
Is it Possible to be Too Sexy?

Today is my day to work out with Kris at Starting Line Fitness. Every week Kris is forcing (oops, I mean getting) me to try new things and to add different components to my workout.

She also started training the Hubs. The Hubs is what I call a "skinny fat man." He's a normal, healthy weight, but that's about it. He can't run, he can barely touch his toes, and he bought slider things to move our sofas around because he couldn't lift his end anymore.

I made this shirt for the Hubs.
Last week he told Kris he didn't want to lift too much weight, because he's worried he might get "too big." After Kris and I had a good laugh at that one, I told Kris I needed to slow down my workout regimen too, because I didn't want to get "too skinny."

The Hubs and I bitch a bit when Kris pushes us to our limits, but we're very happy with the results.

The Hubs is getting some guns, but nothing too showy, and his t-shirts aren't straining to keep his muscles contained.

I'm continuing to lose inches. I'm at a total of 20 inches gone. I still haven't lost much weight, but my clothes fit better, I have more energy, and I feel stronger. All of the things I asked for at the beginning. Luckily, I'm not fixated on a number on the scale and what I care about is how I feel. Plus, I know if I really wanted to kick it up a notch, I could just need to tell Kris and she'd work me even harder, but I'm a lazy ass. This is all I can handle.

Sometimes I get a little bored with the routine, and I thought I might look for some new exercises to try. Last night I read about a new kind of workout and I think I'd like to try this one: the Stiletto Fitness Class.

Yup. You put on one to six inch heels and then "get your heart rate up the sexy way!"

Nah, on second thought I think I'll stick with Kris' exercises - I don't want to get too sexy.


  1. Slow down! You're funny, smart, and pretty. Save some adjectives for the rest of us, you greedy bitch.

  2. Haha, I don't know many men who don't want to get ripped. Tell your husband that being skinny-fat is the opposite of sexy!

    The sucky thing about working out is that unless you're doing it Biggest Loser style (excessive), then you won't lose weight unless you're also dieting. And diets aren't any fun.

  3. Vince Vaughn (my pretend boyfriend) refers to himself as fit, yet flabby. I'm going with that, it's like being a skinny fat guy. Only freakishly tall. And who the hell works out in stilettos??? That's just wrong.

    1. Strippers!! :)

    2. Excellent point. Wonder what Jenn's stripper name would be?

  4. A skinny fat guy is still better than a fat fat guy, I think...

  5. Does the stiletto class come with crutches and ankle braces in the welcome kit?

  6. I used to be skinny/fat and now I'm just full-on fat/fat. I'm desperately clutching on to my quick-fixes, like flowy blouses, Spanx and spray tans. 'Cause everybody knows tan fat looks way better than Casper fat. That's just science.

  7. ok, as a fat skinny fat person , I'm like, MEh, I am not going to whine abt sterotypes, and etc .
    but here's the thing, the stiletto fitness,.. that's the part that's yanking my chain, I "had" to wear heels for years as corporate attire, I will be damned if i would willingly don them for a "fitness" class... holy podiatry batman...

  8. I can barely wear stilettos to walk, how can I wourk out with them.

  9. I can't imagine how much business those stiletto classes bring in for podiatrists nation-wide.

  10. The new fitness craze in my area is pole dancing. Many gyms are offering this activity, and even special offers through Groupon enouraging group visits

  11. I tried Pole Fitness and LOVED it. I think my abs got a huge workout from laughing the whole time.

    You can read my blog about it here:

    Lately though, I am all about Aerial Yoga.

    Both are pretty much grown up gymnastics with apparatus. It's fun.


  12. It's been a while since you posted about the gym so I had wondered if you were still doing the personal training thing. Aaaaaand of course you are. Your continual overachieving is really starting to piss me off.

  13. I'm trying to picture me working out in stilettos. I just can't see any version of it that doesn't end with me in a full body cast.

  14. Yeah, it IS kind of rough being too sexy.

    ;-) Way to go on your fitness regimen! Keep up the solid work :)

  15. My husband always says if you want to get in shape, have sex all the time. You know I am a mom, when my first thought is, I don't need to get that sexy to that comment!!!

  16. Anonymous07:04


  17. I always say I am the fittest fat chick you will ever meet! Cause I exercise like CRAZY but I don't eat right all the time, and as all chubby chicks know, you can't out-train a poor diet, I have tried. Keep up the good work lady!

  18. Anonymous00:36

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