The Neighbor Who Wants to Euthanize the Autistic Boy Down the Street

Are you sitting down? Because this one is a doozy.

So there is this bitch in Canada who lives near an older lady who takes care of her grandson in the summer time. The grandson is severely autistic and spends a lot of his time outside.

The bitchy neighbor can't stand listening to the autistic grandson make noises outside and so she took it upon herself to write an anonymous letter to the grandmother with some helpful suggestions of how to deal with the boy. Such as: take him to park, move away, and (this one is the doozy) euthanize him.

Yeah. This soulless cunt suggested the boy be killed. As in dead. As in murder this child because he's too noisy and annoying.

But just in case you think the bitch isn't caring, before his death she would like to harvest his "non retarded (her words, not mine) body parts" and donate them to science because "what the hell else good is he to anyone?" Here is a link where you can see the whole disgusting letter.

My head is spinning after reading this fucked up tirade. Are you kidding me? Can you believe that? Can you believe that there is someone out there who is so fucking ignorant and horrid? This world is full of so many fucked up people. I get emails from people asking me why I'm so angry all of the time. It's people like this woman who make me angry all the time. Just knowing this woman is out there spouting her awful bullshit makes me furious. 

I don't have a child with special needs, but if I did and I received this letter, I would probably burn down my neighborhood. That's how angry I am right now.

I just find it so disgusting and appalling that anyone would write this letter. What the fuck is wrong with people that they would actually suggest a child be euthanized?? I can only hope that this woman is too stupid to actually know what that word means. 

This letter was signed by "One pissed off mother." No! She cannot call herself that. I am a pissed off mother at times. You are a pissed off mother at times. But we pissed off mothers would NEVER EVER EVER suggest someone euthanize their child. 

I feel terrible for the family who received this typewritten letter. I can't imagine how upsetting it must have been. The good news is, the police are taking these threats very seriously and are looking for the writer.

I'm not sure what will happen to her when they find her. (And you know they'll find her. It won't take long. This woman is not that bright.) You know me, I would never condone violence, but I wouldn't cry outrage if she "accidentally" got her arm broken when they were processing her finger prints or if she was "accidentally" left in a holding cell with some mothers of autistic children who just happened to get "accidentally" locked in there too. My guess is those mothers would be happy to harvest her body parts for science.

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meechla said...

Awful. Just awful. God help her poor "normal" children if they aren't perfect in every single way. she will want to put them down as well.

re said...

That bitch better hope they don't find out who she is. I have a feeling someone would be perfectly happy to show her the error of her fucked up ways.

Megadelaide said...

What a wretched, cowardly, pathetic person:(

Jilly Bean said...

I.can.not.believe.that. What an ignorant person. If she's so damn unhappy, SHE either needs to move or better yet -- be euthanized. God help us all.

carly said...

Wow. What a C U Next Tuesday! I have no other words, just WOW. Wait...heartless, clueless, entitled. I would be so embarrassed if she were my mom (or my friend). Hope they find her and arrest her stupid ass for harassment. Disgusting.

Kylee said...

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: This is part of the mentally behind abortion...just different geography. And so unfortunately much of society is not that much different....

Unknown said...

Wow, just wow! There are no words to express what an awful human being wrote that letter.

kmh209 said...

I am a mother of two little girls with autism! This absolutely makes me see red!!!

I'm comforted that the police is taking this seriously and it's bringing out the compassion in others that is also completely disgusted!

Unknown said...

I love how she says nobody wants you living here, they just don't have the guts to tell you. Ummmm..why the annonymous letter, then?? This woman had better move, because when people find out she's the lady who wrote the letter, they're going to be vandalizing her home over and over again. I suggest they hold Special Olympics on her block, just for fun :)

Dan in Dallas said...

What a coward. She knows what a terrible, amoral suggestion that us, so she won't own up to her 'beliefs'. She's got issues.

Domestic Pirate said...

How anyone could think that writing a letter like this is appropriate in ANY way is beyond me. We live in a close proximity neighborhood and recently had new renters move in next door... One of the kids has a serious screaming/behavioral problem and it drives me up the wall, but I know NOTHING about this kid or his family and their struggles. I figure, if his behavior bothers me THROUGH the fence, that mom deserves a big T-box of wine for what she goes through.

Lisa said...

No, that really did say what I thought it said. There are no words. Well, there are, but my mama raised me better than to say them publicly. Too bad HER mother didn't do the same. "If you can't say something nice..."

Ally said...

Please dear lord let this be a hoax. Please.

Shrinkie said...

You are fabulous xx

ChiTown Girl said...

Oh my God, oh my God, OH MY GOD!!!

What the actual FUCK!!??

I'm literally having a visceral response to this fucktard's letter. My heart is pounding out of my chest right now, and I seriously feel like I'm going to have a panic attack or something. Or, at the very least, throw up.

What the hell kind of person writes something like that!? My head is just spinning too much to make any other kind of remarks right now that will make any sense. The only thing swirling in my head right now is "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!"

Unknown said...

Wtf...I have no words.

Unknown said...

As a special ed. teacher, this makes me physically sick. How do we expect children to be accepting of other's differences if their parents spew hate like this? I find it ironic that the writer claimed that the woman wanted "special treatment". Since when is allowing a child to play outside "special treatment"?

spymay said...

I am the mother of a daughter with autism and a son with Asperger's. Newsflash lady-Everyone who has a child on the autism spectrum wishes they were normal at some point.
The noises are probably annoying to her because her head is up her ass and they're echoing off her sphincter.
Ugh,I hope that stupidity doesn't rub off on her "normal children".
Please let the police follow the trail of exclamation points straight to her house and arrest her.

Xochitl Campos said...

THANK YOU!!!! I was just saying the SAME thing. How different is this than anyone else who thinks special needs children should be aborted? It's the exact same thing. You are very, very bright Kylee! :)

Amy Gray said...

It's also horrible to think that this monster is a mother and there are children that have to be subjected to her on a daily basis. Hopefully social services will get involved too for the welfare of her children. So sad.

Courtney F said...

Ugh. Makes me so sad that people like that get to continue to live. Special needs parents need extra love and support not junk like this.

Unknown said...

WOW, Just WOW. That anyone could say such a thing. I have two children with autism. One screams at teh top of their lungs many times daily, the other makes many many odd sounds loudly often. I would hate to think anyone in my neighborhood felt that way about my children. we are close proximity, but so far no signs of problems with anyone, they seem kind and have never complained about the noises. I hope noone is thinking like this I sincerely hope.

The NotsoSuperMom said...

wow. A punch in throat would be WAY too nice for that demented bitch.

JackS said...

This has nothing to do with abortion. You get gang raped by some strangers and live, or by your father and get pregnant. You be fortunate to have a choice whether to keep the child or not. Stay on topic.

Anonymous said...

What. The. Fuck?!.

Jennifer said...

She spelt "wailing" wrong.... She spelled it "whaling" as in hunting whales... like her.

Unknown said...

IF you ever get a link or a way to reach the grandmother/parents of this child- and can possibly post a link- I would love to send donations, gifts, SOMETHING, ANYTHING KIND. The person who wrote that letter is a souless freak and I believe the world is a better, kinder place than she demonstrated. NO, she does NOT deserve to even refer to herself as a "Mom". Iam SHAKING with fury but I can NOT- simply CANNOT- live in the vile cesspool that creatures like her and others wish to create. My only choice is to "be an element of harmony" and "seek the goodness"- therefore-= if I can somehow, someway support, congratulate and commend the family of the special needs child, I MUST. Wherever you are- kind family- fear not- you have "fans", you are amazing and you are doing it RIGHT. I'm now going to light a tiny candle that that letter-writing "Mom" gets a painful venereal disease.

One Blunt Mom said...

I have no words, and that is a very rare occurrence for me. The ignorance, hatred, intolerance, bigotry, and general all around stupidity portrayed in that letter is just sickening.

Smish said...

Its not :(

It happened about an hour from where I live.

Smish said...

You may be able to find something from this page. This sadly happened about an hour from where I live :(

Amanda said...

That is not the type of abortion these women are talking about. They are referring the the babies aborted because they had a risk or tests concluding that they may have some sort of birth defect, or disability. It is entirely on topic. Maybe you need to read before you react Jack.

Amanda said...

That's exactly what I was thinking of. I certainly hope that her "normal" kids end up being normal respectful people despite being raised by such a hateful disgusting excuse for a human being!

Unknown said...

i'll tell you who would agree with that lunatic. Planned parenthood, who is now pushing for "post birth abortion." Want to get even angrier? This paper supposedly on ethics says newborns are not real people.

KC in the GC said...

What gutless, miserable, selfish piece of shit! I can only imagine what a nuisance she and her own children are - bunch of whiny ass, self-centered, brats. Please, please keep us posted if her identity is ever discovered. I would LOVE to send her a letter and it would not be anonymous.

KC in the GC said...

Unbelievable. Planned Parenthood has lost their damn minds.

Unknown said...

WTH? I think child protective service needs to take the person's kids away that wrote that load of crap. Anyone thinking that it's okay to euthanize a kid, shouldn't be a parent!

kackymills said...

Wow - maybe we should hate her for being a poor speller. It's vamoose, not vamose, which is not a word, and I think you mean wailing not whaling since I don't think the letter had anything to do with whales. What do we do with people who can't spell? Should we alienate them until they can spell better and fit into society? I hope her children never have some accident or illness that makes them less than perfect in her eyes. I love my children and grandchildren unconditionally, even my special needs grandson, and others with the same horrific attitude of the spineless anonymous writer better stay away from my family with their pitiful views.

preemiemom said...

Yep. I knew it would come to that. Where do we draw the line? I've got an idea: how about at conception.

Unknown said...

Ohmygosh! At least she printed it on hot pink paper... most people don't have that in their house. Easy to find her. She's an idiot and so unfeeling. Geez, she should move, and probably shouldn't be allowed to be a primary care giver to children. shudder.

Tanya said...

The really sad thing is that this person is apparently raising children...who will most likely grow up to have the same shallow, self-serving views that the writer (I have a hard time calling her a mother) has.

RachRiot said...

Gawd, I hope they find this miserable twat-waffle because personally I will UNLEASH HELL!!

Sassy STS said...

Jesusfuck. She needs to shut her whore mouth. With an attitude like that I'm sure her kids are perfectly "normal."

Wendy said...

OMG, what is wrong with people??? Someone needs to put her on an island all by herself. I'm a physical therapist who works with adults and children with special needs - and sadly, there are a lot of intolerant people out there like this sad excuse of for a human being. We had a neighbor near one of our small group homes (five people living in a residential neighborhood, because they do deserve to live in a house and family setting just like the rest of us) ... this neighbor had the nerve to ask us not to take one of the clients out for walks in the neighborhood because he was scaring the guys kids. My response, "Well sir, perhaps this is a teachable moment for your children to learn that just because someone is challenged mentally and physically, it does not mean they are violent or scary." His response? "Well they scare me, why shouldn't they scare my kids." Um - maybe that's the problem. Ignorant people.

Wendy said...

And I should say - the thing that was scaring him and his kids was that the client looked different and sometimes yelled while he walked (which was his way of saying he was enjoying the walk).

Jack Tyler said...

Bitch need to remember that, to all the rest of us, she is "the other guy."

Nici said...

I can't believe I just read that. What kind of human being writes that shit?? Fucking unbelievable. I feel so sorry for her children. No loving mother would ever even fathom using the words "euthanize" and "child" in the same sentence. People like her disgust me.

Unknown said...

There is nothing worth harvesting from this "pissed off mother" should a group of special needs moms get a hold of her. My son is non-verbal autistic and makes what she would probably consider "animal" noises. He's different, but we don't love him any less. There isn't a day that I'm not thankful he's in my life.

If I received a letter like this, I would cry. Not because of the threats to my son, but because there are still idiots out there like her breeding, reproducing and teaching their offspring to hate that which they don't understand and never learning the lesson of tolerance.

This woman needs more than sensitivity training, she needs a personality transplant. May she never run into someone as intolerant as she is.

mom keck said...

anyone who thinks autism equals retardation is uneducated and ill-informed. unfortunately, as the teacher of special needs student I have had to deal with this type of negative mind set often from people who think they are normal.

Periwinkle Paisley said...

This is a letter born of serious ignorance. Not just ignorance of Autism or special needs kids. This is the ignorance of other people's hardships and that comes from not having any of your own. This is the worst thing this woman has ever had to deal with, I bet. A special needs kid hooting and hollering where she can hear it.

Yeah, I'm sure it is uncomfortable listening to this boy. I watch an autistic boy where I work and he is constantly in motion, constantly making noise, constantly trying to eat stuff that's non-edible. He's usually there for an hour and by the time he leaves I'm exhausted. But I'm glad to do it because his Dad Needs A Break. It's only one hour.

There was another woman who I worked with that seriously disliked this kid. She had NO understanding of why he acted that way and the reason was that she has 2 daughters of her own who are not only 'normal' but ultra-compliant (which if you ask me is WAY freakier than a kid with autism.)
If she tells them to do something, they do it. If she tells them not to do something, they don't. For my co-worker, discipline was amazingly simple and to her, kids that didn't behave were just not being told 'stop doing that.' For her, that is reality.

This awful letter was written by by someone who has not had to put herself in another person's shoes very often or maybe even ever.

As someone who has watched ALL kinds of kids I can tell you that the sneaky little bullies that terrorize the other kids and take their toys are JUST as exhausting as the one who eats erasers and makes fire-engine noises. I bet no one ever realizes that. My hope for this horrible person is that she sees, really SEES, what it's like for someone else and then I hope her conscience kicks her ass.

Unknown said...

I seriously think this sick bitch needs to be twat punched and then kicked in the throat! The worst part of all of this (other than that poor child and his grandmother's assault)is this cunt has children of her own! It's in her letter! I pitty those children and hope Karma comes to bite her right in the ass. Screw that! GO FOR THE THROAT!

Lesley Ann Staples said...

Wow. I am so sorry for the family who received this letter. There are truly stupid and hateful people in this world. She will be found out and rightfully so. Just friggin sad.

Anonymous said...

Wow. If I lived that close, I would take a little drive.

Anonymous said...

You know what, even if it did annoy your neighbors, I am sure that they are not anything like this abhorrent bitch! You keep doing your thing. :)

Anonymous said...

disgusting and appalling doesn't even begin to cover this story.

Anonymous said...

Right on.

halllaur said...

"What the actual fuck" entered into my repertoire. Nice work!

StevieWayne said...

I was eating cereal while reading your blog, and reading the letter actually made me have to put down my breakfast. I feel physically ill and gaggy now. I have no other words. I'm sure I will later, but not right now. Thank you for calling her the C word.

Unknown said...

I think a lot people who choose to abort a child due to a health defect or a disability due so because of quality of life or lack of resources to properly care for the child. Not because the child might make annoying noises out in the yard.

Rachael said...

That's disgusting! The fact that people like the woman that wrote this note are allowed to raise kids is a big part of the reason why this world is such a fucked up place. Even Hitler didn't euthanise the disabled!
But more than that, seriously if you're going to be insane enough to tell someone their kid should be killed at least be big enough and have the decency to do it face to face and not by sneaky, little, bitchy letters!
Hell is too good for some people.

Im A Silly Mami said...

OMFG! I seriously hope they catch that DOUCHEBAG BITCH! I fee 'll bad for her "normal kids" for having a fucking ignorant bitch for a mother

Anonymous said...

What the fuck did I just read? The most incredible lines in the whole letter to me are:

"What right do you have to do this to hard working people!!!!! I HATE people like you who believe, just because you have a special needs kid, you are entitled to special treatment!!!"

What in the actual fuck is she even referring to?? Do WHAT to "hard working people?" "Special treatment???"
So, it's special treatment for someone's kid to be allowed to play outside at their own fucking home?
I get that the entire letter is disgusting and reprehensible, but those two lines are what stood out to me the most.
The foul creature who wrote the letter will get her due. Goddess forbid she ever pop out a child with special needs. Who knows what she'd do to it. :(

Anonymous said...

Its interesting she said no one has the guts to tell you then signed the letter anonymously

renblogger said...

First, thank you for being honest that special needs can cause feelings of being driven up a wall . . . that, I believe, is what is at the heart of this letter however COMPLETELY inappropriate it was to let her emotions get to a point of writing this letter and worse sending it. I agree that a healthy person would have stepped back from the feelings and made a more compassionate choice but, if we're honest, several of us may have had the feelings of stress (not advocating the meaner points of the letter at all) that, again, I believe are the at the heart of this letter.

renblogger said...

My thought after reading it was (living in a neighborhood where kids are allowed to just run the roads all day w/o supervision). The letter was completely inappropriate but, MAYBE, just maybe the care taker of this young man does need some direction in how to properly care for the boy. Maybe (cause we don't know) Grandma just lets him out the door in the morning because she doesn't know how to deal with him. So, the letter was mean and not the right way to handle the feeling BUT, maybe Grandma needs someone to step in and help her with engaging the child. Maybe there really is a problem with how gram is handling her boy?? The letter is the wrong way to handle it (no debate there) and there were really mean thoughts communicated that are not OK but, this problem might not be all hers.

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I thought! "Umm, bitch - YOU don't have the guts either - or you would sign this letter and take ownership of your venom for the whole world to see!"

I love when 'Anons' say terrible things and then say they have the guts to say it. Anyone can have guts to show their monstrous souls when they are anonymous. It's when people know their identity that they fake being a decent human.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most horrendous things I have read in my entire life! I cannot begin to imagine what the mother of this child was feeling when she read this :( I know one thing...the bitch who wrote it better start taking karate classes, or something! There will be no end to the ass-beatings she will get once her identity is confirmed!

lovetoread600 said...

Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice you have to acknowledge that there are many people that have abortions because "they couldn't handle" having a child with special needs, part of which includes all of the embarrassing and annoying noises they make. If that's how you feel, I'm not going to judge you. But I do expect you to own it. And I'm allowed to be baffled by your outrage at this story if you are, indeed, pro-choice. Again, no judgement, just confusion.

Wendy said...

Well, I am really confused. How did this become a pro-choice argument? I happen to be pro-choice (that does not mean am pro-abortion or pro-killing fully formed human beings) and I am outraged at what this stupid woman wrote. This is not about abortion or a woman's right to make her own health care choices...this is about a person's ignorance when it comes to special needs kids. It is about intolerance of other people's differences. Personally, I find the discussion of abortion rights as it relates to this situation off task. Abortion is still legal in this country - euthanizing teenagers is not (thank goodness).

Susan Thatcher said...

Oh, I think the police may be called in for her protection. I'm thinking she's probably bitched extensively to the other neighbors about this kid and they'll share her identity, either with the cops or the local news station. Not necessarily because of justice and outrage, but because someone will want his/her 15 minutes.

G3ARHE4D said...

I myself have been contemplating on what the special treatment is that she is talking about

Jen Piwtpitt said...

This thread has gone off the rails. Couldn't agree with you more, Wendy.

Hawkfan88 said...

I'm interested to hear whether this has been authenticated in any way. I'd like to believe it's so horrible that it is not legit. Just wondering how it has been verified.

Anonymous said...

I was watching the news clip and saw that the neighborhood had come out to support the child and his family and all I could think is "this bitch is probably one of these people pretending to support them just so they don't know it was her." Disgusting.

Renee said...

Seriously! If you are going to write something like this letter, be able to stand behind it and say it was you! Thankfully my neighbors like my special needs son and don't have any issues other than they don't see him enough. People like this lady make me sick, I'd like to strap her into a wheelchair for a day with no way to get out and see how she deals with it.

Anonymous said...

The author of this letter would be better off with a tight noose and a short drop.

Physco Basketball Moms and Other Court Side Dramas said...

I have no words... I am truly embarrassed to be Canadian and have to share my air with this heartless bitch.

Unknown said...

In all seriousness, this woman is a threat to society. To think she's walking around, near other kids, is downright scary. Imagine what she would do to a mentally handicapped person if no one is looking. I hope she's arrested and sent to an insane asylum because she's clearly f@#!d in the head.

Anonymous said...

There are grammatical errors all over that letter! One would think that she would do a grammar check before she called anyone else "retarded."

What a dope.

Hopping Along said...

I personally don't think a real "mother" wrote it... sounds like a punk teenage boy masquerading as a woman/mother to keep the focus off who really wrote it. I'm sure there are heartless women out there but I just don't buy this one..

Kara said...

I'm cynical to the core and I think the mother of the autistic boy wrote this letter because she wanted attention.

Heather Forcey said...

My heart goes out to the family who had to read such disgusting and evil words. Their child is a blessing. All children are blessings. They are perfect in the eyes of God. To even suggest killing a child because of special needs is just devastating. My prayers are with this family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving the writer of this letter a throat punch. Well deserved.

Prudence said...

Domestic Pirate, I appreciate your more compassionate spirit. My sister is autistic and unfortunately my family has never felt they even had the OPTION to live in apartments (no matter what was more affordable) because of her screaming. Autism is horrible, horrible, horrible to live with. Unfortunately others in my family have felt that "Other people shouldn't have to deal with it" when she's in a bad mood. Well, I feel WE have to deal with it far more often. :) the main reason I'd avoid having her too much in-public at those times (since my husband and I are able to pretty much manage her) is because the humiliation for those who have more of a sense of what's going on is pretty sharp--NOT humiliation for walking around with someone disabled; that doesn't bother me and we've been multiple places on a good day for her--just the extreme embarrassment of managing someone who screams, tries to pinch me, etc. while people stare or try not to look.

But anyway, it just boggles my mind when people are obsessed with how this affects THEM, blah blah, without thinking of what it is like to have this EVERY hour, EVERY day, to be afraid to let a sometimes-violent adult child out of your sight as my mother is.

Thank GOD she improved greatly on a gluten-free, casein-free diet, and I so hope that parents of autistic kids who haven't tried that will. Sometimes the most amazing results don't come from what the doctor said. Just sayin.' I'm not saying to go AGAINST him, but you may occasionally hit on something he didn't come up with.

But there is something that makes them scream--maybe horrible headaches or stomach aches?--and it will be wonderful when the public are more ready to show compassion and to want them to have help. Not be killed.

Prudence said...

Kara, I am cynical too, but I highly doubt that the mom of an autistic child would have the time or the energy to write this. If she gets a break, she wants a few minutes to think about something else. And it's not right to assume they are any more attention-seeking than the rest of us. Also, it assumes that the mom has the same perspective of her kid being outside making noise as the other neighborhood moms, which is not necessarily the case. Writing from personal experience, people tend to kind of "tune out" what their kids, special needs or "normal," are doing.

JRose said...

The grandmother who got the letter is a friend of a friend. Just sickening. Unfortunately the charges the police will be able to lay if they find the douche who sent it will not be very serious and the writer will likely get a slap on the wrist. Having said that, when the neighbourhood finds out who sent it they'll make it unbearable for the jackhole to stay in the neighbourhood, you can be sure. Maybe then she'll go live in a trailer in the woods where the only dreadful noises she hears are the voices in her head.....

Lisa Newlin said...

She's the one who should be euthanized and her body donateto science so people can figure out what the fuck is wrong with her!

M said...

" Even Hitler didn't euthanise the disabled!"

For real? Hitler didn't just kill the disabled, he also had his people perform ghastly medical experiments on them. Disabled babies were killed by lethal injection or starvation.

I certainly don't agree with this lady's technique for getting her way, but to compare a livid letter writer with Adolph Hitler quite undermines what people went through during the Holocaust.

Krysti said...

This makes me so incredibly angry. I teach second grade, and this year I was blessed with a student who has Downs Syndrome and a student with very mild autism. I cannot imagine what kind of sick dirtbag would ever want to hurt a child, much less a child with exceptional needs! Karma is a bitch and she has her time coming. It's things like this that make me even more impatient to get my master's degree in special education. What a twatfuck.

SDJaye said...

I think this is #89 comment so probably no one will read but any ol hoo, have to get this off my chest. I followed the link to yahoo news, and saw that the police don't find the statement of advising to euthanize to be qualified as a hate crime. Well, I am not a cop or a politician, but I am a mom. I find the ENTIRE letter to be a hate crime, or at least basis for a restraining order against the nutcase that wrote it. I pray the writer is not a parent; no child would be raised "normal" or worth anything but a threat probably with this individual raising them.

APGifts said...


On Dateline NBC a few years ago, they showed a case where
the police were investigating similar notes being received
by a teacher at a school (and the notes were designed
to look as of they were sent by another teacher).

It was later found that the 'taunted and tortured teacher'
had actually sent the notes to herself as a cry for attention
and public sympathy due to feeling overwhelmed with her
life (and no other 'teacher' or 'outsider' had sent it to her).

Also, a couple of years ago a man claimed that he began
to receive 'religious hate mail' our of nowhere from “an
unknown neighbor" (even though there was no history
of any of the neighbors having harassed, disliked or
shown bigotry or hatred toward his family before) and
within a few weeks his wife ended up "attacked by an
unknown stranger, possibly the "neighbor", and killed".

It was later found that he felt his wife was a "burden"
and had composed and sent "the mysterious letters"
himself as a set up and cover for the crime he was
planning in order to "set himself free" from someone
that 'he' (not his neighbors) saw as a "burden" in life.

In both cases, entire innocent-communities (even if
it were seen as just 'one' phantom-person within that
community) were placed with suspicion and blame for
something that they did not do and would never have
even thought of doing -- simply because someone who
felt they wanted to 'escape' their own "burdens" in life
were setting up both the communities and the family
member from whom they wanted to be set free.

In addition, there have been story after story of
late of the many parents and caregivers of autistic
children who -- feeling overwhelmed with taking
care of a person with severe needs and yet also
wanting to gain public attention, pity, sympathy,
support, and a type of victim and/or hero status
-- have plotted for weeks, months and even years
to 'get free of their burden' in such as way as to
look both innocent and pitiable (and this is often
done by pointing-the-finger at innocent-strangers).

My point is that -- UNTIL the police investigate to see
IF this "mysterious note" is actually LEGITIMATE --
this community should NOT be seen as having
some sort of hate-monger living in it's midst.

This 'mysterious note' seems to have a far "too personal"
touch to it to have been composed by any 'man' and / or
even by 'woman' who would have been a 'stranger' or
a 'near stranger' to this family -- and, until it is PROVEN
that it IS IN FACT from "someone in the neighborhood",
it seems unreasonable to assume that the neighbors are
not (possibly) being set-up just so that someone who
may feel overwhelmed with life can literally 'script' a
situation in which to garner both pity and attention.

It's not that I'm not trying to be 'sympathetic' toward
the family to whom the memo was directed ... it's just
that ... the situation of "setting things up in order to
get public sympathy and attention" has been found
to have occurred so frequently in the past number
of years that -- unless someone has a video of
a situation occurring -- many times it should be
considered as possibly "one of the usual suspects".


Prudence said...
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Tracey said...

I am the mother (one homicidally pissed off mother) who would love 5 minutes in a room with this bitch. My sweet 10 yr old son has both Autism AND Down Syndrome, so I can only imagine what she'd think of him.

I vote for having this cunt drawn and quartered.

Kim Bongiorno at Let Me Start By Saying said...

I am angry, nauseous and on the verge of tears that this letter even exists. I can't even....I can't. I just can't.

Maria said...

Well, what do you expect from someone who can't even spell wailing correctly? And seriously? If you are going to write something like that, show some hubris and sign your real name. And double check your spelling.

Crazy joe said...

As horrible as what the woman wrote was I really get a mental illness vibe comming from it like she feels personally attacked by his noise (which he can’t help) this doesn’t make the letter ok. I’m mentally ill and actually have a neighbor who’s a boy and he can get rowdy like all kids can but he’s a child that’s what kids do. And id understand more so if he were to be autistic or something of that nature. Idk I just wanted to say that this screams bpd

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