The People We Met at the Soccer Game

The Hubs and I had an opportunity to take our kids to a Comets (professional indoor soccer) game this weekend with some friends and we had the pleasure of sharing air space with some real gems of society.

The first was the 50-something lady sitting in front of us who kept giving my family the stink eye every time our kids cheered for the team or got excited.  Hellooooo....we're at a soccer game, we're allowed to cheer.  This isn't golf or tennis, you moron.

She was also very concerned about her hair.  She had longish curly hair that practically rested at our feet.  It was quite large and poufy and it was constantly being "fluffed" in our direction and she'd get irritated if anyone came near to touching her hair.  Well then get it out of my kids' cotton candy space!

I've never been to a Comets game before, but it felt very family-friendly and it seemed really geared towards kids with loud music, constant activity and freebies thrown into the stands every few minutes.  Because of this, it seemed strange to me that this older woman and her husband (?) would come alone to the game, sit with two seats between them and never interact with one another until one would suggest they go get some more food.  If you don't like noisy kids who touch your hair then what the hell are you doing here and why don't you use that banana clip you've got clipped to your zebra print purse??

The space between our rows was quite narrow and a few times in their excitement, my kids kicked her seat back.  After the second time, she turned around and stated, "We are not going to do this.  I will not sit here this whole game and have them kick the back of my seat."  I was surprised she actually spoke up and at first I was irritated, but then I realized this is exactly what would bother me too.  So, I smiled sweetly and made my kids apologize and told her we'd try to be more careful.  She hurumphed and turned her back on me.  This pissed me off.  We are trying to do the right thing and you're still going to be a total bitch?  Fine.  It was on.  I gave her my best eye roll I could come up with and went back to enjoying the game.  After a few more minutes, the team scored and my friend's son rejoiced and accidentally kicked the back of her chair.  Again.  Doh!  She glared again at the kids.

I looked down the row and saw there were some empty seats further down from the Hubs with no one in front of them.  I asked the Hubs to move down a couple of seats so that I could sit behind the lady.  I made a big production that we were moving, just so she'd notice (yeah, I can be passive aggressive like the best of them) and we settled into our new seats.  She didn't even turn around.  So my friend was sure to pat her on the shoulder and say, "Just wanted you to know, we moved down so the kids won't bother you now."  The lady still didn't turn around to acknowledge her.  Sheesh.  Just goes to show, sometimes there are people out there you can never please.  I sure hope that between our three kids, surely one of them got some cotton candy in her hair.

The other gems we met were the family who sat behind us (and were kind enough NOT to kick our seats).  This family seemed nice enough when we sat down.  It was a father, a mother and two middle school aged girls who kept making the rounds through the stadium visiting friends in suites.  We smiled at one another and sort of nodded the way you do when you're going to have share the same area for the next hour and a half.  They seemed normal enough until the Comets scored their first goal.

The tradition is, the player who scores throws out a couple small, signed plastic soccer balls.  The Comets scored and the player threw a ball into the stands and it was coming right towards us.  The Hubs stood up and stuck his hand out and he caught the ball.  A nice little souvenir for Gomer.  What the Hubs didn't know was that when he went for the ball so did the man behind him.  The man actually grabbed the Hubs a bit because he started to fall over the seats in his excitement reaching for the ball.  He found his footing and we all had a good chuckle until the Hubs handed the ball to Gomer.  That's when the fun stopped.  As soon as they realized we were going to keep the ball, the woman said, "Heyyyy....that was for me.  The guy looked right at me before he threw it.  That was mine."  I looked to see if she was teasing, but she was dead serious.  "That was for me."  She meant it!  Her kids were gone at this point and it was just these two goofballs sitting there glaring at my kid and his freebie.  I gave the Hubs a look that said, "HUH?" and he just raised an eyebrow back at me and shook his head slightly.  Gomer was looking nervous like we might give his souvenir to the grown ass lady whining behind him.

Don't worry, Gomer, not gonna happen. I never give into whiners.

We just turned around and ignored them.  We continued to watch the game and every time I'd glance behind me if the woman wasn't reapplying her lip gloss or re-braiding her adorable loose side braid, I could swear the woman was looking longingly at the ball in Gomer's hands.  Creepy.

At the half time they threw some more balls into the crowd.  The mascot was throwing them this time.  He pointed right at me.  Just like braid lady I could tell he was saying, "Jen, this one is for you - get ready!"  I was ready.  Adolpha still needed a ball and I wanted this one.  The mascot hit the ball with a racquet and it sailed high up towards the ceiling.  I lost the ball in the lights for a moment and then suddenly, I saw it.  It was coming right at me!  I got my hands up; ready to catch the ball.  I watched it come closer and closer to me, it was going to land right in my hands!  Almost there.....


The braid lady's husband had reached over my head and batted the ball out of my range!!

It fell several rows in front of me and a grown man ("gentleman") caught it and realized a child would enjoy it more than him so he tossed to the young boys sitting near him.  That's how it's done, idiot!

I turned around and the asshat and his lip glossed wife were high fiving each other like he was Lamar Odom blocking the game winning shot from Jeremy Lin (we have Lin-sanity over here, the Hubs is Asian).  "Lamar" just shrugged his shoulders at me as if to say, "Whoops."

Are you kidding me with this shit?  That ball was for my kid, you asshat!  And, honestly, I probably would have fumbled it and he could have made a legitimate catch.  He didn't want to though.  He just wanted to make sure I didn't catch it.  Fucker.

I ignored them after that.  There was no way in hell I was going to start a fight with a deranged couple over a plastic soccer ball (plus poufy haired lady might get his back and then I'd be screwed).  All I can say is if blocking a 5 foot tall woman from getting a ball for her kid makes him feel like a big man then I feel sorry for braid lady, because I can only imagine how small his penis must be.

Even Gomer figured out what happened.  He said to me, "Mom, it was like that guy didn't want us to get two balls.  He thought, 'Your husband stopped my wife and now I'm going to show you the payback of a man!'"

I can't make this shit up.


Spirit of Hope and Kindness Awards said...

Why does everyone reserve the right to be offended if someone kicks their seat? These seats are made for the Mayans. If you are any larger than 3 feet tall, you are eventually going to bump someone in front of you or next to you. I try, every day, to not hate people. I do. I want to believe in the good more than the bad - but it is so hard when there are so many assholes everywhere you go. Some people have no balls, and some people have one. - Glad you have one my friend. xo

Desiree said...

Clearly you were out with the best of society. Doesn't really surprise me though. :(

Anonymous said...

I think we need to be friends in real life. Seriously. And WTF? I just tried to "comment as" my Facebook profile and that choice isn't there. Really? I worked all night and can't take this lameness right now. I've already liked your page ages ago. Find me. Lori Shropshire Walker. :-)

Shell said...

This is why we often hesitate going to many local sporting events....I totally feel your pain

Just Another Day said...

I think asshat is too nice of a word for this guy although I haven't been able to come up with anything better. I have a hard time wanting to take the kids anywhere like this anymore because there are so many people just like this everywhere.

Sheri said...

This happened to us at a college basketball game. When I sat 3 year old in a different seat he cried. The woman turned around and said I didn't want this to be a big deal. Don't tell on a child and then be mad when he gets upset. They moved. Apparently a crying child was worse that having your seat kicked!

SweetmamaK said...

LOL j took a troop of brownies to the rockets game on Friday and wondered why there was no isle space. I did keep kicking the seat in front of me. After reading this I'm glad the person in front of me was one of the 9 year olds I brought who would need a ride home with me, she just smiled sweetly

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am so glad we weren't there because I really can't afford court fees after my husband went all "Crazy Marine" on that guy. I will never understand some people. It just enrages me to think of someone being so selfish. You are a better woman than me because I would have lost it on them (covering child's ears and all, lol).

Anonymous said...

My goal is to find a way that your column can replace my "People" magazine as bathroom reading. That is the highest of compliments!

Adrianne said...

I never understand people like Pouf Hair or Lip-Gloss Braid-wearer. Such a sense of entitlement as if there is nobody else on the planet. Assholes.

Anonymous said...

And that's when I would have been like, "Then don't have kids. EVERYTHING is a big deal to a 3 year-old!" See - this is why I stay home, lol.

Tracy G. said...

I ran into people like this on an airplane coming from Orlando, FL. Seriously, if you don't want small children on your flight, don't fly out of Orlando!!!

EricaM said...

What is sad is that actually happens all the time! Adults acting like little kids and high fiving thier immaturaty. I'm happy in a way that little Gomer realized what happened and understood how WRONG it was! Obviously those two are people who get off on making themselves look better and the only way they possibly could look better than other people is to either piss them off, steal from them, or act completely childish. I'm proud of you for not saying something. I would have gone off on them for being selfish "Adults" when the souvieners were for your children!Especially when the Douche Monkey father hit the ball out of your reach! What a asshead.

Anonymous said...

I spit out my soda when I read banana clip on your zebra print purse. See you still are making us all spit liquids on our laptops!!! That created the perfect visual for a crazy lady who I have believe is going home to house full of cats!! And well, kudos to you for not losing it on the other family behind you. I will never understand how people can be so petty and pathetic.

Megan said...

When I first saw your headline, I thought this was going to be about the parents at their little kids' soccer games (THAT is another story altogether!) I have to say that most of my athletic outings with my kids have been pleasurable as long as they were old enough to actually enjoy the game. We even wore our Red Sox shirts to a game in Philly and had no problems! Stories like yours make me wonder about society. There was also the time the hubs and I went to a hockey game and shelled out for the box seats (no waiting at the bathroom or bar!) and there was a couple in fornt of us drinking red wine (at a hockey game?!) and I was worried I get it spilled on me if they stood up cheering. I shouldn't have worried. They sat and talked and completely ignored the game and later a friend joined them (in the 3rd period?!) who also drank red wine and texted the whole time. Who shells out that kind of money for seats and shows up late and pays no attention to the game?! Even if the seats cost them nothing, parking cost them something and I can buy a bottle of wine and text while sitting on my comfy couch. People are wack.

Furtheron said...

As you say - you can't make it up... unreal! Some people clearly have so little in their lives that the they have to carry out this nonsense to give them a sense of belonging... As Douglas Adams said "Come the revolution they'll be the first against the wall"

kmr said...

This reminds me of the time my parents took my sister to a Royals game. A ball got hit into the stands and, as these things go, everybody wanted to catch it. Except my sister, who got hit in the face with the baseball. As if that wasn't bad enough, some asshat nearby grabbed the ball and didn't even offer it to her. That and stories like yours are why I don't go to sporting events.

Well, that and I'm cheap and I don't like sports.

MessedwithTX said...

My hubby would have made that guy pay. He would have called the guy out and he would have made asshat feel as small as his little penis. Then our 8 year old would pop off with "Dad, that guy is a total JERK!". She has done that to cops who have given daddy tickets. Who is gonna argue with an 8 year old?

BurbieGirl said...

Oh wow you have great patience! Poofy haired gal in front would have gotten some soda/beer/water/whatever I was drinking accidentally spilled on her head while I would be cheering on the team (goal or not!) -something I've accomplished at a few venues to people who give the snarky eye.... And the asshat behind you... yea, spilled the rest of the drink all over their shoes and her $300 purse... Just a thought is all!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, banana clip on zebra print purse is one of the best things I've read in a while. Thanks for the laugh!

Pam said...

I'm sorry that you had to endure those morons but it certianly makes for good stories! :-)

Beth said...

I wonder if that was the same asshat I sat in front of at an '09 Tigers vs Cubs game? My Hubby and I had the misfortune of sitting in front of a douche canoe with a similar family structure who made his girls tell him every player's stats before the game. While the players were warming up, my girlfriend and I had my Hubs take our pic, we stood up, posed and sat back down. D.C. however, completely offended that we momentarily blocked the field, during WARM UPS, said, "Excuse me, could you stop taking pictures? You're blocking my view of the game." Hubs, who has severe crowd anxiety said, "Way to be an asshole early, at least now I won't feel bad when I'm drunk later and 'accidentally' spill my beer on you."

Unknown said...

bring business cards with your blog address and pass them out to wackos and say "thank you, you make my job very easy"

sheshe said...

Long, poofy hair? Banana clip? Side braid? Is your arena a magical portal to 1989?

Sasha said...

Man, I just got so pissed off for you. I don't know if I could have handled the asshat so well. Especially with the ball going to one of your kids. Since the first one was handed to one of your kids, it was obvious who the other ball would have gone to. Who does that?!

Anonymous said...

Love it...asshats! ;) We met a couple at a matinee showing of a kid's movie who arrived AFTER us so these douche canoes clearly saw the then three and five year olds armed with popcorn, icees and booster seats that they elected to sit in front of but still turned to glare every time one of the kids asked a question during the PREVIEWS! Then the boyfriend lost it when my son kicked the girlfriend's seat and asked if they'd be acting like this the entire movie!! I could tell the hubs was about to go off since our kids are pretty good in public and this was an 11 am matinee for the love of Pete, so I just leaned forward and quietly whispered, "Oh no, my daughter hasn't been feeling well so we'll probably have to leave as soon as she throws up. It's our baby boy's birthday and he's been DYING to see Cars so we came and since she just puked in the parking lot, we're really hoping she can hang in there. Ya might wanna change seats just in case." With a big smile and a tap on his seat I leaned back and watched them scramble, bitchin' and complaining but still moving their lame asshats away! ;) The hubs still wants to know what I said to make them leave! LOL

Tai Bender said...

This reminds me of a time we took my then 1 year old son to a pancake house in Gatlinburg. We were traveling with another couple and had 3 small children between us. It was a large place loaded with kids and families. Our kids were being remarkably well behaved considering it was the last day of the trip and we had waited a while to be seated. They were giggling and playing while we talked about what time we could expect to be home that afternoon. Some jerk came from the opposite side of the room and looked right at my son and myself and said "some people here would like to have a quiet and enjoyable meal!" You could tell he was very angry. So I looked right at him and said "I am sorry he was disruptive. He is 1, what is your excuse?" Our server was giggling her head off. All of the staff told us they were sorry apparently this dude had been a regular all week and just wandered around being rude to other families. What the crap?

Hilary said...

Boy, the douche canoes were out in full effect. When I read banana clip and zebra print bag, in my head, I saw this woman wearing an acid wash, denim multi-zippered jacket with a big Poison/Ratt/Bon Jovi (insert 80's hair band) button clipped on what was no doubt a massive uni-boob! Cheers to you and your patience. I'd have probably stabbed her in the pouf with a straw.

Unknown said...

my husband is a huge sports fan and a kid at heart. there's nothing that he wants more than a souvenir ball at a game - any game, anywhere. but there is nothing he won't do to make sure that kids within a 20 seat vicinity get theirs first, and he gives the stink eye to any adult within a 50 seat vicinity who doesn't hand that crap over to the kids. you're so right jen - punch that kind of shit all day!

Unknown said...

Ugh, I had a similar experience at my boys' first wrestling meet last weekend. I swear, people are fucking rude and piss me off in places like this! It's supposed to be a fun experience not for some asshats to ruin!

Anonymous said...

We were at a AAA game once where a man behind us wouldn't take his son to the bathroom. The kid was like 7 and kept crying "but Dad, please! I have to go!" but the dad told him to shut up and watch the game. He eventually took him, but only after my husband offered to take him when we took our kids to go. I was ready to punch that guy in the throat for sure.

Anonymous said...

Great ideas! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I can completely relate to this story. Only it's happening on my street right now every day. It's Mardi Gras here in New Orleans, where people suddenly own parts of the street they're standing on. They're spray painting the grass with their names & chaining their kids ladder seats to ancient oak trees, all to reserve a good "parade spot" ahead of time. They hold signs up in front of your face & grown ups steal light up swords that were thrown to a kid on a ladder above them. WHY? When they leave the parade, they don't give a shit about these plastic trinkets! Yeah, kids rack up @ Mardi Gras because most of the shiny plastic crap, and tiny stuffed animals, are things KIDS like. It gets old quick. It gets crazy competitive! Jen, I wonder how you & your family would fit into this insanity!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for you, but thanks for the laughs as always, Jen!

Anonymous said...

I call those people "FuckFace". :)

jennyk said...

Haha...this is funny!

nitty gritty mommy said...


melissa said...

Girl I went all ghetto on a couple yesterday (my husbands's words) because they were going to block our car in! We happened on a parking spot and then they came and were planning to park on our bumper- literally because that's the only way they would have fit. Now these people were in it for the day and night so I knew when we left they would still be there parked so close we couldn't get out! I walked up to the guys car and told them not to park there because I had no problem hitting them on my way out then stood there until they left. The guy yelled out to me " you don't have to be rude aout it, you could have asked me to move". Because yes I am sure you would have obliged. Ass hats! Also to those who parked on the corners so our wagon and anyone else couldn't pass on the sidewalk. At leas they got tickets, we saw on our way out. If you want a good spot to park get there at 6am! Otherwise you are walking throughout the hood for a mile- deal! Wow I feel better now, thanks for letting me vent.

Fata Morgana said...

I always thought there reached a point where one realized that they were not the only person on the planet. Every day, I realize how very wrong I am. Perhaps it is because I too am an adult. Or perhaps it is because people have never gotten a good ass-kicking.

Brett Minor said...

I feel the same way every time I go out in public. I try to stay in an isolated corner and not engage people, but I always end up running into someone who seems to have the sole purpose of ruining other peoples' days.

Amy said...

OH-EM-GEE!! Ridiculous, totally ridiculous. I would have went bat-shit crazy on all of them. Thanks for a good laugh though.

Jillian said...

I love it!!

Because nobody likes Mondays said...

I work at Gillete Stadium, home of the NE Patriots and the New England Revolution. The Revolution's fans are the worst. I would take a drunking football fan over a douchebag soccer fan anyday!!!

Jillian said...

I was actually kicked out of Fenway 2 summers ago because I could not contain myself from losing my shit on a couple of asshats! At least I have a good story and it was bottom of the 6th, so not a big deal.

Anonymous said...

People are clowns. Lin-sanity was hilarious, btw. Crystal Gayle needed to relax, good for you for being a good citizen in the face of high drama.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'll have to remember this one. Make them feel like shit in a nice way.

Just Another Day said...

And when I say so many people like this I mean, banana clip bandits with zebra purses.

Julie said...

My sister and I were at a show at a children's theater when my 10 year old apparently rustled her popcorn bag too loudly for the woman in front of us. She turned around to tell me that "It completely RUINED the show for me. And don't yell at her, it's not her fault." So not only did she insult my daughter but also me for being such a lousy parent. Meanwhile, the angel children that were with her were busy getting up and down from their seats and crawling over other people in their row. When they were sitting down, they were kicking the seats of the people in front of them! Amazing...

Anonymous said...

We took our 3 kids to an NHL game. It was a pretty fun, loud upbeat game. During one of the breaks they were tossing t-shirts into the stands. There was a couple sitting next to me, who I had talked with earlier. One of the shirts landed right in the wife's lap so she wrapped her arms around it in surprise. Suddenly a teenage boy siting in front of them, with his parents I should add, turns around and forcefully yanks it out of her hands. Then the parents both gave him a high 5. I was so startled by this I actually yelled OH MY GOD. The woman was really shaken and astounded. I chose not to stand up for her since my kids were right there. I am still amazed that some people think doing something like that is oK. Amazing

Anonymous said...

Those people are just f*#ktards!

So Domesticated said...

It's unbelievable how immature adults can be...

Kim said...

What a sad day it is when I realize that my hyperactive 6 year old is better behaved than some adults.

That said, my hubs is one who would make that guy wish he'd never been born. He'd have had fun with that asshat and I'd probably have had to bail him out of jail.

Anonymous said...

I think it could be a Kansas/Missouri thing...the trapped in the 80's look.

Roed House said...

Just like you said, he must have a small penis, and his sex life must suck balls. Dick.

Kristin said...

This reminds me of the people who encourage their children to run over my special needs - low muscle tone/awkward gait/constantly falling children - just so they can get more Easter Eggs at the Church's Egg Hunt!

Anonymous said...

I just love the fact that you use the word asshat.. Now, I have another word to add to my expanding vocabulary. ASSHAT!

Tee said...

Oh my goodness! In all fairness, I probably would have been annoyed with having my seat kicked but if I had chosen to say something, I would have been polite about it! The way she acted is beyond rude. I might have had to "accidentally" dump a cup of soda on her fluffy red hair. Oops, did I say that out loud?

New to your blog and quite enjoying it so far!

Anonymous said...

This is too funny. I was sitting here thinking, how does she manage to go through shit like this? It must be made up. She's got excellent fiction writing skills....but your disclaimer defunked me. You're right. You cannot make this kind of shit up. Good one. XOXO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we were at a minor league baseball game, my nephews son, a cute little 5 year old, got a foul ball, dropped it and it rolled under the lady's seat in front of him. Instead of giving it back, she kept it, and acted like she caught it. Needless to say, we all commented loudly on what an absolute horrible thing that was to do (she was there witha friend, no kids). About an hour later she was talking to the 5 year old, and although I couldn't hear her, my husband could. My nephews boy asked his Dad for a hotdog, so they went to get the hotdog, when he came back, he handed it to the lady and she gave him the ball! She extorted a 5 year old for a hot dog!!! My hubs heard her "making the deal", what a douchebag! BUT, the 5 yr old learned how to make a deal! lol

X-treme Reader said...

You are my hero!! Specifically because if I was in your position I definitely would have been arrested before the night was over. I admire your restraint :-)

Anonymous said...

I wish you had stood up for her SINCE your kids were right there.

Lori G said...

Lately I'm inclined not to leave the house. It was a worry for some at first, especially my hubs. Was there something wrong with me? NO. I have a tremendous problem with people in general. Not only the little things, like turning in front of me without a signal, or cutting in line. They suck, yes. But, as we all know, it can be much worse.

I can honestly say, I probably would have withstood, to some extent, the hair lady. Bitch? Of course. Maybe she's not used to kids. Ok. However, the man intentionally batting the ball away? Worth me getting kicked out for. I sincerely admire your restraint! My hubs would have done the exact same thing with the head shaking, and by now I should really listen to him; he is wise in matters such as this. But again, me being me, that man's hand would have been the straw, and that ball would have been the camel's back!

Enjoying you as always!!

Anonymous said...

Important word to read here - Church. My child with Down syndrome has been literally knocked down for these trinkets at so many events. And the adults coaching them to get the most at all costs. It amazes me what people will do for the crap they order from Oriental Trading Company. It would be a funny gag to spend the $2 and order a case of crap to hand out yourself when people act like this.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I would have moved behind the poof hair woman and got excited and accidently kicked her chair while accidently bumping the hub's hand with his full drink right over her poofy hair....

Sally said...

This is totally Mardi Gras or any parade here for that matter. It's for the kids! I've seen grandmothers scramble over plastic cups. Guess they were trying to replenish their finest china. Sorry you had a bad experience. More
fodder for your blog!

mosaicmaddness said...

I swear... PEOPLE are what make going out into the world such a pain in the ass... why can't people just breath and go with the flow??? I was once at a concert festival at the AstroDome, from noon til midnight... LONG DAY... we had nose bleed seats, but we didn't care, there were giant screens we could watch... and the whore behind us would remark and be pissy every time we stood up.... I eventually had my entire row "with me" and said loudly, "We have nose bleed, you can't see anyway, if she thinks I'm sitting down when George Strait comes out, she's insane!"

She finally moved. But its a sporting event/concert!!! have some fun!!!!!

Glindanorth55 said...

Guess "older" 50 year olds can't go to a soccer game without kids? What's with that comment? I'm in my 50's and if I want to go to a scoccer game or any other event I will. Sorry, but that comment want me to PYITT.

PWM said...

Rookie move. At some point, you really should teach your kids to vomit on command. Nothing like a lap/hair/back full of kid vomit. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hate people!

JT1222 said...

I love when the local news sports segment airs clips of asshats taking away balls from kids at games. You know they will never live it down if their immaturity and selfishness is caughts in a random moment for all the world to see.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Gomer & Adolpha have filters. My 10 yr old is on the autism spectrum and seems to lack a filter. If we had an experience like that and she didn't get her ball asshat would have been told on the spot by my girl that he is a douchecanoe. A word she uses mid meltdown too frequently thanks to my teen and his friends for teaching her the word.

I am LOVD said...

This is exactly why I avoid the general public. I rarely eat out any more, I watch movies from the comfort of my own home, and I try not to attend ball games (especially football games - the annoyance level is way above what I can handle). Sorry your family fun night was ruined by the self-absorbed.

KmomOf6 said...

So apparently this is common behavior at sporting events cuz we have had similar experiences. We were at a hockey game and our son, 3@ the time (and a huge hockey fan since birth)accidently kicked the seat and the lady's hairwas draped over the seat so it pulled her hair. She turned and yelled at my son, not me, my son....he was 3! Apparently his foot touching her hair was worse than her horse hair laying on the sticky ground under his feet......BITCH!

KmomOf6 said...

Hahaha, love it

KmomOf6 said...

I love it! Totally something my hubs would say. I had a guy bitch at us through an entire AHL hockey playoff game cuz we were cheering for our team...with good sportsmanship too. As we got ready to leave at the end he told me, the only girl of the group, to "fuck off bitch." I told him to go to hell and dumped my soda on his nice white jersey. Total asshat

Tazi Kat said...

If only they knew who you were...I would be "Bwahahahahaha-ing!" all the way to the bank!

Callie said...

This is just weird lady... Yes, you liked her page ages ago. She's probably seeking a restraining order as we speak because you made ME feel creepy and the message wasnt even for me..... and so you've been working all night fantasizing about her wanting to be real friends?? seriously?

Anonymous said...

wow seriously? double punch in the throat and high five to the face for callie can we say RUDE!!!

TNMom said...

I just don't know where people get the self-entitlement these days. Makes my butt hurt.

Banana clip, zebra print purse = Devan pees.
Love you Jen!

KelleyB said...


Lora said...

The general public is comprised of a bunch of morons.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from a University of Kansas basketball game this weekend. We were visiting from Atlanta, Center of the obnoxious sports fans. Southern hospitality, my ass! I have to say it was particularly refreshing how polite everyone was. We were squished like sardines in our nosebleed section but when I so little as brushed against anyone near me. THEY turned around and apologized! I'm sorry for your sucky experience. But all-in-all, I think midwesterners are much more kind and respectful than in other places. I've lived all over the U.S.

Unknown said...

That is the BEST! I'm totally using that, if the situation ever calls for it. :)

Unknown said...

For shame!

Staziaface said...

I would have LOST IT! No way would i be able to keep my mouth shut after that fartface hit the ball from my hands and high fived his wife...I have been known to get into brawls at the zoo over much less. I hate people

Anonymous said...

You people just don't understand. This is professional indoor soccer! Only America's number one sport, duh. Those little signed soccer balls are collector's items that can only be appreciated by true aficionados of the game, not by little kids you might get the crazy notion that a miniature plastic soccer ball is a mere toy!

Amy Weber said...

I am amazed by how many people this has happened to (read: how many asshats are in this world)! And yes, this happened to me at a hockey game, fortunately I left the fighting on the ice, but seriously, come on people- this isn't "Hunger Games" where we are fighting for life or death to "see" a portion of the game, and, no, I'm not going to fight to the death for a t-shirt shot out of a cannon either!!!

And any asshat that makes the "souvenir"/"collector's item" excuse to steal a kid's joy of a professional sports game needs to wise up, get a job, and move out of their parent's basement (punch!)

Alyssa McVey said...

When I was in high school I went to a movie with a friend. I guess I kicked the seat of the lady in front of me a couple times. I didn't even know I had done it. She stood up, walked up to our row and chewed me out! I was so shocked I couldn't say anything. I was miserable the rest of the movie. I wish she had just turned around and politely asked me to stop. I wasn't being a punk teenager, it was an innocent mistake.

Marley Christensen said...

Damn "The Help!" Ive been reading this whole post in a G'damn southern accent! Small dick syndrome for sure.

Maggie Rosen said...

Ha! Your very last sentence is one I say every single day. People suck!

Anonymous said...

This made me think of a day trip with my children to Sea World. While waiting for the Shamu show to start my son (almost 3 at the time) was being kind of loud-not misbehaving, just playing, laughing, moving around a lot, occasionally yelling (happy kind of yelling). Two middle aged women sitting in front of us started making fun of my son and yelling "ah I'm 4 years old" and giving my husband and I dirty looks. At first it stressed me out, then I thought maybe they shouldn't come to an amusement park if the sound of children having fun is annoying them. It's not like the show was starting. BTW as soon as the show started my son sat silently and watched the entire show without issue.

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