
Katie Hopkins

Have you heard of Katie Hopkins? Well, let me introduce you. Katie is a real charmer. She's a British "reality television contestant" (Wouldn't you love for that be your claim to fame?? It's almost worse than "blogger.") who will do and say anything to be famous. She's appeared on the British version of The Apprentice and I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! as well as appearing in a few other British TV shows and she televised her latest wedding. 

A quick look at her Wikipedia page tells me that Katie has a problem with staying married and staying faithful. She's a bit of a homewrecker and a social climber when it comes to her men. She likes to trade up. 

This is all so interesting, because she's getting some notoriety these days for her controversial remarks about classism. She's come out and said that she refuses to let her kids play with children with "low class names" like Tyler or Chardonnay, because they'll be bad influences on her kids. 

Riiight. Because a kid with a fame whore mother who doesn't mind being photographed having sex in a field with her married co-worker (true story) sounds like a terrific influence on my kid! 

She went on a British morning show and vomited her ridiculous spiel all over the hosts and another guest who called her an "insufferable snob." Take a look.

Did you see my favorite part? She goes on about how she hates "location" names like Brooklyn and London and then the host says "Your daughter is named India" and she says, "But that's not related to a location."

Ummm ... yes it is, you dumb bitch. Last I checked India was a country, thus a location, thus your child's name is best known as a location name - the thing you say you hate. Get your shit straight, woman!

When I first watched this I thought, Well, I make fun of dumb baby names too, maybe I'm as bad as her.

But then I watched it again. The difference is I don't ostracize the kids because their parents named them a stupid name. I make fun of the parents for taking perfectly normal names like "Amy" and making them unique with ridiculous spellings like "Aighmey" so their snowflake will stand out in the crowd. I've never accused these parents of being bad parents or not taking an interest in their kids like Katie does. I've never said that because these kids have names with bizarre spellings they must not do their homework or show up late to school. I've never said these are "low class" names that are good indicators that their family is probably on welfare like Katie does. And I've certainly never told my children they can't be friends with someone named Cristah or Maysen, because their parents couldn't spel. Or Bear or Apple, because their parents didn't buy a baby name book.

No, I'm nothing like Katie. She is a total bitch who is using this whole name thing as a way to classify people and to determine if they're good enough for her family to socialize with. She swears she's never heard anyone holler an "upper class" name at a playground. Well, maybe she's been hanging out at the wrong playgrounds. Just this week I've heard, "Madeline, stop throwing mulch!" and "Henry, pull up your pants! We do not potty on trees!"

The other thing that irritates me about this twit is that she's so fucking ignorant that she can't see that the names she's given her kids: India, Poppy, and Maximillian are not upper crust names either. I think we've established that India is a location. Poppy is so easy for kids to call "Poopy" so I would have nixed that name for that reason, although it is adorable and very British, but I think Rose or Violet might have been better flower names if you're looking for classy. And Maximillian. Poor, Maximillian. All I can think of is he sounds like a gladiator or a super hero's arch nemesis.

At least when I poke fun of the parents of the Brandyns of the world, I can admit that I didn't do any better naming my kids. My kids have highly unpopular names, but with traditional spellings, because that's the part that drives me batty.

This woman is more than just a snob. She's the worst kind of person. The more I read about her, the more I see it. She hates poor people, fat people, tattooed people, and who knows who else?!

What do you think? Do you judge kids by their names (or just their parents)?

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  1. In the other article she mentioned how Florence was a high class name... Another location! SUCH a hypocrite!

    1. Not so much a hypocrite...more like she flunked geography. Maybe she didn't have enough maps growing up. Like, such as the Iraq....Ugh, I hope her poor kids HAVE friends, unless they've internalized her ugly message, in which case they don't deserve any.

  2. She should eat some make up so maybe she can be pretty on the inside....that and get her nose fixed. Really? Who would want to shag with her???? Ugly and stuck up....

    1. eat makeup...hee hee!

    2. Good Lord, that is one FUGLY woman!

  3. I think anyone who actually uses the word class/y as a descriptive term of another person probably is a little short on their own.

    1. In a derogatory way, to clarify. ;-)

  4. I absolutely LOVE the faces the female host keeps giving her! LOL!

  5. I'll confess that I also roll my eyes at whacky name spellings, mostly because I feel sorry for the kid, who will have to correct people his or her entire life. And some names obviously do have class associations, to the extent that I tested prospective baby names by yelling the name in a southern accent (I'm from North Carolina), followed by the phrase, "Go in the trailer and bring me a beer and a pack of smokes!" BUT! I would never judge a child's suitability as a playmate for my child based on name or class (or, and I think this woman was tiptoeing pretty closely around the issue, race). And I would never assume someone wasn't a good parent because of name choice or class. What someone wants to name their child is none of my business, and I assume until proven otherwise that we're all doing the best we can.

    I really, REALLY hope this woman's children end up marrying people named Chablis and Ceighleigh and Montana.

  6. I definitely judge parents that give their kids "unique" names. You know, eventually "Surf" is going to have to put his name on a resume. Yes, I live across the street from a kid named Surf. His younger brother is named Scout. I'm not sure which I hate more. It might help if the kids (and the parents) weren't both complete douches.

  7. When I was pregnant with my son someone asked me if I had chosen a name. I said, yes, his name is Henry, which is my father's name (she thought that was delightful) Then I told her my son's middle name would be Amos (also a family name) Then she told me, "Um, that sounds like an old black janitor." TRUE STORY.

    1. And this is why I told *no one* my child's name until after he was born. Not even my own mother. "Have you picked a name?" "Yes, Mother." "What is it?" "A surprise." Boy did she hate that. But no one balks at the name AFTER the child is born. Well, not in my family anyway.

    2. I didn't either. Nearly killed my mom with waiting, but Henry Edward and Jackson Charles weren't judged before they were born.

    3. I kept my names secret until birth, but my oldest has the middle name Leroy and I've received similar comments.

    4. When I was pregnant the first time my SIL asked what names I liked. I said I liked Althea for a girl. My mom said, "You can't name her that, it's a black name!" WTF mom. I ended up miscarrying that one anyway, then had two boys...whose names I did not let her (or anyone else) in on ahead of time.

  8. "She hates poor people, fat people, tattooed people, and who knows who else?!"

    It's time she got herself on a reality tv show based on people getting tattoos and eating tons of pie. Where the loser goes broke as a result. Then she can find new ways to pretend that she doesn't hate herself. Which clearly she does.

    I hate to tell her, but "high class names" as she thinks of them are no guarantee of high class. Or any class at all. I know folks who named their kids very normal names (Wendy, Jane, Katherine) and you can't get much lower on the class scale than these folks. :)

  9. I wonder if she really believes the crap she is spewing or if it is just a ploy to milk another minute of fame.
    Either way, I feel sorry for her kids. Here's hoping they manage to turn into decent human beings despite her.

  10. #1 she's a titanic douche-canoe
    #2 she's epically ignorant
    #3 she has a brain the side of a pea. I know because it made a rattling noise every mother-lovin time she rolled her flipping buggy eyeballs.
    #4 She obviously puts a high value on education, probably because her's was sorely lacking (due to her parents also being titanic douche-canoes)

    1. thank you for adding "Douche-canoe" to my arsenal of insults. I'm not sure how I lived without it.

  11. What I love the most is the British hosts taking her to task. That wouldn't happen in America. There's too much celebrity pandering and butt-kissing here, even to reality stars.

    1. I thought the same thing! Wouldn't it be nice if they'd wipe that phony smile off their face for just a minute and say, "Wait a minute, you're full of it!"

  12. What an ignorant, stuck up, good for nothing twat waffle. India is not related to a location?? I wanted to punch my fist right through the screen and wrap my hand around her throat. How in the HELL does anyone that stupid get air time???

    My best friend's son's name is Tyler. He was the captain of his high school hockey team, graduated college, and now works with a pro hockey player building a fitness/training business and is one of the hardest working, most grounded individuals I have ever known.

    Fucking bitch.

  13. What a witch (her, not you). I have to admit although my daughter's name came to me and instantly felt right, I did the nickname test and it came out clean.

  14. Well, obviously she couldn't get on TV or in the paper for anything good... so she defaulted to crazy.

    It's like a train wreck. Can't look away!

  15. You tell her, Jen! I need a shower after watching that nastiness.

  16. Holy Fuck.!!! I am a teacher and if I judged all my kids on their names alone. I would be smashing my head into a wall..

    Name association is a normal part of life.. we hear a name from the past and shudder at times.. and would never name our own child that.. but for the love of all that is holy... you need to give someone the benefit of doubt before axing them..

    I worked in the UK for about 4yrs for a well off family, and they are lovely.. so I just wanted to put it out there that not all Brits are arseholes..

    What I cant understand is that no upper class person that I have met in my time would tell you that KATIE is a classy name.. I think she needs to stick her head back up her arse and do the world a favor and stop breathing..

    I like to look at her approach that she is helping the lower class people by not subjecting them to her presence. The ones I feel for are her own kids.. what a life they must endure with an arse like that...

  17. Well, I just spent too much time learning about Katie Hopkins that I won't get back but no matter.

    Just a couple of curious observations to make-

    Anyone else find it fitting that this woman picked a snake print dress to wear on TV?

    Lastly, I find it interesting that this woman resembles the character "Edgar",the butler from Disney's 1970 The Aristocats. Not a very nice chap for the record. So,that is quite of enough of Ms. Hopkins for me. Although I must commend her on her forethought on retaining her maiden name. Since she doesn't seem to hold on any other for any substantial amount of time.

  18. How can you be so silly. She didn't name her kid after a location. She named her after a bottle of ink!

  19. What a dreadful woman. I am so glad that the others on the show make her look an ass. Also, it's weird the names she picks out as "icky"...."Tyler," "Braeden," seasonal names--aren't Summer and Autumn quite ordinary names? As a teacher, I do find certain names annoying but I would never judge the kid...I might make fun of the names to my husband at home, and think the parent was uncreative or TOO creative, but I wouldn't judge a student on their name!

  20. I was called Katie, until I was 9. At 9 years old, I decided that Katie was a cutesy name, too immature for the strong woman that I wanted to be. So I began telling people to call me Kate and that's what I've been ever since. Maybe I was onto something... I don't know!

    Do you think this woman has any of the self-reflection that you have, Jen?

    Maybe she is just milking it for the fame and not believing what she says. Is she another Borat?

    She screams Nazi, in her appearance and her arrogance.

    I also love how they crack on her and I wish people did that here and not in the greasy, smarmy way that Matt Lauer tries to get it done!

  21. After feeling my brain leak out my ears while watching this (and commiserating with the poor hosts and fellow guest), I have decided that there are indeed some highlights here.

    1. Twat waffle.
    2. Maximillion is an evil genius.
    3. Realizing that, since "upper class" names aren't shouted at playgrounds, America has no upper class.
    4. Twat waffle.

    That is all.

  22. I was kind of distracted by that Mount Rushmore sized nose on her face. I kept thinking,"Doesn't this See You Next Tuesday realize she's in no position to be that shallow? After all, people as dumb as she seems to b might think it's contagious."

  23. Went to here Wikipedia page. Born in 1975? That CAN'T be correct! She looks 45 at least! (I'm 45, nothing wrong with 45!) I have found when people have to continuously say something or someone is "1st class" it is because they aren't or it isn't.

    1. 1875 more like with her attitudes lol. Sorry late to this but have just been outraged about her ignorant-beyond-belief attitudes to an ongoing lecturers' dispute in the uk.

  24. Hahahaha! I didn't know who she was and now I hate her. I admit that I have had a conversation with a DA who said that there were certain names that seem to come across her desk more than others... I don't know what that is about... but it is not the kid's fault. When they are still children, there is still hope, regardless of the type of home they are growing up in.

    Obviously it is too late for Katie... she is a lost cause. Bitch. She is clearly really insecure.

  25. That was 9 minutes of my life I'll never get back. This crazy bitch needs to re-tape her penis so it will appear to be a vagina. :D

  26. What. A. Bitch.
    My kids couldn't play with hers because of her dumb ass. UGH.
    <3 Devan

  27. Anonymous04:33

    She's obviously an imbecile. Who cares what she thinks.

  28. This isn't even about children's names. She honestly doesn't care. She just wants to be controversial so people will pay attention to her. After the show, she went directly home to drink and sob on the bathroom floor, or better yet, screw another married man. Because she's so posh. Wow, that brought out my inner bitch!

  29. Anonymous08:21

    I had never heard of this Katie person before today. I am only 7 minutes in and about to vomit my coffee all over my laptop. It's appalling that people like her even exist in the world. She is getting what she wants just by us watching that video and commenting. I won't be watching or reading any more about her.

  30. I have never heard of that woman before. What a nasty bitch!! She's an idiot who was obviously late to her Geography class everyday. Ugh

  31. When I watched, I noticed her facial expression -- she looked like my high school students who say things JUST for a reaction (or my 2 year old who screams and then waits to see what we'll do).

  32. The British love finding people for fun TV! Remember Samantha Brick? The woman too pretty for female friends. So. Much. FUN!! I mean, for us of course, to have a laugh at. All the Tylers of the world are up in arms now!

  33. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "if you're looking for classy". This clueless b*tch wouldn't know class if it painted itself purple and hit her in the face. The worst part is that ITV should be ashamed of the selves for giving her 9 minutes of air time. Philip's face was a picture though -thanks for sharing.

  34. I happened to catch that interview on youtube the day before you published this and I KNEW I could count on you to call out that snotty bitch. The best part of the whole damn thing was when the hosts were like, "You don't like kids named after locations? Isn't your daughter named India?" BURN! What a moron. At least she called herself ugly there at the end. I don't believe in judging people on their looks, but I'm willing to make an exception in this case. What a horseface.

  35. Nutureshock (the book) does a whole "thing" on names and the statistics behind those names signifying class----while I don't agree with her (Katie) segregating children from each other based on this crap-especially with her own inconsistencies, I do see that much of the research behind naming of children IS significant on many levels. It's all about how you use the info, I suppose ;)

  36. I DO cringe at certain names.I have an unwritten mental list of Your-kid-is-guaranteed-to-grow-up-to-be-white-trash-if-you-choose-these-names. Still, I'm not going to judge a kid by what stupid name their parents chose. It's hardly a kid's fault if she's saddled with a dumb-ass name like North when Keira, Kayla or Kolleen would have done just fine. Better than fine actually. This woman, Katie, is just stupid and mean. She's doing the other kids a favor keeping away from them.

  37. PS. Is it ironic that the name 'Katie' is one of my all time favorites and I detest the name Tyler? Yes, really. She's still a stupid bimbo though.

  38. Douchebag whore.

  39. i would love to punch her in the face


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