
Annoying Renters

I'm a Realtor, as you probably know, and so of course I think real estate is a great investment.  UNTIL.  Until you end up the landlord to whiny renters.  Over the years the Hubs and I have acquired some rental properties plus the Hubs manages some local rental properties for friends and family who live out of state.

Most of our renters are nice, quiet people who pay their rent on time and take care of the property.  Most of them have lived in our properties for years.  We love those renters.  It's the occasional annoying, bitching ones that drive me bananas and that is who I am writing about today.  (Before you start arguing with me and each other read this:  If you are a good renter then don't take offense, this post is not about you.  Actually, even if you're a bad renter, don't take offense, because this post is really only about two people specifically and not even a TYPE of renter.)  

The Hubs is the one who deals with the renters when they have problems and it's probably a good thing, because I would most likely have a bunch of empty rentals.

Here's the deal, it's 7:30 PM right now and the temperature is 105 degrees.  It has been over 100 degrees for something like 15 days now.  We haven't had rain in about a month.  We are drying up and melting all at the same time.  Everyone's air conditioner everywhere is begging for death and my Facebook and Twitter feeds are filled with people lamenting that their air conditioner has passed over to the other side.

This week a renter called us up and told us that the air conditioner was not working properly and they were experiencing "dangerous" temperatures in the house.  We got our usual a/c guy over the take a look and he called to let us know that the unit was shot and we'd need to get a new one.  It would take a day.  We asked what the house temperature was since we'd been told it was "dangerous."  He told us it was 80 degrees and holding.  Not so bad when the outside temp is 104.  (We keep our everyday temperature at 78 in our house.  I guess I'm only 2 degrees from dangerous territory.)

The Hubs told the renter we'd have a new unit installed the next day.  The unit was installed two days ago and every day since the renter has called to complain that the house is "hot."  The first day he called we thought there was something wrong with the new unit so we sent the a/c guy back over to check.  He was met at the door by a cold blast of air coming from inside the house.  He told us the renter was trying to cool the house down to 72 degrees.

I wanted to say:  Are you fucking kidding me?  There is no way when it is that blazing hot outside that you can cool your house down to 72 degrees!  No wonder my first unit died, you fucking moron, you murdered it!!

Tonight when the guy called he indicated that he would like us pay for a bigger unit for the house so that they can live like sides of beef in a meat locker.  The Hubs was so kind and gracious.  He actually listened to him and sympathized with him and tried to find a solution for this guy.

When he got off the phone, I said, "Wow.  You are such a nice landlord.  I would have told him to suck a dick.  It's 105 degrees!  A typical air conditioner can only cool a house down by 20 degrees or so.  He should be thrilled his house is 80 degrees!"

Today another renter called to tell us her place was too hot too.  Cha-ching.  She is getting a new unit tomorrow.  She's another one who is trying to keep her house at 72 degrees.  What is the deal with these people?  I would need a sweater in 72 degrees!!

Her unit is a bit different and it needed to be special ordered so it took longer than a day.  She blew her cork.  She also showed her true colors when the repairman showed up and he was not as light-skinned as she would have preferred.  That's when I took a closer look at my contract with her and saw that nowhere does it say that the property is "air conditioned."  Maybe she'd prefer for me to send my repairman home and just lower the rent and call it "un-air conditioned?"

Yes, I get that I'm a landlord and I'm supposed to fix things when they go wrong and of course we work hard to get things fixed as quickly as possible, but when we're in the middle of a heat wave it's very difficult to get good people to come and fix the a/c.  There is a queue and sometimes we have relationships with repairmen that allow us to jump the line, but many times we have to wait our turn.  No amount of screaming and cussing me out is going to help.  In fact, it just makes me want to move slower.

I also wonder what these people would be doing if they actually owned these houses.  When you own a house and your air conditioner can't keep up with the blistering weather outside there is no one to call and whine to.  There is no one to listen to your complaints and offer to try and help you.  You're on your own.

The worst renter who has bitched incessantly about everything from the day she moved in is actually moving out.  She's bought a home and she's ready to take on home ownership.  I cannot wait until this winter when her furnace goes out on the coldest night of the year.  I cannot wait until her washing machine accidentally over flows and floods her house.  I just wish I could be there to see the chaos and watch her meltdown when the repairman tells her it will be a week before he can get to her.  (I'll also be curious to see how she explains to the dispatcher she'd only like certain skin tones to work on her broken appliances.)  I wonder what she'll do then.

Actually, I know what she'll do.  She'll call her Realtor and tell her that she sold her a lemon, because that's the type of bitch she is.


  1. Oh're a realtor AND a landlord?!?! God bless you. My mom used to be a realtor and I did mortgage loans so you have my full sympathy.

  2. Bwahaha! I had a renter like that, too! And he also wanted a 30% reduction in rent to renew, since he decided to look at other (smaller, less 'goodies', not-as-nice neighborhoods) properties but wanted me to 'compete'. Hello. I can't chop off half the garage and the fenced in yard, on-site laudry, etc! If I wanted to rent a house for that little, I would have bought a rental property in one of THOSE neighborhoods! Grrrrrr. Kinda glad we're not landlords right now . . .

  3. As a previous leasing manager at an apartment complex and renter with annoying ass neighbors I completely agree. People want to flip their shit over things out of anyone's control. I have always lamented the fact that, hey, if you owned your own house not only would you have to wait for the proper equipment/ repair man, you YOURSELF would have to pay for the unit, carpet, LABOR. Shut up, suck on an ice cube, and applaud a darker skinned man for having a legitimate job that happens to SAVE YOUR ASS!! People!!

  4. Anonymous09:54

    omg it never occurred to me that I should have been bitching to my landlord about stuff like that.

    I truly despise entitled people. THE WORLD DOESN'T OWE YOU SEVENTY TWO DEGREES!!

    1. Anonymous19:43

      Yeah, those fucking scum. how dare they act as if they have rights. those people sound poor and I bet they aren't even white.


      btw, your a piece of shit

    2. Really? How on earth did you read J's comment which enraged you enough to leave such a scathing comment?

      You sound super tough, and ready to take on the world... anonymously.

    3. Oh, and last I checked, I don't think air conditioning was even listed on the bill of rights...

    4. and it's 'you're', not 'your'. idiot.

    5. If you think Jen is a piece of shit, then you're a dumbass. Don't read her blog if you can't understand what she is trying to convey. It's not a rant about poor "non-white" tenants. It's about sorry individuals who are a pain in the ass to deal with... perhaps it could be about you. Now go get that chip off your shoulder and get off her blog!

  5. Anonymous09:55

    I have been renting the same place for 15 years is an 87 year old building, with lots of quirks. When there are things broken, I ALWAYS try and fix them first, but on Monday everything went to crap (backed up sink, dead fridge, stripped and leaking outdoor spigot) and I had to make the call...all I can say that if EVERYONE was as gracious and efficient as my landlord, the world would be perfect.

    Let's just say, I called the landlord and my ailing mother's neurologist within 5 minutes of each other....within 5 hours I had a cleared drain, a BRAND NEW fridge, and a fixed spigot....and well after 5pm I FINALLY got a three minute call from the Dr.....

    So, here is a landlord fan. And you can tell your melting tenants that they are welcome to come to NC, where it is hot as balls and muggier than imaginable, and hang out in front of my window units and fans....douches.

  6. Anonymous09:55

    I am the asst mgr of an apartment community with over 300 units and we deal with this shit daily!! The property mgr has said the same things to people here. I would love to print this and send it to every one of our complainers. Redonkulous!!!

  7. OMG This post hit home with me! My husband is Active Duty Army and we own a home back in our home state. We are currently renting to the WORST tenants ever! They bitch about EVERYTHING! They're demanding a lead paint test (there's no lead paint), they want us to have all the electrical checked just 'cuz, they want us to provide brand new blinds b/c the other ones are ugly, and they're upset they had to cut the grass within a week of moving in. Um hello! You moved in in June! The grass needs to be cut every week when you get as much rain as we had! I haven't decided if they're worse than the previous tenants though who just up and moved out in the middle of the night 6 months before their lease was up. Oh and they were running a brothel out of the house. No shit. A brothel. I'm with you. I'd rather tell 'em all to move the hell out then deal with them, but then we'd be broke. So I guess that's why I'm not in charge. Ha

  8. Stuck in the midwest....09:57

    My family owns a heating/air company, and I'm amazed at how big of balls some people have. (Not literally - ha) I've heard of people agreeing upon a price (either for new equipment, or repair work)....then when the bill comes, they try to "barter" or even say "that work was only worth $75" (instead of $150). It's amazing to me, I would NEVER tell the A/C man, yes, please install my new unit at $1800 and then three months later say "I think your unit/work was only worth $1000, and oh, it will take me two years to pay you back". WTF?!

  9. You are fantastic. I am in a snarky, bitchy mood this morning and this just made my day!

  10. Stacey10:02

    I am a landlord. I have a home looking for renters! If interested please contact me via phone, text or facebook. This home is in Granger, Indiana & available for Immediate Occupancy.

    1. Really? You really thought that was an appropriate comment? WOW!

    2. Anonymous11:04

      You do know what kind of blog you're on right, Stacey? You've just painted a big target on your back hon. :)
      Good luck with your renters.

    3. Stacey14:09

      How, my I ask, did I paint a target on my back? I have a home for rent. I never said anything nasty about renters. When you have a home and you need to fill it you will post anywhere you can. You never know where you may find your next tenent. What part of my comment don't you like? The location, the photos or the monthly rent?

    4. because it's no where near appropriate to advertise your rental on someone's blog. How would you like it if someone tried to Shanghai your real estate website advertising their blog or something without paying for it? It's rude.

    5. Stacey18:42

      If Jen has an issue with my post she can remove it. No hard feelings. I don't have a real estate website to worry about. I have one rental, my home in Indiana, that Jen can not sell or manage for me. I only posted here because of the nature of the story. I don't think it is for you to say what is appropriate or rude. Jen, if this post is not welcomed, please remove.

    6. It's my place to say because you asked how you painted a target on your back, and I answered you. My opinion is that it was rude and kinda tacky.What Jen thinks is for her to say, I was just answering your question.

  11. This is why I could never be a landlord. I am considered fairly nice, until lazy, whiney, bitch-ass people start crying to me about how they don't have enough $100 bills to fan themselves with, or the artisanal bread on the counter is drying out too quickly for them.
    Then I start my "Oh REALLY??!!" campaign of verbal ass-kickery.

  12. Loved this and can totally relate as a (good) renter. I love being a renter for the very reason that if something goes wrong I just make a phone call. I have no AC but the ceiling fan did recently go out. The landlord replaced the fan and I noticed that the blades had some scratches that could have been made during the installation or more likely it was purchased as such with a discount. Whatever. I looked at the scratches and thought "oh well, who cares? I don't own it. Good enough" That is the beauty of being a renter, at least for me. It doesn't have to perfect, just good enough.

  13. Anonymous10:18

    I used to work in non-profits to serve low income. The renters you describe were our worst nightmare clients.

    Here's some free money, now yell at me because you are flippin' entitled to more?! Because subsidies for your housing, your utilities, your groceries, your health care, and your emploment is somehow less than the world OWES YOU.

    We had one woman screaming at us for Fema funds once because her ice cream would melt. Really? Ice cream rates right up there with famine, flood, hurricane, and tornado?

    It's not 100% true, but it's very true that *some* people are crazy.

  14. Anonymous10:19

    Please do your homework in thermodynamics before you post such nonsense about the air conditioner should only cool 20 degrees less than the ambient temperature. This is a misconception to say the least, The difference in temperature of the air from the return vent to the exhaust vent should be around 20 degrees. There is no reason an air conditioner can’t cool a house to 72 degrees when it’s 105 outside with windows shaded, door closed, properly insulated, etc. If it can’t, you don’t have a unit installed that big enough for the house. Did you ever think that to some people 72 doesn’t feel the same as it does for you? I love most of your posts but some of them just irk me. Cheers.

    1. Please take a jump off your high horse before reading the blog about punching people in the throat. If I wanted a fucking science lesson I would go read a science blog.

    2. If they irk you, don't read them, Anonymous. And who's actually going to research THERMODYNAMICS when posting about crappy renters and AC units?? Seriously? And do you REALLY think that those renters would actually keep their doors closed, windows shaded, etc.?? Do you?? No. They're crappy renters. But please, by all means hide behind the Anonymous posting and call Jen out for not properly researching thermodynamics.

    3. Wow nice chicken shit reply ANONYMOUS...get used to the heat its not going anywhere and here in Texas we thank the Lord we can get to a cooler place even 20 degrees cooler than the 110 temp outside

    4. Anonymous12:16

      @Sarah - the point is that Jen thinks it’s impossible to get a house to 72 degrees therefore Jen gets frustrated with the tenants because of their “demands”, wow.
      @Leila - crappy renters?! Is what they asked for really inexcusable. These renters are saints compared to what they could be like.
      @Brittany - the Lord had nothing to do with it, get used to it.

    5. oh for the love of cargo pants, your reply to me makes no sense. You are missing the whole point of this blog. Jen is blowing off steam and venting to her reader's and you have chosen to nitpick. Stop it. Get the stick out of your butt and calm down and get a damn sign in. I hate this anonymous crap get some moxie and show your face.

    6. @Sarah, @Leila, and @Brittany - I don't think people should be attacked for disagreeing with a post. There was nothing offensive about the comment, she/he was simply stating a fact. Like anonymous, sometimes I agree with Jen's posts and sometimes I don't. When I don't, I still enjoy reading the blog because it is interesting and sometimes educational to hear opposing thoughts. I get the fact that these rants are meant for entertainment but isn't the ensuing debate part of that entertainment? If it isn't and if varying opinions are not welcome on this blog, then yes, people such as myself and anonymous should stop reading it.

      The comment re thermodynamics is very relevant because Jen is judging her tenants based on false information, among other things. Why shouldn't that be pointed out and why shouldn't a landlord who is dealing with an a/c problem educate herself about a/c units?

    7. Gotta agree with AZrunner and Anon. 78 would not be comfortable for a lot of people. People are DIFFERENT and if I was renting, I would want to be comfortable because I am paying to live there. You're not doing me a favor; I'm paying you. I think a lot of women just come here to see how much they can bitch about and say FU to everybody because even if you put a name up, you're still anonymous! Even Jen herself is not bitching all the time and it's her blog!

    8. Anonymous07:11

      Well said AZ Runner! Basically comes down to...if you're going to bitch, make sure your bitching is based on facts. ;)

    9. And how exactly did I attack anyone? I told someone to mellow out and stop nitpicking I also told them to get a sign in. Which if you've come back to a blog enough times to read it and reply to comments you've been there enough to have a sign in. And that's my "varying opinion".
      And Cye I'm not anonymous, you can gladly click on my name and go read my rants on my poorly written blog. I also didn't FU someone I had a DIFFERENT opinion so I stated it.
      And Anonymous # 6587591589 above, if someone is going to bitch, it doesn't have to be based in fact if they don't want it to be.That's the beauty of having a blog, if they want to bitch about nonsense they can! Woo!

    10. And another thing- that post about the unicorn cake the other day was total B.S. Please research mythical animals before you post. A punched unicorn would explode into rainbows and glitter, not cake. Duh.

    11. This is some good reading right here!

  15. Anonymous10:20

    Just had a tenant move out of our rental house. Her comment when she moved in was, "Oh, I'll fix anything that breaks, I won't be a bother". Ok, she's gone and so are the curtains/rods in four rooms, water leak in the laundry room that caused the floor to come up, a yard that is full of trash and the back seat to her old van! Should have been a red flag when she said "don't come in"!What's wrong with people?

  16. Anonymous10:32

    I keep my house at 64 degrees. Then again, I must be half crazy bc I live in Alaska.

    1. Crazybusymama12:01

      AMEN! I'm an Alaskan as well and I'm sitting here thinking that I would DIE if the inside of my house was 72. Hell, I keep my heat set at 68 when its -20 in January. Although these renters sound like assholes :)

    2. Anonymous13:16

      HAHA crazybusymama. I would be sweating buckets in your house. My in-laws keep theirs at 68 in the winter as well. I wear a tank top to their house no matter what season it is!

  17. This is why I refuse to rent my parents' house (which I'm trying to sell) no matter how many times my sister bitches and moans about it.

    1) The house is in terrible condition.
    2) We are trying to sell it and could very well ask the people to leave right after they move in.

    These two things combined mean that only meth heads would rent this house.

    My sister is greedy and insane.

  18. Anonymous10:40

    Just an FYI, I'm an HVAC designer and 72 degrees is the average that your home should be set at. 72 in the summer and 68 in the winter...In heat waves, the windows should be closed and windows shades/curtains should be drawn to keep the air to the same temperature. Also, if the house has proper insulation, there should be no issue in keeping the place cooled. Problem arises with these homes that were built when electricity and gas was cheap, so they skipped on the insulation - for cost.

    1. Allison11:34

      Yeah, I have the worst insulated rental unit (gaps under doors, single paned windows, etc) and I still can keep it around 72 in the summer in Texas. No idea why these AC units won't handle 72.

    2. Anonymous12:34

      These are the same setting we use at my work, and we're in steamy, humid Florida. I don't think 72 is unreasonably cool. My coworkers would prefer it be 67.

    3. Shit, my electricity bill would triple if I dropped my house to 72, also i don't think the AC would ever turn off. In fact during the 110 for 2months heat wave in texas last summer, I don't think it ever did (even at night). It's set at a balmy 80 degrees no matter how much the hubby may whine. I have to wear a sweater in my office at work, because it is set at 72 and I freeze my balls off. Who wants to have to wear long pants and sleeves in the summer?

    4. Anonymous23:47

      Actually, I lived in a 3rd world country in the extremely poor, no electricity, running water, road, or school... type area - for 2 years. Malnutrition? Check. Inbreeding? Check. Illiterate? Check. Off the charts hot and humid? Check. I also lived in a tin roofed shack that got hotter than anything... again, for 2 years.

      I have perspective, I know what the reality is for the majority of the world, I greatly appreciate what I have. I now live where it is super hot and humid in the US. I still like my AC. Especially when I'm pregnant. I know life could be worse - I've been there done that and in more ways than just living in a poor country with no AC. I still like my AC.

      Being miserably hot does not prove my empathy or nobility... and for the record, you don't have to go around the world to find living conditions like that in India...

  19. Anonymous10:41

    I just have to say that I generally agree with and love your posts. This one is not the case. I think as a landlord you should be prepared to handle these situations without bitching. You signed up for it! And as a landlord why do you expect your tenants to live in 78 degree home just because you choose to? Get a clue or give up your rental properties!!

  20. I am also a realtor and a landlord for years. I recently short sold a good friend's house and she and her family became tenants for the first time in...decades? I am mortified to have placed them into a rental property in my neighborhood. They have got to to be the bane of their landlord's existence...constant whining, complaining, efforts to renegotiate, and repairmen weekly. Since they lost their home they are going to make the landlord suffer....INSANE! I can hardly even talk to her anymore I've lost so much respect.

  21. Anonymous10:45

    I rent, but I own my air conditioners. If one breaks I replace it on my own or I deal with the heat. My landlord doesn't give a turd what the comfort level is inside my place and if I were to call to complain to him about it I am dead certain he'd ignore me.

  22. When having your mother move in with you is a better solution than anything else, you know things are dire.

  23. Anonymous11:01

    I would be too hot if my house were 80 degrees, but I have a solution to that. I don't live where it gets that hot. I don't get people who live in hot climates and then complain about it being hot. And I would have let the racist lady sweat for a good long while.

    1. Sometimes you don't have a choice on where to live, say military or a job opportunity for civilians.

      I am one that has to have my house cold at night to sleep. I pay for the electricity, my landlord can insure that I can be comfortable.. otherwise I wouldn't have chosen a house with air conditioner.

      Although, I had one idiot maintenance man tell me I couldn't have my house at 70 when it was 80 outside. That it made the unit work too hard. WTF?!

  24. Shelley in So. IL11:06

    Beth, you are awesome!

  25. Anonymous11:12

    My favorite is the neighbors who complain about our tenants. Don't you think I would have sold this effing house by now if I could have. I am NOT making any money on it but my only other choice is foreclosure. So every time I hear a complaint from a neighbor that the yard isn't mowed weekly or they "parked on the grass" or "their kid walked through my yard", I think #1, I'm glad I'm not your effing neighbor anymore and #2, sometimes I want to let it go into foreclosure just to screw your property values even more. Keep bitching- I dare you!

    1. Anonymous14:16

      Right with you on this!

  26. Does she have a car? Because she sounds like the kind of woman who would bitch and moan when it ran out of gas or needed an oil change. "You mean have to MAINTAIN these??"

  27. Courtney11:23

    Clearly your tenant is Satan.

  28. Anonymous11:28

    We used to rent to the SAME type of people! They would call if the light bulb was burned out (they didn't feel it was their responsibility to replace a light bulb)...are you FUCKING kidding me? My favorite, was when there was a wildfire (actually more along the lines of a very large, out of control grassfire) that made the news in Phoenix...for a week straight...she called me to tell me there was a gas leak IN the house. I asked her how she knew...she said the house smelled like it was burning. I said "no shit", look out your back window...that huge black cloud in the sky is SMOKE you dumbass....I can't even deal w/ how stupid people are....

    1. Anonymous12:38

      Actually as superficial as it may seem to you, it's not their responsibility to change the light bulb, it's yours. (the landlord)

    2. Anonymous14:22

      Actually, as superficial as it may seen to you, you can place in your lease that light bulbs are the tenents responsibility. If you are that cheap & you can't replace your own light bulb, you won't be renting from me. I have that petty little thing cover in my lease.

    3. Even if the light bulbs are traditionally the landlord's responsibility, I can't imagine a sane able bodied person having the gonads to call their landlord over a burned out light bulb. Although I have heard of it happening, as my Electrician husband has been called out by lazy landlords to replace these burned out bulbs. With a minimum call charge of $250, I can't help but think it would be a lot easier for the landlord to leave a a few light bulbs hanging around in the closet...

    4. That's insane. When I moved into the rental house we're in now, ALL of the halogen spotlights in the ceilings (14 of them!) were burnt out. Apparently, the renters before us were to cheap or lazy to do it themselves, and just lived in the dark until it wasn't their problem anymore. We went out and bought more. They are not cheap. We even had to buy a ladder to change them. Not once did we consider asking the landlord to do it. (Or to clean the dog hair out of the cabinets- thanks again, previous renters!)

    5. I think that being a Landlord might be the next step before Hell.
      Having renters who are so clueless that they can't screw in their own lightbulbs, who are wasteful with heat and a/c ..
      I think this settles any thoughts I might ever have on being a landlord.

  29. Allison11:30

    I rent a 2 story town home in Texas (where it is consistently over 100) and I keep my air conditioning set at about 72 (it's an old thermostat so it's hard to tell exactly where it's at, but I think it's about 72). My air conditioning unit has no problem keeping up and they built these town home's super cheap (gaps under doors, single pane windows, etc). 78 would literally have me sweating. I can sit in 72 in shorts and a tshirt and be comfortable. I don't know what kind of air conditioning units you have, but they should be able to handle 72 just fine, even when it's over 100.

    But yeah, some of your tenants just sound bitchy. I'd just tell them to suck it up.

  30. My husband and I thought about buying a house to rent while everything's in foreclosure. Then we found this new show... . That combined with your story just makes me even more certain that our staying out of jail depends on us not be coming landlords! Seriously, if you haven't seen this show go check out the episodes online. Crazy shit these tenants do! Makes an expensive AC problem seem like a cakewalk!

  31. I live on the 3rd floor in a 12 unit 3 story apartment and let me tell you my apartment is a hells inferno. I called the landlord once about my pitiful 30 year old (no joke) ac unit and she had someone out right away. AC guy swears it's fine and they won't replace until it totally dies. I guess laying naked in front of my sad ac unit with 3 fans on my is a good life experience, right? haha oh well the rent is cheap, the neighborhood is sketchy and the other tenants are horrible. My landlord takes good care of me but I just accept that my place is hot in the summer since I'm the top floor. It evens out in the winter when I can keep my heat low.

  32. The family I grew up with is exactly the reason why I refuse to be a landlord. I now own a home surrounded by 5 rental properties. For the most part things are good. But we have had some crazy neighbors! The worst so far were the ultra religious Christians who refused to have anything to do with us once they found out my husband was Jewish. They were scary! And they skipped out on their rent. And I had all kinds of people coming around asking about them for months afterwords.

  33. OMG. I have a Tenant JUST. LIKE. THAT. After one bitch session, I sent a repairman over and put a lock on their thermostat. They get 75 in the summer and 70 in the winter. Since I pay the fuel bill, I thought it was only fair. They kept bitching that the sewer line was backing up (okay, that's legitimate) but it was -50F outside for months and EVERYONE'S lines were backing up. They were all frozen and the septic/sewer companies couldn't keep up. The more you bitch at me does not make me want to move faster and get a guy out there to dig up and relay the entire line in the middle of winter... for twice as much as he'll charge me in the spring. They're moving out now and I'm happily letting them out of their contract.

  34. Stacey (not the same one as above! )12:07

    This made me laugh out loud! I was recently talking to a friend who rents out the in-law unit in her house and she has had tenants that drive her batshit crazy. One would call to have lightbulbs replaced or if there was a fly in the house. Her hubs was like yours, he would go ver and try to be helpful and felt it was easier to just replace a lightbulb than to set the crazy people off. Back when I rented, I was never even provided with a/c (I had to buy my own window units) and one of the places had the thermostat pre-programmed so we could not turn up the heat. I never complained. We are stuck in our current house b/c the marker tanked so bad and people are asking why I don't rent it out and go to a town with a better school system. Well, you descibed exactly why I will not rent it. I would end up losing it and telling idiot tenants exactly what I think of them. It would be bad. lol

    1. Stacey14:26

      Yes, you don't want to be me. Apparently, I have a target on my back...for something other :)

  35. Have these people ever heard of fans? My last apartment building was over 100 years old, so it didn't have central air and the electrical system couldn't handle a window unit. But it could handle the fans which ran constantly.

  36. We have been renters a couple of times due to corporate moves (more on that later). We were the best renters I think to grace the planet. In fact, I still dream about one house we rented. I loved was beautiful! The owner had to sell due to financial reasons...I was the moron that would clean that f-ing house every time there was a showing...the place looked sold. The realtor that sold the house was also the property manager. That bitch had the gall to tell my husband (on our final walk through) that he needed to wipe out a couple of the drawers ( aren't renting it out again!) When I say that house looked amazing, what I am really saying is that it sparkled (from my excellent cleaning!) Additionally, we had to pay to have the carpets cleaned...received no concessions for our flexibility on the showings, etc. The person that deserves a throat punch is me! Why did I do all of that? Was I too nice to ask that they waive the carpet cleaning due to our excellent decorating, cleaning, and over the top flexibility? Granted, I know that the contract stated that we had to get the carpets cleaned, but since I alerted the realtor that the owner was going to put the house on the market (visits from other realtors), don't you think she could have thrown me a bone? Still bitter and working on being not so nice! (No offense to realtors or property owners!);)

    1. Oh...and I am a double moron...I looked at how I spelled my name. It's Ashley.

  37. kelly12:16

    This is the very reason I quit being a realtor after 15 years of shit from people like that I was goig to need a padded cell if I continued. I can't believe you were able to get an air repair person out there in a day. They should be kissing your ass up one side and down the other for getting it fixed so fast.

  38. Anonymous12:16

    Good luck! We finally broke our +100 degree temps last week - aauuugghhh it's 71! Weird.... I knew it had been hot when yesterday the house was 83 degrees and I didn't turn on the air - my spawn were complaining like it was dangerously hot in our I made them go to the beach.

    Love your posts!

  39. I would like to think we are "good" renters.
    The woman who "manages" the property is as cold and as uncaring an individual as I've ever met. I could write an awesome throat-punch about her. She was very nice to us...until we signed the papers. The actual owner stops by the house regularly to fertilize the lawn. The lawn is the size of a football field. It's all I can do, as an army wife with a deployed husband, to keep up with it (and with snow removal in the winter), and never once has he, or any of our d-bag neighbors, offered to help. Yet he expects everything to be in tip-top shape all the time (birdbath cleaned, etc.). We own a property that we're planning on renting soon and we know that, when you rent your house, there are certain risks you take, wear and tear, etc.

  40. We've been keeping our house at 74 during the day, and 71/70 at night. Since I live in the same neighborhood you do, Jen, I'd assume that I'd be in deep shit according to your AC rules, eh? (But no. No I am not.)

    It's a personal preference thing, I think. I like it chilly in the house, particularly when I'm sleeping. I've been living this way for years and years, and magically, my AC units have managed to keep up with me through all the pain and torture I put them through.

    It's about proper ventilation, insulation, and a non-crappy system. Maybe you have crappy AC units on your rental houses? ::shrugs::

  41. Anonymous12:33

    I have been both a tenant and a landlord and if I rented someone an air-conditioned property, I would not think it unreasonable for them to expect it to cool down to 72 degrees, even in very hot weather. Based on my experience, that is about the average temp preference. My husband and I have tried setting our thermostat at 78 degrees to conserve energy and I literally break a sweat just sitting on the couch. We now keep it at 76, even though we would prefer it to be cooler and will keep it around 70 in winter. I live in Phoenix and I can tell you the statement about a/c units only cooling about 20 degrees is false. That would mean everyone here would be living in 90-95 degree homes all summer when it is 110-115 outside. If the proper size unit is installed this should not be a problem.

  42. Jen, this post couldn't have come at a better time. We just had some tenants move out that GAVE WRITTEN NOTICE that they were moving by July 31st, and then when they ran out of time, they tried to tell me that their lease date of August 5th permitted them to stay until Aug. 5th. Noooo...not when you provide written notifcation that you're leaving by the 31st. Nice try! They had the nerve to gang up on my and verbally harass me as I tried to paint and get the house ready for the new tenants. Too bad I didn't have you there to inform them to go eat a dick; I could have used you. LOL

    P.S. Did you enjoy BlogHer? I would have liked to have run into you there, but of course, there were just too many people and no way to track each other down.

    Thrift Diving

  43. I would die without A/C. I would rather have no heat in the winter and have to layer up on clothes/blankets. I don't understand people who declare that the house should be "XX" degrees all the time. You know what? If I'm cold, we turn on the heat. If we're hot (even in, GASP, the winter months - we turn on the A/C). Everyone likes different temperatures. I don't think it was unreasonable of your tenants to demand the A/C be fixed. The racism? Well that's obviously wrong and I might have let that one take a bit longer to get fixed. I just can't stand people that declare they don't turn on the A/C until a certain date or people who declare that a certain temperature should be good for everyone. Our third floor condo feels like an OVEN at 78 degrees. We prefer it around 70.

  44. My husband runs a property management company, and oversees over 65 units. We get these calls on a regular basis. It's funny, with all those properties there are a handful that *I* even know by name, they call and complain so much... then someone else will call and I will have never even heard their name, because they call only when absolutely necessary. You learn real quick in this business all about the different types of people in the world!!! And amazingly- the ones who complain the most are the ones whose checks always seem lost in the mail come the first of the month....

  45. I would normally judge others for having their A/C so dang low, however, as a 7 month pregnant woman also living in this same heat, our a/c has almost continually been on 74, just so I can get some dang sleep at night. If it's even 1 degree warmer, I will wake up feeling nauseous. Stupid hormones. (That being said, we normally keep our house at 78, and I do turn it up during the day).

  46. I would love to have a landlord that would actually fix things no matter how long it took! Instead, I have a landlord that wouldn't repair the dryer outlet when it shorted out. "I'm not going to fix that. You can go to the laundromat." I paid the electrician. When the water line to the dishwasher gets clogged with calcium and lime chunks from the 60 year old water lines every 6 months, she won't fix that either. "I've never provided a dishwasher in that house. A previous tenant put that in. I'm not going to fix that." I've paid the repairman twice now to get the lines cleaned out so the dishwasher works. When the heat didn't work the first winter I lived in the house, she didn't want to call a repairman because I should be able to light the pilot on a 60 year old furnace but "you don't have a husband to help you with those things, so I guess I'll have to call someone, but now it's after hours and they charge SO MUCH!" Okay, call them in the morning, it's only 64 in the house. Get home from work the next evening, and still no heat. Landlord tell me, "I forgot. It just didn't register that you called." I told her I would be happy to call them, but again it was after hours and they charge SO MUCH, so I didn't call until the next morning, when it was so cold in the house that the temperature on the thermostat was 55 and couldn't go any lower. Do you own any property in Nebraska??? LOL

    1. Anonymous16:55

      Be sure to take the dishwasher with you when you move out since it's not her responsibility.

    2. Anonymous01:43

      I would sell the dishwasher and pocket the money...Washing by hand is much cheaper than getting all that fixed yourself. Scrubby? check. Liquid soap? check. Drainer? done. lol

    3. I grew up on a farm....before dishwashers. *I* was the dishwasher. Three times a day, every day. Now, if it doesn't go in the dishwasher I DON'T USE IT! I refuse to do dishes by hand ever again! :)

  47. Catie17:02

    Aww Jen if these are the worst renters you have had consider yourself lucky!

    My parents are friendly with the owner of a rental property in their street. The worst renters they had skipped on the lease and trashed the house, taking everything they could. They even went so far as ripping the kitchen benches and fireplace out.

  48. Anonymous17:08

    My parents have had rental properties since before I was born. They have seen (and I have heard/helped clean) ALL KINDS!! Now my husband and I have to decide if we want to take over one of their properties, but all this chaos/bad tenants really has me nervous...

  49. Anonymous18:27

    I live in Arizona and our high and temp right now is 112. I sit in my house at 80 degrees during the day and it's fine. When our AC broke a few days ago our house got to 85. People need to a sack the f up and turn a fan on. If you can't handle it go to the mall or a movie. I've been a renter in the pass and now am a landlord. People need to calm down.

    1. Jennie D.21:51

      Actually, it also depends how big your house is too. If it's small-it'll cool down and heat up real quick, if it's bigger-it takes longer to cool and heat up. Our place is 15x76, so 73 degrees is ideal for us, whereas 78 is too hot. With the way the heat has been, fans do not work well. I grew up in the desert and I live in southern illinois, it should not be as hot here as it is in las vegas as It has been.

  50. Anonymous18:45

    LOL... well in the house that I am currently renting, we have a swamp cooler. We paid for someone to come kick it on for us, during out ARIZONA summer, instead of calling the landlord. He has had to do two jobs for us since we moved, which were both plumbing jobs that we just couldn't handle. Other than that, we have done all repairs, and my husband is actually servicing our pool and it looks much better than it way did. Unfortunately though, though we may have been the ideal tenants... and we thought that our landlord was the shiz, we will be moving in about 2 months because he is getting foreclosed on. SUCKS ASS!

  51. I have 123 realtors/leasing agents that work for me, and I truly hate them all. They're nuts.

    But they also pay my bills, so I do love them for that.

    No. No I don't. They're nuts.

  52. Anonymous20:02

    I have a friend that has three rental properties and since she started running a credit check and calling references (including current boss and past landlords) she has had very few problems.

    Sometime it takes a while to find the right person but it is worth it in the long run.


  53. Anonymous20:12

    Ha ha, poor ppl suck.

  54. Sites devoted to hate are the best. By the way, everybody, tonight's clan rally will start at 8pm

  55. this sounds a lot like every student i ever dealt with when i worked in college housing. real life will slap them in the face and you can sit back and laugh. unit then, it's always good to have coworkers to vent and be sarcastic with.

  56. My favorite is when it is a person that can't pay their rent on time EVER and then they bitch and complain about everything. This is a two way street, you pay rent and I fix things.

  57. I think you should buy your complainy tenants roundtrip tickets to India, so they can see what it is like to live among millions upon millions of people who are surviving without ANY power in the heat of the summer. The lack of perspective people have really kills me sometimes.

  58. Torrie21:14

    I started working at an apartment complex so I can relate. I love the ones that call and say that their air will not go above 75 and they have it set on 60. Sorry, but your not going to get any lower than that. Then they bring their power bill in and want us to come and check their electric because their bill is so high. Ummm hello it is 110 outside and your air is running, what do you expect?? Then you have those that have a light bulb out and want you to bring them a light bulb. Really? A light bulb? I am a leasing agent and to the person who says they hate all of their leasing agents, how about you get off your tightwad ass and deal with those people everyday instead of sitting in your corporate office laughing it up on how you make money all day long from hard working individuals that are paying for your lifestyle. I'm sure if you sat in their office all by your lonesome self for one day, you would not have a clue to what goes on or how the leasing agents are treated. I know if my boss came into my office, he would not have a clue as to what to do and if the tenants found out he was the slum he would be hiding under the desk the rest of the day. Treat your agents with a little respect.

  59. Renters really push me over the edge sometimes with how much the really crazy ones can act like the world revolves around them. My husband and I own a set of duplexes and we had a family in one of the sides that, when their a/c went out, insisted we were required to pay for them to stay somewhere while they were waiting for the unit to get fixed. They bitched up a storm when we refused and it wasn't even that bad out at the time like it is now. They also had a HUGE confederate flag hanging out right in their living room and complained all the time about their really nice black neighbor. I was so glad when they moved out.

  60. Anonymous21:19

    We have 5 rental properties. We only rent to college kids. We figure they're too drunk to notice if something goes wrong. That and mommy and daddy always pay the rent on time.

  61. Isn't that a renters "job"

    My parents were landlords when I was growing up...They had too big a heart and got screwed at every turn. They bought every sob story ever thrown at cost them THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS!

    I will NEVER own rental property. EVER! (I've got the same problem...too big a heart...It would screw me big time!)

  62. CerealMom21:25

    I rent my house,7 years now, and although there are some cosmetic repairs that need to be made,overall I am happy with my landlord.When the ancient first-generation cooktop range died, I did not get some cheapo range,he delivered a new glass-top range,even though the glass top models are higher.He is a decent guy who doesn't try to gouge us so I do not nitpick over little details.
    Anyhow,in keeping with the AC theme-we ado not have central air and our lease does not include air so we use window units as needed.A few summers ago, our larger window unit fizzled and the landlord actually gave us an old still working replacement AC he had in storage,even though we never asked or implored that he provide it.
    And since I have worked on cleaning crews who do rentals between tenants I know what horrors some tenants can be.I think if you have mutual respect the landlord/tenant relationship can be good.

  63. I'm married to a heat and air guy and our house is kept at 71 degrees. I used to freeze when we first got married but after 11 years I break out in a sweat when it gets up to 72. It's been well over 100 here for weeks so I'm not sure how ours keeps up. We are also landlords so I know how renters can be. They will complain about things after 5 pm on a Friday and then when you ask them how long they've had the problem they tell you it's been going on for a week!!! Damn! I would love to punch them in the throat!

  64. I'm a renter and I always try to make sure I don't have totalk to my landlady any more than necessary. I've found that distance is the best way to maintain a good relationship.

  65. Being a landlord sucks great big fat donkey dick.

  66. Anonymous23:40

    People should be glad that they have good landlords like you guys, but seriously 80 degrees in the house? I. Would. Die. (Although, it's certainly not "dangerously hot.") I'm in Texas so it's been between 100 and 114 for the past several weeks. We keep our house at 66 degrees, it appears that they are selling a different calibur of A/C in the midwest than they do here. And hallilujah for that!

  67. Our last landlord was horrid. Our AC died on a Thursday afternoon and it was got up 98 degrees upstairs. We called him Thursday night, and Friday, and Saturday with no return call. By Saturday we had our own service guy out, said he could have the part by Monday (still 98 upstairs/90 downstairs).

    Monday morning the AC gets fixed. We kept a copy of the receipt and called our landlord and informed him we would be taking it out of the rent.

    Monday night our landlord calls furious that "we didn't give him an opportunity to fix it" and that AC is a luxury and he doesn't even have it at his house. Umm you live AT THE BEACH ASSHOLE! We live in the DESERT!!

    A chance? We called your Thursday and every day after informing you that we will get it fixed if we do not hear back. So we got it fixed.

    This, along with several other wonderful things, was why we moved. I have owned and rented and enjoy renting. Unless it is a big issue like the AC, I will take care of it and not bug you and will ALWAYS pay my rent on time.

    But then.. when I do ask for help.. Don't give me shit! Our new landlord is awesome! I call her my favorite slum lord and she calls me her best tenants from hell. It's perfect! :)

  68. Peeing my pants - I too am a landlord and a realtor (NON PRACTICING) I find being a realtor is more like being a psychologist. Not what I was looking for. Loved loved loved this! Now off to clean the unit that just turned!

  69. Andrea11:59

    I have had very good luck with tenants at our rental, and I STILL hate being a landlord. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

  70. Oh girl I hear you. We rented out our home when my husband was medically retired from the Marine Corps. The house is older so I understand things happen. The renters have actually been pretty decent but the property manager we hired... OH MY GOSH. She is a pain in my ass. She literally emails me everytimes the lights flicker during a storm. Our AC went out and she had a guy go out and then a week later said it wasn't working again. I was pissed. She has no problem guilt tripping us into paying for repairs. "Need I remind you, the renter has a newborn and two small children. You wouldn't want her to go with AC" - NO I don't but I ALSO have to figure out how the hell to pay for every damn repair you throw at me. Do get me started on the lightening strike or her response when I told her we never had issues like this when we were there (literally none).

  71. Anonymous16:46

    Ok, maybe I'm missing something. If that stupid woman wants to cool her house to 72, she's going to have to fork over the bucks to pay that bill. I would think after a huge ass bill she'd turn it up. Or maybe that's just me, after a $400 light bill this past month. At night, while I'm at work, everything is shut off!!! What?!? You're hot and sweaty?? Too bad, I pay the bill.

  72. Anonymous09:38

    I've been renting for fifteen years and never once has A/C been included! You guys are nice landlords! I consider myself a respectful renter, I mean we're quiet and clean and pay our rent on time, but the last landlord we had hated our guts and kind of gave me a little complex. Among other things, her building had a pretty bad flea problem and I was pregnant and covered in flea bites. Her weirdo relatives lived below us and would leave the back door wide open so these two feral cats could come and go as they pleased. But the fleas? No, she said WE must have brought them in with us after sitting out on the balcony. (Squirrels carry fleas, she said. And squirrels climb the tree near our balcony. So the fleas jumped on us.) I really thought I was losing my mind!!! I wanted to dropkick her in the throat on a daily! I guess the only good thing about living there was it provided lots of angry fodder for my blog. Haha! Anyway, love your blog Jen. :)

  73. This post made me laugh and then feel like a huge pussy, all in the same 5 minutes. Because I have no concept of F temps I just assumed that 78 was a normal cool number. Until I did the math. My house is set for 71 F. And I'm still dying. And it's only 86 F outside. Huge giant Canadian pussy. I guess we'd just have to wait for winter when the house is set to 68F and it's -22F outside. That makes for one shitty electric bill.

    1. bahahhahahahaaa!!! I too am Canadian, and was thinking the same thing. 70 degrees is the warmest my house gets, maybe 71 if it's -40 celcius out side... maybe. On a really warm day, my house, this year has not reached past 83 degrees inside. I LOVE being Canadian!!

  74. Anonymous20:24

    not sure where you live, we are in a small town in san diego. fucking miserable suck cock heat. we are also in the middle of a small remodel in this "heat wave" we are currently having. NO AC. granted we did this torture to ourselves, but gimme a break. people need to grow some balls...btw, we have 2 kids ages 3 & 2 who have been dripping sweat everyday all day and havent complained ONCE! suck that you whiny renters....

  75. Anonymous07:14

    Oh dear deity I can so relate to this post and those of other landlords on here. We had a friend living in our other house, and he lost his job. We didn't kick him out; he needed a place to live, after all! We just kept running a tab until it got to the point of asking him to help do some upgrades to the house (so we could sell it when he moved in with his mom--his plan B). He balked at the idea of working on our house. WTF? You owe us $4K after 6 months of NO RENT and you aren't bedning over backwards to help us. We're not the Trumps! Some friend.
    However, he was very low maintenance and never called us to fix anything. We thought that was great until we came in after he'd moved out and the place looked like complete shit. Trash, old furniture, etc... Again, SOME FRIEND. We didn't learn our lesson about renting to friends and now we have other friends living there. They are the pickiest, bitchiest tenants I can imagine. They will definitely be the ones who call us when a light bulb burns out. I can see that in my crystal ball now. Damn economy. I wish we could've sold that house. My hubs doesn't think it's worth selling now b/c we stand to lose what would amount to at least one kid's worth of college money. "Eh, can't one of 'em just skip college?" I asked him. I was almost serious. I HATE HATE HATE being a landlord.

  76. So feeling your post! We are a military family who is stationed abroad and if it were not for great property managers I would have flipped my lid about a million times over already.

  77. I realize this post is a month old but its so nice to hear someone else bitching about their tenants, I had to comment :) I have one tenant who calls me weekly about stupid stuff, like her drain in the bathroom was draining quick enough, so sent a plumber to snake it, and then she is complaining its draining too fast. Too fast?? I want to kick her out so badly but I'll probably get someone worse in return, so I just deal.

  78. I have lots of stories. This one lady we have renting our unit is Satan. She is a welfare bum, she makes more money a year than most working people. She brags that she makes thousands, her heat,electric,gas,phone are paid in full by the government. She has the newest things money could buy(wish I could afford some of that stuff)and she wastes so much. Doors and windows will be open with the heat on, charging the gov(me) thousands a month. She doesn't pay rent, this daemon knows how to handle the legal system, so I can't kick her out:/. I hate most renters,I'm going to let it go into foreclose just to get rid of this parasite. All the good renters are in government developments and us renters get stuck with the s*&^#$ ones.

    1. us landlords, not renters

  79. I have am a landlord from Arizona right now and since i live in the same house as my tenants i actually cover the electric bill. I keep the air conditioning at 78 and they keep asking me to turn the air down, well my electric bill has hit 375! the law says i have to provide reasonable air conditioning. What is the reasonable temperature in Arizona? does anyone know?

  80. Omg! I love hearing these stories! I am not alone... I have to deal with tenants regulary and if the internet goes down i get the call..... Wtf... I am not the internet provider.. Or constant whining about reducing rent after they moved in with in two months.. Or ruining the dryer every 3 months because they wont clear the lint trap! Aahh! They are awful and lazy!

    1. I sympathize with you! My tenant runs the dryer 3 hours straight because she won’t clear out lint and likes to put overly wet clothes in the dryer. She purposely doing this because she isn’t responsible for the gas bill. Shady huh!

  81. I can totally relate. Most tenants are normal reasonable people, but every once in a while, you get one who drives you up the walls. Almost 2 weeks ago, I turned a property over to a new tenant. They wanted to know the average elec. usage. I said since the tenants pay elec., I didn't have the info., but they could give the elec. company the meter # and find out. Today, I got an email from the tenant stating that their elec. company has notified them they have used more than the average in just one week, so I need to send someone to check on it. How am I supposed to check why they are not as energy efficient as the previous tenant?! I've had the home professionally cleaned before I turned it over, but they were complaining the toilets weren't cleaned enough due to the hard water stains. That's fine, so I had all 3 perfectly working toilets replaced. Today, I was told again how poorly my cleaning service has done, and I needed to send someone to move the refrigerator and the range to have the backs cleaned. Also, they couldn't use the dishwasher because it's not clean enough. I've also had it cleaned before turning over the property, but I guess they won't be happy until I put in a new one!

  82. Anonymous11:17

    Silly wimps. Don't they know people lived thousands of years with no AC or healthcare or any of the myriad creature comforts we have today. Put them in chains and beat them with a stick and make them pull seven ton stones 18 hours a day in 110 heat. Give them a taste of what life was like for a worthless silly wimp two thousand years ago.

  83. Anonymous11:10

    I am landlord too, i get complaints from tenants that their apartments are too cold in the winter, but when i go to the apartment to check the heat, they are wearing shorts and t-shirts insisde the apartments, when is winter dress for winter, when is summer dress for summer. when is summer they turn the ac down to 60F and they sleep with three blankets. Ignorant fucking people, they re a bunch of winners.

  84. Anonymous06:41

    Had two renters in a house and luckily they were pretty good renters. I had one guy I was showing place bitching about the walls and other small crap...I told him to leave saw he was trouble from a mile away.

  85. Anonymous01:21

    In my world, the complaining offenders would have had to pay for the A/C service call when I found out that the temp was 72 degrees. Once you've made the necessary repairs, you're off the hook. Anything above and beyond is on their dime. In Florida the laws are fair for both the tenant and the landlord and they're pretty straight forward, so you don't need a PhD to figure out what your recourse is.

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  87. Anonymous00:24

    The solution to nightmare tenants, is to become a nightmare landlord. If they complain about everything, I will be doing monthly inspection checks to make sure everything is in working order. And, I will stay all day long to fix the problem. They HATE that.

  88. Anonymous18:15

    So my friend of 30 years called last weekend to see if my family and i could come help move him. I said to him you all ready? he said yes. we agreed to come then. when we got there not one thing was packed, organized, cleaned, or ready but hes got a uhaul. o.k. not one month prior we called to ask him if he wanted some uhaul boxes we had before we donated them. we had 100. he declined saying he has all the boxes he needs.
    he had no boxes. we have not been in his house in 4 years despite living in the same area. 3000sf house. bachlor with brother and roomates who just moved out leaving only him and his sibling. k .
    by my estimate the property had at least 7k worth of damages. at least. he has been then 17 years renting. no inspections i guess??? the property would need at a minimum, 1500sq ft carpet replacement, dishwasher,fridge,microwave(built in) 2 new toilets (they were black) 3000 sf paint job, new front door new back sliding glass door, new bedroom sliding glass door, grass replanted in backyard 500 ft x 300 ft yard maybe, all new light fixtures, every single basboard replaced, the entire kitchen replaced, counters, cabinets, droors, the whole nine yards, fireplace repair, not sure what was going on there but it was half blocked off with wire fence??? at least 6 new vinyle windows as the dogs had pissed and shit in the window tracks so they would not open, new blinds whatever in every window, there was hazmat crap in the backyard, oil changes that had been done and had been left to rot in the grass, like gallons of it, and no one had taken it in to be discarded, washer and dryer ruined,oil stains all over the garage floor, truckloads upon truckloads of garbage. at the end of the weekend i really have come to beleive i dont even know him at all. entitled is the word is would use. he was saying the landlord needs to eat it because he paid rent for 17 years and he is owed some slack, owed, the landlord came at one point during this cleanup and fell over dog crap into the front window in the driveway... i told him his is going to get sued, i dont see how the landlord cant sue him. the landlord is a one dude landlord who is 70 yo. he was having a panic attack. my friend thought it no big deal. i really have come to think he has no respect for other people or their property, thus i am at a point where i am going to slowly cut ties with him. i dont need people like that in my life even if they have never done anything to me. just the prinicpal'


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