If We Treated Teachers Like Professional Athletes

Believe it or not, I really like teachers. Sure, I get a tad frustrated with the school supply shopping list. I've been at this for several years now and I still get confused by the plastic/poly folders with and without pockets and/or prongs. Argh! Honestly, my beef is with Wal-Mart, because they never stock enough YELLOW poly folders WITH pockets AND prongs!!

Sorry, I got off topic there. Back to teachers. I think that they have one of the hardest and thankless jobs (right after motherhood!). Teachers are right up there with saints. Think about it. I don't even want to spend eight hours a day with my kids, and yet this (crazy) person spends the day with not only my kid, but twenty more?? Not to mention the parents a teacher has to put up with. I've been That Parent and I'm fairly mellow. I can only imagine the conversations with the overachievers. And on top of that, he/she does this job for peanuts, personalized wooden apple signs, and sweaty sticky hugs? (Actually, peanuts are expensive, I should say teachers are paid in sunflower seeds, personalized wooden apple signs, and sweaty sticky hugs).

Teachers are some of the most influential people in our kids' lives, but you'd never know that from the way we reward them. Can you imagine if we paid teachers and treated them the same way we treat the athletes America worships?

Key & Peele took this idea and made a brilliant, funny video that is funny and sad all at the same time.

Pro tip: You'll need to watch it twice probably to get all the ticker information running along the bottom and sides and make sure you stick around for the BMW "commercial" at the end

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