
Preschool vs. Kindergarten - What to Take, What to Ditch

Recently I saw a list on Yahoo educating incoming college freshmen as to what to take with them to college and what embarrassing items to leave at home because they are too "high school."

You know me, I love a good, informative list of rules, so it got me thinking.  Adolpha moved to Kindergarten this year from preschool and before school started she let me know exactly what was too babyish for her to take to Kindergarten.

1.  Ditch any backpack or lunch box with Dora the Explorer, Kai Lan, etc.  Adolpha has never been into either of these characters, but she let me know that these two girls were O-U-T in the elementary school lunch room.

Ni hao!  I'm not good enough for Kindergarten.

2.  Take Disney Princesses.  Adolpha is sure Ariel and her girlfriends have staying power.  I'm guessing it's only for about one more year.  I haven't seen many Cinderella backpacks amongst the first graders in the pick up line.

3.  Ditch Velcro tennis shoes.  Big girls can tie their shoes and Velcro implies they don't have that skill mastered.  Adolpha has since decided Velcro isn't so bad and she can work with Velcro shoes.  Especially when she's in a hurry in the morning and no one will tie her shoes for her.  Shoes must be a big deal in Kindergarten, because the only time Gomer has ever complained about anything we made him wear to school was over shoes.  He had shoes that lit up when he walked.  They were ultra-cool in preschool and when he got to Kindergarten he got teased and told they were for babies.  Now he will only be seen in Reeboks or Nikes.

4.  Take funky knee socks.  Adolpha started wearing these in preschool, but she feels like she was a trend setter and a bit ahead of her time.  She's carrying them over into Kindergarten and waiting for them to catch on with her friends.  And if they don't, she really doesn't give a shit, because she likes to rock them.

All the cool girls are wearing knee socks.  OK, actually just Adolpha does.
5.  Ditch wooden blocks.  Blocks were barely appropriate for preschool they're so babyish.

6.  Take Legos.  They're MUCH cooler. . . uhh . . . blocks.

Shhh. . . don't tell Adolpha we're blocks too!
7.  Ditch teddy bears.

8.  Take giant eyed stuffed animals.  I don't know what these stuffed animals are called.  I think they're made by Ty (the Beanie Baby people, of course) and she's drawn to them every single time.  Apparently the big eyes are what makes this stuffed animal acceptable versus an ordinary teddy bear.

See ya, Teddy!  I get all the cuddles now.

9.  Ditch any article of clothing with the preschool name on it.  Ewww. . . Adolpha can't think of anything more embarrassing than being seen in a "Little Hearts Preschool" or "Helping Hands Preschool" t-shirt!

10.  Get spirit wear for the new school.  You're in elementary school now, it's time to show your Super Puppy Pride.  (Adolpha wishes her school had a Super Puppy mascot!)

It's a great day to be a Super Puppy!

Adolpha can't be the only one with such strong opinions so what about your kids?

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  1. My kindergarten boy told me absolutely no cartoon animals on his clothing, like a cartoon dinosaur. Real dinosaurs on the other hand, are perfectly acceptable. Polos that would make any mom proud to send her son to school in are also out- now it's only t-shirts. Jeans are out, and have been replaced with track pants and basketball shorts. That's all I've learned so far, I am sure it will change in a couple of weeks. :)

    1. We went through the track pants and basketball shorts phase too. He went back to jeans in 4th grade. But "cool" jeans, not "weird" jeans. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with that mandate.

    2. Haha, so cute. "cool" not "weird".

    3. I totally get that "no cartoon" images thing; I can't stand cutesie-pie drawings of smiling, fluffy kittens, but show me a photograph of a real cat, and I'm hooked. I'm still trying to define the "no weird jeans" mandate from my teen girl, but if I find her approximate size *in a thrift shop* with no factory-created rips, permanent wrinkles, or sparkles (which, BTW, were cool just last year), I will spend as much as six bucks to bring them home for her to try. About one pair out of two meets her nebulous standards; the rest are donated back to the local charities. She loves having lots of jeans, but hates trying them on. Three short years ago, it was nothing but stretchy velour warm-up suits. It's no easier than trying to keep up with the food preferences...

    4. For the record, Ninja Turtles are ALWAYS cool, and are not "cartoon animals".

      You're welcome. ;)

    5. PS My kids would laugh at the term, "track pants." They are just pants to them. :)

    6. i'm pretty sure the leggings with a shirt thing is a new trend. My thirteen year old is constantly badgering me about why she can't wear them. "No, you cannot wear leggings with a shirt because that is not appropriate for school." "But mom, all of my FRIENDS wear them." "I'm sure they do, but your friends are not you, and I am telling YOU no. If you want to wear an oversized shirt that covers your entire butt then we can talk. You can totally wear a skirt too. I don't have that many rules about what you wear, but this is one of them." I have no idea where this stuff comes from.

  2. Anonymous10:08

    My kindergartner is now calling me "Mom" instead of "Mommy", at least in public.Which is surprising to be b/c she's kind of a tough girl, but I guess wants to be grown up. My 3rd grader still calls me "Mommy" b/c she doesn't give flip what others think. Toys aren't allowed at school, so that's not an issue. No character lunch boxes this year, I put the stop to it. They do have character thermos' but not too babyish. No fashion issues....yet. It's still early though.

  3. CMS Boston10:11

    I just got an email from the public school system, reminding us not to send Kindergarten kids into school in low-rise jeans, since they sit on the ground a lot and wouldn't want kids to be "accidentally exposed". Yikes, they really needed to remind parents that? Yes. Apparently they did.

    1. They sell pants other than low rise jeans? Where do you find them? It was really hard for me when my daughter was young and I wasn't ready for her to get into stylish jeans. Now she is older so it's skinny jeans for her.

    2. As the mother of a child with a pitiful excuse for a backside, they could send that note home every day if they want. I will pay them to find a pair of pants for my 10 year old that will stay up and not show her underwear/backside at some point during the day. With or without a belt. (we have had this issue since she was a toddler)

    3. I volunteered in my son's Kinder class and one of the girls was wearing tights. That's it. No pants, no skirt, I even looked closer (without trying to be obvious to be sure).... I mentioned it to another mom and she said, "probably they had an argument and the mom was like, ' fine, go the way you want' or dad dressed her that morning"

  4. Anonymous10:12

    Lucky for me my kids have no opinion as far as clothing and backpacks go. They just wear what i give them. Although my son last year (2nd grade) got made fun of for his $70 pair of Jordans.Really??? So we are a Sketcher family now, those apparently are cool.

  5. my kindergartner has also started calling me mom instead of mommy or mama. she also feels like she's too cool to bring her lunch, she wants to buy lunch like the other kids. getting dressed is a fight every day. whatever i pick out is always "too boring" or i get sassed with "really, mom?". my girl is OBSESSED with LaLaLoopsy, so her backpack and lunch box are as such, and that's not too baby-ish, but Dora nad Kai-Lan are totes out of the picture. anything Nick Jr is pretty much out, Disney Jr is hanging on by a thread.

  6. My daughter is very particular about her appearance, but it is not even slightly influenced by what others are wearing. She has her own unique look, but she knows exactly what it is. It confuses me.

    She doesn't care if others like it, but it has to be right.

    1. Anonymous12:02

      good for her. peer pressure to wear certain brands and clothes is ridiculous. sounds like she has good self-esteem.

  7. Anonymous10:45

    Since my DD wears a uniform it's all about bling shoes. So it's Lelli Kelly and Skechers! She also has the lalaloopsy backpack and lunchbox. Quite a mix of cartoon stuff at her school. I've seen Minnie Mouse, Monster High, Spongebob, Thomas the Train, Hello Kitty, Tinkerbell etc.

  8. My daughter just started High School - man, I just dream of the days when I had to worry about backpacks, light up shoes and lunchboxes! :)

    1. Yeah right, me too! I have an 8th grader.

    2. Vera05:32

      Oh lord...I have a high school aged girl now...she wears a uniform so it is all about the handbag... only Michael Koors will do...

  9. Rosie11:14

    My 5 year old FINALLY gets to wear a uniform (she didn't in pre-K). I'm so freaking happy- And she likes it as well. Win-win!

  10. This post made me emotional but I do have PMS. My daughter was in 6th grade and she was so excited to take this really cool binder with a girl sitting on a moon. It was Lisa Frank. She loved it to death. She took it one day and came home crying and asking me why I didn't tell her it was babyish. It was so freakin sad to me and it made me so freakin mad. GRRRRR....

    Anyway, she is 13 and wears funky knee socks to her volleyball games. She really loved doing it last year, and did it twice this year. Yesterday was her third game, and she ditched the knee socks and went for funky ankle socks that can't even be seen inside of sneakers. I am wondering if the knee socks are getting too babyish now. She did have her hair in two pony tails though. (That has been babyish for years, but I guess it's back?) She did krimp her hair before putting it in two ponytails though. LOL

    Great blog post btw. :)

  11. Anonymous11:34

    This makes me so sad. Kids want to be "grown up" so fast. Light up shoes had just come out when my brother was in 4th or 5th grade - now they're "babyish". Girls are wearing low-rise jeans to elementary school. Fashion is so much more stringent to *elementary* schoolers. I didn't have to worry about that until middle school (except for the unfortunate time Crystal Graham in 5th grade work red socks with a very old fashioned pale pink dress. She got teased hard for that one).

  12. My kindergartener was asked to bring her own water bottle to school each day so they can leave them on the counter and take a sip whenever they're thirsty. I'm getting major coolness points for the fact that her water bottle has a pink mermaid on it *and* a push-up straw doohickey. Who's your momma? That's right, it's this gal. (wait 5 minutes and the mermaid water bottle will be uncool...)

  13. Anonymous12:20

    I wish my kids wore uniforms, it would be so much easier, I hate picking out their clothes and they don't care so much. In pre-school my daughter came home and said the girls didn't want her to be in their club because she didn't have sparkly shoes! Are you freakin kidding me, at 4 years old this crap starts. My kids do not go to their home school but to one across town. One reason is home school is full of rich spoiled brats like those 4 year olds, who are all about what they have to wear and bring to school. My kids go to a more socio-economic diverse school and kids are not going to say so much about what brand of sneakers you are wearing. Last year my daughter had a classmate who didn't come to school because his only pair of shoes were wet. I do buy my kids a new backpack/lunch box every year and I helped pick them out, they weren't so picky. 1st grade girl has angry birds and 5th grade girl has spongebob. She is a tomboy and wears both girly clothes and shirts with mario/sonic etc.

  14. Just wait. I have a 10th grade boy (he rocks Asics at 129 a pair due to overly wide feet that don't fit into normal shoes) who wears Obey tees and jeans. I also have a 4th grade girl (hard for me to even type that...where has the time gone?) who has also said no to the velcro, but YES to the knee-high converse and also a pair of combat boots and skinny jeans (with long shirts so as not to show any plumbers crack). Also no for her is anything with the Beeb's face on it. Monster High is still cool. But she's a little fashion icon unto herself. Her below-the-butt length hair is her one must have!

  15. Anonymous13:03

    I'll trade you. I just took my 12 year old boy to the mall last weekend. That trip now consists of Hollister, Aero, and Abercrombie. I don't know why we have to shop there when he says 2 of the 3 places are "dark and smell funny". lol

  16. It's funny, but I think that the cartoon animals and other preschool silliness come back when they enter high school. My daughter (a high school sophomore) insisted on having “My Little Pony” on her backpack.

  17. HC Mom14:08

    Let's see here...My overly opinionated Mini has the following rules for her last year in preschool:

    1. Skirts or dresses must be worn everyday the only exception to this rule is pink skinny jeans.
    2. Every outfit must have glitter or sparkles...if there is nothing like this on her regular clothing then some kind of bling must be added...preferably some of mom's stolen jewelry (she's like a damn magpie)
    3. Bows, barrettes or anything that holds her hair back will be removed as soon as she hits her classroom. Nevermind that her hair is short like a boy's (due to a self given haircut) and the bows make her look more girly.
    4. Harley Davidson backpack with pink logo and Willy (the skull dude) must be carried everyday because daddy bought it for her.
    5. Her best friend must be referred to as "Farty Head"... even by me.
    6. Clothes cannot be worn at home. We have to change into pajamas as soon as we walk through the door.

    If these are not followed, then a temper tantrum of epic proportions will be thrown.

    Sometimes I try to dress her in contraband just so I can have the few minutes of peace while she is in time out

  18. Anonymous15:37

    Those stuffed animals are called beanie boos and my 5th grader and her friends have to have them.

  19. This is so cute! I tried tied shoes with my first born (who is now a 4th grader) and got a note home from the teacher (whole class did) that she preferred velcro so she wouldn't have to tie 25 pairs of shoes every day when they came untied!!

    My eldest is now in 4th grade, and we had a crazy time shopping this year. So much harder. Finley, my first grader, was easier, but not much.

  20. My daughter is in Pre-K and oh my lord! She MUST wear a skirt every day or else it's melt down central, and she HAS to have her hair done in one of 3 ways. This morning I couldn't find a skirt with the shorts attached so I made her wear a pair of pink capri's. Melt down. She is 4!!! HELP! I can't even imagine what she's going to be like in a few more years from now.

  21. Hello Kitty is THE thing with girls in my second grade class. I teach at a uniform school, so we don't have the fashion thing going on. HOWEVER, the boys are obsessed with Legos (especially Star Wars and ninjas) and anything military-related, probably because a lot of them are military kiddos. Aside from Hello Kitty, the girls aren't too picky.

  22. Anonymous18:09

    My daughter started kindergarten this year and she wears a uniform and my daughter loves it because she gets to wear jumpers everyday and her "cheerleader shoes", black and white oxfords.

  23. Anonymous19:44

    I think you're someone that should be punched in the throat.

    1. Michelle21:30

      I think anonymous people who make rude comments should be punched in the throat!

  24. Anonymous21:14

    I'm a kindergarten teacher and this is sooooo spot on. I can totally keep up with the trends by listening to what my kiddos talk about & who's on their backpacks. Broke my heart years ago when Elmo no longer made the cut. Now Barney is another story. Of course my own toddler loved Barney & had a nap time blanket of him for all of daycare to see. The horror!

    PS. Velcro is the way to go at least until 1st grade or tie those bad boys up in double knots before school please.

  25. Angela21:29

    My kindergartner let me know (last year) that those convenient little applesauce/fruit cups I'd pack in his lunch were uncool and too babyish. (Served him right when he lost two teeth by crunching into a real apple during lunch!)

  26. School Uniforms FTW!
    (I was against them at first, now I love them!)

  27. Ha Ha Your damn right the princess have staying power. My teenage girls still LOVE them, they each have their favorite. Cracks me up!

  28. Jill08:27

    Articles like this make me so glad we chose homeschooling. I don't say that to be nasty to those who choose public/private school at all. I am just so grateful not to have that additional peer pressure. We belong to a huge homeschool group where the kids take some classes. The group has hundreds of kids. Thus far, I haven't had any instances of "we can't do this because it's not cool". Thank goodness. I can't afford to change their backpacks or wardrobes just because of peer pressure!

    1. Yet another reason why homeschooling rocks!

  29. Anonymous08:52

    My second grade girl has to wear uniforms so we are limited, however; me being the rule bender we like to spice things up. She has to wear funky tights (no plain red, black, or yes CRAZY but white like the handbook says) she will only wear funky tights or knee socks (GO Adolpha). Her hair however can only be in a ponytail or down no pig tails anymore that was so first grade. As far as packback in second grade there are no characters whatsoever!! Her backpack this year had to be one of the junior backpacks with the clip on lunchbox from Gap (they are also at Old Navy).

  30. What - I understand about the characters but Kindergarteners really can't read yet so how can they really tell is written on a t-shirt? My son did declare that he is ditching any references to Thomas the Train and Mickey among a few others in favor of scary looking dinosaurs and superheroes. So far, Diego is still in as are light up shoes.

  31. My kids aren't so picky. I have 2 in second grade and 1 in third. I have to remind my second graders that some of the things they want are kinda babyish! Other than that, they don't really care what anyone else says... so far.

  32. I live in the sticks, and the kids are chauffeured to school in duallies pulling livestock trailers filled with complaining cattle or horses kicking the shit out of the inside of a trailer. No designer tags on my boys. Thank God I have boys. I can shop for their clothes the same time I pickup a load of alfalfa and parts to fix the well pump. Wrangler jeans, Cowboy Up tshirts, and maybe a new straw hat once a year. Best part is if the older boy grows out of his clothes, I can transfer it - hanger and all - to the younger son's closet. Good luck to all you parents that live in areas where fashion is important. I feel for you.

  33. My 1st and 5th graders just don't care too much about fashion. We also live in an area that is still relatively rural. Both my girls are athletes more than fashionistas, so they care more about which soccer cleats they have than fashion. I have to remind the 5th grader that she doesn't match half the time. The 1st grader is a little more into how she looks but it's still her choice and not influenced by peers. They do have a favorite store that we buy a lot of their clothes from but that's it. Neither of them are picked on for their clothes that I'm aware of. 1st grader is a LITTLE more trendy (but based on commercials that she thinks are cool). Anyway, I think I got off lucky--LOL. I do LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that it's trendy to have mis-matched socks. I really hope that trend lasts.

    1. Oh, I guess the one thing my 5th grader INSISTED on was "Chucks" (AKA Converse). I LOVED that as I wore them growing up. However, she's since decided they hurt her feet and doesn't wear them....comfort wins over fashion for her.

    2. Dana, my Freshman DD will take the socks I've painstakingly paired-up and purposely unmatch them with other socks. Also, she had been begging for Converse high-tops for months (just like the 10th Dr. Who wore), and finally got a pair of red ones for Christmas. We went right out and bought a pair of arch supports at the supermarket because the Chucks are completely flat inside and she already has Achilles tendonitis in both legs from September... it does help...

  34. 1st-3rd grade boys are all about Angry Birds shirts. Thomas the Tank engine is definitely only for preschool, not for kindergarten. Lightening McQueen is cool for both, but starting in 1st grade will be phased out. In 2nd grade he's babyish.

  35. My daughter will be wearing a uniform to school, and I'm really happy about that. She's only 4 1/2 now, though, and when we're picking out what she is going to wear to nursery in the mornings, she says things like "I don't want to wear that. I'm afraid I won't be pretty enough."

    That breaks my heart, and I tell her that she's beautiful no matter what she's wearing. I don't know where she's getting this message that what she wears determines how pretty she is or, indeed, that she even has to be "pretty" at all. Totally sucks.

  36. It sounds like I am lucky to have two boys!! The fifth grader likes graphic tees and baggy plaid shorts, or track pants in the winter. The eighth grader likes the same, but also likes skinny jeans. He's very tall and very skinny and works the skater dude look (disguising the fact that he's a total brainiac). We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so my mom did the best she could but I wore a lot of hand-made clothes. So I let my kids wear what they want, which so far has been completely reasonable (though if I ask them to wear a shirt with a collar you would think I was waving a hangman's noose at them!!). I have to admit I feel kind of concerned for kids who wear clothes that seem inappropriately young for their age - like the middle schoolers wearing Angry Bird t-shirts and a bowl haircut. Because, yikes, I don't think it takes much for someone to become a target of teasing.

  37. Anonymous11:26

    My girls have been carrying the same solid color LL Bean backpacks since kindergarten. I don't have to deal with yearly nonsense of what's the cool character to have, "you have a bag now hush". Clothing neither of my girls care what brand it is as long as it is comfortable and they have a hoodie. I have taken to buying their clothes from consignment so they usually end up in the popular brands but I avoid the logo plastering as much as I can.

  38. And to think I hated school uniforms, after reading this I am so glad my son has to wear them so I only have to worry about shoes.

  39. Geez, after reading some of these comments, no wonder we're raising a bunch of spoiled brats. I can only hope some of ya'll made your kids save up their allowance before you willingly agreed to drop a huge load of cash on petty material possessions they either won't care about or won't even fit into next year. I'm sure I've offended the majority of the people reading this post, but I guess that's me not submitting to peer pressure. And yes, I do have kids.

  40. Anonymous11:02

    My daughter told us that her Barbie lunch box was creating unwanted attention for her. My ever-lovin' frugal husband heard this, and disappeared into the garage. He returned and proudly handed her an old DVD case that was otherwise going to be trash. He said the case could easily be used as a lunch box. He was so happy to have solved his daughter's problem. She decided Barbie wasn't so babyish after all.

  41. My kids wear uniforms. They will be in 2nd and 1st grade this year. We had issues with the velcro thing though. My daughter has a mild form of Cerebral Palsy and she can't use her left hand at all. Velcro shoes had to be a must for her. So we bought the Twinkle Toes ones from Skechers. You know, the super obnoxious ones and she was good with that. My son however got converse and bugged all the teachers to tie his shoes when they came untied. He refuses to keep practicing on his shoes and is not happy that he will be a 1st grader this year in velcro. My daughter loves Hello Kitty and those backpacks seem to be acceptable. My son wants a Ninja Turtle backpack this year and I'm sure that will be fine too.

  42. I have 3 boys in school this year. Oldest is a 4th grader who is totally into jeans (he only likes one brand of slim fit jeans, but he's really lean and they fit him well, so I can understand that) and polo shirts (no idea where that came from, but it started at the end of 3rd grade), with the occasional favorite t-shirt tossed in on occasion. Second is in 1st grade and doesn't care much about what he wears. Since we have all boys, most things are hand-me-downs and he's excited to wear things that were his brother's. Third boy just started preK and has to have at least a little bit of orange on whatever he wears. I can't tell anymore whether he truly loves the color or whether he's just happy to have something unique for himself. Last year I decided no more character backpacks or lunch boxes because they're so poorly made that they barely make it through the school year.

  43. I'm sorry, a lot of you guys need to be punched in the throat. My kid refuses to wear this...I have to buy expensive name brand stuff or it's a melt down, let me cater to my little prince(cess) so they can be cool and save face. Let me teach them bowing to peer pressure is the best choice. This goes to the blog writer as well. You talk so much smack about other parents but then you let your kindergartner decide what they just have to have and/or wear? It's called suck it up buttercup. My kids wear what I buy them or they can waste their own money on what they want. Which they don't because to earn money they have to work HARD. Not just chores, but go above and beyond to earn cash. When they have cash they save iot or put it toward things that'll last a heck of a lot longer than a pair of shoes. Crazy thing kids don't try to bully me like apparently a lot of yours do. I don't accept/allow/encourage it by giving in. And yet...they're popular with their peers and teachers, down to Earth children. Only ones in their schools without Iphones. No IPads. No three hundred dollar Jordans. They use their confidence and friendly natures to earn friends not cool shoes. And if kids don't want to befriend them because they aren't wearing the right clothes? Hallelujah! They are not the kind of kids I want my sons to be around.

  44. Anonymous20:32

    My 6 year old son is extremely particular about what he wears, I just never know what that's going to be on any given day. But it's his way or the highway. As the youngest of four boys, he has a lot of handmedowns to choose from, so I let him wear what he wants and one day it's spiderman shirt and red shorts, the next it's a golf shirt and khakis. Today he wanted "a light blue shirt and dark blue shorts" so he can look like Steve from Minecraft... And it was out with the Darth Vader lunch box, in with the skylanders one.

  45. My daughter is starting Jr. Kindergarten (4yr olds but part of public school here) and has decided to retire her Dora back pack in favor of the My Little Pony one Auntie got her, though I'm sure Disney princess would also be acceptable.

    Twilight, I promise you most of us buy whatever we buy. Like the shoes I buy for my son that aren't cool and are the same year after year because he has super wide feet. There's no complaining. He has to wear them or he goes barefoot. My kids spend most of their time in hand me downs, gifts and/or clearance rack outlet store buys I used a coupon on. My boys couldn't care less what they wear, but if I can spend $5 on 2 different shirts and my daughter's there with me what's wrong with letting her pick? Who cares what's on it, they are the same price. Should I buy the one she says she doesn't like to "make her strong and show her I'm the boss" so that it can sit in the bottom of her drawer until she outgrows it? I think maybe you are being a little overly sensitive. Yes, my kids wear Osh Kosh, Carters, etc. You know why? I bought them on clearance end of season with a coupon the year before I needed them and store them in a bin because they last longer than cheaper brands, so I get to hand them down AND they are cheaper than even consignment if I do it that way.

    I think most of us are lamenting because we see the humor in the fact that Dora vs. My Little Pony is the worst thing our kids have to deal with and we are laughing a little that they don't even know what they are in for in the future. People read this blog to have a little laugh at every day things that happen in life. There are far more serious things to worry about in life than Kindergarten fashion. Relax a little and laugh along with us.

  46. Luckily my oldest (1st grade) is so oblivious to any of that stuff and goes with what he likes--emphasis on "he." He will be starting the school year off with a Minecraft Creeper backpack, Minecraft shirts, whatever shorts that are pull up, shoes we found that still have Velcro, and quite possibly terry cloth sweatbands on his wrist--those are his newest obsession.

    The awesome part is that he has little to no concept of peer pressure and is happy being him. The not so awesome part is that he has little to no concept of peer pressure and does things that are not always sociably acceptable. :-) Oh well, he can grow up another year.

  47. You guys make me so grateful that I homeschool my little miscreants. Lol I can't even imagine trying to keep up with the trends of all four of my kids, especially with the eldest entering her high school years now. She's opinionated enough without having to worry what her friends will think if she's in the wrong clothes. She's happy to wave her freak flag, everyone else's opinions be dammed.

  48. Sooo thankful for uniform and 3 boys!! My friends all have girls and as an outsider they are so much hard work lol if given a choice my 7yo would chose Spider-Man or angry birds but wouldn't moan about anything I chose for him.

  49. Knee highs are very trendy in high school. So she is on the right track

  50. Disney Princesses made a come-back Senior year of High School for my daughter and her friends. The girls were unwilling to let go of their childhood in a wave of nostalgia for their little girl days.
    In much the same way, my friends and I still enjoy drinking wine well into our 40s.


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