
These Fucking People

What the fuck is wrong with people???!!!!  Have you seen this?  (Warning, this is the most fucking disturbing thing I've ever seen.  Read the article, but watch the video at your own risk.  I really mean it.  It is horrible.  I've heard from people who didn't believe me and now regret they watched the video.  Believe me, I regretted it at first too, but now I'm glad I did, because I won't EVER forget this little girl.)  Anyone who appears in this video ignoring this child should be executed - painfully and slowly.

I'm at a loss for words right now.  I'm sitting here watching this video and I am so angry I want to actually hurt someone.  Who runs over a child???  TWICE, you motherfucker!!!  And worse, who walks by and ignores her?    I guess when you live in a country with a billion people one life isn't worth shit.



  1. Totally agree this video made me sick! I still can't get the image of that poor girl out of my head!!!

  2. I still think about her, Meg. It's awful.

  3. I actually cried when I first heard this story and saw the video...for HOURS! It is so sad and disturbing to think that people could be so frigging callous. Horrible, horrible testimony to the way that this world is going to hell in a handbasket. I still think about it, too. It is one of the few things I have watched in my life that I wish that I could "unwatch". She did end up dying...not sure if you knew.

  4. I was just thinking about this story yesterday and looked it up. She did pass away a week later. Apparently the people of China are outraged and want to make some "Good Samaritan" laws. I am still speechless over this. Just sick. But they did catch the two sick bastards who ran her over. Karma's a bitch! I hope they get theirs. Is that bad of me to say?

  5. WOW! That is HORRIBLE! I am bawling right now...kinda wish I wouldn't have watched. I will be holding my babies a little closer tonight. Did you read any of the comments from the Chinese people? They actually defended the people who passed by AND the drivers! That has got to be one of the saddest things I have ever seen! The mom does have some blame for allowing her child to wander and not notice she was gone for so long but she will be beating herself up for the rest of her life. How could not even the mother who walked by with her own child not stop??

  6. How could they be make excuses for each other? Sure blame someone else you freakin Communist China- Zombies! Poor baby, she's better off in a pain free world with angels who actually love her and care for her! I can't watch this stuff it enrages me!

  7. I wish I hadn't watch this but alas, I am a glutton for these things. I guess I am blown away by the human race and it's lack of common sense and dignity. What has happened to just doing the right thing?

  8. I can not even slightly begin to comprehend something like this. It is by far the most disturbing & sad thing I have ever seen! Just the other day my daughter was asking about why anyone would want to be a crossing guard? She thought it seemed boring & cold, & why would anyone want to risk getting hit by a car just so kids could cross the street. I told her it was because most adults would rather have something happen to them than see a kid get could these people not feel the same way. I don't think I will sleep at all tonight!

  9. I couldn't watch it. I have a two year old and am pregnant with my second. Once I read that she was two....I immediately started crying. If I would have seen this play out, the person in the van would have been begging me for their fucking life. I hate the story more than anything and I know that my head would spin if I were to watch the video. Stupid people. They shouldn't be punched in the throat, they should all be executed (like you said) but I would love to see it done like in the movie "Law Abiding Citizen". If you haven't watched it, you should. It fired me UP!!!!

  10. That is absolutely THE most horrible thing I have ever seen. And to read the comments posted on the link of people saying they shouldn't blame the driver or the passer-bys?? WTH? One comment stated that a passer-by is more likely to help a wounded animal than a two year old child for fear of the law and reprocutions of helping that child. OMG, what is wrong with those people? How can they see a human being laying on the street in obvious pain (looked like blood on the street) and not help?? Everyone of those people that walked by without assisting should be shot. Plain and simple! At the very least they should be charged with murder for lack of renduring aid!!

  11. I have to ask since I can't watch the video. Is this a hoax? Why else would there be video?

  12. When I was a kid my mom used to say "if you have nothing else to be grateful for be grateful that you were born in America!" She is SO right. If this had happened in the US that child would not have been in the street, some one would have had her by the hand and had 911 on the cell to report a found child. Also a mother running around screaming for her missing child gets 100% of EVERYONE'S attention here. Worst case scenario if it were an american child bleeding on the street the crowd of people lending aide would have been HUGE with many calls to 911 with lots of yelling "don't move her!" and the last thing the truck drivers would have heard would have been "GET THAT MOTHERFUCKER!"

  13. I felt sick when I saw this a few weeks ago... It was so hard to watch. What were these people thinking?

  14. I saw the video when the story first came out and it has haunted me ever since. I watched it thinking "oh it's not going to be so bad. These warnings are always lame and the video never shows anything" WRONG! If I had known that I would actually see the little girl get run over I never would have watched it. I want to do more than just punch these people in the throat though......I want to drop kick them in their souls (if they even have any!)

  15. We covered this in my Sociology class when it happened. As sad as this video is, these people were scared for their own lives to intervene. The differences in cultures can seem horrifying to us, but equate it to the same as us eating cows. I know this is a horrible way to look at it. What really upsets me, is you know there were tourists around, they were the ones who should have stood up and done something about this. I would never stand to see anyone, ESPECIALLY a young child. This family will forever be in my thoughts.

  16. I don't care about culture of where you come from. You are still Human and feel pain and have feelings no matter where you are from. No matter if your are Black, Asian, White, Indian or Mexican, you are still red on the inside. I believe that is the saddest thing I have ever seen on our human race, I guess I expect more out of us. I hope everyone who was involved have nightmares the rest of their lives about the day they walked past a helpless child who was dying.

  17. absolutely discusting behavior, that poor child, i was horrified!

  18. That was horrifying! I think the thing that killed me most was that you could see the baby still moving around, she was conscious, she could feel it all even the second van running her over. She had to have been screaming in agony, and then with that realization, knowing that the people still passeed her..... heartless and cruel... completely.

  19. Why didn't the person videoing it stop her movie and go help the poor kid??????

  20. I had a friend who lived in China a while and saw something like this happen, except it was a woman and her child was watching. When he ran to help the woman she got mad at him and so did the truck driver. Like so many countries, women and children hold very little value.

  21. Anonymous15:19

    GoD! this made me cum soooo hard!!!!! MMMMMM!!!!


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