Gomer's Happy Mother's Day Post

Back in 2011, Gomer decided he'd like to guest post today.  Here is an (unedited) "vertical poem" he wrote for me for Mother's Day:

My Mom is very sweet.

Offten you are nice.

Tulips smell good but you smell better.

Happy Mother's Day.

Either I am good or bad you still love me.

Rainbows are pretty but you are more prettier.

Someday I will blackmail him with this.

Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there.

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Anonymous said...

That is precious! And yes, it's great black mail material :)

Kathi G. said...

Love it!!! I have a few of those blackmail items myself...

~*~MizTink~*~ said...

This is absolutely precious!! What a sweet little man you are raising :)

Anonymous said...

you are more prettier (:

just keep swimming said...

Oh beautiful!
My 7 yo writes those things and part of me wonders what they are trying to score by buttering me up like that.

Sanstrousers said...

So freaking sweet!

This Is Fifty With Lil said...


Ginny Kems said...

Favorite line...Often you are nice. Priceless

LuLu said...

Love this. Often nice. Haha!

RachRiot said...

He seemed to be stuttering during the "often you are nice.." I think he was skeered. I know I am.

Christie said...

I want to see what Adolpha would come up with......

Rainbows are pretty but your friends are prettier than you


Melissa said...

So sweet!!

30 on Life said...

That is so cute! Happy Mother's Day to you miss! :)

Linda Roy said...

Cute! This is the stuff we look back on as we're ready to strangle them when they're in their teens! ;) Happy Mother's Day!

Nicole said...

That is so sweet, hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day!

Jill said...

You should be super proud of your son! I teach 7 year olds and they have a really hard time writing vertical poems like that - let alone spelling everything so well. :) Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

AW! That's so SWEET! And what a great effort, too!

Furtheron said...

:-) you are so lucky to have your kids - don't you dare blackmail him with it... just show it to the first girl he brings home when old enough that you really like - if this doesn't convince her to marry him nothing will... ;-)

Lauren said...

Very sweet...please tell me Hubs got you a real present tho :)

Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom said...

Awww, so cute. Is it safe to say that he got his writing skills from the Hubs?

Anonymous said...

I love kids' poems. And I love them even more when you can save them for blackmail years down the road. Here's mine, which my then-8 year old son wrote after he and his sister were sent to their rooms for fighting:


I love my Mom
she is nice.
She is cool
like a piece of rice.

I love my Mom
she never brings hate.
She always helps
to keep things straight.

I love my Mom
she’s not a toilet.
If there’s a surprise
she won’t spoil it.

She won’t kick me
or set off a bomb.
That’s why
I love you MOM!

Regina said...

Read it at his wedding. 'Nuff said.

Unknown said...

Cute! My mother's day vertical poem went like this:

P is for Pene (my nickname)
E is for Elephant (what are you trying to say, son?)
N is for Nutella (this kid is obsessed)
E is for Easter (what the heck?)

Hahaha. I'm keeping it forever. :)

Tara said...

Beautiful! Wondering when my little guy (who is 3.5 yo) will start bringing home that kind of stuff?

Kp said...

That's precious. Good job Gomer!

Amy said...

Or... Rainbows are pretty, and dad can get someone prettier.

Unknown said...


So did I tell you about... said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!! Thank you for sharing!

Emelie said...

Hahaha, this is glorious. Definitely hang on to this and use it at his graduation party or during a toast at his wedding or something.

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