
The World's Saddest Mannequin

If you're friends with me on Facebook, then you probably saw me share this picture the other day.

Image: Reddit

It's the world's saddest mannequin.

At first I thought she was just sad because she'd always dreamed of being a mannequin in Nordstrom and instead she got The Salvation Army.

I also thought maybe she was a mistake. Maybe she was a random mannequin that got messed up on the manufacturing line and the thrift shop got her for a steal. UNTIL other friends started sharing pics of this same mannequin in other stores. You guys, she's a THING! Someone designed this depressed mannequin and stores are actually buying her! She just can't even and stores don't care.

Who thought this was a good idea? "Hey Bob, we got a new mannequin today and I thinks she's going to be a hit. She's exhausted, but don't we all feel that way?"

"She looks great, Frank. Reminds me of my teenager when I ask her to take her earbuds out and talk to us at dinner. The kids will love her."

"So much better than those perky plus-size mannequins we got a few weeks ago."

"Ugh. Plus-size mannequins. Who wants to look at those things? No. Depressed and skinny is soooo much better than fat and happy."

I think someone on my Facebook wall said it best: She looks like she can hear the child mannequin calling "Moooooooom."

What do YOU think of this mannequin?

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  1. I have trouble with mannequins after that doctor who episode. This one appears to be sassing me.

  2. LOL she looks like she is leaning in for a kiss. Depressed and creepy ;)


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