Yeah, that happened this week.
Let me bring you up to speed: A 49-year-old teacher, Stacey Dean Rambold, had a sexual relationship with his 14-year-old student. According to him it was "consensual." Whatever. She was fourteen! He was forty-nine! In my book, that situation can never be "consensual." That's rape. That's manipulation. That's disgusting.
Obviously this young girl was troubled and needed professional help. Obviously her behavior was a cry for attention and an effort to get someone to notice her and help her. Instead, she found a predator who took advantage of her and used her.
Stacey Dean Rambold is the worst kind of human being. He's a teacher who is supposed to HELP kids like this girl, not rape them!! He can cry "consensual" all he wants, but I don't care if she stood naked in front of him, he should have kept it in his damn pants and called her parents! There is no way a 14-year-old girl in her right mind would choose to have sex with a skeezy 49-year-old. This guy is a pervert and a child molester.
The school found out that they were having sex and Mr. Rambold resigned. I find this part interesting too. He "resigned." Really? The school couldn't fire his ass before he had the chance to resign??
If it wasn't already bad enough, after charges were filed against the guy his victim killed herself. Yes, this young girl committed suicide just before she turned seventeen. Can you tell me this wasn't related to her treatment by Mr. Rambold?
Then, just when you think things couldn't possibly worse, Judge G. Todd Baugh reduced Mr. Rambold's sentence to 30 days. THIRTY DAYS!!!
The defense had asked for 20 years and the judge sentenced Rambold to 15 years in prison, but then decided 30 days was plenty. He really thought 31 was good, but gave him credit for the one day he'd already spent in jail. That is absolute insanity!!
The judge felt that the girl was "chronologically older than her years." Whatever the fuck that means.
He also said that although this was "rape" it wasn't the "violent, horrible rape" you typically think of.
Are you kidding me? The girl killed herself because the experience was so violent and horrible. She might not have had physical marks, but that doesn't make her less of a victim.
I watched a video clip of Dr. Drew Pinsky commenting on this story.
Dr. Drew Pinsky said, “There’s a reason we have laws in place protecting young people. Their brain development isn’t such that they can render consent for something like sex. And for a judge to say that a 14-year-old to consent to this … It is outlandish in a way that I cannot describe.”
“There’s no such thing as someone being older than her chronological age who can magically have a brain of a 21-year-old,” Pinsky continued. “She may have behaved in a way that was inappropriate, but guess what? That’s a sign of mental illness. Those are the people we need to protect the most.”
I watched the clip where he said this and I could see his rage and his anger boiling just under the surface. I could see him fighting to say everything he wanted to say, but couldn't because the FCC regulates news programs.
Well, Dr. Drew, allow me:
Stacey Dean Rambold is the worst kind of human being and an idiot of a judge gave him 30 days when really he should have gone medieval on his ass. The words castrated, drawn and quartered come to mind readily. This man is a predator who stalks children and preys on the weaknesses of others.
And what about the judge, G. Todd Baugh? Can you believe that?
What is wrong with this judge? How can he ever begin to think that sentence is fair? How can he possibly explain how this punishment even remotely fits the crime?
He can't. Nothing he could say would make me understand. This isn't the first time he's made an objectionable ruling. I don't know what he's thinking. His ruling is actually worse than the actions of Rambold.
Can you imagine being the mother of the dead girl? First you find out that a teacher has molested your daughter, then your daughter kills herself and so you think, Well, at least justice will be served. At least this guy will pay for his actions and then you hear the sentence?
That poor mother can't even get justice for her dead daughter. She's been denied any sense of peace she might find in knowing that her daughter's rapist will be locked up for 15 years. Instead, he received a slap on the hand (barely) and will be out in the world in a month.
That is so infuriating.
This judge (who has since apologized for his word choice, but not his sentence) is someone who makes me want to scream. This is just another example of old men thinking they understand women and rape. I do not need a bruise under my eye to show that I've been violated, you dumb son of a bitch. A 14-year-old girl who dresses and behaves in a mature manner is not in a consensual sexual relationship with her teacher, she's a victim and she needs help. This isn't a couple of high school kids getting it on under the bleachers during study hall. This is a TEACHER who gained this young girl's trust and then abused her at his leisure.
What is wrong with this judge? How can he ever begin to think that sentence is fair? How can he possibly explain how this punishment even remotely fits the crime?
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Apology NOT accepted |
He can't. Nothing he could say would make me understand. This isn't the first time he's made an objectionable ruling. I don't know what he's thinking. His ruling is actually worse than the actions of Rambold.
Can you imagine being the mother of the dead girl? First you find out that a teacher has molested your daughter, then your daughter kills herself and so you think, Well, at least justice will be served. At least this guy will pay for his actions and then you hear the sentence?
That poor mother can't even get justice for her dead daughter. She's been denied any sense of peace she might find in knowing that her daughter's rapist will be locked up for 15 years. Instead, he received a slap on the hand (barely) and will be out in the world in a month.
That is so infuriating.
This judge (who has since apologized for his word choice, but not his sentence) is someone who makes me want to scream. This is just another example of old men thinking they understand women and rape. I do not need a bruise under my eye to show that I've been violated, you dumb son of a bitch. A 14-year-old girl who dresses and behaves in a mature manner is not in a consensual sexual relationship with her teacher, she's a victim and she needs help. This isn't a couple of high school kids getting it on under the bleachers during study hall. This is a TEACHER who gained this young girl's trust and then abused her at his leisure.
Cases like these make me lose faith in our justice system. We're better than this.
If you're as mad as I am, you might like to sign this petition asking Judge G. Todd Baugh to resign.
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Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
Let's just hope someone finds him in prison and makes him their bitch.
I have no words...
I also heard the teacher had been accused of other relationships with students in previous years. He sounds like a sex offender. The judge also had the mom hauled away from the court room when she objected to the offender's sentence. I'm so tired of what certain people think they know what rape is. Legitimate and otherwise. Sick.
Frugalista Blog
Pathetic. Just pathetic. Because it doesn't matter if a young girl is saying yes, it's an adult man's job to say no. How can people not see this????? Makes me sick to my stomach.
I just signed the petition & forwarded it to about 30 people--& I agree with Confessions of a PTO Mom !!
WOW just horrible. I have a similar situation in my personal life, however it occurred in Texas and the man served the full 20 year sentence with no probation or time off. I felt the sentence to be harsh at the time (I was 14 and felt it was nearly consensual myself) He was 49 and used my naivety and desire to please him, it was NOT consensual it was coerced. This sentence is a joke. It is terrible for her family and sends a terrible message to other would be predators.
This makes me nauseous. What a horrific story.
You said it all with "Motherfuckersonofabitchareyoufuckingkiddingme??!!" I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
He doesn't see it as a crime because he is likely the same kind of criminal. Piece of shit. Petition signed
Sick. Just Sick. No 14 year old can consent to sex. That is why there are laws. I would think that there would be laws about minimum sentencing so that a judge would not be able to do this. Maybe this is another thing we women should start advocating for. I signed the petition.
I signed the petition, and now I need a shower.
Wow. Just wow. I am appalled that any judge will rule in favor of a child molester... because "the girl seemed older" than her 14 years old. 14! What. THE.HELL. I DO want to punch him... but not in the throat. OH NO.
Agree with AJ, he deserves a punch ...
Signed the petition
he resigned because the union made sure he could and he will get his pension benefits and can move and apply to teach again because he was never fired. add that to reasons to get this guy into jail.
And when someone rapes his wife, daughter , grand daughter, this same sentence will be ok in his eyes.. lets just see..
( I hope that none of the women in his family every have that happen.. but we know if it did, he would be ok with a sentencing like he handed out)
I feel sick, and sad and unbelievably mad. I will sign and share with as many people as I can.
excellent post. the perp and this judge should be forced to walk on Legos for the rest of their natural lives.
Cases like this and the one out of Nevada are why rape and assault victims are too scared to come forward and make these ballsuckinjackwagons pay for their crimes. Because even when they do, you have scumbagturdherdingjudiciaryjerks slaping them in the face with insults disguised as sentences or just plain ignoring pleas for help. Ugh! They make me loose my SundaySchool lessons
She was 14 for crying out loud! It is impossible to believe that the Judge cannot see that the onus for this heinousness lies completely on the teacher. It almost feels like the Judge empathizes with Stacey Dean Rambold and that is absolute bullshit. It is truly sad to see that a life of a 14 year old, her dreams and her family is worth just 30 days in prison. Makes you lose faith.
Absolute complete bullshit. Couldn't believe his sentence was so light.
Petition signed. Thank you for including that link.
This is seriously disgusting. A total failure of the justice system...
Well said!
Yes, I'm sure the union set it all up. They probably paid for his rapist training too. I'm so glad you see this situation for what it is. As a teacher, mother,union member, and human being, this doesn't disgust me at all because I am so thankful that this rapist can collect his pension and hopefully go out and prey on another young woman. Thank goodness, because that's exactly what we union people are all about. God bless you, Mom Keck, keep spreading the message. And while you're at it, warn your kids not to eat any Halloween candy from strangers, because they might find a razor blade inside. /endsarcasm/
I just signed it and tweeted it to my handful of followers. I am almost finished with a Criminal Justice degree and this makes me throw up in my mouth a little. There aren't words to express how revolting this is.
Thanks for the link.
Despicable. Normally I am opposed to this, but this is one of those instances where if the perpetrator & judge's home addresses & phone numbers happened to leak to the internet, to let things take their course & let these two get harassed & bullied. Seems the only way justice will truly be served.
How long do you think it will be before we find the child pornography on the judge's computer? This stinks of a man who is identifying with the defendant. I hope this case can be appealed, because this is just disgusting. I want the judge's home to be searched, because I can not fathom a decent man finding 30 days to be enough. I hope the disgusting teacher gets his own at the very least while in prison.
I wish I could sign the petition, but it's only open to Americans. :(
Can't imagine the Mom. I read that she left the courtroom with a shout of "You people suck!" That doesn't even cover it. Yes, it certainly sounds like this scumbag is a repeat offender. One can only hope his abbreviated sentence leaves a lasting impression on his asshole, perhaps one that would incite him to reach the same horrible conclusion as his victim.
Saw this news on Huffington Post the other day and it enraged me as well. I commented there " what about the teachers who are impregnated by minors?" Should they not be sentenced because a a minor was old enough to become aroused and impregnate her?! Let's review:
a CHILD = <18<= ADULT. It's the law for a reason.
No one's talking about the fact that this underage girl and this man had a THREE YEAR almost FOUR YEAR long relationship! That is not rape, that is not a brutal relationship that she couldn't handle. You don't just fight off a bad relationship for nearly 4 years then kill yourself. The girl had started to do drugs, and the fact that she killed herself may very well have to do with her lover being found out and fired, and the relationship had ended. Why does nobody look at it with all the facts? My great-grandmothers on both sides got MARRIED at 14 - don't tell me that they don't have a 'mature enough brain' to say yes or no. A friend of my mother's got married at 15 and has had a loving relationship ever since. Is it just my part of the generation that got the defective brains that don't click to the 'fully on and capable' position until we are exactly 21 years of age? You CAN have the maturity at a younger age, and this psychological bullshit that says we're not really mature adults until 21 is just that - bullshit. Since when did nature naturally set our minds to mature at 21? If so, then wouldn't all of ancient humanity have fallen to this natural cycle? No? Why did it just happen to set to the modern American age of legal alcohol consumption? Huh, that's weird. Are you telling me that I CAN'T think logically and maturely until I reach 21, regardless of life circumstances, natural aptitude, and desire to understand greater topics? 21 years of life before I'm allowed to do anything beside sit in a sanitized classroom with pigtails and mary janes and never find out what the real world's about until I'm shoved out the door at the end and told to buck up and make it? I'm not saying we should all run around loose and wild the moment we hit puberty, but that's nonsense right there. The only reason we're declaring this rape is because she was below the AGE OF CONSENT (hey that's funny, that's not at 21 either) when the relationship began (even though she was about to turn 17 when she died). If this had begun two years later, it would have been inappropriate but not rape, all because of fiddly law. You don't seem to understand women and rape, Miss Blogwriter (since I can't remember your name and don't particularly care at this point), and the judges did. I hate that there is a petition to get him to resign, and I hope he doesn't. Not for this case. I usually enjoy your posts, and laugh, and totally agree with everything you've written but this is completely and ridiculously off the wall and not correct in the slightest.
It's not just in the US either:
This judge called the THIRTEEN year old victim a "sexual predator"!
This is so fucked up I don't even know what to say. A TEACHER should not be fucking a student. EVER. I don't care what biology suggests would be appropriate, a 49-year-old TEACHER who has a position of authority over a 14-year-old child has no business having sex with her, ever. A 29-year-old teacher has no business having sex with a student. This teacher was in a position of authority over the student. Even if she initiated contact, he should have said no, told her counselor (and parents if he didn't think they were a danger to her), and gotten her help.
I don't care if she was 16 or 18 or whatever the age of consent is; if a teacher in a position of authority, especially if he had control of her grades, etc., initiates a "relationship" with his student, he is a criminal and a sex offender. He is using his power to get sex.
I think Wanderer is right about the girl and the age. What if this girl were 16? No rape, then?
And this is why I agree with Hey Mon! too: a teacher should NEVER have a relationship with a student. If the student is underage, that is way worse! This man should have helped her, should have called social services or whatever if she was doing drugs. That is his crime. She took advantage of her, but I would not use the word "rape" since that, unfortunately, in the mind of most people means brutality, violence, etc... I also think that 20 years for such crime is too much. 20 years for a forcible rape makes more sense. Unfortunately I live in a country where they give FIVE years for forcible rape, so we are way beyond justice.
Also, if the girl was troubled and was doing drugs, where is the parents' responsibility in all that? Where were they while she was doing drugs and having a long term relationship with a man who could be her grandfather? The mother is responsible too. All the adults in her life failed to educate and help her, IMO.
p.s. I remember the relationship between the singer-model Mandy Smith and Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones. He was 48, she was 13.
Why hasn't he been accused of rape, then?
Wanderer, your post makes me very sad. Most of us look back on our teen years and realize how dumb and reckless we were. I am not so sure about you. A 14 year old does not have the ability to think through all of the emotional, social, and physical consequences having sex. A 49 year old man knows this and knows that he/she is taking advantage. What if my 7 year old niece decided she was mature enough for sex? What if a 49 year you teacher decided that this was a great idea? We as a society have to set laws and standards because of this teacher and apparently you.
And I would say that that always and forever will depend on the individual. Saying that no way, ever, impossible, never could, never has, never shall happen on Earth will a 14 year old be capable of thinking through consequences of big decisions is what makes me shake my head at this. If it was impossible to even try to grasp what consequences might come from having sex at this age (and you will notice that nobody has a problem with two teenagers this age doing this, even this post says it's totally acceptable if two teenagers do it together - obviously they grasped it), then they shouldn't be exposed to ANY big decisions. They shouldn't be allowed to even look at religion, politics, life choices including food and clothing, and even some school subjects, because they aren't fully capable of grasping the consequences of 'the big stuff' yet. In America, sex is shoved the in faces of every student, from kindergarten now all the way on up; discussing transgender lifestyles, exploring 'straightness' versus 'gayness' with elementary kids, getting right on into the sex ED when they all hit puberty and going over it all again in high school, and all the while society is bolstering that exposure. I'm pretty sure they have a good idea what can come from having sex with others, regardless of their age. Another friend of my mother's got married at 12 because she felt she was ready to be married, and she married someone over the age of twenty. Her parents thought her to be mature enough to handle marriage. Granted, he didn't have sex with her until she was much older, but if you can handle those massive theories such as marriage, then I'm pretty sure you can handle the consequences of physical relationships at a much younger age than we like to tell ourselves. We have no idea if they sat down and talked very seriously about having relations, what kind of relationship they had behind closed doors, and until we gain the ability to read minds or go to the past and find out for ourselves, we're never going to. I'm saying with the evidence presented that it wasn't a bad relationship that was loose and wild and reckless and advantages pressed and taken.
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