
Maria Kang

Surely, by now you know who Maria Kang is: perky mother of three kids (in three years) and owner of a very small pair of booty shorts.

Maria took a picture of herself in her booty shorts with her little boys in the foreground and put the caption "What's your excuse?" (and her website) across the top.

Let's not even worry about my excuse. I have no excuse other than I hate to sweat, I love chocolate, and my doughy center is my best part.

The problem I have is that I'm really torn on Maria Kang. I saw her picture and I watched her on GMA (in her bathrobe with full hair and makeup making breakfast for her kids) defend her position and I have to say that of course I think she's a fame whore and after blogging for eight years she's finally found her moment. She's awfully conceited and faux. When you go to her Facebook page and blog there is a lot of humble bragging going on. For instance, she claims this family picture is one she took to just "update my Facebook profile picture." Yeah, I'm going to call bullshit on that one.

I can see both sides of her question. She says "What's your excuse?" is meant to be inspirational, although I didn't read it that way. To me, "If I can do it, you can too" would have been far less in my face and a lot more inspirational. But then again, I am a chunky monkey sitting on the couch making excuses every day why I can't work out, so of course I took her question to mean "What the fuck is your problem, you lazy piece of shit? Get off your ass and do something already. You disgust me." OK, maybe I didn't interpret it that harshly, but I did feel like it was more accusatory than inspiring. 

I think she started a war between women and I have no desire to fan the flames. I think she looks amazing (even when she isn't airbrushed) and I know that many women would love to look that way and many can't for one reason or another (many have real excuses). I think her question was inflammatory and her "apology" was bullshit, but when I go to her Facebook page I see hundreds if not thousands of women who are inspired by her and good for them. I hope they achieve what they're looking for. 

I know I said I have no desire to fan the flames, but I I lied. I'm ready to fan away. 

I think what rubs me the wrong way about Maria Kang is that she just isn't owning it. Don't beat around the bush with words like "humble" and "blessed" and "amazed." Just fucking own it, Maria. Just say, "Yes, I look damn good because I get my ass out of bed and I sweat every day. I don't do a shitty 30 minutes of lunges or burpees in the park while my kids are swinging. I hit the gym and I work out until I puke. Besides working out like a fiend, I was blessed with some kick ass genes to begin with. There are many of you out there who will attempt to do the same workouts I do and you will never get the same results, because I was born fairly hot to begin with - sucks to be you. I didn't take this picture so I could update my Facebook profile, I chose to pose for this picture, because I was hoping it would go viral and catapult me into pseudo-stardom. That is why I dressed the way I did. I had to wear booty shorts because I wanted the world to see me and what I look like. I look damn good and you can't tell that if I wore jeans for this picture. I know your husband is probably spanking it right now, but that isn't my fault - that's yours. Of course, I'm rocking a spray tan and I had some photoshopping done, but what model doesn't go through that? Yes, people. I'm a model. I'm not just a little old housewife with three kids who squeezes in a workout here or there, I have worked my ass off and starved myself every fucking day for this moment right now. So, please, do me a favor and share this picture and make my dreams come true - I'd like a reality television show to start with."

If you like this follow me on Facebook and Twitter, because I am also trying to achieve pseudo-stardom, but not a reality show.


  1. Thanks for saying what was on my mind when this photo went viral..... I turned to my husband and said "Wow she looks amazing... but where are her stretch marks? Lucky bitch".

    1. LOL! Well, while I certainly don't look like that, I don't have any stretch marks, either. But what I wondered was, "Where is her wrinkled lower belly saggy elephant skin?" That is what I got instead of stretch marks.

    2. I didn't get the belly or the stretchmarks. It's called working out and taking care of yourself. Like Maria does.

    3. Um... You can't make stretch marks go away from working out. And it's called not being rude because your skin is more elastic than other woman's.

    4. wow Briana. you are out of line. You cannot get rid of stretched skin/sagging belly no matter what. I only gained 17-25 pounds with each of my two kids, but that second one did me in. Stretchmarks too, they are pure genetics. you are a total arse.

    5. Plus, Briana, if you look on Maria Kang's FB site, even she has the belly and stretchmarks- she's airbrushed. Quote from her FB:
      "You know I have stretchmarks. I have excess skin."

    6. Thank you Briana. No excuse for stretch marks (cocoa butter, anyone?). She is an inspiration and is awesome!

    7. Anonymous17:15

      She has stretch marks and posts pictures all the time with them. Part of her fitness education with moms is how you can work to reduce them, but also embrace them.

    8. Anonymous20:53

      Really Jack? Cocoa butter? Gee never heard of that. No, I slathered that stuff on morning noon and night. Guess what. When you weigh 110 lbs to begin with, have a large baby, and are on bedrest for 8 weeks, and can't work out much less walk down the stairs, that's when stretch marks happen. So there, there is my excuse Jack-ass. I had a healthy baby and I am healthy and that is all that matters. So you can take your cocoa butter and I'll tell you where to put it.

  2. Anonymous21:39

    You nailed it! Thank you. I would admire her much more, if she were honest, but as you so eloquently pointed out, she is a fame whore. My least favorite type of person on the planet. Go do something good for the world, then you get to use the "whats your excuse" headline. Starving yourself and working out all the time? BFD so does every other wanna be fame whore. Help the poor, nurse the sick, feed the hungry. Then, you get my admiration.

    1. Anonymous17:13

      This is her non profit she started up. She probably does more good in this world than 98% of the negative commenters on here.
      "Fitness Without Borders (FWB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, founded in 2007. FWB is devoted to the development and fitness education of community leaders organized in a unified effort to foster healthy children. We work primarily, but not exclusively, in underprivileged neighborhoods, in order to build self-reliance, health, and capacity."

  3. I totally agree with you. The quote was more of a "stop being lazy and fat" jab than inspiring. No question that she's smokin' hot. I might not have her amazing abs, and I only have one 2 year old, but guess what? I work my butt off too! Just finished a half marathon today in 1 hr 40 minutes. Yes. I'm awesome. Thank you very much. But it was hard earned. I work out everyday (teach Zumba & Insanity and run 20+ miles a week). But I still don't have a 6 pack. Why? Because I freaking LOVE to eat. Ice cream is God's 3rd greatest gift to me (after my awesome husband and beautiful daughter). I would be a raging bitch if I went on a diet, so I don't. I love food too much. But I also want to look hot for my husband, still be able to rock a bikini, be PROUD of my body, and set a good example of health for my little girl. So I kick my own ass on a daily basis. I own my awesomeness and try to always be positive and uplifting to all of my group fitness students. I'm truthful about my workout regimen and diet and regularly acknowledge that my best feature (my muscular legs) are as much a product of genetics as they are hard work. Good for Maria for being hot and working hard, but she could have been a lot more "inspirational" if she weren't so accusatory. My excuse is that I LOVE ice cream. So shut your face Maria. I can probably still beat you in a footrace. ;)

    1. I don't think your her audience for the question, "What's your excuse?" You work out every day. I think she's targeting people who constantly make excuses to not work out and then wonder why they can't lose weight and/or get in shape. Is her message kind of snarky? Sure. But it works on some people. Doesn't work on others.

    2. dear lena: i love you. that is all

  4. I know this picture is suppose to be all about her and her body, but that 3 year old is my favorite part!

  5. I agree! He is a cutie!

  6. Oh, how I would admire the hell out of someone if they would actually be honest like that. :) And yes "If I can do it, so can you" would have been much less bitchy.

    1. I have read an interview where Gwyneth Paltrow did say something along the lines of, "I look like this because I work very hard at it. I watch what I eat and I exercise." But she did it in such a bitchy undertone that it was still a little hard to take. Although that could be because I also watch what I eat, and exercise, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. What the hell am I doing wrong then?

  7. I love your words and perspective. You are spot on

  8. the good thing is she will look older than me cause chunky people don't have wrinkles!! plus i got the less wrinkle genes not the no fat genes!

  9. Anonymous23:01

    Punch her for me, please!!

  10. Lindsay hit the nail on the head. This photo is about her and her body. And that's what bothers me. It is yet another reminder that society has a very narrow definition of beauty. I'm a personal trainer and spin instructor. I'm in GREAT shape. I can kick some serious butt in a pool, on a treadmill, and especially on a bike. But I have nothing resembling a 6-pack. And probably never will. But that doesn't matter. Because I am strong, I am fit, and I am healthy. And that's what it should be about. I hit the gym hard every day and kick my own ass. But I don't do it to look like Maria Kang. I do it to set an example of health and fitness for my boys. I do it because the psychological benefits of exercise keeps me off anti-depressants. I do it because I love chocolate. I do it because it gives me the energy boost I need to keep up with my kids. I do it because my two-year-old is GINORMOUS and I need to have the strength to pick him up and carry him around, even in the midst of a flailing tantrum. I do it because I want to live long enough healthy enough to see grand kids and maybe great grand kids. I do it to reduce my chances of developing heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes (I used to be 60 lbs. over weight). I do it because I like it. I do it because my husband is also an avid cyclist and I like sharing that with him. I could go on and on with reasons I do it, but none of them involve looking like Maria Kang.

    We NEED to make living a healthy lifestyle about being HEALTHY and STRONG, and not about being hot. As long as we consider the end goal of our exercise and eating habits to be looking like Maria Kang, we are continuing to objectify ourselves, defining our self worth by our bodies and our appearance. And all of us, Ms. Kang included are SO MUCH MORE than that. We are strong, we are wise, we are compassionate, we are determined, we are devoted, we are loving, we are independent. None of these things has anything to do with how we look, but speak volumes about who we are.

    THAT is my problem with Maria Kang. While she may be trying to inspire women, she is furthering the notion that we are not worthy unless we are thin and beautiful. And I reject that 100%.

    1. ChefSara - that is what saddens me the most. I'm still rocking a bit of chunk, and I have struggled with my weight all my life. When do I do "best"? When I make it about my health, not my looks. If we could only begin to teach our children that HEALTHY is HOT, then maybe, women like this wouldnt have the stage they do. But until then, alas, those of us who are healthy and just simply WARM will always be considered "less than" by society. It's a pity, really. And I would surely, surely love it if Jen would punch her in the throat.

    2. Thank you, ChefSara. That is exactly how I feel. Your goal should not be "HOT" it should be healthy. And healthy looks many different ways. It's not just 6-pack abs and buns of steel and a spray tan.

    3. You've got it ChefSara! I love it! I find what you said up there 100 times more motivational then Maria and her "what's you excuse" saying. You have listed so many good and real reasons, and that is positive motivation to me as a woman and a mother.

  11. I read her blog too where she talks about being, just another mom. But that's just it,isn't it. She is not a regular housewife with three boys. She is a model who appears regularly on magazine covers and guess what, if she does not look a certain way, then she does not get to be on those covers. I totally agree, why not own it. Why pretend to be "just another mom" and then make it seem like she does it (make the extra effort to look like that9 because she likes to, not because its her profession!

  12. I've seen a quote online, attributed to J.K. Rowling (I don't know if that's true). "Is fat really the worst thing a human being can be? Is fat worse than vindictive, jealous, shallow, vain, boring, evil, or cruel? Not to me."
    Yes, obesity is a problem. But no one needs to be shamed. I'd rather see a nation of overweight nice people than skinny jerks.

  13. You are so spot on. She is a complete media whore. My first thought when seeing this photo was not how does she manage to have such a great body after three kids, it was more how does she have the time to stage such a perfect photo with three little kids. I call bullshit that she is a regular mom too. She obviously has a nanny and a maid to allow her time to devote time to working out and photographing her "perfection." If I pawned my kids off on a nanny and could afford to pay someone to run my errands and clean my house I could be in much better shape too. Money makes a big difference. You can devote more time to taking care of yourself when you aren't bogged down with making ends meet and taking care of everyone and everything in your family. I've recently been getting complements on how long my hair is getting. People seem to assume that I have worked hard to get my hair healthy and to this length, when in reality I've been too busy for a year and half to have it cut, let alone colored.
    I think that is what really angered me about this photo, that she was flaunting not only her "perfect" body, but also her privileges. And I took it as more than just flaunting, but telling those of us who aren't privileged that we are obviously making up excuses for not being hot and perfect, and that she is better than us. Instead of realizing that maybe the single mom working multiple jobs can't afford booty shorts, a gym membership or gym equipment, let alone have time to exercise.

    1. you are absolutely right! My first thought was, to spend this much time on your body, you are obviously away from your three kids a lot. One needs a lot of support to do so. And the young one- this didn't happen overnight, where was she when he was an infant? Many women need to leave their young children to go work; working out must be her job. So, to ask "what's your excuse", is ridiculous. It's all about priorities.

    2. Working out is her job. She has a career in fitness. What point are you trying to make exactly. .

  14. She has been interviewed several times now by hard-hitting journalists. Forget her abs- has anyone bothered to ask this chick about the state of her vajungle? Does she have kegels of steel? Can she crack walnuts??
    Inquiring moms wanna know. Amiright?

  15. Amen. I bet these kids are adopted. Man wouldn't that be great.

  16. Maria Kang who???

  17. Anonymous09:51

    THANK YOU!!! I was on the fence about this chick when I first saw the story. Something was bothering me about the line "what's your excuse?" You nailed it on the head!

  18. I'm glad you mentioned genes. I mean this honestly and without malice (and please definitely not meant to be racist), many Asian women are born with frames more petite than say, a busty Mediterranean lady such as myself. Hey, it's a positive and I do not disparage, in my book it would be the same as saying many Nordics are blond/blue eyed. It's genes. And genes help! I have an Asian friend who pushed out FOUR kids in relentless order, and she's a goddamn rail. Bless her tiny frame, I love her and wish I had her bod. I don't. Even if I did what she did, ate what she ate, I'd be packing on a keg vs a six pack. But it does irk the shizzle out of me when people act like we can all attain the same goal when genetics play SOME role in the matter.

  19. Yes, I question where her kids are when she is working out. IF I had someone to do all my other stuff, perhaps I could look like that. But I am a chubby.... my ex-husband basically said I would never be thin, then left me because I put on weight after babies. So instead of working out, I got a Master's degree and a Ph.D. My kids have been straight A students, and my husband loves me for me. I would NOT want to be her.

  20. Well BLESS HER HEART, just sayin!

  21. Jen you nailed it.

  22. I guess it’s possible that she did do it to inspire, but if that is true, she as bad at inspiration as she is good at bikini-modeling. I echo the comments made by several earlier posters. I work out hard, and for more minutes per week than Maria says she does (so suck it, Maria! J) and I will never look like that. Her photo doesn’t inspire me. Again, because I know I will never come close to having that body no matter how healthy and fit I am, at best this photo is irrelevant to me and at worst it makes me want to throw in the towel. Her “Who, little old me? But I just want others to be healthy!” routine rings hollow considering her aggressive, bring-it-on-bi*&^ tagline and “MILF Island” pose. I think that “inspiring others” gives a convenient cover for her true goal which was plain-old-fashioned showing off. Disingenuous or clueless, either way, I guess I’ll see you on reality tv, Maria.

  23. Anonymous12:33

    My thought was, "My excuse is the six pack and whole pizza I killed by myself this weekend."

    This picture doesn't inspire me, but it doesn't discourage me either.

    I run, I workout. I work and raise kids. I'm pretty awesome. Women who look like that aren't going to change that.

    I do think you're right, though. She needs to own it. Whoever you are and whoever you want to be, own it.

    I have goals. I love attention. I wouldn't say no if Good Morning America wanted to come to my house. I'd love more than two hits on one of my blog posts. There is nothing wrong with any of that, but be real about it!

    Love the blog. :)

  24. I actually have several excuses. I'm insulted she thinks I should just have one.

    1. Anonymous08:02

      That was the best comment on here. LOL.

  25. Ummm...she can KMA, its people like her that cause young girls like to me end up in the hospital 2 days after high school graduation and then again when I was a junior in college. Most of my yound life I had a bad vision of myself that I was "fat" and was not good enough (I graduated high school weighing 86 pounds on a 5 foot frame and I was 95 pounds in college). Once a doctor finally got real with me & he told me that if I did not stop just eating 2 saltines & drinking a 1/2 can of diet coke or a glass of water for the day then working out for no less than 2 hrs at a time I was going to die. I am now 35 years old, I have had a daughter & due to the way I treated my body when I was younger it is VERY difficult for me to lose weight PLUS I have to be careful with how much I try to do because its so easy to get back into that same weight loss obession again. So once again she can KMA and I would be glad to say it to her face.

    1. You and I were about the same sizes once. Much love + happiness that you were able to claw your way free. So was I. <3

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. She does it in a healthy sustainable way. You did it in a really reckless, self-destructive way. Why exactly is any of your issues her fault?

  26. $10 says she is in Playboy within the next 6 months!

  27. Like you: I'm torn.
    The harsh truth I must admit - she's kinda right - a lot of people (not just women alone) use excuses for their bad health. And in that sense, I say we stop assisting that and yes! inspire people to be more fit. she inspiring? that's the tricky thing isn't it?
    Personally - I do find her story inspiring. mostly because I have no hang ups and feel no need to be threatened by her perfectly placed hair, spray tan, or wicked abs. You are you, I am me. Kum-feckin-ba-ya.
    I get that her line mostly means: what's your excuse for not exercising/getting in shape/being healthy - and NOT "why don't you look like me". then again - no hang ups. And I think someone who does have a strong reaction to her, needs to examine themselves - and forget her.
    Because, yes you are most correct: someone found their 15 minutes and girl is Working It in more ways than one.

    1. TOTALLY agree. Examine yourself if you have a strong reaction to this. You nailed it.

  28. I had a visceral response to her, Jen. I really did and I couldn't get a handle on it. I was wondering why I was so angry. Why can't I let the woman do her thing and not take it so damn personally? I even talked with the blog wife about this yesterday, and you know Kim is unflappable in these cases, and she was like, "Why is her picture making YOU angry?" I almost don't have an answer for that.

    Except that I do. Here's what I posted on FB on Saturday, because, like you, this picture just makes me angry. I think we maybe be twins separate at birth, babe. Except you got the balls to say what we think our loud and I got whatever the opposite is.

    "I'd like to add some more food for thought. At my Y there are a handful of women who are, without sugar-coating it, overweight. Yet, they work out all the time. I see them running and sweating and hitting the weights when I'm there just dropping my kids off for sports and fitness events. I see them keeping on around the track long after I've thrown in the towel. I see them pulling more reps in our already tough-as-nails circuit classes and hardcore cardio when I've already hit the deck wondering if what I'm experiencing is just fatigue or a stroke.

    These women are fit as can be. They work hard. And yet, they have cellulite and wear, I'd wager, large sized clothes, clothes with double digit numbers on the tag. I cannot put it plainly enough; these women are not thin. But they are in great shape. Just not one that looks like Maria Kang's. These are the women that don't fit her model of fitness. And, if we took a good look at the women in our lives, many of them won't.

    I'm advocating for a larger vision of health, beauty, and fitness. Maybe a professional photograph of our cholesterol levels or the quality of our meals. Maybe a photograph of a day spent hiking or playing yard games at a family gathering. Maybe the epic snowman we just built with the kids.

    Or maybe, just maybe, none of those things. Maybe a picture of someone feeding the hungry at a soup kitchen or volunteering to tutor a child. Not because fitness isn't important---it is. But because any of us could easily slap up a photo of our strengths, be that volunteering, making great meals from scratch, organizing PTA events, and yes, even having a hard-muscled body, and add the caption "What's your excuse?"

    My excuse? It's that I'm living my own life with my own set of priorities. And that fulfills me. It's not an excuse at all, in fact, it's my wheelhouse. It's not that I don't have 6-pack abs because I am avoiding them. I don't have 6-pack abs because it never occurred to me that they would improve my life, the life of my family, or the lives of my friends, neighbors, and community.

    But, yeah, you sure do look fabulous, Maria Kang. And you know what they say. It's not what's on the inside, it's what's on the outside that counts. Have I got that right?"

    1. Nicole for the win! Your words totally articulate how I feel about this. I kept asking Kim's question, too. Why does HER picture bother ME?

    2. YES. This. Rock on, Nicole. You know that I too, had a big problem with this picture. What pisses me off is that I think she’s perpetuating the belief in our society that if you don’t look like her, it’s due to your lack of willpower. Maria’s “What’s Your Excuse?” picture adds to the constant messages from internet, TV, magazines, and so forth that if we can’t reach a (likely unattainable) goal of looking like a fitness model, we are failures who are making excuses for ourselves.

      The idea that if we just tried harder, we could look like her, is crap for most American mothers, given the hectic, stressful lives we lead. I love your point that being fit doesn't have to mean looking like her. BRAVO.

    3. She's not talking about six-pack abs, or even striving to look like her. She does elaborate further on her ideals and perspective in blogs and social media posts.

      She found a way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Her biggest advantage is that fitness is her career (no need to leverage fitness against a 9-5 if fitness is your 9-5). Anything beyond that (she fat-shames, she projects herself as a social ideal) is simply people projecting their excuses onto her.

      Her picture bothers you because it is unfiltered truth. Plain and simple.

  29. hahahaha well put, as always. Her picture didn't get more than a quick eyeroll from me when I first saw it, but that fake apology? OY VEY!

  30. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna fan her cause I am TIRED of reality TV.

    Other than that best of luck to her... Namaste... and may the force be with all.

  31. Love, love you for saying everything I didn't have the nerve to say! My first thought when I saw this pic was "f you bitch" then I examined why I was really so mad. Maybe I'm jealous maybe I'm bitter but I don't like her or her fake apology.

    1. That's exactly right. You said that because of jealousy. Pure jealousy. She's not saying you have to look like her.
      She's talking to people who make excuse after excuse for not getting healthier. Not for not looking just like her.
      All you pissed off woman need to realize where your anger is coming from.
      And that's from jealousy. Not for her body but for her motivation to do what she is doing.

    2. What motivation? This is her *job*. I'm sure any number of people could be "motivated" if looking like that was a side effect of getting paid.

    3. actually mines not from jealousy, it really is just that word 'excuse' - like excuse me, but who the fuck gets to decide whether my reasons are reasons or excuses? if you dont live inside my body, how can you possibly know what it is and isnt capable of? shes got more stamina than i do, good on her for that. i know a lot of mothers who look like that because they work fucking hard at it or in some cases just got lucky genes and are lazy as hell and eat nothing but junk food. i also know some women who work so hard youd think they should be match stick sized, eat a celery stick a day and look like blimps. its not marias body i have an issue with, its her attitude. makes me so so badly want to introduce her to a friend of mine - not because this friend is bitchy and would give her a mouthful, but because this friend was huge once, after having kids. then she worked her arse off at the gym, went on a diet and now looks at least as good as maria. know the difference? emmas not a bitch about it.

    4. Understand that aesthetics isn't even a main point in what she is getting across. She will have the jump on most women, because she is a fitness professional. She has the time, but also a considerable knowledge base on these matters - but she isn't getting in anyone's face about have a body like hers. She is getting in people's faces about why they are so hostile when it comes to matters of health.

      You know the skinny girl who eats like a whale and doesn't gain weight? She doesn't have weight issues, but she is still creating health concerns for herself that she will need to deal with. She is just as unhealthy as the overweight girl addicted to creampuffs. Both will have to confront health problems, and what will be their excuses? If they have none, that means they will be able to get healthier and live stronger.

      A lot of people are imploring Maria to take the truth of her fitness and body, and and own it. Some people here could do with following that advice.

  32. Bahahahahahahahaha you are so freakin funny. Love you like Maria Kang loves her own ass.

  33. And the genes have it.
    Thank you for saying it.

  34. Damn Straight - eat THAT with your big nasty bowl of quinoa Mrs. Kang.

    1. Someone's a little bitter. . .

  35. Dear Mrs. Kang, I want to see what you look like at 46. When there is no one left to airbrush you and you are no longer living at the gym.

  36. You made me "Ahhh" with disappointment that you weren't going to fan the flames. Then you came through and what a spot on roast it was. Ellen

  37. You should thank Maria. If not for her you would have nothing to write about or promote your post so you can me money :) I bet, this is the most traffic you have EVER gotten. Kudos for jumping on the bandwagon.

    1. Hahaha
      This is great.
      Every person that makes excuses are the ones complaining about Maria.
      They are all just pissed they don't have the motivation she does to make it happen.

  38. Ha! You must be new here if you think THIS is my most popular post. You obviously don't know much about me, except that I completely understand your smiley face to be a big old fuck you. Kudos to you for that.

    1. A big ol fuck you to you too for being so hateful and jealous of a mom actually doing something to try and stop the obesity in this country.
      Put your mcdonalds down and step away from the computer making a pointless blog an do something about your own insecurities that would make you hate Maria for no reason.

    2. Anonymous11:26

      Hey momof4ameskids, that woman is not trying to end obesity. She is flaunting herself and how great she looks for publicity. And apparently, it's working. She does look great, and there is no denying that, but she isn't doing anything to help anyone but herself.

    3. "Put your mcdonalds down and step away from the computer "

      See, THIS is my issue with this whole thing. I, personally, have zero problem with Maria Kang for looking the way she does. I don't feel an ounce of jealousy in my size 12-14 body. Do I find her message overly aggressive/accusatory? Yes. But I also recognize that that style works for some people.

      What I do have, in the place where so many people incorrectly assume my "jealousy" is or should be, is self love and self acceptance, after a long struggle with oscillating weight and low self esteem, regardless of the fact that I am not, by Maria Kang and the rest of society's definition of the word, skinny. But guess what? I'm a size 12-14 who eats exclusively organic, vegetarian food cooked by me from scratch. I have not voluntarily sought out fast food in over 50 years. (The only times I've partaken at all was when I was stuck with no other options while traveling.) I work out a minimum of 3 work week days, then in the winter ski every weekend (and, as a fairly advanced skier, I ski HARD which burns around 2000-3000 calories per day), then play tennis and swim all spring and summer. The last 9k I ran, I ran it in 50 minutes in spite of my sports induced asthma. I allow myself some indulgences, like a craft beer or two every couple of days. I generally don't keep sweets in the house, because they are my husband's and my downfall, but once in awhile, I'll allow myself a chocolate bar or ice cream. I can very honestly say I'm in a much healthier overall place now, at my current not-skinny size than I ever was at any of my skinnier sizes. Because health isn't just about how you look. Health is also about overall well being and balance.

      And yet, I run into it all the time. The condescension. The underestimation. People like yourself, momof4ameskids, make assumptions about my poor dietary choices or lack of exercise because I don't look like Maria Kang. Meanwhile, some of my dear friends who were blessed with the metabolism of a mosquito and the long limbs of a supermodel can go ahead eating fast food most meals and not working out. People commend their "health" and look down their nose at my supposed lack of health. All based on some arbitrary visual criteria.

      That is my problem with all of this malarky. Health is not defined by one's waist measurements. So why are we so quick to judge and jump at one another?

    4. *15 years, not 50 years. Sorry, typo that I can't seem to edit.

    5. Fit, vs skinny. There is a difference people

  39. I don't know anything about any of this- I stumbled upon your blog from being bored with other mommy-blogs, and yours arrived in the top spot of a Huffington Post best blogs list. Anyway, being out of the social media scene right now and without TV, I've missed out!

    I loved your rant, it would have been hilarious and she would have gotten even more media attention had she taken that route.

    However, she never said "What's your excuse for not LOOKING like me?". When we think about excuses about getting in shape and HEALTHY after baby, it's excuses about why we can't work out (not enough time), why we have to keep eating unconsciously and ridiculously (breast feeding, overcoming habits they formed during pregnancy, etc), or why we are lazy (tired from newborn keeping them up). Typically, no one is out there giving excuses as to why they don't have an amazing six-pack or tiny waist. So there is no reason for her to ask what our excuse is for not being exactly like her. I interpreted the photo as saying that losing the extra baby weight, eating right, and finding time to work out, are all things we can easily make excuses about. But if we were honest with ourselves, and weren't so preoccupied with hating her and her genetics, we might just care a little more about our own health and what impact we have on our growing family when we make excuses that keep us from paying the price for a healthy body.

    I get it that this blog is a place to humorously call people out and be a conversation starter on various topics. So I'm mostly talking to the people who are complaining that although they work out regularly and eat a reasonably healthy diet but still don't look like her. And I'm saying that you missed the point completely. You aren't making excuses. You are paying the price, and that's all anyone was trying to get you to think about. To anyone else who really is lazy and over weight, be real with yourself and admit that you make unnecessary excuses all day long and the only reason this broad could get to you is because you KNOW there is something you could be doing about it. A few steps in the direction YOU know you should go (not the direction SHE went), and you'll be amazed at how less angry you feel when seeing show-off's like her.

  40. After reading your post and all the comments...this is my take. I found your post funny. I, also, see both sides of the coin with Maria. Sure she put herself out there to be noticed. She is peddling fitness at her blog and she is her best example that her methods get results. Had this been Jillian Micheals website we would see the same "no bullshit" approach. These women look great and can promote themselves because of that. If they were talented in a different way they would be pushing that. For example if they were great writers they would be figuring out how to promote their books.

    BUT then....all these comments about Maria's probably a bad mom, narcissistic, bully, fat-shamer. What the hell? Over at Huffington Post one guy calls her a slut. Another calls her a bitch. Why because she is promoting she has a workout system that she is tying to her hot body.

    If she was pushing anything else, i.e. artistic talent, writing talent, ability to do back flips...whatever..would there be thousands of people over at Huffington post saying she is vain and bitchy?

    I, for one, admire that she has that type of discipline. Good for her. If I don't measure up and I am OK with where I am...good for me. If I am not happy with me, tearing her down isn't the solution.

    1. I couldn't have said it better myself. I don't like seeing people being shamed or put on blast for the way that they look, but a lot of the posts I am seeing here are from people who are ugly on the inside. The spitefulness is uncalled for.

  41. People jealous much? My wife looks just as good. No excuses for you feminazis to promote laziness. Nothing wrong with ladies (and men) trying to look their best. nothing wrong with wives (or husbands) trying to look good for their spouses. She is not a movie Star that has 10 housekeepers. She owns 2 businesses and works, has 3 kids, and manages to look this great! There is no excuse! If she can do it (and countless other folks can), everyone should do it! Many of my friends are young Hot moms, who I jokingly refer to as "MILFS". No excuse for anyone to not look good.

  42. Anonymous10:39

    Wow all the negativity I read through out this post! I would like to say that I would love to punch some of you in the throat! You mothers are all so perfect in your little perfect world with your perfect little family. Kuddos to you ladies but "camera whore" "she's going to do porn" man ya'll need to get off of your high horse and come back to reality! This women works hard for herself and her family. Ya'll aren't doing any better. Who the fuck came up with this blog? Because I would like to start punching that person in the throat first! You have to make a blog to gather all the mothers who seems like they have insecurity issues. Is that what it is? A bunch of you mother saw a photo of another women in a sports bra and short with 3 handsome boys and you jumped the gun. Well as some of you said "it wasn't the picture that fumed us, it was the slogan" gtfo here with that bullshit of yours! But yet all you people bash her for having good genetics, neglecting her kids to show case her technically her looks is also a big factor to why you "perfectly" mothers get together and dish on this women. Grow the fuck up seriously. If you are insecure about yourself that is your problem. Go find a way to help yourself instead of being an internet hero by putting someone else down. Sheesh then they wonder why their kids gets bullied or bullying other kids. Never thought I would post on such a stupid blog!

    1. Well said. I learned about Maria Kang from some sleazy fat dude on a youtube show called The Young Turks. His attitude has been pretty representative of the general attitude of people hating on Maria.

      I notice none of the hateful people have it in them to counter your point. I for one completely agree with you :)

  43. I think this lady is full of shit. A friend of mine used to work out like a fiend, looked hot, and never once acted in a way to make anyone feel bad. She radiated positivity and was more than happy to share it.. In a cruel twist of fate, she ended up having some random health problems in her mid-30's. She had to take medication that caused her to chunk up, get stretch marks, and she felt awful. But here is the thing, even with the extra weight - she still looked great. It was all about personality, and how you put yourself out there. At this point she has had to accept what life had given her. Sure, someone may look at her and say LAZY, FAT, or any other bullshit "what is your excuse" comment. But she was there, she had it, she just got dealt a crappy hand. It could happen to ANYONE. People put waaaaaaay too much emphasis on outer appearance and weight. Your skinny and hot - great but don't rub it in my face. Who knows what your future may hold! Karma baby. Let's see how this trick looks in 10-15-20 years down the road when things like menopause kicks. Osteoporosis. Old workout injuries. Things change in the blink of an eye . . .

    1. "radiated positivity". Your friend sounds like a wonderful human being, who doesn't try to channel karma to put ill on a woman for being fit and attractive. You could learn from her Michaela

  44. you know what my first reaction to that picture was? a flashback to every time one of my reasons has been labelled an 'excuse' by people who couldnt see what i was trying to say to them. one of those reasons got labelled an excuse so much (because i had a useless doctor mostly) that i believed them, pushed myself beyond what i should have, beyond what any human being should be insane enough to do... and damn near died as a result. im careful now. i want to be healthy, but i know better now - health is not going to come to me by working out so hard i cant get up in the morning. my children arent going to thank me for setting the good example of how to push your body to the point where it literally stops functioning for a week. im told you just have to push past that, that your body gets used to it after a while - usually by the same people who tell me that if it doesnt hurt youre not working hard enough, if youre used to it then you need to step it up or its doing you no good - but in the mean time i have two young children and a husband that works away all the time and never takes time off. i dont have time to 'get used to it' because my children are more important to me than my sexy arse.

  45. You know what? She was a model before this all happened. Didnt she win some bikini contest before all her kids? So the woman does have some good genes already. HEck, I got good genes too, I just have good powerlifting genes instead of good skinny abs one. And I saw a before pic, she was still pretty. So to me she is not impressive at all.

  46. Anonymous17:04

    Ok, now a comment from a man (who is stuck with a fat lazy wife who loves her bon bons and wouldn't dream of breaking a sweat)

    This Maria woman is a dream-come-true for any married man. I am completely jealous of her husband, as any normal man would be. Doesn't matter if she's seeking fame. I'd give a lot for a wife like that!

  47. Anonymous19:24

    Most Asians are naturally petite (short and thin) so I'm really not that impressed that she's thin after having 3 kids. Why do women need to constantly seek validation by posting pictures of themselves in their underwear on social media? Don't you have more to offer the world than the shape of your body? What's in your mind? Do you have a brain? Because this Maria woman seems to be socially unaware, has very low emotional intelligence, and a giant ego based on her own objectification.


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