It seems like I've been asking to sign a lot of petitions lately and I've got another one today.  If you're not familiar with SOPA & PIPA, you can read about them here.

I'm going silent today in solidarity of the protest.  Please consider signing the petition below.

In the meantime, you can always check out my archived posts and I'll see you all tomorrow!



Anonymous said...

Your SOPA & PIPA link is to Wikipedia which is blacked out today.....

momofgirls said...

@ grace, wiki is black today.

Tonja Pichette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monica said...

I think the wiki link was her point?

Because nobody likes Mondays said...

When I first saw your post on Facebook today I thought I was going to be reading about Pipa Middleton. Well that was a disappointment.

amanda jo said...

I would just like to point out that people have been pirating info LONG before the internet ever existed. So does that mean that we need to stop educators from having their students do research from books and writing papers because they might steal someone else's IP? Why are they only attacking online? The whole thing is rather ridiculous.

Jen Piwtpitt said...

Another day.

Unknown said...

Interesting blog title lol.. made me laugh.. Hopping from the Hop!


dizzyn3d said...

Ah now SOPA really has me mad, I miss your insights more than wikipidia any day ;)

Anonymous said...

not one of my better sarcastic comments - sorry :(

Jen Piwtpitt said...

It's hard to convey sarcasm in writing isn't it? I feel ya.

Dimroz said...

If you want people to read SOPA and PIPA, you should direct them to the actually bills, not to Wikipedia which is clearly presenting its opinion. The bill is not perfect by a long-shot, but its not what is being spun by Wikipedia and other online services. See and

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