My 2013 Resolutions

I told you how well I did keeping my 2012 resolutions. Maybe a 50% success rate? Eh, not too bad I guess.

Now it's time to come up with some resolutions for 2013.

1. Get more Twitter followers. I really suck at Twitter. I'm getting better and I promise I'll interact with you over there if you follow me. Facebook is where I have more followers, but Facebook is frustrating me. I haven't been able to see my feed for a week now. It shows me three status updates from last Saturday and then says "There is nothing more to show you." Ugh. So, I'm trying to do more on Twitter. I'm getting more comfortable on Twitter. I even started a Twitter party on Sunday nights. Just follow the hashtag #spikedpunch and you will find me and a bunch of my friends chatting about some badass, way cool shit. For instance this week we discussed the riveting topics of American Girl dolls, Skylanders, sex, and Justin Bieber - there's a comma there so it's not sex with Justin Bieber. Join us this week!

2. Say I love you more. I'm good at saying it to the little people in my life, but not really great with the big ones. I will make more of an effort this year. However, in case I fail miserably, please know I love you.

3. Sell more books. I have a number in mind, but I don't want to put it here in case I don't meet my goal because then I'll feel like a loser. All I can say is my number is fairly large, so please tell a friend . . . or eight . . . about my book. Thanks, I love you!

4. Hang up my coat and/or drink more water. This was actually an idea I got from a reader. She commented that last year she resolved to run twenty 10 mile runs and she did it. (Good for her.) But since she did that last year, this year she was going to resolve to do something easy like hang up her coat or drink more water. I'm stealing her resolutions flat out. I've decided to make it an and/or proposition since I don't mind drinking water, but hanging up my coat seems as useless as making my bed (another thing I don't do). I'm just going to get back into my bed in a couple of hours, what is the point? I will need my coat the next time I leave the house, so why bother hanging it up? Looks like it's going to be more water.

5. Write more. What I mean by this is write more in advance. It is nearly midnight as I sit here writing this knowing full well that I have promised it to you by the morning. I do this all the time. I am constantly working under pressure and I would like to get some posts written in advance that I can throw out there on days that Kimye doesn't announce they're having a baby and the world waits with bated breath for my opinion.

6. Publish two books. Yup. Not one, but two. I'm working on them both of them right now.

7. Read more. I did fairly well this year with book reading. I'm not sure how many I read this year. I put a lot of them on Goodreads. This year I want to add some blogs to my reading list too. I try to read a lot of blogs on my phone when I have a few minutes here and there, but it's difficult for me to comment. I want to figure out how I can comment. I've been very open in the past about being a comment whore. I love comments. I read them all and it bums me out when people don't comment. Since I know how that feels, I can't read without commenting, that would totally suck. I will comment this year!!

8. Clean my house for 10 minutes a day. In 2012 I said I'd clean my house for 5 minutes a day and that didn't seem to work. I've decided to up it to 10 minutes this year. If nothing else, I can use this time to hang up my coat.

9. Get my hair cut by a real professional. I was trying to save money in 2012 and one of the things I scrapped was an expensive hair stylist. I've been going to one of those discount franchise places and my hair looks like it. I went to get my hair cut last week. I wanted a cute, fun, messy-ish pixie cut and I came home looking like a raggedy pinhead. A friend posted a picture that same day of her new haircut which was essentially the haircut I should have, but don't. I about cried when I did a side by side comparison. I need a pro this year. Luckily, the Hub is on board with this decision too. He's tired of me wearing a hat all the time because my hair is so crappy.

10. Keep working with Kris at Staring Line Fitness. It's been a week since I've worked out with Kris and she's going to be mad when I show up in my fat sweat pants, because my skinnier ones don't fit again after my holiday eating fest. But I'm ready to get back to work.

11. And one last one . . .

Thank you Moms Who Drink and Swear!
Happy New Year! What are your resolutions?


Unknown said...

Last year I totally rocked my resolution (leave the house in sweatpants less often).

This year:
* improve my cursive handwriting so that at least I can read it

*drink more water

*cook at least once a week (we're on totally different schedules and diets at my house, so I've allowed myself to not cook much. It's hard to find food that I feel like making that is both low calorie and low carb. And mostly I am lazy)

*get better about not rolling my eyes when I am "listening" to someone trying to make a point different from my own opinions

Erin Marie Pierce said...

Fantastic list. I made the last one in 2012 and it got me no where. This year I'm going to try to swear less. I also decided to put the phone and electronic devices down more and pay more attention to life.

Lucky Mama (Little Rock Mamas) said...

I hate resolutions. But with that said, I've got to get my weight under control (blech) so my goals are
* Drink more water, especially on the weekends
* Eat more fruits and veggies
* Exercise at least twice a week -- I know that seems small, but since I was diagnosed with MS, I battle fatigue daily. My hope is that once I start exercising, I'll have a little more energy to do it more than twice a week. *fingers crossed*
As far as your resolutions, I totally get you on the coat thing. What is the point? And feel free to comment away on my blog. I have a feeling your comments will liven the place up. :)

Kyla @ Mommys Weird said...

LMAO at Hang up my coat. Ditto, girl. Ditto.

Starr said...

I think your resolutions sound perfectly reasonable, although Twitter kills me. I've tried to get into it, but it moves too fast for these not very old eyes. Do they have Twitter for slow people?

Sue said...

My resolution is to go to Ikea and spend lots of money on storage shit so I can get my house organized. (Because that's easier than resolving to not be a hoarder).

Hangry Momma said...

This year (like last year) is my year to get organized...but I really really mean it this year hahaha. With a baby 12 weeks out, I won't have time to search the house every morning for the scarf that I tossed somewhere with abandon when I walked in from work. I plan on having a box in the closet for my scarves.....then I would actually have to hang my coat up too! My desk looks like a bomb went off, so labeling actual folders will happen this year. When I get around to it. I only have 2 other resolutions. 1- To try and lose the baby weight right away...I have 8 weeks to be in a MOH dress after I have the baby. I figure between working out, breastfeeding, and spanx, I may be okay. 2- Gossip less at work. It'll kill me because it's so much fun, but I really should knock it off.. Happy New Year!

Dyanne @ I Want Backsies said...

I break all my resolutions within hours of making them, so I'll just cut to the chase, borrow yours as mine, thereby failing before I even start.

Janine Huldie said...

Since I am not a resolutions type person, because I never end up keeping them anyways (kind of like Lent and trying to abstain from something, lol), I actually loved your list though and definitely enjoyed the very last one (even though I know damn well I could never stop swearing so fucking much, lol!!). Just awesome and seriously Happy New Year!!

Sara@iSass said...

Haha, yeah I need that ap too...twitter for slow people!

Amy Harrison said...

I'm making resolutions I can actually keep, like eating every day. And drinking... alcohol. And bathing my cat (once). And showering :D

Unknown said...

My resolution is to throw out any clothes purchased in the 1900s. So sad to see you go slammin high school skorts (don't dare auto correct me- a skort is a thing!) and free credit card application t-shirts from college.

I think the Aztecs predicted the world would end in 2013 maybe I should hold out on other resolutions. Don't want to give up chocolate right before the end.

Anonymous said...

My resolution for 2013 is to try to find all those old resolution lists for other years--that I didn't keep, either!

Savannah said...

I gave up a LONG time ago on actually hanging my coat up in the coat closet. Our family's solution is we have hooks right next to the door. Up high hooks for the hubs and I, down low hooks for the two toddlers in the house. It works fabulously. We even have extra up high hooks for the diaper bag and my purse. I feel much better about myself with the hooks, and now the end of my couch isn't always covered in coats!

Jenn @ Something Clever 2.0 said...

Why the fuck would anyone every want to swear less? Speaking without swearing is like cooking without spices.

Oh, and I can help you out with number seven. :)

RachRiot said...

I resolved to never make resolutions since they used to revolve around weight loss and being a nicer person-- fuck that. I'm still a fat bitch so we see how well THAT turned out. But this year I will seriously consider these: 1. Conquering Twitter with you. 2. *Try* to comment more on the blogs I read (hey, look at me! Commenting and shit! Go me!) and 3. Write more often for my own blog. They can't all be Pulitzers, ya know? p.s. I love you, too. ;)

Eileen said...

I'm with you on #9- it hurts the wallet big time, but I wouldn't trade my relationship with my hairstylist for anything! What could be better than a shampoo massage, gossip time with a gay guy, and a cute 'do at the end?

My resolutions for 2013: read more, travel more (with or without kids), use emoticons less, and get at least one comment on the PIWTPITT weekly wrap-up :)

Dammit! I'm screwed.

Amy Garnett said...

I'm sick of making resolutions for myself. Instead, I'm going to make resolutions for my family. My older kids are going to help with housework/laundry more. My younger kids are going to try to not pee in the bed more than 3 times a week. The baby is going to sleep through the night every single night in 2013. My husband is going to do the weekly grocery shopping and not expect me to cook unless I feel like it. It's going to be an awesome year. :)

Lisa said...

My husband's resolution is to go to college and my resolution is to have a baby. He is already approved for the GI Bill and I am 3 months pregnant... we know how to create realistic goals ;)

spymay said...

The only resolutions I kept last year were:
1)Don't become a zombie.Check.
2)Laugh more.Check.

I think I'll carry these resolutions over to this year as I did so well with them in 2012 and will also add:
1)Don't be the center of any political/sex scandals involving videotape,dvds,and/or bribes/blackmail.

2)Don't be photographed without underwear(dear Lord baby zombie Jesus,please let this resolution be on every Hollywood starlet's list too)

3)I really should add drink more water too.Hmm,will think about that.

So far,I'm doing pretty good on my resolutions.Except the water thing..I'll work on that.

Mommy Shorts said...

Does hanging your coat over the handle of your stroller count?

MissMandy said...

The only resolution I made is to not spend New Year's Eve alone like I did this year.

Jenn & Jamie said...

I followed you on Twitter! I couldn't think of any resolutions this year. I always kinda feel put on the spot when asked for them and can never think of anything!! I don't wanna go with the standard "lose weight" even though I do need to do that. So I guess my resolution would be to read your blog everyday!

Jenn & Jamie said...

Also I can refer you to a great blog my mom writes. She lives in China, so her blog is about her adventures there. It is at if you are interested.

So did I tell you about... said...

I can't get into the whole Twitter thing. I think it's because by it's very name, it is stupid. Twitter. Too much like Twatter. Or Titter. And you tweet on Twitter. Seriously. Tweet. I don't even like birds, so I'm not about to start tweeting. And then there's the signs, and the codes. I feel like life is hard enough. I love to type - words. Not @hashtag (WTF is a hashtag??? Sounds like something I wouldn't want growing on my body.) So Twitter can suck it. If you don't have more than 12 seconds to spare to hear what I have to say, you are a Twat and should tweet.

Other than that, I'm down with the water drinking, and hanging my coat up (because that's a peeve of mine. My family hangs their coats from our dining room furniture and the bannister, which are 2 feet from the well hanger-stocked coat closet). I'd like to move more. And put down my iphone and ipad at home. We'll see. :)

lovetoread600 said...

I've never been so proud to have someone steal my resolution!! I love you Jen!

Unknown said...

I just followed you on twitter. You have more twitter followers now :) Mission accomplished! Moving on to 2014 lol.

Love the blog!


SnarkfestBlog said...

I must admit to you that I read every blog you post, but you have so many comments by the time I read, that I just figure you'll never even see my comment and it'll get lost in a sea of comments. I read and love all of your blog posts but that's my reasoning for not commenting. However, knowing that you DO read all comments, I resolve to comment on each post. That is a resolution that won't be too hard to keep. That and drinking more water. That should be easy. :)

Stacie said...

Uggggggh resolutions.

The only thing I hoped for in the new year was to not wake up at midnight January 1st to a bat flying around my head while the dog freaked out to fireworks.

Check, and check. Now we can call 2013 a success.

Spirit of Hope and Kindness Awards said...

I love this entire list. I really fucking do. Ooops. $5 in my 2013 Pay Per Swear jar. I love you too. xo Cheers and may 2013 be full of laughs...

PrimaModa said...

1. keep new baby alive
2. clean out email, is 4,000 messages too many?
3. figure out food processor to assist in #1
4. get professional family picture, haven't had one since 6 yr old was 10 months

GeebaMom said...

The theme for 2013 is going to be "Fiscal Responsibility" and I've given up soda. (I heard a report that says more than two resolutions is asking for failure and if that means less work for me, I am all for it.)

Looking forward to your next two books.

Unknown said...

I am exactly like Teri Biebel!! haha By the time I want to comment there is like tons already and I always feel like it gets lost in the sea too! hahahha, but anyway, I don't ever do resolutions not sure why guess cause I know I'll never keep them, as it is I can't even remember things I said 5 mins ago lol. But today I will make three I know for sure I'll keep! One is to continue to tell the kids how much I love them, two is to continue my Catholic faith, and three is to comment on your posts just like Teri haha. I'll fallow you on twitter as well! and hehe I'll be sure to request your book for my birthday :D as I've been wanting it soon as I discovered you! lol. Anywho, thank you soo much for all your inspiration and for letting me know there are truly other mothers out there that are seeing the world as I am. Can't tell you how sick I've been seeing all these "perfect" mothers of two :/. But yea so glad to have met you :)) and glad to meet all your fallowers!! I am Nicki from Ca. mother of 4! :D Oh and Love you tons!!

Lee Lee said...

I don't normally make resolutions because I never keep them, especially if they involve exercising more or losing weight. In 2012 I made an unofficial resolution to find a new job. I said unofficial because I had already been searching for a new job for over a year and I was really discouraged at that point. But I amped up my job search, to the point that I felt like it was my second job, and I finally found a job in May. I had to take a cut in pay and my travel time doubled, but after working for the devil (aka a collection agency) for 16 years, it was worth the risk. I'm happy to say that it was the best decision I could have made. I love my new job, I have opportunities to earn bonuses which helps with the pay cut and I can also earn time off which was something I never got at my last job. Oh, and as an added bonus, I lost 30 pounds after i started the new job. I'm thinking that since my unofficial resolution worked out so well last year that I'll make some official ones this year. I'm gonna steal a couple of yours like cleaning for 10 mins a day and drink more water but also add doing a load of laundry daily. Does doing laundry count as cleaning if I actually fold it AND put it away instead of leaving it in the corner of the couch? Lol

Unknown said...

I snorted when I read "Hang up my coat and/or drink more water" - now there's a resolution I can keep.

JT1222 said...

Comment, Comment, Comment. Just for you, you comment whore. :) Good luck with all the resolutions. I've decided this year my only real resolution is to say "YES" to my family more. The normal stuff that everyone is doing - getting healthy in one way or another, organizing, blah, blah, blah is always an ongoing personal improvement thing for me anyway and I will be looking at what needs attention on a month by month basis. This way, I'm not failing for a whole year, just a month if I don't get to my running goal or cleaning my garage. Hey, I'm a mom & things happen.

Raabster said...

I had the scarf issue a few years ago, so I bought an inexpensive coat rack and put it in my bedroom. It is ONLY for scarves. A few years ago, I had difficulty getting that far (coincided with the birth of my son), so it moved to the front hall! It is my "scarf tree" and whenever a visitor comments that I have too many scarves, I give that person a blank look and comment, "I have no idea what you mean." I'm really good at the dead-pan tone now too, and have removed the expletive from that comment (took some practice, I admit).

As for the rest...well, I've embrace that I am a "piler" and I'm working on strategies for that! Like baskets...lots and lots of baskets. ;-)

Raabster said...

Hooks rock! We have the same well for the Rascal and me. Might need more hooks...thanks for the idea!

Raabster said...

Hmmm...I think that folding and putting the laundry away DOES count as cleaning...because the clothes are now clean AND the room is a bit tidier. Thank you for the inspiration! (I'm typing this as I glance at the neatly folded blankets beside me and the pile of diapers that are NOT folded...yet).

Unknown said...

This year I will read more books and read more blogs. I will write letters. Honest to goodness letters. On paper. I will comment on every blog post I like. I will use my pedometer to track my steps, with the goal of 10,000 steps per day. I will take more pictures. I will get off my kids' asses to hang up their coats until I actually install coat hooks they can reach. Or, "hookers" as my 3 year old calls them.

I will not do any of these things.


centerpunch said...

You could also resolve to be nicer. I know that mean is your "thing" and that it sells books, but maybe in your private life at least. Or maybe that is what you mean by resolving to say "I love you more." Hope so. Happy New Year Jen.

TNMom said...

Mine is to have a middle level. I go from "honey, get your shoes on please..." to "PUT ON THE FUCKING SHOES!!" in roughly 6 seconds. So I have promised my 6 year old to have a middle level if she could promise to make an attempt to listen a little better. So far, so good!
As for the I love you whom? I say it to my hubby and kids every the cashier at the grocery store? Crossing guard at school? Boss? I would like to say I love you more, I just don't wanna be all creepy! LOL, so I will steal that one too - two is plenty for me. Plus I have this weight thing, but that's every day for the rest of my need to label it something new for the new year. So there, YAY! I have some, thanks - I love you! :)
(Oh and this whole thing is just fucking hilarious, including the comments!)

TNMom said...

Additionally, I do NOT curse to / at / around my be clear. :)

Unknown said...

I dont make too many resolutions, so I dont set myself up for epic failure, but I have a few.
I have a similar resolution as TNMom (above).. I seem to go from nice to crazy in 60 seconds.. To clarify I do cuss around my children, I figure they are going to hear from the punks at school, so better they hear it from me. It seems when I'm having a bad day it's way worse, but even on a good day I can spit fire in just a few seconds. So to keep my kids from putting me in a nursing home when I get old, I'm going to make this one work!
Another resolution is to be a better person. I know this sounds kinda cocky, but I am already a pretty nice person (not self proclaimed, I have been told so by complete strangers) but I could always be better.. Couldn't all of us? Well except the OAM, but who wants to be like them?
And last but not least I'm going to start my own blog! I have wanted to do this for years and just when I think I'm ready, I chicken out. I have been a follower of a friend since she started hers, and then found yours. I think it's time for the world to enjoy the humor that is my life. Good luck on your resolutions, and Happy New Year (8 days later)

Unknown said...

I just discovered your blog so this is a little late, but I make the same resolution every year and so far have been keeping it religiously. I resolve just to make it through another year the best I can! Been doing far.....

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