
Parents Who Steal & Are Disgusting

Yesterday I received an email from a friend telling me that her 6 year son had his scooter stolen while they were at a local park.  She was really upset because the park had been very busy and she'd taken her eyes off the scooter for just a few minutes and it was gone.

She started thinking about a culprit and she really couldn't come up with a "usual suspect".  There weren't any middle or high schoolers there on their own who might have stolen the scooter to show off or just be dicks.  It was all young kids who were supervised by (seemingly mature, law abiding) adults.  Ha!  Little did she know there was a thief with her at the park.

What sort of adult/guardian/authority figure steals a child's scooter with another child as their accomplice?!  Who does this?  Does Mommy just tell little Emmett that she is "borrowing" the scooter?  ("I'll call his mommy in a few days and see if she wants it back.")  Does she tell him she "paid" another Mommy for it?  ("It was like a garage sale at the park today!  Lucky us!  Only $5!")  Or does she tell him the truth?  ("Daddy says we don't have enough money to buy you a scooter and I know you want one.  That little boy brought a scooter AND a bike today - he doesn't need both - let's take his scooter!  Quick, hop on it and ride it to the car like you own it.")  WTF???

My friend's email went on to say that after her horrible experience at the park she headed to a nearby Target.  When she got out of her car, she stepped on a dirty diaper someone had left on the ground.

WTF is wrong with people????!!

Why stop there?  Forget the diaper; why not just teach your kid to take a shit in the parking lot next time and avoid the expense and hassle of a diaper, you knuckle dragging troglodyte?

I think what horrifies me the most is that I'm almost certain these two despicable acts were committed by women.

There weren't any men at the park, so it was a woman who stole the scooter and how many dads do you know who change diapers in the middle of the day at Target??  (I know that's stereotypical, but I'm going to have to go with the odds on this one.)

I expect asinine, gross, rude, lazy, disgusting behavior like this from men who fart on demand and scratch their balls with a salad fork.  Let's face it men have always cornered the market on being the war-mongers, polluters, rapists and pillagers of this world and now these women are muscling in on their territory.  Greaaat.

All I can say is I hope someone breaks an arm on that stolen scooter.  Nothing like a $1,600 emergency room bill to put the $50 they saved stealing the scooter in perspective.

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  1. They won't pay the ER bill. At this point you can only hope for karmic retribution...

  2. I saw a dirty diaper once on the ground next to a car. There was a car seat, so I naturally assumed that the owner of said car and said carseat left the diaper. Knowing I had plenty of Purell in my car, I took the diaper, opened it up and smeared it on the windshield of said vehicle. I don't know what possessed me to do this--my DISGUST I suppose. It was the most liberating thing ever. Hopefully, the diaper did belong to the asshat whose car now had crap on the windshield. yes, I overloaded on Purell. :)

    1. And that makes you better than them how???? You should be bloody ashamed of yourself. What if it wasn't their dirty diaper.. How would you feel if you came back to your car and found someone had sone that to you for no apparent reason? You make me sick.

  3. Men who pillage and are war-mongers... Sounds like a Julia Sugarbaker tirade while trapped in a cabin on a vacation.... ;)

  4. I actually saw someone I knew allow her toddler to take a shit in the school parking lot, and I'm not lying. See, she is some hippy who allows her kids to simply pee wherever like they are backpacking in the woods. Yes, I've been witness to it many times at the local park, and many times it happens right on the sidewalk. This mom also lets her daughter bring home dead lizard carcasses to play with "because her daughter wants to". So this particular time, her daughter, who was potty trained by this point, said she had to go potty. The mom couldn't simply take her 100 yards into the school, or make her hold it the five minute drive back to the house. Nope, she told her to go right there. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever bared witness to.

  5. Not as related, but last summer, my daughter's diaper bag was stolen. Yes, I'm still mad about it 'cause it had my camera in it. I don't have a camera, I can't afford to replace it {I'm in grad school and have 2 kids. I can barely afford to buy my books every freakin' semester} and I'm pretty sure I known which hotel guests took my stuff. And I'm also pretty sure it was the mom. Bitter me. I try to let it go, but dammit, I want my camera back! We saved for 2 years to buy that damn thing. {Obviously my husband is not as attached to pictures as I am. I don't think he's realized it's been missing for 6 months.}

    1. Angela12:11

      I too, had my diaper bag stolen in the FAMILY restroom at the mall. Cute one too--at least they had the decency to drop off my baby's immunization card and ID into a random mail box--I got those a few weeks later.
      Only a mom would do that. She knows how important that card is and what a bitch it is to stand in line at the DMV!

  6. Anonymous12:24

    Kate, One can only hope that they had pangs of guilt as they were viewing your pix. But...prob. not. That would be indicative of a conscience.

  7. @Anonymous, that same thought got me through the summer. I'm so excited to be purchasing a new camera in a mere 2 months! I HATE that I had to save up again, but it was worth it. What's worse are the memories that will never be documented; there were some exciting times on that camera.

  8. dirty diapers in random parks, parking lots, beaches, etc. is one of my biggest pet peeves. and trash, presumably from picnic lunches, scattered around the playground is a close second...why can't people clean up after themselves?!?!?! my two older girls always point out litter when they see it...for safety reasons, i have explained that we don't pick up other people's trash (without gloves), but we do make sure we clean up our own. at 3 and 4 years old, they get it. not sure why this concept is lost on many adults. frustrating!

  9. I have friends who leave dirty diapers on their front porch instead of putting them in the trash, any trash. I guess they are waiting for their husbands to do it, but it's not exactly the greeting I'm going for when I come over. At least bag them or something. I suppose it's a good thing they are not trying to sell their homes...

    1. Sandra09:29

      The what? Seriously, if my husband came home to dirty diapers left on the front porch, he might question my sanity.

  10. Karla09:04

    I had our stroller stolen at six flags. Who the EFF steals a stroller??!! I was pissed. Of course the park staff sucked and nothing was offered to help us out except a free park stroller for the day. By then I was too pissed to have fun. My one consolation is that at least our kid was old enough to walk and we only brought the stroller because we knew he'd get tired walking all day. But another couple who had parked their stroller right next to ours had theirs stolen as well. But they had a baby. I felt horrible.

    1. I would have spent all day trying to hunt down that stroller in the park and then done who-knows-what to the lousy sucker that stole it.

  11. Man, the Karma for that kind of behavior has to be a bitch.

    Emmett is my son's name but I swear it wasn't me that stole the scooter!

    P.S. I love that you use "funny" names when referring to the children in your posts...I'm not sure if I should be offended or flattered that you used mine. :)

  12. Anonymous09:32

    Six or seven years ago I took my three young boys to the movie theater. It was an afternoon showing and it was a kids movie. The theater was all moms and probably some dads with their kids. I slid my purse just under my seat and the pigs behind me stole it! Luckily I had taken my wallet out of it to get snacks and never put it back in. I could not believe parents stole a purse with their kids sitting right there.

  13. Ddd92813:11

    My sister, who truly might be diagnosed as OCD, saw a loaded wet diaper left on the sidewalk at the zoo. She was disgusted and walked on. After not too much distance, she picked up her son and discovered her toddler's bottom was "smaller", and realized his diaper had gotten so heavy, it had fallen off through his shorts...yep, the diaper she had been so grossed out at on the sidewalk belonged to her child. She immediately ran back and disposed of it properly. I can't think of a cleaner, more conscientious person than her, so sometimes it is not on purpose!

  14. Anonymous15:00

    Most often it's the good looking mom and dad that seem to have everything.

  15. While I was a pizza driver, I saw many customers scam the company by claiming their pizza was wrong. Then when we would deliver the correct pizza, they would have already eaten the other one, thus getting two for the price of one. Whenever that happened, I wanted to ask them if they knew that they were teaching their kids that it is OK to steal.

  16. Just want to say that jackass, no good thieves come in all shapes, sizes, nationalities, and genders. I still remember being an 7/8 year old shopping in a mexican border town, was super proud of myself buying a poncho, and was putting my change back in my batman wallet... When I looked up and my stuff was stolen. My older personal trainer brother looked around and caught the upper-middle class white American family walking away with my stuff and not so lightly tapped the dad on the shoulder. The scumbag (standing with his children) turned around, went white at the sight of my huge brother, and promptly gave my stuff back before scurrying away.

  17. I think this article has really crossed a line.

    Let's start with the diaper. Please. Things fall out. People litter by mistake. Without seeing it happen, we have no idea if this was an offense at all. Certainly not a serious one.

    Re the scooter: Hey, maybe the mom didn't see the teenager, homeless, person drug addict, but that is who stole it. Maybe a 10-year-old playing at the park without his parents around took it. Maybe a little kid was running around without his parents watching him closesly (possibly okay, depending on the park) and innocently took the scooter for a joyride and left it somewhere the scooter owner couldn't find it. Honestly, the last explanation seems by far the most likely.

    Also: I'm a dad who changes diapers in the middle of the day at Target.

    I'm disappointed in your men comment at the end of this. It reinforces the biggest problem I have at the park. Even though I'm with my son, a substantial minority of moms at the park look at me like I'm a child molester. For sure, talking to their kids at all is completely off limits. These dad/men stereotypes feed that behavior. You are normally a very good forum for protecting dads from situations like that, but today's article is feeding hate. Please stop.

    Also, don't root for children to break their arms.

  18. I'm scornful of all that posted in defense of the thief and the litterer with - of all things- a dirty diaper, and then have the temerity to scold you for your honest assessment of these slugs. Come on, people. If society would publicly express their disgust and anger and astonishment at this and other slimy behavior, there might be less of it. "People litter by mistake." No, they're too lazy to walk to a trash bin. And the stolen scooter is stolen; it wasn't taken for a little ride and left behind a tree. So who let their child take a ride on a scooter without first gaining permission from the owner? See what I mean?

  19. had got stolen on a economy circle that consists by the groups performing the blatant extent of interest into force a reality - on which family individual where made the sent horse voodoo doll to impose such phenomenal over to lie and steal all the traces that where not the result of its culture; to induce what is to live on the planet by how confort has made the groups to this moral violence and permanence to a prison soviety;

    then things got atolen this way to raise morable to the social manipulators.


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