Getting to Know You is Like Looking in a Mirror

Do you follow me on Facebook or Twitter? Well, if you do then you'll know that my friend, Tara, over at You Know it Happens at Your House Too asked her readers a question. It made me think I should ask my readers a question too. I couldn't think of one that was better than YKIHAYHT's so I just stole hers instead.

The question was I want to know something strange about you. Something that bothers you, a strange talent, whatever. I'll go first.

I said I wasn't crazy about feet. Bare feet freak me out and gross me out. I think they're stinky (even if they're fresh from a shower) and gross. I especially don't like people with finger-like toes. I refer to those as "monkey toes". Both the Hubs and Adolpha have monkey toes. I have nubby toes. My littlest toe doesn't even bend it's so bitty - it's really just a nub. I don't know what purpose it could possibly serve, other than to give the Hubs one more body part of mine to make fun of, but at least it isn't a monkey toe.

I put it out there and quickly found out that I am not alone in my foot aversion. So many people chimed in about their hatred of feet as well. One reader even mentioned attending a party where a man put his bare feet on a sofa table next to the party dip. I practically yakked on that one. 

After reading the 900 or so comments I started noticing that we are all very similar (and we're a bunch of freaks - but in a good way). So many of the same topics came up time and time again.


SOUNDS - Did you know there is a condition called Misophonia? It's the hatred of sound. Many, many of you have this condition (actual diagnosis and self-diagnosed) and so noises were high on the list. 

Slurping/loud chewing - I hadn't really thought of that one until I read it while the Hubs sat next to me eating a bowl of noodle soup. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Slurping is revolting. There isn't anything quite as disgusting as listening to someone opening his gaping maw as wide as he can so steaming hot soup can gurgle down his throat. He doesn't chew, because I think he just swallows everything whole. I readily admit that I chew gum like a cow. I also crack and pop it, which was another thing that many people complained about. Whoops.
Silverware on teeth - You know, those people who bite down on the tines of their forks. I got the chills writing that one.
Mouth breathing and/or wet talkers - It's more than just the sound of someone wheezing it's also the sight of that white, foamy spittle collecting in the corners of someone's mouth and the spray they emit every time they speak.
Dogs licking their junk - Yet another reason I don't ever want a dog.
Flip flops - Thwack, thwack, thwack.


Cotton - Many complained they need to moisturize their hands before they fold towels and t-shirts. Also, there were quite a few mentions of actual cotton balls and Q-tips. 
Wooden sticks or spoons in the mouth - I had never realized wood was such a common thing to loathe. I actually like to lick my wooden stick clean when I have a fudgesicle. Yum. Now I want a fudgesicle.
Biting tin foil - This came up a lot. I just want to know who does this and why?


Teeth - Holy cow there are a lot of you who hate teeth! You can't watch someone brush their teeth, you can't stand the taste of toothpaste, you're freaked out by loose teeth and lots of people worry that someone else is using your toothbrush. I don't like to see my kid's loose tooth hanging by one sinewy thread and I would never pull it out for her. 
Ear wax and ear hair - They sell ear hair trimmers. If you're a man over the age of 40 you should look into buying one of these. You're welcome, world.
Belly buttons - Do not touch the belly button!
Long fingernails on either sex
Vomit - Not really a body part, but it comes out of a body part. Lots of people are more than a little grossed out by someone else's vomit. Someone is probably puking right now just from reading this.

ANIMALS THAT PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF - No doubt some of these are freaky like scorpions, but kittens and bunnies?  

Butterflies - Apparently these frightening beauties made the list because of their "hairy" bodies.
Praying mantises
Birds – Many kinds, but hawks came up the most.
Swarms of anything


Clowns - Many blamed the movie "Poltergeist" for ruining this one for them. 
Balloons - Who knew balloons were so terrifying? Right up there with bunnies, I guess.
Walking over grates or manhole covers - This is one I can relate to. I never cared until I spent some time in China and my tour guide casually mentioned to our group that we should avoid grates and manhole covers because many of them are not properly installed and people fall through them all the time. Now I avoid them at all costs, no matter what country I am in.


Several people count everything around them. Besides the counters, there those who must have even numbers in all things. Their thermostat is set at an even number and the volume on their TV is an even number and so on. I found it really interesting that NONE of the number lovers like odd numbers.

STRANGE TALENTS - Many responses were focused on the "something that bothers you" part of the question, but a few shared their "strange talents."

I saw at least two women share that they've never been able to grow any armpit hair. I would like that strange talent. Someone else has two uvulas (the first time I read the comment,  I thought it said two vulvas). Several people can wiggle their ear, nose and/or eyes. Many have talented tongues. They can tie cherry stems in knots and one woman eats her raisins by separating the skins and keeping them stored in her cheek for later until she's finished eating all of the innards of her raisins first.

Did you miss the fun the first time? No worries, just leave a comment and answer the question now. We could all use a good laugh so we thank you in advance.

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Rebecccccca said...

Strange talent...I can voluntarily dislocate most major joints in my body. Yea that's a great party trick. *Twists arms all the way around* I even had a doctor suggest I join the circus once.

Natalie said...

I hate dragonflies. They can fly forward and backward. That is just too freaky for me. Plus, they have those big gross looking eyes. Yuck!

So did I tell you about... said...

Skeeveworthy: People who brush, or run fingers through, or otherwise play with, their hair in public. People who put on other people's hats. Hair is gross. Hair can harbor dandruff...dead skin...and the worst L word ever...Lice. I contend that anyone reading this will immediately feel their scalp start to itch and imagine tiny little lice crawling around. Eewww.

Unknown said...

I like odd numbers....

I actually like to arrange things in 3s or 5s. Chotchkies and such. Like, if I am putting out decorations, I need to hang 3 snowflakes or put out 5 Santas, all in a zigzag pattern. It just makes me feel like all is right with the world....

skl said...

I am a counter, steps, claps, anything in repetition. but my most favorite number is 7.

SnarkyGirl, I play with my hair all the time. most times I don't even notice what I am doing until later! But I stress the importance of NOT sharing hats, brushes, or trying on hats in stores. Nope! Not doing that one!

I can NOT stand the microfiber towels and other such cloths. they are gross and stick to my hands. I do not handle them when they are in the wash, unless they are wet, like clean, coming out of the washer type wet.

Anxietyriddenmomma said...

cottage cheese...I cannot stand it and it makes me sick to watch other people eat it, yuck!

Sonia said...

Moths. All moths are Mothra if you ask me. And their creepy faces are the worst. I seriously can't handle moths. I run like a damn fool. I'm just sure they will get in my hair. Shivers down my spine. NO!

zeebling said...

I hate rivers, lakes, the ocean, standing water of any kind, puddles, etc. I LOVE pools. But I think that's because of the chlorine. When I was sixteen, I got stung by a jellyfish. But even before that I was apprehensive about all the creatures that live in the water. Boats are ok, as long as I don't have to get in the water to get in them. But canoes and kayaks are totally out. Might tip over.

I also hate grasshoppers. Do they jump, do they fly? I don't like not knowing what direction they might be headed. Little fuckers make a nasty squish when you stomp on them.

Maria said...

I'll add my self to the list who gives some numbers preferential treatment - but I don't go by the evens/odds rule. I give preference to anything ending in 0, 2, 5 or 8.

Bluaqua said...

I automatically loathe people who misspell my name when it is right smack in front of their face, like a text or email. It makes me mad mad mad! I mean c'mon, have some courtesy and respect.

I'm a mother of 2? said...

Ya know that old trick people play on people: "No one can lick their own elbow." And the you watch as everyone tries to do it and fails? Well. I can lick my own elbow. But only the left one.

rsrusso said...

Strangest thing I've ever done was swallow 24 goldfish in college. Thought it was gross but they talked me into trying one. Then 5 seemed like a nice even number. Then my competitive side took over and I was trying to best a friend. Who turned out to be faking it. Sigh.

As far as teeth go, a Facebook friend just pointed out to the world that Tom Cruise has a midline tooth. Doesn't really draw my eye but apparently it's all she can see, now.

So did I tell you about... said...

Synnove, that is actually said to be more aesthetically pleasing...the odd number assortments. So carry on! :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley said...

Moths. I am irrationally petrified of moths. Even thinking about them makes me all panicky. Gross gross gross gross gross.

Unknown said...

I am also disgusted by teeth, toothpaste, people brushing their teeth around me, and most importantly gum! Gum freaks me out like no other!

I hate the words yummy and creamy. Also hate when people refer to their children as their "little ones."

I'm a mother of 2? said...

Oh and I also have to eat things in even numbers. Cheese-its, Goldfish, raisins, MMs...furthermore, with the MMs (or any other multi-colored food item) I organize them by color. So I eat two at a time, of the same color. But if I have to mix them, only certain colors can be combined (warm colors go together, and cool colors go together) and if the end of the bag comes and I have colors that can't be combined, or a single piece left, they get discarded.

Unknown said...

I hate toe hair and am terrified of scorpions. Hubby thinks it's hysterical

Anonymous said...

Centipedes. They have 98 more legs than anything has a right to have. I have a special sound I shriek when I see one and hubs comes to kill it. There is no quarter given to centipedes in this house. EVER.

And spit on the pavement. Not the person who does it, the actual glob. Oh god, I'm gagging and retching as I type.

LauraH said...

I have a real issue with how people pronounce Ambulance and Aliumium. I'm also not a huge fan of people who blow their noses at the table, really not a big fan of snot in any form.

Sarah said...

Maggots. I deal with a lot of sick/dead animals and some nasty stuff, but nothing is more disgusting than maggots, My skin crawls just thinking about them.

My hubs has a girly-scream-inducing fear of spiders and a repulsion to any kind of paper in the mouth. Not that many people would eat paper, but even the suggestion of wiping your tongue with a paper towel makes him squirm.

Kristy said...

I share a small office with two other women, one of whom loves to bring soup for lunch and slurp it, the other likes to have gum in her mouth all day happily popping away (but it's not the blow a bubble and pop kind, it's the inside of the mouth incessant pop). I am a self diagnosed sufferer of misophonia and those are two of the worst noises for me. I spend most of my time in my office with headphones jammed in my ears listening to music, otherwise I literally feel a violent rage coursing through me! My children have become acutely aware of the look they receive when they are doing something that triggers it and promptly stop. I'm hoping my stepkids (open mouth chewers) pick up on it too sometime in the near future!

ohiogirl1975 said...

When I eat candies that are different colors (Skittles, M&Ms, etc) I group them so that I have groups that include one of each color. I eat the left-overs first, then eat my little color coordinated groups. Also, when I eat Lucky Charms, I eat all of the cereal first and then eat the marshmallows. I don't know why - I just always have!

DWC said...

I'm terrified of lizards. I'd rather encounter a snake than a lizard. I live in Florida and we have an abundance of lizards at our house. I need to get a cat to keep them under control.

Unknown said...

Oh GAWD that word (shudder) moist. I always hear it in my ex-boyfriend's spitty-voice, which is gross, and well, gross.

Toilets that men & boys use freak the shit out of me. You will never catch me using my boys' bathroom for any reason - my ass will NEVAH EVAH touch that seat. Not even to hover. It's just, ugh, I'm shuddering just thinking about it!

KelleyB said...

Petting Zoo! Yuck -- be careful where you step! You're really gonna feed those gross pellets directly into an animal's mouth? And what's up with that long ribbon of booger hanging out of the moose's snout? Completely disgusting concept!

Gentry said...

Styrofoam- ICK!

If I get carry out food, I have to take the boxes out of the bag and set them on separate seats- lids open- so there is no squeaking. I have the heebie-jeebies just thinking about the squeaking.

Veronica said...

7 is my favorite number too! I also like multiples of 7. And my birthday is 7/14/84...all three are multiples of 7! (as long as you figure the year as 84 and not 1984, that blows a hole in the thing and I don't care to think of it!)

DWC said...

That "look" is called the stink eye. Cultivate it...cherish it. Learn to do it correctly and you can rule the world.

Veronica said...

I cannot stand watching people eat cereal with milk. It makes me gag just thinking about it! The cereal has to be soggy by the end. And when the person eating the cereal and drinks the rest of the milk from the bowl? Ugh, ew ew ew !! Gross!! Now, I can eat dry cereal with no qualms and do, and I can drink milk. I just can't stand the combination!

Rachael said...

What bugs me is when people refer to their spouses as "the hubs" or the children as "the boy" "the girl". I prefer made up names to the generic. I mean what do you use if you have 3? If you have "the boy and the girl, would he/she be "the mid?"

Amy said...

Hair where it doesn't belong. Hair on the head, and parts of the body where it normally grows (legs, arms, men's faces, crotch).

But I get really squicked out by hair in the sink even though I know it is head hair, probably even my head hair. Worse is the shower because the thought of loose pubes touching me grosses me out. At home, I will do a quick scan/sweep up any hair I see.

In hotels or other people's houses...depends. I wear glasses with a strong prescription, so I can avoid looking in the shower with my glasses on, and pretend the shower/tub is sparkling clean since I can't see anything anyway.

Also, I never use bar soap because of this. Always shower gel in a squeeze bottle. My husband uses bar soap...I just avoid looking at it or touching it.

Amy said...

I see an error. In that first paragraph, I was going to say that hair on the head, etc etc is ok with me. Because that's where it belongs. I left that part out. sorry

Sarah said...

Ok I have the wooden spoon/stick thing! The idea of my teeth or my any part of my mouth touching a wooden spoon or a popsicle gives me the heebie jeebies so bad I get goosebumps and chills.
My mom has a thing about when she's in a restaurant she can't have her back to the door, she has to be able to see whose coming in.

Cat said...

Me too! I can't drink out of styrofoam cups either, because I can feel/hear the ice cubes squeaking against the sides of the cup. Ugh. And styrofoam coolers are the worst thing in the world.

Nicole said...

I'm a band person, I love playing my instrument, however, I am not going to play somebody else's. Not going to happen, and it gives me the shivers when I see people do it, doesn't matter what instrument, it's ALWAYS gross!
I like to arrange things in uneven numbers.
Last, but not least, Lakes. I hate them, you never know what's in them. Fish are in them, and the do their business in them, then die, other people do their business in the lake, and it's just all gross. The icing on the cake for me was this summer though. My kid was swimming with a friend and both of our families were there. There was 16 of us all together I think (and none of us are ever going back). We heard sirens, but didn't see anything, so we didn't really think anything of it. Later that night as we were watching the news, turns out they were fishing a couple of dead bodies out of the lake. Thanks, but no. I will NEVER get in another lake again!

bassenav said...

I don't have any odd talents, but I can sing teh theme song of Gilligan's island to the tune if Amazing Grace, and vice versa.
The one thing that gets me the most is cotton in the mouth. My husband likes to chew on paper napkins just to gross me out. Jut thinking about makes my stomach do flip flops and gives me goose pimples. Ick!
And I HATE to floss my teeth. I know it's gross not to and what can happen. But touching that wet floss..... yuck! I buy my kids those floss pickers and make them do it themselves!

Jenny said...

I love that your readers and friends are like a checklist of sensory integrated disorders and quirky, mild autism/spectrum people. Just more fodder to say Nobody is weird if we're all a little weird. Me personally, I don't go to the movies because of the sound/visual overload. And no lemonade in a can, ever. Cannot take it.

Unknown said...

I have a major problem with people chewing with their mouth open. Don't they realize how ridiculous they look?

Jenn @ Something Clever 2.0 said...

Hey, nice makeover! I hate the sound of people chewing, and those Kit Kat commercials where they try to make people chomping sound like "music" makes me want to ralph. I also can't be in the room when someone opens champagne or those cans of biscuits. I have to leave, close my eyes, cover my ears and hum. The anticipation of waiting for the pop makes me sick to my stomach.

Unknown said...

I think I'm offically odd. 98% of these things annoy the shit out of me!! Most of all though is any type of noise I find annoying and loud breathers.

Lisa said...

Great another ailment to add to my collective weirdness. Sounds of open mouth eaters, slurpers and good god, gum snappers, send me over the edge of sanity. You would THINK this would stop my kids from eating like pigs, but it doesn't. They are 3 of them, I think they are purposely trying to send me to the psych ward.

Unknown said...

I forgot to mention on her original post that I hate touching cardboard. I also hate touching things that stick to my hands if I have dry skin, like microfiber towels.
I too like odd numbers as one person mentioned above, I guess I like things in multiples of five. I'm a left handed accountant, which is odd in a way itself. Most "numbers people" are right handed/left-brained.
I loved reading all of this and the comments, keep them coming!

Unknown said...

The first time I heard my mom say "Fuck you" to my dad was because he accidentally touched her leg with his toenail in bed the night before. I'm not big on feet, but I'm not that bad.


Unknown said...

My strange talent is, I can say my alphabet backwards very very fast.
My great grandmother taught all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. What makes me unique from my cousins is, I can also do it in sign language.

Anonymous said...

Can I have your leftover M&M's?

K said...

I have to check inside the toilet before I sit down, especially if I get up in the middle of the night. I will turn on the lights to check. What am I looking for? Snakes. I'm not sure when, why or how because it's never happened to me before, but I'm sure the one time I don't check there will be one hanging out in the bowl waiting for me!

My Daily Jenn-ism said...

Stairs without backs.... Like basement steps that people can grab your feet through as you're walking (running) up. Totally freaks me right out. Almost won't use them for the fear of the "just in case" & if it's dark pffft - not happening.

Anonymous said...

I actually prefer the number 3. 3 glasses in a row, 3 rows of glasses in the cabinet. Pairs of socks stacked 3 high in rows of 3, with 3 rows. Drives my husband bonkers because he prefers even numbers.

Anonymous said...

I turn the light on too. Not looking for snakes just can't stand the thought that something is in there that I don't know about

Anonymous said...

My oldest does that. Not only do they look disgusting, but the sound is grating!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I was told that I was weird for separating out my jelly beans just last week!!!!

Chelsea said...

I agree that I absolutely HATE the word panty, but there is another word I hate even more that's not on your list. It's sort of dirty so I won't write it, but like panty is starts with a p, it's a name for what goes in your panties, and it's also a synonym for cat. UGH I hate that word.

Unknown said...

No joke, I was saying "That's me!" to half of these (if not more). I think that qualifies as neurotic... lol.

Unknown said...

Oh man, I do hate that word "moist." Even blogged about that. One thing that irritates me really bad is the sound of a coin being scraped aross a surface. It makes my spine feel like it's going to collapse.

Anonymous said...

Damn, the woman peeling raisins with her tongue was the grossed thing in the article - including puke.

Anonymous said...

I have a serious fear of blood.

Laura E said...

I'm not freaked out by feet...but I freak out if anything is between my toes. I was 20 years old before I could wear flip flops. Even those things that separate your toes for a pedicure freak me out. Ughhhhhhh.

Evie's Mommy said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this!

Evie's Mommy said...

The noise thing is a BIG one for me.... incessant sniffing, gum popping/chewing, mouth breathers, making too many noises when you eat, etc--it all sends me into a rage. I have a completely irrational fear of spiders and clowns. I can't touch cotton balls (I can't even watch someone pull one out of a medicine bottle bc of the noise it makes). And I don't even like to think about someone chewing on a popsicle stick much less watch someone do it. It makes me heave just thinking about it!

MILF Runner said...

Weird "talent" – hmmm. If licking your elbow counts, then does being able to suckle yourself? But only on the left side. I only know this because I was trying to discover a weird talent. I'll bet a lot of people could do it – if they tried ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am terrified of ticks. I had a panic attack when I had a tick embedded in my skin in Mexico. Ticks are evil

Vickie's blog said...

My strange talent folding my toes inward. It makes my sister want to throw up. I hate the words crusty and moist. I don't like worms and the smell of fish.

Vickie's blog said...

Oh, and watching grown people drink milk. Is up there one of the grossest things to ever witness.

RachRiot said...

You mean... PUSSY???

Sorry. had to. ;)

RachRiot said...

I have an irrational fear of roaches. I will literally run over my children to get away from a roach. They will run right at you! I would rather see a rat scamper across the floor.

Unknown said...

People who say "supposably" and "sangwich".

People who aren't conscious of their bad breath (like when that old guy at the gym huffs and puffs his day-old garlic breath while running on the treadmill next to me).

Sick people.

Bobby Flay.

Krysti said...

I saw Stephen King's IT when I was eleven. Did not sleep through the night for FIVE FULL YEARS (I really wish I was exaggerating that). I had the most random fears for a while balloons, shower drains, rain gutters, etc. To this day I am terrified of clowns and Tim Curry.

Which is horrible, because he's in some of my favorite movies (like Clue and Rocky Horror), and episodes of my favorite shows. Why must he be so damn good at scaring the bejeezus out of people?

Also, I am terrified of spiders. I won't even touch a picture of one.

I am annoyed by people who mix up "lose" and "loose". They are not that hard to straighten out.

Unknown said...

This happens to me all the time! My name is not complicated. Carolyn. NOT Caroline... UGH! Can't stand that...

Cari said...

I'M AN ODD NUMBER LOVER!!!!! My alarms on my phone are set to 4:17, 4:23, and 8:01!! I really only like numbers that end in a 3 or a 7.

Cari said...

I don't have to have an odd number of things, but I do have to have my alarms set to an odd number (3 or 7 or the occassional 1... never a 5 though!)

Cari said...

Yep, snakes. Me too!!

Cari said...

OMG!! Microfiber face towels are DISGUSTING!!!!!

Amanda said...

I hate microfiber too!! UGH my hands aren't made of sandpaper. whyyyy does it stick to my hands.

Samantha said...

People who spit makes me cringe and I am known to speak up if someone does it in front of me.

People who plug one side of their nose and blow snot, like really there are tissues for that.

People who dig out their ear wax, look at it then wipe it on something

Eating off of plastic dishes, or using plastic utensils makes me gag.

I color coordinate M&M's, and smarties to eat them.

Love spiders, hate June bugs

And people who spell congradulations instead of congratulations.

Oh and last but not least (I am sure I have more) people who fail to use signal lights on their cars, I mean really they are there for a reason, right?

Unknown said...

Nothing really grosses me out too much anymore. I have 2 young boys at home (ages 5 and 7), and I'm pretty sure they have broken me. They have puked on, shit on, peed on, slobbered and snotted on every single surface of my house and my person. They enjoy smooshing their bare asses up against the sliding glass door to taunt the dog. Plus they have in depth conversations about bodily functions while simultaneously eating meals. I don't get it. Boys are just gross. And I have been desensitized to it. LOL!

But the sound thing does get to me. Silverware on plates, squeaky snow under your boots, nails on a chalkboard... ACK! Sends shivers up my spine just thinking about it!

Cari said...

I'm a 3 or 7 gal myself!

Janine Huldie said...

This was great and would say it is noises and really high pitched sounds that drive me batty. I hate them and have since I was a small child. I literally can feel the hair on my neck standing on end just thinking about it. Seriously, I was int he hospital overnight with an IV hooked to me during my second pregnancy for spotting issues and the IV dripping/beeping noise drove me bat shit crazy all night long. I literally stretched the cord as far as it could go and put it in the bathroom behind a closed door to get some relief. Yup, I have issues, lol!! :)

Unknown said...

Why oh why would you DO that to me???

Unknown said...

I have a strange compulsion to trace letters and numbers in the air with my finger. I don't know why AT ALL.

Unknown said...

Words That Skeeve People: You missed queef. I think that should have been number one. Queef. Gross.

Unknown said...

Even worse, Ellen becomes Elaine or Eileen or Helen, even when it;s written in front of people......grrrrr

Brandy@Bright Occasions said...

it is illegal to touch the back of my neck while driving...I will vomit,without warning.

Maple Syrup Land said...

Wow, I do hate a lot of stuff on that list...clowns especially, they're just evil. Also, the word "moist does bother makes me think of an old, moldy, smelly basement.

I have a thing that my alarm clock MUST be 10 minutes fast..not sure what the point is because I've done that for 25 years and know full well if the clock say 8:00 it's actually 7:50.

Also, if I'm camping I can't poop in an outhouse, mostly because I'm convinced there's an axe murderer down there, waiting to yank me down into the pit and hack me up into pieces. By about day 4 I HAVE to go home so I can use a real toilet and poop without fear

Unknown said...

I totally agree...almost puked reading it.

MoodsWingz Designs said...

The sound of a man swallowing his food or drink. Hairy toes. Feet in general should be kept out of sight. Peep-toe shoes make me gag, but guys wearing open sandals and women who do not take care of their feet (e.g. a fresh pedicure) should absolutely never ever wear sandals! EEEEK! Crooked teeth, people who did not wear braces when they were young should remain indoors or forever keep their mouths closed. Teeth should only be revealed if their 100% clean, white, straight and normal sized!
Oh man, I could go on for hours!

teachermom said...

I so agree with that one. Baby cow barf. YUCK!

teachermom said...

I also eat my Skittles this way. I once had a teacher in college sit there and watch me trying to figure out what I was doing. I simply cannot handle eating them all at once.

B.Doll said...

Hahaha, I have many things that may be considered very strange,....
1. I have to see a lot of bubbles in my wash machine and that water level HAS to be at least covering the agitator at the bottom before I will even think of adding any clothes. Then I will slowly add clothes, turn the knob to small load to agitate the bubbles for MORE BUBBLES. Then slowly add the rest of the clothes.... I am totally not the drop the soap in, stuff the clothes in type of chic. I HAVE to spend all that time before I believe my clothe can get clean.....

Unknown said...

Glad I'm not alone, Ashley (also saw that Sonia above posted a similar fear). Mottophobia is real, but when I tell most people that moths scare me, they think I'm nuts (I think one must've flown into my face as a kid and I've been traumatized ever since). They may be related to butterflies but are the creepy flipside. I will avoid over-lit areas at night in summer just so I don't have to see them. Even thinking about Jame Gumb and his moth collection in "Silence of the Lambs" gives me the heebies.

Bonnie said...

I have two uteruses(sp?). I hate snakes, with a passion. And I hate the word penis.

Sherri Spichiger said...

I'm sorry, but how could no one have put SPIDERS on the list of creatures they hate?!! Long creepy legs, thousands of beady little eyes.... **SHIVER** I mean, seriously!!! I would rather someone throw a lion at me than a spider!!

The Get Real Mom said...

You sound like a stuck up Bitch. (Notice the capital B?) You were obviously born to a family well off enough to afford braces, yet too stupid to teach their children basic manners and acceptance. You are not better than anyone else because your teeth are straight. Hell, I know plenty of people (including myself) who did not have braces as a child and they are much more attractive than you, not only because of looks but their personalities are kind, accepting and not superficial. A lot of people cannot afford the $5000 min. it costs for a procedure that is PURELY cosmetic. I am sure that if they had the money to spend on braces, they would have had them. How do you think those people feel? They don't enjoy having hateful snobs such as your self judging them. It's not a simple matter of just going and getting braces. If you had to struggle in your life you would understand that. Hopefully all this bad Karma you are earning for yourself will teach you that lesson. Get off your high horse bitch.

TNMom said...

OK, I commented on Tara's but not yours, no offense. :)
I am phobic of birds, BIG TIME!
I hate the scratching of the metal around a warn down eraser on the paper! ::shudder::
I don't really have a number thing, but I like names with 5 letters (HA! I am the odd one!), but they need to be CVCVC (consonant/vowel). Mine is that way and both of my kids, and yes, I made sure their names fit that mold before giving them their names!
I am also OCD in the area of tuperware containers. I must have the proper container for the amount of food, if I misjudge - gotta be moved! If some leftovers get eaten - the remainder has to go in a new container. It's good that I am really good a judging the first time.
I have no sense of smell, never smelled anything, never will! It's called anosmia. (I am anosmic)
That's the weirdest stuff... :)

The Get Real Mom said...

Snot/Boogers will make me puke, ESPECIALLY when it's an adult blowing a snot rocket, a nasty kid with snot all over their face or picking their nose and eating it. Ok I feel nauseous just thinking about it.

I am afraid of grasshoppers (if you live in south Texas you will get it.) and mice.

Pictures hanging crooked on the wall drives me nuts, I have been known to straighten pictures at friends houses!

Tazi Kat said...

I have two word lists I keep: one of words I like, and one of words that skeeve me (which is how The Great Slacks Debate started over at Words like moist and panties are on my list, but they fall far below feces, fecal matter, pustuale, and ointment.

Dawn J. said...

Wow.....a comment removed by the author. Now I'm intrigued.....

Dawn J. said...

I have a friend who is afraid of ham. Not just disgusted by it, but literally afraid of it. She can't be near it or see pictures of it. Any form of ham.

tatooine84 said...

I can stretch my toes out like a claw. You know, spread your fingers and curl them a bit, yeah that, with my toes. I can also move my pinky toe without moving the rest of my toes.

I have this thing where I can't crush bugs of any kind or size, I can feel them crunch, even if I really can't. *shudder*

Kay Kay said...

Some words make me shudder. "Moist" is one of them. A few more came on the list when i was watching football with my father. The announcer said: "The tight end penetrated the defense". I was like: "What the f***? I'm watching this with my DAD!"
As for sounds: Knuckle popping. I will smack someones hands if they do it in front of me. Its just the way I react to it. It sounds like they are breaking their fingers.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Me too! I have never known of anyone else that could do this- I used to freak people out in gym when we would do the flexibility test!

Unknown said...

I'm the same way. Can't stand it. My daughter chases me around the house with a cereal bowl of left over milk. Or she will dip her finger in it and try to touch me. I can't have anything to do with milk. I can't even cook with it. I hate milk more than spiders. Ok - I've thought the word milk. Now I have to go throw up!

Rebecccccca said...

Helllooo fellow elbow licker =) But I can only do my right one.

Unknown said...

Olives and needles.

Unknown said...

I don't like my food to touch on my plate, especially "food juice". Take corn for example, I must drain the water off before it goes on my plate. If I don't and it runs into my mashed potatoes, all is ruined. I've been this way my whole life and recently learned my sister has the same aversion. I'm sure this post and comments could be great fun in a psychology class! :)

MoodsWingz Designs said...

Here's a confession for you.
When I had something to eat that got stuck between my teeth, and there is no thread to be found, guess what I use?!? he he he..

Lauren said...

I don't remember a clown in 'Poltergeist' but the one in 'IT' terrified me for years. I'm 30-something and still can't watch it without covering my eyes.

I'm a number person, evens only...drives my husband nuts. I also have a pretty good case of OCD which makes living with me awesome.

I can't stand watching or hearing people brush their teeth or eating soup.

The word 'realtor' and how everyone seems to think it is rel-a-tor. A realtor esp should know how to pronounce their own profession.

I'm a special kind of crazy. So nice to know I'm not alone. So many things listed are my -isms too.

Brad Cowan said...

I hate the word giblet. In fact, I hated typing it.

I, too, do not like clowns but it was Killer Klowns From Outer Space that did it for me.

Krysti said...

I have a color order for M&Ms and eat them in twos. Most candy, actually, I'll eat by color and in twos if possible. Glad to know I'm not the only one with candy oddities!

Unknown said...

I loathe strawberries. They stink, they taste nasty, and they look like tongues. Just looking at them makes me cringe.

NorthHike said...

Clowns are #1 on my list. In fact I was at a Halloween party last year and some guy came dressed as a psycho clown! I was so terrified I couldn't look at him and began to panic. He was standing by the only door out! I seriously thought about running full speed and jumping out their front window but I was worried he was going to come grab me. By the end of the night this guy heard about my fear and snuck up and kissed me on the cheek while my husband took a picture. It was awful! I'm sure he is a nice guy but WTF! Get your clown ass away from me!!!
My sister and I have a list going of words we hate which include moist, slacks, sanitary napkin, and Pamida.
I also can't stand to be within 5 feet of anyone eating a banana. That squishy, slimy, moist chewing sound is disgusting!

Jen said...

June bugs and grasshoppers creep me out, but spiders by far are the things I hate the most.

I also have to color coordinate my M&M's before I can eat them, and then I have to eat them in 2's.

allornothingdropout said...

Moths. OMG, even thinking about them sends shivers up my spine.

When someone is talking and they get white stuff in the corner of their mouth and they keep talking and won't wipe it off. I hate that.

Unknown said...

Panties kills me and always has. Pair that with moist and I'm speechless with disgust.

poppyjd said...

Moths, I am so scared of Moths I automatically scan every room I ever enter for signs of one. I close all windows and doors when it starts getting dark outside.

Long finger nails are a living hell for me, on men it just makes me want to die. If there's even a spec of dirt on them I can't even look them in the eye.

People who stand too close to me - this is a no-brainer but I cannot stand it when people invade my personal space even a little bit. If their hip touches my bag YOU HAVE COME TOO CLOSE. My landlord is a fucking nightmare for this, he slowly shuffles his way forward and I shuffle backward until I'm basically climbing the wall to get away from him ... he thinks we're friends.
Anyone who cannot understand boundaries when it comes to personal space can expect to be ignored. Why don't parents teach their children this?

I get a little crazier now ...

When people bang my bag as they walk past - At uni the corridors are like little rabbit warrens and we all scuttle about quickly like bunnies. But some people stomp about pushing and shoving, and then they hit my bag off my shoulder as they barge past, usually pulling my hair caught under the strap at the same time. FUCK YOUUUUUU

People who chew their sleeves - My best friend at school chewed her cuffs on her school jumper till they fell apart. One day I stole her jumper at lunch, then in textiles I trimmed and hemmed them. Leaving her a note that if she did it again I would destroy her.

Amanda said...

One of my weird/OCD things:

If I'm eating something colored (m&m's, skittles, etc) I have to sort them by color. If they are flat enough to stack (like Bottlecaps), I even have to stack them by color before I can eat them.

Something that skeeves me out: People chewing on their clothes or hair - mostly because the texture on your tongue just seems like it would give you that same feeling that fingernails on a chalkboard does.

Dan said...

The words "having sex". Do what? What is that? Author Wallace Stegner put it in a nutshell:
“It happens that I despise that locution, "having sex," which describes something a good deal more mechanical than making love and a good deal less fun than fucking.”

―from his classic, Angle of Repose

Anonymous said...

belly button. i hate them. i can't even touch my own. if i see you touching yours, i'll gag.

when my daughter was born, i prayed that the dried up piece of placenta would fall off before we got home. it did. thank goodness b/c i might have left her there.

Lindia said...

I have a few... I hate when food touches on my plate and I will gladly put each item in a separate dish (Mom sent me to college with a divided plate!) It is normal for me to go through three plates for just one serving during a holiday.

I also eat hot dogs and pickles from one end only, never eating the other "stub" end.

Large flying/jumping insects and lizards have been known to put me over the deep end. Once at Daytona Beach I climbed into the back seat of our two door only to find a lizard on the floor. I screamed bloody murder and tried to climb out the passenger window in the front seat while people came running to the car because they thought I was being attacked.

Praying Mantis' because they jump/fly and are just so damn gross! I get the heebs just thinking about them.

I count things. From 1-4 or because 18 is my favorite number, I try to come up with various equation combinations to get to 18. I prefer even numbers, and different numbers have a different look/feel in my brain.

Triangles are evil. Circles are good. Squares are strong and all other shapes are neutral.

Extensive therapy might be in order here, lol!

J A said...

Oh, I so agree! Spiders are the effing WORST.

Coffee Lover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coffee Lover said...

I am disgusted when my DOG, licks himself....I hate it, therefor my whole family hates it because I lose my shit whenever he does it. It's just the way it it is...bite me.

GS said...

Hi Jen,
I know I am late to the game on this one, but I felt compelled to share my oddities with you and others. I call my fears the 'Tri-fecta'. Maybe fear is strong feeling, more just uncomfortableness. Clowns are definitely on this list, followed by Little People/ Dwarf (I apologize if I offend others)and lastly horses. These creatures freak me out more than anything. I kid you not when I say that horses are pure evil. Images pop into my head of horns and bifurcated tongues when I see them. I am clinically sane and am giving a more elaborated portrayal of my thought process. The worst combination for me would be seeing a little person, dressed as a clown on a horse.

StefK said...

I've danced for a lot of my I count 8-counts in my head all the time. Climbing the stairs...walking...brushing my teeth, swishing my mouthwash...I usually end on 7 and rest on 8!

the robot mommy said...

Balloons. I'm the freak that hates balloons. Fuck them, I say. With their happiness and loud popping noises. They attract clowns which I also hate. Don't take me to the local circus.

Brandy@Bright Occasions said...

I only eat odd numbers of things (crackers, pretzels, cookies). I set my alarms for times ending in an odd number of minutes, but never on a 5. (6:37am anyone?) But I do love every day when I catch 12:34pm. ...

Brandy@Bright Occasions said...


Unknown said...

I also like 5. In my head I will rearrange sentances other people say until the number of letters in the sentance is a multiple of 5. Add in a word, change a contraction etc. Not constantly but often enough my husband can tell when I am doing it.

Brandy@Bright Occasions said...

I'm allergic to latex, so my hatred of having balloons close to my person makes me start to have distressed breathing...and then I don't know if I am just freaking out or if I touched one and am having an anaphylactic reaction :(

Lena said...

What really skeeves me out is all the worms that come out of the ground and wiggle around and die on the pavement after it rains. It was the WORST on my college campus. I actually made one of my guy friends carry me to my dorm one day after it rained because there were so many worms wriggling around I couldn't handle it. EWWWWW!!! Oh also any animal with more than 4 legs. The more legs they have the less I like them. Centipedes and millipedes make me want to simultaneously pee my pants and cry.

kady said...

The visual of pressed hamz taunting the dog actually made me laugh out loud...I have 2 girls but they can belch and fart with the best of the boys!

krissabeth said...

I can't handle people who chew ice, or even thinking about it.

Unknown said...

I can't actually dislocate, but I can stretch into positions that most cannot. I was able to fully touch my toes and put my hands flat on the floor while preggers (+70 lbs) with both my children. I was the yoga queen! Now I'm in my 40s, my joints hurt every day. Just a word to say that yes, it's a great talent, BUT it comes with consequences as we age! Keep your muscles stong because your connective tissue will eventually stop holding you together. Sorry for being a downer...but if I'd known this when I was much younger, I would have taken better care of muscle strength and spent less time stretching my tendons and ligaments to their limits. I can still put my foot behind my head...I just try not to :)

Jill said...

Aha, "sangwich" is the only way my grandmother pronounces the word. You wouldn't wanna hang around her too much.

Jill said...

Same! I hate when others accidentally touch mine and I freak out. For years as a kid I couldn't touch my own (like stick my finger inside it) It took a while but I finally learned to deal with that. It still makes me cringe a bit though.
I laughed a bit at your comment about your daughter, though I share your pet peeve.

Cindy Miller said...

I am a counter and I ONLY like ODD numbers --- TV and radio volume, Alarm clock, timer, anything that I can visually see numbers that I can control. The only exception to this rule is when I put deodorant on... Then it's in increments of 12. Which is a nice segue to another weird "thing" I do with counting - I use too much deodorant and when I put it on, I count the number of "swipes" I put on. I count 12 swipes, then another twelve then switch to the other armpit. They have to have the same number of swipes. I also hate the feel of cotton balls and a really smooth sidewalk under my feet. OH and microfiber cleaning cloths drive me batty too touch.....

Cindy Miller said...

knuckle popping is a strong defense for murder, in my opinion. I also hate when people sneeze and if someone hiccups either I or they have to leave the room!!!

CuriousT said...

I am a horrible speller, so my apologies. Although I know my limits so I double check names on emails because I feel your pain. I'm Tricia, not Patricia (not even on my birth certificate) so it drives me crazy when people call me Pat or Patti. (Patti - Really???)

Lindsey S. said...

Skittles, M&M's and Starbursts must be eaten at the same time as the same colors.

Folded over potato chips gross me out. Too much crunch in one bite. I can't do it.

And I am right there with you with feet. DISGUSTING. I hate them.

p_becki said...

This is my pet peeve. My name is Becki, NOT Becky or Rebecca or even Becca. Even my own extended family members can't get it right. One time. Social security spelled it wrong (what a mess fixing their mistake getting a corrected social security card) And if I'm dating you and you can't get the spelling right, we are through!! Forget buying anything personalized without spending an arm and a leg for special spelling. It really kills me when someone is on my Facebook and my correct name is there and they still misspell it. Ugh

Unknown said...

Gargoyles and weird statues/art (winged monkey) etc. Most of the stuff that freaks me out looks kinda gothic, but I am very aware of this kind of art everywhere I go.

Jen said...

Strange talent - I can clap with one hand!

And seriously - how did spiders not make the list of animals to be afraid of. I would rather burn down the house than go inside if I know there's a spider in there!

Unknown said...

Good God...moths...horrible.

Unknown said...

Summer night, open window, bedside lamp on, fast asleep with my mouth wide open. Moths are EVIL. That is all.....

Brittany said...

So, to totally skeeve you out, I can make my toes do the worm. They're like little double-jointed nubbins. I think we also share a vestigial pinkie toe gene!

Unknown said... makes me gag..a runny husband has allergies always has a runny nose, snot dripping, running out of the nose!! Yuck, sick, makes my stomach turn!!!

Rach said...

My words are Library and Wash. I will ALWAYS correct someone that says "lie-berry" or "warsh" matter how old they are.

Rach said...

My thing is people (not children) with what I refer to as "baby teeth" or "goose teeth". They just have tiny teeth with lots of gummage...Just creepy to me. I will avoid people who have this "condition" so I don't embarrass myself because I can't stop staring with my "eww face".

LED522 said...

I do the same with my Lucky Charms. Only I then have to count the marshmallows as I eat then. Roughly 50 give or take, a bowl.

LED522 said...

Nina just made me throw up my breakfast! No joke! I can not stand hair, even my own. I especially cant have it on my hands. Wrapped around my fingers is even worse. I have thrown up more than once in the shower because I can't get the hair off my hands. Wet on my hands is the worst!
I also won't clean my own hair brush. If it gets too full I throw it away and buy a new one.

LED522 said...

Lisa, NOT lease (spelling for pronunciation)! How hard is it to add an 'uh at the end? Not rocket science!

Anonymous said...

Whistling. My husband does it on purpose to irritate me. I hate him when he does that. I just want to rip his lips off his face. And he also has monkey toes that I make fun of all the time.

Teresa said...

I hate microfiber sheets even more!

ray of sunshine said...

@Jen - everyone hears vulva when I tell them about my double uvula ;). I dont even say that word anymore.

Unknown said...

Clowns. And monkeys. And Caillou. He's creepy.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, even when you kill a roach it still continues moving....there's nothing irrational about that fear!!!

I can hear them walking around and will freak. And if I see one, I will not be able to sleep at all that night.


I dig feet and I LOVE teeth-first thing I look at in a man. As for words: Scab and Pus..gross me out!!! I fell into a street grate while running one time and now I am petrified. I hate escalators and refuse to get on an elevator with too many people. As for pet PEEVE: people who hum. No one is that freaking happy! The only explanation I have is they have voices in their head.

willowbird35 said...

I am terrified of midgets. I feel guilty about this because I know their lives are difficult and often riddled with surgeries for malformed bones and such. But if I see one out in public, I withdraw immediately and go the other way. I am terrified they will touch me. I am afraid of clowns because of their over-exaggerated features and midgets have this same issue (big heads, little hands and feet, etc.). I am not proud of this fear but it is there nonetheless. Please don't hate on me about it. It's just who I am. I am also terrified of blown up balloons and the sound they make if you rub them or try to pop them. I know where this fear comes from but I won't go into it. I hate rain on me - especially my hair when I have just washed and dried it. It makes me feel contaminated somehow. I never put this stuff down in writing before and now that I see it, I feel like a real freak. LOL

willowbird35 said...

Gummy smiles freak me out too. Big teeth, in general...eek.

Anonymous said...

My nephew cannot stand to look at feet. We spent a week at the beach and I had to force him to take his socks off every day when we went on the sand. (He's 19)

tamck said...

I also eat odd numbers of things! And volume on TV must be set on an odd number. And in the movies or theatre, I always sit on the seat with an odd number.

Linda Roy said...

"Titties" drives me bonkers. I cannot stand that word. And feet? I'm with you, they skeeve me out. People who post foot pictures on Facebook make me crazy. Don't do it, people! Also? My husband has monkey feet. Luckily, he's not a fan of sandals.

Azaliah Yadinah said...

Zoloft? Just sayin.

Azaliah Yadinah said...

Yes they are.

Azaliah Yadinah said...

I despise auto-correct. If I post something without proofing it twice, I will ALWAYS find either an auto-correct error or a word suggestion error. I'd shut it off, but my tablet shuts off ALL spell check without it!

I swear, I'm still fretting over the "a" that should have been an "an" in an earlier comment. Of course, that leads to another issue, all together. Though, I think that nit-picky, perfectionist stuff comes with being an editor. That's what I tell myself anyway. =/

Shawna R. said...

My words are jewelry and Valentine, and the phrase, a whole other or another. joo-la-ree, valentimez, and 'a whole nother' make me nuts!

RainbowChazer's Reviews said...

People who say 'pleece' instead of 'police' and 'seckertree' instead of 'secretary' are likely to get the Vulcan death stare from me.

God didn't create spiders. The devil did. Because nothing needs to be so ugly and NOTHING needs to be able to walk across the freaking ceiling without being subject to gravity. And nothing, but nothing, needs more than four legs.

I hate people who sniff. Use a tissue, and blow your nose ffs.

Do not EVER eat a banana anywhere near me. I don't like anything at all about them; the smell, the taste, the sight.

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