Is 40 Going to Blow or Rock?

Today I'm 40.  Or Thirty-Ten.  Or 39+1.  Or whatever it is we say now to hold off saying Four Oh.

I'm not a vain person, but I'm not gonna lie, 40 is a tough one for me to swallow.  I think I look “OK” for 40.  I'm not too wrinkled and hair dye keeps my grays under control.  I'm definitely saggier than I once was and I have aches and pains that don't go away as easily as they used to.  I'm never going to get carded again unless it's a really dark bar, but all in all, I think I've held up pretty well.

No, for me it's not a vanity thing, it's a “What have I accomplished?” thing.

Looking back at my 20-something self I had plans.  I can't say that I haven't accomplished the goals I set for myself.  Because I always set the bar pretty low, I typically accomplish my goals.  I just don't tend to knock them out of park.  (Shocker.)

Let's see:
  1. Graduate from college.  I did that.  OK, barely.  I am a complete and total loss when it comes to Math. I have been my entire life.  If there is a dyslexia for Math I'm certain that I have it.  I see numbers and my entire brain shuts down.  It might as well be Latin - actually Latin might be easier. In college I was an English major and I needed one semester of Math to graduate.  I tried my Freshman year and I failed the class. 

    I have a brother who is 4 years younger than me and he rocks Math.  When we were kids on roadtrips, he and my dad would play a game called: “What's the square root of the license plate in front of us?”  My mom and I would play “I Spy" - I was 15 at the time. 

    I knew that if I took an extra semester at the end of my 4 years, my brother would be at school with me and he could tutor me and help me pass.  Between my brother helping me and my amazing professor letting me do just about everything he could for extra credit I passed Math.  (Get your minds out of the gutter, people.  When I say "extra credit" I truly mean it.  He even let me write a research paper about Euclid or someone.)  When I walked across the stage at graduation my Math professor actually came on stage and hugged me.

  2. Live in New York City.  I did that too.  I moved to New York City when I was 25.  I had been fired from my job and I was looking for someplace to “reinvent” myself. I'd “met” the Hubs and he lived in NYC so I thought I'd at least have a sucker to take me to TGIFriday's occasionally.  

    Getting fired from a job was never on my list of accomplishments, but I guess I'm OK with it since it led me to NYC and the Hubs.  Let this be a lesson to you, young people:  getting fired is not the end of the world.  Just pull yourself up and keep moving forward.

  3. Work for a magazine.  I did that when I lived in NYC.  I was actually just a temp though. It was a little bit like The Devil Wears Prada only I worked in the dungeons instead of the executive offices, but I was surrounded by those tall, willowy girls in clacker shoes.  The magazine offered me a job in the dungeons (there was no way I was fit for prime time since I wore sensible shoes and didn't know the difference between a Birkin and a Balenciaga).  They were willing to hire me, because I had a good “Midwest work ethic,” but I was horrified by what they were willing to pay me.  I could not have paid my rent working there, let alone buy the new Louis Vuitton bag I was expected to carry.  Instead I got a job at a private equity bank where dark suits and Coach bags ruled.  Cha-ching and much more my style!

  4. Have a kick ass apartment in New York City.  This one I'm going to have to stretch my definition of "kick ass" a bit.  At the time this meant any cute, girl next door kind of apartment you see in chick flick movies.  The heroine is usually a quirky florist or a plucky bookseller and she lives in an awesome, small, but well planned out space with a private garden out back or a roof top deck.  Think:  "Where would Meg Ryan's character live if she was making a movie about a Midwestern girl full of moxie who moves to Manhattan, gets the job, gets the guy and never compromises herself or her beliefs?"  Yeah, that's where I thought I'd live (and I thought that by living there I'd magically look like Meg Ryan).  I quickly found out that while these apartments do exist, a bookseller or a florist could never afford them. Instead I became part of the “bridge and tunnel” crowd.  Think:  "Where do Snooki's parents live?" 

    I lived in Queens (at least I was close to the Hubs) and I commuted into Manhattan every day from my spacious yet dingy, un-air conditioned, and loud (I lived one block from an extremely active firehouse) apartment with a bathroom that had not been remodeled since...ever.  It was still the original pre-War bathroom with one outlet.  In the light socket.  Above the sink.  I took my life in my hands every time I blow dried my hair.  

    Don't be confused, there were some serious kick ass qualities: it really was spacious with 4 closets (!!), eat in kitchen, elevator in the building, and one block from the express subway to Manhattan.
  1. Get married.  Done!  Lots of young women have extensive lists of what they're looking for in a mate.  Things like: Must have a good job, Can't live in his parent's basement, Must be a good dancer and so on.  Good thing for me I didn't have such a list or else I might not have ended up with the Hubs.  When I met him he was temping, he lived in his parent's basement and he can't dance for shit.

    Really, there were only two things on my list.  Funny was the top of my list.  If he couldn't make a joke or take a joke then he was out.  I also wanted a husband who would love me for me. I'm a little tough to love and you'd be surprised how many guys don't get my sense of humor (that was sarcasm for the slower readers), so it took me a couple more years than the average girl to find a guy.

    When I met the Hubs we were both trying to figure out what to do with our lives and lucky for us we supported one another and motivated one another and helped each get our shit together and we still do that.

  2. Have kids.  At one point in my young life I thought it would be great to have a gaggle of kids.  I didn't start having babies until I was in my thirties and I quickly realized “two” could be considered a small gaggle.  It would have to do.  I didn't have the stamina for more than two or enough room on my credit card.  I enjoy my sleep way too much and I have a shopping addiction when it comes to expensive tiny clothes.  We got our boy and our girl and we called it good.
  1. Have a job I love.  I've had a few jobs in my lifetime.  Some of them outright sucked.  Like when I was a professional Proofreader – betcha didn't even know this job existed – and my job was to correct contracts with a red pen.  Only Proofreaders could have the coveted red pens and you had to bring ID to the supply room to show you were a Proofreader and then they'd let you “check” ONE out.  That's right.  You didn't "own" that pen.  It was not allowed to leave the building.  When your pen ran out and you needed another, you had to bring the empty with you. 

    Once my red pen was stolen by someone who made twice (actually, now that I think about it, I bet he made 3x) as much money as me.  Because he didn't have the proper papers to show he was red pen worthy, the Gestapo in the supply room wouldn't give him a red pen, so he stole mine.  It was hell to get another one and I never let it out of my sight again.  Damn the rules!  I took that pen home with me every night just to protect it from thieves.  

    After a few years of stimulating jobs like this or being someone's bitch, I left the corporate world behind to work for myself.  I love my job now. Selling houses is a great job (no matter what the market is doing) and I'm so happy to go to work every day.  Plus, just out of spite, I keep boxes of red pens in my desk to use willy-nilly. 
  1. Travel the world.  Before I was married I did a lot of traveling, but not the “whole world," of course.  I've been able to mark a few great cities off my list, but there are still more.  I keep telling myself that once the kids are grown the Hubs and I will work harder at this goal.  I just hope we don't wait so long that we're too old and we're touring Greece in matching Rascals!
  1. Be a writer.  When I came up with this one in my twenties it mostly meant “get published” somewhere.  Anywhere.  I wanted to see a byline with my name on it and know that at least one another person besides my mother read it.  I really thought it would be fiction, though.  Who knew that I'd write so much non-fiction?  It only took 39 years, but I finally found an audience who likes to read what I have to write.  Phew!  This was one was close!  Thanks for reading so I didn't have to stick my head in an oven this year!
  1. Write AND publish a book. I've modified this one. It used to be “write a book.” Now that I know I have the desire and the ambition to actually write (and finish a book), I've realized the hard part is getting it published. That will be my goal for my Thirty-Tens.
OK, after reading this list, I've decided I haven't done that bad.  I have a few more things left I want to accomplish, but hopefully I'm only at the mid-point of my life so I've still got plenty of time.  I just hope the next 40 don't go by as fast as the last 40!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Forty Rocks!  

PS - The Top 25 Funniest Mom Blogs Contest is over!  Thank you so much for voting for me.  I made the list along with some hysterical other blogs. What a nice birthday present!  Please check out all of them if you get some free time.



Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Jen! I know the feeling! I turn 31 in less than 2 weeks and am doing the same thing with my own list of to do's! While I haven't reached the ones I thought I would by now(be married, have kids, make tons of money) I've realized that the list can and should change. The top of my list now is buy a house. On my own.Which shocks so family/friends. So I guess I can add shock family and friends with my fierce independence?! haha

Derpina Derp said...

A very happy birthday to you! Keep the punches coming!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Jen! I turned 40 on Monday, so I understand what you are feeling. Enjoy the day, take a deep breath and plow forward know there are so many people who love and support you, no matter how saggy you are. :)

Jennifer D said...

I turned 40 in November. People keep asking me how it feels. I tell them it doesn't feel any different than 39. It's just a number. I have plenty of gray hairs, and I wear them proudly. But then, my husband doesn't want me to color them; he thinks my salt-and-pepper look is sexy. His words - not mine. People actually ask me if I color my hair. They must be crazy because I don't know anyone who colors their hair gray. And who wants the wiry texture that comes gray hair? As if my hair wasn't course and frizzy enough before the grays? But my grays didn't start when I hit 40, like my husband's did. I earned my first one when I was 25. So, who cares about 40?

Red said...

Well happy birthday!You're braver than I. I will never own my age. I am still 29.

...and I have been carded at least once every year. I ignore the little sign behind the counter that says that if someone looks under -35 or 40 - they must card. Whatever. I'm flattered.

lauriec said...

Happy Birthday! I will turn 45 in a few months & have to say that as much as I loved my 30s--I am loving my 40s as well. Age is a number. No one believes me when I tell them my age (thank you Clairol 39g/sunset brown & years of sunscreen use). I'm comfortable with who I am & where I am in this life.

LaLa the MaMa said...

Happy Day! Happy Day! You are amazing! 40 is a badge of honor!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Jen!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Now that I'm firmly in my fifties,I gotta tell you it only gets better. However time DOES speed up, and before you know it the dog is dead, the kids are grown, and you and Hubs are living the life. That's what will keep you going. Keep punching Sista!

Mom on the Edge said...

My trick to enduring my 40th birthday a few months back was to be married to someone much older than me. He turned 50, so 40 doesn't seem so bad. Also, I got myself an iPad and had it engraved with "Happy 40th Birthday, Mommy! Love, Sky, Pink P, and Stow." They don't know they gave it to me, but it sure made 40 less depressing.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Jen!

You don't really want to look like Meg Ryan though. Have you seen her lately?

Anonymous said...

40 only blows if you think you are 40. I am 41 now and when people ask me how old I am I have to pause, and not because I am ashamed of my brain wants to say 26, and I have to double check before I say my age. I have had two knee replacements due to playing sports my whole life, but instead of sitting in a Rascal, I still play basketball, ref high school basketball, coach my kids sports teams and ski. I just can't accept that fact that I am at an age where I am expected to slow down...even though I am slowing down. Definitely getting saggy and sore, but still 26 in my mind. You rock Jen! Happy Birthday!

Sue said...

Happy birthday, Jen, and welcome to the 40 club! From personal experience, I can tell you that it's not so bad... actually, it's pretty damn good!

Krysti said...

Happy birthday!

Coffee Lovin' Mom said...

Happy Birthday - I'm five days ahead of you..welcome to the club!

Unknown said...

I turn 35 in a few weeks and I'm hating it! 40 is going to kill me!! .. I'm so jealous you lived in NYC.. I love nyc and would love to live there if I didn't have kids. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Jamie said...

Happy birthday, I hope you have a fantastic day and that Hubs doesn't attempt to be an overachiever and set up some insanely expensive and overdone party to surprise you =)

Anonymous said...

Happy BDay!!! Look forward to each post. I LOVED my 40's, and I'm not just saying that coz I'm 51. Lots of fun, kids came into their own. Now they're in/done w/ college and now my hubs and I are traveling the world. Our only responsibility is the dog and we get the middle child to take care of him when we're out. So, enjoy, stay active and don't let the small-minded people piss you off...they're not worth your time!!!

Amanda Benson said...

Happy birthday! I turned 40 a couple of weeks ago. People keep telling me your 40s are much better than your 30s. That hasn't happened yet, but I can say, that I have even more of a WTFC attitude, and I love it!

Robbie said...

Happy Birthday!
I would like to say 40 rocks. You know who you are and what you are willing to put up with. I will be 45 this year and each year keeps getting better and better.

Morgan S. said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite blogger! Your birthday should be celebrated as a national holiday!!!!

Lizzz said...

Happy Birthday!

I was asked my age yesterday and I drew a blank and said 33. My daughter who knows everything said " Mom you are NOT 33. You're going to be 35." I was red with embarrassment. How do I not know how old I am... I'm looking forward to 40 because you can never ever forget that you're 40, or thirty ten or 20-20 whatever you're comfortable with!

Whitney Jones said...

Happy birthday!!

Kimberly said...

There's actually a learning disability for math called dyscalculia. I had a student diagnosed with it last year.

Happy birthday too! I'll be thirty ten in a couple more weeks. Your list has made me realize I need to sit down and do some reflecting on my first 39 years. I have a feeling I'm going to come up short in several areas. Yikes!

My Daily Jenn-ism said...

Happy Birthday! 40 isn't so bad... You get used to it. Have a great day !

marianne said...

Happy Birthday to lady who makes me smile on a daily basis. My Birthday is tomorrow so here is to the March Ladies!

Chrissi said...

Jen, this is kind of cool. Today is my husband's 40th birthday, too. =D And turning 40 makes him want to punch people in the throat. ;D

My Daily Jenn-ism said...

and yeah... Not only did you "make the list" you were #1!! Congratulations! I think your blog is great :) You've also given me an opportunity to meet some really great fellow bloggers!

Keep it coming & have a wonderful birthday :) ~Another Jenn :)

Becky said...

I'm 40 as well. Going to be 41 this summer. They say "40 is the new 30" haha. For me these days, it feels more like "40 is the new 80".

PS: Happy Birthday, and welcome to the 40 club, Kid. :)

imbogus1 said...

Happy Birthday ! Party Naked ! 40 Rocks (or did) !

Kiky said...

Happy birthday - mine was last Thursday, but I am only 39 (one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel). Thanks for the laughs!

sheshe said...

Happy Birthday! I like your life retrospective. I think it was a good list of accomplishments. When people ask me how old I am, I like to make them guess and then cry on command no matter what answer they give. Try that out for a while. Makes them feel like shit - makes you giggle inside (and out when you're alone) for a couple of hours. ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! For me (turning 59 this year and ~gasp~ 60 next year) 40 wasn't a big deal - sort of surreal, but no trauma. 35 felt like a bigger deal, because I realized that I was as close to 50 as I was to 20, and the time betwixt 20 & 35 had gone in the blink of an eye. Now my eye is on the next 26 years - until I'm my mother's age. She has zero (zip, nada) short-term memory and is in assisted living, and here I amd STILL thinking, "what the HELL do I want to be when I grow up?" I sort of wish I had the last 20 years back to make a to-do list.


Cimmy.Redmond said...

I was about to post this. I was diagnosed with dyscalculia when I was at...wait for it...a math and science school.

Cricket of Tripping Tuesdays said...

Happy birthday and welcome to the 40's Club. It's not so bad here. Have a great one!

VAgal4now said...

Happy Birthday Jen! Thanks for always making me laugh and for being so honest about your life! Hope the Hubs gets you something fabulous!

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday Jen...from someone who is now thirty-eighteen, if you want to think of it that way :) I was scared to turn 40 too, because I loved my thirties. Looking back, as I near 50, your forties bring a whole new adventure. Your kids will grow and get ready to leave the nest in this decade. Somewhere along the line, they will become much more independent so you and the Hubs will have more time to spend together. Its almost like your marriage before kids. Our youngest is 17 now and he has a school and social life of his own. The other, is a junior in college, so we only see him occasionally. Your life will definitely see changes in your forties, but look forward to it. Believe it or not, the best is yet to come!

Shannon said...

Have a wonderful all about you kind of day. I know that is not always possible with kids, but hey they have the other 364 so deal. I'm right behind you sister, in July I'll join the 40 club, but I here it rocks.
All the best. said...

I enjoyed 40. So much so that i'll celebrate the 19th anniversary of my 40th this year. Still was healthy, active, sexy when i tried, interested and interesting..i think. The beast called menopause changed everything. Not going to go into the moroseness of it all, i'll just say rejoice! rejoice every day. Happy Birtthday sugah.

Who Woulda Thought? said...

I literally just got carded at Walgreens for buying nasal decongestant because I was under 40... By 5 years.

Jen Piwtpitt said...

This comment actually made me tear up a bit! It's the whole kids leaving thing that upsets me the most about me getting older. You make it sound great, though. Thanks for the comment.

Meredith said...

Well, Happy Birthday to you!
Now that that's been said...I can't get past your red pen story. I don't know if I absorbed anything else after that because I couldn't stop thinking about how a company could have such control over the color of pen one used. Or PREVENT the use of.
I mean, what city was this company in? Were there no stores that sold red pens that the person that stole yours could buy one? If so, was there a "Red Pen Police" at the door that went through your personal effects upon entering the building? 39 millimeter...bag of weed...wait just a this what I think it is? A red pen? Who do you think you are? Report straight to HR, ma'am. Seems like a weird place to me. Glad you and your red pens were able to escape such oppression.

Just Another Day said...

Happy Birthday Jen! I just thought about my list of what I wanted when I was in my 20's and I can happily report that I've accomplished what I wanted back then. Of course, I'm far from a OAM so I'm sure my list wasn't that fabulous to some anyway.

Deb said...

I'm turning 40 in 2013. I guess I better think about my accomplishments list. I am hating the physical aging, but it's a slow progression, not like you turn 40 and wham-O you look way older. At least my hubs is 11 years older so that always makes me feel youngish. My kids are the ones who make me feel ancient.

AfGolden said...

Happy Birthday Jen! Congrats on "makin the list" and being #1! I think your blog is great and I have met some pretty cool people though your blog so thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Jen! Your blog always gives me a good chuckle in the morning. I guess now I actually have to use proper sentences when leaving comments. I have a friend who was also a proofreader and I always punctuate appropriately to her since she corrects me if I don't. I hope your birthday rocks.

Jean said...

In my 40's I worked in the nursing home section of a retirement community. My residents were so old, I got excited if one moved in who was only 75. "I got a young one!" I was given constant support for my youth and beauty by people in their late 80's into their 90's. If you want to feel young, hang out with truly elderly people. I'm pushing 60 now and my age does not bother me in the least. Nursing homes are also great places for teens to work or volunteer. The residents adore young people and find every single one interesting, bright, and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I turned 40 last year and someone said to me : You're not 40, you are 18 with 22 years experience! That one I liked!!
Happy Birthday Jen! Thanks for writing this blog - I love it:)

Julie K said...

Happy Birthday! I just want to tell you that I LOVE your blog. You totally crack me up and I admire your ability to tell it like it is and find the humor in all of it. Hope you do write a book - it could be a best seller :) Thanks for brightening my day with your blog. You rock!

lovetoread600 said...

Happy Birthday!

My daughter told me this morning that I am "middle-aged" (I'm 42). A big thanks to my 12 y.o. for keepin' it real!

This Is Fifty With Lil said...

Happy Birthday, Jen! My 40's have been crappier than I could have ever imagined, but don't you worry... your 30, 10's will be great!

Cat said...

I hit 33 today. I hope by the time I'm 40 I can accomplish just half of what you have done! Top on my list is find a man who loves me for me, proves he isn't like all the rest and can make me laugh... Hope you have a great birthday, so far mine has been awesome! My coworkers got me a pinata and I decapitated that thing in two hits! =)

Youngman Brown said...

Happy birthday and good luck with the unfinished business.

Jen said...

Forty can totally long as there is time for a nap every now and then and plenty of ibuprofen for those aches you mentioned. I celebrated 40 last April in Vegas, while carrying around a 6 month pregnant belly and...wait for it...a mouth full of braces. Not quite how I pictured it, but pretty amazing none the less. Happy Birthday!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday, Jen! I hope your day is great! My husband and I lived in a house with a bathroom with only outlet... in the light socket. We constantly switched out appliances and fought over it.

Susan said...

Forties rocked; 50 is gonna suck big time. I'm turning 50 this year and it bothers me. A LOT.
So, Happy Birthday, young 'un.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! An actual disorder? My brain shuts down at the mention of math! My sister is a teacher and she kept trying to tutor me. She would say "you know this, c'mon" and I'd say "I dont know this, it's like Chinese". Then we took a Spanish class together. She freaked out when she couldnt get it. Of course I had to say "you know this, c'mon" haha Damn that math stuff!

Jen N. said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope your 40s rock! If they are anywhere as cool are you are - I have no doubt they will!!!

Autumn said...

Have a fantabulous birthday, Professor Punch!!! Thank you, for all of the laugh outloud moments... Because of this blog, I know if my day (as a mom of 5 and a special ed. teacher) sucks the big, long..chili dog, I can turn it around by LMFAO at all that you say!! BTW, I'm 46 and chica, I've never been so at ease with who I am...You'll LOVE it, I promise!

KristinaL said...

Today is my birthday as well!! Happy Birthday to you! May your thirty tens bring you much joy and even more accomplishment! Love reading your blog! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! March babies rock!

Single Lady

Kim said...

Happy Birthday and welcome to the club! It only stings for a day or two, and then you kinda forget (I turned 40 last fall and every so often I still have the "I'm how old????" moment.)

Turning 40 was rough, but the alternative is a lot less appealing. :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy happy birthday hot stuff!!

jensina said...

Happy 40. I will be there with you on April 30th. My realization came the other day that I will have been an adult for 2 decades so is there really any room for mistakes? Boy this lit a bunch of stress candles!

AmyK said...

Happy Birthday :) I'm turning 38 this year and I too am reevaluating my "list". I had dreams, I had goals. I'm trying to decide what was doable and what was maybe wishful thinking. Anyway, I like your criteria for marriage. About him loving you for you. That was number one on MY list. My husband was in grad school and living with his mother when we met. My friends asked, "Are you SURE you want to date a guy that lives with his mom?" You bet. He earned his PhD and is a successful scientist. We've been together 13 years, celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary on Saturday, and we have two beautiful, smart children. I didn't do too badly on my list either.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jen -- let me tell you first hand, you will find your 40's rock! Loved reading your list -- makes me ponder my own and what I have accomplisedh and still have yet to accomplish. Thanks for the inspiration - today and everyday!

Anonymous said...

59 rocks Too! (reallY) The only birthday that bothered me was #26, go figure.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday! I am 39, right behind you in the 40 club

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday!!...I still cant get over my big 30 (and its been 2yrs)... I feel for you!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 40's ROCK! Most of us who have had jobs and babies in our 30's can really start to enjoy life at a more relaxing pace in our 40's. I have been swimming against the over-acheiving moms tide for a long time. But my kids are more self sufficient and happy. I can take more moments for me and my family is better off. Keep those punches coming!

Kim said...

Happy 40th! Hope you had a great day. Let me know how this year goes.... I still have a year before I get there.

Lena said...

Hey lady, I turned 40 this year and I have to say hats off to ya for your accomplishments, not bad for a non-over achiever! For me it's not a vanity thing either, it's a 'what have I done so far and what would I like to do next?' sort of feeling, and I am a late bloomer (I think) as I got married young, had kids young, half-finished college, etc, etc, but I still feel really good about my work and life-stuff. I feel like a seasoned yet still perky woman, and I like that feeling. Getting fired wasn't on my list either, but it certainly was the catalyst for the work I get to do now so I am happy with the results. I hope you are still blogging away til' you are 80. :)

pj said...

Forty is the BEST DAMN YEAR EVER! I can hardly wait to see what 41 brings!

pj said...

Oh, and my 40th party included ALL my fave friends (even those we had to fly in for the occasion), no irritating family, and a BOUNCY HOUSE. Best bday party of my whole life.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. Happy happy Birthday! I'm turning 40 next year. It's been hard for me. Not so much because am unhappy or unfulfilled, but because I have already "let myself go". I have gained weight after babies and finally writing smoking. I would like to lose about 75 lbs. When I started, I was 79 weeks from my 40th. Everyone told me sustainable weight loss is a life style change and listing 1lb a week is manageable. I've decided to look foreward to my 40th....because I will be healthy and fit. What better way to great the next decade? Wish me luck!

Tracy Aldous said...

Happy Birthday!! I'm only 2 days ahead of you, and I have to say this whole turning forty thing has not been as traumatic for me as I expected. Although I do like to refer to it as the first anniversary of my 39th birthday :)
Let's make 40 Rock...Enjoy!

Danielle said...

Happy Birthday, Jen! ’72 was a great year. I knew we’d find something in common ;) Hope you have an amazing year!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday! Today was my 40th too, and I am looking forward to enjoying every day of the next year. 41 might be another story.

Nicole said...

LOL Ditto! I turn 40 this year but my husband just turned 52 so he's ALWAYS going to be the old man to my "young thang!" haha

Nicole said...

I turn 40 this year and I am torturing myself with my list of things I haven't done, places I haven't gone and a million other things. I WISH I had a list as impressive as yours!! Happy Birthday and may your 30 tens be even more amazing than your 20 tens were :)

Furtheron said...

You've achieved a hell of lot more than I have and I'm hitting 50 this year

Momfever said...

Congratulations on turning 40. You've made it to the big four oh. A great age to reminisce and take stock of your life.

Sue said...

Just turned 40 myself, Jen. It's a bit surreal, actually. I have this picture in my head of what my Mom was like at 40. Of course, I was 9 or 10 at the time, so the vision is skewed and I don't feel at all like I remember her to be. I think as long as we don't stop trying to reach our goals and don't stop making new ones for ourselves we're in a good place. Happy Birthday.

Colleen said...

For me, 30 was hard and forty ROCKED! Now 46 and looking at 50 looming on the horizon. Why did 50 always seem so old?

Happy Birthday! It's really just a number!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jenn!

Jillian said...

Happy Birthday Jen! Today is my birthday as well even if the hubs and offspring forgot to tell me. The youngest daughter is excused bc she isn't 2 yet but the oldest her bday is tomorro,w so surely she should have remembered. It is okay I guess since 7 years ago she highjacked by birthday I don't get any older since no one remembers. My Dad at least remembered even put it up on facebook for me. So I will be making the hubs feel extremely guilty and he will be taking me to Hunger Games now for sure!

Mom on the Edge said...

It helps that his bday is three days after mine, too. Whenever I think mine sucks, I remember his sucks worse!

Cy said...

Oh, I think I have that, too! Jen--don't you have to do some math being a realtor? I quit a good job in college because I had to run the register. Eek! I think you've done great with all your goals. Life is about challenges and mostly about compromise.

Jaimee said...

Happy Birthday! Congrats on your #1 spot for your blog. You definitely deserve it! See, the 40's are starting off amazing, right!

Jen said...

HaPpy birthday! I hit 41 tomorrow, and I can say that as much as I dreaded turning 40 last year, it's been a year which I have enjoyed. I hope you have an awesome 40th year....40's rock!

liza said...

Happy belated birthday, and your 40's will NOT blow. I'm into my 3rd year of 40 and it's been pretty damn nice I must say! I haven't finished off my list of things to do either, but that's a good thing isnt it? If we all accomplished what we wanted too soon, what would be left to look forward to? death? ugh. I love your blog btw.

Maddie said...

Oh my gosh. It's like reading my own list of things I must accomplish. I think I need to lay down...I feel like I just had my mind searched and ransacked...

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