
Felicia Smith - The Teacher Who Gives the Best Birthday Lap Dances

An article caught my eye this week and I had to share. Apparently there is a middle school teacher in Texas who gave her 15-year-old student a lap dance for his birthday in front of the class. Let me give you the Cliff's Notes: Felicia Smith is a middle school teacher who has been accused of giving her student a lap dance as a birthday gift after being convinced by her class to do so. She couldn't resist the pleas of her students and so she threw caution to the wind and popped her ass in a minor's face while he slapped it and his friends filmed it.

Now available for Children's Parties (source KHOU 11)

Of course my first thought was: WTF? and then my second thought was: Seriously, WTF? and then my third thought was: OK, I can totally see how this could happen.

Indulge me as we go through my made up day of this middle school teacher:

She arrives in her room and the day's just begun, but she's already exhausted. Of course she is. She has to teach middle school all day! She drags herself into the classroom and she puts on a phony smile and tries to start the day on a good note: "Good morning class! Everyone ready to learn?"

Everyone sort of groans at her and slumps at their desks. Suddenly, Billy, one of the class troublemakers whips up his head and, with a gleam in his eye, says, "Good morning, Ms. Smith. Did you remember that it's John's birthday today?"

"What? It is? Well, happy birthday, John," she says. She thinks, Shoot. I love John. He's one of my favorite students. He's a good kid who helps out a lot, not like that asshole, Billy. I should have gotten him a birthday gift. I can't believe I forgot. Then she turns to John, "I'm sorry I forgot, John. I would have gotten you a great gift if I had remembered."

"Isn't there anything you can do for him, Ms. Smith?" Billy inquires, with a shit-eating grin on his stupid face.

"I don't think so, Billy."

"There isn't anything at all that you could do for John? A young, attractive woman like you, Ms. Smith?" Billy pushes.

Hold up. Did Billy just call me 'young' and 'attractive'? I'm 42 freaking years old and I already feel 50. I think he needs glasses or something. What is he talking about?

"Billy, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, I think you do, Ms. Smith. Surely you have a talent you could share with John."

A talent. Hmm ... do I have any talents I could share? Wait. I've always been told that I am a decent dancer. Shit, who am I calling 'decent'? I can out-twerk Miley. "Well, I'm a pretty good dancer ..."

"Oh I bet you are, Ms. Smith. You have a dancer's body."

Hell yeah I do.

And then the whole class starts yelling, "Yeah! You should dance for him, Ms. Smith!"

Hmm ... I don't know. 

"Dance! Dance! Dance!"

Shit. I've never been good at resisting peer pressure, even though these kids are 25 years younger than me and I'm the authority figure in this room their chants are like a siren call for me . . .

"Give him a lap dance," Billy yells.

A whaaaa --?

Before you know it, someone's queued up L'il Wayne on their iPhone and boom, Ms. Smith starts grinding on John.

She loses herself in the music and starts an inner monologue:

Oh, look at me. I've still got it! Hell yeah, I've still got it! Oh wait. Damn, this hurts my knees. Who cares? I bet I look fine doing this. Hey! Is someone recording this? Oh well, I just hope they get my good side and I don't have a double chin when I make my "O" face. Listen to those boys hooting and hollering for me. Maybe they'll start throwing money at me. I make jackshit as a teacher and I could stand a couple more dollars. Maybe if I shake my money maker a bit harder it will loosen those Velcro wallets. Even a lunch card is worth something, amiright? Oh crap. What am I doing? I'm sticking my boobs in a child's face. This isn't right. I need to stop this right now. Stop it, Felicia. Stop--oh shit. Did he just slap my ass? Oh my God, he did! Do it again. Oh, he just did it again. He just slapped my ass! My husband doesn't even do that anymore. OK, he's still slapping my ass. That kinda hurts, John. Damn, John's got a bit of a booty fetish I think. I'm just glad I wore my Spanx today. Alright, it's time for a big move. Watch this kids. This is how we did it in the 80s! Oh, crap, my back. I should have stretched first. I am going to pay for this later. I'm going to be on the couch all night icing my lower back. I just heard someone say my dancing is hot. Hell yeah it's hot, boys. Take it all in. I am a mature woman who is still a sexy beast. Roar. Ow. How much longer is this damn song? I'm getting winded. I just need a break. My damn knees are giving out. I bet I still look good working it on my knees though. I am so tired. I can't go on. I just need to put my head down ... oh fuck, that's his crotch. I'm going to jail.

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Or better yet, check out my books, there aren't any lap dances in there, but there are some good, awkward stories that will make you laugh.


  1. I shouldn't be laughing! I have a 14 year old son! Seriously, Why? What the....? I'd need that insanity plea had it been my son.

  2. Outside of it being an adult and a child, and teacher and student... why is a 15 year old still in middle school?

    1. My middle school was 7th, 8th & 9th grades so most of us were 15 when we finished.

    2. My son graduated middle school at 14. Its Spring and the kid just turned 15... he started a year late or stayed back a year.

  3. "Oh fuck, that's his crotch I'm going to jail" haha best part. I just don't know how that could ever seem apropriate to any teacher, even a college professor. Hell, even the boss in an office would know that was a bad idea. Lol

  4. A 15 year old middle school student? Maybe she's been teaching him so long she thought he was 18.

    1. My middle school was 7-9th grade so anyone who had a birthday in the first half of the year was 15 by the end.

  5. She watched the Wolf of Wall Street the night before, and thought it was a very normal request. Seriously though, she'd be hoping for death had that been my child....

  6. That, my friend, was HIGH-fricking-LARIOUS!! I cannot even believe that shiznit; and that it actually HAPPENED!? RUFKM!!??? Holy. Everlovin'. CRAP! I actually bet that WAS her ACTUAL internal monologue, too...

  7. OMG get a petition to fire that teacher, lap, ass and all!!

  8. I can't believe a teacher would actually be dumb enough to even think about doing this! Dipshits like this give other teachers a bad name!

  9. So I'm still laughing and your color commenting is awesome!! I just can't believe she would actually choose to do that!!! I don't even do that stuff for my husband!! Bitch be crazy!

  10. LOL. I think you've dramatized her inner monologue precisely!


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