Pastor Sean Harris

Well, if this isn't everything I absolutely hate.  Have you heard of this guy yet?  Apparently, Sean Harris is a Pastor of a North Carolina church and on Sunday he gave his parishioners a "special dispensation" to "punch" their effeminate boys and "rein" in their girls so that they "talk like a girl, walk like a girl and smell like a girl."  The media got wind of this tirade and published his fiery rant that you can listen to here.  This is the quote:
"So your little son starts to act a little girlish when he is four years old and instead of squashing that like a cockroach and saying, 'Man up, son, get that dress off you and get outside and dig a ditch, because that is what boys do,' you get out the camera and you start taking pictures of Johnny acting like a female and then you upload it to YouTube and everybody laughs about it and the next thing you know, this dude, this kid is acting out childhood fantasies that should have been squashed.
Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch. Ok? You are not going to act like that. You were made by God to be a male and you are going to be a male. And when your daughter starts acting too butch, you reign her in. And you say, 'Oh, no, sweetheart. You can play sports. Play them to the glory of God. But sometimes you are going to act like a girl and walk like a girl and talk like a girl and smell like a girl and that means you are going to be beautiful. You are going to be attractive. You are going to dress yourself up.'"
Now that the media has outed him as an advocate of child abuse, the pastor has published a "clarification" where he says his words were misquoted.

Hmmm...I don't know, the audio was pretty clear to me.  I didn't hear anything that required clarification.  I heard him loud and clear tell his audience to punch their kids if they seem gay to them.

And we wonder why so many young homosexual people are killing themselves.

What a despicable person this pastor is.  What is wrong with this man?  What preacher gets on his pulpit and tells his followers to squash their children's behavior like a "cockroach"?  Where is the love?  Where is the compassion?  Where is the understanding for a child who might be struggling or might not be secure in himself or herself?

I am angry - no, I am furious - because Sean Harris is basically telling his flock to beat the gay out of their kids.  Actually, he's not even saying just gay kids need to be beat.  He's saying if your kid is just an effeminate boy or a tomboyish girl they need to be set straight - physically.  He's encouraging his people to hit 4 year olds.  

Who are the people in church giggling and calling out "Amen" when he tells the Dads to "crack that wrist"??  It is disgusting and depressing to me that these people are parents and they can laugh at such pointed calls for violence against children who don't fit their ideals.  These people are supposed to protect their children and to love them unconditionally and instead they're chuckling at the idea of slapping the gay out of them like they're in a comedy club.  Even worse, they're raising a new generation of close-minded people who will continue on in their parent's path.

I am so tired of people like Sean Harris who just take the words of the Bible and twist them and turn them to suit their needs when they want to hate someone.  We all "pick and choose" the parts of the Bible we're going to hold gospel.  Everyone just picks different parts.  I'm going to pick "love your neighbor as yourself."

RESIDENTS OF NORTH CAROLINA:  Fight discrimination and VOTE NO on Amendment One on May 8.

Photo source:  David Costello Dominici


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Zebsmom said...

This is not at all what God or Jesus ever had in mind. I am gay and I can tell you this, God is the only thing I can blame being gay on!! I sure didn't decide it one day.

It always makes me wonder, what on earth are you thinking, why is one sin worse than another, and quite frankly how is being gay a sin?? It is because that's what they want it to be. I am waitng for some paster to tell all the women in their congragation to take their cheating husbands out and stone them in the center square for all to see.

Insanity is all this is. The golden rule is what I follow!

Shelly Robinson said...

As a Christian and resident of North carolina, I am embarrassed and saddened by this pastor's behavior. The unfortunate thing is that it is almost normal around here. People use religion as a tool to mistreat those who do not share their beliefs.

Christina Morris said...

Are you kidding me?? This guy needs to be punched in the throat for speaking! I believe children should be encouraged, not stifled! If my children want to grow up being gay, WHO CARES. As long as they're happy!!! This reminds me of the awful Westboro Baptist Church! I live so close to those psychos, that I actually have to deal with their garbage. Being a military wife, they cause a lot of problems around the base we live! I agree with you on the Bible picking. People rarely ever read the entire Bible, soak it in, and then apply it to current events. Things have changed, but the basics haven't! You can't pick and choose from the Bible to fit what you want to complain about. If you're gonna follow the Bible, follow the whole stinkin thing people!!!

Anonymous said...

One more reason the longer I live, the more turned off by organized religion I've become.

re said...

I'd like to crack his wrist. Crack some other things too. Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure God is not an advocate of beating the gay out of your children.

Joanne said...

This is par for the course in some areas of NC, although more and more people are standing up against the hate rhetoric than there used to be.

Spirit of Hope and Kindness Awards said...

The way I look at it is - people that scream out against this are trying to distract people from recognizing that THEY are the guilty ones. What's this Pastor hiding? What's this Pastor guilty of? It'll all come out soon enough...and he'll be the one coming out. He doesn't deserve a throat punch - he deserves a kick in the junkular region. All men are created equal - unless you are an ignorant asshole. Cheers and Love Jen..xo

Anonymous said...

you can send this moron an email on how you feel about his rant at

Amy said...

This is unbelievable. Horrific. Good punch, Jen.

YKIHAYHT said...

Is this guy a break away from the crackpots at Westboro? I can't believe that his "followers" can be brainwashed enough to follow this tirade. I only wish people had enough common sense to form their own thoughts, stand up, and walk away from nutjobs like this. I saw a link to this article last night and just couldn't bring myself to read it. It just makes me sick that people think this way. Nice job Jen, I would have cursed at him. He is obviously not a true "minister" with hate speech like this.

Renee said...

I'm in tears. I feel bad for the children of the families that attend this church. Absolutely disgusting. I'm Christian (live in Michigan) and this is one of the reasons I chose to not go to church. I will not be brow beaten to believe some of the ridiculous things that these pastors try to shove down your throat. My pastor believes that dinosaurs never existed because it's not in the bible...nevermind all of the evidence and bones that were found. And no I'm not kidding. smh

Ali said...

Why pick and choose anything from the Bible in the first place? Why not find inspiration in other places that don't have controversial meaning? The Bible DOES say that homosexuality is wrong. The Bible is wrong.

Let's toss out make-believe nonsense and get on with humanism.

Mommy2Threekids said...

It seems like maybe this "Man" needs to be punched and told how to act like a "real man". Real men would never think about doing this to their children. Or women for that matter. Disgusting. I hope that his congregation stood up to him for this. I would have had no problem telling him how much I disliked his view of things with a good 'ol punch to the face.

Rediscovering Our Family said...

Thank you for writing this. That pastor is an asshat and so are his parishioners that would obviously follow him to Hell no matter what parade he was leading!!!!

amanda jo said...

This guy and his followers who were giggling and agreeing with his insanity don't need to be punched in the throat, they need to be punched in their reproductive organs, right before they are permanently sterilized. What is wrong with these people. If being homosexual is wrong accoding to God, then guess what? God will be the one to judge that, not us. Although I do realize by saying these ppl need to be sterilized I'm judging, so I guess we better just leave it all in Gods hands bc clearly we can't make those decisions.

Anonymous said...

As a Christian and a parent, this man makes me sick. It breaks my heart that people won't come to Christ because of people like him making all Christians look bad. Truth is, this man is not a Christian. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Although I believe homosexuality is a sin, the Bible commands me to hate the sin, but love the sinner. After all, Christ loves me despite my sin. (And as a Christian, I still sin because no man or woman will ever be perfect like Christ is.) I have plenty of gay friends and love them the same as my non-gay friends. In God's eyes, ALL sins are equal, so why doesn't this so-called pastor preach that all children who lie, cheat, steal, disobey their parents, covet, etc., have all that beaten out of them as well? And if in God's eyes all sins are created equal, why do Christians harp so much on ONE sin?

Robyn said...

I'm not sure which is more horrifying--that this pastor exists or that there are actually people who will blindly follow him simply because he's a religious figure. There is no way to defend his words. They are inhumane and horrible, and he should not be allowed to guide any congregation anymore. Everyone can have his or her beliefs, but especially if they're hateful, keep them to yourself!

uberMOmom said...

Good punch! As the mother of five children, any one or more who may or may not be gay, I say to Pastor Harris, "I've got your AMEN, ass pimple." What a complete tool this douchenozzle is. Seriously. Living here in the Bible belt my whole life I've seen it and heard it, too...but c'mon, we haven't evolved at ALL by 2012? That's a shame. Frankly, I cannot even fathom sitting in the sanctuary of that church, hearing that vile hate mongering coming from the pulpit and not making a scene that would qualify me for an exorcism. Right then and there. One must wonder how many times Pastor Sean's own father cuffed little Sean across the head to cause this much brain damage. Tsk Tsk. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Amen! ;) You took the words right out of my mouth!

Casey G said...

great punch, Jen...especially love your last paragraph. I'm so ^&*%ing tired of people hating in the name of the Bible, religion, God---it truly makes me sick and I'm pretty sure it makes God unbelievably sad, too.

mylittlestinkers said...

Let's line up all your readers and take turns punching the jackass out of him!

Wendy Hollifield said...

Shelly, I have to agree with you. I am a Southern Baptist woman born and raised in GA and I'm ashamed at how some people treat others that are different...regardless of those differences. I have several people in my family that are gay as well as quite a few friends. I myself have always been a bit more of a tomboy until I hit my teens, but even then and now I still like to get dressed up once in awhile. If you ask my husband what I am most comfortable in he will tell you jeans or sweats and a t-shirt with my hair pulled up and no makeup. My husband and I are very devout in our faith and teach a Sunday school class at our church for 18-25 yr olds. About half of them are former drug addicts. We don't sit around preaching to them that they are wrong. We try to uplift them and help them when they stumble. If anyone in my life chooses to "come out" to me I'm not going to tell them they are wrong I will simply continue to be a friend & continue to help and support them as I would anyone else. We are all equal in the eyes of God. It isn't our job to judge...that is for God to do.

John 8:7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

Talia said...

Really? Has anyone really successfully 'beat' anything out of anyone, much less a four year old? In my opinion it's a great way to create an individual that one day looses it (and rightfully so) and goes on a shooting rampage. Coincidentally, I stumbled upon this on Facebook this morning and am thoroughly believe that someone with more knowledge of the Bible than I should write one for Christianity. ;)

Unknown said...

jen, this is why i think you're a great blogger!! yesterday you're punching nutella and today you take on something serious, something that needs a tough punch. thanks for keeping it all in perspective! and you're so right about this guy. why didn't his parents beat the mean out of him, since it's so cool to abuse your kids???

Jenn R said...

What a douche bag. We don't get to choose our kids or their biology..the one and only rule of parenting is unconditional love. Sometimes its tough love when the offspring get out of line ( drugs etc) but being gay is not out of line. This guy deserves a triple throat punch and so do any of his parishioners that still attend his church.
Last time I checked Jesus befriended a prostitute and others that were shunned. You sir do not deserve to be a pastor. Quit feeding the hate. Excellent punch Jen

Jessi said...

I totally agree! Often times I wonder why religion hasn't evolved with the rest of society.

Nadine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I can't really misinterpret the golden rule. The one thing that organized religion taught me. Oh and if I showed up every sunday and paid my "dues/offerings" I wouldn't have had to pay the church a fee for our wedding. What a scam. If I met this pastor he'd be lucky if all he got was a throat punch. I'd expect the same if I said the crap this guy said. "Golden Rule"

Katie said...

Ugh, I am embarrassed by my home state right now. I usually stand up for North Carolinians when people stereotype them as country-bumpkin, uneducated redneck, snake-charming losers. But this is shameful. My only hope is that maybe this issue will remind people why it is so important to get out to the polls on May 8th (or before) and vote AGAINST Amendment One. Do it! The amendment hurts families and children - so I would guess this jackleg is in favor of it. (Jen - I know it's an NC issue, but an endorsement/encouragement from you to get voters out would be killer. Love you and your punches.)

Nadine said...

Oh Jen... I love when you post stuff like this. I'm 27 and gay. My parents are pretty old fashioned, and Christian, and had a really hard time with it. Nothing makes me happier than seeing mothers teaching their young children to love and respect all different kinds of people. If there were more people like you, the world would truly be a better place. Thank you.

Ttrinity said...

I heard the clip on a local radio station this AM. I was astounded that there was no outrage or protest from the congregation. He was not miquoted. If anyone needs an intervention in life, it would be him, not any 'non mainstream' child.

Tim said...

Jen - Just to add a little context to this. On May 8th residents of North Carolina will vote on an amendment to the state constitution (known as Amendment One), that adds language to define marriage "between one man and one woman as the only legal domestic union...". As you can imagine this is quite controversial and unfortunately is expected to pass. The "Christian" community has taken various stands on this from full support to full opposition. For the record, gay marriage is already illegal based on current state statutes - this just strengthens current laws.

There have been many pastors speak out both for and against this and I would guess the timing of this sermon is a reflection of this congregation's political stance. Unfortunately it is expected to pass and we will write discrimination into our state's constitution. Hopefully the polls are wrong and North Carolinians will cast their vote for freedom and equality under the law, as opposed to religious oppression.

Nikole D. said...

After reading this post and reading further, my heart hurts knowing that people walk this earth thinking that they can change someone simply because they don't fit the mold... no wonder why there are so many children, tweens, teens, adults killing themselves because "spiritual leaders" and parents make them feel unacceptable.

Mme Carlson said...

I'm in NC, too, although if Amendment 1 passes I won't be for long! First state sanctioned bigotry, then this whackhead minister encouraging child abuse and repression...what's next? Banning interracial marriage again? It's disgusting and makes me sick!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he needs to read these.

TJ Skelton said...

Anonymous said...

Why is it that in 2012, there are still otherwise rational adults who let a book of fairy tales written thousands of years ago determine their beliefs and the direction of their lives?

Jenn A. said...

I'd be willing to bet my life that this "pastor" is a closeted homosexual. Just like those conservative republicans (not all of them) who speak out so passionately against gay marriage and then it comes out that they are soliciting men in airport bathrooms. When one protests so loudly against something, it's because they are "guilty" and ashamed of their own feelings inside.

Unknown said...

This tomboy mother of three tomboys feels sick to her stomach.

Anonymous said...

horrible. and we wonder where bullies come from.....

Katie said...

Tim, we're on the same page but you said it better than I. Thank you! And btw, I voted AGAINST!

Tim said...

I did too Katie! Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

This is just plain scary.... Is anyone else just frightened to their core about these crazy things that seem to be going on today? Are we going backwards? Why does there seem to be so much hate against gays, minorities and women today? I don't understand what is going on?!?

Steph said...

I love how this asshole's blog says the comment section has been removed because of the extreme hateful things that were being said. Hmm.. imagine that FUCKER!! You just told people to BEAT their kids and punish behavior that reflects gay tendencies. I can only imagine the pictures his mother probably has with him standing in her high heels.. What a fekin DOUCHE!!!!!

emjd9501 said...

I think you have a valid point and agree with you. This Pastor should be ex-communicated. What a F***ing douchebag.

Anonymous said...

this is horrible... im sorry but when you teach love and acceptance and then turn around and say stuff like this it breaks my heart.
I dont understand why people hate so much. They are interfering with your life so dont interfere with theirs.. i have a couple of gay friends who have partners and i love them very much but my goodness leave it alone.
Ide kick this guy in the balls, punch his throat AND break his teeth

Tricia Marie Williams said...

Yeah. I'm the same way. I have so many amazing friends and family members that don't deserve to be treated this way,and it makes me terrified for the kids of the people who believe this, because some Pastor says it to be true. And let's not mention the nutcases who want to take control of women's bodies and my right to do whatever the hell I want with it, because of their religious beliefs. What I believe and do is between me and whatever higher being there may be. And that's it.

Anonymous said...

My 4 year old little boy loves the color pink. So, he gets pink. I believe at his age there is no sexual orientation or fantasies. What a jerk wad.

There's No Time For Pants said...

Ugh. Punch him in the throat twice!

Megan Birch-McMichael said...

Thanks for sharing Jen. I had actually written a piece on my blog the other day about the "love your neighbor" quote ( and I wrote another piece today based on this (although it's quite short as I am still very angry about it). GRRRRRRRRRR.....

Anonymous said...

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. It is incredible to me that this would be the mindset of someone whom claims they KNOW the bible enough to be proclaimed "Pastor". Equally unbelievable is the fact that there is a fellowship of this ignorance. Who would sit to listen to this garbage?? Love one another. God judges the heart.

Amber said...

Ugh. As a christian and North Carolinian I as so embarrassed and ashamed that this man and I share a home and religion. Unfortunately this behavior isn't uncommon in the south, and it's awful. I just hope most of his congregation sees through this, and chooses not to stand behind their pastor.

KelleyB said...

There is an overwhelming need for INCLUSION of the LGBTQ community in the church! This is a major hot button for Methodists, particularly, as they are in National conference this week and last, and it's been on the agenda. (look up MIND -Methodists In New Directions).

Homosexual"sins" described in the Bible were written specific to that time period, and were deemed "sinful" because of the associated violence and hatred involved. There was NO LOVE in these actions. It was sodomy involving Roman soldiers against little boys, of perverted landowners overpowering male slaves -- not about two human beings bound by love and mutual respect.

It's easy for these hypocrites to move the Bible into modern times for their own benefit, like ignoring the facts that slavery was OK, and that females were NEVER to be in authority over males. (Really, how many women leaders, teachers, and especially pastors, are there?? But "Timothy" said NO WAY!) There's also plenty about the sin of "sex without the intention of procreation", which is clearly meant for homosexuality only, right??? Yeah, OK then! But in order to perpetuate gay discrimination, the passages that deal with homosexuality are so easily left in the very dark ages.

Furthermore, the very same Bible passages that these people quote to spew their venom about gays, were also written about those with disabilities. People with physical afflictions in biblical times were demon-possessed or carried a sinful past. Really?? As the mother of a 16-year-old boy confined to a wheelchair for his rare neurological disease, I can tell you he certainly didn't choose it, but there are those -- probably in a NC church somewhere -- who will tell me that this awesome boy is paying for MY sins, and the sins of the 10 generations before him. If I believed that crap, I guess I would apologize, but, umm ... no.

The big question is "Where does Ridiculous end?" How do we slap the ignorant out of these people?

frugalistablog said...

Thank you Punch. I knew you would do it justice. I can't help but start crying when I read his words. He is hiding something for sure. They all are when they have so much hate in their voice.

Anonymous said...

Please report to nc child services.

Brooke said...

My high school biology teacher, who had his PhD, also refused to believe in dinosaurs. He said the bones were planted by Satan to confuse us. For someone with such a high degree of education, he chose not to believe scientific evidence, but that a magical man planted fake bones to get people to not believe in his Bible. And taught this to young minds.

Jumpin Jim Flash said...

Zebus mom, people like this Hassi guy is why people turn from God because if he was the sample of Christian life, who would want to be one. Fortunately people like him are in the minority. What a jerk. To address a couple of points you brought up that might help you... First let me say my best friend is a wonderful Christian an, oh yes, she's gay. One question that answers quickly, on sin I not worse than another. Man is the one that tried to rank them not God. Therefore, being gay is no worse than pride for example. Being gay most definately a sin. Who did I decide that? I didn't it is spelled out very directly in black & white in more than one place. That being said, we Christians are are, while called to be against sin we ARE called to love our neighbor as ourselves. Not just the neighbors that are Christains, not just the ones that think like us but EVERYONE. Your sin is not any worse than mine. Mine is no worse than yours. The bible also says that we will be judged by God the same way we have judged others. Our Mr. Harris will be judged for what he stands for, plus the clergy are held by God to a higher standard than the rest of us. So just as I would never judge you for being gay, I won't judge him for his actions. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Hope this helps and takes the bad taste out of your mouth. This chistian loves you and will pray for you. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I dont know. I do not condone his words on child abuse, but if you see your child on a path is it wrong to correct them? Yes, everyone has their own opinion if it is wrong or not, but for a Christian person, yes I believe it is wrong to engage in homosexual behavior. I teach my kids to love themselves and others, to show compassion and mercy to people, but above all to love God and try to follow HIS path, not what we think we want. Society has taught if it feels good do it, regardless of repercussions and consequences. And yes, Jesus befriended a prostitute but after he saved her, he said go, sin no more. They gave their life to God because they loved him more than their desires. Hard task, and one Ive fallen short on many occasions. And people with no faith in God will never understand why we believe in God.

Kp said...

Thank you for sharing this. It's certainly disturbing, disgusting, deplorable, and some other d- words, but to know it still happens in such an open forum is to know we have to keep "fighting the GOOD fight" in an equally open and loud forum.

Megan said...

You know what's funny to me? Biblical marriage isn't marriage as we know it today. Back then it was mainly a business deal. You didn't marry for love. Not to mention, the Bible supports polygamy, having concubines, incest, marrying your rapist, pedophilia, and sexual slavery. These Christians (of course I don't mean all Christians... just the ones who think like Pastor Harris and who support this amendment) need to really look closely at what modern marriage means and realize that trying to make marriage "between one man and one woman" because it's "Christian" is almost humorous. Religion has no place in our law.

julief said...

Thank you for posting this Jen. I am horrified by what this man is saying. Absolutely disgusting. I live in Nebraska and about 10 years ago an ammendment just like this was past. By the voters. I am ashamed of my state. I pray that NC will not vote for it, we don't need any more support for this hateful behavior.

Amanda said...

What... the fuck.

People like this should not be allowed to be pastors. Or public speakers. Or anything important.

Kristen said...

Amen! The Bible is a piece of historical literary fiction. I always say that if Green Eggs and Ham had been written that long ago instead we'd be doing crazy things with foxes in boxes rather than trying to live by some archaic reference book to who begat whom.

Jumpin Jim Flash said...

Hey folks, don't judge us by this guy. Please read my reply to Zebsmom above so you can see how Christians are supposed to act an what we are supposed to stand for but don't judged based o the idiots tha rant on like this. The bad ones are th ones tha get in the news. By wharf you are saying I could say those non-Christians are horrible. They ALL kill each other to get what they want. Th only judge is God and he will judge us all some day. Sins are not ranked by God, man did that. Your sin is no worse than mine and so on...

Megan said...

He doesn't deserve a punch in the throat. I believe a punch in the penis is in order.

Kristen said...

There is no sin in homosexual love relationships or living the authentic self while refraining from impinging on others' lives..

There is sin in hatred, condemnation and abuse.

Anyone who uses an archaic book of fiction to claim otherwise is a douche.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

Not only is the reply to Zebsmom almost completely incomprehensible it is, again, an example of a "christian" misinterpreting the word. Stay quiet until you can clearly state your ideas. Being gay is no more a sin than being straight is. You're flat out wrong about that.

As to this "pastor", well, heretics and false prophets abound. He is the worst kind of evil wrapping himself in pomposity and righteousness. He and his followers (they are HIS followers, not God's) frighten me more than I can say.

Megan said...

Give me one reason that homosexuality is wrong. And I don't mean "because the Bible says so". I mean, using logic, give me ONE solid reason why being gay is wrong-- so wrong that it justifies shaming your children, making them hate themselves and resent you as a parent.

Debra Glass said...

Thank you for saying exactly what I would have liked to say! True Christians should take a stand against bigots like that pastor.

Giggles said...

I didn't have time to read ALL of the comments...but I had to comment. The bible says not to judge, yet the most judgmental people I know are the good ol' Southern Christians. I'm judgmental too...but not about people being gay or people getting divorced. I judge the the jack wagons that raise their kids to be EXACTLY what this pastor is encouraging. GRRRR!!! This gets me so fired up...I'm just gonna have to write my own blog post about it and quit hijacking your comments. I'll post a link on here when I'm done!! Thanks for getting me all wound up!!!

Anonymous said...

Please, read Jumpin Jim Flash's response to Zebsmom...if you is almost as poorly written as this little paragraph.

Anonymous said...

The dinosaur thing freaks me out. How can people not believe dinosaurs existed? There is a little boy in my daughter's preschool who doesn't attend on the days they teach science because his family doesn't "believe" in science. Really?!

Anonymous said...

So, in the bible where it says it's okay to sell your daughters into slavery, or if you plant the wrong crop you can be stoned, or it's ok to own slaves do you go by those too or are you just picking out the stuff that fits your narrow view.

Jumpin Jim Flash said...

Oh Megan, yo embarrassing yourself. You are talking about something that you know nothing about, The Bible. The Bible definately does not support polygamy, concubines, incest marrying a rapist, pedophilia or sexual slavery. Are those things in the Bible, yes the same as they are mentioned in a history book. They happened just like they happen today. The Bible supports loving your neighbor as yourself, by putting others needs above our own needs, for doing more than is required of us. We are to love everyone whether ga, straight, educated, uneducated. We are not to judge others for the sin the commit because the sins we commit are just as bad as theirs. Oh yes, Christians still sin. We sin big just like everyone else. If you would, you could skip the Old Testament where most of your misinformation comes and read the New Testament for what Christianity really is after Jesus lived. Also get a bible that makes sense to you, the have them ritte in today's language that makes sense to us now. Please don't judge anything you don't understand until you have researched it completely. God loves us all an I love love you too. You are a creature of God

Anonymous said...

Word Megan. It isn't wrong and they can't say why it is.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to me that the people raise their Christian flags the highest are usually the ones spewing the most hate and are the most un-Christian people out there. I'm Christian, but am really sick of these people giving Christianity a bad name.

Counting Caballeros said...

I am a Christian. I believe the Bible. What I cannot wrap my head around, is people like this who read the same Word of God that I do and find hate, justification for their hate, and think that God would ever condone violence to deal with what the perceve as sin. One of the comments above quoted John 8:7 and I say "Amen." I recently saw a meme on Facebook that says "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." I love that. Jesus encountered all types of sinners -- tax collectors, prostitutes, corrupt Roman soldiers -- not ONCE did he advocate taking them outside the city gates and stoning them, or beating the sin out of them, or anything even remotely like that. So, if, as Christians, we are to strive to be as Christlike as possible, why oh why would we believe that OUR judgement can somehow supercede that of God or His son? Christ met sin with love, grace, and forgiveness. He showed us that you can love the person while hating the sin. I get that. That is how I was raised. That is what the pastors at the churches I attended taught. I grew up surrounded by Christians who believed this way. And guess what? Some of their kids, my friends, later came out. Did their staunch Christian parents disown them? No. Did they express their disappointment? Of course -- they may view homosexuality as a choice (right or wrong, that is how they see it) but they still love their children even if they do not agree with their lifestyle. They all, to my knowledge, still have very loving relationships with their children. People like this guy, they take the Word of God, which is full of love, grace, forgiveness, tolerance, and faith and they twist it, warp it, and mangle it into something full of judgement and hate, and they somehow believe that they have the right to impose sentence on those that they believe are sinning. Yes, I believe that this man needs to be punched in the throat. Repeatedly.

Jumpin Jim Flash said...

Because God said so and that is all that is needed. But, but, but He also tells us to love others as we do ourselves. It doesnt say love all those that think like we do or only those people we like. It saus EVERYONE. And so many of you use the old testament to try to prove how horrible the bible is. Try reading the new testament. This are the rules and laws we live you, loving everyone. One sin is not worse than another. My sin is just as bad as the sin of a gay person. Before you jump on that my best friend is a wonderful christian an also gay. I love her no less for being gay and she loves me no less when I slip say things I shouldn't about someone. Guys pleas know what you are talking about before you quote from things you know nothing about. God loves you and by his common so do I.

Anonymous said...

One reason without God in the equation? Even though I dislike having to defend my beliefs to you, here you go. There is no chance of pro creation. Darwin theory. Only the strong survive. Your line, DNA, whatever ends at you. It goes against nature. Nature is about life, evolving. So how does homosexuality equate with that? Take out emotions and how you feel and tell me why is it right? And Im Roman Catholic, our beliefs are the old laws were abolished bc Jesus fulfilled the law. And yes, Jesus did say love your neighbor as yourself, but what did he say the greatest law was? To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. So do what is good and try to refrain from sin.

MamaM said...

Well said Jill. I can't really add too that!

Anonymous said...

As a parent of a daughter who is openly gay, I have to say this pastor is a reprehensible example of the human race and definalty deserves an internet punch..or thoussand :)

I follow another blogger you al lmight know.. Dan Pearce (Single Dad Laughing.. that addressed this issue in powerful post this last winter which received so many return posts and comments it crashed his server..both of the links below should be a mandatory read for everyone on either side of the issue

and a powerful post response from a mom...

imbogus1 said...

No comment

Gossip_Grl said...

That is some crazy stuff, but actually am not surprised either which is sad. I was raised in church and know that some are fanatical about issues, but this story takes it to the extreme.

Anonymous said...

How do you have NO faith? I have faith in a lot of things: gravity, the sun comes up in the morning and the moon appears at night, a good hairstylist is worth his or her weight in gold, etc.

I just don't have the kind of faith that you want me to have.

lauren said...

The bible isn't wrong. This pastor is guilty of taking what he wants from it and making it work for him but he is clearly not living a truly Christian life and therefore shouldn't be followed. It clearly states in Ephesians 6 "fathers do no exasperate your children". It's stating you should not tirade over your kids and blame it on being godly. So many "Christians", like this pastor, just pick how they want things to go but that's not right and then it makes the whole faith look like ***holes. He needs to take a good hard look at his beliefs and turn them around. No sin is greater than another but so many make being homosexual #1. We are not on this earth to judge but to love and he isn't doing that. I'm sad for him and his followers.

Anonymous said...

people like this make me sick. as a catholic, and someone who attends church weekly and loves god and my faith, it surprises me how much hate that people who are christians preach against gays, people who are different, women who take birth control, poor people, etc.
something else that disgusts me:
crazy duggar lady thinks that wives should be submissive to their husbands. if anybody thinks that i will be submissive to them, i will laugh at them. i thank my parents for raising me to be a strong independent young woman and i know your daughter will thank you in the future.

spymay said...

Well, I've successfully beaten the CRAP out of a few people and I would be more than happy to demonstrate on this jerkwad who calls himself a minister.
Homophobe much? Perhaps he protests too much.

Jen Berg said...

Here is a Facebook page about it too -!/voteagainstamendmentone

Vote AGAINST if you live in NC!

Anonymous said...

punched; he needs to be beat to a bloody pulp. I am embarrassed to admit that I live in NC. I wasn't raised here, but still. I was already going to vote no for the stupid amendment, but this infuriates me to no end. I was raised by an abusive person and I cannot stand for this talk or thought process. I was also raised in a Baptist school and that is why to this day I hate Christianity, because of people like this.

Giggles said...

Here's by post:

Anonymous said...

Oh, okay so you don't follow the old testament laws so point me to where the new laws state homosexuality is a sin. Maybe you don't like defending your beliefs because you can't, because anything you pull out of the bible I can pull out something to contradict it.

Anonymous said...

Fired up....

Siobhan said...

I'm a practicing Catholic who went to a Jesuit university & majored in biology. One of my professors was a Jesuit priest. I asked him one day... how can you be a priest and be a scientist - how can you believe in God with the science of evolution etc... and his response was simple "look at the world around you; where things started and how far they've come... how can you not believe God had a hand in that" Made sense to me.

Christine said...

Why is it when anyone points out the inconsistency of following the bible literally based on some of the truly heinous things it advocates, someone always says "but that's the Old Testament." Yes, it is. And that's where the Leviticus passage most often cited for declaring homosexuality a sin are found, too.

Either the Old Testament "counts" or it doesn't. If you dismiss the exhortation to kill children who curse their parents, you can't fall back on the "abomination" goodie.

The New Testament references to homosexuality are far from unambiguous. The Greek words used in the original texts do NOT translate directly to English (and are rarely used in writings from the time, so there isn't good comparative literature), and there are a number of possible interpretations, most of which do not add up to "being gay."

I know Jumpin Jim Flash is trying to make the point that judgment is wrong, and that the pastor is behaving un-Christian-like. He's right about that.

But to put this in the category of "love the sinner, hate the sin" is still to lend credence to discriminatory practices -- like laws that prohibit gay marriage or gays adopting children, because while you hate the sin but love the sinner, you also don't do anything to facilitate or enable the sin. If you believe homosexuality is sinful, then it makes sense to oppose laws that treat it as equal to heterosexuality. keep fighting the "it's sinful, but so am I" idea.

Anonymous said...

Please read the WHOLE sentence, or I won't have faith in your ability at reading comprehension. I said those who have no faith in God. Yes, you have faith in all things you see and can rationalize but "blessed are those who believe and have not seen."

Asteria said...

I hate to tell you, JJF, but the Bible isn't very clear about anything; nothing is ever "black and white," especially not in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

It is a big step from this gay bashing preacher to a vote in a state election. Maybe someone could walk me through the relationship between these two. I do know what the possible admenment says however I am fuzzy on how being turned off by this showman for hire posing as a peacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ translates into a policitcal position relating to a statement in a state constitution.

Siobhan said...

I think this was very well stated. I'm catholic, and to me, & actually I believe it's in Matthew, God is love. If God is love, why is there so much hate in the hearts of people who are trying to be more God like? Love thy God, love thy neighbor.

liz smith said...

Can I just give that an AMEN!

Anonymous said...

"sometimes you are going to act like a girl and walk like a girl and talk like a girl and smell like a girl and that means you are going to be beautiful. You are going to be attractive. You are going to dress yourself up"

Is that really what they want to teach their girls? Be pretty and that's what matters? Are we really trying to make sure our 4 year olds are attractive? That's a bit pedophilic... How about be Kind, compassionate, smart, strong. Although I guess that would go against his teachings of beating your kids. For once I wish you'd see someone in the audience standing up against these pastors telling them they are insane.

Anonymous said...

Right on! LOVE this post. LOVE that you cut him downto size without uttering a single four letter word. The way that people behave towards others in the name of the Bible is tragic, and instead of leading others towards God it frequently has the opposite effect. I am proud to be a Christian, and embarrassed that the title of "Christian" is associated with this man. He has clearly lost his mind and belongs in the loony bin.

Hallie Sawyer said...

Okay the thing that ALMOST bothers me worse is that the congregation is tossing back the "Amen's" and the "mmm hmm's" like it was TOTALLY NORMAL!! People are insane. Free speech is one thing but that is hate. Pure hate and teaching intolerance. I am so glad you posted this. My jaw is on the floor.

Moira Incendia said...

He just posted an "Official Statement of Retraction" on the same blog page as his "clarification" post. According to this latest post, "I should not have said what I said about “cracking,” “punching,” and particular bias toward outward attraction of girls. Nor should I have used the words “special dispensation.” I did not say that children should be squashed. I have never suggested children or those in the LGBT lifestyle should be beaten, punched, abused (physically or psychologically) in any form or fashion."
As a friend of mine says, though, you can't retract audio.

Anonymous said...

I dont like defending them because you preach tolerance and acceptance yet attack my beliefs. You want what your not willing to give. I dont accept it, do I teach my kids its wrong? Yes. I also teach them to be kind and loving to others, and ppl have all kinds of beliefs and opinions but this is what we hold to be true. I will correct them as a Christian parent if I see them heading down a destructive path as I believe. And you have yet to say one solid rational reason why homosexuality is right, without emotion involved. Ppl are quick to make us defend why we believe its wrong, but never defend their stance.

Jumpin Jim Flash said...

Good points Christine but I don't think I said anything about law's that take away gay couples civil rights. I am against those too. In addition, I made he point that we all are sinners and no sin is worse than another. All I'm saying is there should be no right that I have that every person shouldn't. If I can adopt a child then the gay couple should be allowed as well. Everyone wants to make a point and they blame those not like them for the problem. If everyone acted as the should, Christians and non Christians we wouldn't have these things to fight about because they wouldn't exist. I marched with Dr. King when I was in college and iv ha things thrown at me by passing car and the whole discrimination thing...oh yes I'm white. I say that to say this, I really don't understand these things because I have never and will never tree anyone differently than another. Come on people it's really no that hard.

Jumpin Jim Flash said...

Forgot one thing Christine, the old testament does count of course. It counts like the revolutionary war counts. History. It is the way it was before Jesus came and told people "the Good News". We no longer live by the old ways. There is a new day and he preached love and humility. The new testament replaced the old testament in ho to live. So yes it counts but mostly as history. Thanks for reading. I love this blog because it really does get discussion moving on different topics.

Katie said...


Jumpin Jim Flash said...

I like pink! Being Christian I can tell you without hesitation, this Mr. Harris is not. He thinks he is but Christians do think o say things like hat.

Anonymous said...

If we followed the pastor's wishes, the human race would have never progressed...there would not have been the women's movement, equality movement, advances in medicine or technology. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Yes Yes Yes, this is just as horrific too. Girls must be kept in their place as weaker pretty things there to please men.

Anonymous said...

Wow does this guy need a punch. He words are just despicable. How anyone could advocate harming a child is beyond me. You love them and raise them and hope they will turn out happy and healthy and all around good people. If they're gay they're gay, no big deal.

You might be interested in looking at and his post I'm Christian unless you're gay. Same themes, brilliantly written. As well as she wrote an open letter the pastor that is just lovely.

Anonymous said...

To My Dear Children,
Please love one another and respect eachother's opinion respecfully. As for Parstor Sean Harris, you bring shame to me and all Christians out there. Your HATE defines you. May I point out that your hand goes into a limp state everytime you reach down and pick up that Bible.
Bless you all,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Amendment One plug, we WILL get it voted down.

Beth said...

love the comment "the Bible is a piece of historical literary fiction." Yes! why don't more people understand this? It was written by men, not by God!

Jana said...

I think what JJF is trying to get at is that man decided what a sin was, not God, and that men have put it in "black and white" that it's a sin; that in the eyes of men, being prideful is on the same level as being gay, leading to the whole "your sin is no worse than mine, my sin is no worse than yours." Knowing this and being a Christian, she isn't going to condemn anyone else for whatever sin it is.

I know it was really hard to read, but by the end of the post, that's what I'd gotten. She's basically just agreeing with Jen, and probably everyone else who is Christian and thinks tearing someone down based on their sexuality is stupid.

Anonymous said...

JJ Flash is right and his words are comprehensible enough - as long as you are not only listening for WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR. As JJF said - this pastor is wrong - SO...he does not agree with him. Now. How does the Holy Word of God relate to sodomism(homosexuality)? God did destroy an entire city over it. Sodom and Gommorah was full of it and is a type of lust - not love. God told Lot and his family to walk away from the city as he destroyed and not look back. Lots wife did and turned into a pillar of salt. Why salt? She was out of the PLAN of God. We were from dust. We were even referred to as "salt of the earth". If God creates us(as one man and one woman to begin) and has instructions for us, but we choose to do what we want - He can take it away - hence..with Lots wife if you're not going to obey then back to salt you go. Also: Only a couple things were called "an abomination" to God. One was sodomism/homosexuality. God does not hate people. He hates sin. Hell was not made for people. It was made for sin. If we choose to disobey God and allow sin in our lives Hell is the destination. Everyone misconceives "love". Love is not a one night stand or anything temporary. We all learn to love and forgive someone or something we don't always like. Jesus did. Love, however, did not save us. John 3:16 has been looked at wrong for years. God loved - then He gave. If "love" was enough then His son Jesus would not have had to come. The blood with repentance saves - not love. It was the result of the Fathers love that He sent a way for us to be saved. Why? We were all FIRST sinners. To save us from ourselves He came. If Christ "came not into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved." then why did He tell the woman taken in adultery "neither do I condemn thee, now go and SIN NO MORE."? Because "JUDGEMENT" and "CORRECTION"(teaching) are two totally different things. Christ isn't even judging till later BUT He's still going to point us in the right direction! Which is why we have preachers, teachers, evangelists - as Ephesians said, "for the perfecting of the saints". The ones who ARE LEGIT. Remember this as well - Everytime you say "those preachers" or "those christians" that is discrimination in itself. I am one, I do not agree with the pastor in topic, and nor do I agree with what God calls an abomination, and you judge me(whom you do not even know) everytime that is said - no different from racism. Some of my fellow christians need to seriously be careful in what you "personally" allow. If God did not change His mind then don't change it for Him. He does not love "homosexuality" - He loves the person. He loves them enough to offer escape. We all have to realize we are wrong. What seems or feels natural doesn't equal right. Drugs feel natural to the drug addict, alcohol feels natural to the alcoholic, and etc. If christians keep hiding behind the "I'm not your judge.", but then don't slowly feed them the truth - What's the point in calling yourself one? Christian = follower of Christ and His ways. As He said, "You are the light of the world." What good is it if you hide it because you just want to tell everyone "your okay" to avoid opposition. It's like this...except one thing - accept all. How about "bestality"??? Relationships with animals. "Eww, but that's sick!". Hey, hey, hey - don't judge! Maybe a relationship feels natural between man and cow. How about legalizing incest or murder? See what I mean? If we don't stick to the Holy(btw- "holy" means SEPARATE) WORD....which is different...on purpose. Then we are going to have one messed up society. Result of pushing God out of country, home, and school in the first place.

Jana said...

Despite the retraction, it's not like Sunday sermons are improvised (though, it might be different in Harris's congregation - I'm Catholic, where I know the priest prepares his sermon, and have a baptist uncle, who also prepares his sermons). He wrote it down, probably edited it, and didn't see any issues until the media called him on it. Is this guy a father? How would his children feel if they were closeted and had to listen to this?

We need more love, for sure, and less of this tearing-down-fit-my-mold-or-else mentality. Punch on, Jen.

just keep swimming said...

You rock for giving that to us. He deserves a good lambasting!

Ali said...

lauren, you are doing exactly what the pastor did, in the exact opposite way. He's cherry-picked versus from the Bible in which he believes strongly (that homosexuality is wrong). You've picked other versus that suit your own thinking and beliefs. I don't understand how you can say "It clearly states [here]"... Um, pastor Sean can do the exact same thing about his views.

How can you not see that?

Anonymous said...

Why does it have to be right or wrong? Is light right or wrong? Is air right or wrong? No, it just is. The defense that homosexuality is wrong because it will not lead to reproduction is just ridiculous, many people can not or choose not to have children, yet they have sex, does that make them wrong? If you look to the Bible you can find a number of things for and against pretty much anything, especially when you're trying to sway an argument, and if you don't believe in the Bible then that's going to be your argument nine times out of ten, so lets look at it this way, as rational adults we can see that two responsible adults having a relationship doesn't hurt anyone, man/man, man/woman, woman/woman whatever - if everyone is being respectful of their relationship and their community, it's all going to be okay. Let teach our kids to be responsible, respectful adults in ANY relationship that they're in and I'm 99% sure it'll work out better than hitting them for not fitting a mold that they weren't made to fit... then we could have people who stay married and don't cheat on their spouses and children who never ever have to see a parent be abused, or be abused themselves.

Mrs. Hoskins said...

I am appalled by the suggestion of this Pastor to use physical means to encourage your child to act more gender specific. Period.

Ali said...


Elizabeth said...

In 1 Timothy, Paul talks about homosexuality being wrong. In 1 Corinthians Paul gives instructions on marriage between a man and a woman. Of course if you believe the Bible is a "historical work of fiction" you think someone just made up a bunch of silly stories and morals just for kicks. I believe homosexuality is contrary to God's design. Animals don't do it. I don't believe you are born with it. I don't hate you, judge you, discrimintate against you, or avoid you if you are gay. I don't spew venom and hatred like some people accuse Christians of and it's a little hypocritical to be disrespectful of my beliefs just because you don't believe them too. I'm not holding you at gunpoint, bullying you into my beliefs. I don't understand why it always comes down to the prove it game. I don't have to have it spelled out exactly like some people want it to be. I just believe that God intends for 1 man to be with 1 woman even though that doesn't happen a lot anymore. Haven't we already decided that just because you don't have proof of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist?

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

What a douche-canoe. Fine men of the cloth like him and his intolerant flock are the reason why I left the church a long time ago. I realize that not all Christians are like this, but these days I avoid church like a vampire avoids the sun.

Unknown said...

firt thing that came to mind...What Would Jesus Do. Well Jesus would clock Pastor Moron. Well maybe not, but a girl can dream.

But honestly I am so appalled. Just awful, really. Peace Love and Understanding, people. Think about it.

Here I am wanting to force choke him, all the while saying his talk isnt appropriate. Oh my.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

And if you're a female who doesn't happen to fall into the mold of what this society deems attractive, woe betide you.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I don't even know what to think.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

Funny thing is, the gay couples I know are still together after many years while most of the heterosexual couples have split up. Maybe it's because the gay couples are together because they want to be rather than because it's what they're "supposed" to do.
The King James bible has been edited many times, mostly for political reasons. It most assuredly is not a pure work straight from God's prophets. There is a lot of material that has been removed from the bible.

Shelly Robinson said...

You are absolutely correct! This hits especially close to home for me, being in an interracial marriage. It wasn't too many years ago that my marriage would have been illegal. Why should the state have any say in who you are allowed to marry?

ericka said...

I went to a Catholic school and in the 6th grade someone asked a nun if she believed in evolution. She said(in her funny German accent) "It doesn't matter if we evolved from monkeys are wildebeast, someone had to put the plan in place." Amen, sister.

Anonymous said...

It's the sheep following the wrong shepherd.

Just Me said...

@ Anonymous: I was raised in the church. Sunday School, Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday nights. Active in the youth group and everything they'd let me be active in. Best pastor ever, and when he retired, I was done with the judgement from the new one.

I church shopped. Nothing out there for someone like me. Why?

Because I can hate the sin and love the sinner. That's what Jesus said to do. He also let us know that what we do for the "least" we do for him. And Jesus is the guy who said "let the children come to me".

Christian churches are RARE that teach that. If I could find one, I'd be front and center when the doors were open. So I hold Jesus close to me, and I act as His own words told me to act. I live in faith stronger than sitting in a pew listening to someone spew violence and bigotry could bring me.

You think Jesus supports this kind of foolishness? The Jesus I know is weeping at what people like this pastor, and like you, do in his name.

I'll tell you something else, too: When someone gets to hammering on the Biblical message without the assistance of paragraphs to make it easier to read - they've lost my attention.

Leslie Stum said...

You ask "Who are the people in church ...shouting out Amen...?" They are awful people and sad excuses for Christians. Shame on them for sitting in that congregation every week. They should be held just as accountable for this horrible message as the so-called Pastor Sean Harris himself. God must cringe when she hears people like that say anything in God's name.
BTW, Karma is real. All these jack-holes will get theirs in due time.

Shelly Robinson said...

As a Christian and North Carolinian, I completely agree with you! It wasn't too many years ago that my interracial marriage would have been illegal.

Just Me said...

The Old Testament states that homosexuality is wrong. Jesus came to bring a new covenant. If you are Christian, your focus is on what JESUS taught, not what Leviticus says. Do you eat pork?

My life is focused on Jesus. Not Paul's interpretations of Jesus, not the OT laws. Just Jesus. I'm pretty sure he said "Let the one without sin cast the first stone." I'd bet my next tiny paycheck that this pastor is not without sin, but he advocated physical violence to children who don't suit their parents ideals for them.

Anonymous said...

LOVE that you (and yes I am totally judging) guys always bring up the bestiality thing when talking about homosexuality? I don't know how that is even in the same realm? Really? And then you throw in incest and murder! Awesome. Just acres and acres of stupidity flowing from your mouth.

Just Me said...


Anonymous said...

Amen. I couldn't have said it better myself.

ArrogantSOB said...

And no one is even talking about the most offensive part about this rant. As an exterminator (Ahem, we prefer "Pest Control Operator", thank you very much), I find it truly offensive that he talks abut squashing cockroaches as if any untrained parent can do it. I am a trained professional dammit, and I don't like the dismissive way in which he addresses how I make a living. Outrageous!
(Oh, and the blatant homophobia and blind hate is really fucking ridiculous too.)

Lori G said...

Here is his "blog", his "retraction", and his idiotic idea that it was all taken "out of context":

Megan said...


"Animals don't do it"
So very, very incorrect.

"I just believe that God intends for 1 man to be with 1 woman even though that doesn't happen a lot anymore."
Hahaha WHAT? That doesn't happen a lot anymore? LOL

The point isn't that you're trying to bully strangers into believing what you believe. The point is that parents who believe that being gay is wrong and then have gay children often cause severe emotional damage to them. Love your children for EVERYTHING that they are, including their sexuality. Do not tell them that because they have feelings toward the same sex that they can NOT help that they are shameful or sinful. That's the harm in your beliefs.

ArrogantSOB said...

Oh and this also plays perfectly into a post I am planning that is going to absolutely rail against organized religion, especially fuckheads like this. So come one over when I post it. It's sure to get some panties bunched...

GS said...

@ Kristen & Beth; Voices of reason. Thank you!! I have been scrolling through the comments coming to the same 'illusion-conclusion'. It was written that the Earth is flat and if you travel to the ends, you fall off. It is written, therefore it is true. Also, I heard that Bra-ngelina have adopted their 20th child from Neptune. It was in the inquirer. True facts!!! Wake up people, we are who we are. We have lost sight of social values of right and wrong. My opinion is that we do not need religious banter to lead us down that path!

Anonymous said...

I am a devout Christian. People who refuse to believe in science (and spout off about whacking your kid because she wants to play sports or whatever) give us a bad name. I'm so tired of these people being the example of Christianity.

As for the whole science/dinosaur thing.... Dinosaurs existed. I believe in science. I believe God is the author and creator of ALL science. Christians get hung up in the 6 day creation thing. Now, I totally believe God created everything in HIS concept of 6 days. We try to limit God based on our human concept of time. God is God. He is way bigger than us and His ways are not our own. Believing in science and dinosaurs doesn't make you not a Christian. And, science does not disprove the Bible. Usually, it affirms the accounts. People sometimes think because we can explain something that it makes it less of a miracle. Well, we can explain how babies are made and that is NO less a miracle every time it happens. And, anyone seeking Christ... please, please don't turn away because of this guy! REAL Christians love everyone. We can dislike what you do but that doesn't change our love. I have a dear friend who struggles with drug addiction. That causes her to do horrible things with her body to get money for drugs. Despite our efforts, she continues to use. Do I love her any less? NO!! Probably more. I can see all that she could be if only she could climb out of this rut!

And, at Ericka --- LOVE IT!!! She's so right!

Elizabeth said...

Men and women get divorced more because they are "supposed" to be married to the opposite sex? I may be following you wrong there though...sorry if I am. But I will agree that a lot of people end up in divorce because they may feel pressured to get married and may choose a bad partner. I believe that the Bible has been translated and translated to the point where a lot of things may be different. However I still believe that God intended one man to one wife even if it doesn't explicitly say it.

Leslie Stum said...

Oh, and look, I just found this statement on his blog:
"(The comment option was removed because of the extreme hateful things that were being posted.)
Pastor Sean"
So, he's against people saying extremely hateful things about him, but he has no problem with saying extremely hateful things about effeminate and/or "butchy", as he put it, children.
He will be checking in at the "Special Reservations" desk in Hell someday.

Zebsmom said...

Thank you so much Jill for feeling that way about that post, as that is how I feel about it as well. Yeah Jill!!!!

Elizabeth said...

I've never seen animals do it. I've seen animals humping each other to show dominance but I have never seen a girl animal have sex with a girl animal. How would that even happen? Haha...and vice versa of course. And sorry- I meant that 1 woman and 1 man together doesn't happen much in the sense that there is a lot of divorce. Yeah I didn't explain that very well. I didn't mean to make bullying my point either. I guess I just see it a lot when people talk about religion. Its funny because people get so upset and start being mean and calling people names trying to make them see your point of view and believe it too. I would never shame my child or disown him for being gay. Just like I wouldn't if he told a lie or stole a pencil at school. I wouldn't want my child to be scared of telling me he is gay but he will know that I don't believe its right. But it doesn't change the fact that he is my child and I love him.

Zebsmom said...

Jill, I think you and I should be friends :)

Megan said...


"Please don't judge anything you don't understand until you have researched it completely."
Hahaha, you're silly. You have no idea how much I've studied the Bible.


Matthew 5:17-18 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished”

Malachi 3:6 "For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

The Old Testament counts, and not just as "history". Deal with it.

Megan said...


As far as the animals go, do some research on bonobos, penguins and dolphins, among other animals. It's very natural.

And to this:
"I would never shame my child or disown him for being gay. Just like I wouldn't if he told a lie or stole a pencil at school. I wouldn't want my child to be scared of telling me he is gay but he will know that I don't believe its right. "

But you'd let him know that it's very wrong to steal, right? Do you know what it's like to have a parent think that part of who you are as a person is inherently "wrong"? Do you have ANY idea? I do. You may not think that it's scarring but it is.

Submommy said...

Ever heard the expression "Mutton dressed as lamb?"

Evil dressed as God.

ButteryMuffyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Denise said...


Motherhood: A Descent Into Madness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Motherhood: A Descent Into Madness said...

Nauseating. One day when I was a teenager, I watched as a mother learned that her teenage daughter was dead, of suicide. It was the most horrifying, heartbreaking thing I have ever witnessed. The reason her daughter killed herself? Because she was gay and her brothers taunted her and she couldn't take it any more.
It makes me feel like someone punched ME in MY throat when I hear about people who advocate intolerance and hate, especially against their own children. I guess they don't mind coming home one day to find out that their child would rather not live than suffer through one more day of being a part of their family.

KCM said...

what a fuckwit. i am born and raised in NC and an idiot like this makes us all look like a bunch of rednecks. and everyone needs to understand the Amendment One is a lot more than just giving a gay couple the right to about it before you vote to really understand what you would be supporting.

Anonymous said...

@Just your comment here and the one above and I strive to be like you when I grow up! ;) Kind, clear, calm, and walking in His path. Good for you!

ALAJAX13 said...

You rave about Christians being intolerant but here you all are doing just that. Not all Christians a like this man, in fact most Christians are not like him. A true Christian strives to be Christ like and love, but we are all human and we fall short of the Glory of God. I understand that you may have had bad experiences with judgy Christians, but when you judge them and call their beliefs fiction you are no better. What is so wrong about a group of people loving each other and worshiping their God? If we are wrong then it will not effect you in any way, but if we are right you will be facing the ultimate judgement. I am not telling you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you to respect it. You will not change my mind and I will not change yours. So let's just respect each other.

Momma O said...

Wow, Jen! What a mofo! This "pastor" should get together with my state's priests and they should all go on an island together. I see that there are a LOT of comments here, and I have not read them but I am hoping against hope that MOST are as outraged as we are. I read a great comment the other day. "If you can hate the sin and not the sinner, I can hate the belief and not the believer." (although I hate this "pastor") I just wrote my latest blog on the crazyness of the Roman Catholic Church (I am catholic, so those of you getting crazy calm down!) SO enjoy or be offended or both!

Anonymous said...

UGHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS NOT WHAT CHRISTIANITY IS ABOUT!!! JESUS AND GOD ARE ABOUT LOVE! Ugh I cannot even respond with anything remotely eloquent because I am just SO FURIOUS!! I love God and I cannot STAND what the church has done

Lindsay said...

Jen, as a North Carolinian, I can assure you that this man is NOT representative of our state. I will soon be voting proudly, AGAINST Amendment One. A1 is about much more than gay marriage, which is already illegal in North Carolina. Any North Carolinian that isn't sure how to vote, like KCM states, please do your research.

To Jumpin Jim Flash, please read this article.

It is very eye-opening

Anonymous said... made my day!

Sherri Spichiger said...

Actually, this guy needs to be punched somewhere other than his throat. I'm thinking a good crotch punch might be in order for this one. And you know the only reason that this guy is espousing this BS is because somewhere, deep in his psyche, is a memory of his own father whacking him upside his head because he wanted a Barbie Doll for Christmas. This guy is pathetic. Btw, for all those who are on the fence about Christianity, Sean Harris is NOT an example of Christianity. He is an example of hatred masquerading as righteousness.

Anonymous said...


Its a common misconception that exists because studies have found that deviant sexual behaviors have some links. People who are into child pornography have often had an interest in bestiality. Law enforcement and sex offender therapists often look for signs of deviant sexual interests (ie viewing bestiality) to identify possible offender traits.

The problem is that people group homosexuality in that group when it is not. Further it has been shown to have no link with any deviant sexual behaviors anymore than saying that because a person is hetero they are likely to offend against little girls (assuming male here).

I blame it on (with absolutely no scientific backing)the fact that healthy homosexual relationships were kept out of the mainstream for so long (in the closet if I may), so most heterosexuals were only exposed to stories of offending priests or predatory male teachers or other SINsationalism that the nightly news would bring.

Hopefully, with a newer open exposure, the newer generations will learn to separate the association.

Ginja said...

Thank you SO MUCH for posting about this! This is absolutely disgusting, and I would really like to know when churches went from "love everyone" to "love everyone that is just like you or only the way you want them to be"? Whether someone is straight or gay shouldn't matter, these churches and pastors should be preaching about love and about helping your gay child through tough times. As a NC resident, I cannot wait to vote AGAINST this ridiculous Amendment!

Ali said...

I can respect you, but I certainly do not need to respect your views!

Unknown said...

I'm not even going to start in about my religious beliefs, they don't matter here. What does matter is that this guy is an idiot. I would use stronger words but then I might never stop and there is surely a limit to how many I'm allowed to type here. Punch a child? Crack a wrist? Really? How about cut out an idiot tongue. You want to "pray the gay away"
well fine. Physically abuse a child? Oh but hell no. I am encouraging my "congregation" to punch morons like this in the throat. What the hell is he talking about anyway? If he thinks homosexuality is a choice, please explain to me what four year old is making sexual choices and if they are...what is going on in that "good christian home"? My kids weren't making sexual choices at four. This guy needs a lobotomy.

Hey Mon! said...

Thank you for sharing this, Lindsay. One of the pastors at my church taught us similarly about the New Testament passages. There are also biblical scholars who think that 1 Timothy was written by an imposter years after Paul died.

Momma O said...

Ali, I was scrolling through all these comments and your response reminded me of a great saying I saw "If you can hate the sin but love the sinner, I can hate the belief but love the believer."

LooktoHim said...

He are some real Bible Verses regarding the main subjects brought to light: By the way - although men penned the words of the Bible, the words they wrote were given them by God's Holy Spirit. These are the words of Guidence from God to mankind - he did not leave us here to "guess" how to get it right. Now,
1. JUDGEMENT -Romans 2:1-11 "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgement on someone else, for whatever point you judge the other, you are condemming yourself. Becuse you who pass judgement do the same things. Now we know that God's judgement against those who do such things is based on Truth. So when you, a mere man, passes judgement on them, and yet you do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgement? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerence,and patience; not realizing that Gods kindness leads you toward repentance. But becasue of your stubborn and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of Gods wrath; when His righteous judgement will be revealed. He will give to each person by what he has done." (God is not talking 'good deeds here - He's talking how you have lived your life according to his directions) "For those who persist in doing good, seeking glory,honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and reject the Truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human who does evil." --Although Christians certainly can and do sin, they are judged righteous by God BECAUSE THEY HAVE ACCEPTED JESUS CHIRST AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR - they ask God almost daily for forgiveness of their sins and make an whole-hearted effort not to commit that sin again. The Holy Spirit indwells any one who sincerely gives their heart to Christ, and a true Christian depends on the Spirit,through Faith - to help him to avoid sin.

HOMOSEXUALITY: (Oh, and for you who thought this was just OLD Testament stuff =)Romans 1:21- 27 - "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God, nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking becane futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise,they were fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images 'of idols'. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things - rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shaneful lusts. Even their women changed natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retaib the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done." Without the Power of the Holy Spirit you do not have the strenghth or will to change. Becasue all of mankind were all born with a sinful nature from Adam and Eve.

If anyone wants to know how Jesus led an sinless life, let me know - I'll explain.

Christ is the only one who lived a sinless life and then took our punishment in Hell (total seperation from God) - so we do NOT have to be condemmed. That is why Jesus is the only way to Heaven. No other way in the world, except through Him.

Angelique said...

Sharon, you hit the nail on the head. A lobotomy is definitely in order for this guy. This is just one more mark in the column of why I think organized religion is just mostly trouble. Maybe he should be thinking more about the golden rule than punching sons and reigning in daughters...

Anonymous said...

This is powerful. I have tears in my eyes. My God is a loving God and to be like Him, I have to show myself loving. And I love "just because I sin differently than you." Thank you.

Single Lady

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry...Kevin Johnson (Christian).

Unknown said...

This guy has a really skewed view of life in general. I have to wonder why he hasn't told the men to punch their wives for giving birth to gay babies........smh.

DVM said...

@Just Me & Jill,
Matthew 5:17 - Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil (KJB).

Sorry, you're wrong. Jesus said the O.T. still applies.

There's a lot of great, inspirational messages spoken by Jesus (i.e., the Golden Rule), but it's not original, having been taught long before Jesus, in other sacred texts.

LooktoHim said...

PSALMS 103:3 - He forgives my sins.....

MICAH 6:18....Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnent (thats us - the remnant)of his inheritance. God, you do not stay angry forever but delight to show Mercy.

JOHN 14:6 - Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light, no one comes to the Father except through me."....10 -"Don't you believe I am in the Father and the Father is in me?"

God can only show mercy to those who come to Christ. Those who do not come to Christ will die and face eternal punishment. Many will say 'how can God be so cruel'...but he says over and over in the Bible that unless you repent of your sins and accept Christ as your Savior, there will be no redemption.

Right now, speak to God and tell him you want Christ in your life, ask him to forgive your sins, tell him you believe that Jesus came to earth to take your punishment, that you believe he was crucified, raised from the grave after 3 days and lives, ascended into Heaven sitting at the right hand of God.

If you sincerely prayed this prayer - Congratulations, you are a child of God, and all your sins are forgiven at this moment. Pray everyday for God to give you his strength. Read the Bible, God will give you more and more understanding as you get into his word. Start with John in the New Testament and just read through. Maybe a page, maybe a chapter. But read his word often, it's important. Rejoice!!!!! And God Bless You and keep you.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely!!!!!!!!! My family has " church" whenever we decide...anywhere we stories, prayers...etc. The only thing not allowed is the judging of other religions and beliefs!

Anonymous said...

@DVM Thanks! I feel so stupid for never ever ever having read that particular passage before! I can't think how after all these years that's the ONE passage that escaped my notice! Whew! You would think at least one other person would have been so kind to have pointed this out to me before! Perhaps they should have some sort of class or meeting or something to discuss just this type of thing once a week or so? Oh well! Now that you so kindly pointed out my stupidity I will surely go and change my whole belief system! Thanks again!

CamiB said...

I grew up Baptist..and THIS is one of the reasons I don't go to church anymore. I am not saying that all Christians are evil, but the most evil, cruel, unforgiving people I have ever dealt with in my 35 years are those who go to church religiously...each and every time.

Anonymous said...

I have encountered the opposite. My parents have been married for 39 years, all my siblings have been married for more than 10 yrs. My gay friends are always partying and with someone new every wkend, according to FB. Is that everyone? No. So why bring that into the conversation?
As for animals..yes, there is some homosexual tendencies in these animals. According to science its a rarity and an anomaly. Unless you are a hermaphrodite species, you can't reproduce. In evolution, you are the weaker species. Hey, no God in your equation right? No mercy. The biggest difference I perceive here, is that humans have free will. You choose your own actions. Engaging in homosexuality is a sin. I firmly believe this. I also happen to believe pre-marital and extra marital sex is just as big. If it is outside the confines of a godly marriage then it is not sanctioned. Our problem is we don't want to conform ourselves to what God wants, it's too hard and too painful sometimes. I will not lie to my kids and say if you are gay its ok, i accept you as you are. No. God doesn't accept us as we are, you have to repent and live in the way of Christ. Yes, we aren't perfect but we can try. And if I don't try to teach them this, what kind of parent am I? That you may satisfy the flesh in this life, but be damned eternally? Sorry, hell does exist and its alot worse than living a life without sex. I don't know where this theory came about that said God was tolerant of sin. He isn't. We all will be judged and pay for our sin if we don't repent while we can. Do I hate gays? No. I try to never harbor hate in my heart, someone who does, does not have God in them. I'm far from perfect and need prayer as much as the next. But the difference is I don't try to justify my sin. I know its wrong. I won't try and make you think what I did was right.

LooktoHim said...

Wow !! So many of you claim to be Christians, but - close your eyes = can you imagine Jesus saying all the things you all are saying about this man? Yes, he may be wrong, but two wrongs don't make a right. A real, true Christian would call for a concerted effort of prayer that God will bring this man to a place of love and take whatever is causing his rage to a place of peace that only God can give. He needs help from God, as he made some very poor choices for a Pastor. It is impossible for me to judge his relationship with God. Pray for him if you are a "Christian".

Tricia said...

The first Anonymous and JJF are again, exactly the reason why I don't follow organized religion. You two are disgusting nut cases. You remind me of the assholes of the 60's who hated people based on skin color, that we now make Oscar winning movies about dumb idiots like you, while audiences watch and are shocked that people really thought so primitively.

I hope that my generation (the 30 somethings out there) are the lobbyists for the beginning of a change, and we look back in 30 years and pity the stupidity of the people like JJF and the first Anonymous.

I agree with the rest of you. Thank whatever higher being there may be for rational thinkers.

Katie Nellis said...

Spewing hate from the pulpit. Horrible. This scares me less than those who BELIEVE it. Hate toward children is a new kind of low.

Tara said...

My husband and I were talking about religion the other night and it's a never ending conversation. He wasn't brought up by any certain religion and I was brought up Lutheran... until I turned about 13 and started asking questions and the answers boiled down to blind faith. So I quit. I quit religion all together. My husband fought in Iraq and ever since he's been even more removed from the idea of any kind of religion. He doesn't get why people would want to go to war over it and lose innocents (kids, ect) over it. One of the other commenters said something to the effect of the longer they live the more they hate organized religion. I have to agree with them...

jj said...

Jen, I love your posts... but I disagree with you today. While I don't believe in squashing your child's spirit, I think that he is right... partially. Steering your child towards what you believe to be morally right is called PARENTING. It is up to the parent to decide this. While it does not always work, it is the parent's right and duty to guide their child and to try to keep them away from a life of pain and sin.

Anonymous said... many punches needed, so little time. Could all of you idiots who need a punch line up behind Pastor Asshat? This process will go so much smoother and faster.

If people spent more time caring about others, only worrying about whether their own actions are honorable and spending a lot less time believing that their way is the ONLY way, the world would be a better place.

Anonymous said...

I was going to be cheeky about Mark 11:12, but thought better of it. The good pastor and his ilk have done more to drive people away from religion than Satan on his best day. That is, if I believed any of that hooey.

Kristin said...

I recently began attending a church with a friend. I've been a Christian all my life but was looking for a new church. The pastor there hasn't advocated "beating the gay out", but the message they preach is loud and clear: "we need to love these sinners enough to tell them the truth. The truth being that they are wrong."
I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around the fact that God would hate someone because they're gay. Aren't we all "fearfully and wonderfully made"??? I feel like some Christians, like those at this church, are making the world a lot more divisive than it was ever supposed to be.

Anonymous said...

still asking What is the relationship between this individual's 15 minutes of fame for his unchristian rant and the admendment for the North Carolina state election? I really am interested in some clarification,no hidden agenda here just seeking information.

TNMom said...

I liked that one comment so well, I will use the same one:
(good writing though Jen!)

karen said...

So embarassed I live in the same town as this idiot. It is hard enough for me to live in the bible belt...hearing this makes my skin crawl

DVM said...

Right, I forgot that some people have a remarkable ability to dismiss anything their god says if they don't like it. You cherry pick what you want and dismiss the rest. You apply your own interpretation to what your holy text says, because it is obvious to you that an infallible, all-powerful god must have got it wrong the first time around. Which begs the question why you would hold it so sacred if you dismiss most of it. Why not just admit that you are a good person in spite of what the bible teaches and not because of it.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that someone like that speaks publicly for a living. I hate people.

Ali said...

@Jill - I was genuinely interested in how you would explain the quote DVM provided, but your vacuous retort has said all I need to know.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Jill! So much for striving to be "kind, clear, calm." LOL

Susan Thatcher said...

Dear Prince of Peace,
Please return to Earth and bitch slap these a-holes who preach intolerance and hatred in Your Name.

Whatever said...

That guy's rant exemplifies a common Christian misconception that homosexuality is somehow a choice that can "turned off" (as opposed to the obvious biological precondition it is). It is this same misconception - completely at odds with the supposedly primary tenent of Christinanity, love - the fuels the North Carolinian amendement. To say you didn't have a hidden agenda with that question (to which the answer is pretty clear) is disingenuous. You must be from the south. Typical passive aggresive avoidance of what you really mean: Jen don't get political. Bless you heart! :)

Whatever said...

I don't think anyone would disagree with the concept of what you're saying. Obviously Jen disagrees with both the method of such "parenting" (regrdless of the underlying belif) and the moral foundation it's based on. Accept it people - Jen leans left and is pro-gay. GASP! I know that's a real disappointment for some of you reds who think she's funny and want so much to identify with her, but stop trying to dance around it. Respectfully disagree, or move on.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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