
Second Annual I Just Want to Pee Alone Ladies Night Out is Coming!

It's time for the SECOND ANNUAL I JUST WANT TO PEE ALONE LADIES NIGHT OUT! Mark your calendars for NOVEMBER 12TH! Last year was a terrific success and it's time to do it again! There are several cities hosting and hopefully you'll find one near you. If you're interested in hosting in your city, let me know and I'll get you on the list. Email me at

If you're new around here and have no idea what I'm talking about, then read this:

Potty Mouthed Princesses

Have you seen the Potty Mouthed Princesses yet? There's a company called who made this advertisement to help bring awareness to women's inequality. Sure this video is designed to sell t-shirts, but they're for a good cause and it's still awesome to watch because it's full of a bunch of little foul-mouthed sassy girls who drop more f-bombs than me.

I Jumped on the Royals Bandwagon #Takethecrown

I've never cared about baseball before. I've never liked watching baseball or playing baseball. I was raised by a dad who loooooved baseball though. Growing up on the east coast I attended quite a few Yankees games and then when we moved to Kansas City, my dad bought Royals season tickets for several years. I always took my friends to the games where we sat in the bleachers and ate nachos and gossiped. I never paid any attention to the Royals or what they were doing.

Until this year.

Well, really until late September of this year.

Kansas City is a town where our sports teams don't win much. But when we do, we come out in full force. This town has a lot of fair weather fans. But none as fair or as weathery as I.

That's right. I jumped on that blue and white bandwagon! I jumped on so far that I'm practically driving the wagon. My town has had a 29 year drought. The last time they won the World Series, I was completely unaware, because I was sitting in a dark movie theater watching the premiere of Back to the Future. We're finally getting someone to notice us. No longer are we a flyover state. People are actually stopping and watching the Royals play. Those guys are killing it and I am their biggest cheerleader (and good luck charm).

Got Stress?

I just found the perfect Christmas gift for everyone my list.  It's a rubber mushroom.

Farmer Jeanne and the Apple Orchard

Adolpha has gone on some crappy field trips before and I've always wanted her to go on a fun field trip like Gomer.  Today she had a chance to go to the apple orchard just like Gomer did when he was in Kindergarten.  We went to the same exact orchard, but this time it was a totally different experience than Gomer's.

There is never a place on the bus for a parent to ride and so I have to drive myself.  I'm OK with this, because honestly, I would go nuts sitting on a noisy, bumpy bus for an hour long ride.  It was actually really blissful to be in my car ALONE, listening to NPR or even riding in silence if I so chose.

I arrived at the orchard and I was told that our bus wasn't there yet and we couldn't enter the grounds until our kids arrived, because our teachers had our entrance passes.  We hung out waiting for the buses. Finally, the buses pulled in and. . .sat. . .and. . .sat.  The farmers told us that they had overbooked and so our kids needed to wait on the buses until the other groups got going.

$6 entrance fee to get yelled and I get 3 apples to take home?  That's sounds fair.

Sorta Racist Lesbian Couple Sues Sperm Bank

There is a white lesbian couple who recently had a child with the help from a sperm donation company. They went through the donor profiles and picked Donor No. 380 - a white man. They received sperm from Donor No. 330 - a black man. So now they're suing the company for damages to ensure this never happens again.

The baby has been born. She's a little girl. She's two. She's biracial. Her lesbian mothers are suing because even though they "love" her and wouldn't "change" anything about her, they want damages.

Am I the only person who sees a problem here?

As the mother of biracial children (my children are half Asian half Caucasian) I am offended and insulted that these women see their biracial child as a mistake and something worthy of a lawsuit. They can yell from the rooftops about how much they love their little biracial daughter, but when they chose to bring a lawsuit, I have to call bullshit.