Me - For Wanting a Minivan

Last week you found out I was a closet crafter and now I have another sad confession to make:

I really want a minivan.

It's not like I need a minivan.  I only have 2 children and no pets.  I just really want one.

Bizarre, right?  Even a little sick and twisted.  I can't explain it.  No one understands it.  I barely understand it.

Right now I drive a Toyota Venza.  It's a very nice car, but do you know what demographic Toyota is marketing the Venza to?  Baby Boomers.  I drive a Baby Boomer car.  I want a Swagger Wagon, not a Boomermobile.  Are you listening Toyota and Honda marketing people?  I would actually LOVE to drive one of your vehicles compared to the many people who complain about having to drive a minivan.

I want a minivan in black, preferably, because black is more badass and I want to drive a badass minivan, because black is the only badass minivan color there is.  Duh.

I want to have "slidey doors" (as my kids call them) that I can open and close with a push of the button so my kids can jump in or out like parachuters on an airplane.  These slidey doors would also come in handy when my children throw open their doors and ram them into the cars parked next to us.  The people who park next to me would appreciate it if I drove a minivan.  It's almost like I'd be helping mankind if I drove one.

I want enough seats for my kids and their friends when we're going somewhere.  I hate that I always have to say, "I can't take anyone, because my car can only hold 2 boosters/carseats."  If I had my sweet ride, I would have a whole row of extra seats available!

If I had a minivan, I wouldn't stop with just the automatic doors.  I couldn't possibly stop there.  My dream is to drive a badass minivan so I'd also need the DVD player with headphones (please God, with headphones because I can't listen to "Phineas & Ferb" while I'm driving - I'll drive off a cliff), Bluetooth (hands free calling is safer), I'd want the power tailgate (no sense getting my hands dirty when that's an option) and I'd want the leather wrapped steering wheel (just 'cause I just like "leathah").

I don't have a minivan because the Hubs has deemed it an impractical car for our family (and I think he thinks he'd look like a wuss driving it).  I know he's right -  he would look pretty wussy driving it, but who cares?

Just today the conversation arose again.  We were on the carpool line surrounded by happy minivan drivers and the Hubs said, "Really?  You really want to drive one of those things?"

"Of course."

"But why?  They're so...."

"What?  You think you're better than a minivan, don't you?"  I asked.

"Yes, I guess I do.  First of all, I hate to carpool and by driving a small car I never have to carpool.  Second of all, driving a minivan is like waving a sign that says, 'I've given up.'"

"You're an asshole."

"Pretty much.  But if you really want one I'll get you one."

Awww....he's my asshole.


coribrennen said...

I finally gave in and got one. I have 3 kids and with all of their crap, it was a necessity. It's black with slidey doors and stow and go seating so I can hide my chocolate stash. The most important thing is that I NEVER refer to it as a mini-van. It's my "Mobile Command Center."

SconnieGirl said...

Ha! I love this one. Mostly because I, too, am shocked that I want a minivan. I always said that I would NEVER have one, but now I have 2 kids and you mentioned all of the points that I told my man! Right on the money!

Whitney said...

And now we know the truth behind the carpool gig....

The Iz said...

I want one too... It's my secret shame. My husband has also deemed it 'impractical' which really means he just thinks it's too stereotypical and GOD FORBID I get called a 'soccer mom'.

One more trip to Mom's with both kids, ALL their toys, the portable DVD player BLARING Strawberry Shortcake, and the dog in a little mazda 3 hatchback might convince him... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

bethj said...

I wanted a black (yes, the only palatable minivan color choice), tricked-out, Toyota Sienna AWD minivan for all the same reasons you expose. Bought it last year. Love it. No regrest. Take the Hubs up on his offer. You'll say every day, 'I love this damn car.'

Mandi said...

I want a minivan TOO! I always have! I don't even have kids! I do have dogs though and Nieces and nephews and Godchildren coming at me from every angle. Hubs says even when we have kids we will NEVER have a Minivan, but I really want one!!!!
BTW... I loved the last line "Awww....he's my asshole."

McBDesigns said...

My hubs is 6' 6" pushing 280# and his friends have teased him for YEARS when he drives my minivan. It's a wussy white, but we're about to roll over 100,000 miles on it and I love that I can whip into any parking space and let the kids parachute out without dinging the neighboring cars. I'm already planning my NEXT minivan - which will be badass black with headphones for the DVD!! Hubs wants to paint flames on the next one ;D How'd THAT look in the carpool line??!

jschro said...

My mother got my father in on the minivan by allowing him to beef up the sound system. Think of how bad-ass your minivan would be with a subwoofer in the back and surround sound? If not just to drown out the cartoons...

TheresaD said...

I have a slate gray Toyota Sienna with dvd, slidey doors, power lift gate and leather---heaven. I was once the anti-mini van girl--but today I drive my Soccer mom mobile with pride. Do you know how much crap you can fit into one of those!?! Go for it!!!

TNMom said...

I too have 2 kids and want a mini-van, just like the one you want. We can have twinkie mini-vans. Awesome!!

Mary Beth said...

I never wanted to be the mini van mom, but when #3 came we had to, felt bad for the older kid squished between two carseats...but yeah, they rock, I can cram all kinda crap in there like great furniture I find in other peoples trash lol...seriously.

Unknown said...

I've had a minivan since kiddo number two was born just because of the sliding doors. Getting a baby carrier in and out with regular doors is a pain the petunia. Plus, all my kids' friends are oohed and ahhed by the fact I can open and close the doors with the push of a button.

alyaia75 said...

Get yourself a minivan. You'll love it. I have four kids so the minivan is technically too small when factoring in friends. I need a 9 seater so they can each bring a friend, or a 10 seater if hubs wants to come along too.

TCrowley said...

I too always said I would NEVER drive one of those things and in early December I got the vehicle of my dreams! You would have thought I had a porshe in the driveway!

Robin said...

I 'have' to drive a minivan (4 kids) and love my Honda Odyssey. I drove it to the hospital in the city when it was brand new (valet parking only) and the young valet said, 'This is the coolest minivan ever!' I thanked him and had to laugh at how nerdy we BOTH sounded. I highly recommend the Odyssey Touring. The only thing on your wish list I don't have is the hands free dialing. I'd like that too -- C'mon Honda, if Ford can do it, so can you!

Martie said...

I got one 10 years ago, and I actually tried to trade up for an SUV, but guess what I drove out of the dealership....yup a mini-van.....lmao I am hooked...I just love all the room and the gas milage sure does beat an SUV!

Martie said...

HAHAHA I am with you on that one but for all my kids to bring a friend I need a 12 seater that is if the hubs wants to come!! LMAO I should just get a small bus!!

JenMcMomma said...

I went kickin and screaming into mine. I had a Quad 4, 2 door Grand Am and was pregnant with my 3rd child in 4 years. I had a list of demands. Dual sliders, middle row captains chairs, tinted windows, rear air and of course extended for extra cargo room. It wasn't a sports car but it was practical and I grew to love it. At school or the sports fields. Need a ride? Sure hop in. Need to go from Choir Concert to soccer to softball. Plenty of room to change in the car (in the parking lot not while driving)unless you can do it w/o removing your seat belt. Cross county trips. No problem, every one has their own seat. My girls now drive it. My middle daughter can take a foursome to golf with room to spare. That's 1/2 the team.

Martie said...

For the longest time I had my little ones convinced I could use the force (star wars) Man they thought I was Yoda!!!

Katie said...

Do it do it do it. I begged for one and I LOVE it. I only have 2 kids and it is perfect. DVD w/headphones is the best. But I have room for each kid to bring a friend! Do it do it do it.

mrskdawley said...

We have 4 kids and I wouldn't drive a minivan if you paid me too. I see the convenience of the slidey doors, I will concede that those truly ROCK!!! I did test drive one when we were going from our Saturn Vue to a bigger vehicle but I instantly felt 10 years older and like I was handed a membership to the "you are no longer cool club". That being said...I went with the fully loaded badass black Chevy Tahoe and took it one further and blacked out my windows with double limo tint. (Ok, that's because my kids are so fair skinned they actually turn red on a 15 min car ride in the summer, but it still made me feel that much more badass). I miss my Tahoe, we have moved onto the Suburban and as soon as we rid ourselves of the last 2 boosters I am going to go back to my "hot mama-mobile" Tahoe as my hubby called it:-). No offense to the minivan moms, I just couldn't do it...I think the storage compartments under the floor boards are ridiculously awesome:)

Val Joy said...

I swore up and down I would never EVER drive a minivan! My girlfriends with kids would always smile slyly and say "your day will come." Then came the time I needed a bigger car. I only had two kids but hauling all their stuff on vacation was far too crowded in a sedan. So I did the research and between cargo space and gas milage I discovered there was a large gap between too small and more then I need. (Since then this gap has been filled.) Having grown up in a family where we always a had a maxi van (passenger van with 3 bench seats that were removable to haul stuff as needed) I have an innate need for cargo space. I test drove a couple minivans and hated them! Then my husband brought home the Toyota Sienna. Heaven! The seats were so comfortable, it was easy to drive and, more importantly, easy to park. And the cargo space was huge! I was sold. In the 5 years since purchasing our Sienna my husband has mentioned trading it in for something new and smaller and I emphatically shut him down every time. No one is going to take my Sienna away from me! I don't care if I look ridiculous driving a mommobile with 80's headbanger music blaring from the radio. It's just how I roll now.

Because nobody likes Mondays said...

I freaking love my mini van!!!!! I have two kids as well and the best thing about the van, one kid sits in the middle row, one in the back. Then there is no "he's touching me" going on.

Our Family, Our Life said...

I <3 my Dodge Grand Caravan. I love the built in car seats, the ability to divide my kids up for minimal fighting and I can move just about anything in it. My brother actually borrowed it and moved all his belongings in it across the country. It saved on having to rent a truck. Can't do that with a small car. Plus, I agree with you that being able to bring friends with you places is better! It will be my vehicle of choice this coming winter when we road trip across the country to spend Christmas and New Years in VEGAS, BABY!!!!!

LaJodster said...

I have said minivan complete w/ slidey doors & DVD but its weenie gold! This was my husbands purchase, and although I like the doors, I hate the car I must confess! It has over 100K and I'm hoping it will die soon! I'm already looking to graduate back to a respectable SUV in badass red. Sorry, but I agree w/ ur Hubs, it's still a MINIVAN!

AppliKays said...

I love my 'God'essey. It was a stuggle in the beginning not to park far away from my destination to avoid being seen in my mini-van. But I'm used to it now and call it my mobile purse. There really is a compartment for EVERYTHING.

Jen@runfortheboys said...

Don't do it! And don't cut your hair. The two things I say I'll never do...

theDaily411 said...

I'm confused as to how a minivan is NOT practical?? I think it is the MOST practical. You can haul 7 people, all the seats fold down and you can fill that mf with a TON of stuff if you need to move, christmas shopping, have to transport a large item that won't fit in a car. Us adults use it when we have several couples going out's our very own limo. My hubs is a big union guy and he has no problem driving it. I think my favorite part is that I can put the kids ALL the way in the back and there is a good 4 feet between them and me. No kicking mom's seat, no yelling in my ear!! Of course we have all the bells & doors, hatch, DVD, sat. radio, auto start. I actually feel sorry for people that DON'T own a swagger wagon! They are WAYYY cooler than just a regular car. (and after reading some of these comments, I've discovered a few ppl I want to punch in the throat: People that choose a vehicle based solely on 'how cool they look' in it!! Seriously? Conceited is NOT pretty.)

KelleyB said...

Yup! Had one with the (2) babies, then traded it for a "regular car" -- bad idea! Got another, with "the works". Just bringing Grandma with us for visits is enough to warrant. Now that the kids are teens, I get the joy and pleasure of being the mom who drives them and their friends places, embarrassing them with the red mini-van pulled right up front!!! Ahhh!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I were 20 and childless and were rockin' the Dodge Caravan w the wood panelling. We loved that thing. Enough room for all our friends to go places together (instead of 2 cars) and pleasure loading / unloading of beach stuff.

Knitting Mom Marie said...

Tell your hubby that even MY HUSBAND who has experience driving BMWs on the autobahn is quite fond of our Honda Odyssey. I have a five yo and 3 yo quadruplets, so we basically had no choice but to get the minivan if we wanted a vehicle that got decent gas mileage.

When the babies were about 18months, we drove 7 hours to a family event in Iowa, and we got 4 highchairs, 4 pack-n-plays, clothes for 7, two coolers, two baby gates, and a quad stroller, 5 kids, and 2 adults - all INSIDE the van. NO CARTOP CARRIER. I was already pleased with the van, but after that, I was highly impressed.

I would still rather be driving my happy little Passat I had before I got preggers with quads, but I'm grateful to have such a great mode of transport for my big family.

Suzanne said...

I always swore I would never have one. And well, look at me, I just got one. Celestial blue, leathah, dvd player with headphones. Go ahead, be jealous. Everyone knows celestial blue is WAY better than black. (black shows bird poop much faster). I only have one kid but it's still awesome.
But I draw the line with the stick figure stickers. Those I will NEVER have...

Tracy Long said...

I am on my 2nd Honda Odyssey and I will NOT go back! I love my van! I really don't see what the "stigma" of driving a mini-van is all about.........I never have. What's wrong withdriving a mini-van?!?! Am I just clueless?

Suzanne said...

Robin, I have the new 2012 Odyssey and have hands free dialing. I have an EXL with RES.

imbogus1 said...

The Odyssey is the most bad-ass van there is. Your husband will be fighting you to drive it. The only asshole around after that will be the cop who stops him after speeding through town.

Unknown said...

My husband keeps pushing for a mini-van, but I will never buy one. It is the last shed of dignity that I have left (to not drive one). I drive a Ford Flex (buy American!) and love it! It's all black (badass), has plenty space for my 3 kids and has all the bells and whistlers of a minivan--except the slidey doors. And I don't look like a soccer mom driving it and we can drive it places when we don't have he kids and not feel like parents. RESIST THE MINIVAN!

Anonymous said...

My minivan ROCKS! On our second Chevy Venture and I <3 it, <3 it, <3 it! Drove through a Chicago snowstorm Friday night like a champ! She's like a squat little pig, just motoring through all that snow. <3 her! Oh, and I carry hockey bag(s) too. Outstanding grocery getter for the family of five. Hauls dogs, seats eight. Out-Standing!

Happy Mommy said...

I miss my minivan!

Sheila Maranda said...

I have 3 kids. Headphones are handy but be prepared, you will need more than the two that come with it. I have 5 for each seat because we always have extra kids with us. Got them cheap off ebay. You Would love it. Got my van off ebay too and its a V6 so it also has power. Mine has the swivel chairs and the kids love sitting backwards. You will never regret. If u get one fully loaded, your hubs will be showing off all the awesome how he can lay all the seats down and still haul stuff.

Nichole said...

I have the minivan you want! It's black with power everything dual DVD players stow and go seats not to mention a 25G hard drive so I can store all my music ( I listen to metal) and my family photos. I think my minivan is pretty badass if I do say so myself!

Blogger Meaniepants said...

As the super proud owner of a Honda Odyssey let me tell you- driving one of those luxury mobiles is NOT giving up!! I have a lush vehicle with leather seat, electric driver's seat, sun roof, power sliding doors, seat heaters, dvd player, 6 disc cd changer, a bluetooth audio system (after market) and I can bring the wii or Playstation and hook it up to the entertainment system to be played on car trips(for hubby). This mansion on wheels seats 8 people (yes..8 people) and we have...1 kid. Yup. I am that mom. Why do we have a vehicle big emough for the Mormon Tabernacle choir you ask? B/c I like to go places with my friends and their kids and I get car sick as a passenger so I always drive us everywhere. That and I wrapped my Pilot around a telephone pole. (it cut me off, damn pole.) Tel hubs that the swagger wagon is a hell of a ride. Plus it's a great place to nap while waiting in car rider line at school. Seriously.

faithhopelovefaith said...

We got a swagger wagon last year and my hubby lives driving it! (We have 4 kids so our vehicle choices are limited to minivan or suv. With gas prices so high, we opted out of getting an suv.)

It is truly like driving a luxury vehicle! (I am spoiled when it comes to vehicles so hubby made sure it was fully "decked out" for me.)

I say go for it! You deserve it woman! Plus you'll then be the swagger wagon woman that everyone with bow to in the carpool lane!!!!

Sarah said...

Honey, you don't know the half of it. You'll never want to go back. I was the first of my friends and one by one they have all converted to awesomeness of the dark side. You'll wish you'd done it sooner. Minivans are suh-WEEEET. And I only have 2 children.

Caroline said...

Love "Mobile Command Center"! You can call it your MC-squared.

Unknown said...

I still refuse to get a minivan, even with 3 kids. I just won't! I may consider an SUV with third row seating, but no mini van. I just.. can't. It would be nice though to be able to separate the kids because they usually end up arguing and fighting in the back seat. Ugh.

Corie M. Martin, Ed.D. said...

I kissed my youth goodbye the day I bought a minivan. We've used the hell out of it though. I bought it when my oldest was 18-mos-old. Now she's 7 and my youngest is 4. My advice - LEATHER! Chocolate milk cleans up nicely from leather. Funny because now that the kids are bigger I've been looking at going back to an SUV and I can't find anything that I like as well as my Odyssey. *Sigh*

Confessions of a PTO Mom said...

With four kids and one on the way I have no choice but to drive a minivan. And while I do admit that the slidey doors have saved many a car parked next to me, I detest driving the minivan. For a year and a half I had a cool sexy non-mom like SUV, and when I was in it by myself I could be me and not mom. Then I had to go and get pregnant again, and it wasn't practical. So, minivan #2 made an appearance in my garage.

Sarah Hoffman said...

I wanted a minivan too! But nooooo. I got a Tahoe because Hubs wanted something that could pull a heavy trailer. Oh well, I like the Tahoe pretty well.

Jenn said...

Jen, I totally want the new Odyssey. I think they are bad-ass too!

Lanae Brown said...

So did you punch yourself yet and knock some sense into your head? Don't do it!

Steve, Christa, Emily, Meghan, Charles & Elizabeth said...

Your husband is sooooooooooo wrong about Minivans. I was thrilled when I finally got mine. With the rear seats folded down you can put a full sheet of plywood in the back. Over the summer I put a lawn tractor in the back. My father is constantly asking if I can come over with the van to pick something up or drop something off. REAL MEN drive minivans. (Real women too)

Brenna said...

I'm with you. I seriously want a minivan. I would have gotten one, but I have a long commute so I need something with better gas mileage. But I REALLY want a minivan.

jillybean222 said...

i came dangerously close to purchasing a minivan last march....but i just wasn't ready...but i am insanely jealous of the slidey doors and automatic trunk...seriously, why can't ALL cars have these you hear me, automakers?!?!?!

maukai said...

We had a minivan when my kids were in school THANK GOD!! I had two athletes they were involved in EVERYTHING it was extremely wonderful for traveling all over gods green earth and back to various games, meets, matches, events etc.. Ours had two back seats SO AWESOME!!!! The girl and her friends took over one seat and the boy and his friends took over the other. NO FIGHTING!! It was GREAT!!! Now that Im a Gramma and we've let the minivan go, we are soooooo sorry and are actually looking for another one. How the heck do you spoil 4 grandbabies and one on the way with a little car? What if everybody wants ice cream? You can't even load them up to go to the market and buy a carton. Yep mini vans are awesome

Steve, Christa, Emily, Meghan, Charles & Elizabeth said...

My wife and I almost bought a small bus at an auction for just that reason, 4 kids and two parents means no room for friends. Someday maybe we will.

SarahMc said...

It's nice to see that your husband is willing to look like he's "given up" to make you happy! How sweet!

vamcknights4 said...

"Mobile Command Center" -- I LOVE this ! The Hubster is always complaining how messy my car is ... I bet he will pipe down when I claim it as my 'mobile command center' ! :0)

Jackie Fulg said...

I recently admitted to my hubby that I want a mini van! When we bought my Chevy equinox last year I refused to have anything to do with a mom mobile. I'm 23 years old and have given up everything but a cool car. Now that I am 9 months pregnant with our second, I've been in the position so many times that someone has parked so close to my car that I could squeeze between my door and their car to get my two year old out. I also watched a friend change her two year old twins in the back of their mini van, both boys standing, while she sat in the back and her infant sat comfortable in her car seat. I want that kind of luxury! Lol

Unknown said...

I LOVE my Toyota Sienna! We got the dark gray with a little metallic sheen to it because my husband said it will take longer to look dirty. Actually, it's my husband who is totally infatuated with minivans in the first place. He's driven one ever since he was in high school (the original Toyota Van-2 sunroofs and an icemaker!) and couldn't wait to get one when he found out we were pregnant with our second son. We couldn't afford all the fancy stuff, but my husband has lovingly outfitted ours with race car pedals, stolen "limited edition" stickers, and lots of cool skater stickers. My kids call it "Mommy's race car" because I can beat anyone off the line with it and still have more cup holders and airbags than whatever car I was "racing." We did opt for the full second row instead of the bucket seats so we can fit even more friends in! Minivans are where it's at!

BlondeGirl said...

I don't have kids yet, but I am adamant that I won't ever have a minivan. I was just looking at the 2012 Ford Explorer which now can seat up to seven, so that's probably what I will be going with! And the 2012 model has a really awesome look and some cool features (like automatic touch-of-a-button folding and storing of the third row of seats). It doesn't have the sliding doors, but I think I can give that up for not looking like a complete soccer mom. :)

johnston5 said...

Don't do it!!! Aaaack!

2horseygirls said...

I love my Tahoe, Dusty - and I have one 11 year old. But I can haul an entire bachelorette party around town, my entire department to lunch or 3 girlfriends + 4 kids to downtown Chicago and not spend the national deficit on parking. I've emptied a girlfriend's storage unit & can tow a horse trailer or a musky fishing boat. LOVE my Dusty!

If only she had the sliding doors - now that's cool!

Big shout out to shepee75 for the tip on extra headphones on eBay - just found 2 for $2.75 from a totaled Tahoe --whoohoo! (Now, no one else should go bid me up...) LOL

Fi said...

I did minivan because we traveled a lot with a toddler. As soon as the traveling was done the minivan WENT! If you at all enjoy the process of driving you will HATE a minivan. I would personally go with a crossover or SUV if I were in that position again. No slidey doors but much more pleasant to actually drive! Good luck either way and enjoy your new vehicle :)

T.S. said...

Aww, my asshole still won't cave. Of course he isn't the one driving one kid to lacrosse, one to gymnastics, 2 to diving, and not allowing any friends to go any where with us because we have no room. Do you know what it's like to have 3 kids sitting next to each other in an Escape? I think I would rather listen to Phineas and Ferb while driving that those little brats.
Sigh I'm the swagger wagon wanting mom too.

Ann said...

Toyota 4Runner with third row seats. Doesn't have slidey doors but punches all bad mini-van drivers (you know the ones driving with their heads up their ass screaming at their kids while talking on a non- important phone call while crossing the center line coming head on at you while looking at you with glazed eyes) right in the throat.

GCG said...

Sister- I have a 2011 Honda Odyssey - my 2nd minivan after I swore there would only be 1 in my lifetime, but the practicality of it all overwhelmed me and the Genius of their Marketing department knew me like the back of their hands...I was sucked in with the brochure that said "Bask in the serene glow of the all-new Honda Odyssey. With its spa-like interior, people and cargo live in peaceful harmony. A third row folds down with a single, effortless touch. Available Bluetooth®† centers your focus on the road ahead while a perfectly balanced 28 hwy mpg* V - 6 takes you on a journey of pure van bliss. The van beckons. Like no van before." I was beckoned and I answered the call. I can fit a stand up double bass, a cello, 2 soccer bags and 4 kids in my mini-van while I am up front with my heated seats. Heaven!

Thanks: Management said...

We have a Mazda Cx7, (which I LOVE). Not that we want more kids, 2 is enough, but if we did we'd need a mini van too. 1 reg car set + one infant car seat leaves little room for the Chiwawa on 900 mi trips north to PA!
Black and slidey doors are a must! Maybe you could get a hitch and put one of those covers on it that look like hanging Bull... well you know. Now that is bad ass!!

luvgreen said...

I wanted one when kids were 1 and 5 and I was driving a Highlander. I got one, I love it. Wish I got it earlier. I don't really get the bad rap. It is a MCC aka Corporate Jet. it's comfortable, spacious and great for any and all trips from cross country or to the outlet mall. I can't imagine ever going back to non-sliding doors. My Odyssey is decked out and have features that still get me giddy. I feel sorry for the families without them. Get one and live the dream!

Beth said...

Have 4 kids and a minivan. Husband hates it, always trying to trade it in for SUV. I go to dealership, almost convinced, then end up professing my love of minivan! SUV's aren't big enough or are too big to park. 3rd row isn't easily accessed, I'd miss my slidy doors...Now that Toyota Sienna comes in AWD, I've found my next van!

victoria9902 said...

I had a minivan that my husband picked out and I hated it and everything that it first. Once I realized how comfy it was (plus to was totally pimped out with the wireless headphones/dvd/seat warmers/etc) it grew on me. Now for saving on gas money I am back in a car but I have to say that it was cool having the minivan for awhile!

Kimberly said...

If you want a minivan, go for it! Your comment that your husband was YOUR asshole reminds me of what I tell my husband. Sometimes I tell him he's such a shithead and he'll say "But I'm YOUR shithead!"

Pattyann said...

I have 2 kids and I get all the reasons you want a minivan I just can't do it. When I was pregnant with #2 (he's just 7 weeks today) we were getting our oils changed one Saturday (great family outing right?!?) we were walking around the Toyota lot. The vans were too van like. The SUVs were too big. Then we saw the Highlander! It was awesome!!! Way better MPG then other SUVs (and you can get it in hybrid for even better). It has 2 rows. The 3rd can fold flat for cargo. And... wait for it... the 2nd row is a bench, but you can remove the middle seat and store it under the front middle area to make 2 captain chairs. So you can have the 6 seatbelts for hauling friends during the week, then hide that middle part for no poking each other on road trips on the weekend. I think it is awesome! I drive a Corolla right now and the 2 carseats have about 8 inches between them in the back. So when we have #3 in 2 years I am getting a Highlander!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a hate/love relationship with my minivan.......where we live, the cool moms have SUVs....but I cannot stand kids diving over the seat....and with it's fabulous back-up camera, I can drive 7 kids to the beach AND park in a tight spot.....and regarding husbands, the turning point for mine in the minivan's favor was a road trip in our old SUV, bumping along like a 4 wheel drive, TV perched precariously between the front seats, packed to the gills......and a Chrysler minivan gliding by next to us with loads loads of elbow/leg room and a ridiculously happy looking dad driver......we had a minivan within a month. :-)

TexasClarks said...

I wish my wife would love a mini-van, but she gets hives when I mention to her getting a mini-van. She does have a Yukon XL with all the bells and whistles (Denali) that will pass everything but a gas pump. It has awesome power, all the gadgets, looks great, but is a PITA to park. I do like it, but could only wish she would want a Bad Ass Black Mini-Van...I love them, but since I pull our Travel Trailer with my truck can't give up my truck. Hell, I would drive it everyday if she would allow me to take the SUV to my hunting spots!

Kathleen said...

Rented a Sienna last year when my parents were in town so we didn't have to take 2 cars everywhere. I wanted to steal it and keep it forever. Although my Honda Accord isn't cool at all, I like not having the car payment. I can't fathom how people afford payments on Odyssey Touring models, etc. Completely out of my reach :(

Hilary said...

I just blogged about this the other day! My truck was in the shop and we had to get a rental. I was thinking it was going to be something along the lines of a Ford Focus or something. Nope, it was a tricked out Chrysler Town and Country. For the love of all things holy! I am not a minivan driver. Can't do it. Won't do it. Despite all the bells and whistles -- dual slidey doors, dual DVD players, hands free tailgate, "leathah" interior and so forth -- it held no appeal. I was SO glad to turn that suckah back in to Enterprise. My daughter on the other hand? While there weren't any tears, she did have a few quiet moments stroking the back bumper as she said her good-byes, I shit you not.

skyecandy said...

check out the ultimate video on YouTube..."swagger wagon" ..its the couple from the Sienna commercials ;)

Anonymous said...

As a fellow asshole to a minivan driving Mrs CV, I can say, he'll get over it. I caved in years ago and won't go back until the kidlets are out of the house.

+1 They have more cup holders than seats. That's the American Super Size Me attitude at work. Plenty of room for that Milk Shake and Diet coke to balance things out - for each of you.

Also, I'm looking for a truck now for me.

NHGirl said...

I wouldn't mind having more space, slide-y doors, and a DVD system, but I just can't possibly trade in my Jetta Sportwagen that gets 45+ mpg. Maybe I'm just too boring and practical, but gas prices trump convenience for me!

K said...

I'd also go for the heated seats.

Uhmama said...

As a reluctant and thankful minivan driver, I strongly suggest you go to and choose the bumper sticker I'm sporting on my van... i used to be cool. Even if you secretly love your van... ps. the slidey doors are THE BEST!

The Bastian Boys and Girl said...

HAHA! Have you seen this video that my church (in Tulsa, OK) put out a year ago (for Father's Day). It's hilarious and the hubs may be able to relate. :)
Good luck with your search for the badassmobile. You deserve it. Clearly. - Jen

Split3ways said...

I just watched the video and it was funny but I'm guessing the church didn't really know what manscaping is...Haha

suzzsuki said...

I relunctantly traded my land rover for a toyota sienna when baby # 3 joined the family. I love it and take back every bad thing I ever said about minivans. Have the Hubs read this article. It may help convince him that he wont be a complete weiner if he drives a minivan.

Andrea Boring said...

We traded in a Cadillac Escalade for a Toyota Sienna and I EFFING love it! My hubs was completely against the idea for all the above stated reasons. I had to work on him for about 3 months and finally convinced him based on gas mileage :) Now HE loves it too. He drives that sucker with pride. I only wish we would have waited until these newest models were out. I about have a you know what when I see the brand new Siennas or Odysseys. Good luck on your quest sister!

Jessica said...

You should go with a Mazda 5. Not quite as big as a minivan, but has the slidey doors and 3 rows of seats. And it is fun to drive.

JennaK said...

When I got the minivan I have now, we still hadn't gotten rid of our old one. Hubby's car was the one to go because it was so old, beat-up, practically undriveable. For about four months, we BOTH drove minivans--he drove my old one. I'd love a new one though. Mine is an old Ford Windstar. I need one with the DVD player and the remote controlled doors. With five kids, a minivan is the only practical ride to own.

Jill said...

I fell for the minivan thing once too. I convinced my poor husband to sell his LEXUS so that we could get a Nissan Quest. It was okay... until my husband died... and NO WAY was I gonna be a single mom sporting a minivan. It was the first thing to go. I bought a Mazda CX-7 and I LOVE IT!! I am feeling shamed for ever driving a dorky van.

Don't do it!! Listen to your husband!! He's right this time!!

It is SO refreshing to be relieved of carpooling crap. If the kids don't fit in my car, they don't go. simple :)

PletcherFamily said...

We love our minivan!! We didn't want one at first, either, but we now can't live without it. It hulls kids, animals, stuff from Home depot, Christmas tree, on and on. Love it. We have a Toyota Sienna.

Janice's Blog said...

I got a minivan two months ago and I LOVE it! Although I have to say that when I'm driving it without my kids, I secretly hope that people will think I'm borrowing my mom's or something (at 28, not likely to be mistaken for a teen, but still). Now, a minivan for day, Corvette for night would be even sweeter!

Unknown said...

I went with the ford Flex. I only have 1 child and one on the way but it's like a minivan on steroids and drives like a Cadillac and gets great mileage. I love it. Plus with the awd i feel so much safer and it drives great in snow.

Unknown said...

I went from a mustang, to a Bonneville, to a ford explorer, and then when someone backed into me while getting the mail the explorer was in the shop, i then got a 2010 Ford Flex as a rental. OMG, I fell in love. Never wanting a minivan i was in love with this CUV. My hubs had to make sure and tell the dealership Thanks a lot guys now I have to buy one of these. The husband was so reluctant to buy one because of the price and the explorer was almost paid off, but hey when i don't work and he makes my car payment he can tell me what i can and cannot drive. Needless to say I got my Flex. I love it and so does he. Great Gas mileage, AWD, sync system, all leather, sunroof, automatic 3rd row seat, keyless entry, cooler, navigation, I could go on and on.

aka: DJ EJ, Erick Bloodaxe, The Strongarm, Jebus said...

I bought a mini van after my first kid - sliding doors and all that coolness. The justification was that I was in a band and needed to transport gear and musicians to shows (which was kind of like having three more kids). But, this wasn't just any band. It was a punk rock band. That is correct, I straight rolled to punk rock shows all over the Southwest in my pimp-ass mini van. People joked, but the van kinda became famous itself for standing out in that scene. Not like I cared anyway, cause I'm punk and don't give a (ear muffs, kids) f**k! Haha. Long live the mini van!

7th Grade Language Arts - Mrs. Clark said...

I'm 50, have one child who's out on her own and I just got a minivan last year.....I'll never have anything else!!! Just me and all that room, plus when the darling husband and I go shopping, we take out the 2 very back seats and fill 'er up! I love sitting up high and not having to sit right up next to anyone....lots of personal space!

Jennifer said...

Chrysler T&C, tricked out. Leather everything, power everything, dvd/game system, more comfy and better sound system that my living room. And why not? I spend more time in the van than I do on the couch. Smoothest ride you will ever have = minivan.

PR19 said...

1. I loved my minivan. Two kids, three dogs, and a ton of crap stored in there.
2. It's an excuse to transport more stuff whether it's kids, kids' stuff, parents' stuff or other people's stuff.
3. It will become a storage space for the strollers, sports equipment, beach chairs, sand, trash, happy meal toys, etc.

You will love it. Until you trade it for something else. Then you will wonder how the hell you put so much crap in one place, even a place the size of a minivan!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I love love love my sienna! 8 years and it is still awesome! Got it when the new model just came out. Didn't want the top of the line, but that was what was in stock when my hubs took my 4runner in for service. He knew I wanted it. I came home from school ready for our long trek for thanksgiving. And there it was! Love love the DVD player, didn't want it. Love my leather- heated of course. Only thing wrong with it is the dents I put in it. (although my latest oops might get me a new bumper. Ergo seemingly new car). Can't justify it, but would totally buy another sienna!

DaisiesInMyHair said...

I don't have the time or patience to read every reply to your current blog, so I don't know if this was already suggested ... minivans suck, yes ... however, if you hang a pair of balls from the back of them, they go from being incredibly lame babyboomer bullshit to, well, ballsy and extremely cool. Trust me, I should know ;)

Jill H said...

Now I am compelled to comment. I love my minivan. It hauls kids and crap. I won't drive a car and SUV's don't have crap room or enough space between kids when "He's looking at me!!" happens. Had a 7 seater last time b/c hubz didn't think we needed 8 - HA guess what we have now! Yeah baby Hondy odyssey 8 seater - LOVE!! And even the Hubz has to admit it drives well- double HA HA
Get it and ENJOY!

Nicole said...

I drive a Dodge Caravan and I love it! I was really picky about the color, I wasn't going for badass I was going for pretty. I wanted the pretty blue that Dodge makes. It is the first car that I have truly been in love with! I also only have two kids and the slidey make things so much easier. I know there will come a day when I will be sick of it but right now it is just perfect. My husband was not thrilled with the idea of a minivan, because we are only 28 he thought it made us old, but now he doesn't care so much.

I'm in Disguise! said...

I wasn't ready to be a soccer mom.... Okay... So yes both of my kids do play soccer but that wasn't ME... I was still young and a van would just make me look OLD.... Then we decided to get a van because it was practical. 2 kids.. one day they would want friends to ride with us. I was sucked in and now I LOVE MY VAN! Sadly I screwed it up by hitting a manhole cover that I should have clearly seen ... anyways... I am stuck driving a "service" car and it is so little I can actually reach my kids and my kids can reach each other... Not good! I WANT MY VAN BACK! lol You should so totally get a van!

grammargeek said...

I only have ONE kid and I want a minivan. She's only six weeks old, and when I contemplate hauling the carseat in and out of the back of our compact cars for the next howevernany years, I want to stab myself in the eye.

Unknown said...

I NEED a minivan.. We have outgrown our Mazda tribute and if we have all our kids at the same time we don't fit!!! Thankfully there is no separate trunk and if all need to ride, one of us is in the trunk.. Seriously.. That's one rough ride for the lucky adult that gets to sit back there.

tanya said...

You know what they say... "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..." I got a minivan when my kids officially took over my life, at ages 5 and 3. Now my girls are 15,13, and 8. I drive an SUV, and I miss the minivan... the new ones even have coolers and plugs for my crockpot, so I can cook dinner while I drive from school to soccer, to swim,to flag football to ballet, and back to pick up from same. If they make one with a toilet, we are back in.

Sgt14B said...

I fought it, too. Now I couldn't live without it. Packing all the "stuff" you need when they are little (pack 'n play, exersaucer...yes, I'm showing my age) is one thing, but the real beauty is when they get older. Skis, snowboards, even bikes fit in the back in a crunch. Rides for friends to sports, or lots of teens for dances, sleepovers, parties, skiing, swimming, etc.). You're not there yet, but trust me, it seems so fast from this end (my kids are 12, 15, 16). Oh, and you forgot the heated front seats, headsets so they can listen to their radio station while you listen to your own music from your iPod that you plugged in to the integrated jack...and enough space when you take out the seats that you can load your fully assembled new gas grill into the back for the trip home on Father's Day (that one is for your hubs). I have a Sienna.

Kelly said...

So you know in the movies when the light from Heaven shines down on something the character has been looking for or wanting. Usually it is a person they are in love with. They then run in slow motion into each others arms. That is kinda how I felt when i saw my dream mini van at the auto show shortly after I had my first child. I know one child is not enough to justify such a big car. So it took a few years for child # 2 to come along and for us to find just the right mini van to make me want run in slow motion toward it. We have had our van for 6 years and still love it. So I say watch for the light and run. You will not regret it.

Anonymous said...

Sliding doors RULE! It's basically my only reason for having a mini-van so if carmakers are listening...sliding doors, on everything. Have they SEEN the width of a parking space lately?? I thought it was bad getting a car seat in and out of a car with a normal door and then I had child #2 and had to watch my darling daughter ding the holy heck outta every car in town as she opened the door on her own. We moved into the mini-van and haven't looked back. I have looked a sleek 2-seat convertible sports car for me and my dog (and maybe hubby if he's good) once the kids are old enough for their own cars, but that's a LONG ways off! ;)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my cooler and the outlet plugs are ridiculously handy!! Although I have to admit I hadn't considered using my crockpot...what an excellent idea! I'll be the envy of the soccer field! ;)

Wanderlust said...

I will NEVER own a mini-van. I drive a Subaru Outback and would LOVE a Jepe Wrangler (Rubicon). Other than assholes not hitting my Outback with their doors, I'm not a fan of mini-vans. I don't like other people's kids anyway so I'm good with not driving everyone. LOL

BNo said...

Boo Jen Boo. I am judging you so much right now :-)

swamimami said...

I cried the day I traded my van in for a smaller vehicle. Literally cried. I was very happy to have a new vehicle, but I had that van for 13 years. It was like home. I've had my Calibur now for almost 5 years and while I love it, I miss my van, still...

Abby Normal said...

I grew up with one sibling and a minivan. We each got a row. Plus we could be comfortable when we went somewhere with friends. Now my mom drives a Rav-4 and on the few occasions I'm stuck in the backseat with my brother, there's not enough room for the two of us. And now we can't bring our friends along either. Vans are awesome.

Savanna said...

I have a stow-n-go dodge. I LOVE it! About a year ago I had a mid-twenties crisis (as I called it). I wanted a car...BAD!!! Well...I hit a deer (it actually ran full speed into the side of our van). So when we brought it to the repair shop to get it fixed I got to rent a car...for two weeks. I was so excited at first. We had 2 kids and I had just found out I was pregnant again. We ended up getting a toyota Camry. IT WAS SOOOOO SMALL!!!! It was no bigger than my parents corolla. Luckily both my kids were able to get in and buckle themselves into their carseats. I can't imagine having to put an infant carrier in one of those. Im so grateful for those 2 weeks with it. I was so happy to get my van back and that was the end of my mid-twenties crisis.

Becky said...

I heard all the jokes, but I got my first minivan when my daughter was 11 yrs old. We hauled a lot of girl scouts and cheerleaders over the years, so it was really needed. It is also the vehicle of choice for all family vacations that included my brother and his 2 boys. All the luggage fits nicely and everyone has room to stretch. Every time I get in someones car now, I wonder how they can see anything with the low tops and sitting so close to the ground. I have had 2 vans over the last 11 yrs. My daughter is 22 now and I still won't give up my van. When I hit the thrift shops and find a great piece of fits! I may have an empty nest, but I won't ever give up the minivan!!

Kristy said...

I swore I would never get a minivan. I even bought a 3 door coupe when I got out of college.

Along came baby - and away went any chance of any other adult fitting in the car. In order to fit the MASSIVE (I was nieve and misinformed) car seat in the tiny back seat - I had to sacrifice any chance of someone riding shotgun - and having only a 3rd door - I had to climb across the car for the baby.


I bought a mini-van. We called it my spaceship. I got it in sexy red. Yes - a minivan can be sexy.

It had the power doors, lift gate, seating for 7 with room for everyone's legs (including my incredibly tall husband). Everyone LOVED it.

We've since had to sell it and move over seas. I have a more "practical" sized car. I hate it. I miss my van every day. Everytime the kids throw their doors into another car...I miss my van. Everytime I get to the car with my hands full and have to manually open the door or lift gate - I miss my van.

Give into the dark side. Get a minivan. They are GREAT. You can be "in control" of your kids social schedules because you are you have a few more loud kids here and what. We fit bikes, camping gear, and supplies for a 14 day camping trip in the car....and when we got there and it rained - we left everything in the tent and played in the van (my son was 8 months old).

First thing I buy when we get back to the US is a minivan...with power accessories.

The only people should get punched in the throat for mini-van driving are the LUNATICS that drive 85 mph down the highway, weaving through 3 lanes with 5 car seats full of kids. Those people should surpass a shot in the throat and just get shot.

Tazi Kat said...

Since you are a closet crafter, I thought you might enjoy this site. Just a word of warning: "Miss Jen" is very, very perky!
Tazi Recommends: I Heart Organizing

Nancy Dunnahoo said...

I LOVE this blog! We will be approaching our "need to trade the family vehicle in soon" day and I have toyed with the idea of a minivan. First...I HATE them! Why? They do scream "I give up!" and "crazy lady who has too many kids!"

Well, I do give up and I do have too many kids (four to be exact) and although my Nissan Armada accommodates us, it is expensive to drive and isn't exactly toddler friendly. They have to have help getting in and out b/c it's so high up. I love my SUV but am coming to the realization that I may need something more practical for the family.

Thanks for posting, and I suppose I need to take a look at the soccer mom mobiles for our next purchase!

Be sure to share with us when and if you get your hot sleek black momma-van!

Carolynismom said...

You'll LOVE It - and once your hubby drives it HE's gonna love it. I am past the mini-van "phase" now since I have a senior in high school, a last year middle schooler and a 4th grader but LOVED the time I did have mine - GO FOR IT and ENJOY

runnerwannabe said...

I have 5 kids, so a minivan was kind of a must for us. I love it! I still can't drive their friends around, but at least we don't have to take 2 vehicles everywhere we go!

feldmom said...

I have the exact badass minivan you are coveting - with two kids (and a huge dog) and you are right. It is absolutely magnificent. Really, the only thing it can't do is let me ride in the backseat with my kids and watch a movie (with an adult beverage) while it drives itself. My husband was against it ... and now has been forced to admit that I was right and it is pretty awesome (which makes the victory that much sweeter!).

KCM said...

I had a minivan, pansy light blue and not badass black, but it was nice. we got it before my 3rd was born, and honestly i got sick of it. i had turned into the soccer mom i didn't want to be- my kids don't play soccer they play the badass sport of lacrosse and ride horses. so i turned in the van for a small bus, also known as a yukon xl. there are days i miss the sliding doors, but the bluetooth i didn't like anyways as i had to remind people when i answered they were on speaker and every little ear was listening. and my gas guzzling bus is more my style, i looked a little silly driving my minivan sporting all my tattoos!

Wodzisz Family said...

We live in the middle of nowhere, so during the winter a minivan is not practical (don't tell me AWD is the same as 4WD because it is NOT). I have a Chevy Tahoe with 3rd row seating, DVD player, and the works. I like the idea of a minivan, but I have to have 4WD or I will be stuck in my own driveway.

Krysti said...

First off, thank you for being a Toyota/Honda person. Our family will only purchase Hondas and Toyotas. No one that I know understands this.

I grew up as an only child (my sister lived in New York) and I STILL wanted a minivan. Five different choices for seating? Yes please!

But, of course, my parents laughed at me. Now my father has a Toyota Highlander with a total of eight seats...and, of course, I am an adult and have no use for it.


Hey Mon! said...

This post made me laugh. We have a new Toyota Sienna because my HUSBAND loves the minivan. He drives it waaaay more than I do.

Amy said...

We have a Mazda5 too, it's awesome!

profa said...

Don't do it. I must have 4WD and I don't buy new. THankfully, when buying there weren't really any minis that were used and AWD. Phew! Hubs MIGHT have talked me into it. Got the Sequoia and I LOVE it. I will get another one. Heated seats, dvd player, seats 8. You don't have to climb over, the seat swings up. Plenty of room for groceries unless you have all 8 seats used. Works great for car pooling and hauling lots of friends too.We travel a LOT - regular 4-5 hr road trips, annual 15 hr road trips. Love MY car and it's me; not sometime I was forced to get because I have a slew of kids.

DCWriterGirl said...

I thought you might like this article:

Laura said...

My ex-huaband's dream car was a minivan. He also wore a helmet as a judgment, just saying.

paular said...

I hear you about the baby boomer marketing... I drive a Cadillac SRX - talk about a brand that markets to the bluer haired variety. But man-oh-man - IT IS NICE and as close to a mini van as I will ever get... not a fan- but to each her own- my friends LOVE their's. My 3 year old son and I chair dance our tushees off as we "vroom" around town.

Vallauryne said...

LOL so true! If i have gotten my mini van 2 weeks sooner last year my insurance would not have gone up because some stupid greedy F er had to take my insurance for all the idiots were worth! I still don't understand how my 4 yo (at the time) was able to destroy the complete passenger side of a SUV by opening ONE door into someone's car in a rainy parking lot! It was a tiny ding with no paint damage! But some how it cost like $2000 to re paint and pull out ALL the dings on one side of a POS SUV he hit! I dont even think the SUV was worth the $2000 whole! ... can you tell im still mad LOL

JT1222 said...

We are getting rid of our mini-van very soon. Ours sucks! I understand it is probably the exception to the rule but I'm so over it. The first problem is the idiot who thought having the auto sliding doors but not the auto tailgate can kiss it. And speaking of those "wonderful" sliding doors, they can kiss it too. Those suckers stick here when it gets too cold & wet. Imagine my dismay come the first winter day this year we had here in Michigan, my doors were frozen closed. The next time it happened, I had to take the 7 year old somewhere and the 3 year old (my little terrorist) was fast asleep, all wrapped up in a warm blankie, and the darn doors wouldn't open. I had to wake the little terrorist by setting him down so I could daringly force the door open by sticking my hand in the inch that it does start to move for a split second to yank on it and hopefully pull said hand out before it closes. Had I been able to just put him in the car, I could have had my mom watch him (sleeping like an angel), but not on that morning. We have had other problems too. Like when the driver's seat shorted out in my position (I'm 5'4") and my hubby (6'1") went 2 months bitching everytime he got in to drive because he would hit his head. Another problem we have is the passenger sliding door does not electronically lock or unlock (with the key fob or one of the other 3 buttons that are supposed to perpetuate this function). So everytime my 7year old gets in, he has to .a) climb through from the driver side or b) open front door and reach in to physically unlock said door. You would think that having done this for 6 months or so, he would remember when he gets to the car that he has to open his own door (where as he usually stands there waiting as if to say "open sesame"), to close the front door (I'm short and cannot reach across the passenger seat to close the open door) or to physically lock the door when he gets out of it. (I've always been a door locker, and I don't keep or even have anything expensive, but I don't want someone stealing my stuff). We got the van April of 2010 as a used (comp car with 16000 miles) 2010 model. It now has about 50000 miles on it and I can't wait to get back into an SUV which will get better gas mileage. I am pretty much over thinking we will have a 3rd child so it is not necessary and if we do, we will make do. I can live with that for $200 less a month in payment.

kellykelly said...

I strongly recommend getting a minivan, but then getting the tech rugs that cover the whole van. They are awesome.

I have a minivan, and I actually like it. I do dream of a day that I can drive a beetle bug and not this bus, but for now it makes sense to have a minivan as I have 3 kids.

TheJerseyShoreMom said...

Minivans are the sweatpants of cars. It is giving up.!!!!!

I drive a Dodge Journey & it looks like small station wagon & I'm not a big fan of it. But it's not a minivan!

natchezmom1811 said...

I bought a Jeep Wrangler last may (4 door). Ive always wanted one and the more I looked...You can't top it for a kid friendly vehicle. Rubber floor mats. You can literally hose the seats of...Leather steering wheel, blue tooth and the freaking top comes off!!!! Got all that- Hard and soft top all for about 30k brand new. Plus no arguing with the hubs. I got the base model wrangler but the higher up you go the more bells and whistles. Definitely a cool vehicle..

Kelly and Sne said...

I have mixed feelings about this one. When we had kids I gave up my trusty Outback and felt like I gave up my individualism. Especially in Kansas. Not too many Outbacks here. Now when I leave the SuperTarget, I can't find my effing van in the parking lot because everybody else has a silver or white minivan too. I literally have to walk around hitting the door lock. That said, it IS darn convenient. Honda in any case has really done its research on what Moms need in a car. I'm continually impressed at how they've thought of everything. At least they could have copied VW or something and made it in a bunch of funky colors with a flower vase on the dashboard!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Minivans are for quitters

Anonymous said...

Why do people equate minivans with soccer moms? Or losers or quitters? I am none of those! I am single and childless, but I am a foster parent. I am driving my 3rd, yes, 3rd Toyota Sienna. I freely admit that the Sienna is my favorite vehicle. I don't think it gives me a certain look. If people think I'm uncool, who cares? They're not my friends anyway. With my bad back, the height of my Sienna is a must. I like all the room, and the power sliders are the bomb!
Jen, get yourself a Sienna and enjoy yourself!

Kitty said...

I am a relatively new reader and I've already read two extremely funny posts recapping conversations in your car with your kids. When you get the van, you might want to rethink the DVD system. Is the loss of great material from your kids and their friends worth the "piece of quiet" (a phrase coined by my youngest) you'll gain from the DVD system? Not to mention the turf wars and the aggravation from them fighting over which disc to watch and/or the enforcement of any rules you put in place regarding it's use? LOVE my 9 year old Odyssey as much as the day I brought it home, and I haven't regretted the lack of DVD for one minute.

Anonymous said...

I have a minivan and a Giant SUV. I love them both for different reasons, although the SUV just nudges past the minivan because I live in Crazydrivertown (a/k/a Stepford) and it's the closest think to a tank that's street legal and not a Hummer. I also work full time outside the home, but overheard some SAHMs talking one day (at where else, but SBUX). Allegedly, there's a Minivan Class System. Apparently in my town of Stepford there are allegedly 3 classes of Minvan drivers. Those who own Hondas. Those who own Toyotas. And then the "others" who don't own either of the above (or, heinously own a Dodge - fuhgeddaboudit).

Really? I've rented Dodges, Chryslers and even inherited a White Mercury Villager from my dad, driving it for 2 years with my fiance BEFORE we were even married or had children.

They all rock. They are like living rooms on wheels. Just don't buy one with "Run Flat" tires. Those suck.

Anonymous said...

My hubby bought me a badass 2012 Chrysler Town & Country for my birthday last week. Dark charcoal pearl coat (almost black), with super shiny chrome and leather, unconnect voice command and bluetooth, gps, wifi, satellite radio and tv, with DVD system, and it has so much storage space and room, plug outlets, tons of cup holders, sliding doors, even the back windows roll down. He traded my Expedition in for this, and I love it. I'm in no way sacrificing style here at all!! In fact, at least I have the security in knowing this vehicle got a 5 star rate for safety. That's way more important than driving a dangerous SUV. Hubby wanted me in something more safe. After reading about most SUV's having roofs cave in, and more rollovers...especially Expeditions, no thank you!! You might look cooler driving them, but not if you or your child is injured. Anyway, my kids love this van too, and even though it's a "van", I've had a lot of people admiring it, since we got it last week. With most people driving SUV's, I guess maybe it stands out in the crowd. To me, it's like taking my living room with me on the road, and the t&c is just cooler now, than it was in the 90's! Btw, if anyone considers getting a t&c, better do it now or next year. I just read Chrysler stops making them in 2014. :( And as someone else really is the Cadillac of minivans. :)

Blondie McBaffled said...

You almost made me want a minivan...ok...not really, but I think you should totally get one! For the good of the world and all.

Unknown said...

All I care about are the "slidey" doors. If they made cars with "slidey" doors, I may not want a minivan. What can we do about that? You have more pull than me. Work something out?

(Thanks for linking this up over at #findingthefunny last week!)

One Shameless Mama said...

I want a minivan sooooooooooo bad!!! So far we only have one child, but I am hoping for at LEAST one more! I want a black Honda Odyssey, preferably the 2014 - because, in case you didn't know, the 2014 Odyssey has.....wait for it....a BUILT IN VACCUUM!!! Yes!! A built-in hand-vac that reaches all the way up to the front of the van!!! My hubs makes fun of me because my SUV is always a pigsty... I think he's exaggerating slightly, but according to him "where ever you look there are muffin crumbs and finger nails" (I have begun the disgusting habit of biting my finger nails... probably due to the stress of not driving the car/van of my dreams).

Erin said...

I have an Odyssey, if I had to pick between my husband and the car, I'd hesitate. Just for a minute, but I would I was going to tell you about the vaccuum, but One Shameless beat me to it. Anything 2011 and after has the "wide row" in the middle, which means you can separate the kids more. Easy to put car seats in and more space between them.

Unknown said...

So, are you ashamed of being a mom?

Unknown said...

Crossovers are posuer-mobiles.

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