
50 Shades of Suburbia

Heya! What are you doing today? I'm just always. I have to work every day or else I'm not going to get paid, y'know? It can be kind of a drag after a while and I'm always like, "How am I ever going to retire? My kids will have to sell books at my funeral to pay for my coffin."

Money is something that keeps me up at night. Sure, I could spend less, but where's the fun in that? I'd rather just come up with new ways to make more money.

Today I stumbled upon my retirement plan. I'm going to buy this house and rent it out as an AirBnB. Yeah, that's right. Here, take a look at this listing and be sure to scroll through ALLLLL the pictures. Ahh shoot, I leave for a couple of hours and the MLS listing was changed. But have no fear, Philadelphia Magazine has the pics.

At first you'll be like: "Oh hey! Jen's right. This is a lovely home in suburban Pennsylvania with an open and inviting floor plan and award-winning schools. I love all the large, bright spaces to spread out and relax in."

"Wow! Look at that large unfinished space upstairs. I could easily finish it off and create a library since this house has everything except a library and I think every home needs a library."

"Ooh, look! In addition to all these things, the home also has a stunning finished basement complete with a work out room and ... um ..."

"Hang on. What am I looking at? Is that for Pilates? I think my friend, Karen, has this set up in her basement. It's from Italy. I hear, it's like, the hot, new workout."

 But...wait. Is IT for Pilates? Is that a stock? And a rack? Wait. What's hanging on those hooks on the wall? Is this Mr. Grey's man cave?"

"O. M. G. It's an S&M sex den!"

"I mean, it's tastefully done, though, right? I mean, the wood has a certain charm...and it's neatly organized...and well, I, just didn't know such a space could be so...inviting? Right?!"

My plan is genius, you guys. If you read the description carefully it says that ALL FURNISHINGS are included. I think that means ALLLLLL of it, right? At least I'd be writing that shit into the contract. Except the fur rugs. They can keep those, because, EWW.

It also says that this house rents out on AirBnB for $2,000 a night on the weekends for parties. Hell yeah, it does! I'm not good at math, but I'm pretty sure that adds up real quick when you get into the right AirBnB crowd. I could retire in, like, four years of Saturdays.

I shared this on my personal Facebook page and people were like:

There was a lot of worrying about the clean up and maybe what those walls and floors...and ceilings have seen, but here's the thing. I've stayed next door to people doing kinky shit in hotel rooms and you know those rooms aren't getting any kind of hose down. I figured at $2k a night, I can afford a haz mat team to clean the place and a lifetime supply of Clorox wipes.

The Hubs isn't on board, with my get rich quick scheme, but all I can say is:

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Gender Reveal Parties

I have nothing against party planners.  I know it's their job to always come up with new ideas to sell to people, but when they start throwing Potty Parties and Period Parties you know they're grasping at straws.

The latest trend I've heard about is a Gender Reveal Party.  Wouldn't you love to be invited to one of those?  Well, I would not.  I'll just tell my friends right now:  Save your stamp.  I'm not coming.