My kids don't have a lot of experience traveling, but they're decent travelers. They've always been able to stay quiet with enough food shoved into their mouths and electronic devices waved in their faces. You can try and entertain them and keep them quiet, but sometimes kids will just lose their shit on a plane.
And when a kid does freak out, there isn't much you can do except try and figure out ways to calm him down.
I can tell you what doesn't work. When the passenger in the seat next to you slaps your crying baby and calls him the "N" word. Yeah. That happened.
Can you imagine? I can't even begin to comprehend that happening. First, I would think I must have just imagined that. Surely the old man next to me didn't just slap my baby and call him a racial slur? Second, I would say, Yes, I think he did do that. What the fuck, man? Third, I would be arrested by the closest air marshal, because I would go fucking ballistic on his racist, baby-slapping ass. I would calmly, carefully, and cautiously hand my child to the nearest responsible looking person and then I would beat that old man with in my in-flight magazine and try to strangle him with a seat belt. My fellow travelers would have to drag me off of him before I snatched him bald.
What would you do if this guy hit your kid? |
There are federal charges pending against this asshat right now and if convicted he's looking at a year in jail and I read this morning that he's lost his job. That sounds like a good start, but if I was this child's mother I would bring a suit against this guy the likes of which he's never seen. I would take him for everything he's got. He would pay for my child's college education and the down payment on his first home and his retirement. When I got done with this dickhead he would be living in a cardboard box under an overpass.
I read this morning that this POS lost his job over this. Nice to see that his (former) company also thinks that this is completely unacceptable behavior. What an asshat.
Wow. That's absolutely horrifying! To make an admission I'm not a mom and to tell the truth when I get on a plane filled with little ones I get a little uneasy (mainly because I have a tendency to take overnight flights where I'm really in need of a little shut eye) - but hasn't this guy ever heard of noise cancelling headphones?
I fly pretty frequently with my kids, and even though they are no longer toddlers, it will be quite some time before I board a plane and not think of this rotten motherfucker.
Amen to all you said! This man has got to be clinically insane. If not, then there really isn't any acceptable explanation for such horrific behaviour!
If I was on the plane with you, I'd be holding him down for you.
Hitting a baby??? What the actual fuck?
What would the grounds of the suit be? How would you prove financial damages? There really isn't any legal grounds for a lawsuit.
While what he did is abhorrent, it sounds like it has been handled correctly since charges have been filed. Don't expect him to get any more than a fine, which would be the appropriate punishment for any first time offender.
Secondly, I hate people that bring their screaming kids on a plane. I can understand, if it is your first time flying with your child and you don't know how they will react, but I seriously had a woman sit down next to me with her crying three year old, and she says, "I hope you brought ear plugs because every time we fly he does this for hours."
Really lady? You know he does this and you fly with him anyway? Next time drive or leave the kid at home with a sitter.
I am so sick of parent who think they are untitled to make everyone around them miserable just because they are parents.
I am not a mother or a kid person and I dislike when parents don't make an effort to comfort their crying kids...even so I would never hit a kid! what's wrong with this guy? I hope he gets hit a lot in jail.
Are you kidding??? They are not trying to make your life more miserable they are trying to get to their destination and it's probably miserable for them, too. Driving is not always a possibility, and leaving a kid home with a sitter is also a ridiculous suggestion. Obviously you don't have children because if the FAMILY is going on a week long FAMILY vacation, why would they leave their child home with a sitter? They could also be travelling to visit sick relatives, etc.
you know if you are going to fly on a plane for a couple of hours, a closed environment with more than a hundred people .. be prepared for crying babies, people farting, obnoxious loud talkers in over night flights, people spring REALLY loud when they sleep, etc .. if you want peace & quite YOU drive .. or rent a private jet
*snoring not spring
Tim Faust, this is not the forum for you. I would probably have to punch you in the throat too. Luckily I'm smart enough to realize you're just being an asshat to be one. I'm on to you and your puny ways.
I can completely sympathize with people who get disturbed by crying babies, even though sometimes there just isn't anything to do about it! No, we cannot leave them home or drive from coast to coast!! Please keep your suggestions to yourselves if you can't come up with reasonable ones!
I almost choked in my coffee when I realized that you were relating a real-life incident!! Slapping a kid and calling him a N***!!! What is wrong with him?!! I'm really happy to know that he lost his job....that definitely is the right call!!
Do you know what I hate? People who take public transportation (yes, that's what commercial flights are) and expect it to be like their own private plane. Get off your high horse and deal with the fact that there are other people in the world. Or go crawl back under your rock because the rest of the civilized world doesn't like you any more than you like us.
OK - I don't have any kids, but you have got to be kidding!! First of all, there are all sorts of lawsuits the Mom could bring against this idiot. I'm a lawyer - we can find something to sue for...that's what we're paid for. Second, if you don't want to be on a plane with kids, why don't you drive? I hate screaming kids on a plane (or anywhere else) as much as the next person, but's not all about you!
As the mother of an eight month old, I would probably be the reason the airplane would have to be immediately grounded. I just saw a Nanny Cam video of a nanny hitting a five month old (Long Island, maybe?) and it hurt so much inside. I felt so badly for that baby, so badly for the parents of the baby. If someone hit my kid, I would be far from calm. There is no excuse for it.
It doesn't matter how much the kid is screaming, and I haven't read anything about the story, but who knows how many delays the family had before getting on that plane, maybe the kid has a disability, we can never know.
Any decent parent feels awful when their usually calm child begins to scream in a place that is inescapable. It's life. The man should've just asked for some ear plugs.
I do not have kids and I admit that I've never really spent any length of time around babies. But...even with my limited knowledge, I'm pretty sure that the way to make them stop crying is NOT to smack them.
do you know how long it would take to drive to where u are going? maybe they dont want to drive for days just to get across the country, which only takes a few hours by flight. if you cant accept the fact that children exist and babies will cry, then maybe YOU should be the one driving because the rest of us dont want your nasty attitude making me misserable!
Timothy Faust What would the grounds of the suit be? Have you ever heard of assault? Emotional trauma? Pain and suffering? If people can sue McDonald's over hot coffee (and win), there is definitely multiple lawsuits waiting to happen for this baby-slapping moron.
Guess what? Parents don't like to take screaming kids on planes either. Not only do we have to listen to it as well, we have to deal with the sighing, dirty looks and annoyance of all our fellow passengers. If the woman with the crying 3 year old had another option, my guess is that she would take it. Gladly. "Leave the kid home with a sitter" is not an option. Also, driving to your destination is great when you have days on end to spare or are going someplace close by. It isn't feasible when you take 1 week vacation time from work and are traveling across the country.
You are sick of parents who think they are entitled to make everyone around them miserable? Parents are sick of people like you, who have little to no compassion or understanding to anything outside your daily routine or comfort zone. What if the person next to you was a severely handicapped adult? Would you be compassionate then? Because it really isn't much different. Especially in unknown, stressful, or uncomfortable situations, babies and toddlers (as well as severely handicapped adults) can't communicate in the traditional way, so they may resort to crying or other means of communication. Reasoning and logic don't work with them, so you can't explain to them why they shouldn't be frightened or stressed or nervous. The caregivers and parents probably like it even less than you do, considering that most likely they have hearts.
Wow. What an asshat you are!! Here's a little newsflash douchebag. At some point in time you were a child, and by the fact that you've turned into such a whiny bitch adult, I imagine you were a whiny child. Well...someone put up with your whininess, so please give the same respect to other kids. Kids cry on planes...especially little ones...because the change in pressure is painful to their ears. They are too young to know how to pop their ears, and biologically, they are programmed to cry when they are in's their form of communication to let their parents know that something is wrong. Parents pay the same amount for their plane ticket as you do and have the same right to fly with their children as you do. If you fly often and know that the possibility of having a kid on the plane is real...then maybe you should think of investing in ear plugs yourself?? You know...they sell them at EVERY airport.
Mom spent the last 90 minutes of the flight standing by the bathrooms and only returned to their seat for landing. Baby started crying and the asshat let N***** fly, repeated it when she asked him what he said, then slapped baby!
Timothy Faust, is that man your dad??? Jeezo, you must have a huge chip on your shoulder!!!Just ignore his comments....he is the guy we would punch for being a total asshole!
BTW he's NOT a first time offender.
This is just horrible, I know screaming kids can be annoying, and I do have a son, but he is just plain crazy to do that.
Thank you so much Timothy Faust. I really needed to read that slight you wrote. I truly loved when my children were small and would scream on the plane.
Once, my 2-year-old daughter was playing rag doll while I held her hand boarding the plane, and she pulled her arm out of socket. It was a lovely 1 hour flight of bawling hysterics. I was crying because there was nothing I could do and my child was in serious pain. Another asshat, such as yourself, was sitting beside me while his other business traveling buddies looked at him and smiled because he drew the short straw and had to sit by me. It was so enjoyable that I secretly pinched her when she quieted down so she would cry louder.
You are a douche canoe of major proportion. It is obvious you are so self-centered you do not have children now. I can only pray that you never reproduce. May God have mercy on your dark soul.
Looks like we've found yet another asshat. Are you really saying that I should take a few days driving across country so that my children can visit their grandparents when I can bring them on a plane? What makes people like you think children don't have the same rights as adults to use this kind of transportation? How about you drive or stay home if you don't want to deal with other human beings on your plane flight.
OMFG!!!! This has to be made up? Right? People cannot possibly be that ignorant. Can they?
Our son's a fairly decent traveller. Travels a few times a year across oceans. On one of our earlier trips, he must have been a little over a year, we booked the bulkhead seats. A fellow passenger got onboard, took one look at us and our child and yelled for the flight attendant. "I paid good money and choose my seats so I would NOT have to sit next to a child." Yeah, that's why you chose bulkhead seats! Another passenger was willing to trade seats. Passenger B got a flight with great legroom and a quiet baby, while whiny passenger got a lousy seat that wouldn't lean back! Karma baby!!!!!
Ignoring that douchebag who thinks people with kids should stay off planes. You never know how it's going to go when you have kids, and NO ONE deserves to be treated like shit...EVER. Even douchebags and assholes. But especially KIDS. We've flown a ton with our kids. We used to go overseas a couple of times a year and cross-country 3-4 times a year. Sometimes it was a breeze, sometimes it sucked balls. As a mom, it was always super stressful and if there were assholes glaring and huffing around it was even worse. Babies/kids pick up on the stress of mom and the vibe of assholes and their behavior reflects what they are feeling. You think it sucks to be on a plane with a crying baby? Just imagine what it's like to be on a plane with a crying baby whose cries go into your very soul AND knowing that everyone on the plane hates your guts and wishes you and your baby were dead? The latter is way, way worse. The best thing to do when a baby/kid is struggling on a plane is to relax and offer help. I've had someone say "I paid $1100 for THIS?" when my kid was crying. I said, "You got a deal. We paid $1500 EACH." He shut up.
Something similar (not nearly as bad) happened to my son! Last summer while traveling with my son (age 6) he was getting very bored and was having a hard time sitting still. Several times he bumped the seat in front of him. I had no idea that this was bothering the man in front of him until the reached his arm around and smacked my sons feet. I was shocked! I told that if my son was bothering him he could ask politely him to stop and touching my child was a big mistake! He didn't take that well at all!
Well, I was going to blast this ass hat and let him have it but I see that it seems he's been well taken care of! You sir, are as big a douche bag as the one who committed the crime and yes, it WAS a crime.
The guy was completely out of line, definitely. One time my nephews, then 5 and 3, got into a spat over a bottle of water. My sister-in-law took the bottle away from both of them which resulted in the 3 year old screaming "I hate my mommy" for a while. It felt like forever to her. I am human and do get annoyed by screaming kids on airplanes. But when I do I remind myself about the time I picked up my husband, at the airport, after a weeklong backpacking trip through Utah. He STUNK!!!! I almost had to throw him out of the care on the way home. I still feel sorry for whoever sat anywhere near him on that flight.
I'm so mad about this that I can barely even speak of it.
It must have been horribly frightening to the mom who was strapped in a moving plane right next to someone who would act like that. If he was willing to do those 2 thing, what ELSE was he capable of?
This piece of garbage is toast. Good luck in jail, mister, cause they LOVE angry old baby-slapping racists in there. Oh yeah. You'll get treated reeaaaaaal nice.
I obviously have below-average self control because I would have beat the living crap out of that guy if he did that to my kid. Air marshals would have been pulling me off of him upon landing!
Oh Timmy Faust, we know you don't have children, because you don't have a dick so Imma give you a pass on your ignorant comment.
That being said... Not only am I glad this loathsome, obnoxious albino JOE RICKEY (really?) lost his job but he has gained international fame for being a drunk, racist, baby-slapping sicko. He may not go to jail but he'll never be able to leave his trailer again without an angry mob of mamas ready to cut off his balls with a Playskool knife. I'll be first in line.
My first thought was that I hope my kid would be okay in the aisle because I'd (gently) push him there and then MAUL this guy like a rabid bear. I wouldn't think of consequences, even though I should. I'd just attack him like a drunk redneck girl in a bar-fight. #likewhiteonrice
There's nothing left to say that hasn't already been said. Douche bag.
My instant reaction would probably be to bitch slap him right back. My daughter is grown and we never flew anywhere until she was 12 or 13, but I still always have sympathy for parents traveling with children. It's not an easy thing to do.
Now I fly by myself and I still struggle with my bags. I can't imagine traveling with an infant or a toddler and all that you need to have with you to help make the trip as bearable as possible.
I couldn't agree with you more. They should lock him in a room tied to a chair while an army of toddlers beat the crap out of him... then clear out the toddlers and let each parent one by one punch him in the throat (or any other area of their choosing).
*Grabs popcorn*
*Sits back and watches*
You go, ladies!
I also read in the news that he was obviously drunk when he boarded the plane and the stewards kept giving him alcohol to drink on the flight. I'm pretty sure there is a rule against boarding drunks and continuing to give people alcohol until they are drunker. So there is probably a lawsuit waiting for the airline, too. I can't imagine if someone hit my baby and the emotional trauma of my little baby being called such an ugly racial slur. I don't know how this man made it out of the airplane alive, because if I saw someone do this to someone else's baby, I would have a fit.
I think I would have a hard time controlling myself if anyone hit my kid. But I did use my "teacher voice" on a little boy who kept hiding from his mom at the check in area at the airport. Mom was trying to check in and he would dive in and out of people and give her a panic attack. So I gave my for real kindergarten teacher "look" and encouraged him to listen to his mom and stay in a safe place and NO more fooling around. The, Cyndi Lauper... I was too chicken to speaker to her - she's my IDOL (except in parenting). yes, I'm an 80's girl.
*speak ... I get nervous just thinking about it!
I can't. I just can't with this. I am stuck just repeating "huh what!?" 10 bucks says this guy gets the crap beat out of him by life from here though. So karma kinda makes me feel marginally better.
I hope you'll get married and soon have triplets and have to fly on commercial flights because you can't drive to your destination. Then..only then, you will have to say the same line the mother once said to you "i hope you bring your ear plugs"
Whining and crying...? Okay, well, at least the baby has an excuse.
There are so legal grounds for a personal lawsuit against this guy. Let's start with assault and battery. The fact that he used a racial slur also classifies the child slapping as a hate crime and there's emotional trauma both done to the child and the child's parent. And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. Also, I would've lost my shit and clawed the guy's face off. Then I would've gotten a lawyer, both to press my own charges against the douche and to defend me for beating the crap out of the guy.
Also, as a person who spent the last seven years professionally caring for other people's children, I can honestly say, there's no reason to ever hit another person's child. I've been bit,scratched, smacked, kicked, had feces smeared all over me, I even have scars from other people's kids and my hearing's been damaged, but I kept my crap together. This guy just sucks.
Public transportation is just that-public.That means you share space with others and put up with minor inconveniences. It's not the end of the world if a baby cries. There are more problems with drunks on flights than with children(I am not a parent, BTW.) If you want peace and quiet and to dream in your own little world, hire a private jet to get you to your destination.
I would lose my mind.
I saw an interview with the parents and the father said it was probably a good thing he wasn't there. I have to agree, it's this guy who should spend a year in prison (hopefully there will be people there willing to smack him!)
The other passengers would have had to duct tape me to my seat to keep me off of this guy.
I travel a lot for business and pleasure. I can tolerate the crying toddler and baby but what I have a hard time tolerating is the loud mouth drunken assholes that sit n coach and act like they own the fucking airline. If you, sir, do not like screaming kids I suggest you get off that big wallet, stretch out your alligator arms, and pay for first class. Better yet, charter a jet so the rest of us do not have to tolerate you! I hope the next flight you are on you are in a middle seat with toddlers on both sides, one covered in shit from heard to toe and the other vomiting pea soup all over your pretty tie. You my friend, just won asshat award of the year!
Btw, nice picture, Dick. Glamour shots?!?
I would have been arrested for assault if this man had touched my child.
And I really hope Timothy Faust never has children. If he did, he might be due for some really bad karma.
Whenever somebody starts in with how wrongly entitled parents are these days, what with wanting to bring the unpredictable things out in public, or needing maternity/parental leave, etc . . .
All I can think is that they really are stunningly short sighted. And I am not talking about the future, but the past.
Every asshat like his royal douche-y ness, T. Faust was indeed a pooping and puking and annoying to others baby at some point in his life.
I imagine that the lack of human empathy comes from not getting much as a kid.
Now that that is out of my system, I agree with this whole post. Mama bear would tear into him like he was wet tissue paper.
Bravo!!! I couldn't have said it better myself
Obviously this snivelling, whining, douchebag doesn't have a family.. who the fuck would want him? And furthermore, why the hell don't YOU drive if you want quiet time alone with your pathetic self?!! Thirdly, the term you're looking for is ENtitled... learn the difference Asshat! Fuck!! You must be related to the fucking fuck this story is written about! I want to bitch slap you too now!!
RachRiot for the win!
I fly a lot and I get pissed off when people act like assholes about turning their phones off when the flight attendant asks them to. I'm pretty sure I'd go all kinds of apeshit if I saw this go down. Props to that mom that she isn't sitting in jail right now for murder.
"I am sick and tired of these m@(*&^%$#%ing babies on this m@$%^&^%$#ing plane!"
'Playskool knife'...nice touch!
Is it just me or does this guy look a lot like Jerry Sandusky?
Seriously, I just cannot even imagine. What a total and complete asshat. Hope he enjoys prison. I hear they really like people who abuse kids there!
Sorry to the rest of the world, but this is the exact reason I am NOT against adult only flights. There mounds of people in the world that do not like children - they have a right to feel that way - and if something can be done to separate my kids from them, I'm all for it! Why expose my children to such negativity if there is an opportunity to protect them from it. (Not to mention it could alleviate some of the stress knowing that the baby haters would elect to avoid my flight.) We are limited on which flights can be taken as it is, due to being sold out or how many are offered between your location and destination, it really wouldn't effect our "rights", so why not?
He totally looks like him!
I was lucky enough to have a kid that LOVES to travel and always has - her first airplane ride was when she was 8 months old. She cried for a minute but calmed down when I gave her something to drink. Now she chews gum. This doesn't work for everyone nor does it work every time. Even adults can feel pain when the plane is ascending or descending. Kids don't know how to express their pain in any other way except to cry. If someone slapped my child while she was doing something completely normal (crying while in pain or uncomfortable) I'd be sitting in jail for murder. NO ONE touches my baby - especially some jerk off who doesn't know me or my kid. Add the racial slur to the mix and I'd go truly insane on them.
I just keep asking my husband: who in their right mind thinks that it's okay to hit a child they don't even know??
Aside from being a major fucktard, what the hell do you mean no legal grounds?? ASSAULT AND BATTERY, ASSHOLE! At least the old man was drunk. You're worse!
It's men like you that are the fucking problem with this world. Go ahead an slap my kid on a plane and see what world of shit I bring down on you.
Apologies to the women on this board on behalf of decent men.
The guy in the article was just plain wrong...and in the case of the little one in the article , at 18 months old, there isn't much you're going to be able to do to make them happy if they are upset or hurting. As most have said, I'm shocked that the mom didn't take matters into her own hands...I'm pretty sure I would have.
BUT on a note that is not pertaining to the article, but more to the comments being made here - I have got to know when it became acceptable to blame your child's bad behavior on everyone else around you? If my 6 year old is incessantly kicking the back of someones seat, it's not that persons fault - it's hers. So in that case, I would tell her to stop, and then apologize to the person that she annoyed. It is my job as the parent to teach her right from wrong and some common courtesy. Just because you don't feel like making your kid behave, doesn't mean that the rest of us should have to put up with your kids bad behavior.
And to the mom that said she didn't realize that her kid was annoying the guy in front of them on the plane by bumping into his seat - seriously?!? How could you not know that having a 6 year old constantly bumping into the back of the seat was not going to annoy the guy? Granted, he had no right to swat at her kids feet, but I'm guessing that asking her nicely to make him stop wasn't going to work either - especially since she knew he was doing it and didn't tell him to stop before it got out of hand.
My husband is from another country. We have to get on a plane to see his family as some of them can't travel to us for various reasons. So Tim, how do you presume I would get from here to Europe? Take a cruise?? I don't want my kid crying any more than you do, but have an iota of humanity for just a second. As a parent I don't feel 'entitled' to make everyone on the plane as 'miserable as I am'. There's no sense of entitlement. There IS a sense of wanting to get from point A to point B with the least amount of drama possible. Do I want my kid to cry? No. But she's a baby. What's your excuse? As others on this chain, I wish upon you triples with colic, but then again, you seem like you'd be the douchetastic dad who wakes his wife up to 'get those kids quiet because you need your sleep' like they aren't yours.
Also, with that head shot I doubt you are getting laid any way so likely you won't have kids. But from your Google plus profile I can tell you are a moron because you spelled PHOTOGRAPHY wrong and you are a photographer. Maybe less time hating on kids and more time focusing on getting your shit together.
Love it
Holy Mary Mother of All That Is Holy! I am the least child loving person possibly on this entire child-adoring planet, but that is why my husband finds me music to fill my iPod, buys me books, brings me water to keep me hydrated and then drags me out of my seat for a walk and a potty break when I'm stuck because the family in front let their seats recline and I can't get out because I have mobility issues. Because the family is front is so fixated on making sure its collective children do NOT disturb the rest of the flight that they haven't realised they have disturbed me. Sure, I would love to slap the parents for being so self-centred as to bring their BABY and TODDLER on a LONG HAUL FLIGHT but I have manners.
Babies and toddlers do not know how to behave. It is up to the parents to know what makes them calm and to the rest of the world to be as tolerant as is possible. We were all babies once, even if we don't like having other people's children in our lives without choice.
What would I do if he hit my kid?
Simple. I would beat his ass. That man would never breathe through his nose or mouth again.
Passengers like that need to be strapped to the wing or put in luggage with the dogs in crates.
AMEN, sister. Too bad airports don't have douchebag detectors.
Bill Cosby is one of America's greatest story tellers. If he only would of said, "She punched her husband in the throat", instead of "the face" this would be perfect.
If some racist asshole slapped one of my children, he wouldn't need a lawyer. I might, but he sure wouldn't.
He totally spelled it wrong and that is hilarious! Thanks for pointing this out! So funny!
I had one of those passive-aggressive subtle fights with a grumpy old man on a plane once (who I might add, looked suspiciously similar to this guy). When we got on and sat behind him with our 2 kids, he sighed very heavily and said sarcastically "oh, great. kids." Loud enough so we could hear him. Well, first off, my kids behave just fine on an airplane thank you very much and they did nothing wrong at the time but walk past him and get into their seats. Then the asshole reclined his chair into my lap the ENTIRE flight while he was leaning foward doing something on this tray table. Well, we didn't have to worry about my kid kicking his seat as I did plenty of it myself! I thought about sighing heavily and saying "oh, great. an asshole right in front of me!"
Wow, what a back handed comment.
Hear hear, Leslie!! THAT would be worth the extra baggage fees!
When I googled his name and photography I came up with a destination wedding photographer...oh the irony. Guess kids aren't allowed to attend THOSE weddings!
I completely love how classy and considerate you people are. Someone who condemns the act of hitting a child, yet mentions that they want parents to manage their own children out of respect for the people around them- and you savages start threatening to physically assault the poor guy and then go spying into and posting about his personal life.
I'm sorry, but 99 people on a plane having to put up with one parent not able to handle their responsibility isn't absurd and doesn't involve a sense of entitlement. A plane full of people shouldn't have to go a night without sleep because you are a failure and don't having any coping strategies for your crying baby...Buy a book or call the dog whisperer, I don't care...figure it out.
What I find to be most hilarious is that everyone's arguments against the poor man involve stories that begin with the word "I". Who's the one that is self-absorbed and entitled?
Maybe if you spent half the effort learning about your children that you spent being petty and self-righteous, the OP wouldn't have anything to complain about in the first place.
Thank you Barnesworth.
I never said hitting a kid was ok. I don't even like it when parents hit their own kids.
I said I was glad this guy was arrested and charged with a crime.
I happen to like kids. I don't like parents who know their kids are screamers who insist on bringing them into a confined place like an airplane.
If you want to do that in a restaurant, fine. People who are bothered can get up and leave. However when you are in closed space in which people are literally strapped next to you for 10 hours, you should think about how your choice effects others.
The kids are not the problem, the parents are.
I know I'm late to the game, but I have to say I am so sickened and appalled by this. I'm due to give birth in December to my first, and I'm taking her on her first plane trip in February next year...because my sister is getting married and lives 23 hours away. I'm sorry, but there's no way I'm driving 23 hours in the middle of summer (Aussie) with a 2 month old breast fed baby. It would take me a week. And my husband only has 2 weeks off of work. We are flying and I am going to do my best to make her happy by giving her a dummy or feeding her while we're flying. That's all I can do. Trust me, if the way I felt when my brand new NEPHEW cried whilst in my care was any consideration, I'll be in more pain than you when my little girl cries from pain. But I'm not missing my sister's wedding because someone doesn't want babies on a plane. I paid for my ticket and her's, just like everyone else there. And she doesn't even get a seat!!!
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