
2015 PIWTPITT Holiday Gift Guide

I am a Holiday Pantser, meaning I don't plan for a darn thing during the holidays. So, come December 1, I start trolling the internet looking for lists of gift ideas for my family. Sure, my kids are at an age when they'd prefer cash or their weight in bubble gum, but I won't do that. I might not make the holidays that magical and special, but I do want them to have some gifts (that I've wrapped horribly) for them under the tree.

Last year I made a pretty good list and I decided to do it again this year. So, stop your worrying and look no further. My family and I have made you another great list.  

What Gomer Wants - A List for 11ish-Year-Old Boys 

Ogosport Minidisk - I have no idea how you play this game, I just know "It's awesome, Mom!" It's some kind of game thing that I've been told I won't have to play. So that sounds good to me.

Ozobot Bit 2.0 - This is another thing I don't understand. It's science-y and I've been told it's fun AND educational, which my kid knows is the fastest way to get me to open my wallet. It's a robot and he can program it and it will do stuff and teach him or something like that. 

Diabolo - I know what this one does! It's a Chinese yo-yo with handsticks. As far as I'm concerned, it's an "outdoor" toy. But my son will forget that and throw this thing around my house and probably put a hole in my ceiling. And if he doesn't, the Hubs will. 

Rawlings Baseball Glove - In case you missed the memo, the Kansas City Royals won the World Series this year. Their win has totally inspired Gomer to play baseball this spring and so he's asked for a glove. 

Magic 8 Ball - Remember this thing?? Gomer saw one in the store a few months ago and it BLEW HIS MIND. Let's watch another generation of kids get frustrated by "Ask again later."

As you know, I have a budget for toys, but never a budget for books. Gomer's been reading a lot this year. Last year he bought a Kindle and I like to watch the deals and steals on Amazon and download the to his Kindle along with other books that I think he'd like. Here are some of his favorites that he's read this year:

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

The Martian by Andy Weir

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

What Adolpha Wants: A List for 9-ish-Year-Old Girls

Play Doh DohVinci Anywhere Art Studio Easel and Storage Case Set - Adolpha is crazy about Play Doh and art, so this one is high on her list. Plus it comes with a cool tool that will extrude the "doh" and she's always looking for cool new tools to add to her Play Doh collection.

Magformers - Adolpha loves to build, but she hates Legos. These are kind of her jam. She plays with them forever whenever we go someplace that has these. They've been on her list for about three years now, maybe this will be the year she finally gets a set.

Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks Cups - Did you know that stacking cups is a sport? Well, it is. Just ask my kids. There are World Records for this stuff and they know exactly who holds that record. I've tried convincing Adolpha that she could totally stack Solo cups and the look I was given can only be described as "withering." She then proceeded to stack Solo cups to show me what an inferior product they are compared to "official" sport speed stacking cups. I can't wait to see her face when I beat her at stacking.

Kinetic Sand - As I said before, Adolpha is a big fan of Play Doh. She's a fan of anything she can build and mold and drop into my carpet, so when she asked for Kinetic Sand I said "No way!" and then I played with it. Have you touched this stuff? It's pretty freaking awesome and it doesn't drop on the floor. 

Spirograph - Gomer got the Magic 8 ball as his #TBT toy and Adolpha is getting the Spirograph. I looooooved this toy when I was a kid. I could draw spirals all day long. 

The Game of Life - When Adolpha isn't making a mess, she's begging us to play board games. She's too big for Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly takes too long, so Life is the one!

Watercolor Art Set - I have a super secret craft room in my house (yes, it's true, I could have gone to the dark side and written a DIY blog) and Adolpha and I spend a ridiculous amount of time in there. We work on different kinds of art, but painting is our favorite. Last year she got an easel and we do a lot of acrylics. This year we're going to work on watercolors.

I know I said I don't have a budget when it comes to books, but in Adolpha's case, that's simply not true. I have to set a budget or else she'd spend every dollar I have on books. I download to her Kindle too, but it seems like as soon as I've downloaded, she's finished reading it. Here are the favorites she read this year.

What The Hubs Wants

Shiatsu Full Body Massage Chair - The Hubs is kind of ridiculous when it comes to these massage chairs. There have been uncomfortable and awkward times where the employees of Brookstone want to kick him out, because he won't stop sitting in their massage chairs. I don't really get it. I'd much prefer to have an actual massage, but to each their own.

Parrot Mini Drone Jumping Sumo - The Hubs is obsessed with drones this holiday season. He and the boy watch countless Youtube videos of drone races, drone footage, etc. This one is especially interesting, because it jumps or something weird like that. 

6-Port USB Desktop Rapid Charger - This is actually a practical gift that we could use. Now that the kids are older and they have their own Kindle, tablet, etc. not to mention the Hubs' and my cell phones, tablets, Kindles, etc. it seems like power is a premium in our house. This is so much more attractive than a giant power strip on my counter.

RFID Blocking Leather Wallet - The Hubs has carried the same wallet since we met (I think it's 20 years old or something like that) and it's falling apart. He needs a new wallet, but he's super picky and attached to his ratty old wallet. No matter which wallet I buy, he'll hate it and return it and continue to carry his broken wallet, but I have to try at least.

Rat Zapper Mouse Trap - If you're friends with me on Facebook, then you know allllllll about Mousepocalypse 2015. My normally cheap-ass husband has spent HUNDREDS of dollars trying to catch these evasive little buggers. This trap came highly recommended and he bought it. Last night it zapped its first intruder.

Squatty Potty - The Hubs is very vocal about his need for this particular stool. He already has a fine pooping experience most days, but he's certain that this little foot rest will make it even better. A few weeks ago I met a group of women who work together and they have one restroom that has this stool and there is always a line for that particular bathroom. EVERYONE loves the Squatty Potty.

What I Want

Besides an entire day to myself to do whatever I want????

Aerosoles Wide Calf Boots - I have what some might call "athletic" calves. I'm going to call them "fluffy." I covet all of the beautiful boots I see this time of year. All of you slim-calved girls have no idea how lucky you are to have such a plethora of boots to choose from. Well, thank goodness, boot manufacturers are starting to catch on that we fluffy-calved gals would like some boots too. Now, I have to suck in my legs to zip these up (yes, you can totally suck in your legs) and so I'd love just a SMIDGE more room so I could tuck in a pair of jeans someday.

Bath Bombs - I am a bather. I love a good soak in the bubbles and bath bombs are the bomb. I can't have too many.

WTF Notes - I always keep People I Want to Punch in the Throat notepads and Aqua Notes around, but I'm going to need to add these notes to my purse too. I especially liked "WTF were you thinking?" since that's a favorite question of mine.

I Don't Like Morning People Mug - I'm not a coffee drinker, but I am a tea drinker and I prefer it in a mug. I'm a firm believer that you can't have too many bath bombs or mugs. This one would be an instant favorite. I hope one of my kids buys it for me.

Elf on the Shelf PJs - I know that many of you think I hate the Elf on the Shelf and that simply isn't true. Just think where I'd be today without that little bastard! I like the Elf, I just don't like it when the Elf shenanigans go overboard. I've been noticing that more and more Elf "stuff" has been creeping onto store shelves and I'm glad that now I can get in on the action. I can't wait to drop my kids off at school the week after Winter Break in my Elf on the Shelf PJs.

I can't make a list without mentioning my books. These would all make great gifts for anyone on your naughty list:

Spending the Holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat

Just a FEW People I Want to Punch in the Throat: Volumes 1-4

People I Want to Punch in Throat: Competitive Crafters, Drop-Off Despots, and Other Suburban Scourges

I've read too many books to mention here. Let's just say there were a lot of good ones. You should follow me on Goodreads where I'm always updating my shelves.

Disclaimer: Yup, those are affiliate links in here, so when you click on those, I make a couple of pennies. My family and I thank you for your contribution.

1 comment:

  1. This is perfectly spot-on! I may have already been asked and have ordered some of the very same things for my similarly-aged spawn.
    YOU'VE GOT TO GO TO IMMEDIATELY for likewise fluffy-calved women. :-)
    Never stop writing.


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