bongiorno of Let Me Start By SayingAmy Bozza of My Real Life, Anna Sandler of Random Handprints, and Kim Forde of The Fordeville Diaries
End of Elm Restaurant & Lounge
140 Morris Street
Morristown, NJ 07960
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 16 at 8-10 PM

PENNSYLVANIA - Hosted by Meredith Spidel of The Mom of the Year and Stephanie Giese of Binkies and Briefcases
Rt. 30, 2321 Lincoln Highway East
Lancaster, PA 17602
Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30 PM

WEST VIRGINIA - Hosted by Teri of Snarkfest
117 E. German Street
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Wednesday, October 16th at 7-10 PM


I know the idea can sound a bit daunting, but I can guarantee you that it will be worth the effort it takes to leave the house. If the thought of going alone sounds awful, then bring your sister, your neighbor, your co-worker, or even your mom (you owe her a night to pee alone).

You can find all of the events listed above and more here: in the Events section on the I Just Want to Pee Alone Facebook page. We're adding more all the time, so keep checking in and be sure to RSVP so we know who is coming.

If there isn't one planned for a city near you, don't fret, because YOU can host. You don't have to be a blogger to host, it was just easier to ask my bloggy friends at first, because they looooove this sort of stuff. 

It isn't hard. Just pick a location near you and a time on October 16th that works for you. It doesn't need to be fancy. Something casual tends to work best anyway. Once you've got the details figured out, send me an email at sweetsadiecreations@gmail.com and I will add your event to the page.

Look for a location near you and keep watching for new ones to be added. We hope to see you there!


Unknown said...

I CAN NOT WAIT for this event! Thank you for spearheading this, Jen!

Anna San said...

This is gonna be the best holiday ever!

Bluaqua said...

I wish there was one in Sacramento, CA!

Jen Piwtpitt said...

You can host it. Send me a location and I'll add it to the list.

Alicia said...

This sounds like a blast. I'm going to try to get one set up in Phoenix and will get you the details

Jessica, Science of Parenthood said...

BRILLIANT! Thrilled to be involved. Another reason to put on my party shoes (and vacuum the living room.)

Anonymous said...

This. is. GLORIOUS.

Baby Sideburns said...

So excited to be a part of this! And by so excited I mean scared shitless. But what's the worst thing that can happen? I have an awkward couple of hours. And what's the best thing that can happen? I make some awesome amazing friends for life and we grow old together and wipe each other's asses and shit.

Unknown said...

I will try to make this, Jen! I leave the next day for a conference in Atlanta, but maybe I can stop by for a quick drink!! Love this idea and am enjoying the book! xoxo

TNMom said...

Karen! I'm trying to get my friend there to go. The one you gave your vagina cupcake poster to! She still has it. Maybe she will bring it as an icebreaker. That will be fun! :)

Unknown said...

Can't wait! The party is on!

Samantha said...

I had a great time last year but I'll have to miss this years get together :-( Good reason though - I'll be in NY visiting the family and allowing my son to be spoiled rotten. Have a drink for me!!!!

Unknown said...

So excited! Last year it didn't really come together for me, but this year the meet up is less than 10 minutes away! How can I say no? Looking forward to it!

Beth said...

How does one go about becoming a hostess? I would be willing to do one.
beth (at) myeclecticmess.com

RachRiot said...

YAY! Houston Pee bitches are ready to go! Hopefully between Patti, Kelley and myself we can get a few warm bodies that want to meet us! Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I might come out, I'll check my schedule tomorrow :) Sounds fun and I would love to meet you, Jen!

McKenna said...

Love this idea, there isn't one in Michigan but that is an insane week for me. I'll see if I can pull it off. Hmmm.

Unknown said...

LOVE this! Great idea, lady.

Amanda said...

I'm in Nashville, TN... I've only lived here a year, but I would be will on to co-host if there is someone else who would be willing...


Jen Piwtpitt said...

Amanda, Check out the Events page (link above). There is one set for Nashville and I know she'd love to have you join.

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