
Gabrielle What's Her Name

I know Gabrielle's real name, but on the advice of legal counsel I'll go ahead and leave out her last name on this post.

I don't know Gabrielle personally, but I sure feel like I do.  Gabrielle used to own the house I currently live in.

Seven years ago, the Hubs and I bought this house when it was a foreclosure.  This was before the big foreclosure boom that's been going on for years now and it was sort of rare to find a foreclosure in those days.

When we bought the house I didn't know anyone who lived in a foreclosure and I felt a little bad capitalizing on someone else's downturn.

I felt like maybe the house was "sad."  (No, actually I was worried the house might be possessed a la Amityville Horror.)  I had nightmares for the first couple of weeks we lived here.  Most of the time I had nightmares about Gabrielle and her family.

I could tell from the Realtor's pictures online they had a baby (we did too at the time) and I kept thinking that the mean, awful bankers had thrown Gabrielle and her husband and baby out on the street in the dead of winter during the holidays (we bought the house the week between Christmas and New Year's) for being a couple of bucks behind in her mortgage payments.  I worried about them.  A lot.  And I worried that somehow this house would curse us too and we'd someday be thrown out on our asses in the snow.

All of these feelings went away after living here for about 3 months.  That's when I started to realize that Gabrielle's money problems were her own making and the big, bad bank probably got screwed by her.

One night the phone rang and it was a local hospital calling for Gabrielle.  I politely explained she no longer lived here.  The woman on the other end got very angry with me and said, "Don't give me that story!  I know she's there.  You tell her we want our money.  She owes us a lot of money and we're getting lawyers involved now!"  I again said she was not here and again I had my head bitten off:  "I know she's there!  She does this all the time.  That's fine.  The next call will be from our lawyers!"  Click!  The woman hung up on me.

How rude!!  Apparently the creditors like to look up the address and call the number listed.  I didn't have the same number as Gabrielle, but I kept getting her calls because I was living in the same house she listed as her residence at one point.

I was shocked.  OK, so Gabrielle hadn't paid her hospital bill.  Not surprising, she couldn't pay her mortgage, so of course she couldn't pay her hospital bill.  Right?

We got several more calls from the hospital as well as several collection agencies calling on behalf of credit card companies and to get her Vagazzling bill paid - OK not really Vagazzling, but we did hear from a plastic surgeon and I'm guessing she's got new boobies and she does seem the type to Vagazzle.

Again, not so surprising, right?  But what about her private jet bill?  Yup, you read that right.

A few days later we had a knock at the door.  It was a man asking for Gabrielle.  I told him he had the wrong house, she no longer lived here.  I was called a liar (I was starting to get used to it now) and I was told that she and her husband owed a private jet company $60,000 for a "joy ride" they took a few months before they moved out of the house.  He informed me that he was going to the "authorities" next so I'd better tell Gabrielle to pay her private jet bill.  He stomped off my porch leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

Private jet bill???  Are you fucking kidding me??

OK, at first I thought maybe Gabrielle and I had something in common.  We both liked this house and we both had babies, but I've never been on a private jet and I've definitely never gone for a "joy ride" on a private jet and run out on the bill.  How the hell do you even do that??  It's like dine and dash at 30,000 feet?!  The pilot lands the private jet and you say, "That was great!  I'm just gonna go grab my wallet from the car.....RUN!" and your whole family scatters.

The next visitor we had was the Sheriff looking to arrest her.  After the Sheriff looked at my ID and verified I was not Gabrielle, he left disgruntled that he couldn't find her.

That's when I Google'd her.  I thought that with as hard as these people were looking for her, surely they'd tried Google and she just couldn't be found.

Nope.  There she was.  Living down the street from the house I'd moved out of to move into this one!!!  How freaky is that??

The next time a creditor called looking for her I told them exactly where to find her.

The calls stopped for a few years and then about a year ago they started AGAIN!

That's when I looked for her on Facebook.  I had stopped feeling sorry for her when the private jet people showed up and the repo guy looking for her husband's BMW.

She and her husband obviously have some sort of scam going on here where they they're living pretty large without paying their bills, but holy shit was I surprised to see what they're up to!!  This chick is living the life that she definitely can't afford.  Her FB profile was wide open and I could see pictures of her and her kids flying on private jets (again), throwing extravagant birthday parties and lots of pictures of them at their "Florida" house.

WTF???  How in the world is she getting credit for all of this?  Who continues to give this woman loans??  This asshole is the reason why I can't get a credit card.  I'm self-employed and I'm paid on commission so I don't have "steady" income - I'm considered a bad risk to the credit card companies and banks.  I can't even get a Sears card, but this bitch can lease a Beemer, test drive a private jet and have a Florida house and we wonder why we're constantly bailing out banks?!

I just looked at her FB again right now.  I wanted to see what her listed profession was and how she might be affording all this shit, but she's locked it down.  She does have a ton of pictures of jewelry she sells for under $20.  You'd have to sell a lot of jewelry to pay for a private jet.

Now, as I said before, I don't know Gabrielle personally, just what I can glean from her gossipy creditors.  In her defense, maybe she won the lottery after she moved out of here and she's been paying cash ever since.

I highly doubt it though since this is the phone call I got last night:

"May I speak to Gabrielle _______?"

"I'm sorry, you have the wrong number, she does not reside her."

"Oh.  Is this 913- ____________?"

"Yes it is, but no Gabrielle."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive.  She hasn't lived here in 7 years."

"That's strange, because this is the number we have for this account."

"Yup, I'm sure it is.  You're not the only one."

"OK.  Well maybe someone else there is responsible for this account.  I'm calling in reference to an outstanding invoice for a boat.  Does anyone at this residence own a boat?"

"A boat???"

"Yes, ma'am.  A boat."

"No!  Absolutely not."

"Hmm...OK.  I will make a note.  Thank you for your time and sorry to bother you."

A fucking boat now, Gabrielle?  Really?  How are you not in jail yet?

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  1. We bought our house as a short sale and got the same type of phone calls for a while after buying it...thankfully they've stopped. People are crazy!

  2. Bitches be crazy.

  3. WOW! Sorry for the inconveniences you are enduring...but DAMN! it's a good read!!! lol

  4. Why dont you just change the house phone line number?

    1. When I bought my home, the old number didn't come with it. I had two choices: Get a brand new number or transfer the service of my current number to my new residence.

    2. They'll find out the new number. Collection agencies are crazy!! They used to call MY grandmother looking for my ex-husband. Not his grandmother, mine! He had never even lived in this city let alone w my poor granny! Lol!

    3. They trace the phone number to the address. It doesn't matter whose name it on it, they just keep calling.

    4. Very funny! We get some similiar type calls for numerous people- I called an attorney's office the other day to tell them that Joseph does not live here! Still I'm soooo curious I would love to see Gabrielle's FB- wish you could give us a hint:)

  5. I wonder if she's using her kids social security numbers...running through each member of her family.

  6. You need to set your number to private and put it on the do not call list. It doesn't make sense that they are calling YOUR number in the first place unless they are doing a reverse look up based on the address. Crazy stuff. And yes, they need to be in jail...just for being *assholes*!!!

  7. I've GOT to see Gabrielle's Facebook page! :)

  8. Yikes, keep a close eye on your accounts!!

  9. I think the major question should be...Why do you still have a land line? ; )

  10. Wow. That's about all I can say. Wow.

    1. Oh, and thank you for introducing me to vajazzling. I am traumatized for life. well, at least for today.

  11. Anonymous08:47

    We bought our house new almost 9 years ago but inherited a phone number from Theresa ____ who must be friends with Gabrielle. Same pattern of calls, no calls for a while, calls again. Not sure why they think she'd all of a sudden be here again 9 years later...the witness protection program could use the tactics of these people!

  12. i don't understand why you would have the same number? don't they change it when you start a new service?

    1. They don't have the same number, just the same address. Collection agencies will look to see all numbers from a certain address over a several year span. It won't help for her to change her number, either. They'll get the new one.

    2. She didn't...she has the same address. All they have to do is look up the address to get the phone number. Most people that don't pay their bills and get phone calls will have their number changed. So the companies developed new systems...

    3. I was wondering the same damn thing. As for using the address to get the phone number... okay, makes sense but who has a landline in 2012?!?

  13. Unreal! And there are laws creditors have to harrassment is one they obviously are breaking.

  14. You have Gabrielle, I have James! I get calls all the time for him. I know exactly where he works, who is wife is...and I know that his ex-wife is PISSED that she isn't getting her child support payments because her lawyer called me last month. I'm too invested in this family to change my number now...

    1. Anonymous09:22

      you're too invested....hahahahaha!!! i'm rolling here...

    2. Hahaha, too invested! I'd be the same way! :D

    3. that's hilarious! like your own private soap opera

  15. Soo, I'm just curious, how did you get her house and her phone number?? Usually the phone number doesn't go with the house?? lol... but damn, I'd give all the bill collectors her new info and tell them to leave you alone!!

  16. Cancel the land line, the calls will stop completely.

  17. That is insane that they are calling your phone which should be in your name, not associated with the house, but most likely transferred from your previous home? That's how it works in Florida at least. You keep the phone number, not the house., however, I too, bought a foreclosure and have been getting crazy mail and even a deputy once showed up looking for the previous owner. They were losers, but nothing to this Gabrielle's extreme. Wow. And to think she's raising a child/children. Lovely.

  18. You know who I want to punch in the throat? The people who don't bother to Google a bitch. Really? How is it that Google isn't the first place one goes?!
    And, "but this bitch can lease a beemer" - that's funny (and simiultaneously infuriating) stuff!

  19. For those asking about the phone number...
    She didn't have the same phone number...she has the same address. All they have to do is look up the address to get the phone number. Most people that don't pay their bills and get phone calls will have their number changed. So the companies developed new systems to track people down.

    1. You are right. Collection agencies and creditors like Visa used what's called skip-tracing. When they do that they get the debtors neighbors addresses and phone numbers and they get every number that is associated with the residence. They are supposed to stop calling after being told that you can't get the Gabrielle's of the world at that number/address but the sad thing is that most debtors say that so that the company will stop calling. Which is probably why they are still bothering Jen. They cannot however tell Jen and her family what they are calling about or Gabrielle can use that to get out of the debt if she was so inclined. They should be skip tracing the social security number instead of the name. And the ss number of her hubby and kids, since she ahs probably screwed them for life too.

  20. I used to work in collections. In all honesty she might have gotten out of some of those debts. With the company I worked for anyway, if you told someone why you were calling and it wasn't the person who owed the money, that equals an automatic write off because it is illegal to disclose personal and financial information to people that are not permitted that information. I remember a new guy started at the company and he told a woman why he was calling and he was fired because she was not entitled to that info and they had to write off a $60,000. account and inform the original creditor that they could no longer collect on that money and to close it out as a loss. So that hospital bill that the lady told you about is probably noncollectable now. She could be using that loophole. Don't know if it's that way for other companies, just knew it was my old company's policy and that of the creditors that placed accounts there. If they keep calling you threaten them with the state DA. That usually stops any calls, especially when you've told them not to call anymore. Good luck!

  21. I can relate in some ways but not to this chaotic extent! I have numerous debt collectors calling my cell phone for the past 3 years looking for a Louis L. I have had this cell phone number for over a decade mind you. I tell them I do no know her and this is not her number but they continue to call. I was told this bitch has me listed as a reference on her paperwork with my number as a contact. Reall??? I don't fuck*ng know you!! I have since researched this harassment and found that you need to start documenting every phone call/time/date/person & company you speak with. Tell the collectors they have the wrong number/person and that they do not have permission to call you again...if they do you can SUE THE SHIT out of this collectors!!
    What they are doing is illegal!! Check out

    My second for instance is the home we purchased 5 years ago. Apparently the man who lived here has never paid his child support and fell behind on his car payments. I can recall 5 different officers stopping by and 3 different repo guys coming for his car. Other peoples f*ck ups are now my problem! I bet Gabrielle and Louis are sleeping peacefully why you and I cringe everytime the phone rings! WHORES!!

    Good Luck girl!!

  22. Hook your land line up to a fax and go mobile-only. You'll have a great time listening to the fax machine ring, knowing they're going to hear that awful modemy-fax sound. Even after the calls taper off, it will be the gift that keeps giving - mine goes nuts during election season.

    1. Anonymous09:20

      OOh, I love that. Nobody calls us on our home phone anymore.... I think that's a LOVELY idea. You're a genius. Pure genius.... maybe a little bit of an evil genius. ;)

      Nothing worse than that horrible fax noise to scare anyone off.

    2. Fantastic idea! Either that or just cancel the land line all together and go mobile.

  23. Anonymous09:17

    I'm wondering why you kept the same phone number that she left behind, and didn't port your own number to the new house? That'd be my first action...get a new phone number. I've never moved into a home and kept the old resident's phone number... I didn't even know that was possible.

    Sounds like this chick is a peach...a real peach. Good luck on closing out the books on this girl.... sounds like her life is going to be your business for a long time.

  24. This story seems incredulous. Phones don't transfer with home ownership. It's okay if it's a fake story cuz it was entertaining anyway, but come on. There's no way you had the same phone # as the previous occupant. Plus the rest of the story is highly controversial. Jet planes? I don't know...but it's those phone calls that raised an eyebrow with me.

    1. Caroline, why did you remove your comment? I am incredulous that S. Watkins would make such a comment. The story is incapable of being incredulous. Please read the previous comments if you do not understand.

    2. We just moved into our house the end of last spring. I get calls on my landline (I don't carry a cell) for three different people. I still get mail for the dead old lady that used to live here. Creditors will call what ever number is hooked up to the house. Ever damn number I have ever had I've gotten collection calls for other people.

    3. Uh, really, you can't be serious. This story seems far fetched but it's definitely possible. The collection agency will use the address to find the phone number associated with it. My delinquent neighbor used our address instead of hers when starting up new credit cards, cell phones, skipping out on bills, etc. So when it came time to collect on her debts, we received the calls, not her.

  25. I'm sorry..... I don't normally make public comments such as this, but for all you wondering "WHY?" she kept Gabrielle's number..... OMG.... Are you really that stupid???? WTF???? How do some people function on a daily basis........?

    1. Yes they are that stupid...remember the 80/20 rule applies in all situations with diminishing returns.

    2. SJL115...To use your own words...are YOU really that stupid? Read all the comments before yours that state that she didn't keep the same number.

      The creditors can get the land-line number from the address as it didn't change. I guess you have never heard of phone number lookup that will give you a phone number based on the physical address. Thanks for proving that sometimes Darwinism misses a few!

    3. TexasClarks ... you need to re- read the original post. I think maybe Darwinism missed one more.

  26. People! Jen didn't keep the # when she moved to the house. When the creditors look up the address (Gabrielle's old house/Jen's new one) they get Jen's actual phone number (NOT Gabrielle's old one).

    So even if Jen changes her # the creditors would probably find it.

  27. Craaaaaaaap. I just put in an offer on a short sale home. I hope this isn't what I have to look forward to! And to the people that are questioning why she "kept" the phone number. I bet she didn't, creditors find phone numbers by looking up addresses ALL THE TIME. And losers like Gabrielle change their phone numbers ALL THE TIME, creditors aren't stupid.

  28. Wow... People never cease to amaze me. She is most definitely what's wrong with our society today - NO FREAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

  29. I think they go by the address or it would be really easy for defaulters to just change their numbers and never hear from creditors again. Although I do get creditors calling for the people that used to have my phone number and I still get mail for the people that used to live here 5 years ago.

  30. I had to Google vagazzling (I guess I really do live under a rock!) Seriously?!?!? Who the hell bedazzles their hootchie?!?

  31. I think judging by the stupidity of some of the gems posting on here, they may IN FACT, be Gabrielle herself. Either that, or closely related...
    Great story, by the way! You should start a short series, "The Adventures of Gabrielle."

  32. Are you making sure that she isn't using your information to apply for loans, if your number is the one that is on the account? That sounds suspicious to me. Especially if they only live down the street.

  33. gotta love that everyone thinks you have this chick's same phone number. really???
    Anyway, if you could hook me up with Gabby's contact info that would be to know how she gets away with this crap? I have a certain store credit card (1st word opposite of new and 2nd word is a shade of blue) that borderline harrasses me if I pay 1 freakin day late. I need some tips from this gal. I would love to know how to get a new wardrobe filled with poorly made clothing that gets holes in it after more than 2 wears...and not have to pay a dime.

  34. It almost sounds like Gabrielle isn't Gabrielle at all, but someone who has stolen an identity. Craziness.

  35. Creditors have ways of looking up former addresses and then finding those addresses and what phone is linked to it. They can even look you up and find out who your relatives are. For instance, my parents home shows that I and both my brothers have lived there. So, now they know who my parents AND my brothers are and they can call my brothers to find out where I am. I know this ONE because I have worked in Bankruptcy Law for 13 years and TWO because my little brothers creditors find ME a lot looking for him. So, her story is not beyond truthful. It's as easy as using the internet to research your ancestry for the public and these creditors belong to sights that have even more detailed information about who you are, where you've been and who you associate with. For the record, Jen, the next time they call you, tell them that they are violating the FDCPA Law and harassing you and that if they don't take you off their list for the former tenant of your home, you will seak legal means to do it.

  36. I still get phone calls on my cell for the woman who had my number before me. Also, creditors go by the address and I've even gotten calls for family members who owe money and not because they used my name. Everything is connect in the computer world these days.

  37. Maybe she is IN the witness protection plan and just disregards all debt. Think about that one....

  38. vagazzaling? wtf? Do you pay for that? Or does it come like a lick and stick tattoo? Why would anyone find that remotely attractive? Vagazzle, that is just ridiculous.

    1. BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! You said "lick & stick"!!! Sorry, my inner middle schooler came out. :D

  39. So instead of pedi's with the girls, now uget vagazzles? Roflmao Jen! U never fail to put a smirk on my face. Gabby needs to go down!

  40. Shortly after we had moved into our fully fenced & gated new home, I was home alone with the kids one night. I noticed flashlights coming into the windows in the garage - again, the entire property had a 6 foot fence around it!! I FREAKED! There were men outside my home, inside the fenced yard and they were shining flashlights in my windows looking!! I opened my front door and told my 4 block headed labs (100 lbs each!) to *sic em!* and the dogs charged them!!! Imagine my surprise when 2 police officers started screaming like girls and shining the lights on each other so I could see they were police... I called my dogs back in and after they calmed down enough to breath they explained they were looking for a guy who used to live there! I told them they had no right crossing my fence line and *So & so* sold the house to us... then I let the dogs escort them back to the gate.

    1. You're REALLY lucky you dogs didn't get shot!

  41. Gabrielle must be married to a guy named Chris... we didn't buy his house but ended up with his last known phone#. We got calls for 7 YEARS for this guy.... sometimes it would be up to a year in between and then they'd start up again. Went to no landline when we moved 7 mo ago. Adios Chris, hope they find you soon!!!

  42. I don't have creditors calling but we have the same number the McKeevers had. OVER 5 years ago. I get recorded messages (only in the winter) from Walgreens in Florida that their prescription is ready to be picked up. Their hearing doctor called to confirm their appointment. One summer I was finally invited to the family reunion after all the calls. These people must be old and senile and still give out the phone number they don't have anymore even to family.

  43. We had the same thing happen...and when we moved out of the house these people had lived in, and transferred our phone to a new address, the calls started up again!!! AND they would call for 2 or 3 different names. Even Walgreens called to let us know prescriptions were ready. Often it was just a prerecorded message, instructing "Che" to press 1 to speak to a representative. If I did that to tell them they have the wrong number, it took 5 minutes for them to be able to find the correct account and mark that this person no longer lived there. What a pain!

  44. I get creditors calling me all of the time for a girl who has the same name as me and lives in the same town. It's extremely hard trying to explain to the creditors that yes, I am Jennifer ______, no I do not have an account with your bank, no my birthday is not in April, and no I will not give you my social security number, but can verify that it does not end in those last 4 numbers you just gave me. You're right, they can get extremely rude and then you get pissed off.

    1. I had the same thing happen to me. A bank called me for 3 years straight complaining about my account, and I had to tell them that I was not the Veronika ______ they were looking for, that I have 1 credit card with my credit union, and I've never used their bank. They'd always ask me for my social and other information to verify I wasn't the other person, but I *always* refused to give it to them. Finally my husband got on the phone and told them off, and they stopped calling.

  45. Most certainly want to punch her in the throat

  46. My cousins wife does the same thing.. she gives them my grandmas number as her contact number and when they call cussing her looking for my cousins wife and their money I get pissy and cuss them. I hate deadbeats

  47. OMG!!!!! That's insane!!!!!

  48. LMAO...I have a similar problem with the previous owner of my cell phone number. Apparently she and her husband didn't feel like paying their bills either. Great read!

  49. My first cell phone came with a Boston area code and I constantly recieved calls and messages in SPANISH. It was so annoying, I finally had someone teach me how to have my v-mail say in SPANISH This is not ___'s number anymore. Stop calling. and then I spoke in English.

  50. That Gabrielle giveS miserable sons-of-bitches like me - suffering reality of foreclosure and all that comes with it - a bad name! And yes, you drive past my house and think, "What a sad little house." AND WE STILL OCCUPY IT!

  51. I've been going through the same thing for the last 4 years with the formers tenants of my apartment! Louis and Ricardo apparently don't pay bills either. Ricardo is still using this address! I have has Sheriff officers here too looking for both of them. And somehow these people still keep getting away with this stuff...

  52. OK, I must be living under a rock (or I have 2 young children and keep busy), but I have not heard of this new fad. Really? Swarovskis for your nether region? To make you feel better about yourself? Really? Some women need to get a reality check. Not just the ones buying into this crap and drinking the Kool-Aid. More the ones selling the Kool-Aid.

  53. Sugar, you need to change your phone number immediately! I'd also get advice from an atty on how to handle this. AND double check your credit report to be sure she is not somehow dragging you into this by useing your ph number and home address. I know it sounds dramatic but these things can spiral out of control without you even knowing. I'd personally also call places that treat you like the hospital did and complain, but that's just me.

  54. Sounds like my family (my mother anyway). I'm sure the people who have moved into our foreclosed house are getting the same calls.

    My poor brother can't even get a checking account because of her using his name.

  55. It's amazing how many people comment w/o reading anyone else's comments! Maybe these are the people who need the next punch in the throat!

    I used to get calls for a woman who actually lived in my neighborhood who has the same name as I do. She paid for nothing! Once, the mailman dropped one of her bills off at my house; our addresses are nothing similar... I had to cut bill collectors off when they'd start their speech by identifying her by middle initial. Crazy that these folks can live like this. I'd be nervous!

  56. I was assigned a phone number when my husband and I moved to Virginia. Despite having it for two years, we still get calls for Karen, who is apparently another deadbeat. Creditors call for her all the time. For months, her daughter's school called nearly every day to say her child was absent. It took three phone calls (including a nasty one from my mother-in-law) to convince the school to take our number off of their call list. At this point, I'm hoping I can eventually convince the creditors that they can't reach her through my phone. I'd request another number, but I'm afraid I'd have to start all over again with someone else's creditors!

  57. We have a similar situation where we must have inherited a phone number of a pair of deadbeats - Doug and LeAnn. Collection agencies, banks, attorneys... We even got a call from some government agency regarding something being filed against them. It's been almost 8 years and we're still getting calls. Same pattern where they stop for awhile and then start again.

    What really pisses me off, though, is that these people are clearly still giving out the number. I think they don't want to be found so they just keep using their old number EIGHT YEARS LATER. We went to the Geek Squad at Best Buy a few years ago (for the first time) and when they went to set us up an account by phone number they found the number was already in the system for Doug and LeAnn. We asked when they had set up the account and it had been about 3 months prior - almost 4 years after we had been assigned the phone number.

    I looked them up on our county auditor's website and found that they own a house about a mile away. Then I did a reverse address phone number search on and found their current phone number. Now we have all of that info hanging next to our phone and gladly give it out to anyone looking for Doug or LeAnn. Doesn't stop the annoying phone calls, though, which always seem to come at the worst times.

  58. Wow! I'd change my number! How she is still getting away with this is absurd!

    1. Won't help! They Google the address to find out what the new number is for that address and call your new number.

  59. Another thing that's wrong with out financial situation is when people can get away with this BS for so long. Crazy. Change your number, STAT.

  60. Gabrielle doesn't even make the crappy jewelry that she sells. She buys it from an online wholesaler for 60 cents to $2.75 per unit and then re-sells it for twenty bucks. She can't even be bothered to do any actual work... not even to change the pictures of her jewelry so it's not BLATANTLY obvious that it's not her own work.

  61. I want to punch all the people who think you kept her old phone number.... Come on people, common sense. How can so many people make it through life with no common sense.

  62. This is in fact what is wrong with our country today and Gabrielle is just one of the few living this way. She and others like her make me puke. We are basically rewarding those that continually make bad financial decisions anymore. Sick, sick, sick.

  63. damn. All I ever get is Rachel from Cardmember services.

  64. We have Gwenn. Sort of said really, I liked the name. Maybe even would have named a child that. But Gwenn must of had our phone number before we unfortunately inherited it 10 years ago. I think I finally told the last person who called that she died of liver cancer. Poor Gwenn she obviously had some chronic health issues. We had creditors trying to collect for dialysis, chemo, and various medical transports. I would even get reminder calls for various appts. and lab tests. There were the usual debts, credit cards, dept. stores and the like. Poor thing she must have really struggled and it sucks. But when the calls kept coming and coming and coming I lost my compassion. Especially as they always seemed to call as the toddler was just nodding off and I was comfortably nursing the infant. So I started killing Gwenn off. Because once that nursing infant entered kindergarten and the collection folks still hadn't put it together- it was time for Gwenn to die. RIP Gwenn.

  65. Start effing with them... My BIL will start chatting with them about his hemorrhoids or asking them if they will come help him with his constipation. Sometimes he'll scream to the top of his lungs and then yell at "Billy Bob" to get back in his cage.

    Other times he'll just talk nonsense when the collectors get nasty.


    Them getting very angry, "Don't give me that story! I know she's there. You tell her we want our money. She owes us a lot of money and we're getting lawyers involved now!"

    Response: Walking up the street, I found a $2.00 bill.

    Them: WHAT?!?! I know she's there! She does this all the time. That's fine. The next call will be from our lawyers!"

    Response: Walking, crying, it's all the same.

    Them: You're crazy!

    Response (singing): I love you, you love me, we're best friends like friends should be...

    They usually hang up before he can finish the song :-)

  66. I don't get the creditors; I got the police coming to my house at all times of night looking for the criminals that had to have lived in my house before I did. Once the cops started coming it made sense why the old man had dead bolts on the bedroom doors and key locks on the coat closets...his grandkids were criminals! I had been in the house for 7 years, still getting the cops with the "well this is the address I have for him". Ridiculous. I'm not sure if I would prefer phone calls over in-person harrassment...

  67. Wow! That is extreme. I have the old cell number of someone named Matilda. I get a call for her at least once a week, and I have had the number for two years. Most of the time it is in Spanish, but when I do get an English speaker person it is ALWAYS a bill collector. Obviously she didn't pay her cell phone bill either, or I wouldn't have the number!

  68. Wow...just...WOW.

  69. WOW, that actually leaves me a little speechless. I've been pissed all day though already (completely off topic here) because I just found out that if your children are in foster care and you're on welfare and foodstamps you still get money and foodstamps for your kids... even though they're not living with you. So our taxes are paying for them twice. So whether you're living high on the hog like Gabrielle or too lazy to get a job or raise your children like the deadbeat I know, you still apparently get it all. And us dumbasses are stuck in the middle just trying to get by!

  70. I don't know what makes me more speechless, your original postings or the people who respond who don't take the time to read that you don't have her old phone number!

    The next time they call just ask them to 'hold the line while you go and get her' then set the phone down and go about your business. Periodically check to see if they are still online and of they are still on the phone tell them
    That she is almost done changing out her husband's diaper, or almost done putting in a fresh tampon. Then ask them if they know if there are really any advantage of an OB over a normal tampon with plastic applicator.

    Eventually they understand that you are wasting their time and hang up..and you get to have some fun messing with them!

  71. So for everyone telling you to cancel your land line they can't have children. I just heard that there have been more children burned and killed in fires because of no land line phones to call them in. Oh, and since I lived during and in the blackout of of '03 I will always have a land line and a non-cordless phone. Oh, and maybe you should friend "G" so she can have a class and we can get over too. IJS LOL!!

  72. We get calls and mail all the time for the people who used to live in our house. They had rented it from the people we bought the house from. I chewed one guy up one side and down the other when he called my number and asked for them. I know who had this number before me and it wasn't the Snead people who didn't pay their bills! I told them if I received another phone call I would be contacting MY lawyer. They never called again but now and then another one does. It's insane that they Google your address and find out what number goes with it (regardless of the name it's under) and start calling you like you know these people. We've been here 9 years and, no kidding, we got a letter last week for them from a collection agency!

  73. Jen, this is crazy, but for the record, I work for one of the largest collection agencies on the East coast and you should really look up your rights under FDCPA (Federal Debt Collection Practices Act) When the collector calls, and you tell them you are not her..they are NOT allowed to be that rude to you..get a name, document everything..tell them to cease contact at your number for ALL accounts they have..then, if that same company calls back, document..once you can prove you are who you say you are, you can bring suit against them..I have seen my firm pay out as much as $2000 for phone calls that were harassing or continued after they were told to stop collection attempts. If you want more info look it up..that sucks to follow behind her shit!!!

  74. We have a similar problem. We inherited our number by some deadbeats but they weren't who owned our house previously. We were issued a new number when we moved into our new house five years ago. We still get TONS of calls, after five years, for Jan and Johnny. They are apparently STILL giving our number out as their own on credit applications, etc. Makes my blood boil! I wish I could find their current number so I could give it to these callers but they are very good at hiding off of Google. If I ever come across Jan or Johnny, they will be getting a punch in the throat!

  75. I've gotten a few calls like that on my cell phone and I have NO idea how they're getting my number...I don't own a house or any real assets, and I certainly do not sound like Ricardo, whoever he is. My sympathies to you!

  76. Had to come back to click on vagazzling. Stupid, for real.

  77. Next time "they" call, tell them if they call again you will sure their assess for harassment...then hang up on them

  78. Oh we might have to form a posse and go confront that bitch! Damn poser. p.s. I lmao at "dine and dash at 30,000 feet!"

  79. Totally feel for you - have had the same "similar" issues. I have learned that if you have your phone # changed and request it to be private (which is a few $'s extra per month) AND unlisted - those calls will stop. Worked for me, though now we just use a cell as the home phone! Good luck!

  80. The same thing is happening to us. I tell the creditors when we move in the house and to go back and look it up in our local paper to see that the house changed possession. Then they stop calling. Until another company starts calling about a different card or a verizon bill or whatever else is going on. Haven't gotten to the private jet or boat yet...

  81. Oh jeez!! I get calls on my cell phone (which is the only # I have, since I eliminated house phone years ago) since it's associated with my home now. I hope that I never run into "Michelle so-an-so" out at a club in the local area..I might actually have to buy her a drink (with top shelf liquor, of course) and throw it in her face. Anyhow, here's a funny little tid bit for you in reference to this particular blog entry, the "Ads by Google" listed at the bottom of this blog when I read it was for "Debt Collection Attorneys"--ha!

  82. Find out the names and addresses of the companies who are calling you and report them to the attorney general of the state the company is located in. That is what we had to do when we were getting phone calls for some asshole just like your Gabrielle. The attorney general then contacted the companies and told them they could no longer call my phone number, ever again, unless the debt was in my name. I never got another call.

  83. My hubs got a new cell phone (always used his work one) and we have a lot of people calling and hanging up from Vegas (we are in San Diego) after hearing his voice mail. Someone finally leaves a message for "Precious" and it's quite apparent she was an escort or prostitute.
    Our old neighbors we always called the neighbors from hell or the cursed house. There were so many people that moved in that were shady that it became apparent it attracted a type of person that desired to live there for the privacy the greenbelt next to it provided. The first young couple, no kids, we never see outside. They drive into the garage and have a service mow the grass. One evening the cops show and escort the wife as she has movers clear her out. Turns out the hubs had a serious drug problem and the drug dealers came to her door looking for money he owed. They threatened her and she couldn't find him. Turns out, he was in jail. The house sits for two years in foreclosure, unmowed, etc. It sells at auction and they next people have wild parties and get arrested for selling meth. They probably were cooking too. Who knows. Again, it sits for a couple of years and the bank is desperate so they take an offer for the full price from a family. They move in before closing and don't get approved (how stupid or desperate was this bank?) and squat in it for a couple of years without payment. One late night, they pull up with a moving truck and take everything and move. And I mean EVERYTHING. All the appliances, sinks, water heaters, etc. So the bank has an even harder time selling and even auctioning it off. The last people were from California and they were strange, superficial and hard to get along with so our approach was always to keep a distance and smile and wave. No more than that. The porn mustached husband always was shirtless when he was outside, even in the dead of winter when it was snowing. We called him Shirtless Dude. Creepy. Last year, my husband gives me a Christmas present and I open it to see a printed page from Google Earth, street view, our old house in the background....snow on the ground and Shirtless Dude" washing his corvette in front of their house. Ewww. :::shivers:::
    Might I suggest you just treat the calls as if you have no idea who she is and this is a wrong number. If they repeat it back to you, just say yeah, it's your number, but there is nobody here by that name. Never say she used to be there. That makes them think you are related to her and hence, you know where she may be. That's why the threats come in because they are trying to intimidate you to let them know where she is. That will end that collector.

  84. New post idea for PIWTPITF...
    People who don't READ or who have the reading comprehension skills of a rock, and the common sense the Good Lord gave a pineapple.

    Seriously, people. She explained clearly how they get her number. Any nitwit with half a brain cell, Google, and a credit card can find out 90% of the population's phone number. You can imagine the tactics debt collectors know & use. People constantly change their number while living in the same place just to avoid collectors.
    As for the land-line question, we still have one for many reasons, including limited cell coverage in our area & because of my husband's work.

  85. A previous owner of the Chazer residence (not even the colleague we bought it from!) skipped on at least 10k debt from what we heard from the collection agencies, police and others. Seems like he and his bestie lived next door to each other and shared many things more than just a partition wall in the terrace...

    It took us a few years to get rid of the endless calls for him and his missus, probably assisted by the seriously fierce answerphone message I recorded some years ago listing all the previous owners of the house that we were aware of, and telling callers than no one of the following names resided here any longer.

    I hope the authorities eventually catch up with this Gabrielle. I worked for a boss like her once. He had been declared bankrupt and unfit to run a company at least twice. He was still running a company when I encountered him. Some people are teflon coated.


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