
Deep People

OK, so I received this award last week from Selena over at Because Motherhood Sucks.  Her blog title is a lot like mine - pretty self-explanatory.  She holds nothing back and I love that.

In order to claim my award though, I must post a list of 7 Deep Things About Me.  Ha.  Anyone who knows me, knows I always hang out in the shallow end of the pool. 

This is the first blogging award I've ever received and I'm pretty stoked and so I'm going to have to do the list.  Here goes:

1.  When I was 18, I made the conscious decision to turn from an innie to an outie.  I'm not talking belly buttons here, I'm talking personality.  I'd been a real wall flower up until that point and I hated my life.  I didn't have too many friends and I really wasn't a big fan of myself.  When it came time for college, I changed my name from Jenni to Jen and created a new persona.  I went off to college and forced myself to become outgoing and friendly.  I still kept my sarcastic side though, I couldn't be Holly Golightly after all.  I reinvented myself as the funny girl who always had great stories to tell.  Nowadays I go back and forth between my innie and outie personlity.  I still like my alone time and I only have a few really close friends but lots of people I can invite to a party - because I love a good party.  I'm also ballsier now and I won't take anyone's shite.  I'm hoping I can teach my kids this long before they're 18 and spare them some heartache. 

2.  I never thought I'd be a working mom.  My mom stayed home with my brother and I for most of our childhood and only worked part time when we were older.  I thought I'd be like her.  I thought I'd have a bunch of babies (at one point, I thought 5 kids sounded perfect - HA!) and stay home and have so much fun with them.  Yeah, my shopping addiction changed all of that for me.  Once I had kids I realized they were just like real life Cabbage Patch Dolls that I could dress up and accessorize.  Those things ain't cheap and if I was going to continue dropping so much money on adorable ensembles, toys and such I'd better keep working.  The other thing I realized is that I LIKED my job.  I started selling real estate two years before my oldest was born and it was the first and only job I've ever liked.  And this one, I actually LOVED.  It fits my personality (now that I'm an outie) and my skill set to a "T".  It also fits in nicely with being a mom.  I can make my own schedule and work from home.  I can be with my kids a lot (thank God I didn't have 5 though!!) and my mom still doesn't work so she can stay home with my kiddos.  We'd be lost without her. 

3.  I have a love/hate relationship with my house.  Because I'm a Realtor my house is my calling card.  I have a beautiful home, but it's always a mess.  I have a cleaning lady come twice a month and for almost 48 hours each month my house looks pretty good - IF you don't go into the "off limits" areas where I shove stuff.  I've told myself that when the kids go back to school next week I'm going to work on decluttering these off limits areas and getting them cleaned out.  I'm also going to try really hard this year to keep my house picked up.  Our house isn't dirty - I don't want you to think Hoarders, but it's just constantly messy.  Toys and shoes everywhere, because I work from home, I try to multi task and do laundry too so there is always a pile that needs to be washed or folded, that sort of thing.  It's starting to stress me out now and so I must do something about it. 

4.  I never make my bed.  That sort of goes with number 3, but no matter how good my house will look, I doubt I'll still make my bed.  I just don't get it.  Put all those pillows on every morning and then take them off again at night.  It's just easier to crawl into an unmade bed at night.  I make the bed if company is coming. 

5.  I like to be in charge.  I don't do well taking orders from people.  There's a reason that I'm self-employed.  I was a terrible employee and I always thought my bosses were idiots (sorry if one of my former bosses is reading this).  I'm a doer and I feel like business is full of meetings for planners.  Let's just get this shit done, shall we?  I will listen to others ideas, but if you're going to give me advice or a suggestion as to do how to do something better, you'd better be ready for me to say, "That's a great idea.  You're in charge.  Now go do it."  I will call your bluff everytime.  You've been warned.

6.  I've been accused of being a man.  Not by anyone who has met me in person.  Just by readers of this blog.  They think I'm a man posing as a woman writing this blog.  I think that's hilarious.  I'm all gal, I promise.  I just talk like truck driver and I'm scrappy.

7.  I made it, but I'm out of deep things.  Told you I was shallow.


  1. 6 out of 7 ain't bad.

    Our house is messy, too. And I am a SAHM.

  2. I swear that no matter how many times a day I pick up my house, by the time I am done, the room I started with is a disaster again. And I live in a small house. F**king kids.

  3. Lol we seem to have very similar personalities lol. :) congrats on the award!

  4. Oh my hell. this is so hilarious! Selena's post made me laugh too. I found you from a FB post from one of my friends and now I'm obsessed to read it every chance I get.

  5. I always say my house is decorated in early childhood. My husband's cousin told me that. She has 8 or 9 kids so she knows...

  6. You rule, simple as that!

  7. My house isn't dirty, it's untidy. There's a huge difference. AND I prefer it that way. I'd rather let my kids be kids and relax at home than be one of those over-anxious Tidiness Nazi moms who's always screaming at her kids.

  8. "Business is full of meetings for planners.". Love this. I'm a teacher so not really in the business world but I feel that my time is constantly taken up with meetings about what we need to be planning on doing at some point. Really? I work ten to eleven hour days just doing what I actually need to do. I don't need someone calling me into a meeting about what they think might be important to begin thinking about planning for next month.

  9. omg I love you! lol Glad to see I'm not the only chick out there who fits in just as well with the boys as she does the girls! Your blog rocks!

  10. Anonymous10:18

    I love you, Jen, because you have some of the same opinions about issues that I do. I want to teach college, but the politics and BS meetings requirements are detering me. Guess I'll take your advice and sit back and let the planners rule the meetings--well for the most part anyway. lol


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