I'm Moving!

Welp, after 11 years on Blogger, I think it's time to make a change. I'm moving to Substack. Blogger has been a great fit for me over the last decade, but it's time for me to move on and try something new.

Social media platforms are changing all the time. When I started this blog my only other option was WordPress. Facebook and Twitter existed and Pinterest was in its infancy. Now I'm on Instagram, SnapChat (barely), and TikTok as well as those original three. And there are countless platforms for blogging now.

The changes have been fun and frustrating. Lately, it's been more frustrating than fun. The algorithms change weekly and the censorship is getting out of hand. I'm getting in trouble on Facebook for sarcastic jokes I made in 2014. Sarcasm is hard for idiots and AI to understand. 

Blogger was good once too, but a few years ago Google started cracking down on my language (f-bombs and vagina talk are frowned upon, I guess). Who knew Silicon Valley was so prudish??

I have been feeling the need to go back to blogging but I wanted more control over my content. When a friend told me about Substack, I realized that's where I should be.

So, starting August 29th I'm going to be blogging over on Substack. This blog will still exist, of course. All of the archives will be here and you can always come back and read your favorites (I'm looking at you, Elf on the Shelf), but anything new will now be on Substack.

But the only way to get my new blog posts is to subscribe to my Substack.

My free content over there will be like the old days over here: observations on stupid shit, rants, funny stories, and general nonsense. There will also be more ways to interact with one another and create a community over there. 

There will be a paid option as well and it will be $5 a month. You'll get more and different content for that investment, including access to the creation of a new PEOPLE I WANT TO PUNCH IN THE THROAT book. 

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