
This Year I Resolve to Be More Responsible

You might remember that last year I had a partnership with as one of their #TalkEarly bloggers. It was an awesome fit for me and you. The topics I covered got a lot of conversations started and I was so pleased to hear from so many of you. I was very excited and pleased to be asked back again this year! Yay!

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, is the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility. Don't worry, they're not the Booze Police. They're not going to tell you to put down your glass or wine or cancel Happy Hour. They just want to make sure that you're drinking responsibly. And the #TalkEarly program is designed to help parents talk to their kids about responsible consumption. I think that's something that we all want to do. Right?

Being a #TalkEarly blogger last year was good for me, because I needed that little prod to take a closer look at why I drink and when I drink and how I talk to my kids about alcohol. I always thought I'd wait a bit until they got older and understood better, but I realized that they're ready now. They want to know about alcohol and now is when they want to talk to me about it. If I don't start talking to them now, they're definitely not going to want to talk to me when they're fifteen and they're being offered beer at a party.

I've opened up a dialogue with my kids about when it's appropriate to drink alcohol and what my expectations are for them and myself. It's not any different than talking to them about other expectations that I have.

Last month a lot of us made resolutions. I didn't really make any, because I have a hard time sticking with them. Instead I chose to focus on bettering myself. In all areas. Work, family, health, etc. I've talked to my family about the path I'm on and whether they like it or not they're on it with me. Part of bettering my health is watching what I eat, working out more, just taking better care of myself in general. It also includes how much alcohol I drink. I'm far more mindful of what I'm doing these days. And now that I know that my kids are watching and learning, it helps me keep me on track.

But who am I kidding? I'm Jen. I'm an overachieving underachiever. So, I don't know that I'll keep my resolution all year long, but I do know that my commitment to responsibility will never waver.

Do you have any resolutions this year? Do any of them include alcohol?

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I was compensated by for this post, but all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing quite well on the 'eating sensibly and getting more exercise' thing lately. Next task is to make sure I do NOT drink my liver into oblovion every night, which given the situation at the dayjob right now is going to be a right tall order...


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