If you've been following my Facebook page, then you'll know that I'm in the midst of snOMG II. snOMG I hit us last week just after the kids had a five freaking day weekend. Now snOMG II hit us last night. Although the kids managed to make it to school yesterday, today we are home and who knows what tomorrow will bring? At this rate, we'll be heading back to school in time to get a week off for Spring Break!
Don't worry about us, though. We're hunkered down in our warm house (and we still have power, unlike a lot of people) and I sent the Hubs out yesterday for milk, because we all know you cannot survive a snowstorm without milk. It's simply unheard of.
Now, I'm not going to lie, I prayed for snow. HARD. We haven't had snow in many years and I'm always so jealous of my friend's snow day pics on Facebook. So this year I kept hoping and praying and God finally heard me and then he laughed at me. We have more snow than I've seen in a long time. As Gomer said, "This is the most snow I've ever seen in my whole life!" It made me happy and sad all at the same time, because goodness, the boy doesn't get out much if this is the most snow he's ever seen. We need to get that boy to a ski slope or something. Maybe for Spring Break . . . no, I want to go somewhere warm for Spring Break now!
My kids were so excited to see snow they wanted to go out while the blizzard raged. At first I said no, but then more I thought of it, I decided why not? The snow was going to be a foot deep when it was over and they'd never be able to wade through that, they might as well go out now while there was only six inches on the ground.
I went through the closet and dug out two of everything:
Snow bib overalls
Back up scarf, hat and mittens for when the originals get too cold and wet
It took me half an hour to wrangle everyone into their snow ensemble (and then wrangle Adolpha out so she could pee and then back in when she was done) and they headed out.
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I complain, but wow it's beautiful! |
She managed to get herself to the front door where she could ring the doorbell and tell me she needed a cup of hot cocoa and a hot bath to recover from her brush with death.
Once she was warmed up again, she was ready to head back out.
Are you kidding me with this? What do you snowy region people do? Do your kids just come and go all day leaving a trail of soggy mittens and pools of melting snow in their wake?
I'm ready to start praying for warmer weather now. Let me be specific though: sunny and highs of 82. Please and thank you.
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I prayed for snow too. It hasn't happened. I do live in Florida though that may have something to do with it!! Wanna trade? I have your sunny and 82 nearly every day!!
My mom told me that I could come in once I was wet, but once I came in, I was in for the day...and we had to come in the back door, no coming in the front door for us.
I live in Michigan and yes... that is how it goes. You come in long enough to warm up, lay your mittens in front of the heater so they can dry and when they are dry you head back out but you ALWAYS pee first, even if you don't feel like you have to go, you still go try.
Might help to show your kids Nanook of the North (for their directions), and tell them, "Don't come in until you've got us a seal for dinner! Also, make an igloo while you're at it!"
There is a solution . . but not a solve your problem type of solution. They eventually get big enough to put on their own damn stuff. I know, not helpful. :) Ellen
Yes, at that age they traipse in and out all day leaving a trail of wet, boots, hats, mittens, etc.
Also...I heard a rumor that Olathe will keep the kids home because they can't get the parking lots shoveled. I think they should post this on their website and moms will come out with shovels and make sure they can get back into school!
Yes, pretty much the kids come and go all day leaving a trail of soggy outerwear and melting snow in their wake. It's annoying but it's still better to have them outside than inside....
drip pans and a mud room-what every good snow area home has. and a rule that when you come in you help with housework.
We don't. my kids hate the snow as much as I do. The novelty wears off after 10 minutes and we're good for the rest of the winter. Which, in northern Wisconsin, lasts like 6 months. It's obscene.
Send snow please to this hot flashing Menopausal Mama. I DO live in sunny South Florida where the temp is 82 degrees. But I sure as hell could use a couple buckets of that snow during night sweats.
I like their voting procedure. Circle of Moms was pretty shady.
Yes, I step in snow puddles all day long. We have a wooden laundry rack in the kitchen and it gets loaded up with all the gear. My neighbor will take the kids coats, snow pants, etc. and put them in the dryer for them. I did that once (thinking I was being the nice mom) but the little friend had all his Pokemon cards in his pocket and they were ruined.
No major trails here - I let my girl come in to swap out hats & mittens but unless her face is frozen solid, I send her right back out. There's ONE SPOT to dress and undress. You go out for a few hours, come in for lunch, go out for a few more and that's it for the day.
that's why large mud rooms and laundry rooms are so coveted here in MI. You need tons of room for all of that stuff. Lay the mittens and hats over heat registers and they get warm dry and toasty in no time. Yes just keep throwing them back out. They'll only remember the positive part when they grow up, not that it took 20 minutes to get in and out of their stuff.
As someone that has lived in Minnesota all her life, I learned how to get my own snow clothes on and off. Taught my kids young too. If they want to go out, there's your stuff. Put it on~
Shawnee Mission schools already called off for tomorrow. And I have several friends (and my MIL) that don't have power.
I live in Colorado, home of small dustings and people panicking because there's some ice. We got snOMG that you're getting, and apparently it's decided to come back to us today. We had a snow day Thursday and one yesterday, and I'm betting we'll have at least a delay tomorrow.
In the school district I grew up in, they didn't close unless it was a snowpocalypse. I now teach in a school district that has ten (TEN!) snow days built into the school calendar. I'm still giddy every time we get a snow day.
And at our school, if the students choose to play in the snow we don't let them whine about being wet and cold. Not that this helps you at all, but I always got bored in the snow and I don't have kids so I'm of no help other than this :/
I'm in IL, with this possibly be the second snow storm we've had this season. I'm just waiting for it to calm down a bit to take the babers out. He's never really played in snow so it's always exciting....for him. Minus the milk, i'll say it again...hope you didn't forget "adult beverages."
Here in Michigan I have a system...all wet shit gets taken off at the door and hung on a wooden drying rack. I lay a couple beach towels out on the kitchen floor and they are only allowed to come in and out THAT door. Its an in and out thing for us too, spare mittens and hats are a must. I never understood the milk thing. I can live through a snow storm without milk. Now toilet paper on the other hand is a must, but you never hear anyone say "There's a snow storm coming, I need to stock up on ass wipe" Go figure.
My son dripped water in all day. Walking through the living room I slipped on some water and grabbed the stair spindles. It came off in my hand. My son said look our first casualty. Looking at the sharp broken piece of wood in my hand we almost had another casualty. He doesn't have school tomorrow either.
Um about 6 years back, I the 29 year old ventured out with my snowboard during a rather epic snowstorm to find some hills. While out, I said fuck this and headed over to my friend's house a block away. We merrily drank for the next 90 minutes until I felt the courage to brave the weather home. I get home to an absolute spotless house and a husband who is screaming thanks that I'm alive. I shit you not, screaming to the fucking heavens!
Turns out he though I had fallen in a snow bank, suffocated and died. BUT, he thought it would be best before he called 911 to have a clean house!!!!! He thought if the house was as messy as when I left it would "be suspect" . I then was the one to get yelled at for not calling to let him know where I was!
Where the hell else would I have went? They were the only friends within a 20 mile radius. Idiot.
I live in Texas. We had a blizzard and snowpocalypse hit here Sunday Night and Monday. Schools were cancelled Monday and Tuesday and I was cooped up in a 900 sq ft house with two boys...... Stay at home mom is NOT one of my desirable future careers. Anyhow, I sent my children outside (envision Randy from The Christmas Story) They had to stay outside until they absolutely couldn't stand it anymore. Then they could come in. I also had three dogs so although my children didn't create puddles, the damn dogs sure did. I am glad that the forecast says 60 degrees for Saturday!
Don't forget diapers... Don't want to run out of those, either!
I gotta admit...I was serfing the blogs and passing time when I ran across the title of your blog. The title intrigued me as did the contents. Very nice and a change from the norm.
Tell you what...I'll follow you and you follow me back. Now thats a plan. Oh...and good luck on the "bloggie" thingie.
I have done more snow laundry than I thought possible. Our laundry is in our dungeon basement so I feel like a laundry troll!
Trust me, it doesn't help. I was just out in the snow (ok, I was shoveling) and I was flashing and sweating like a pig. So all things considered, I'll take your 82 degrees and sunshine over this! :)
I also want to know where all the mittens disappear to? We've gone through at least 10 pair this winter.
I can sympathize, but I also live in California....I'm not sure if you wanted to know that or not! :P
Send the snow our way...better than this rain!
Yes, I am afraid that I willed this incredible snow fall. We made plans to go to Breckenridge for Spring Break. For what else - to play in the snow. Because we NEVER get much snow in KC and didn't have any last Winter. Well, the last time we decided to do the same was about 3-4 years ago when we had 2 feet of snow over the holidays and it stayed until March. Just think, in a few months you will be complaining about how f**in' hot it is around here...
Back in the day the 1970s we'd put our wet mittens, hats and scarfs in the oven to dry. We of course had a lot of each so we didn't get too cold and wet. I think it was ploy from my mom to keep us out of her hair.
Maybe you'll find them when the snow melts?
I have moved to Finland since September, snowmageddon plus temps (in metric degrees, natch) of minus 15 average, dipping to minus 25 or so next month, eat that New Hampshire!
Same here!
We're expecting over 50cms of snow in some parts of Nova Scotia :(
We got snOMG over here in NY, around 10 inches.
I don't need to pray for snow -- this is Canada, it will come. and keep coming until almost April. Only really severely cold days seems to bother the kids --- like today was minus 27 Celsius BEFORE any windchill is factored in, which then drops it to minus 40. they only lasted 15 minutes today.
Normally they will stay out until their faces are red, fingers are numb and snot is frozen to their face.
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