
Douchey Dad Revisited

'Guest post from The Hubs'

Apparently Jen hit a douchey nerve with her previous post.

I had no idea Jen had so many Douchey Dad readers and that they cared so much what she thinks or writes.  Before Jen started writing I never even heard of or read a blog before.  I think I was too busy on the golf course with my Douchey Dad friends.  Now that she has found a great audience and her voice, I fully support her writing and her sharp wit - even if she makes me look like a bitch sometimes.

Well, I want to answer some of the Douchey Dads, because they obviously need and want the attention, so I am going to give it to them.  If you are reading this and you are a dad - a douchey one, I just have to say one thing:  "What the fuck?"  Why would you waste your precious time reading a chick blogger that you don't even know?  I understand why the ladies and the great dads read the blog.  It's because they can relate to and understand the sarcasm and recognize the humor in their lives.  I read Jen because she is my wife.  But for the Douchey Dad, "You sir need to get a life and stop being a total and complete douche."

Here is my theory on why the Douchey Dads are coming out and the OAMs are coming out as well.  The Douchey Dad is embarrassed that he is such a douche, and the OAM wife is really embarrassed that she is married to a complete and total douche and now everyone knows it.  They make up the complete family sized douche canoe.  The Douchey Dad feels bad that he has completely missed out on his kids' childhood and does not want to be called out and the OAM is overcome with guilt that she has allowed this to happen, but the only choice she has is to "stand by her man."  Well, guess what?  Your Douchey Dad husband will always be a douche because you don't tell him not to be one.  Hey, Douchey Dad, you still have a chance not to be a douche, but my guess is you are too douchey to even recognize that.

Someone thinks that we are jealous of their lives.  If you think I am jealous of playing golf all day with a bunch of douchey guys sitting around talking about total and complete bullshit, you are wrong.  I have spent time with these douche bags, and they are not all bad, just some of them, but I still don't want their lives.

As for being rich equates to being a douche...that is not the case at all.  Lots of wealthy guys who belong to country clubs are great dads and not douche bags, but there is a subset of the population that happens to have money and they are total and complete Douchey Dads.  Case in point, the Douchey Dad who Jen wrote about and the Douche Dads who got all upset after the post and whined about it.

Douchey Dads will wonder, why is the Hubs writing a response to us?  Where's Jen?  She can fight her own battles.  Well, that is very true.  Jen did not even want to talk about this anymore because it was over and she felt like those guys were jackholes and didn't warrant a response from her.  But I felt that the Douchey Dad really needed more inspection and attention, so I wanted to write this.  After all, I want to fully understand why someone is such a douche.

As for any more Douchey Dad comments, feel free to let the world know just how much of a loser Douchey Dad you really are.  We love your pageviews and your douchey ways.  All of the readers love to see them because they show us of what a true Douchey Dad is all about.

Also, if you are playing along...Douche or Douchey has been used 34 times in this post, so drink up!

If you want to read about some NON-DOUCHEY Dads check out this new book.


  1. I heart The Hubs! Keep on keeping on Jen! I had never followed a blog before your famous elf post. I am not even a mom but I recognize most of the "characters" that need to be punched. Cheers!

  2. Is there an award for Most Uses of the Word Douche in a Single Blog Post? If so, I think we have a winner. Perfect.

    1. Yes i believe it is a golden, um, douche.

    2. No, you didn't!! Hahahahaa!!! Well played, Tracy. :)

  3. hahahahaha I love it!! While I loved Jen's post yesterday, I did not get the chance to read the comments posted but now, after reading your guest post, I think I am going to have to make time. :D Always entertaining to read Jen's blog :)

    1. Me too! Going there right now to check out all those douchebag comments LOL!

  4. I can't wait to see how many google searches for "douche" result in hits to your page.

  5. Anonymous15:17

    I love how people get so upset over stuff on the Internet was a great blog. That dad was a douche! Surprised how many people were afraid of offending the rich. Read, laugh, enjoy, get on with your life. Jen is great!

  6. Man, I love the drama this blog inspires!! What can I say? I'm sick like that. Keep it up Jen and Hubs! This crap is even better than telenovelas!!!

  7. Anonymous15:38

    I cannot believe you are taking time to write a blog post during the day instead of being with your kids! At least those guys were networking with real people, you are talking to cyberspace and trying to feed your wife's ego. Btw...I'm a mom. Not a country club mom, just a mom....who thinks you are both douches.

    1. Anonymous15:45

      Says the person taking time during the day to read a blog they don't even like. OMG, I'm laughing so hard I'm going to pee myself. As are Jen and Hubs I'm sure, but they're laughing all the way to the bank. :D

    2. bahahaha. love the reply, nice work!

    3. Anonymous16:02

      OMG - I think she just called us "not real live people"! I'm totally offended!

    4. Someone is standing by their man!

    5. Anonymous16:06

      As are you by taking the time to not only read the post, but then reply to said post. You my dear are just as douchey. What are YOUR kids doing?

    6. Anonymous16:06

      Really? LMAO as you sit and read said blog while your children are doing what... being entertained by dad because you are douchey mom? If you were "just a mom" you wouldn't have taken the time to read it let alone get offended by it. Jen's (husband's) blog must of struck a nerve...

    7. Anonymous16:06

      Correction... to my post...

      OMG - I think she just called us not "real people"! I'm totally offended!

      Sorry I got overly excited...

    8. Anonymous16:10

      Jackholes! Love it!

    9. Anonymous16:11

      Shouldn't the kids be in school?

      Kelly- NY

    10. Anonymous16:13

      Ahahahaha! Righttttt like you're so wonderful! Critisizing him for writing a blog post that YOU took the time to read and post about....can we say HYPOCRITE!? And at least they are voicing their opinions. Oh wait....I forgot...opinions don't matter, the world revolves around every uptight person that gets their panties in a bunch over someone saying something that they don't like. Thanks for the laughs! :P

    11. Anonymous16:14

      Hmmmm... re: not spending time with kids during the day. I'm going out on a limb and guess but I'm pretty sure their kids go to a place called school during the day. A lot of parents use this time to 'work'.

    12. Anonymous16:38

      Get out your paddles, and row your douche canoe family on out of here.

    13. Anonymous17:12

      I kinda figured the kids were ok during the day, just like the guys' kids were that you all crucified yesterday because they were golfing during the day instead of being with their kids.
      golf during the day=douche
      writing blog posts during the day=dad of the year.

    14. Anonymous17:48

      If you read the article, the kids were already home from school. Champ didn't just call to tell him he lost his tooth, what he was trying to say was "Thanks for be a douche dad and missing yet another milestone in my life. Oh and I strategically planned the timing to "Mess up" Mima's family portrait." He's a douche and so are you. Don't like what Jen and Hubs has to say, DOOON'T read it.

    15. What a fucking douche. Get a life weirdo. (To the original person who is complaining).

    16. Anonymous10:38

      Paddle faster... I hear banjos.

    17. Frogmom05:27


    18. OMG the annonymous paddle faster was hilarious. I was actually listening to "dualing banjos" on my laptop while i read that. You can't make this shit up. I am still laughing.

    19. Then why are you taking time out of your productive day to not only read a couple of blogs but respond to them?

      You know kids go to school which leaves an hour or so open for fun stuff. They also take naps.

      And you are the feminine hygiene product for not using your name on your postings.

  8. I love the people who read and then complain about what you two write. High-lare-ee-us! Seriously, there are so many DDs and OAMs it makes me want to move to an isolated island where the only job you have is to survive. That way, there is no time for elf on the shelf antics.

  9. I love it, you two! Jen, you must have struck a real nerve with this one. And Hubs, props to you for putting your two cents in. :)

    1. totally agree! you know that saying "truth hurts"? obvs lots of Douchey Dads recognized themselves in that post. Get a sense of humor!

  10. if you don't like the opinions and point of views expressed in PIWTPITT or any blog for that matter, DONT READ IT! For some of us, reading these rants make us physically laugh out loud, and for that I am truly grateful.

    Punch On!

  11. bahahahahah. . . cheers!

  12. Love it!!!!! As a divorced Dad I don't get enough time to spend with my kid... and these asshats avoid them at all costs...

  13. Anonymous16:21

    Thanks hubs - peed a little there..

  14. " "What the fuck?" Why would you waste your precious time reading a chick blogger that you don't even know? "

    LMAO - I'm pretty sure that you're going to have to get with that tonight, Jen. (Not to encourage The Hubs in his continuing efforts to be funny or anything).

    1. Anonymous18:39

      LMAO...: "'re going to have to get with that tonight Jen"

  15. Wow, using "douche" in a post 31 times is absolutely douchetacular.I couldn't make it into a drinking game, however, because I'd be plastered before the first paragraph ended.
    Sir, I salute you and your douchetastic vocabulary.LOL

    1. douchetacular and douchetastic - EPIC! Love it!

  16. I didn't respond yesterday because I was honestly - very sad that someone could be so shallow as to worry about the appearance of their child when they lost their first tooth.... because of not only a photo shoot coming up, but their own vanity in what would others think.
    I was hoping that Jen ramped up that part of the story and that certainly, really .... the dad didn't say that.
    If there is a group of people out there defending this asshole - you can all take a long walk off a short bridge.

  17. Lisa E17:09

    I really thought yesterday's post on Douchey Dads was on the same level as The Elf and Hording Daughter (does this make me a stalker for recalling these posts?) but I think the Hubs' post today may have been better. I know we are not to encourage him too much but this time he deserves the praise. Good Job Hubs!

  18. OK Jen, don't feel bad, but I think I enjoyed this even more than the other Douchey post. *ducks flying wine glass!* Sorry I hope he doesn't get a big head...I know my husband would. (thank God you've been playing along w/ the drinking game or that glass might have actually hit it's mark! Feeling a little sloshed myself)

  19. Anonymous17:54

    Being a douche must be so exhausting. The fact that some felt the need to defend themselves just proves their doucheyness and also proves that this blog is "Douchetacular" (quoted from another comment....douchetacular is my new favorite word). I will read your blog everyday now as part of my daily schedule....keep up the good work.

    1. Anonymous14:31

      If being a douche was so exhausting, maybe all these douches wouldn't be out playing golf. They'd be at home, ruling their homes from their giant leather Eames lounger chairs while the nannies raise the kids cuz the wives need to spend their time planning the next over the top birthday parties.

  20. FIRST the title of your blog peaked my interest...I havent even made it past todays post to learn more about you or your family and I am in LOVE! Actually, I may just be in love with your husband! (kidding!...sort of) today's post is SOOOOO funny! I am a new follower!! Now excuse me while I go read all your previous posts.

  21. Jen, Hubs, and fellow readers: I give you

    A little less douche. The Daly Show. (Yes, I did spell it right)

    This was seriously all I could think of when reading about Douchey Dads. Those Dads just need to be "a little less douche".

  22. Anonymous19:06

    see MckMama....please dad....mama is so much better.

  23. Anonymous19:09

    I'm still crying over Colby, Brie and Velvetta. Douchtacular made me pee a little !!

    1. That just made me and Velveeta feel doucherrific.
      (putting down the douchesaurus now...maybe)

  24. Anonymous19:21

    WHO takes the time to read a blog that they don't like? Hilarious responses. I love this blog and I love (most) of the people that read it. Just not the douchey ones. Although, they make for some pretty entertaining reading too... ha ha ha ha ha.

  25. Anonymous19:23

    To the original ANONYMOUS that wrote this:

    "I cannot believe you are taking time to write a blog post during the day instead of being with your kids! At least those guys were networking with real people, you are talking to cyberspace and trying to feed your wife's ego. Btw...I'm a mom. Not a country club mom, just a mom....who thinks you are both douches."


    What is wrong with you? Blogs are fun. Jen's posts are fun to read. The ONLY people that could get remotely offended over this are the douchey ones. Ya might want to look in the mirror...

  26. Oh, we're doing Daddy Wars now? Just when I though the blogosphere was out of ideas.

  27. JenC789120:25

    Douchetastic! LOL @ the Douchey Dads indignantly puffing their chests at a blog post and their Dolce wearing OAM wives. Awesome post Jen and Hubs.

  28. How about a vote on the King of Douchey Dads? First nominee: John Edwards.

    1. @pj- Absolutely! Seconded and carried. I feel so sorry for those kids.

  29. Anonymous20:43

    Oh good. Another neg blogger. Fuckin grow up.

    1. jessjj20:50

      Hey anonymous... you're a douche!

    2. Jessica07:42

      Oh hey, I think you stumbled upon this page by mistake. Here, this should help:

    3. Anonymous15:30

      Oh good. Another negative commenter. Fuckin leave if you don't like what the blogs about.

    4. Jessica - hahah!!!

    5. I totally missed Jessica's link. That is fucking awesome.

  30. Anonymous20:44

    "People I want to punch in the throat" give you douchebags a clue? Who do y'all think she is "Mary fing Poppins"? If you don't like what she says MOVE ON...........WTF? She tells it like it is in her name. I'm with HUBS if you don't like it.......stick it........
    Got on with your Douchy lifes and leave her alone.
    Jen and Hubs you are a breath of fresh air to my otherwise boring life....LOL.
    Go for it. You have people listening even if they suck....

  31. This crap is funny, they post their angry comments when no one said they had to read - man that is hilarious

  32. The Hubs, if you ever get tired of Jen and her online tirades......will you marry me? (of course we'll have to find a way to get rid of my Hubs but why let a little homicide get in the way of love?!) :-)

    1. lmao...While extremely funny, I'm pretty sure you're on your way to Jenn's punch list next!

  33. Anonymous20:56

    Seriously, Douchey Dads and OAM's just roll with it, Jen just calls it like it is, that is why we all love her. I, myself, am a crunchy granola type mom. Jen recently punched me and guess what, I laughed! She hit it right on, I annoy myself sometimes with my recycling and "being green". If you can't laugh at yourself then maybe should punch yourself in the throat.

    1. Anonymous17:05

      You are awesome! Everyone should have such a great attitude. I think 90% of the world's problems are caused by people taking themselves waaaay too seriously.

  34. Anonymous21:45


  35. Anonymous21:46

    Its impressive how offended people get. Like, seriously, calm down before your heart stops or something.
    Team Jen/Hubs FOR THE WIN

  36. Anonymous21:59

    The comments are almost as funny as the blog!

  37. It's funny they're getting their panties in a twist over someone's vent/blog. Must have hit a nerve :)

  38. I have read the blog and the blog before it and I'm still not sure I know what a Douchey Dad is. However, I don't think I am one. Being a 61 year old retired technology manager. I haven't played golf in seven years because of the guys you were describing and oh yes the increase of women playing th game. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against women golfers except they play sooooo slow. I don't drink and I believe that Christ Jesus is the only way to have a fulfilled life. My children are in their 30's (one may be a DD), not sure. Anyway will someone tell me what a DD is in plain simple English. Sometimes this fancy talk gets by me. Lol.

    1. Anonymous07:23

      You're fine....carry on with your non douchiness :)

  39. Wow I obviously missed the boat by not reading the comments from yesterday"s post. Loved yesterdays, loved today's, loved that the hubs responded. Love the word douche, and douche canoe is one of my favs. And hey Douchy Dads and OAM's..while you all are busy doing the tooth fairy thing and golfing and then have time to respond negatively to Jens and the hubs post..think about ALL the Dads and Moms who can't do the tooth fairy thing or would much rather be at home with the kids but they CAN't because they are defending your freedom overseas..your feedom to be HUGE DOUCHES. My hubs was one of them. Get a real the mean time I will be LMAO at these great posts and the douches who are so offended,,hehehehe

  40. Well said Hubs ! It's been like 3D today! Double Douche Dads !! Whoo hooo !!

  41. Nana Wendy00:06

    My biggest pet peeve is people that "like" a page and then continually whine and complain about what is on it. I am an old broad and I laugh all the time reading these blogs because they are so true!! (Since I am old let's not mention I peed a little ;-) just happens sometimes.) My son's baby Mama is a Douchy Mom that I would so love to email some of these blogs to her. Keep up the good work. The truth hurts sometimes but OH WELL!! Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

  42. If this drinking game extends to the comments, there will be hangovers all around tomorrow! :D

    1. Forget the hangovers. If the drinking game continues into the comments you're talking serious stomach pumping trips to the ER. LOL!!
      Its douchetacular!!

  43. I read the original DD post, Jen, and took it as a funny rant. Like ALL your posts. I started to read the comments but got annoyed and stopped. Why are people taking it so personally? JFC, don't get your panties in a bunch and stop over-analyzing everything. I can't help to think that the only reason someone is getting upset is because they are trying to defend being that type of person. Lighten the fuck up or get off this blog!

    Nevertheless, loved the hubs response as sweet! Yes, I thought it was sweet. :)

    Your #1 fan :)

  44. I love how the people who are complaining about these posts are not only spending time reading them, but are also reading all the comments! And that's a LOT of comments! [I just followed a link within a link to find out what an OAM is, and read all 400 comments to Jen's frabjous Valentine's Day rant! And it was all I could do to resist putting my 2 chocolate cents in on that throat punch-worthy level of OAM Syndrome!]

  45. This is the first post on the blog I've read, which I found through a funny post on babble blogs. I read the douchy dads post to figure out what the heck you were talking about. Here's my take, as a first impression.

    My parents are bartenders. As a kid, I observed plenty of douchy behavior: people who snapped their fingers as though my mother was a slave, whistled like my father was a dog. People can be total assholes, and those in the service industry get to see plenty of evidence. But I honestly don't see that this guy's behavior warrants such fury.

    He found a quite space to talk to his kid on the phone. Presumably it wasn't off limits, or you could have asked him politely to leave, and a refusal would have been an entirely different post about douchbags. So he wasn't out of bounds. He was too preoccupied to notice when he was in someone's way, I agree, a douchy behavior, and one that many many people are guilty of when it comes to being on their cell phones. He was weirded out by his kid's missing tooth. So? Some people have a thing about teeth. I think kids with missing teeth are cute, but I also have dreams where my teeth shatter and fall out, so I can sympathize. Obviously there's a whole group of people who think missing teeth are icky, not cute. I don't get it, but whatever.

    The thing I found strangest here though, was that my entry point on this blog was a post not just defending the over the top anger at fairly moderate annoyances, but claiming that anyone who FOUND it over the top was also a douche.

    I am unfamiliar with this blog, and probably won't stick around long enough to become familiar. Nobody has to read it if they're offended, but a blog is a form of entertainment, and presumably a blogger wants an audience. As a blogger I don't understand alienating parts of that audience for... Disagreeing? How about- yeah, I know not everyone who golfs is a douchebag (you know that right?) Something about this guy just really rubbed me the wrong way.

    I dunno. The story didn't seem upsetting enough to warrant a rant. The dissenting voices REALLY didn't seem upsetting enough to warrant another rant. It's your blog, do what you want. It just strikes me as a waste of energy (the last couple rants, not the whole blog).

    1. Haha, I totally just used the word "presumably" twice. In my defense, I overuse the word in real life too, but I'm not sure that actually makes it any better.

  46. Yes, but room with a group of people working in it is not a quiet place to talk with his kid.

    Most people might start to take the call there look up, realize omg someone is working (ewww), smile or nod and leave. He pretended they were not there. That is just as rude as a whistle or a snap.

    It's pretty clear he views other people to be lower than him and yeah that kind of does warrant a rant.

    And I may be a little white trash but we don't mind a few missing teeth in our photos. It is cuter on the little ones though.

  47. Anonymous08:48

    I just have a quick question, and I am sure I will be flamed, but I honestly do want to know. When "Gomer" is 12-13 and bullies, what will you say? When he tells you he is just being funny at someone's expense, will that make it ok? What if he is not calling anyone out by name, but just making fun of a group, maybe the kids in band. Is that okay? I read your blog for the first time with the elf like probably everyone here. I thought it was funny even though I do think of funny things to do with ours. I have stopped by a few times since then, and many of the posts are just mean. It isn't the wit and laugh at yourself type stuff. It is attacking someone's parenting in this instance. I think you can call it what you want, but there is a big problem with bullying in schools and if the parents are teaching it and condoning it, it will only make it worse. You can blow this off, which I am sure people will, but there are real kids who are breaking because they are made fun of daily.

    1. Anonymous13:01

      Jen is not "bullying" this guy, or "poking fun of him", just calling it like she see's it. Pretty positive she was just calling a spade a spade. If she had cut on his nerdiness looks, or fat, then that may be bullying, but she wasn't. I believe Gomer will grow up knowing the difference between bullying & being shocked enough by someone else's behavior that he can laugh about it like his mother. Have you never talked about the rudeness of strangers? Bitched about the guy who cut you off while driving? laughed at the purely asinine things some people do? Pretty sure we all have, and that's why we enjoy Jen's rants so much, she puts it out there, and we can laugh together.

    2. Anonymous13:19

      She posted about him so that people could laugh, ridicule his parenting, call him a douche. I don't think he did anything so shocking. He went golfing during the day. He was nice to his kid and he offered to help celebrate losing his first tooth. Kids set up sites or cyberbully all the time, and I just don't see much difference. I think a lot of parents will see it your way and I think a lot of parents also stick up for their kids in the same way when they bully. I just think it is a valid question. I am not saying I am perfect by any means, I am just pointing out that she is making money and promoting a site that in essence makes fun of people who didn't do anything to her. It would be hard to then tell a child that they shouldn't write hurtful things about kids at school on their facebook walls.

    3. Anonymous13:32

      Did you not read the last part where he was more concerned about his child's appearance than of the milestone of losing his first tooth? Jen observes people doing things that deserve a punch in the throat. This man was inconsiderate, and in using her term, a douche canoe. It's the name of the blog. If she were to write about all the good that people do around her, which I am sure she observes also, then she would have to change the name of the blog. Jen never once mentioned the man's name, whereas in cyberbullying on FB, you would know exactly who is talked about. There is a difference. Raising our kids to understand and see this difference is not an easy task, but it is very doable.

    4. Anon 11:01 AM - Seriously hit the nail on the head so I'm reposting it for all the people that can't seem to grasp the objective of this blog:

      Anonymous Apr 27, 2012 11:01 AM

      "Jen is not "bullying" this guy, or "poking fun of him", just calling it like she see's it. Pretty positive she was just calling a spade a spade. If she had cut on his nerdiness looks, or fat, then that may be bullying, but she wasn't. I believe Gomer will grow up knowing the difference between bullying & being shocked enough by someone else's behavior that he can laugh about it like his mother. Have you never talked about the rudeness of strangers? Bitched about the guy who cut you off while driving? laughed at the purely asinine things some people do? Pretty sure we all have, and that's why we enjoy Jen's rants so much, she puts it out there, and we can laugh together."


  48. Ohhhh a good drinking game once the kids are in bed. Whew, thank the maker I am not classified as a Douchy Dad. I follow this blog because I find it humorous, I'm not a mom...obviously....but I am a dad, I would rather spend time with my kids than golf with a bunch of a-holes any day, in fact I spend my time with the Cub Scouts making things better for not only my kids but other kids as well. If you'll excuse me, I need to go an pack for a training weekend to prepare myself for providing a better program for my Scouts.

  49. @Molly Well it could be quiet or not... It's hard to picture. I'm imagining a side room that is done with a lunch shift or something, and the caterers (or whoever?) are cleaning up after. Whether it's noisy or not depends largely on the room's acoustics. I didn't take it as ignoring anyone, he's just letting them get on with their jobs (until he gets in the way and doesn't move, which, yeah, douchey). I wouldn't think a phone call would bother them. Did I misread something here? I'm not getting the ewww factor.

    It's like... I was on a plane a few months ago with my then 7 month old. He was fussy unless I was standing, and I didn't want him to scream the ears off of everyone, so I took him to the cabin space in back. I asked if they minded me being there, but I mainly asked because 1) I knew I wasn't really supposed to be there and 2) In the cramped space, being somewhat in the way was sort of unavoidable. We didn't really interact at all while I was there (except to shuffle out of their way) but I wasn't ignoring them, I was just letting them do their jobs.

    Or how about you go into a bathroom, and someone is cleaning one of the stalls? I don't think it's rude to use the restroom and leave without speaking to them. They probably aren't interested in making small talk.

    As for the teeth thing, who knows why people feel the way they do? Some people juggle geese.

    1. Well I reread it and I guess I did misread. It would probably be harder to stay out of the way in a set up situation than a tear down. Still having a hard time picturing the room and whether it would have been ridiculous to go in and take a phone call.

  50. Those who can't recognize satire for what it is should get a life. Or stop reading this blog. Certainly satire is exaggerated - otherwise it wouldn't be satire - but there is always a grain of truth in it! Though hubs - the one who protests too much seems a little guilty to me!

  51. Message to Jen - PLEASE do a post on in-laws!!! OMG!!!

  52. That's right, hit'em where it hurts... right in the Douche-Bag!

  53. I think the next drinking game should be about how many times the post makes a commenter "pee a little"!

    1. LOL! I'm in! (I have actually commented with that a time or two)

  54. I think it was more like 34 cases of the d-word, but that just means I got to laugh more times. You make a great team of throat punchers. Honestly, I read your blog because it contains all of the types of things I would say on Facebook if my pastor weren't one of my "friends." LOL. If I wanted unicorns and rainbows, I would find a different blog to read. Not sure why some of these other douches would rather just stick around and bitch and moan, but at least they give the rest of us someone to ridicule. Cheers!

    1. Anonymous18:57

      I can't count. Too much douche makes me stupid. The Hubs.

  55. Although I hate to point this out...

    You may want to consider advertising Depends or bladder control products. I lost count of how many of your loyal readers "peed just a little" after reading this post!

  56. Methinks a lot of us who linked to Jen's original post on our FB pages have a lot of DD and OAM friends who read it and got offended. Hilarious!

  57. A toast to the hubs...34 times! ;)

  58. I find it very funny that the vast majority of people complaining about this blog or being offended by it, commented Anonymously. As for the rant about bullying, Jenn and Hubs wrote this on HER blog. She did not post this to DD's blog or facebook page, etc. The name of this blog is "People I Want To Punch In The Face", not "I Really Hope I Never Offend Anyone's Fragile Freaking Egos". The title pretty much says it all. And to all the complainers, YOU came to HER page, she didn't come to YOURS. Put on your big boy britches and get over it. Great post.

  59. Anonymous12:53

    Ha, well stated "Hubs" and Wife of hubs before! These posts have the "Cats in the Cradle" song playing in my head now. Douche canoe?? lol, I'm gonna have to remember that one. When you've pissed a large number of people off, it means you wrote something worth writing. Kudos to drawing attention to dickheads who think they're great dads because they pay the bills, even if they have no idea what the tball coach's name is.


    Jen. I heart him. That is all.

  61. Hahahahahahahaha!!! Douche canoe! I love it!

  62. Ahhh hahahaha! I love that you used my phrase "douche canoe"! No I do not own, however it is my favorite thing to say/ Additionally, readers who have issues with this post are most likely douchey parents that don't like their secrets aired.

  63. I always like you Hubs. Now I love you. Don't tell Jen. GREAT post!

  64. Dude, I just want to say I had your back on the Valentine Letter.

  65. Sounds like there might be some sensitive Douchey Dads out there. I like that The Hubs told them off. I don't think Jen needs to waste anymore time with them. They're D-bags, plain and simple and apparently the truth hurts. Boo-hoo.
    I love the blog, read it all the time. Keep on blogging!


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